python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Python boot camp by Dr.Angela day15 |
PythonbootcampbyDrAngeladayMissiongtgtVirtualStarbucksMachineコーヒーの自動販売機を作成してみよう機能・つの味があり、レシピがそれぞれ異なるMatchaLatte円mlwatergcoffeemlmilkgmatchapowderCoffee円mlwatergcoffeeMocha円mlwatergcoffeemlmilk・小銭とお札で販売する使用できるのは円玉と円札それぞれの枚数を聞いてくる入金合計が注文した料金に足らなければ商品は渡さず、全額返金入金合計が注文した料金に足りるのであれば、お釣りを計算して返してくれる・自動ディスペンサータンクにwatermlcoffeemgmilkml備蓄してある注文が来ても備蓄量がなければ販売しないSorryと表示する売り切れたらsoldout表示にする・報告機能reportをタイプしたら、その時点での残り備蓄量および売上金を出力してくれる↑一番最後の機能については日文をメールで報告し、週間分のデータにしてサーバに格納というような拡張ができそうだな。 |
2021-05-15 22:52:06 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
任意の機械学習n本ノック |
任意の機械学習n本ノックはじめにこちらは機械学習にハマった人がひたすらに機械学習してアウトプットしていく記事になります。 |
2021-05-15 22:40:06 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JSONファイルを読み込んで、辞書型配列をCSVに保存する |
今回はcodeprovincecityifexistfileもしhogecsvが存在していたらfopenhogecsvanewlinemodeをaにする事で既存のファイルに追記してくれるnewlineはCSVファイル内の行を詰めてくれるwcsvDictWriterffieldnameslabels辞書型リストを記入するのであればcsvDictWriterを使う。 |
2021-05-15 22:17:20 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Biopythonを使ったバイオインフォマティクス(主に構造バイオインフォについて) |
参考構造情報のPDBmmCIFフォーマットへの書き出し変数に格納された構造情報は、MMCIFIOクラスまたはPDBIOクラスを使うことで、それぞれmmCIFフォーマットまたはPDFフォーマットで書き出すことができます。 |
2021-05-15 22:05:50 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【rails×js】chart.jsの実装 |
円グラフは、doughnutです。 |
2021-05-15 22:53:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Laravelで管理画面付きのHPを作る際のディレクトリ構成について |
Laravelで管理画面付きのHPを作る際のディレクトリ構成についてこれまで、Laravelで簡単な社内向けシステムを作ってきました。 |
2021-05-15 22:51:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pyxel サンプルコードをダウンロードできない |
pyxelサンプルコードをダウンロードできないpyxelサンプルコードを実行したいプログラミング初心者です。 |
2021-05-15 22:42:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ライブラリについて。 |
excel |
2021-05-15 22:39:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unityでの的あて |
Unityでの的あてUnityでの的あてを作っていてボールが的に当たったらスコアに点数をつずつ上げていくものを作っています。 |
2021-05-15 22:39:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
立方体の一辺を求める |
double |
2021-05-15 22:30:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
UnityにてOculasQuest2へのビルドができない(UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow+BuildMethodException) |
UnityにてOculasQuestへのビルドができないUnityEditorBuildPlayerWindowBuildMethodException前提・実現したいことUnityで作成したものをOculasnbspquestにてビルドしたい。 |
2021-05-15 22:25:50 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
特殊属性のdictの挙動の違いの確認方法について |
特殊属性のdictの挙動の違いの確認方法について下記のコードでnbsptestnbspnbspTestBorgでインスタンス化する際にaposstateaposnbspapossecondaposがどこで保持され、二回目のインスタンス化であるtestnbspnbspTestBorgの際にaposstateaposnbspapossecondaposを出力できるのでしょうか一方で、selfdictnbspにselfsharedstateを入れないケースのTestBorgの一回目のインスタンス化の際には、アウトプットを見る限りdictに保持されていません。 |
2021-05-15 22:16:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python、pyautogui.locateOnScreenで複数の画像からサーチする方法 |
Python、pyautoguilocateOnScreenで複数の画像からサーチする方法次のような画像ファイルリストがあります。 |
2021-05-15 22:13:21 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
オブジェクト指向設計実践ガイドの整理メモ |
2021-05-15 22:31:50 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rubyのハッシュについて |
ハッシュにおいては、データをバリュー、それに対応する名前をキーと呼びます。 |
2021-05-15 22:17:43 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
DockerでLEMP環境を構築する |
DockerでLEMP環境を構築する前提OSはMacOSで行います。 |
2021-05-15 22:21:04 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【rails×js】chart.jsの実装 |
円グラフは、doughnutです。 |
2021-05-15 22:53:40 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
HerokuのMailgunでエラーが出た時の解決方法「 Net::SMTPUnknownError (could not get 3xx (421: 421 Domain xxx」 |
HerokuのMailgunでエラーが出た時の解決方法「NetSMTPUnknownErrorcouldnotgetxxDomainxxx」問題Railsチュートリアル第章の本番環境でのメール送信を進めていて、本番環境でサインアップ後にエラーに見舞われました。 |
2021-05-15 22:41:02 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Optional Chaining (?.) Refactoring |
Optional Chaining RefactoringThe optional chaining operator returns the value of an object property when the object is available and undefined otherwise is similar to the standard chaining operator with an added check if the object is defined It enables you to write concise and safe chains of connected objects when some of those objects can be null or undefined Before the introduction of optional chaining in ES the amp amp operator was often used to check if an object is available obj amp amp obj value You can simplify existing checks to use the optional chaining pattern for example Change x amp amp x a to x aChange x null amp amp x a to x aChange x null amp amp x undefined amp amp x a to x aChange x amp amp x a amp amp x a b amp amp x a b c amp amp x a b c d to x a b c dOne thing to be aware of is that this refactoring replaces falsy checks with nullish checks For example when a amp amp a b is replaced with a b it changes the execution for certain types e g the empty string is falsy but not nullish However in many cases these semantic changes will lead actually to more correct behavior For example text amp amp text length will return the empty string but not its length whereas text length will return for the empty string Learn More Optional Chaining MDN Nullish MDN Truthy MDN Falsy MDN P now supports converting many of the above checks into the optional chaining pattern The refactoring is available on the playground and for all repositories Try it out |
2021-05-15 13:34:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
#30DaysOfAppwrite : Appwrite Database |
DaysOfAppwrite Appwrite Database IntroAppwrite is an open source self hosted Backend as a Service that makes app development easier with a suite of SDKs and APIs to accelerate app development DaysOfAppwrite is a month long event focused at giving developers a walkthrough of all of Appwrite s features starting from the basics to more advanced features like Cloud Functions Alongside we will also be building a fully featured Medium Clone to demonstrate how these concepts can be applied when building a real world app We also have some exciting prizes for developers who follow along with us Appwrite DatabaseWelcome to Day Today is finally the day to cover storing data in the Appwrite database Appwrite offers an easy to use document based database API for storing your app s data We built our NoSQL interface on top of MariaDB inspired by Wix who did the same MariaDB provides its battle tested stability and performance and you can manage Appwrite using existing familiar database tools like MySQLWorkbench phpMyAdmin and more Collections documents rules and permissions can all be managed with the Appwrite console or with any one of our SDKs There s a lot to cover so let s dive in A database refactor is underway to improve overall performance and add support for a variety of databases including PostgreSQL MongoDB and more GlossaryEach database comes with its own set of technical jargon before we get too far let s go over ours Collection A group of documents Each collection has rules to define its document structure and permissions for read and write Document A structured JSON object of keys and values belonging to a collection Keys and their types are defined in a collection rule Rules The definition of each document attribute It has a label key and rule type Think of them as columns in a traditional relational database Columns have a name value and typePermissions Array of strings that define the access control to documents collections and files in storage Now let s review each in more detail Collections and DocumentsIn short collections hold documents If you re a SQL veteran you might know these better as tables and rows and internally that s technically correct Each collection gets a unique random collectionID and holds documents in other words the raw data The kind of data that Appwrite accepts is governed by attribute rules defined for the collection RulesSimply put rules outline what your documents should look like With this approach Appwrite s rule validators ensure the data going into your database is the exact format you expect So for each key value pair of our document we provide a label just for displaythe name of the keythe rule typethe default valueif the key is requiredif the value is an arrayHere are the validators available for rule types Rule TypeDescriptiontextAny string value numericAny integer or float value booleanAny boolean value wildcardAny value urlAny valid URL emailAny valid email addressipAny valid IPv or IPv address PermissionsTo control access to resources Appwrite offers developers a flexible permission system that is aware of Appwrite users and teams Let s cover the most used permissions PermissionDescription Wildcard permission Grants anyone read or write access user userID Grants access to a specific user by userID team teamID Grants access to any member of the specific team Note the user must be the team owner or have accepted a team invite to grant this access team teamID role Grants access to any member who possesses a specific role in a team Roles can be assigned on invite member memberID Grants access to a specific member of a team only while they are still a member of the team role guestGrants access to any guest user who isn t logged in role memberGrants access to any logged in user a user with a valid session Logged in users don t have access to role guest resources Note documents don t inherit permissions from its parent collection FiltersThe listDocuments accepts an array of filter strings so that you can extract just the documents you need from the Appwrite database A filter is made up of the following The attribute to filterA comparison operator one of gt lt lt gt The target valueHere are a few examples using our Books collection title The Hobbit director Woody Allen published gt Putting it all togetherAs an example let s create a collection of books in Appwrite While some projects require creating collections programmatically others are easier to create with the Appwrite console A book has a title author and the year it was published Let s add those starting with title using the text rule type If you see new rules are not required by default Let s make title required Now we can do the same for author and published using the numeric rule type for publication year so we now have Permissions by exampleNow that our Books collection has the necessary rules we can create documents and restrict access as necessary Check out the following code let sdk new Appwrite sdk setEndpoint https HOSTNAME OR IP v Your API Endpoint setProject dfacddc Your project ID let promise sdk database createDocument bdeaff collectionID for Books title The Great Gatsby author F Scott Fitzgerald published role member team cfbe owner user faf In this example the new book from createDocument can be read by any logged in user but only the owner of Team cfbe and User faf have the permissions to write or update Nested DocumentsThere is one more rule type that I didn t mention until now a nested document for when you need to store one document inside another This is best shown by example so let s use our Books collection Say that we also had a collection for Authors to keep our data organized Using the nested document rule we can cross reference the Authors collection when creating new books Our document for The Great Gatsby that we created above would look like let promise database createDocument bdeaff collectionID for Books title The Great Gatsby published author collection The actors collection unique ID permissions read role member write team cfbe owner user faf Set document permissions name F Scott Fitzgerald Read permissions CreditsWe hope you liked this write up You can follow DaysOfAppwrite on Social Media to keep up with all of our posts The complete event timeline can be found hereDiscord ServerAppwrite HomepageAppwrite s GithubFeel free to reach out to us on Discord if you would like to learn more about Appwrite Aliens or Unicorns Stay tuned for tomorrow s article Until then |
2021-05-15 13:30:01 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to connect easily to a private Amazon RDS without EC2 instances |
How to connect easily to a private Amazon RDS without EC instances Disclaimer My client owns its own domain I haven t tested it without a domain If you test it and got great results please share them in the comments section below If you have been developing apps or you are new to AWS you might have experienced some challenges especially when you are running them under a private subnet A common tutorial is this one from AWS How can I connect to a private Amazon RDS DB instance from a local machine using an Amazon EC instance as a bastion host Generally speaking it s overcomplicated My client has some extreme policies that force the tutorial to fail epically We needed to do some extra workarounds in the AWS CLI to make it work including opening the specific ports in advance PostgreSQL for instance Recently I found an easier way that worked for us to create a Create private hosted zone with our domain and the region we preferred eu west in Route for example eu west loc supernova comNext inside your hosted zone you need to create a new record using your RDS instance endpoint for example database cwfasjasa eu west rds amazonaws comYour new record must contain the following Record name the name you want to give like homeappRecord type choose the option CNAME Value the endpoint in your RDS instance database cwfasjasa eu west rds amazonaws comDo click in Create records and that s all You will get something like this homeapp eu west loc supernova comAfter this you can access your RDS instance without any extra ECs or complex workarounds If you face any troubles verify if you have the DB ports are open in your firewall Banner credits |
2021-05-15 13:27:06 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How To Code Snake 🐍 |
How To Code Snake I wouldn t usually post a blog like this to dev as it s something I usually do for myself game dev is fun and I get a lot of enjoyment out of it If you enjoy this blog please let me know and maybe I ll post more here Nokia s snake was launched in with the Nokia the catalyst for mobile gaming The concept of the game snake however existed long before the version In another blog I talk about How to code Blockade which is essentially player vs player snake a good years before In this blog I m going to go through the step by step process of coding the game Snake as it is commonly prescribed to beginner programmers as the game to code However I wouldn t personally recommend this game to beginner programmers as Snake certainly has some tough quirks you have to figure out If you are a new programmer I d recommend taking a look at Top BEST games to code as a beginner or if you ve never coded before at all then take a look at How To Code A Game As A Beginner Let s get started coding snake So for this blog I m going to be using which uses the p js library which makes using the Canvas a more pleasant experience All the code that I m writing for this blog can be found here so feel free to use that as a reference if you get stuck Making a grid for the snake to liveIf you study the game of snake you can kind of see that everything is placed within a hidden grid let s create our own grid which will be removed at the end so we can keep everything in place and make our lives easier const GRID SIZE function setup createCanvas function draw background for let x x lt width x width GRID SIZE for let y y lt height y height GRID SIZE stroke strokeWeight line x x height line y width y Which should give you something like this img alt Green background white grid lt br gt src i wp com codeheir com wp content uploads image png Fresize D C ssl D Now we can tinker with GRID SIZE to fit our game to our liking at any stage This is an important variable the snake s position and the food s position will be based on this Creating the SnakeLet s create a new file called snake js which ll contain a class for our snake Don t forget to add the reference to your index html so we can use it lt body gt lt script src sketch js gt lt script gt lt script src snake js gt lt script gt add this lt body gt SNAKE JSclass Snake constructor this body this body push x width y height the head of the snake this dir right down left right draw fill for let b of this body rect b x b y width GRID SIZE height GRID SIZE update if this dir this body x width GRID SIZE else if this dir this body y height GRID SIZE else if this dir this body x width GRID SIZE else if this dir this body y height GRID SIZE So we ve created a body for our snake which is an array that ll contain the x and y locations of the part of the body We re also adding the head of the snake to the body in the constructor so when we new up the Snake object I m pre empting the movement of the snake I know it s going to be able to move either up down left or right so if the dir value is set to then we re going right if it s set to then we re going down then we re going left and is up We ve also got a draw method which simply draws the rectangles representing the body of the snake And finally the update method which just moves the head of the snake in the direction we re moving Note I only move the head of the snake because if I were to move the whole snake in a given direction then it wouldn t look like a snake at all We re going to need to come back to this method as we will need to update the rest of the body when we have the rest of the body and not just the head SKETCH JSBack in sketch js we need to create the snake object and call our update draw methods Also we ll limit the framerate to to give us that retro feel const GRID SIZE let snake function setup createCanvas snake new Snake frameRate function draw background for let x x lt width x width GRID SIZE for let y y lt height y height GRID SIZE stroke strokeWeight line x x height line y width y snake update snake draw Then when you hit play you should have something like this Adding key pressed handlersWhen we hit the arrow keys we want to change direction add this function to your sketch jsfunction keyPressed if keyCode amp amp snake dir snake dir else if keyCode amp amp snake dir snake dir else if keyCode amp amp snake dir snake dir else if keyCode amp amp snake dir snake dir So this is saying when we press right and we re not going left change direction to the right when we press down and we re not going up go down etc Have a little play Adding food for the snakeWhen the snake eats food it grows let s feed it FOOD JSCreate a new file food js and remember to add the reference to this in your index html class Food constructor this spawn spawn let randX random width let randY random height this x randX randX width GRID SIZE this y randY randY height GRID SIZE draw fill rect this x this y width GRID SIZE height GRID SIZE So we re giving the food a random location in the grid the code randX randX width GRID SIZE is just allowing us to align the food within a grid square We ve added the food but not given our snake the means to eat it Let s give him a mouth In our main draw function in sketch js function draw background for let x x lt width x width GRID SIZE for let y y lt height y height GRID SIZE stroke strokeWeight line x x height line y width y snake update if snake hasEatenFood add this code food spawn snake draw food draw We ve not yet written the hasEatenFood method so let s add that in snake js hasEatenFood if this body x food x amp amp this body y food y return true Awesome Now our snake can eat and not get bigger jealous Let s add some code to make our snake grow SNAKE JSSo there s a few things here we need to add here s the whole finished file I ll explain what s added below class Snake constructor this body this body push x width y height the head of the snake this dir right down left right this lastX width this lastY height draw fill for let b of this body rect b x b y width GRID SIZE height GRID SIZE update this lastX this body this body length x track the last X and Y this lastY this body this body length y so we can put the new body there for let i this body length i gt i this body i x this body i x this body i y this body i y if this dir this body x width GRID SIZE else if this dir this body y height GRID SIZE else if this dir this body x width GRID SIZE else if this dir this body y height GRID SIZE grow this body push x this lastX y this lastY hasEatenFood if this body x food x amp amp this body y food y return true We now track the lastX and the lastY of the snake so that when the snake eats that position is basically where the food goes it effectively goes straight to its butt I ve also added code to update the whole body of the snake so in the update method you ll see the code for let i this body length i gt i this body i x this body i x this body i y this body i y This is updating each body to be the x and y of the element before it remember the head is at index And we ve also added the grow method which simply appends to the array with the new body img alt snake now eating and growing lt br gt src i wp com codeheir com wp content uploads gif Fresize D C ssl D Adding hit detectionWe want to make sure that the snake doesn t bump into itself and if it does then we need to restart the game I ve added a new method hitDetection that gets called in the update of the snake class hitDetection for let i i lt this body length i if this body x this body i x amp amp this body y this body i y this spawn So this simply checks to see if the head of the snake hits any other part of its body I ve also moved the constructor code into a spawn method the same as the food class here s all the code class Snake constructor this spawn added this spawn this body this body push x width y height this dir this lastX width this lastY height draw fill for let b of this body rect b x b y width GRID SIZE height GRID SIZE update this hitDetection this lastX this body this body length x this lastY this body this body length y for let i this body length i gt i this body i x this body i x this body i y this body i y if this dir this body x width GRID SIZE else if this dir this body y height GRID SIZE else if this dir this body x width GRID SIZE else if this dir this body y height GRID SIZE added this hitDetection for let i i lt this body length i if this body x this body i x amp amp this body y this body i y this spawn grow this body push x this lastX y this lastY hasEatenFood if this body x food x amp amp this body y food y return true img alt snake now eating and growing lt br gt src i wp com codeheir com wp content uploads gif Fresize D C ssl D Losing the gridNext let s remove the code we added for our grid it was simply there to make sure everything was kept in line So your draw function in sketch js should look like this function draw background let x x lt width x width GRID SIZE for let y y lt height y height GRID SIZE stroke strokeWeight line x x height line y width y snake update if snake hasEatenFood food spawn snake grow stroke add this snake draw food draw What s next The most complicated parts of Snake are done but there are still some things we need to tweak The best way to learn is by doing so I challenge you to continue on with the coding and see if you can complete the following tasks Please let me know if you manage any all of them I d really appreciate that When the snake hits the edge of the map the game should restart or the snake should come out the other side of the wall Add a scoring system and display the number Could just be the snakes body length Make sure the food doesn t spawn on the snake s body Start the snake off already with a body size of I hope you ve enjoyed this blog if you do by some miracle enjoy my blabbering then head over to my blogging site at codeheir com where I write weekly blogs about whatever in the world of programming has my attention |
2021-05-15 13:20:50 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
🔥Understanding the Events Reactivity System of Node.js and The Event Emitter Class [video] |
Understanding the Events Reactivity System of Node js and The Event Emitter Class video In this video we will learn about the Events Core Module in Node js and then we will also understand the Event Emitter class of Node js and the methods that we can use on the event emitter instances that we create to listen for an event on method and to fire an event we have the emit method that is used to emit an event name to which you can optionally pass a payload as wellFollow me on Twitter Instagram YouTube PS Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel for FREE content on Web Development and loads of other technologies |
2021-05-15 13:09:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
🔥Node.js Architecture - Understanding its Internal Components [video] |
Node js Architecture Understanding its Internal Components video In this video we will understand the Node js Architecture namely the Application V JavaScript Engine Node js Bindings Libuv Event Loop and Worker ThreadsFollow me on Twitter Instagram YouTube PS Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel for FREE content on Web Development and loads of other technologies |
2021-05-15 13:06:58 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
iPhone user discovers MagSafe and ferrous sand do not mix |
iPhone user discovers MagSafe and ferrous sand do not mixApple s MagSafe is an accessory and charging system designed for the iPhone and one user discovered the magnets attract more than wallets Ferrous sand attracted to the magnetic portions of an iPhone The iPhone is full of magnets especially since the release of the iPhone Between the speakers optical image stabilizers in the cameras and MagSafe itself you ll find many objects can magnetically attract to your iPhone Read more |
2021-05-15 13:02:26 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Why the CDC Changed Its Advice on Masks |
vaccinated |
2021-05-15 13:26:42 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
China lands on Mars, closing gap with U.S. in space exploration |
China lands on Mars closing gap with U S in space explorationChina has now sent astronauts into space powered probes to the moon and landed a rover on Mars the most prestigious of all prizes in |
2021-05-15 22:51:17 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Shohei Ohtani ties AL home run lead in Angels’ loss to Red Sox |
Shohei Ohtani ties AL home run lead in Angels loss to Red SoxOhtani launched his first career home run over the famed Green Monster at Boston s Fenway Park but the Los Angeles Angels came up short Friday |
2021-05-15 23:45:40 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Rui Hachimura scores 14 as Wizards clinch play-in berth |
Rui Hachimura scores as Wizards clinch play in berthThe second year Japanese forward shot from as part of a balanced Washington offensive effort that included points from Russell Westbrook and from Davis |
2021-05-15 23:40:37 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Israel-Gaza conflict rages as US envoy visits |
israel |
2021-05-15 13:47:49 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Santander customers unable to access accounts |
access |
2021-05-15 13:45:30 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Rangers complete unbeaten league season |
aberdeen |
2021-05-15 13:18:58 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
細菌だらけ! イヤホンの適切な掃除方法と掃除頻度 |
insideedition |
2021-05-15 22:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
札幌市長、ワクチン接種「落ち着いて予約を」 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-05-15 22:12:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
衝突がパレスチナ全土に拡大 ヨルダン川西岸、11人死亡 |
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2021-05-15 22:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
札幌市、入院待機ステーション設置 17日から稼働 搬送先決まらぬ患者に対応 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-05-15 22:10:00 |