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AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [serverless]AWS Lambdaでnode-canvasを利用した画像生成をする https://qiita.com/tk1024/items/0cca8185a105315a4b58 ビルド時に共有ライブラリをコピーする手順のエラーでは必要なsoファイルが見つからないとなっているので、slsdeployで実行されるwebpackのビルド時に含めるようにします。 2021-05-16 23:13:46
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita python + gnuplot でマンデルブロ集合(その1) https://qiita.com/iHdkz/items/0c45e2013712c5a1223e 決定的なのはGnuplotのsetpmdを使っても等高線がグラデーションで表現されないという弱点あり。 2021-05-16 23:41:08
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Python】Paizaのスキルチェックをローカルで実行する https://qiita.com/matz1ppei/items/6d97c0e3bf2e8688787e 【Python】Paizaのスキルチェックをローカルで実行する何がしたいかpaizaのスキルチェックはWeb上で完結しておりますが、ローカルのIDEやテキストエディタでコードを書きたい場合もあると思います。 2021-05-16 23:11:46
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) javascriptとhtmlのつながりについて https://teratail.com/questions/338669?rss=all 疑問に思ったことは、外部ファイルに記述したjavascriptは何故、送信ボタンを押したときに作動するのでしょうか。 2021-05-16 23:55:42
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【css】グリッド画像のやり方がわからない https://teratail.com/questions/338668?rss=all 【css】グリッド画像のやり方がわからない前提・実現したいこと以下の写真のように上の画像の直下に折り返してきた画像を入れたいのですが、隙間ができてしまいます。 2021-05-16 23:37:30
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Syntax Error: TypeError: this.getOptions is not a function を解決したい https://teratail.com/questions/338667?rss=all SyntaxErrorTypeErrorthisgetOptionsisnotafunctionを解決したいよろしくお願いします。 2021-05-16 23:34:14
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) c言語 初心者 ポインタの問題 https://teratail.com/questions/338666?rss=all c言語初心者ポインタの問題ポインタの問題でどのように問題を解けばいいか分からないです…解説していただける方いましたらとても助かりますのでよろしくお願い致します問題int型で参照渡しの引数を一つ持つ関数で、引数の示す内容をする関数①とchar型で参照渡しの引数を一つ持つ関数で引数の文字列を表示する関数②を作成し、それぞれmain関数から呼び出すプログラムを作成してください。 2021-05-16 23:28:51
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 入力した小文字の最初の文字を大文字で表示したい https://teratail.com/questions/338665?rss=all nbspnbspcc 2021-05-16 23:24:06
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) vscodeのエラー https://teratail.com/questions/338664?rss=all vscodeのエラーvscodeでc言語を実行しようとすると以下のようなエラーが表示されます。 2021-05-16 23:21:55
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 階層化されたパラメータが連携できない https://teratail.com/questions/338663?rss=all 階層化されたパラメータが連携できない困っていること商品マスタを送信するためのAPISOAP通信でリクエスト処理を実行するためのプログラムをPythonで作成しているのですが、リクエスト処理を実行するとValueErrorとなり、うまくいきませんリクエストができていないため、レスポンスも返却されていません。 2021-05-16 23:20:02
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Next.jsを使ったjamStackな開発(ISR×SWRまたはfetchやaxios)についての見解 https://teratail.com/questions/338662?rss=all Nextjsを使ったjamStackな開発ISR×SWRまたはfetchやaxiosについての見解現在SNSを作ろうとNextjsを勉強しています。 2021-05-16 23:07:31
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【Rails】画面表示の条件分岐がうまくいかない https://teratail.com/questions/338661?rss=all 2021-05-16 23:03:23
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [serverless]AWS Lambdaでnode-canvasを利用した画像生成をする https://qiita.com/tk1024/items/0cca8185a105315a4b58 ビルド時に共有ライブラリをコピーする手順のエラーでは必要なsoファイルが見つからないとなっているので、slsdeployで実行されるwebpackのビルド時に含めるようにします。 2021-05-16 23:13:46
GCP gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Private Service Connect を試す https://qiita.com/suzuyui/items/1c95aa29c63a9568e9d8 PrivateServiceConnectを試すはじめににGoogleCloudでPrivateServiceConnectがGAされたこれまではオンプレミスからGoogleCloudのAPIへはオンプレミスホスト用の限定公開のGoogleアクセスを使用してPrivateにアクセスできたが、今後この方法が主流になりそうなので試していく今回やるイメージPSCPrivateServiceConnectPrivateServiceConnectPrivateServiceConnectとはVPCネットワーク内のグローバル内部IPアドレスを使用してプライベートエンドポイントを作成できるエンドポイントに配信されるトラフィックを制御し、トラフィックをGoogleCloud内にとどめることができる参考ネットワーク要件内部IPのみのインスタンス限定公開のGoogleアクセスが有効になっているサブネットであること外部IPを持つインスタンス限定公開のGoogleアクセスが有効無効関係なく利用できるVPCPeeringPrivateServiceConnectエンドポイントは、ピアリングされたVPCネットワークからアクセスできないサポートされているAPI種類選択可能従来の限定公開Googleアクセスと変わらなそう詳細allapisprivategoogleapiscomと同じAPIにアクセスできるvpcscrestrictedgoogleapiscomと同じAPIにアクセスできる費用転送ルールあたり時間月当たりだと大体円SKUNetworkingPrivateServiceConnectConsumerEndPointロール必要になるロールは下記の通り参考タスクロールPrivateServiceConnectエンドポイントの作成以下のすべてのロールComputeネットワーク管理者rolescomputenetworkAdmin、ServiceDirectory編集者rolesservicedirectoryeditor、DNS管理者rolesdnsadmin限定公開のGoogleアクセスの構成省略可Computeネットワーク管理者rolescomputenetworkAdminGoogleAPI必要なGoogleAPIは自動では有効化されないので、下記を有効にする必要がある参考ComputeEngineAPIServiceDirectoryAPICloudDNSAPIServiceDiscoveryPrivateServiceConnectエンドポイントは、ServiceDirectoryに登録される参考ServiceDirectoryとは、サービスを保存、管理、公開するためのプラットフォームで、リージョンサービスDNS構成pgoogleapiscomに対するServiceDirectoryの限定公開DNSゾーンエンドポイントで利用可能な各サービスのDNSレコードSERVICEENDPOINTNAMEpgoogleapiscomとして提供される例SERVICEstorageENDPOINTNAMEpscendpointの場合storagepscendpointpgoogleapiscomデフォルトの名称で名前解決したい場合は、googleapiscomゾーンを作成して、エンドポイントにするIPで名前解決をできるように設定するIPアドレスIPvで指定するVPC内のアドレスと重複できない、既存サブネット内からアサインはできないカスタム動的ルートと重複する場合、PrivateServiceConnectエンドポイントが優先されるRFC以外のアドレスを指定すると、予期せぬコストが発生する可能性がある構築下記、実施内容API有効化、IAM設定PrivateServiceConnectエンドポイント作成DNSゾーン・レコードの追加を実施オンプレ向けアドレス広報・DNS設定PrivateServiceConnectだけであれば、だけでOKはデフォルトのDNS名で利用したい場合は実施はオンプレからアクセスを対応する場合は実施事前確認事前のGoogleAPI向けの名前解決の状況を確認する例としてstorage実施前GCE上nslookupstoragegoogleapiscomServerAddressNonauthoritativeanswerNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressfbecNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressfbecNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressfbecNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressfbecnslookupstoragepscendpointpgoogleapiscomServerAddressNonauthoritativeanswerNamestoragepscendpointpgoogleapiscomAddressNamestoragepscendpointpgoogleapiscomAddressfbecf実施前オンプレ上nslookupstoragegoogleapiscomServerAddressNonauthoritativeanswerNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressfNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressbNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressNamestoragegoogleapiscomAddressnslookupstoragepscendpointpgoogleapiscomServerAddressNonauthoritativeanswerNamestoragepscendpointpgoogleapiscomAddressNamestoragepscendpointpgoogleapiscomAddressa上記のようにグローバルアドレス経由であることがわかる上記のグローバルアドレスは、タイミングや環境によって異なると思われるAPI有効化、IAM設定前述した必要なAPIを有効化するAPI有効化gcloudservicesenablecomputegoogleapiscomgcloudservicesenableservicedirectorygoogleapiscomgcloudservicesenablednsgoogleapiscom前述した必要なROLEを操作するユーザへ追加する参照PROJECT対象のプロジェクトMEMBER今回操作するアカウントROLErolescomputenetworkAdminrolesservicedirectoryeditorrolesdnsadminrolescomputenetworkAdminロール付与コマンドgcloudprojectsaddiampolicybindingPROJECTIDmemberMEMBERroleROLEPrivateServiceConnectエンドポイント作成PrivateServiceConnectの設定・エンドポイント作成を実施するパラメータ内容今回使用するパラメータADDRESSNAME予約済みのIPアドレスに割り当てる名前pscaddressENDPOINTIPエンドポイントに予約するIPアドレスNETWORKNAMEエンドポイントのVPCネットワークの名前projectssuzuyusharedhostdevglobalnetworkssharedvpcgcloudcomputeaddressescreateADDRESSNAMEglobalpurposePRIVATESERVICECONNECTaddressesENDPOINTIPnetworkNETWORKNAME今回の実例でのパラメータを当てはめると下記の通り実施gcloudcomputeaddressescreatepscaddressglobalpurposePRIVATESERVICECONNECTaddressesnetworkprojectssuzuyusharedhostdevglobalnetworkssharedvpc出力例Createdパラメータ内容今回使用するパラメータENDPOINTNAMEエンドポイントに割り当てる名前名前は文字にし、小文字と数字のみを使用する名前の先頭は文字pscendpointNETWORKNAMEエンドポイントのVPCネットワークの名前projectssuzuyusharedhostdevglobalnetworkssharedvpcADDRESSNAME予約済みのIPアドレスに割り当てる名前pscaddressREGIONURI使用するServiceDirectoryリージョンのURIこのURIは、PrivateServiceConnectエンドポイントを作成するプロジェクトを参照する必要があるREGIONURIの形式はprojectsPROJECTNAMElocationsREGIONprojectssuzuyusharedhostdevlocationsuswestAPIBUNDLEエンドポイントで使用できるAPIのバンドル。 2021-05-17 00:00:05
海外TECH DEV Community What is HTTP All about HTTP(Part 1) https://dev.to/nikhil27b/what-is-http-all-about-http-part-1-4mf3 What is HTTP All about HTTP Part HTTPA basically HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol and HTTP is a protocol for HTML HTTP to create a connection between a web browser and web servers a foundation for collect data exchange on the Web and it is a client server protocol Is there HTTP is an important topic Yes we have many following things in HTTP like UserAgent HTTP Cache HTTP Cookies CROS but don t worry I covered all these topics lets start with HTTP today How HTTP works A simple work of HTTP is to send the request to the server from the web browser After the server is processed you request and try to fulfill your request then we get a response back and with the use of javascript we can access that data Check the next image to understand how its works I created a simple diagram of HTTP We also have some HTTP CodesAn HTTP status code indicates which specific request has been completed Informational Continue Switching Protocols Processing Success Ok Created Accepted No Content Redirection Moved Permanently Found Not Modified Use Proxy Client error Bad request Unauthorized Payment required Forbidden Not found Redirection Internal server error Bad gateway Service Unavailable Gateway timeout I hope you like this also comments about your thoughts For more content follow me on Instagram developer nikhil If you want to more support me then buy me a coffee Thank you 2021-05-16 14:39:50
海外TECH DEV Community Getting Started With React Context API - A Deep Dive https://dev.to/punya2004/getting-started-with-react-context-api-a-deep-dive-562d Getting Started With React Context API A Deep DiveSo it s my first blog and had a thought about posting something that could be helpful for React developers beginners like ME So I ve been working in react for last months and one rookie problem that most of us face while building your own first big project What is Context API Context API is a way to enable components to share some data without explicitly passing via each component manually Context is like a global object to the React component sub tree Why we need Context API Nearly every developer knows that React components are structured like a tree There is one root node where all the components are connected In this tree structure the data flows in only one direction ーfrom top to bottom The problem of prop drilling arises when you create a tree structure of several components and the state created in higher level component you try to use it in lower level components In such case you need to pass that as prop through all component levels which is not a good practice One line definition would be “API which is created in React itself and provides a way to pass props down the whole tree component at every level There are different methods to use context in you React app Here is how I use it First I created A StateProvider js file which integrated my app to context API StateProvider jsimport React createContext useContext useReducer from react export const stateContext createContext export const StateProvider reducer initialState children gt lt stateContext Provider value useReducer reducer initialState gt children lt stateContext Provider gt export const useStateValue gt useContext stateContext Then I used The StateProvider in index js allowing context to be used in App component Index jsimport React from react import ReactDOM from react dom import index css import App from App import reportWebVitals from reportWebVitals import Reducer initialState from Reducer import StateProvider from StateProvider ReactDOM render lt React StrictMode gt lt StateProvider initialState initialState reducer Reducer gt lt App gt lt StateProvider gt lt React StrictMode gt document getElementById root Now in StateProvider js I created context using createContext method in react And using it in useContext method you can can read the current value of states through the components Then you create StateProvider function where you pass parameters like reducer initialState and children props which will be root App js component because we need to use the state through out all the tree So now in index js I wrapped the component with provider I just created as StateProvider passing it intialstate and reducer from reducer js as created in the code below Then I created reducer js file where I defined intialState and reducer function reducer jsexport const initialState user null function Reducer state action console log action switch action type case SET USER return state user action user default return state export default Reducer Then using useStateValue i e useContext I was able use my state anywhere I want App jsimport React useEffect from react import Login from Login import auth from firebase config import useStateValue from StateProvider function App const user dispatch useStateValue useEffect gt const unsubscribe auth onAuthStateChanged authuser gt if authuser dispatch type SET USER user authuser else dispatch type SET USER user null return gt unsubscribe console log user is user Here the initialState is an object initializing all the variables that you want to use in tree and reducer function will take care of updating the DOM of that state Now in App js using useStateValue variable created in StateProvider js I accessed the current value of user useStateValue i e useContext returns an array where first value is state i e user written as state and second is dispatch method which will dispatch the new value of state and type of action Since it need to be performed only one time when page renders I use dispatch method in useEffect hook Here I set type as “SET USER and value of user as authuser that I got from firebase So now it passes type as action type and user as action User which is updated in “SET USER case of switch in reducer function I updated the user state using rest operator returning previous value and updating only user 2021-05-16 14:37:20
海外TECH DEV Community Step-by-step guide: Pass your cursor position using CSS variables https://dev.to/naseki/step-by-step-guide-pass-your-cursor-position-using-css-variables-c7b Step by step guide Pass your cursor position using CSS variablesMy website has a little illustration that tracks your cursor s position The only JavaScript that happens there is passing the cursor position to CSS variables Everything else is in CSS using D transforms In this tutorial you ll learn how to pass event behaviour to CSS using CSS variables Set up your HTML and CSSWe ll be making a square with a little red dot inside The red dot will be what will be controlled with transforms later on The HTML code is pretty simple lt div class container gt lt div class tracker gt lt div gt lt div gt The CSS will center the square on the window and puts the red dot on the top left of the container I also like setting up the CSS variables in CSS for a default state CSS variables generally default to but you may not always want that to be the case Here s the CSS root x y container tracker position absolute container width px height px top left transform translate border px solid tracker width px height px left top background red border radius px This is how it ends up looking like Make the event listener and pass the variable in JavaScriptNext we make the event listener and pass the event behaviour to CSS variables Let s declare the position x and y first and add the event listener itself const pos x y document addEventListener mousemove e gt saveCursorPosition e clientX e clientY As you can see we ll be making a function saveCursorPosition This is where we ll be passing the CSS variables The two arguments will be the event s clientX and clientY which is the cursor position To make the cursor position responsive we ll divide the values by the innerWidth and innerHeight like so pos x x window innerWidth toFixed pos y y window innerHeight toFixed I use toFixed to round the values After that we can finally pass the positions to the CSS variables To select the root you use document documentElement You may be used to declaring CSS values using the style property like style transform This isn t possible with CSS variables where you ll have to use style setProperty instead due to the unique way CSS variables are formatted You ll end up with this document documentElement style setProperty x pos x document documentElement style setProperty y pos y Put these in your function and you end up with this const pos x y const saveCursorPosition function x y pos x x window innerWidth toFixed pos y y window innerHeight toFixed document documentElement style setProperty x pos x document documentElement style setProperty y pos y document addEventListener mousemove e gt saveCursorPosition e clientX e clientY Add the transform with the CSS variables to your CSSNow that we have everything ready we ll now add the transform property to the red dot This takes a little bit of math but basically we ll multiply the container s width by the CSS variable and add that to the that centers the dot tracker width px height px left top background red border radius px transform translate calc px var x calc px var y Optionally you can add a transition that acts as a stabiliser simply by adding this one line transition transform s It s best to keep the timing lower than s I don t recommend using this on too many elements but it adds a nice effect And that s it The transform will now change according to the CSS variable thus following your cursor The final result can be seen on this JSFiddle including the transition Why you should use CSS variables to pass event behaviourNow you know how to pass event behaviour using CSS variables but perhaps you still have doubts about CSS variables in general ReadabilityReadability in general is pretty subjective But I do believe it s the major reason to make use of CSS variables My general thumb of rule is always all style related features should be left to CSS everything else to JavaScript JS isn t meant for style manipulation I mean look at this const el document querySelector a class const pos x y el style width pos x px el style height pos y px el style left pos x px el style top pos y px el style transform translate pos x pos y px It s just not very elegant you see You could use cssText so you d at least not have this multiline However this still isn t convenient when this isn t the only inline CSS you use Besides readability or maintainability won t be much better even with cssText It s also for the same reason that I prefer not to use libraries like GSAP and anime js Unless the animation is so complex that these libraries would outperform CSS I d rather go for CSS Speaking of performance PerformanceThis is where things get a little more complicated but the tl dr of this would be It generally outperforms JS in terms of scripting Whether you pass the styling with CSS or JS makes no difference in terms of re rendering itself This means that you ll mainly find improved performance in JS itself Usually whenever you want to change the position of an element you d do something like el style transform translateY Say you have divs you d loop through each element to add inline CSS to it With CSS variables you d only need to change the value once on the parent element or the root It should be clear that the latter would have better performance In case you re doubting this I did some benchmark testing using Jsben ch Some information about what I ve done Before each test I ve created these divs set the CSS variable and added inline CSS to all of them with el style transform translateY var percent The first test case adds inline CSS with a regular variable The second test case changes the CSS variable That s a pretty big difference huh It may seem ridiculous to add inline styling to all these elements individually but this is exactly what I see happening on many websites Whereas in CSS variables you d typically already have the CSS set beforehand in your stylesheet All you d need to do is change the CSS variable But hey what if you use inline styling on both cases That s when inline styling using a regular variable wins I don t see anyone ever doing this though When you use CSS variables for a ton of animations and transitions on your page you might wanna start using JS for animation instead This isn t so much a CSS variable problem as it is the performance of CSS animations in general However you can still use CSS variables to pass the CSS while doing the animation logic itself in JS Here s a very short article about using CSS variables with GSAP How about browser support CSS variables are pretty widely used nowadays and for a great reason too All modern browsers support this feature at this point There are just a few things to consider if you need to support legacy browsers as well Internet Explorer doesn t support CSS variables at all If you still need to support IE you could either opt for a polyfill but at that point you re better off just using JS Edge pre Chromium has a few bugs that may hinder you But honestly it s almost become impossible to keep Edge installed so there s very little reason to support it For more information check out Can I Use A new world has just opened Now that you know how to pass these events there s so much more you can do with it If you want to make this work on touch devices you can use the touchmove event for it Try to play around with other events as well You could make a complex parallax using JavaScript only to pass the scroll event values and CSS for everything else Not only do you know how to use it but you also understand why you d use this and how this would improve performance Thanks for reading If you wanna stay up to date with dev subscribe to my newsletter I send a couple of articles and resources once a week and will let you know when I ve written a new article as well Not sure if it s for you Read a sample newsletter here Subscribe hereTwitter Website Newsletter 2021-05-16 14:36:35
海外TECH DEV Community 10 interesting and important JavaScript questions https://dev.to/smismail/10-interesting-and-important-javascript-questions-k2e interesting and important JavaScript questions What is the difference between and Answer The double equal does not check for the type of the value It only checks if the value is the same regardless of their types const first numberconst second stringif first second console log condition true this will be logged else console log condition false Here the condition becomes true because says and are equal though one of them is a number and the other one is a string Their types are ignored by Another example const first numberconst second true boolean if first second console log condition true this will be logged else console log condition false Here with the Boolean true is taken as value and if there was the Boolean false it would have taken a value for false Then the value for Boolean true is compared with the number and states the condition to be true Once again the types are ignored by However the checks for the types as well It would have stated the conditions of both of the examples here to be false and logged the else statement condition false What is Window Answer The JavaScript Window object is the field of JavaScript It is the playground for JavaScript to play JavaScript Window is an Object that contains everything global All global variables functions objects are part of the window Global variables are properties of the Window object and global functions are methods of it If you check in the console document window document it will display true We use console log very often console window console will say true Items in the window object can be accessed directly in the javaScript What is Scope and local and global variables Answer Scope can be said to be the limit or range of variables A function has its scope within that function only and the whole JavaScript project has the Global Scope A variable gets the associated scope where it is defined If it is defined within a function then it has the local scope within that function and becomes a local variable The variable cannot be accessed from outside the function However if a variable is defined outside of any function then it gets the global scope and becomes a global variable A global variable can be accessed from anywhere in the JavaScript project and obviously from within any function What is the this keyword Answer The JavaScript keyword this refers to the context of the current running functionality For example if an object myObj has a property name and a method getName and the key word this is used within the method then this will refer to the context myObj const myObj name Tom Cruise getName function return console log this name myObj getName Tom Cruise will be logged in the console What is JavaScript Event loop Answer The Event loop is a loop of events It has two concepts call stack and event queue JavaScript is a single threaded programming language that can do one task at a time If multiple tasks arrive it simply adds all of them to a queue which is called an event queue The event queue is just any real life queue the event comes first and gets to be done first Once the thread is done with the current event it picks up the next event from the queue and starts performing that event The thread continues this way until the event queue is empty The thread works on each event with a call stack When an event calls a function the thread then stacks that function up on the event and any other function called inside the previous function also gets stacked up Then the thread starts performing from the top of the stack eliminating each function down the line to get to the bottom of the stack and makes the call stack empty How does JavaScript code execute Answer The web browser Google chrome uses an engine V to run the JavaScript on the browser V engine takes the JavaScript source code and reads it It then performs the just in time compilation on the JavaScript code and makes some optimizations Finally V engine provides the result output How does a recursive function work Answer In order to perform a task a recursive function calls itself over and over again with updated inputs until it reaches a stopping point For example let s say we need to find the factorial of or Writing a recursive function findFactorial function findFactorial number if number return number else return number findFactorial number const result findFactorial console log result result is What is DOM Answer DOM stands for Document Object Model To show a HTML file in a web page the browser converts the HTML file into a JavaScript object This JavaScript object is known as DOM The whole HTML file is contained in it What is a callback function Answer A function that is passed as an argument in another function is a call back function function greetFriend name console log “Hello name function doGreeting name handleGreeting handleGreeting name doGreeting “Tom greetFriend “Hello Tom greetFriend is passed in as a call back function to the function doGreeting Here greetFriend is a named function that has a name to call it The call back function can be anonymous as well that is it won t have a name doGreeting “Tom function name console log “Hello name Hello Tom will be logged here too The call back here does not have a name and so it is an anonymous call back function What is an API and what do GET and POST do Answer API stands for Application programming Interface API is what facilitates communication or interaction between applications or usually between client side application and server servers or system etc In simple terms API is the medium that takes the request of the user and delivers it to the server or system then takes the response of the system or server and delivers the response to the user For example all our online activity is facilitated by APIs If you sign up to a website there is an API that takes your request and system stores your credentials to the database and allows you access then API delivers your access to you and you are signed in There are many more such examples The GET request characterizes an API to perform the job of delivering the response of the system to the user upon user request And the POST request characterizes an API to send or store data or user response to the system or server or database 2021-05-16 14:33:31
海外TECH DEV Community Learn the hidden feature in Git - Stash https://dev.to/yuvgeek/learn-the-hidden-feature-in-git-stash-k7b Learn the hidden feature in Git StashHello everyone In this article Let s discuss about the stash feature in Git We are going to cover the following topics What is Stash When to use Stash How to use Stash How to apply Stash How to clear Stash What is Stash The general term of stash means storing something in a hidden place It is similar in the Git terminology as well It means moving the changes away from working directory When to use Stash When you don t want to do a commit of half done work just so you can get back to this point later The answer to this issue is the git stash command How to use Stash Assume we have a git repository which has files index html amp feature jsIn the same master branch a new feature is developed in the feature js file which is not ready yet Suddenly you got a call from your team lead about a blocker issue in feature amp you are requested to fix it immediately Now you have to make changes on feature js without pushing feature js This is where git stash will come to the rescue In this situation First add the unfinished files to the staging area by git add command git add feature jsRun the below command to move the files from working directory to stash with m flag you can add customized stash message git stash push m feature in progress Then run git stash list to see the stash list You will see the stash id along with the message Here stash is the stash id stash On master feature in progressThe feature js will not be available in your git status and as well as in your working directory Now you can work on feature js and push your fix to the remote repository Well Done You have successfully fixed issue in feature js But how to bring back feature js to the work copy That brings to the next section on applying stash How to apply Stash Like how the files were moved from working directory to the stash through git stash push command one has to use git stash apply command to move the changes from stash to working directory To do that follow the below steps To see the list of stashes along with stash id run the git stash list command You will see the stash id along with the stash message we have given earlier git stash liststash On master feature in progressIn this case stash is the stash id Use this in below command to apply the changes git stash apply stash You will see the following output on running the above command On branch master Changes to be committed use git reset HEAD lt file gt to unstage new file feature jsIn the last line of above log you can see feature js is bought back from stash Now you can work on continue working on Feature Lets try run git stash list once more stash On master feature in progressYou will be surprised to see the Stash is still there We have already have feature js file But why is still in Stash We will see how to clear from stash on next section How to clear Stash There are ways to clear the applied stash You can remove the stash by id In our case stash is the stash id This will remove only the specific stash from the stash list git stash drop stash You can completely remove all the stash in the list Warning This will remove all the stashes from the stash list git stash clearThat s it Thanks for reading my article I hope you ve learned something new day 2021-05-16 14:24:20
海外TECH Engadget The Roku Streambar is back on sale for $100 at Amazon https://www.engadget.com/roku-streambar-ultra-streaming-stick-amazon-sale-143740907.html ultra 2021-05-16 14:37:40
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IT IT号外 空気清浄機のクリーニングという新ジャンル https://figreen.org/it/%e7%a9%ba%e6%b0%97%e6%b8%85%e6%b5%84%e6%a9%9f%e3%81%ae%e3%82%af%e3%83%aa%e3%83%bc%e3%83%8b%e3%83%b3%e3%82%b0%e3%81%a8%e3%81%84%e3%81%86%e6%96%b0%e3%82%b8%e3%83%a3%e3%83%b3%e3%83%ab/ 空気清浄機のクリーニングという新ジャンルそろそろ梅雨や夏が近づいてきていると言うことで、本格的な暑さが到来する前にエアコンのクリーニングをしたいなあと考えているかたも多いと思います。 2021-05-16 14:54:33



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