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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
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IT 情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders 北海道庁がPPAP方式から脱却、専用ビューアでメール添付ファイルを閲覧してもらう方式を導入 | IT Leaders https://it.impress.co.jp/articles/-/21495 北海道庁がPPAP方式から脱却、専用ビューアでメール添付ファイルを閲覧してもらう方式を導入ITLeaders北海道庁は、外部にメールを送信する際の添付ファイルの暗号化手法を変更した。 2021-05-17 12:33:00
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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita TkinterでDB入出力アプリ https://qiita.com/Tshino118/items/f6a3560e0935cfb5eaa0 2021-05-17 12:48:18
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js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Lightning Web コンポーネントをJestでテストする https://qiita.com/a-im-mr/items/9a7001e59208edf46b77 今回はこちらのLWCに対して商談のリストを表示する機能に対するテスト商談を登録する機能に対するテストの上記二つのテストを実装してみたいと思います。 2021-05-17 12:24:24
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Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita sliceメソッドでマイナスを使って末尾から切り取る https://qiita.com/tochisuke221/items/626a2efc7b9388ec155a どちらかの文字列がもう一方の文字列の最後にある場合はTrueを、ない場合はFalseを出力するプログラムを作りましょう。 2021-05-17 12:29:13
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ActiveSupport::Concernを簡単に解説! https://qiita.com/ren0826jam/items/5e69db4da6020d0c4442 ビジネスロジックがコントローラ、モデルの両方に存在していると、特定の処理を追いかける際に、色んな場所に探しにいく事になるので、コードの見通しが悪くなります。 2021-05-17 12:19:09
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Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita railsでdeviseのパスワード再設定メールを実装(:recoverable) https://qiita.com/Sateto/items/f764fc5f546cd2f644d4 ltpgtltpgt上記のリンクにアクセスして新しいパスワードを作成するまでは、パスワードは変更されませんltpgtltdivclassformgroupgtlthclassformbottomtextgt入力されたメールアドレスにパスワード再設定メールをltbrgt送信しますlthgtltdivgtltdivclassregisterbtngtltfsubmit会員登録classregisterredbtngtltdivgtltdivgtltendgtメールのリンクから表示されるパスワード再設定画面ビューファイルは少し、編集しています。 2021-05-17 12:58:38
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ActiveSupport::Concernを簡単に解説! https://qiita.com/ren0826jam/items/5e69db4da6020d0c4442 ビジネスロジックがコントローラ、モデルの両方に存在していると、特定の処理を追いかける際に、色んな場所に探しにいく事になるので、コードの見通しが悪くなります。 2021-05-17 12:19:09
技術ブログ Developers.IO 【レポート】遊戯王ニューロンにおける Amazon SageMaker の活用 大規模画像データの MLOps 基盤構築 #CUS-45 #AWSSummit https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/awssummit-2021-cus-45/ amazonsagemaker 2021-05-17 03:20:21
海外TECH DEV Community How to Build a Jamstack Blog with Next.js & Ghost CMS https://dev.to/tanoaksam/how-to-build-a-jamstack-blog-with-next-js-ghost-cms-h6c How to Build a Jamstack Blog with Next js amp Ghost CMS The purpose of this guide is to get you up and running as quickly as possible with a robust Jamstack blog that s ready to grow with you Our final product will be skeletal and austere but fully functional No time for a detailed walkthrough Just wanna skim the source code You can grab the final product we ll be building over on my GitHub Have fun Introducing the Van Gogh StackOK I ll admit it s silly but I needed a catchy name so hear me out Vercel Next js Ghost CMS Heroku VNGH read Van Gogh The Van Gogh Stack is one of my favorite combos for quickly constructing Jamstack sites It uses Ghost as a headless CMS deployed on Heroku which is then plugged into a Next js front end hosted on Vercel It is free to host and deploy but note that Heroku will want credit card info as you will see PrerequisitesThis guide assumes that you ve already been convinced that the Jamstack is the coolest If not check out my article A Clueless Newbie s Guide to Headless CMS amp the Jamstack and its companion piece What Happens When Your Jamstack Blog Grows Up You should be familiar with JavaScript React and how to work with REST APIs Experience with Next js or a similar framework would be helpful but if this is your first Next js project you will come out on the other side with a nice playground for learning and tinkering You don t need prior experience with Ghost but it will make more sense if you ve worked with other content management systems especially headless before You need to know enough about git to push code to GitHub Getting to Know Our Stack Ghost CMSGhost is one of the most popular headless CMS options out there today Version was released in March The most recent version as I m writing this is I like Ghost because it s built with Node jsit s open source and free to use as a developerit has a great UI that s easy to configure and hand off to clientsas a self hosted CMS I don t have to worry about price increases or breaking changes to the API which can happen with CaaS Content as a Service providers who host your content for youit could not be easier to deploy on Heroku one click is all we need By default Ghost ships with server side rendered templates built using the Handlebars templating language If you re in a rush to start publishing and that sounds cool to you then you honestly don t even need to worry about most of this tutorial Just deploy your Ghost blog to Heroku pick a template and you re ready to roll Handlebars is cool in its own right but we want to be able to harness the full power of React via Next js Next jsNext js is quickly becoming the most popular React based framework for production Some of the things that make Next especially cool include hybrid client side and server side renderingintuitive file system based routingthe ability to spin up an API endpoint without a traditional back endand so much more that I continue to learn with each new project Next js was created by Vercel which offers Jamstack oriented hosting solutions Version was released in October the most recent version as I m writing this is Set Up HerokuTo get started set up an account with Heroku As soon as you re in go ahead and click this beautiful button here This deployment button was made possible by Lovekesh Kumar Thank you Lovekesh Kumar The deployment button will direct you to a page that looks like this Choose a name for your app this won t be especially important so don t worry if you can t get the exact name you d like As you scroll down the page you will be presented with many configuration variables The only one you need to fill out is the APP PUBLIC URL as seen here This URL determines the future domain of your CMS Change YOURAPPNAME to whatever you like in Don t be fooled by the word PUBLIC there you will eventually make this URL private Once you ve filled out these two fields scroll to the bottom of the page and click Deploy app It may take a few minutes while Heroku builds the CMS Note if this is your first Heroku app you will be asked to provide credit card information I don t love it either but their free tier is generous enough that you may not ever need to scale up to a paid plan even if you re seeing pretty significant traffic that s part of the magic of the Jamstack And if you ever do need to scale up Ghost s documentation recommends adding a content delivery network CDN into your stack rather than upgrading your CMS hosting which should not be necessary CDN integration is beyond the scope of this guide just know that it is an option Once the build is complete you re pretty much done with the H in VNGH One down three to go Configure GhostNow you can navigate to to get your CMS up and running The first time you visit this page you will be prompted to complete the installation After you ve registered you ll land on your shiny new Ghost CMS admin panel when visiting this same URL It will look something like this As mentioned before Ghost comes pre packaged with Handlebars templates to render your posts on the server But since you are planning to go headless it really doesn t matter what the server side template looks like because you won t actually be serving that up to your visitors Don t worry about the design here The basic installation includes a set of dummy posts that will save us the trouble of making our own to test our connection to Next js once we get there We will return to the Ghost admin panel at the very end to delete all of these in one click Set CMS to PrivateClick on the cog in the bottom left corner of the admin panel to open up Settings Click on General Scroll to the bottom of this page where you will find Advanced Settings Next to Make this site private set the toggle to the on position This will automatically generate a private RSS feed for you Don t worry about this part Click Save settings in the top right corner Note Setting your CMS to private will not have any effect on the visibility of your future front end since we are using Ghost as a headless CMS these settings only apply to the Heroku app where the CMS lives Making the CMS private ensures that Google won t get it mixed up with your canonical front end and start sending people to the back end of your site instead Add Custom Integration for API KeyIn order for Ghost to communicate with your Next js front end coming soon you will need to be able to access its API Back on the admin panel click on Integrations and scroll down to the bottom of the page Click on the Add custom integration button Give the integration any name you want After you submit a name you ll be given three important bits of information but you really only need to worry about two Content API Key you will pass this string to Next js to grab content from your CMSAPI URL you will need this to specify where the content is coming fromStash this information somewhere safe for now And that s all it takes to configure Ghost You re halfway there already Pretty painless so far right Build Next js AppIf you encounter any trouble during this stage in development I would highly recommend referring to the official Next js documentation which is very thorough and well written This will be a broad overview that assumes you re already familiar with the key features of Next js Create a New ProjectFire up your terminal cd to the folder where you want to create a new app and run one of the following commands npx create next app oryarn create next appNote Unless explicitly specified via the flag create next app defaults to Yarn You will be asked to give the project a name before the necessary packages begin downloading After installation is complete you can cd into the new app s folder and run yarn dev or npm run dev to start up the local development environment at http localhost create next app ships with a default landing page that looks like this next welcome png Yeehaw We re making good progress now Open the Next js project folder in your IDE and let s do some coding already To simplify the process of receiving data from Ghost install the official JavaScript Ghost Content API helper by running bashyarn add tryghost content api ornpm install tryghost content apiAccording to Ghost s documentation The library can be used in any JavaScript project client or server side and abstracts away all the pain points of working with API data Click here for more details Accessing Content DataCreate a new folder in the root directory and call it lib Inside lib create a new file called functions js This file will hold the functions needed to pull in content data from Ghost These files and folders can be named whatever you like but it s a good idea to keep this file separate from your pages directory to prevent it from getting mixed in with content as your project grows Paste the following code into functions js lib functions jsimport GhostContentAPI from tryghost content api Create API instance with site credentialsconst api new GhostContentAPI url process env GHOST URL key process env GHOST API KEY version v This snippet imports the GhostContentAPI and creates a new instance of it that gets stored in the const named api This is how your Next app knows to talk to your Ghost CMS to get its content Environment Variablesurl and key refer to your API URL and API Content URL from your Ghost custom integration To bring these into the project securely let s add a new file in the root directory called env local note the leading period in the name This file stores the environment variables that need to stay secret If on the other hand you were to insert these variables directly into the code they would be visible to anyone reading your site s source code This could potentially open up your API to malicious bots that roam the internet looking for exactly this kind of thing to exploit Environment variable support is built in to Next js It should be automatically covered by the default gitignore file but it s worth double checking to make sure you don t accidentally push any env files to GitHub When it s time to deploy the front end you will give these secret keys directly to Vercel so that they never need to be exposed in your code Inside env local add the following snippet be sure to replace the placeholders with your unique keys env localGHOST URL https YOURAPPNAME herokuapp com Replace with your API URLGHOST API KEY rndmstrngfchrz Replace with your Content API KeyAfter you save this file be sure to kill amp restart your dev server running at localhost so these changes will take effect Fetch and Display All Blog PostsNow that the front end is connected to the CMS let s create an async function to fetch all posts from Ghost It will be exported from lib functions js so it can be used anywhere in the app Return to lib functions js and insert this snippet after the const api declaration lib functions js Grab all posts from Ghostexport async function getPosts return await api posts browse limit all catch err gt console error err To recap lib functions js should now look like this lib functions jsimport GhostContentAPI from tryghost content api Create API instance with site credentialsconst api new GhostContentAPI url process env GHOST URL key process env GHOST API KEY version v Grab all posts from Ghostexport async function getPosts return await api posts browse limit all catch err gt console error err The posts browse endpoint accessed by getPosts has many parameters to choose from but this boilerplate setup will be sufficient to get started Next let s give index js a makeover so it will display a list of all blog posts Clear out all of the existing starter markup and replace it with the following pages index jsimport getPosts from lib functions import Link from next link const Index props gt lt ul gt props posts map post gt lt li key post id gt lt Link href posts post slug gt lt a gt post title lt a gt lt Link gt lt li gt lt ul gt export default Index export async function getStaticProps context const posts await getPosts if posts return notFound true return props posts revalidate Let s break down what this code is doing in brief import the getPosts function you just wrote as well as Next s Link componentrender a component that receives post data and maps it to a listgetStaticProps tells Next to generate this page at build timerevalidate allows for incremental static regeneration by enabling Next to regenerate the page second after a request comes in this is one of the breakthroughs of the Next js framework that enables it to efficiently add dynamic content to otherwise static sitesNow when you visit localhost you should see something like this Almost done Next js is now fetching and rendering a list of all blog posts from Ghost BUT the links in the list don t actually lead anywhere yet That s because we still need to call in the individual post data from the API and then tell Next js how to handle it Let s do that now Fetch and Display Each Individual Blog PostReturning to lib functions js add the following function below the getPosts function lib functions js Grab each individual post from Ghostexport async function getSinglePost postSlug return await api posts read slug postSlug catch err gt console error err Recapping once more your lib functions js should now look like this lib functions jsimport GhostContentAPI from tryghost content api Create API instance with site credentialsconst api new GhostContentAPI url process env GHOST URL key process env GHOST API KEY version v Grab all posts from Ghostexport async function getPosts return await api posts browse limit all catch err gt console error err Grab each individual post from Ghostexport async function getSinglePost postSlug return await api posts read slug postSlug catch err gt console error err This getSinglePost function operates similarly to getPosts but accesses the posts read API endpoint Moving over to the pages directory create a new folder named posts Inside of the new posts folder create a new file and name it slug js The brackets in are necessary to tell Next js to treat this as a dynamic route Learn more about dynamic routes here Paste the following code into slug js pages posts slug jsimport getSinglePost getPosts from lib functions const PostPage props gt return lt div gt lt img src props post feature image gt lt h gt props post title lt h gt lt div dangerouslySetInnerHTML html props post html gt lt div gt export default PostPage export async function getStaticPaths const posts await getPosts Get the paths we want to create based on posts const paths posts map post gt params slug post slug fallback false gives us a if post not found return paths fallback false Pass the page slug to getSinglePost function Which then passes it to posts read to query the GhostContentAPIexport async function getStaticProps context const post await getSinglePost context params slug if post return notFound true return props post revalidate This is the final piece of the puzzle to bring full functionality to the blog Import getSinglePost amp getPosts functions from functions jsRender a component that displays a blog post s featured image title and HTML contentCreate the slugs based on post dataTell getSinglePost to go get the post that corresponds to the given slug which then queries the GhostContentAPI for itA note on the name is intended to be a reminder that this can be a dangerous way to operate That said this is the preferred way to render Ghost s content and there s little risk of cross site scripting attacks here At this point all of the necessary code is in place locally for Next js to retrieve blog posts and content from Ghost If we click on any of the list items we should be taken to the corresponding dummy post Hey It s a blog If you get hung up at any point while setting up Next js make sure that your directory names slugs props and routing all line up correctly I ve tried to keep this demo project as skeletal as possible while still setting you up for an organized environment as you build it out from here We re approaching the finish line now and the final step is really more like a victory lap after the marathon of setting up Next js If you haven t yet set up a new git repo for the project and push the code to GitHub now Deploy on VercelNow is the time to sign up for an account with Vercel if you don t have one Once you re in click on the New Project button on the right side of the dashboard Select the repo from your GitHub account On the Select Vercel Scope menu select your account On the Import Project menu expand the Environment Variables dropdown This is where you give Vercel your two secret keys from your env local file If all goes according to plan your site should build and deploy in no time Congratulations indeed You just launched a fully functional blog using the Van Gogh Stack It s not much to look at just yet we won t be playing with CSS here but the sky s the limit Epilogue Kill the GhostWhen you re ready to create your own content and eliminate the dummy posts from Ghost make your way back to the Ghost CMS admin panel on Heroku at Navigate to the Staff section in the bottom left corner of the admin panel Click on Ghost to visit the Author page In the top right corner click the cog to open up the menu and select Delete User Now Ghost s posts are all gone and you have a blank canvas on which to paint your next masterpiece Happy jamming Jamstackers If and when you improve on what I ve built here be sure to git at me on GitHub If you enjoyed this piece and you want to keep up with my work you can sign up for my email newsletter through this link I promise to make every email something you will be excited to open 2021-05-17 03:56:17
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ビジネス ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 パレスチナ衝突で米民主党に亀裂 バイデン氏苦境 - WSJ発 https://diamond.jp/articles/-/271349 衝突 2021-05-17 12:06:00
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] 耳をふさがないオープンイヤースタイルのイヤホンなら、音楽を聴きながら会話が楽しめるぞ https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/05/amazon-sony-earphone.html 鼓膜 2021-05-17 13:00:00
GCP Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ Google Cloud Day: Digital ’21 おすすめセッション 〜インフラストラクチャ、機械学習編〜 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/events/google-cloud-day-digital-21-infra-aiml/ 本セッションでは、AIPlatform、BigQuery、SpeechtoTextといった機能の活用事例とともに、裏側でどのような工夫をしているのかについてご紹介いたします。 2021-05-17 05:00:00
GCP Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ クラウド コンピューティング入門: よくある質問 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/products/gcp/cloud-computing-101-frequently-asked-questions/ 詳細を読むストリーミング分析とはストリーミング分析とは、データレコードをバッチではなく連続的に処理して分析することです。 2021-05-17 05:00:00
北海道 北海道新聞 英、G7に石炭火力全廃を提案 サミット議長国、日本孤立も https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/544614/ 英国政府 2021-05-17 12:03:00
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 人の話を理解できる人とできない人の差【動画】 相手が言っていることをきちんと聞けてますか | リーダーシップ・教養・資格・スキル | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/428800?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 東洋経済 2021-05-17 12:20:00
IT 週刊アスキー CBS、シンプルで使いやすいラップトップスタンド「オリプラ」を日本国内で発売 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/055/4055056/ oripuralaptopstands 2021-05-17 12:40:00
IT 週刊アスキー チーズとキムチが仲間入り! 東京チカラめしのグランドメニューに新たな牛丼・豚丼が登場 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/055/4055058/ 仲間入り 2021-05-17 12:40:00
IT 週刊アスキー ペヤング「獄激辛」がまた来た!今度は「担々やきそば」 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/055/4055078/ 登場 2021-05-17 12:10:00
GCP Cloud Blog JA Google Cloud Day: Digital ’21 おすすめセッション 〜インフラストラクチャ、機械学習編〜 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/topics/events/google-cloud-day-digital-21-infra-aiml/ 本セッションでは、AIPlatform、BigQuery、SpeechtoTextといった機能の活用事例とともに、裏側でどのような工夫をしているのかについてご紹介いたします。 2021-05-17 05:00:00
GCP Cloud Blog JA クラウド コンピューティング入門: よくある質問 https://cloud.google.com/blog/ja/products/gcp/cloud-computing-101-frequently-asked-questions/ 詳細を読むストリーミング分析とはストリーミング分析とは、データレコードをバッチではなく連続的に処理して分析することです。 2021-05-17 05:00:00



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投稿時間:2021-06-17 05:05:34 RSSフィード2021-06-17 05:00 分まとめ(1274件)