ロボスタ |
Visaのタッチ決済ができるスマートリング「EVERING」(エブリング)日本上陸 1日で3,000個が完売 展示ストアを蔦屋書店などに開設 |
evering |
2021-05-20 06:44:43 |
ロボスタ |
ZMPの自動運転小型EVバス「RoboCar Mini EV Bus」は2台で1億円 スマートシティ向け複数台導入パッケージ提供開始 |
robocarminievbus |
2021-05-20 06:04:08 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] エイサー、144Hz駆動対応の28型4Kゲーミング液晶ディスプレイ |
itmediapcuser |
2021-05-20 15:16:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 携帯市場がサブスクリプションサービス「みんなのスマホ」でキャンペーン 100円で中古端末を30日間レンタル可能(初期手数料別途) |
ITmediaMobile携帯市場がサブスクリプションサービス「みんなのスマホ」でキャンペーン円で中古端末を日間レンタル可能初期手数料別途携帯市場が、中古スマホタブレットのサブスクリプションレンタルサービスで円レンタルキャンペーンを開催する。 |
2021-05-20 15:15:00 |
IT |
sql.js-httpvfs - 静的サイトでSQLite3を使う |
sqljshttpvfs静的サイトでSQLiteを使うWebアプリケーションにおいてデータベースは重要です。 |
2021-05-20 17:00:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
掲載部屋数100,000室を突破! 家具家電付きマンスリー賃貸サービス「NOW ROOM」 |
nowroom |
2021-05-20 06:30:24 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
機械学習の予測モデルをワンクリックで作成できる「Prediction One」にクラウド版 | IT Leaders |
機械学習の予測モデルをワンクリックで作成できる「PredictionOne」にクラウド版ITLeadersソニーネットワークコミュニケーションズは年月日、マシンラーニング機械学習を用いた予測分析ソフトウェア「PredictionOne」のSaaS版「クラウドプラン」を発表した。 |
2021-05-20 15:51:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
AWS App Mesh から Amazon CloudWatch への Envoy メトリクスの送信 |
この記事ではEnvoyからメトリクスを収集し、CloudWatchに送信するメカニズムを示します。 |
2021-05-20 06:03:11 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Lambda |
Lambdaの特徴・実行基盤は全てAWSが管理・AWSサービスと連携させることで簡単にイベントドリブンなアプリケーションを実行可能・Nodejsjavaで書かれたコードを実行可能・ミリ秒単位でコード実行時間に対しての課金でありコスト効率が非常に高い・オートスケールLambdaがサポートしている言語・Nodejs・Ruby・PowerShell・Python・C・Java・GoLambda関数Lambdaを利用するには、Lambda関数という単位で、実行プログラムとその実行トリガーとなるイベントを事前に定義します。 |
2021-05-20 15:00:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
多次元配列、値の操作。一回のループでなぜか複数行の値が変化 |
endroomlistprintansoutput |
2021-05-20 15:53:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
GAS 指定文字があった場合のクリア |
GAS指定文字があった場合のクリア①指定の行がquot完了quotとなればquot完了quotとなっている列全体を別シートに貼り付け②元シートの指定の行がquot完了quotとなっている列のセル例行目、行目、行目をクリアするにはどうすればよいでしょうか。 |
2021-05-20 15:52:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
django migrate エラー |
djangomigrateエラーmigrateを行ったときにModuleNotFoundErrornbspNonbspmodulenbspnamednbspaposaccountsaposとエラーが出ました。 |
2021-05-20 15:50:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
エラーコードの消し方 |
エラーコードの消し方前提・実現したいことcount関数みたいなものを作りたいです。 |
2021-05-20 15:39:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Android BroadcastReceiverのonReceiveが呼び出されません |
通信はServiceとSecondActivityで行いServiceから何らかのメッセージを受信したらSecondActivityでfinishを行いたいです。 |
2021-05-20 15:36:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JISの文字コード変換 |
JISの文字コード変換JISの文字コードで格納されたデータをQtで表示できるように文字コードの変換を試しているのですが、上手くいきません。 |
2021-05-20 15:36:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
データを一行づつDaraFrameに格納、そしてEXCELに書き込む、もしくは一行ずつEXCELに書き込むーPART2 |
データを一行づつDaraFrameに格納、そしてEXCELに書き込む、もしくは一行ずつEXCELに書き込むーPART試行錯誤していますので、ごちゃごちゃになっていると思いますが、データをEXCELの行に入れていき、最後にDataFrameを書き込むと上書きされるので、後に書き込んだ方が優先されます。 |
2021-05-20 15:35:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
格闘ゲームの技表に検索機能をつけたい! |
格闘ゲームの技表に検索機能をつけたい前提現状は名前だけでの検索機能の実装を試みています。 |
2021-05-20 15:35:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Afterefffectsで制作したアニメーションバナーをHTML5に書き出す方法 |
Afterefffectsで制作したアニメーションバナーをHTMLに書き出す方法不明点Aftereffectsで制作したアニメーションバナーをHTMLのバナーとして書き出す方法で苦戦しています。 |
2021-05-20 15:34:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |とcleaned_data.get()の使い分け |
formsavecommitFalseとcleaneddatagetの使い分け題名の通りformsavecommitFalseとcleaneddatagetの使い分けがわかりません。 |
2021-05-20 15:34:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Vue.use 環境変数が読み込まれない |
2021-05-20 15:32:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Realmで保存したデータを検索する関数filter()に渡す式に使う比較演算子 |
Realmで保存したデータを検索する関数filterに渡す式に使う比較演算子ItemというモデルクラスがRealmに格納されています。 |
2021-05-20 15:29:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Pandas matplotlib:新しい列を作成し、列の値に応じて、マイレージの棒グラフ(bar)を作成します。 |
Pandasmatplotlib新しい列を作成し、列の値に応じて、マイレージの棒グラフbarを作成します。 |
2021-05-20 15:16:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
EXCEL VBAでデータをAutoFilterとSortでフィルターとソートをしたいが、AutoFilterメソッドが失敗しましたとなる。エラーを解決したい。 |
日前に仕事で急にVBAを使ってデータの処理をしなければならなくなり、Webでいろいろ調べてデータをフィルターし、ソートをするマクロを作ったのですが、エラーが解決できなくて困っています。 |
2021-05-20 15:03:37 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS Lambda |
Lambdaの特徴・実行基盤は全てAWSが管理・AWSサービスと連携させることで簡単にイベントドリブンなアプリケーションを実行可能・Nodejsjavaで書かれたコードを実行可能・ミリ秒単位でコード実行時間に対しての課金でありコスト効率が非常に高い・オートスケールLambdaがサポートしている言語・Nodejs・Ruby・PowerShell・Python・C・Java・GoLambda関数Lambdaを利用するには、Lambda関数という単位で、実行プログラムとその実行トリガーとなるイベントを事前に定義します。 |
2021-05-20 15:00:58 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
DockerをWindows10 Homeで動かしてみた |
これで起動できなかった場合、コントロールパネル→プログラムのアンインストール→左側のWindowsの機能有効化または無効化で下の項目にチェックがいっているか確認。 |
2021-05-20 15:46:51 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
goでwebサーバーを起動する |
アンダースコア変数を使用してスライスの中身を取り出す。 |
2021-05-20 15:23:36 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[勉強メモ]マイクロサービスを理解 Vol2 |
ドメイン分析でのそれぞれのドメインの数と下記とでドメイン数が違うLoyaltyやUserRatingがないのは、グループ化されたからということでいいのかな。 |
2021-05-20 15:44:30 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Git リモートリポジトリを指定してfetchを行う |
fetch |
2021-05-20 15:16:08 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Cloud One Conformityをセットアップしてみた |
cloudoneconf |
2021-05-20 06:56:04 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Create a user in AWS IAM |
Create a user in AWS IAMFirst we studied the basics of IAM now we do some hands on exercises If you follow along most of the things we do while learning AWS will be completed in the AWS free tier So you don t need to worry but remember always follow the clean up paragraph at the end of each hands on article IAM UsersLets first create an admin user so that we don t have to use our root user which can lead to a devastation To create an admin user follow the steps below I ve also provided images to follow along Login as you root user in your aws account On this window select root user and login using your root id and passwordIf you land on an IAM user window somehow select the option belowSearch for IAM in the top search bar and select the option highlighted belowSelect users from the sidebar and select add user from the top of the opened windowSet user details as required Username This is a unique username all across awsAccess type Programmatic access using this you get access using Keys which you use while connecting with API CLI SDK used mostly be software developers We will learn about this later in more detail Console Access This provides access to the AWS management console using a password like the way we login into it Console Password Form there you can use an auto generated AWS password or a custom password based on needsRequire password reset This is set if you want your user to reset his password on first login Click on next after thisNow we set the permissions for this user This has optionsAdd user to group Here we can add a user to a group Which we have not learnt so don t worry about thisCopy permissions from existing user We don t have any existing user so we can t do anythingAttach existing policies directly AWS has a lot of existing policies form which we can select check these policies and use it according to your needs For this exercise we are creating a shadow root user as learnt in previous article You can use filter and filter the admin policy named AdministratorAccess Select this and move onto the next step Now we set the tags imagine you are a big corporation and you want to manage your users To data AWS provides us with tags which we can join to a user to identify it Like Job Postion Developer Here you can add as many tags as you need to identify it We review and check if everything is set properly If not you can go back and change that Now click on create user New User is created with admin access You can see it from the users tab in IAM This is it for today next we will create user groups |
2021-05-20 06:29:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Software Engineering |
Software Engineering Software EngineeringIt is a systematic disciplined cost effective technique for software development It is an Engineering approach to develop software Software Engineering Process Software Development Lifecycle Requirements amp Specification SRS Architecture Software Design Process Implementation Development Testing Software Development LifecycleIt is a process used by the software engineering industry to design develop and test high quality software SDLC tends to produce high quality software that meets customer expectations SDLC ModelsThere are processes methodologies and frameworks range from specific prescriptive steps that can be used by the organization there are many SDLC models that have been developed to achieve the different required objective the model specifies various stages of the process and the order in which they are carried out Waterfall ModelV ModelIncremental ModelIterative ModelSpiral ModelRAD ModelPrototype ModelAgile Model Waterfall ModelIt is a breakdown of project activities into linear sequential phases where each face depends on the deliverables of the previous one Incremental ModelThe incremental build model is a method of software development where the model is designed implemented and tested incrementally a little more is added each time until the product is finished the product defined finished when it satisfies all requirementsEach iteration passes through the requirement design coding and testing phase and each subsequent release of the system adds function to the previous release until all designed functionality has been implemented Iterative ModelThe iterative model is a particular implementation of a software development life cycle SDLC that focuses on an initial simplified implementation which then progressively gains more complexity and a broader feature set until the final system is complete When discussing the iterative method the concept of incremental development will also often be used liberally and interchangeably which describes the incremental alterations made during the design and implementation of each new iteration Unlike the more traditional waterfall model which focuses on a stringent step by step process of development stages the iterative model is best thought of as a cyclical process After an initial planning phase a small handful of stages are repeated over and over with each completion of the cycle incrementally improving and iterating on the software Enhancements can quickly be recognized and implemented throughout each iteration allowing the next iteration to be at least marginally better than the last Spiral ModelThe spiral model combines the idea of iterative development with the systematic controlled aspects of the waterfall model This Spiral model is a combination of the iterative development process model and sequential linear development model i e the waterfall model with a very high emphasis on risk analysis It allows incremental releases of the product or incremental refinement through each iteration around the spiral Agile ModelThe meaning of Agile is swift or versatile Agile process model refers to a software development approach based on iterative development Agile methods break tasks into smaller iterations or parts that do not directly involve long term planning The project scope and requirements are laid down at the beginning of the development process Plans regarding the number of iterations the duration and the scope of each iteration are clearly defined in advance Each iteration is considered as a short time frame in the Agile process model which typically lasts from one to four weeks The division of the entire project into smaller parts helps to minimize the project risk and to reduce the overall project delivery time requirements Each iteration involves a team working through a full software development life cycle including planning requirements analysis design coding and testing before a working product is demonstrated to the client Agile is a methodology It s a way of thinking It is NOT a model in and of itself Agile was invented because the scope of software development was changing Waterfall methods aren t bad they re just slow and not built for a lot of modern problems This is largely due to the complexity of modern systems which make them hard to plan This means at some point a change will be required and production will stop until all the documents are updated With agile however we can move a little bit quicker We are constantly looking for and adjusting to change Agile ManifestoThe agile manifesto is a set of guiding principles for agile development They are Individuals and interactions over process and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan With this set of rules all agile models are created Note in here we aren t throwing out processes and tools and we aren t going without a plan We are simply just creating priorities within the development process We want to make the piece of software that is needed To do this we need to keep communication channels open and collaborate with all involved Through this manifesto models were created that fit these rules Agile ModelsScrum Scrum is focused on sprints Sprints are these week production cycles We take the software come up with a goal of where we want it to be and then build it to there Once we finish a sprint we then go back to the stakeholders show them the software take suggestions and move on to the next sprint All of this allows us to stay flexible We are communicating with the stakeholders almost every weeks with this model This means we are constantly able to take those suggestions and change the direction of development For more deeper understanding Scrum Cheat Sheet Ankush Singh Gandhi・Feb ・ min read Kanban The kanban system is one of optimization With kanban we are trying to analyze the flow of production and figure out the slowdowns To do this we usually use some sort of visual flowchart We break the project up into tasks and fill up the chart We are then able to see if any part of production has a slowdown Maybe for example our review process is slowing us down or maybe it s planning With kanban we are trying to make small adjustments into the right direction We want to work with the existing process not replace it Lean Startup Lean startup is a way of testing out the market before spending on development Here we create a MVP Minimum Viable Product to see if there is interest in the product we are developing Production costs a lot of money It would be really bad if we spent on a project just to figure out that nobody is actually interested in that product An example of this would be to build a website that sells a certain product Get it working to the point where people can place that item into a cart Then when they go to purchase have it give them a friendly message stating that this feature will be coming soon We then track how many people are actually interested in buying products off our website If we have a lot of interest then we are good to go ahead with production If we don t have as much interest then maybe we need to rethink our design Waterfall Model Example Requirementscollecting email amp messagestore in dbprevent bad input Designusing HTML amp CSS for buildingJS for input verificationMySQL for backend Developmentactual codingdocumenting Testingdoes form collect inputdoes it send info to dbdoes it prevent bad input Deploymentdeploying on AWS Maintainencefixing bugsadding features Requirements amp Specification RequirementsA way of figuring out the exact specification of what the software should do all things that define the goal of the system A non tech definition of something the user requires from the system Anyone can understand ex ability to submit a request for medical treatment form SpecificationA more technical way of figuring out exactly what the software should do we can say it is the technical aspect of requirements A technical definition of what users require from the system Keep it simple we are not trying to design ex send AES form data from the frontend to the server Example RequirementThe tire must work on SUV automobiles SpecificationMust support lbs pressure Tire must fill US DOT standards T or greater speed quality Types of Requirements On the basis of functionality there are two types of requirements FunctionalWhat are the functions of the program what should the system do Non Functionalwhat goals should be met How should the system work Other than these two there are three more types of requirements Productmust have of the product itselfex the app must be coded in kotlin Organizationalcompany policies standards style etcex data should be encrypted by AES ex project should be developed by SCRUM Externalexternal law regulations trends etcex it must use SSL due to law Xyz in the US Design Architecture Architecture IntroductionArchitecture is the highest level of design within a system It is the link between idea and reality It takes our idea for the system and creates a plan for it We focus on only the largest areas of the system here We want to break it down from idea into concrete areas to build In software bad architecture is something that CAN T be fixed with good programming It is a critical step within the development process Once we decide on an architecture we have to understand that it can t be changed Architecture Overview Bad Architecture Good ArchitectureSoftware architecture is all about breaking up larger systems and ideas into smaller focused systems Our first step is to take the requirements and build an initial architecture We take this broad set of ideas and guidelines and have to organize it into functioning areas Each of these areas are then put through the same process to break them up into smaller and smaller pieces Eventually we will have a blueprint for the entire system designed Good architecture is hard It takes a lot of resources to develop correctly However this upfront cost is almost always recovered from how maintainable the software is This will reduce the amount of bugs and the time to fix those bugs Good architecture also helps for faster development and better resource utilization If we break up the project into small pieces we will understand how to have multiple developers work at the same time on it Software Architecture example We are going to design an architecture of a game now we should divide these layers based on functionality now we will add another layer that controls the interaction between frontend and game logic Architecture Patterns Pipe and FilterThe pipe and filter pattern is a good pattern to use to process data through multiple different layers The key to this pattern is the ability of each step to input and output the same type of data So if you send a set of numbers in one side you will get a set of numbers out the other side This key constraint makes it so you can mix and match the logic in any order and still have the program work These different filters can also be set up across multiple servers There is definitely an added complexity with this pattern Setting it up can be tricky to get correct Also if the data is lost at any step the entire process is broken Client ServerThe client server pattern is one that is quite common today Every single website and most phone apps use this architecture With this pattern there are two parts to the software the client and the server Let s take an iPhone app for example What you download in the app store is what is known as the client software This is the version of the app built to talk to the server It doesn t store any of the server s data locally It is just setup to make the appropriate server calls when necessary The other part of this is of course the server software This is the software that is installed onto a server to receive the requests from the client The server holds and updates the data It also processes requests and sends the data to the clients Servers have to be tuned correctly as there can be a near unlimited number of clients requesting information This is a great pattern for accessing and updating a single repository of information It s great of keeping track of accounts and regulating which data is given automatically Master SlaveThe master slave pattern consists of two elements the master and the slave The master is in full control of all slaves associated with it This is good for a multitude of different applications One such application is with duplicate backup servers You don t want these backup servers all acting independently of one another This will create a bunch of different states of memory Each server will have a different set of data Instead you have a master server which is the main server of operation The master server is the one dealing with all of the normal day to day operations Then at some point during the day it sends a signal out to all of the slave servers to tell them to begin their backup operation The slave servers all start up copy the data from the master server and then go back to sleep This pattern is also used with multi threading Here we break up an operation into a bunch of small parts Each of those parts are given a thread and fed through the CPU If a CPU has multiple cores it can process multiple threads at the same time We typically have a master thread which controls the creation and tracking of all slave threads The slaves do exactly what the master thread has told them The master thread keeps reassessing the situation both creating and deleting slave threads Once the operation is finished the master thread ceases as well Layered PatternThe layered pattern consists of divvying up program into layers of technology These layers only communicate with adjacent layers Let s say we have an architecture with layers In this model would only be able to communicate with and with and etc This simplifies the communication channels and helps to better distinguish the areas of the program Overall this helps to make the program more maintainable The downside to this is that there can be of added complexity in some areas For example if you need to send a message from layer to layer There will have to be a function in each layer to pass that message along Architecture ConclusionThere is no one size fits all plan when it comes to software development The process must be taken on a case to case basis Us as engineers seek to find the best pattern or set of patterns which solve the problem This process is an iterative one We come up with an idea get feedback rework it and repeat the process many times After a series of iterations we have the architecture that will work best for the problem Design ModularityThe design is where we really plan out our system We can go as detailed as possible in this step The main focus here is to break up the project into subsystems and modules Subsystem Independent system which holds independent value Module Component of a subsystem which cannot function as a standalone We should slowly refine and reorganize the systems and sub modules until they make the most sense Design is two things Activity working to design the software Product a document or set of documents detailing the design of software Information Hiding Hiding the complexity of the program inside of a black box Data Encapsulation Hiding the implementation details from the user providing only an interface Both of these work to hide the implementation details and protect the integrity of the data We want to control the flow of data and provide the user with an easy to use experience With these ideas we can take the most complex of code and make it accessible to anyone Doing this at each step in the design process also helps make the code easier to maintain With it implemented properly we don t need to know the entire codebase to make a change We only need to know the part of the program we are working on The encapsulation of all the other levels of the program make things easy to test and change Goals of Modularity Abstraction Composibility Decomposibility Protectibility Continuity Module understandibility Coupling IntroductionCoupling is one of the major things to look at when designing the modularity of the system It details how dependent each module is on every other module A set of modules with tight coupling is bad design It creates hard to maintain code We don t want our modules to be dependent on one another We want to be able to swap one module out with another and only have to update code in the swapped module The more dependent our program is the more and more modules we will have to rewrite for every change Tight CouplingThis is the worst form of coupling Tight coupling means there is a strong dependence between modules Changes will be very hard to make and bugs will be difficult to track down Content Coupling When one module modifies or reliese on internal working of another module Common Coupling when several modules have access to same global data External Coupling when several modules have direct access to the same external Input Output Medium CouplingHere the coupling is getting better but we still have room for improvement Control Coupling This is when data is passed that influences the internal logic of another module Data Structure Coupling This is when multiple modules share the same data structure Loose CouplingData Coupling This is when two modules share the same data This is a good form of coupling Message Coupling This coupling is when messages or commands are passed between modules No Coupling No communication between modules whatsoever Cohesion IntroductionCohesion is the other area to focus on when we are talking about modularity Cohesion is the measurement of how focused our module is on a single task The more focused the module the higher the cohesion With cohesion higher is better We want modules which only do one thing and one thing only The reason for this is with maintainability What we want to find is the point where we can maximize the effects of both We want to create loose coupling and high cohesion Weak CohesionCoincidental Cohesion The tasks within the module are only linked because they are in the same module This is the weakest form of cohesion Here the modules are completely random There is nothing linking the tasks within a module except the fact that they were simply put into the same file Temporal Cohesion The tasks within the module are only linked because events happen around the same time Logical Cohesion The tasks within the module are linked due to being in the same general category Medium CohesionProcedural Cohesion The order of execution passes from one command to the next Here we have a relationship of time This is different from temporal because the tasks are both linked and essential for one another There is an order by which these must be executed to work properly Communicational Cohesion When all tasks support the same input and output data Sequential Cohesion A combination of the previous two When all tasks work in which the output data for one is the input data for the next With this we have a procedure of tasks and these tasks all share the same data Strong CohesionFunctional Cohesion This is when all tasks within a module support activities needed for one and only one problem related task In essence the module only does a single action Object Cohesion This can either be lumped in with functional cohesion or by itself Object cohesion is when all activities modify a single object This only works in object oriented languages An example might be a module which only modifies a user object All tasks within this module update the user module in some way Cohesion ConclusionCohesion is really important to make code which is easy to understand and maintain The more focused the modules the easier the code will be to debug Remember however that this must be a balance with coupling A group of extremely cohesive modules might also be tightly coupled together We are looking for the balance between the two If you remember one thing from these sections it s that we want loose coupling and strong cohesion Implimentation amp DeploymentGood design allows us to see our entire project before it is built With this we can decide which areas we want to build and which areas we want to purchase The great thing about purchasing code is that it is almost always cheaper It s almost always a win win situation to purchase instead of build Coding however is usually very specific This makes it rare to find software that perfectly fits the problem However do some research before you begin building you can save a lot of money Take Care of ProgrammersImplementation is where most time spent and where a lot of time can be lostAlways program while alert and focus hours of programming can be just as productive as Programming takes focus constant interruptions will reduce the overall focus Coding PrinciplesUse style guide so all the code look relatively the same Code is written for peoples not for computers Make modules easy to understand Go into everything with a plan Deployment IntroductionDeployment is a mix between testing and implementation it mostly happens after testing but it requires implementations too The level of planning in this space is directly related to how the deployment effects the overall project Deployment should be built with the idea of retreal if something goes wrong how can we revert Deployment PlanningAmount of planning is dependent on the size of change We look at which areas wich most likely have the biggest problemsAreas to look atDatabaseSoftware IntegrationRun time changesTrainingDowntimesBackupsNetworkMemmoryFinally we need to look at planing steps to turn back Deployment RollbackRollback is the act of reverting a system back to previous working stateLook for point of no returnThis is a point where it takes longer to go back then it does to just continue throughKnowing this will help make a decision during deploymentEvery step of deployment process make a decision whether roll back is a better option Testing OverviewTesting is the process of finding errors These errors can either be failures within the code or they can be failures to meet requirements If the app doesn t do what it was set out to do then that is a problem In testing we work to make sure the program works for all requirements Test Data Inputs that are designed to test the system Test Cases Ways in which we operate the system with the given data Oracle The set of good outcomes BugsBugs are in essence a deviation from expected behavior For example if you have a website a potential bug might be that the website doesn t load The code fatally breaks during loading and results in a lack of the service This is of course a deviation from the expected behavior of being able to access the website Another bug could be if the website logged you into someone else s account by mistake The website in this scenario is still up and functioning However a deviation from expected behavior only being able to access your own account has happened Failure The event by which the code deviates from expected behavior Error The part of the code that leads to the failure Fault What the outcome actually was Testing can be used to show the presence of bugs but never to ensure the absence of them This is because the only way to ensure this would be to test EVERY single possible test case This could easily be in the billions to trillions for a typical system This would be nearly impossible to do The cost of testing alone could far exceed that of the entire rest of development times So what we do instead is try to do the smallest set of test cases to cover the greatest amount of ground We use a mixture of different testing practices to accomplish this task There will always be bugs but we can actively remove most of them if we are smart Verification and ValidationVerification Are we building the thing right Does the software work compared to the given specifications Validation Are we building the right thing Does the software work compared to what the user client needs A way of violating verification would be if the program accesses the wrong database In this situation we are not building the system correctly It is deviating from expected behavior A way of violating validation would be if the program calculates car payments instead of house payments Our car payment calculator could be the most stable calculator in the world However we were supposed to build a house payment calculator We are not building the right system We are building a system which solves problems that it was not designed to solve And conversely doesn t solve problems that it was designed to solve A more real world example of this would be if a company has a really specific way of collecting information and we designed a system which collects that information differently All of the same information has been collected but not in the right way We aren t building the correct system Knowing and testing both of these is important to delivering high quality software Testing Unit TestingUnit testing to focus on the smallest unit of a software We are trying to isolate different areas repeating until we test every module of the program In this we take a module and we give it test cases We then check these test cases against the oracle Overall we are trying to make sure that the modules are doing what they were designed to do We don t to have bugs from other modules ruin the module we are testing So for unit tests we typically supply dummy values to isolate the module This way we know if a bug is happening it s happening from the area we are testing Integration TestingIntegration testing is the next step Once we are satisfied that the modules are all working how we want them we need to begin testing them together With integration testing we begin testing the architecture and the communication as a whole Where in unit testing we came up with test cases for individual modules with integration testing we will come up with test cases for groups of modules For example we might want to test an entire form instead of just testing each box within the form Incremental TestingOne of the issues with integration testing is that if a bug arises it can be difficult to tell exactly what module introduced that bug Incremental testing is one way of making this process easier With incremental testing we slowly add one module after the next into the testing environment This way if a bug arises we know which module caused the bugs to be introduced Top Down TestingWith Top Down Testing we begin testing at the highest possible level and then work our way down To have this work we need to have a set dummy modules that we slowly replace with regular modules Stub A template of the model that will be implemented Typically returns hard coded values A stub is typically used for this It s a module which doesn t have any logic in it All it has are functions which return hard coded values Hard coded here means nothing that was calculated just values that we put in there So for example a stub might have a function getUser int Instead of going through and finding information about a user it just returns a user object that we have hard coded into it This way we can test our modules ability to use the user information without having to introduce another module Once we test everything and make sure it works we can then add in the actual module and do our next round of testing Bottom Up TestingBottom Up Testing is the opposite of Top Down Here we work from the bottom and use things called drivers to make our way upwards Driver Templates which execute commands and initialize the needed variables When we work from bottom up we need the logic which call our bottom modules For example if our module is the module with getUser in it then we need to figure out a way to properly test this What we right is a driver which initializes the variables and then makes multiple calls to the functions we need it to So in this situation the driver might call getUser times with random values We would then look at the results to see if the function is working the way we want it Once we are satisfied we add another layer and keep going Back to Back TestingBack to Back testing is good to do when you already have a working program With this we run a set of tests on the system before we make a change We then make a change by either updating adding or deleting a module We then run the same set of tests We now have two sets of data The before and the after We compare these two sets to make sure that there are no differences If there is a difference we know the change did more than we like We can then revert or go fix the bug Manual vs Automatic TestingThere are two different ways we can set up tests We can do it manually where we enter in values ourselves or automatically where we set up another system to do the test AutomaticBoth of these have their own merits Automatic testing is nice because we can cover a much larger area than manual testing We can set up a system and have it test millions of test cases Once we set it up we can run it every time we change our code guaranteeing we didn t break anything with a new update This all however comes with a lot more overhead The testing system is a system itself This means more planning and development time On top of this we will have to design tests which can be done from the computer and provide oracles to check their data If we are testing out millions of test cases the oracle will most likely have to be a complex algorithm There also comes the issue of testing the tester What if our tester is designed incorrectly and it gives us false positives or negatives We then spend unnecessary time chasing down phantom bugs or deploy bad software ManualManual testing involves a human being testing the code They user goes in expecting to do an action They then test to see if there is expected behavior Bugs are noted down and then given to developers These testers can be developers stakeholders or specially trained testers They can more easily come up with oracles and perform a wide range of tests However humans are very slow when compared to a computer They can only test so much of a system Often times this means many parts of the system don t get properly tested OverallThe best way to test is to combine these two Have a good set of automatic tests and a good set of testers This will allow the speed of automatic and the ease and flexibility of manual Black Box vs White Box TestingDepending on who tests can also have a large difference on testing In the testing world there is this idea of white box and black box testing With black box testing we are testing the device based on inputs and outputs We have no idea how the program works All we know is that we should give it a certain input and a certain output should occur With this type of testing we are looking for general functionality We want to see how the program reacts to different inputs and outputs White box testing however is when we know the inner workings of a system With this type of testing we are trying to test the code itself We typically develop more technical tests that try to make sure the system is coded correctly My Other Blogs Python Roadmap Ankush Singh Gandhi・Sep ・ min read python showdev beginners tutorial Markdown Cheat Sheet Ankush Singh Gandhi・Oct ・ min read showdev github beginners git Git amp Github Cheat Sheet Ankush Singh Gandhi・Oct ・ min read github git showdev opensource |
2021-05-20 06:10:21 |
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2021-05-20 06:32:54 |
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2021-05-20 06:30:27 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Google Cloud が Vertex AI を公開: 各種 ML ツールを統合したプラットフォーム |
VertexAIは、必要なあらゆるツールを備えた単一プラットフォームであり、データサイエンティストが正式なMLトレーニングを受けなくても、データの管理、プロトタイプ作成、テスト実施、モデルのデプロイやモデルの解釈、本番環境でのモニタリングが可能です。 |
2021-05-20 08:00:00 |