フリーソフト |
新着ソフトレビュー - Vector |
家族全員、何台でもインストール可能。パソコン、スマホ、タブレットを守るセキュリティソフト「マカフィー リブセーフ」 |
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2021-05-19 17:00:00 |
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熱中症リスクを可視化するスマートウォッチみたいなリストバンド「hamon band」発売開始 脈拍と体温の変化を色と振動で通知 |
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2021-05-19 06:44:19 |
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成長するパブリッククラウド市場は寡占状態なのか、そうではないのか |
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[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] お化け屋敷が自宅にやってくる! デリバリーホラーサービス「絶叫救急車」 |
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[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 西武園ゆうえんち、新装開業 昭和の町並み再現 |
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[ITmedia News] 固定回線の代わりに5G ドコモがホームルーター発売 |
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[ITmedia Mobile] ahamo、ドコモオンラインショップで機種変更可能に |
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IT |
DbGate - Webでもローカルでも使えるデータベース管理 |
DbGateの使い方ローカルアプリケーションとWebアプリケーションで動作します。 |
2021-05-19 17:00:00 |
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英国MERIDIAN監修のLG新製品は、Bluetoothスピーカーとワイヤレスイヤホン |
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2021-05-19 06:00:47 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Jupyter Notebookで(y/n)?の対処法 |
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JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
React チュートリアル発展 モジュール化編 |
次はこのモジュール化したコードを用いて、関数コンポーネントに書き換えや追加課題の実装を行いたいと思います。 |
2021-05-19 15:08:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ファイル権限の管理者だけが変更できない |
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2021-05-19 15:45:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PythonでライブラリがVS Code上で使用できない |
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2021-05-19 15:39:48 |
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addEventListenerでclassを取得したい(JavaScript) |
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2021-05-19 15:36:28 |
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2021-05-19 15:23:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
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2021-05-19 15:06:25 |
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Python3.xで巨大なcsvファイルの末尾N行のみを読み込み標準出力する方法 |
2021-05-19 15:00:52 |
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2021-05-19 15:09:41 |
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Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
めぐる式二分探索法をGoで実装する |
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2021-05-19 15:06:38 |
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Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Railsのバッチログにだけ何故かタイムスタンプが出なくて困った話 |
タイムスタンプが出ていなかった時の設定がこちら。 |
2021-05-19 15:09:41 |
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Developers.IO |
【AWS認定試験】入社6ヶ月でSCS + プロフェッショナル2冠を取得した話 |
dopdevops |
2021-05-19 06:40:01 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Ionic tab bar circle middle button |
Ionic tab bar circle middle buttonToday I ll be showing you how to make a circle middle button inside a tab bar It s a way to make a button stand out more from the tab bar and it can be your center of attention inside your app Circle middle tab bar buttonWe won t be making everything from scratch so if you plan to work with me on this article download the Ionic tab bar starter from GitHub From there open up the project in your editor of choice If we then run the application we will get a basic tab bar and we will focus on changing this tab bar Open up the tabs tabs page html file For our example we will make five buttons in our tab bar The middle one will be outstanding Let s start by adding the five buttons and make the middle one an empty one lt ion tabs gt lt ion tab bar slot bottom gt lt ion tab button tab tab gt lt ion icon name triangle gt lt ion icon gt lt ion label gt Tab lt ion label gt lt ion tab button gt lt ion tab button tab tab gt lt ion icon name ellipse gt lt ion icon gt lt ion label gt Tab lt ion label gt lt ion tab button gt lt ion tab button gt lt ion tab button gt lt ion tab button tab tab gt lt ion icon name square gt lt ion icon gt lt ion label gt Tab lt ion label gt lt ion tab button gt lt ion tab button tab tab gt lt ion icon name egg gt lt ion icon gt lt ion label gt Tab lt ion label gt lt ion tab button gt lt ion tab bar gt lt ion tabs gt This will result in the following You might think cool but we are missing that bottom one And you re right so what we ll do is add a FAB button for that It will take place outside of our tabs and look like this lt ion fab vertical bottom horizontal center slot fixed gt lt ion fab button gt lt ion icon name leaf gt lt ion icon gt lt ion fab button gt lt ion fab gt And this will give us the following Cool and simple right You can find today s code on GitHub as well Thank you for reading and let s connect Thank you for reading my blog Feel free to subscribe to my email newsletter and connect on Facebook or Twitter |
2021-05-19 06:32:58 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Redux for Beginners – Learn Redux Basics with Code Examples |
Redux for Beginners Learn Redux Basics with Code ExamplesRedux can be confusing for beginner React developers to understand There are a lot of concepts you need to know to use it properly like reducers actions store pure functions immutability and much more But every React developer should know the basics of how to work with Redux since industry projects often use Redux to manage larger projects So in this article we ll explore the basics of Redux and how to use it Here s a preview of the app which we ll be building in the Mastering Redux course It s a great project you can add to your portfolio and resume Today is the last day to get the course at discounted price Note that in this app I have used INR as the currency for displaying the prices but you can easily change it to USD or AUD or any other currency with a single configuration change in the app What Is Redux Redux is a state management library that helps to better manage state in the application Redux library is not specific to React It s a library that you can use in any other library or framework like Angular Vue and even vanilla JavaScript But Redux is mostly used when working with React Redux provides a single store that we can use to manage a large amount of data How to Get Started with ReduxLet s create a new React project to learn Redux basics Execute the following command in the terminal command prompt to create a new React project using create react app npx create react app redux demonpx in this case allows us to use the create react app npm package to create a new React project without installing it on our local machine Once the project is created delete all the files from the src folder and create a new file index js inside the src folder Now open the terminal again and execute the following command from the redux demo folder npm install redux The above command will install the redux library with version to use in our project which is the latest version at the time of writing this article How to Create the Redux StoreIn Redux the store is used to manage and track the changing data in the application To create a store we need to import the createStore function like this import createStore from redux The createStore function accepts three arguments the first argument is a function that is normally known as a reducer required the second argument is the initial value of the state optional the third argument is an enhancer where we can pass middleware If any optional You will see how to create your own middleware as well as use the already available middleware libraries in the course Take a look at the below code import createStore from redux const reducer state action gt console log reducer called return state const store createStore reducer Here we ve first defined a reducer function using ES arrow function syntax You can use the normal function instead of the arrow function If you want Inside the reducer function we re logging some text to the console and then returning the value of the state from the function Then we pass that reducer function to the createStore function as the first argument and as the initial value of the state as the second argument The createStore function returns a store that we can use to manage the application data The reducer function receives state and action as the parameters The initial value of the state which we passed as for the createStore function is automatically passed as the value of the state parameter But it s a much more common practice to initialize the state inside the reducer itself rather than passing it as a second argument to the createStore function like this import createStore from redux const reducer state action gt console log reducer called return state const store createStore reducer Here we re using ES default parameter syntax for initializing the state parameter to value Once the store is created we can use the subscribe method provided by the store to subscribe to the changes in the store as shown below store subscribe gt console log current state store getState Here using the subscribe function we re registering a callback function that will be called once the store is changed And inside the callback function we re calling the store getState method to get the current value of the state Now open the src index js file and add the following contents inside it import createStore from redux const reducer state action gt console log reducer called return state const store createStore reducer store subscribe gt console log current state store getState Now If you run the application by executing the npm start command from the terminal and access http localhost you will see the reducer called message printed in the console This is because the reducer gets called immediately once we pass it to the createStore function How to Change the StoreNow we re done with creating the store But the store is not much of use right now Because the store is connected using the reducer function but we have not added any code inside the reducer to manage the store So let s do that The only way to change the store is by dispatching actions An action is an object sent to the store like this store dispatch type INCREMENT Here we re calling the dispatch function available on the store to send an action with the type INCREMENT to the store The dispatch function takes an object as a parameter which is known as action The action must have a type property as shown above If you don t pass the type property then you will get an error It s a common practice and recommended to specify the type value in uppercase The type can be any operation you want to perform like ADD USER DELETE RECORD GET USERS and so on If you ve multiple words you can separate them with underscores like this type INCREMENT NUMBER Now open the index js file and replace its contents with the following code import createStore from redux const reducer state action gt if action type INCREMENT return state else if action type DECREMENT return state return state const store createStore reducer store subscribe gt console log current state store getState store dispatch type INCREMENT store dispatch type INCREMENT store dispatch type DECREMENT Now If you run the application by executing the npm start command from the terminal you will see the following logs printed in the console As you can see for every action dispatched to the store the store gets changed and so we re able to see the different values of the state in the console In the above code our reducer function looks like this const reducer state action gt if action type INCREMENT return state else if action type DECREMENT return state return state Whenever we call the store dispatch function the reducer function will be called and whatever returned from the reducer will become the new value of the store So when the first time we dispatch an action to the store like this store dispatch type INCREMENT the first If condition inside the reducer function will be executed that will increment the state value to which was initially initialized to using ES default parameter syntax and it will be returned from the reducer function Note that we re using the value of the state to calculate the new value and we re not modifying the original state value like this if action type INCREMENT state state return state So the above code is wrong because in reducer we should not modify the original state Doing so will create issues in your application and is not recommended You will learn why we don t directly change the state and various ways of creating copies of array and object in detail in the course And because we ve added store subscribe function in the index js file we re getting notified about the changing store as we can see the logs in the console So when we again call the dispatch with type INCREMENT the first If condition will be executed again so will be added to the previous state value which was and the final state value will become Then we re dispatching the DECREMENT action to the store like this store dispatch type DECREMENT which will execute the else condition inside the reducer and it will decrement the state value by so will become Note that inside the reducer we re also returning state at the end so If none of the condition matches the default previous state will be returned from the function It s a common practice to use a switch statement inside the reducer instead of the if else condition like this const reducer state action gt switch action type case INCREMENT return state case DECREMENT return state default return state In addition to the type we can also pass extra information as a part of the action Replace the contents of the index js file with the following code import createStore from redux const reducer state action gt switch action type case INCREMENT return state action payload case DECREMENT return state action payload default return state const store createStore reducer store subscribe gt console log current state store getState store dispatch type INCREMENT payload store dispatch type INCREMENT payload store dispatch type DECREMENT payload Now If you run the application by executing the npm start command from the terminal you will see the following logs printed in the console Here while dispatching an action to the store we re passing a payload with some value which we re using inside the reducer to increment or decrement the store value Here we ve used payload as a property name but you can name it whatever you want Our reducer function looks like this now const reducer state action gt switch action type case INCREMENT return state action payload case DECREMENT return state action payload default return state So when we dispatch actions with type INCREMENT like this store dispatch type INCREMENT payload store dispatch type INCREMENT payload the following code from the reducer will be executedreturn state action payload which will first add and then to the previous value of the state so we go from to and because of the DECREMENT action typestore dispatch type DECREMENT payload we go from to so the final value of the store will become Here s a Code Sandbox Demo Thanks for reading This was a quick introduction to Redux from my Mastering Redux course In the Mastering Redux course you will learn Basic and advanced ReduxHow to manage the complex state of array and objectsHow to use multiple reducers to manage complex redux stateHow to debug Redux applicationHow to use Redux in React using react redux library to make your app reactive How to use redux thunk library to handle async API calls and much moreand then finally we ll build a complete food ordering app from scratch with stripe integration for accepting payments and deploy it to the production Today is the last day to get the Mastering Redux course at discounted price So click the below image to get the course at just instead of the original price of You will also get a free copy of my popular Mastering Modern JavaScript book If you purchase the course till th May Want to stay up to date with regular content regarding JavaScript React Node js Follow me on LinkedIn |
2021-05-19 06:12:27 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Weekly web development resources #74 |
Weekly web development resources mmm pageA simple tool to create unique personal websites with drag amp drop PINTRCreate single line SVG illustrations from your pictures syncthingAn open source continuous file synchronization CodewellA website to improve your HTML and CSS skills by practicing on real design templates Modern JavascriptAn article with everything you might have missed over the last years Undoing Mistakes With GitA cool guide to repair mistakes by using Git MantineAn open source react components and hooks library HTML Tags you may not knowAn article with some lesser known HTML Tags Open colorAn open source color scheme for UI like font background border etc CSS loadersA cool article with a lot of pure CSS loaders DOM EventsA website to learn about the DOM Event system through exploration To see all the weeklies check wweb dev weekly |
2021-05-19 06:09:43 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
The big STL Algorithms tutorial: binary_search et al. |
The big STL Algorithms tutorial binary search et al In this next part of the big STL algorithm tutorial we cover the binary search operations I use plural because there isn t simply std binary search available for us but other algorithms as well binary seachequal rangelower boundupper bound binary seachstd binary seach helps us guess what to search for an element in a container As the first two parameters you have to pass two iterators defining the input range Give that we haven t discussed algorithms for a while here are a few reminders the two iterators must point to the same container otherwise the behaviour is undefinedthe compiler has no way to validate this requirement it s up to the callerBinary search operations have an additional requirement for their input ranges they must be sorted otherwise the behaviour is undefined The first time when I learned about this I felt a bit perplexed Isn t that a bit too much Shouldn t the algorithm take care of this Maybe just sort it when needed If you think about it a little bit longer it makes perfect sense One of the main principles of C and C is that you should only pay for what you use The name binary seach is pretty straightforward It will search for elements with a given mathematical algorithm Why should it sort anything Sorting doesn t come for free If you need to sort your container use std sort or something similar if you need to check first if the input range is sorted use is sorted or is sorted until If binary seach would do anything else it would be a problem for those who use it as it is supposed to be used Given that checking this semantic requirement has a cost it s preferable to simply declare that the outcome is undefined if we pass in unsorted elements That s enough about the input range As a third parameter we have to pass in the value that we are searching for and there is an optional th element that is the comparator As we got used to it it can be a lambda a function pointer or a function object a functor It s a binary function it accepts two elements and returns a value that is convertible to a bool In any case binary search will return a boolean true in case an element is found in the input range false otherwise include lt iostream gt include lt algorithm gt include lt vector gt int main std vector numbers std cout lt lt std boolalpha std cout lt lt Looking for in the unsorted container n std cout lt lt std binary search numbers begin numbers end lt lt n std sort numbers begin numbers end std cout lt lt Looking for once the container is sorted n std cout lt lt std binary search numbers begin numbers end lt lt n auto is equal int lhs int rhs return lhs rhs std cout lt lt Looking for once the container is sorted with custom comparator n std cout lt lt std binary search numbers begin numbers end is equal lt lt n But what if you need the element that you were looking for We learnt about the different find algorithms earlier that you can use to return find one element but if you look for a range of elements you have other options than nesting std find into a loop equal rangeequal range returns a pair of iterators giving a handle to all the matching items The first iterator points to the first element that is not less than the searched for value and the second element points to the first element that is greater than that value We are going to check what are the different scenarios but first we have to briefly talk about the inputs The input parameters are the very same as for binary seach at the first two positions we define the input rangethen the value we are looking forand finally the optional comparatorOnce again the input range should be fully sorted So let s get back to the different scenarios Value not found and it s bigger than any elementsWhen the value cannot be found and it is bigger than any elements both first and last point right after the container include lt iostream gt include lt algorithm gt include lt vector gt int main std vector numbers std cout lt lt Size of numbers lt lt numbers size lt lt n const auto first last std equal range numbers begin numbers end std cout lt lt First distance from numbers begin lt lt std distance numbers begin first lt lt std endl std cout lt lt Value of first lt lt first lt lt std endl std cout lt lt First distance from numbers last lt lt std distance numbers begin last lt lt std endl std cout lt lt Value of last lt lt last lt lt std endl Size of numbers First distance from numbers begin Value of first First distance from numbers last Value of last Value not found and it s smaller than any elementsWhen the value cannot be found and it is smaller than any elements both first and last point at the first element include lt iostream gt include lt algorithm gt include lt vector gt int main std vector numbers std cout lt lt Size of numbers lt lt numbers size lt lt n const auto first last std equal range numbers begin numbers end std cout lt lt First distance from numbers begin lt lt std distance numbers begin first lt lt std endl std cout lt lt Value of first lt lt first lt lt std endl std cout lt lt First distance from numbers last lt lt std distance numbers begin last lt lt std endl std cout lt lt Value of last lt lt last lt lt std endl Size of numbers First distance from numbers begin Value of first First distance from numbers last Value of last Value not found there are smaller and bigger items in the containerWhen the value cannot be found but there are smaller and bigger elements as well in the container both first and last point at the first element greater than the searched value It makes sense as that s the first element that is not less than the looked for value and also the first that is greater than it include lt iostream gt include lt algorithm gt include lt vector gt int main std vector numbers std cout lt lt Size of numbers lt lt numbers size lt lt n const auto first last std equal range numbers begin numbers end std cout lt lt First distance from numbers begin lt lt std distance numbers begin first lt lt std endl std cout lt lt Value of first lt lt first lt lt std endl std cout lt lt First distance from numbers last lt lt std distance numbers begin last lt lt std endl std cout lt lt Value of last lt lt last lt lt std endl Size of numbers First distance from numbers begin Value of first First distance from numbers last Value of last Value foundThis is the nominal case and it behaves as it s expected first is the last one smaller than the looked for value and last is the first one that is greater include lt iostream gt include lt algorithm gt include lt vector gt int main std vector numbers std cout lt lt Size of numbers lt lt numbers size lt lt n const auto first last std equal range numbers begin numbers end std cout lt lt First distance from numbers begin lt lt std distance numbers begin first lt lt std endl std cout lt lt Value of first lt lt first lt lt std endl std cout lt lt First distance from numbers last lt lt std distance numbers begin last lt lt std endl std cout lt lt Value of last lt lt last lt lt std endl Size of numbers First distance from numbers begin Value of first First distance from numbers last Value of last Having seen all these examples we can observe that in case equal range couldn t find the value it looked for then both iterators will point at the same place otherwise not This means that we don t need binary search to validate first the existence of the element when we look for the range we can simply check if the two iterators are pointing to the same place or not lower bound and upper boundWhile equal range returns a pair of iterators lower bound and upper bound returns only one lower bound returns an iterator pointing to the first item not less than the searched valueupper bound returns an iterator pointing to the first element greater than the searched valueThe parameters these functions take are really the same as we saw before at the first two positions we define the input rangethen the value we are looking forand finally the optional comparatorNow let s see a couple of examples include lt iostream gt include lt algorithm gt include lt vector gt int main std vector numbers std for each numbers begin numbers end int num std cout lt lt num lt lt std cout lt lt n std cout lt lt Size of numbers lt lt numbers size lt lt n std cout lt lt n std cout lt lt n const auto value std cout lt lt Looking for lt lt value lt lt that is inside the container n auto lower std lower bound numbers begin numbers end value auto upper std upper bound numbers begin numbers end value std cout lt lt lower s distance from numbers begin lt lt std distance numbers begin lower lt lt std endl std cout lt lt Value of lower lt lt lower lt lt std endl std cout lt lt upper s distance from numbers begin lt lt std distance numbers begin upper lt lt std endl std cout lt lt Value of upper lt lt upper lt lt std endl std cout lt lt n const auto value std cout lt lt Looking for lt lt value lt lt that is smaller than the smallest item of the container n const auto lower std lower bound numbers begin numbers end value const auto upper std upper bound numbers begin numbers end value std cout lt lt lower s distance from numbers begin lt lt std distance numbers begin lower lt lt std endl std cout lt lt Value of lower lt lt lower lt lt std endl std cout lt lt upper s distance from numbers begin lt lt std distance numbers begin upper lt lt std endl std cout lt lt Value of upper lt lt upper lt lt std endl std cout lt lt n const auto value std cout lt lt Looking for lt lt value lt lt that is larger than the largest item of the container n const auto lower std lower bound numbers begin numbers end value const auto upper std upper bound numbers begin numbers end value std cout lt lt lower s distance from numbers begin lt lt std distance numbers begin lower lt lt std endl std cout lt lt Value of lower lt lt lower lt lt std endl std cout lt lt upper s distance from numbers begin lt lt std distance numbers begin upper lt lt std endl std cout lt lt Value of upper lt lt upper lt lt std endl std cout lt lt n const auto value std cout lt lt Looking for lt lt value lt lt that is not in the container that contains both smaller and larger values than lt lt value lt lt n const auto lower std lower bound numbers begin numbers end value const auto upper std upper bound numbers begin numbers end value std cout lt lt lower s distance from numbers begin lt lt std distance numbers begin lower lt lt std endl std cout lt lt Value of lower lt lt lower lt lt std endl std cout lt lt upper s distance from numbers begin lt lt std distance numbers begin upper lt lt std endl std cout lt lt Value of upper lt lt upper lt lt std endl Size of numbers Looking for that is inside the containerlower s distance from numbers begin Value of lower upper s distance from numbers begin Value of upper Looking for that is smaller than the smallest item of the containerlower s distance from numbers begin Value of lower upper s distance from numbers begin Value of upper Looking for that is larger than the largest item of the containerlower s distance from numbers begin Value of lower upper s distance from numbers begin Value of upper Looking for that is not in the container that contains both smaller and larger values than lower s distance from numbers begin Value of lower upper s distance from numbers begin Value of upper I don t share any comments on the results essentially they are the same as for equal range you can find a deeper explanation at that section ConclusionThis time we learned about binary search algorithms We saw how to check if an item can be found in the container and also how to get its or even their position in case there are multiple items with the same value Next time we ll discover merging algorithms Connect deeperIf you found interesting this article please subscribe to my personal blog and let s connect on Twitter |
2021-05-19 06:01:33 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Here Is Who’s Behind the Global Surge in Single-Use Plastic |
Here Is Who s Behind the Global Surge in Single Use PlasticA new report shows that a surprisingly small number of big companies and banks are behind the manufacturing and financing of much of the world s single use plastic |
2021-05-19 06:41:57 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
コロナ補助対象、6月13日までの割り当て病床に-申請期限も同日に延長、厚労省 |
割り当て |
2021-05-19 15:04:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[OSE]特別清算数値(2021年5月限):台湾加権指数 |
台湾加権指数 |
2021-05-19 15:50:00 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]新規上場の承認(マザーズ):(株)ペルセウスプロテオミクス |
新規上場 |
2021-05-19 15:30:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
韓国の生命保険市場の現状-2019年と2020年のデータを中心に- |
世帯主が代以上世帯の加入率は、年のから年にはに大きく減少した。 |
2021-05-19 15:28:29 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Okinawa to ask government to be added to state of emergency areas |
health |
2021-05-19 15:41:01 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Unstoppable Shohei Ohtani homers in third straight game for Angels |
Unstoppable Shohei Ohtani homers in third straight game for AngelsShohei Ohtani homered for the third straight game to bring his season home run total to but the Los Angeles Angels were unable to |
2021-05-19 15:27:12 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Manchester United manager defends players’ Palestinian flag display |
Manchester United manager defends players Palestinian flag displayOle Gunnar Solskjaer said players had a right to their own views after Paul Pogba and Amad Diallo held up the flag in Old Trafford |
2021-05-19 15:05:43 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
New York prosecutor says Trump inquiry now 'criminal' |
prosecutor |
2021-05-19 06:13:09 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Government criticised over pre-pandemic planning |
pandemic |
2021-05-19 06:10:31 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
UK inflation rate more than doubles in April |
march |
2021-05-19 06:52:45 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: Government's pandemic plans criticised and double-booking holidays |
coronavirus |
2021-05-19 06:46:44 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
JRタワー土日休業 5月中 緊急事態宣言で |
札幌駅総合開発 |
2021-05-19 15:07:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
「ながまれ海峡号」6月末まで運休 緊急事態宣言受け いさ鉄 |
日本旅行 |
2021-05-19 15:11:40 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
資産家元妻、殺人罪で起訴 和歌山地検、ドン・ファン事件 |
野崎幸助 |
2021-05-19 15:06:48 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
元保険外交員を書類送検 詐欺疑い、第一生命が告発 |
書類送検 |
2021-05-19 15:04:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ケモノオープンワールドRPG『バイオミュータント』の解説トレーラーが新たに公開! |
発売予定 |
2021-05-19 15:45:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
カレー×アイスの新感覚だ! ヒルトン東京 マーブルラウンジの「華麗なるカレー・マジック」が気になる |
華麗 |
2021-05-19 15:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
アイ・オー・データのゲーミングディスプレー「GigaCrysta」に4K対応27型&29型WFHDウルトラワイドが登場 |
gigacrysta |
2021-05-19 15:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
PC『ブレイドアンドソウル』アップデートロードマップ「胎動録」にて「双剣術士」など追加情報を公開! |
追加 |
2021-05-19 15:05:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
「DROAS」のブランドアンバサダーに莉子が就任 新WebCM公開 |
魔法 |
2021-05-19 07:00:28 |