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TECH Engadget Japanese 野菜や果物をワンボタン5分で除菌&洗浄。ポータブル電解水洗浄機「Xiaoda」 https://japanese.engadget.com/xiaoda-washer-063055521.html ポータブル電解水洗浄機「Xiaoda」、除菌率、農薬除去率で徹底洗浄、臭いゼロ、洗剤不要、ワンボタンわずか分で除菌、片手で使えるgの超軽量、アウトドアでも活躍、バッテリー内蔵でコードレス、騒音もゼロ、防水レベルIPX、マグネット式充電ケーブル付き「Xiaoda」は電解水技術を使用したポータブル洗浄機です。 2021-05-15 06:30:55
IT MOONGIFT Ruby2JS - RubyをJavaScriptに変換 http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/moongift/~3/xdNMFDOWlJo/ RubyJSRubyをJavaScriptに変換Webブラウザで実行できるプログラミング言語はJavaScriptのみですが、素のJavaScriptを書きたくない人は多いです。 2021-05-15 17:00:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) プロの映像表現を手軽に実現? スマホ対応のロボット台車「Trexo Wheels」とは https://techable.jp/archives/154500 gloture 2021-05-15 06:00:39
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【メモ】ライブラリーのバージョン管理について https://qiita.com/DS27/items/34749d7d03a034790f18 pipfreezeで一覧を見る今回、dockerで構築した環境は下記です。 2021-05-15 15:55:33
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Jupyter Notebookをインストールしてみた! https://qiita.com/kyantaro/items/8536943db54df4f63a79 以下のリンクからAnacondaをインストールします。 2021-05-15 15:28:44
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 例題演習matplotlib(4):Legend(凡例)の設定 https://qiita.com/s4s/items/2b5ef8a1dc96db790070 例題演習matplotlibLegend凡例の設定例題凡例の設定凡例Legend関連の設定について学ぶ例サンプルコード基準となるサンプルコードを以下に示すplotexamplepyimportnumpyasnpnumpyimportmatplotlibpyplotaspltmatplotlibpltimportmatplotlibtickerastickermatplotlibtickerdefmainmainprogramsettingfoutgraphexamplepngoutputfilefiguredataxnparangeynpsinxynpsinxynpcosxdatapxyrysinxpackingpxyrysinxpxyrycosxplotgraphrunplotfoutdatadefrunplotfoutdataplotgraphinputfoutoutputfilenamedatadataforplottingxylabelsettingofmatplotlibgraphgxgraphsizeofxcmgygraphsizeofycmdpigraphDPI程度fontffamilyIPApGothicfontsansserifserifIPApGothicfontaxsizecolork軸ラベルのフォントfsle凡例のフォントサイズfsma主目盛りのフォントサイズ軸ラベルxlabelXx軸ラベルylabelYy軸ラベル軸範囲xsx軸の最小値xex軸の最大値ysy軸の最小値yey軸の最大値目盛りxmax軸の主目盛り間隔xmix軸の副目盛り間隔ymay軸の主目盛り間隔ymiy軸の副目盛り間隔AFigureAFontordefaultparameterpltrcParamsfontfamilyffamilyAFigureの作成ReturnsFigureオブジェクトが返される。 2021-05-15 15:18:58
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita kivyMDチュートリアル其の什漆 Components - Dropdown Item篇 https://qiita.com/virty/items/0a039e24cdce85585698 あとは、使用していないですが以下のようなものもあります。 2021-05-15 15:09:47
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 素敵なデータ構造:Union-Find木 by Python https://qiita.com/zuid/items/a611e43379face0b7109 素敵なデータ構造UnionFind木byPythonデータ構造の説明UnionFind木とは、・根付き木の構造を用いて・グループ分けを効率的に管理するデータ構造なようです。 2021-05-15 15:08:47
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita LSTM、GRUモデルを用いた株式相場予想 https://qiita.com/sugiyama404/items/9287b062dd1a69e1f7dc LSTM、GRUモデルを用いた株式相場予想はじめに機械学習を用いて、SampPの株式相場予想を行なった。 2021-05-15 15:01:57
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita pixi.jsでApplicationのサイズをスマホの画面に合わせる https://qiita.com/ulchicken/items/ca909d482f4285be7479 pixijsでApplicationのサイズをスマホの画面に合わせる今やパソコンでWebサイトを閲覧する人などこの世にいない。 2021-05-15 15:25:28
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 変数の宣言、再代入、スコープ https://qiita.com/takuo_maeda/items/90d5152cc31e26d9d17b letの場合leta変数宣言a再代入consolelogaconstの場合constb変数宣言b再代入consolelogbAssignmenttoconstantvariable変数を再代入するケースはあまり多くありませんが、ループ処理などの変数の数値が変わるような場合などに、letを用いて再代入をすることがあります。 2021-05-15 15:03:12
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Laravel 条件付きでチェックボックスの入力を強制したい https://teratail.com/questions/338437?rss=all しかし、学習時間分を選択しても以下のエラーがでてしまいます。 2021-05-15 15:56:44
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) swift アプリ開発 Xcode https://teratail.com/questions/338436?rss=all swiftアプリ開発Xcode実行しiphoneのデモ画面に表示しようとしたところ以下のようなエラーが出てしまいました。 2021-05-15 15:53:10
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【unity】activeSelfで複数のオブジェクトをまとめて管理したい。 https://teratail.com/questions/338435?rss=all 【unity】activeSelfで複数のオブジェクトをまとめて管理したい。 2021-05-15 15:40:53
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Pythonの辞書の値取得方法について https://teratail.com/questions/338434?rss=all Pythonの辞書の値取得方法について現在機械学習について勉強をしており、ふと疑問に思ったことがあるため教えていただきたいです。 2021-05-15 15:39:37
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) GTM(Googleタグマネージャー)やGA(Googleアナリティクス)現状把握の方法について https://teratail.com/questions/338433?rss=all 宜しくお願いします…ある大規模サイトの保守を任されており、サイト上のGTMGAタグの現状把握をして欲しいと依頼されました。 2021-05-15 15:28:58
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) UnityのLerp関数、ゴールを突き抜けたい https://teratail.com/questions/338432?rss=all UnityのLerp関数、ゴールを突き抜けたいUnityでLerp関数を使って、スタートからゴールまでBallを動かす処理をしたいのですが、このときゴールポイントを突き抜けてBallを移動させるにはどうしたらよいでしょうか書いたコードは以下のような形です。 2021-05-15 15:18:30
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Django 外部キーについての質問です。 https://teratail.com/questions/338431?rss=all メルカリのようにマイページを作り、自分が出品した商品の一覧を出すページを作ろうとしているのですが、Usersにproductの外部キーがないため、自分の商品をDBからどのように取得すれば良いのかがわからず大変困っております。 2021-05-15 15:16:49
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Pythonでの前月を変数へ入れたいです。 https://teratail.com/questions/338430?rss=all Pythonでの前月を変数へ入れたいです。 2021-05-15 15:07:26
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Docker/Windows]Next.jsを10.2にしたら自動更新されなくなった https://qiita.com/hon3/items/0e3aa29941e39d9eed16 Nextjsを系に戻せば直るのですが、では壊れていたIEサポートが修正されているので、できればを使いたいという特殊な事情がありました。 2021-05-15 15:49:18
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Heroku × Railsアプリの時間表記を日本時間に合わせる https://qiita.com/Oyuki123/items/2d7302205234ca8ef6b5 Heroku×Railsアプリの時間表記を日本時間に合わせるまずはHerokuのタイムゾーン設定を変更プロジェクトファイルのディレクトリで、以下コマンドを叩きますherokuconfigaddTZAsiaTokyo以下のような記述が出たらokherokuconfigaddTZAsiaTokyoSettingTZandrestarting⬢puffsharedonevTZAsiaTokyoLANGも変更herokuconfigaddLANGjaJPUTFheroku側にSSHherokurunbashコンソールで確認してみてその日の日付になってたら完了ですherokuconsoleRunningconsoleon⬢puffshareuprunFreeLoadingproductionenvironmentRailsirbmaingtTimenowgtirbmaingtDateSatMayJSTうん、JSTになりましたRails側の設定をしていくconfigapplicationrbに追記するconfigapplicationrb省略moduleAppclassApplicationltRailsApplication省略Dontgeneratesystemtestfilesconfiggeneratorssystemtestsnil以下を追記configtimezoneTokyoconfigactiverecorddefaulttimezonelocalendendcreatedatの後にstrftimeを設定していくで指定するのはよしなに。 2021-05-15 15:48:33
技術ブログ Developers.IO [Amazon SageMaker] 組み込みアルゴリズム(ObjectDetection)で作成したモデルをOpencVINOで使用してみました https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/amazon-sagemaker-object-detection-openvino/ amazonsagemaker 2021-05-15 06:11:25
海外TECH DEV Community Digital Clock using JavaScript https://dev.to/nehasoni__/digital-clock-using-javascript-2648 Digital Clock using JavaScriptHello readers In this article you will learn how to design a simple animated Digital Clock in JavaScript A digital clock or watch in which the hours minutes and sometimes seconds are indicated by digits as opposed to an analog clock where the time is indicated by the positions of rotating hands Let s get started PrerequisiteBasic knowledge of HTMLBasic knowledge of CSSBasic knowledge of JavaScript It s Time to Code To create a digital clock first you need to create three files one HTML File index html the second one is CSS file style css and the third one is JS file index js HTML codeindex html lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charset utf gt lt title gt Digital Clock lt title gt lt link rel stylesheet href style css gt lt head gt lt body gt lt Display day information e g Wednesday March gt lt div id dayIntro gt lt p id dayName gt lt p gt lt div gt lt div class container gt lt Display time gt lt div class dispClock gt lt div id time gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt script src index js gt lt script gt lt body gt lt html gt CSS Codestyle css Google font import url margin padding html body display grid place items center dayIntro font size px font weight letter spacing px border px solid rgb border radius px margin px font family Times New Roman Times serif padding px background linear gradient deg abd rgb container height px width px position relative background linear gradient deg ffe ffebb ffe border radius px cursor default container dispClock container position absolute top left transform translate container dispClock top height px width px background linear gradient deg ce border radius px text align center dispClock time line height px color fff font size px font weight letter spacing px font family Orbitron sans serif background linear gradient deg ffe ffebb ffe webkit background clip text webkit text fill color transparent JavaScript CodeNow here comes the main part The entire code for the working of the clock is written within the currentTime function Let s discuss everything step by step Step Create a function currentTime function currentTime code to be executed Step Inside the function create an object of Date Class which allows you to call day year month day hour minute second etc function currentTime const clock document getElementById time const dayIntro document getElementById dayName let time new Date creating object of Date class let dayName time getDay let month time getMonth let year time getFullYear let date time getDate let hour time getHours let min time getMinutes let sec time getSeconds Step The Date object works on the hour format so we change the hour back to when it gets larger than The AM PM also changes according to that var am pm AM if hour am pm PM if hour gt hour am pm PM if hour hour am pm AM Step The obtained hours minutes and seconds from Date object will be displayed in single digit if less than To display the elements of time in two digit format a is appended before them whenever they are less than hour hour lt hour hour min min lt min min sec sec lt sec sec Step Now once our time is ready make a string using the same HH MM SS format changing the hour minute and a second value with the values we get from Date object methods value of current timelet currentTime hour min sec am pm value of present day Day Month Year var months January February March April May June July August September October November December var week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday var presentDay week dayName months month date year Step Once the string is ready let s display it in the div which we made before This is done by obtaining the div using the document getElementById method and give our time as the content of the div using the innerHTML property const clock document getElementById time const dayIntro document getElementById dayName clock innerHTML currentTime dayIntro innerHTML presentDay Step To call the function every second use setInterval method and set the time interval as ms which is equal to s Call setInterval method outside the function setInterval currentTime Step Call the function currentTime at the end to start function at exact reloading of page currentTime calling currentTime function to initiate the process Complete javascript codeindex jssetInterval currentTime function currentTime let time new Date creating object of Date class let dayName time getDay let month time getMonth let year time getFullYear let date time getDate let hour time getHours let min time getMinutes let sec time getSeconds var am pm AM if hour am pm PM if hour gt hour am pm PM if hour hour am pm AM hour hour lt hour hour min min lt min min sec sec lt sec sec value of current time let currentTime hour min sec am pm value of present day Day Month Year var months January February March April May June July August September October November December var week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday var presentDay week dayName months month date year const clock document getElementById time const dayIntro document getElementById dayName clock innerHTML currentTime dayIntro innerHTML presentDay currentTime calling currentTime function to initiate the process You have just created a digital clock It will look something like this Live Demo You can find the code at my GitHub Repository If you enjoyed learning and find it useful please do like and share so that it reaches others as well Thanks for reading I would to connect with you at Twitter LinkedIn GitHubLet me know in the comment section if you have any doubt or feedback You should definitely check out my other Blogs Introduction to JavaScript Basics Playing with JavaScript Objects JavaScript Data Structures you must know Git amp Github All you need to know Introduction to ReactJS See you in my next Blog article Take care Happy Learning 2021-05-15 06:31:52
海外TECH DEV Community Interviewing - Perspective of the Interviewee https://dev.to/baweaver/interviewing-perspective-of-the-interviewee-ia0 Interviewing Perspective of the IntervieweeInterviewing in tech is hard especially when you re just getting started Years ago when I was getting my start I had a lot of the same issues many of you have likely had and failed hard in several interviews from several major companies but after a decade or more of experience and several hundred interviews conducted I have a few things I would have told my past self Hopefully a few of these observations help you on your own journey and give you ideas of how to practice but remember that everyone s experience is different What works for me and what my views are may not necessarily work for you or your interviews With that in mind let s get started Perspective of the IntervieweeThis first article will cover advice I would have given myself as an interviewee seeking jobs and covers some of my current strategy in how I approach job hunt No I don t plan to leave my current role any time soon Which Companies Yes Plural You should be considering multiple options because not everything will work out Maybe you just had bad luck with the interviewing panel who knows but you can do everything right and still not get an offer Maybe you get multiple and then you can use that to negotiate better salaries bonuses and stock options It s always good to interview multiple places Dream Jobs LaterOne thing I tend to do is rank companies I want to work at on a scale of B A and S B Rank I like the company but may not be familiar with their stack tech or it s outside of my comfort areas A Rank I ve actively considered joining this company in the past they have similar tech stacks and values to what I enjoy working in and I may have a few friends working there S Rank These are my dream jobs ones that are long shots with harder interviews Likely some of my heroes work there and several friends making them very tempting Typically I will start to interview around at B rank before I go for dream jobs to get in practice and potentially get offers on the table to start considering The key thing to remember here is that unless I would seriously consider working for a company I will not interview with them and waste their time and mine but I would be a liar to say I don t favor some over others the same as companies favor some candidates over others Once I ve warmed up a bit and stretched into interviewing I may start putting some of the dream jobs into the roster and see what happens By this point I may have a few offers on the table I can use as negotiation for better rates and in some cases I may well take those offers instead There have even been cases where I was told something by people at a company or discovered something through interviewing that moved them up a few ranks in my consideration Sometimes a dream company manages to do something which raises severe red flags and I run You can only really tell from speaking to folks EthicsFor me ethics are important so I tend to avoid companies which I disagree with politically socially and ethically Palantir Facebook and others are automatic no goes for me Some others like Github and Shopify I d love to work at but I really don t like some of the things they support around aiding human rights violations and white supremacists Those are hard lines for me and it does narrow the pool a lot but I m ok with that decision Issues around human rights racism political apathy mental health LGBT and other topics will most certainly get me to drop a company from consideration NetworkingNetworking is the single most valuable source of information I have on jobs and Twitter tends to be the number one place I watch If I m thinking about leaving I m reaching out to all of my good friends to talk about what they re working on and if there happens to be a Brandon shaped hole somewhere at their company Often times that ll lead to several potentials and a lot of interviews with some great places as well as a lot of good information on company culture Some roles don t even exist publicly and for some companies if you re senior enough they may well just make a role to work with you if you have an interesting value proposition for them Now that all said it s important to pay back favors Retweet people looking for jobs help others and invest in the community There are some amazing folks out there and who knows maybe some day you re hiring and one of them reaches out to you too There s always that running joke that people are always trying to get the old band together and some folks just love working with each other I have a list myself of folks I d jump at the chance to work for and lucky for me I have a lot of them working with me already There have been several cases where ex coworkers have reached out to me or me to them and several of them have even come to work with me over the years As an aside I do not mind answering questions and networking with folks but my DMs on Twitter can be buried in messages at times If we do not know each other and you want to chat please make sure to leave a bit of context and have some specific questions Saying hey or asking for mentorship out of the blue doesn t tend to work very well especially if it requires a lot of time commitment and I don t know you yet Pre Work Practice Practice PracticeOne of the most awkward times interviewing is when you re not comfortable with your tools and language of choice Ideally you work out your nerves before interviewing and get to a level of confidence in your tools to where you can translate your thoughts into working code For me I tend to practice a lot on Codewars and Exercism There are other sites but I find myself incredibly hostile towards sites like Leetcode which focus on magic tricks and hidden requirements Quite honestly for me if I hear a Leetcode problem I ll likely halt the interview and walk out as we re both wasting each other s time The goal is to not necessarily solve hard problems but to feel like you have a decent working memory of your language For me in Ruby that might include things like Enumerable Hash Comparable String and a few other common libraries It s also good practice to reimplement some of the nicer library functions like Enumerable tally and other utilities as some interviewers will consider those too easy and ask you to reimplement them anyways Might as well get some practice in on them early Research the CompanyIf you want to work for a company it s a good idea to know why Is it their mission their stack the people you know there or something else entirely You should know about some of their business model and what makes them tick and especially for more senior roles how you fit into the picture to help them get where they want to go Day of the InterviewWhen interviews were being done physically I always liked to show up an hour early and wait nearby at a coffee shop to unwind and get ready if possible Do note that only works for me as I have the time to do so and may not work for parents or others This isn t a major thing but helps ease nerves of showing up late The main point is give yourself a breather if at all possible before the interview and don t rush into it without at least a few minutes break to get in a good headspace The Interview QuestionsEventually you re in front of your interviewer and they re going to ask you a question Be sure to listen thoroughly to that question and if possible request that they give you a written or typed copy to reference because this will be important Do note that these primarily cover live coding interviews versus take home assignments of which I have little experience with but similar concepts may still apply Question the QuestionerThe first step for me is to drill into the question and ask clarifications to make sure I understand exactly what the interviewer wants That includes restating the problem in your own words to make sure you have an understanding of what s being asked Sometimes you find out a few assumptions you ve made aren t accurate and that can save a lot of time Writing tests first similar to TDD comes in exceptional handy at this point As you ask questions of your interviewer codify them into tests and get your interviewer to confirm that they in fact represent the problem as they want to see it solved Things like validations input types edge cases potential future direction time constraints and other items are great things to ask here If you have all of those criteria in written tests with your interviewer agreeing that that reflects the problem it eliminates a substantial portion of potential marks against your solutions The first step to any problem especially in the job is to understand exactly what the problem is Interviews are no different DANGER Do not start implementing solutions until you understand the problem because if that understanding is flawed and you ignore your interviewer that will likely fail you Narrate Your SolutionsWhile you re solving your problem make sure to explain your thinking Why use if else versus a Hash why encapsulate in a class versus helper methods why are you choosing to do things the way you are This goes back to asking questions Interviewers aren t statues you re allowed to ask for feedback even on solutions In some of these cases you can even ask about what you think the next part of the solution might be as many problems tend to be multi part Maybe knowing changes how you design something will there be more than just a few inputs like this Will the system expand There s a lot you can learn here By making your thoughts known you re giving the interviewer critical insight into your thinking process which is valuable signal It also allows them to spot potential issues before you get too far into the weeds Be sure to also watch your interviewer for how they re reacting If they re furrowing eyebrows and trying to interject or guide you another way something may be going very wrong Then again some interviewers also have very specific solutions in their heads which while broken is something you should still watch out for It all comes back to making sure you understand what they re asking and listen even while working on solutions It s a Two Way ConversationCommunication is critical to senior level positions and as such how you communicate and collaborate with your interviewer will likely come up If you keep talking over them even if due to nerves and ignore suggestions without talking through them that s going to hurt Software really isn t a solo journey and your interviewer is there to work with you hopefully not against you I can t say that s always the case but when it isn t you dodged a real red flag Be sure to ask about things that aren t clear to you up to and including why a problem might be written the way it is One candidate when they noticed the random nature of some parts of the problem asked about how important it was to ensure test consistency with seeds or other consistency methods to ensure it always ran the same way which was a gap in one of my problems and earned them some bonus points Very rarely are our questions static No Golf Allowed Clarity FirstInterview code while time constrained should be as clear as possible That means avoid the shorthand focus on making your code readable because that will be judged Constants helper methods abstractions classes and other language tools can be leveraged to really make your code shine If you find magic numbers raw strings in comparisons or other items that aren t clearly named they may be easy targets for cleaning up your code This also means avoid using abbreviations and shorthand names for variables methods and other items It won t take too much longer and chances are it ll save you as well in the future if you slip somewhere Maintainability readability and ease of later use are still important even under time constraints Don t paint yourself into a corner with shortcuts When it Goes WrongThings crash It happens If they do knowing how to debug what to look for and how to isolate problems will come in a lot of handy In Ruby I tend to use a lot of tap and puts print like debugging for quick checks and a debugger if it gets much more intense than that The big thing here is to maintain calm Step through your solutions talk through what the code is doing out loud and if you have those tests above try and isolate what causes the break Error messages and logs are invaluable here make sure to read them Pieces of the PuzzleSome problems are really hard If you don t know the solution to the entire thing say so and start breaking that problem down into smaller problems you know how you can solve The goal here is to have some working code rather than failing to get anything at all working Interviewers in general are looking for some signal and even if you don t solve the problem itself it looks a lot better to have some of the parts of it working Solve and test the small parts first and build up your solution from there This also makes it easier to find where bugs are over time as those small parts are much more likely to be implemented correctly than one giant function Also that giant function probably won t look too good in terms of clarity Mentoring on the FlySometimes your interviewer won t know the language you re programming in or may ask about things Sometimes they do and they just want to see what you do when they ask Either way there are definite advantages to making sure your interviewer understands why you might solve something a certain way in a language or tool they re not familiar with There have been some candidates which have taught me quite a bit of Go and Rust and I m not particularly proficient in either Do note that if you re condescending or mansplaining in any of this that s going to dramatically backfire and likely end your chances right there Keep it humble and don t assume the competence of your interviewer This isn t something you should do with everyone Time for QuestionsSo you ve made it to the other side you re still alive and it s time for questions Some see this as fluff at the end but it can be a valuable opportunity to learn more about the team the company and the culture you might be stepping into There have been times where some serious red flags dropped from questions that had me running for the door that I may never have known if I hadn t asked These are just a few questions but may help with ideas on things to really drill in on I ll probably miss several good ones so if you have ideas do feel free to comment with your favorite questions to ask Do they like the company One of the more common questions and don t believe anyone who is unfailingly positive about things There s always something they don t like about the company and something they d like to fix about it It s best to dig in here a bit and find out where they think gaps are It s also concerning if they turn around and bash the company for the next few minutes What are mentorship and growth opportunities Especially as a more junior engineer you want to know if there s a solid path upward for you and mentorship to help you get there As a more senior engineer it might be that you re interested in mentoring you re never done learning mind but either way if there are no solid systems you can find out about that s concerning It means promotions raises and other items will be difficult and likely recognition for your work will be hard How do they approach mental health and current events Look the world has some messed up stuff and some times that gets to be too much and people need time Does the company take care of those folks Does it give them time and space Does it have resources in place to get them the help they need A company that does not openly talk about mental health current political events and how employees are doing overall is not a place you want to work for You re more than your job and your output you re a valued human being and you should find a company which keeps that forefront Support for the VulnerableDoes the company support vulnerable people in the work force What are their policies on bathrooms and trans acceptance transitioning and other concerns How they treat the most vulnerable is a sign of the integrity of a company Do they stifle discussion of vulnerability or embrace it Do they label these vulnerabilities as political and deny the validity of their humanity These are real issues and now more than ever is the time to make sure companies are on the right page about this How much vacation do people take Unlimited vacation sounds great until you realize the team average is days a year If they have a work hard play none culture that s concerning and you ll burn out real quick on it Oncall rotations How often are you expected to be on call Is that paid time How bad is it and is there a culture of being buried in pages or actually paying down those concerns Documentation and Onboarding Some companies are really not great at documenting things or having onboarding processes for folks to get ramped up at the company That might not be a deal breaker but it means it s a steep climb to reach base level productivity It also may indicate the engineering culture there isn t great and doesn t value knowledge sharing Do note docs are hard so honest answers here about current efforts are things I deeply appreciate No one has it right Build vs Buy Some companies have this bad habit of building things in house rather than buying existing solutions Maybe they have good reasons but more often than not someone wanted a promotion and inflicted a byzantine monster on the rest of the company to get it Bonus points it that person abandoned the tool afterwards and didn t document things those are real valuable things to know especially if you re being interviewed as the cleanup crew Language choices What does their stack look like Is it locked down are they evaluating new options do they have policies on any of this Some tend to be a carbon copy of Google some tend to be free for all with contracts Some if you re unlucky can t decide between the two Those are good things to know especially at senior and above levels where it might be your job to reconcile that Deployment and Testing How s the deployment system look Is the software tested What insurances do they have that what they re shipping actually works and how quick can they roll that back if things go really wrong Some companies take multiple days to deploy and without a very specific set of steps the entire thing catches fire and takes out half of production Those are things to watch out for Development ProcessThat s great they have deployments but how does that code go from someone s head to production Do they have a ticketing system agile scrum waterfall or what Are they using design documents for larger features or winging it How do features get approved and reviewed Are they keeping accessibility in mind There s a lot here to dig into The ResultsNow comes the hard part You can do everything right nail the interview wow the panel and still get those frustrating words that they ve decided to pursue other candidates It sucks it hurts and it can be demoralizing to even the most seasoned engineer let alone more junior ones who re facing streams of it It s ok to fail Heck in the past I ve been rejected from Apple Amazon Facebook Google Microsoft Stripe and more than I can remember or care to Sometimes if you re lucky you get some feedback and sometimes you never hear a word back Wrapping UpNow there s a lot to consider in interviews but this is part of how I look at things some of the questions I ask and what I tend to look for These might not all work for you but I hope you ve found some value in these experiences of mine If you have any questions feel absolutely free to comment and I ll get back to as many as I can The next post will focus on my perspective as an interviewer and what I tend to look for 2021-05-15 06:15:15
ニュース BBC News - Home Israel Gaza violence: US envoy arrives for de-escalation talks https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-57125479 agreement 2021-05-15 06:12:35
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid-19: Rate of Indian variant spread, and the future of the Tokyo Olympics https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57125002 coronavirus 2021-05-15 06:31:56
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 10分以下の運動では意味がない?よくある運動習慣7つの誤解 https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/05/exercise-habit-misunderstandings.html 分以下の運動では意味がないよくある運動習慣つの誤解健康に関する常識は変化が早いので、うっかり一昔前の「事実」を信じたままになっていることもあります。 2021-05-15 16:00:00
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