投稿時間:2021-05-16 23:39:01 RSSフィード2021-05-16 23:00 分まとめ(39件)

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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Python】ホテリング理論〜異常検知の古典的手法〜 https://qiita.com/nahiro/items/a76aac3615f982ae9368 STEP観測されているデータDから正常時の確率分布を推定STEP推定した確率分布を用いて異常度を計算するための関数を導出よって、STEPまでで、新たに観測されたデータxに対して、そのデータの異常度axを計算できるようになりました。 2021-05-16 22:56:35
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Pythonウェブページのデータを取得 https://qiita.com/lihua/items/b8497407203fcd0b984e Pythonウェブページのデータを取得Pythonウェブページのデータを取得Pythonにライブラリrequests、解析ライブラリBeautifulSoupを介して情報を取得します、ここではYahooを例にします、ホームページTrendingNowの内容を取得します。 2021-05-16 22:51:06
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita tensorflowのCallBackでHistoryオブジェクトを加工する https://qiita.com/tanaka__tarou/items/f639c8b587605d538e98 Pythontensorflow標準Historyの問題点Tensorflowではfitの戻り値としてHistoryオブジェクトが返ってきます出力される値は、Batch毎の出力を平均した値ですLossやAccならまだ使えると思いますがFScoreでは全く用をなしません以下の記事を参照しました。 2021-05-16 22:02:23
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita DjangoプロジェクトをHerokuにデプロイ https://qiita.com/ykoji/items/bd551b60488eb3131bef 、Procfileは、Heroku上でmanagepyrunserverを実行して動かすために必要なファイル説明が間違っているかも、requirementstxtは、モジュールのインストールに必要なファイルです。 2021-05-16 22:02:16
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita kintone を TypeScriptでカスタマイズしてみる https://qiita.com/sy250f/items/c040ac44f667a6605580 kintoneをTypeScriptでカスタマイズしてみるTypeScriptの自習として、kintoneのカスタマイズのコードをTypeScriptで写経する記事です。 2021-05-16 22:57:03
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Vue.js】Vueインスタンスのライフサイクル https://qiita.com/yuta-katayama-23/items/578bb0cecf165fd850db 【Vuejs】Vueインスタンスのライフサイクルはじめに仕事で使う事になったのでからVuejsについて学んだ。 2021-05-16 22:36:58
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Intersection Observerの使い方 ー まとめ ー https://qiita.com/greencha/items/ee49e2acd885eddc5570 監視対象が画面内に入った時点で監視を終えたい場合は、observerunobserveentrytargetと記述することで、監視を終了することができます。 2021-05-16 22:15:57
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Pandas 時刻のみの操作 https://teratail.com/questions/338660?rss=all 2021-05-16 22:44:17
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) googleフォームのアドオン(Email Notifications for Google forms)で質問です。 https://teratail.com/questions/338659?rss=all google 2021-05-16 22:44:08
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Route53とお名前.comのDNSレコード設定の違い https://teratail.com/questions/338658?rss=all Routeとお名前comのDNSレコード設定の違いお名前comで取得したドメインを、AWSnbspECで作成したインスタンスのELASTICnbspIPに紐付けルーティングするためには、お名前comのDNSレコード設定を編集する、もしくはRouteを使う、どちらでも可能という認識で良いでしょうかこの場合、routeを使うメリットは何になるのでしょうかちなみに、DNSレコード設定ルーティングという認識は間違ってますかよろしくお願い致します。 2021-05-16 22:43:35
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VScodeでロリポップのSSH接続 https://teratail.com/questions/338657?rss=all VScodeでロリポップのSSH接続前提・実現したいことロリポップのハイスピードプランを契約していて、サーバーにVScodeからSSH接続をしたいのですが、パスワード認証での接続ができません。 2021-05-16 22:42:35
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Cannot read property 'getAttribute' of nullと出てしまう【Laravel】 https://teratail.com/questions/338656?rss=all CannotreadpropertyxgetAttributexofnullと出てしまう【Laravel】LaravelとVueで作っているサイトでページ遷移をしてもコンテンツが表示されず以下のエラーが起きました。 2021-05-16 22:37:05
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) write関数を使って正の値はNそれ以外はPを表示する。 https://teratail.com/questions/338655?rss=all write関数を使って正の値はNそれ以外はPを表示する。 2021-05-16 22:36:32
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) [laravel]テスト実行時のエラー[Error: Class 'Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOSqlite\Driver' not found]で困っています。 https://teratail.com/questions/338654?rss=all laravelテスト実行時のエラーErrorClassxDoctrineDBALDriverPDOSqliteDriverxnotfoundで困っています。 2021-05-16 22:35:39
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) import ******* from 'aws-amplify';がimportできません、、、 https://teratail.com/questions/338653?rss=all importfromxawsamplifyxがimportできません、、、macOSnbspCatalinanbspnodenbspvnbspnbspnbspvnpmnbspvnbspnbspnbspnbspnpminstallawsamplifyを実行したあとにimportAmplifyAuthfromawsamplifyimportGRAPHQLAUTHMODEfromawsamplifyapiimportAPIfromawsamplifyを各種インポートしたいと思っています。 2021-05-16 22:35:21
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VBA データ選択について https://teratail.com/questions/338652?rss=all VBAデータ選択についてデータはF列とH列のデータを取得してグラフを作成します。 2021-05-16 22:33:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 関数名なやんでます。 https://teratail.com/questions/338651?rss=all 関数名なやんでます。 2021-05-16 22:18:07
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) circleCIのECSに対するbuild_and_deployが通らない https://teratail.com/questions/338650?rss=all circleCIのECSに対するbuildanddeployが通らない前提・実現したいことlaravelで制作したwebサイトをcircleCIawsecsでデプロイをしています。 2021-05-16 22:16:29
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) SCSS を使ってブレイクポイントを指定し、メディアクエリを反映させたい https://teratail.com/questions/338649?rss=all SCSSを使ってブレイクポイントを指定し、メディアクエリを反映させたいSCSSnbspからnbspCSSnbspがうまくコンパイルされない以下の条件でSCSSnbspを使ってブレイクポイントを指定し、CSSのメディアクエリを実現したいのですが、うまくコンパイルできません。 2021-05-16 22:12:07
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Mac環境でVivadoを動かしたい話① https://qiita.com/kamura375/items/21993909e33895d4c428 こちらは使用しないので、以下の手順で自動起動しないようにする。 2021-05-16 22:18:01
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Golangはじめて物語(第8話:API Gateway+LambdaでJWTを実装する) https://qiita.com/neruneruo/items/2f42378d22a84293ba97 嫌なのであれば、Terraformのawsapigatewayauthorizerのリソースでauthorizerresultttlinsecondsの設定を変更しよう。 2021-05-16 22:42:41
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Mac環境でVivadoを動かしたい話① https://qiita.com/kamura375/items/21993909e33895d4c428 こちらは使用しないので、以下の手順で自動起動しないようにする。 2021-05-16 22:18:01
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita C/C++の軽量なDocker実行環境の作り方 https://qiita.com/Takahiro-Suzuki/items/0d775ac36ac6c77f6608 dockerbuildtsimulationdockerrunitsimulation作成された実行環境のDockerイメージが以下のsimulationで、参考として、ltnonegtがビルド環境、ubuntuがubuntuイメージです。 2021-05-16 22:02:14
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Golangはじめて物語(第8話:API Gateway+LambdaでJWTを実装する) https://qiita.com/neruneruo/items/2f42378d22a84293ba97 嫌なのであれば、Terraformのawsapigatewayauthorizerのリソースでauthorizerresultttlinsecondsの設定を変更しよう。 2021-05-16 22:42:41
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Gitコマンド ~> その2 https://qiita.com/ny3line/items/eb9e3fdd10c62b4bc9f9 GitコマンドgtそのGitコマンドを忘れてしまったの見直しgtその変更をやり直したい時に使うコマンドcheckoutgitcheckoutltファイル名gtgitcheckoutltディレクトリ名gtgitcheckout現在いるディレクトリ以下の変更を全てを取り消すと付いてるのは、ブランチ名とファイル名が被ってしまった時にgitがどっちを指しているのかが分かる様にするためにつけられている。 2021-05-16 22:40:29
海外TECH Ars Technica Google I/O 2021 preview: Google resurrects Wear OS and Android tablets? https://arstechnica.com/?p=1764606 factors 2021-05-16 13:30:29
海外TECH DEV Community Comprehensive List of Chrome Extensions for Developers https://dev.to/actitime/comprehensive-list-of-chrome-extensions-for-developers-32ae Comprehensive List of Chrome Extensions for DevelopersDevelopers spend a lot of time using browsers As of February of worldwide Internet users prefer Google Chrome over other web browsers And it s not surprising because Google Chrome boasts its wide collection of extensions that extend browser functionality So instead of installing additional software and tools you can create your personal extensions toolkit that you can take with you wherever you go just log into your Google account on any other device with pre installed Google Chrome and sync the data We asked our developers at actiTIME to share their favorite Google Chrome extensions that they use on a daily basis and compiled this comprehensive collection of development and productivity extensions Save this list to get back to it anytime Table Of ContentsChrome Extensions for Developers Web Design Tools Web Development Tools Website AnalysisGitHub amp GitLab ToolsChrome Productivity ExtensionsPrivacy ProtectionTime amp Task TrackingScreenshot amp Video RecordingAd BlockingBookmarking amp NotetakingDeveloper News Chrome Extensions for Developers Web Design Tools Sitemod ioSitemod io is a must have extension in your developer toolkit It allows you to edit save and share any website without having access to the source code of the website With this extension you can edit or add your own HTML CSS and JS code to any web page After that you can create a shareable link to the modified website This extension is of great help for everyone related to web design freelancers and agencies that can edit their websites in real timesales and marketing teams who can install their apps on customers websiteswebsite owners who can test web apps using only this browser extension CSS ViewerCSS Viewer is a Chrome Extension originally developed for Firefox Nicolas Huon its original creator stopped supporting the original extension in so a GitHub user created a port to Google Chrome released it under a public license and issued several versions with new features and fixes As the name suggests CSS Viewer displays CSS properties of any object that you point your mouse on It displays font color and positioning properties WhatFontWhatFont is a Chrome extension that allows you to identify fonts used on web pages After you hover on text a popup appears that displays font family size and line height It also detects the services used for serving web fonts Supports Typekit and Google Font API WhatFont is a lightweight solution for web developers who collect examples of great pages This is especially useful whenever you find a website that uses a beautiful font that is not on the list of standard fonts pre installed on your OS Window ResizerThis extension resizes browser windows to emulate different resolutions All you need to choose a device from the list and see what your layout looks like on this device Window Resizer is completely customizable you can add edit delete and re order presets Use keyboard shortcuts to navigate the popup assign them to the tools you use the most and sync them between the devices Web Development Tools Web DeveloperWith more than million users on the Chrome Web Store this extension is a must have Web Developer adds a set of useful web development tools to your browser pertaining to cookies CSS forms images page information and more For example you can disable JavaScript view the Meta tag page information resize the browser window and more Web Developer ChecklistWeb Developer Checklist is a Chrome extension that helps you identify website problems It will check website performance usability semantics SEO code quality accessibility security and more This extension is especially useful when you need to make sure that your website page works fine before you publish it So you can use this extension as a task reminder to coordinate web development progress and identify website problems before the delivery Redux DevToolsRedux DevTools is one of the most useful and powerful tools for powering up Redux development workflow or any other architecture which handles the state change One of its benefits is that it makes it easy to trace actions and state changes Other features include action skipping time travel custom dispatch allow block actions and more Redux is one of the most adopted state management libraries for large scale React applications Learn how to set up Redux DevTools in your environment JSON ViewerIf you ve ever worked with JSON code like API s especially RestFul APIs then you know how unreadable and clumsy JSON code is This Chrome extension highlights syntax in online and local JSON files making it more visually appealing and straightforward JSON Viewer is a great lightweight extension that allows you to view and edit JSON right in Google Chrome without having to resort to other standalone apps Vue js devtoolsVue js devtools is a Chrome extension that scales between a library and a full featured framework It allows you to edit component data load components in the DOM track custom events monitor route history and data debug Vuex behavior and time travel across previous states The best thing about this extension is that it is equally accessible for novices and seasoned developers Advanced users can easily tweak it to suit their needs React Developer ToolsReact Developer Tools is a Chrome DevTools extension for the open source React JavaScript library for building user interfaces This extension provides an extra set of React specific inspection widgets to assist you with development React Developer Tools offers significant performance gains improved navigation experience visual and functional improvements which make code debugging easier AJAX DebuggerThis extension logs all AJAX activity to the Dev Tools Console allowing inspection of AJAX calls and open calls in a new tab with all the inputs IT allows developers to easily see top level request info like the HTTP status response time and size Logged data includes files called response time size and status AJAX source link with all input parameters object containing all request and response details and more Website Analysis WappalyzerWappalyzer extension identifies tools and technologies behind web pages These include more than a thousand of different web services CMS analytics tools plugins JavaScript libraries and more Alternatively you can also visit the official website of the extension where you can search for any website and see what technology it uses LighthouseLighthouse is an open source tool by Google that audits website performance accessibility progressive web apps SEO and more Choose a page you want to audit click the extension button and press Generate Report A new tab will open with page quality results You can also run Lighthouse in Chrome DevTools from the command line or as a Node module The extension just allows you to access this functionality in a few clicks Check My LinksThis extension crawls through the page looks for working and broken links and highlights these It allows you to automate the link fixing process Load your page select the icon and a popup with the link stats will appear Depending on the size of the page the scanning process may take a few seconds GitHub amp GitLab Tools OctoTreeOctoTree enhances GitHub code review and exploration First of all it displays a tree view of the repo in a collapsible sidebar More than that it provides fast IDE like code tree Quick file search GitHub themes private repositories support Omni bookmarking and more OctoTree feels a lot like Visual Studio Code in Github Premium features include themes code font settings quick PR navigation pull request code review sidebar docking position multiple GitHub accounts and more Paid plans for individual users cost per year and per user per year for teams with more than users OctoLinkerAnother browser extension for GitHub that turns language specific statements like include require or import into links to the source code You ll just need to click on the reference to access it The extension supports most web development languages except for the C family Enhanced GitHubThis tiny browser extension displays the size of each file download links and copies file contents directly to the clipboard For private repos you ll need a GitHub Access Token Enhanced GitHub is an appealing Chrome extension that aims to improve GitHub s functionality by a very minor yet fairly important margin Highly recommended Chrome Productivity Extensions Privacy Protection GhosteryThis extension detects and blocks ads trackers and other tools that record your behavior and slow down the page download Ghostery not only eliminates annoying advertisements from a website and blocks third party tools and websites from tracking you It is free of cost and requires no sign up or registration to get started Clear CacheThis is a tiny tool that requires an extended set of permissions to clear your cache in a few clicks It allows you to choose other data options to clear app cache cookies downloads form data history plugin data passwords and more You can delete cookies globally for certain domains or for everything except for certain domains Time amp Task Tracking actiTIMEactiTIME is a handy time tracking extension that integrates with any developer and other browser based tools All you need is to create a free account add a list of tasks and use the extension timer to track time against tasks In the full actiTIME web interface you can review your working hours in a weekly timesheet More than that you can build charts and reports to see how your time distributes across tasks and projects For individual users and teams up to users actiTIME is free to use For larger teams pricing plans start at per user per month Focus To Do Pomodoro Timer amp To Do ListThis extension combines the Pomodoro timer and basic task management features Create task lists use the timer and review your performance using visual charts and reports The greatest downside of this extension is that you only get days of free app access After that you are required to purchase a premium plan starting at per three months Even the smallest features such as cloud backup and reports are premium Screenshot amp Video Recording Awesome Screenshot Screen Video RecorderDevelopers often need to take screenshots and record videos to give proof to illustrate concepts or prove that everything was working a moment ago This extension allows you to take screenshots record screen and even capture sound and video from your mic and camera to help you make sure that you make yourself clear Additionally you can annotate screenshots connect with tools like Slack JIRA Asana and share the visuals instantly Vimeo Record Screen amp Webcam RecorderVimeo Record is a premium browser extension that allows you to record and share video messages All you need is to choose what to capture your screen voice face a start recording With the cheapest paid plan that will cost you per month you ll get player customization privacy controls unlimited screen and webcam recording and GB of disk space per week Ad Blocking Extensions AdBlock ーbest ad blockerThis extension is a free adblocker that blocks ads on websites video streaming platforms everywhere It also protects your browser from malware and stops advertisers from accessing your browsing history and personal information This extension is a part of the Acceptable Ads program meaning that unobtrusive ads are not blocked by default in order to support websites At the same time you can choose to remove all the ads in the extension parameters set up white lists and filters manually Adblock Plus free ad blockerAblock Plus is a free ad blocking extension that blocks ads banners pop ups and malware More than that it stops third parties from tracking your online actions boosts page loading as fewer resources are required to be loaded This extension is also a part of the Acceptable Ads program but you can always choose to turn it off and block all the ads at any time Bookmarking amp Notetaking Google Keep Chrome ExtensionThis is the official browser extension for Google Keep You can save web pages images quotes anything on the web for later with this handy tool As in case of other Google apps all your saved data will be automatically saved in the cloud and synced across devices Additionally you can take notes on saved content add labels and store all the things in one place for free Bookmark SidebarBookmark Sidebar adds an attractive and clean toggleable sidebar with your Google account bookmarks at the edge of your browser window You can edit delete or rearrange your bookmarks by dragging and dropping and view basic information by hovering on it Chrome Developer News Extensions Daily devdaily dev is a resource for busy developers who want to get hot news from the best tech blogs This browser extension replaces your new tab with the daily dev tab with top articles You can also personalize the feed and choose tags and resources to get news from This extension is open source safe and secure It requires no sign up but with your personal account you can vote save and share articles you ve enjoyed the most DevoDevo is another new tab extension that shows GitHub Trending topics Product Hunts Hacker News and other top news and front pages with no login required You are free to change the placement of the cards manually update the sources and display whatever platform you d like to in different order The latest list of platforms includes GitHub Trending Hacker News Product Hunt Designer News DEV Community and Lobste rs Ready to Level Up Your Development Tools and Skills The best productivity advice we could give to you is to keep track of your time and be mindful of how you use it Because no tips and tricks no browser extensions can help you advance with your career if you use your time unproductively So if you are not sure with what Chrome extension to start we recommend trying actiTIME actiTIME is time tracking software that is free for individual users and small teams of up to users You can track time with the browser extension log time manually in an online timesheet or use our free mobile app to use timers or record hours manually actiTIME easily integrates with your favorite tools including JIRA GitHub GitLab Trello and more software Review your project progress productivity trends calculate your cost of work for clients and more with actiTIME create your account for free 2021-05-16 13:46:16
海外TECH DEV Community Google Discover: What is It and How To Succeed https://dev.to/yunemozcann/google-discover-what-is-it-and-how-to-succeed-3019 Google Discover What is It and How To SucceedWebsites whose traffic has increased dramatically in a short time thanks to they become visible on Google Discover and web pages that have managed to show themselves to target audiences that have not yet known them thanks to their presentation here Wouldn t you want to be one of them Indeed Google Discover is one of the only algorithms that will allow you to appeal to more people without looking at your SEO score or your current SERP ranking So if you play this game by its rules and pay attention to what Google demands from you you are likely to stand out in this feed Google Discover In this content we will examine the tips of coming forward within the framework of the recommendations of Screpy experts and appearing on the Discover feed of your target audience If you re ready we re getting started right now How Does Google Discover Work Google Discover is the renamed version of an algorithm that was previously released as Google Feed Of course the name was not the only thing that changed Along with the name many features of Discover have also been renewed The main purpose of Google Discover is to provide users who connect to the Internet using their mobile devices with the content they need to know or want to see without the need to search for something specific via the search bar These contents can sometimes be breaking news sometimes a simple recipe or a YouTube video that has been a hit recently Hosting different types of content Google Discover also draws attention with its multilingual results So how does Google Discover show results Remember what we said when reviewing search engine results pages SERPs Each user s SERP is personalized based on their previous browsing habits and search history Similarly each user s Google Discover feed is created specifically for him The feed which is optimized depending on the data that the user allows monitoring and collect is renewed regularly in order to make queryless search possible In general the following data are taken into account by the algorithm when shaping Google Discover ⦁Search history ⦁Browser history ⦁App activity ⦁Location In order for all of these to be examined of course the user must allow data collection Google Discover presents your content to the user who is most likely to engage and interact with it Therefore it is actually possible to meet your target audience through Google Discover How To Be Visible in Google Discover Imagine a sudden increase in your website traffic graph Suddenly rising lines may be telling you something very important Your content is on Google Discover and you have had the opportunity to introduce yourself to the audience you are addressing with many new visitors While analyzing websites that are integrated with Google Analytics the system gives you the part of your traffic coming from Google Discover numerically In this way you have the chance to interpret the traffic rates you receive more easily Being visible in Google DiscoverSo is there a formula for going to Google Discover Is your SEO work enough for you to go to Google Discover It s time to find out Share Contents More Likely to Be Presented in Google DiscoverGoogle Discover may not host all content types Specifically contents in certain categories are extremely likely to be seen on Google Discover Therefore it is possible to say that one of the first ways to increase your possibility to stand out is to produce content in one of the following areas ⦁Current news especially in these contents it is extremely important to be one of the first websites to publish the news and to share them with the right details at the same time to have NEWS registration on Google ⦁Posting content about hobbies and activities Especially recipes DIY projects mock ups and similarly themed content are often featured ⦁E commerce contents specific product groups are highlighted within the framework of the user s browsing behavior and shopping behavior ⦁Travel amp hospitality contents come to the fore especially on the basis of brand product and location For example it is very likely that content with the theme of Places to visit in the Maldives will appear on Discover after an individual doing a hotel reservation on the Internet in the Maldives ⦁Contents related to the field of beauty and fashion ⦁In the field of gaming and electronics both evergreen content and current news remain popular and are featured on Google Discover ⦁Health fitness and outdoor concept can also stand out on Google Discover in terms of activity options and local business themes If you too are involved in any of the concepts above you may be more likely to stand out than the others Shape Your Content to Be User FocusedStrong content on a website can make the website stand out in specified keywords we know that But quality content is required not only for SERP but also for Google Discover feed Optimizing your content and your website in general can allow you to achieve extremely powerful results and increase your likelihood of being seen on Google Discover ⦁Have a mobile friendly site As we said before Google Discover was built to improve the mobile experience Therefore we can say that being a mobile compatible website is the first priority It is very important to work in accordance with AMP and to have a mobile compatible theme and code resource Remember these studies will also have a positive impact on your SEO scores and ranking due to mobile first indexing Discovering more is that simple ⦁Support your content with powerful images and videos Highly interactive content will be liked by both Google and your visitors The use of high quality images and videos in the content may increase your possibility to stand out in Google Discover Download and use the appropriate options for your work from the most preferred paid stock photo and video sites recently ⦁Pay attention to technical details The correct use of h h tags in your content is very important In addition it is extremely valuable not to deviate from the topic you have specified in your title in your content to provide accurate information and to create a flow with a high rate of readability Want to learn more ways to get your site on Google Discover It may be time to check out the definitive guide by Screpy experts Let s explore together Want to learn more ways to get your site on Google Discover It may be time to check out the definitive guide by Screpy experts Let s explore together 2021-05-16 13:34:09
海外TECH DEV Community #30DaysofAppwrite : Database Design 🧐 https://dev.to/appwrite/30daysofappwrite-database-design-140a DaysofAppwrite Database Design Intro DaysOfAppwrite is a month long event focused at giving developers a walk through of all of Appwrite s features starting from the basics to more advanced features like Cloud Functions Alongside we will also be building a fully featured Medium Clone to demonstrate how these concepts can be applied when building a real world app We also have some exciting prizes for developers who follow along with us Database Design Welcome back to another session on the Appwrite Database We hope you have gone through the Day article It is important as we build upon the knowledge gained in Day and plan and prepare the database for our demo application Planning Data StructureWe will use the Collection and Rules feature provided by Appwrite Database to plan the data structures needed for our application First let s put down the requirements of our application PostA post refers to content that can be posted by any authenticated user Anyone can signup and create a post Our post will have title cover image text published to signify whether the post is a draft or published tags created date and id of the creator Now we will plan this using the Rules provided by Appwrite database First we will create a collection as described in Day and name it Posts Then we will add following rules from console and update the collection Titlelabel TitleKey titleRule Type TextRequired trueArray falseCover imagelabel Cover imageKey coverRule Type TextRequired falseArray falseTextlabel TextKey textRule Type MarkdownRequired trueArray falsePublishedlabel PublishedKey publishedRule Type BooleanRequired trueArray falseTagslabel TagsKey tagsRule Type TextRequired falseArray trueCreated Datelabel Created AtKey created atRule Type NumericRequired trueArray falseUser Idlabel User IdKey user idRule Type TextRequired trueArray falseFor the permissions the read permission should be as anyone should be able to read the posts while the write permission for this collection should be role member so that only logged in users can create a post ProfileWe want to let our users have their profile with a public name so that we can display the author information in each post We will also want to add a user s post as an embedded document in the collection so that we can fetch it easily with the user s profile Let s create another collection named Users with following rulesUser Idlabel UserKey userRule Type TextRequired trueArray falseNamelabel NameKey nameRule Type TextRequired trueArray falsePostslabel PostsKey postsRule Type Document Embedded Required falseArray trueOnce you create a posts rule you will see a section with Allowed Collections Here you need to select Posts As for the permissions read permission should be as anyone should be able to read and write permission can be role member so that anyone signed in can create a profile So this is how easy it is to plan data structures for any application using Collections and Rules it is very similar to traditional Relational Databases where we plan using tables and columns We have now planned the database required for our application on Day we will continue to use these collections in our Application CreditsWe hope you liked this write up You can follow DaysOfAppwrite on Social Media to keep up with all of our posts The complete event timeline can be found hereDiscord ServerAppwrite HomepageAppwrite s GithubFeel free to reach out to us on Discord if you would like to learn more about Appwrite Aliens or Unicorns Stay tuned for tomorrow s article Until then 2021-05-16 13:09:46
海外TECH CodeProject Latest Articles Dlús : Irish Language Word Processor https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5298566/Dl-s-Irish-Language-Word-Processor processor 2021-05-16 13:38:00
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Israel pounds Gaza, flattening building housing AP and Al Jazeera https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/16/world/israel-gaza-strikes/ islamist 2021-05-16 22:59:34
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Cancel the Olympics? Concerns rise among Tokyo officials as virus spreads https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/16/national/tokyo-koike-olympics-cancel/ Cancel the Olympics Concerns rise among Tokyo officials as virus spreadsTokyo Gov Yuriko Koike has vowed to ensure a safe and secure Olympics But one senior official said there would be little surprise if she 2021-05-16 22:31:48
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Myanmar teen describes junta’s brutal treatment of detained women https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/05/16/asia-pacific/myanmar-teen-junta-brutal-treatment/ Myanmar teen describes junta s brutal treatment of detained womenBeaten kicked in the groin and threatened with sexual violence ーa young Myanmar teenager detained by the junta s security forces has described the treatment 2021-05-16 22:23:03
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Para archery athlete still aiming for gold despite year of hardships https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/05/16/paralympics/para-archery-aiko-okazaki/ Para archery athlete still aiming for gold despite year of hardshipsAiko Okazaki who picked up the sport years after being paralyzed in the Amagasaki train derailment has struggled with restrictions to her training regimen 2021-05-16 22:53:54
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles IPC chief vows to deliver safe and slimmed-down Paralympics https://www.japantimes.co.jp/sports/2021/05/16/paralympics/ipc-andrew-parsons-tokyo2020-paralympics/ IPC chief vows to deliver safe and slimmed down ParalympicsAs the day countdown to the event begins Andrew Parsons says reduced headcounts and anti coronavirus countermeasures will ensure the safety of participants and the 2021-05-16 22:25:46
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LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 幸福感の高い500人に聞いてわかった「幸せ」になる方法 https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/05/i-interviewed-500-happy-people-their-habits-will-transform-your.html 高い 2021-05-16 22:05:00



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