IT |
気になる、記になる… |
スクエニ、スマホ版「ドラゴンクエスト」シリーズ全作の値下げセールを開催中(5月30日まで) |
開催中 |
2021-05-26 14:14:10 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
FacebookとInstagram、「いいね!」数を非表示に出来る機能を正式に導入 |
facebook |
2021-05-26 14:12:15 |
AWS Open Source Blog |
Enhancing data science environments with Vim, tmux, and Zsh on Amazon EC2 |
Enhancing data science environments with Vim tmux and Zsh on Amazon ECThis post was written by Josiah Davis Yin Song and Anne Hu The solution can also be found on GitHub Many professional data scientists are adopting open source software development tools such as Vim tmux and Zsh to get more productivity out of their working environment Vim is a free and open source highly configurable … |
2021-05-26 14:12:36 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
競プロ用自作関数置き場 |
競プロ用自作関数置き場タイトルの通りです。 |
2021-05-26 23:55:33 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
pythonでpng画像をjpg画像に変換するスクリプト |
pythonでpng画像をjpg画像に変換するスクリプト動機pythonスクリプトで画像表示ができるようになったので、その次のステップとして画像の形式の変換、PNG画像からJPG画像への変換を行ってみる。 |
2021-05-26 23:41:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ゲーム開発 毎ターンごとのポイント保持の方法 |
ゲーム開発毎ターンごとのポイント保持の方法前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-05-26 23:59:27 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
android studio kotlinでrealm導入エラーを解決したい |
androidstudiokotlinでrealm導入エラーを解決したい前提・実現したいことandroidアプリ開発初心者です。 |
2021-05-26 23:59:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
undefined method `id' for nil:NilClassのエラーが出ました。 |
undefinedmethodidxfornilNilClassのエラーが出ました。 |
2021-05-26 23:51:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
画像がどうしても大きくなります。理由が知りたいです |
画像がどうしても大きくなります。 |
2021-05-26 23:47:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【OPENCV3.4.6】カスケード分類器がうまく作れません! |
【OPENCV】カスケード分類器がうまく作れません本サイトを参考に、ファイル名等は完全に設定したのにも関わらず、下記の実行結果の通りになってしまい、うまくいきません。 |
2021-05-26 23:40:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
java scriptのバックトラック法を使った問題について |
javascriptのバックトラック法を使った問題についてjavanbspscriptについて質問です。 |
2021-05-26 23:29:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ScriptableObjectを複数件読み込む方法(Resources.Loadを使用しない方法で) |
ScriptableObjectを使用して作成したデータを読みこんでいるのですが、複数件あるデータを検索して件を抽出する方法はできるようになったのですが、複数件もしくは、つのScriptableObjectのデータ全てを表示する方法がうまく出来ません。 |
2021-05-26 23:29:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Java 前のページへ遷移の仕方 |
遷移 |
2021-05-26 23:24:19 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【rails6】ransackを用いた複雑検索まとめ |
不要な方は飛ばしてください下記の様に書いていきましょうroutesrbgetitemssearchこれでルートを確認すると、「itemssearchpath」と設定されました。 |
2021-05-26 23:26:53 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS S3 双方向クロスアカウントレプリケーション 暗号化したオブジェクトのレプリケーション |
レプリケーション用にカスタマー管理型のキーを作成するという手順を両方のリージョンで行う暗号化設定クロスリージョンレプリケーションでの注意点は、オブジェクトの暗号化・復号を行うキーは、そのオブジェクトをレプリケート・GETするバケットと同じリージョンに属する必要がある点です。 |
2021-05-26 23:16:50 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
はじめてのアマゾン ウェブ サービス |
サービスのタイプ管理レベル設定AWSでのワークロードの実装には、コンピューティング、ストレージ、データベース、およびネットワークカテゴリ全体でのサービスの選択が関与する各カテゴリでは、ユースケースに基づいて適切なサービスタイプを選択できる各タイプでは、希望する管理レベルに基づいて特定のサービスを選択できる各サービスでは、達成したい特定のパフォーマンス特性に基づいて特定の設定を選択できるスケーリング継続的なパフォーマンスにはスケーリング方法の選択が重要AWSにおけるつの主なスケーリング手段垂直スケーリング大きくなるイメージ基盤となるコンピューティングのより大きなインスタンスタイプへのアップグレード水平スケーリング増えるイメージ基盤となるインスタンスの数の増加垂直スケーリングは運用面ではシンプルだが、可用性のリスクがあり、上限も低い水平スケーリングにはより多くのオーバーヘッドが必要だが、はるかに優れた信頼性と、大幅に高い上限があるまとめAWSのパフォーマンス効率の柱について学んだサーバーをペットではなく家畜として扱うメンタルモデル適切なサービスサービスの選択方法と、パフォーマンス目標に基づくそれらの設定サービスのスケーリングと、垂直および水平スケーリングのトレードオフについて信頼性サービスとインフラストラクチャ両方の中断に対する耐障害性を備えたサービスを構築する方法クラウドは中断に耐え得る耐障害性を備えたサービスを構築する手段を提供する、そのために信頼性を念頭にメンタルモデル信頼性について考えるときは、障害影響範囲の観点から考えることが役に立つ信頼性の高いシステムを構築する個々のコンポーネントの障害影響範囲を最小限化する概念障害の問題はもはや発生するかどうかの問題×ではなくなり、いつ発生するかになります。 |
2021-05-26 23:07:57 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【ngrok】を使用してスマホでローカル起動のRailsアプリを確認する方法 |
【ngrok】を使用してスマホでローカル起動のRailsアプリを確認する方法ローカル環境で開発中のスマホ向けRailsアプリを、実際にスマホの画面で動作確認するために「ngrok」を使用しました。 |
2021-05-26 23:50:46 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Is SpaceX reliable? Company goes for 100th successful flight in a row today |
starlink |
2021-05-26 14:31:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Getting Started With JetPack Composed |
Getting Started With JetPack ComposedIn this tutorial we are going to discuss few concept in the jetpack composed library which a upcoming ui toolkit for faster development of android UI with kotlin managed by google What We are going to cover Creating Custome StaggeredGrid Creating Custome Column With Composed Generating ListView Combining Logic to Have full UI Importsimport android os Bundleimport androidx activity ComponentActivityimport androidx activity compose setContentimport androidx compose foundation import androidx compose foundation layout import androidx compose foundation lazy LazyColumnimport androidx compose foundation lazy rememberLazyListStateimport androidx compose foundation shape CircleShapeimport androidx compose foundation shape RoundedCornerShapeimport androidx compose material import androidx compose material icons Iconsimport androidx compose material icons filled Favoriteimport androidx compose runtime Composableimport androidx compose runtime CompositionLocalProviderimport androidx compose runtime rememberCoroutineScopeimport androidx compose ui Alignmentimport androidx compose ui Modifierimport androidx compose ui draw clipimport androidx compose ui graphics Colorimport androidx compose ui layout ContentScaleimport androidx compose ui layout Layoutimport androidx compose ui res painterResourceimport androidx compose ui text font FontWeightimport androidx compose ui tooling preview Previewimport androidx compose ui unit Dpimport androidx compose ui unit dpimport com example test ui theme TestThemeimport com google accompanist coil rememberCoilPainterimport kotlinx coroutines launchimport kotlin math maxCreating custom StaggerGrid Composablefun StaggeredGrid modifier Modifier Modifier rows Int content Composable gt Unit Layout modifier modifier content content measurables constraints gt Keep track of the width of each row val rowWidths IntArray rows Keep track of the max height of each row val rowHeights IntArray rows Don t constrain child views further measure them with given constraints List of measured children val placeables measurables mapIndexed index measurable gt Measure each child val placeable measurable measure constraints Track the width and max height of each row val row index rows rowWidths row placeable width rowHeights row max rowHeights row placeable height placeable Grid s width is the widest row val width rowWidths maxOrNull coerceIn constraints minWidth rangeTo constraints maxWidth constraints minWidth Grid s height is the sum of the tallest element of each row coerced to the height constraints val height rowHeights sumBy it coerceIn constraints minHeight rangeTo constraints maxHeight Y of each row based on the height accumulation of previous rows val rowY IntArray rows for i in until rows rowY i rowY i rowHeights i Set the size of the parent layout layout width height x co ord we have placed up to per row val rowX IntArray rows placeables forEachIndexed index placeable gt val row index rows placeable placeRelative x rowX row y rowY row rowX row placeable width In order to view the implementation of what we ve just created let s create a previewThis is the column We want to insert into the staggered Grid The image should be in your drawable folder Testing custom staggered Grid Composablefun GetImageColumn text String val typography MaterialTheme typography MaterialTheme Column modifier Modifier padding dp Card elevation dp Image painter painterResource R drawable header contentDescription null modifier Modifier height dp fillMaxWidth clip shape RoundedCornerShape dp contentScale ContentScale Crop Spacer Modifier height dp Card elevation dp modifier Modifier fillMaxWidth Column modifier Modifier padding dp Text text text style typography h Text Nairobi Kenya style typography body Text th Feb style typography body To Create A Preview Have the below code Preview showBackground true Composablefun Preview Scaffold Column modifier Modifier padding dp verticalScroll rememberScrollState content StaggeredGrid rows for topic in topics GetImageColumn text topic Preview Image With frames Preview Image Without frames Task One Done Let s now move to task two Creating Custom Column With Composed Composablefun GetCustomColumn modifier Modifier content Composable gt Unit Layout modifier modifier content content measurables constraints gt val placebles measurables map measurable gt measurable measure constraints var yPosition layout constraints maxWidth constraints maxHeight placebles forEach placeable gt placeable placeRelative x y yPosition yPosition placeable height For testing our column we can replace all the column composables that we used in creating the preview to our custom staggered view Preview showBackground true Composablefun Preview Scaffold New GetCustomColumn we created GetCustomColumn modifier Modifier padding dp verticalScroll rememberScrollState content StaggeredGrid rows for topic in topics GetImageColumn text topic Some Preview Now let s move to the next task Generating ListView here is our list val topics listOf Arts amp Crafts Beauty Books Business Comics Culinary Design Fashion Film History Maths Music People Philosophy Religion Social sciences Technology TV Writing List Code Composablefun SimpleList val listSize We save the scrolling position with this state val scrollState rememberLazyListState We save the coroutine scope where our animated scroll will be executed val coroutineScope rememberCoroutineScope Row modifier Modifier fillMaxWidth horizontalArrangement Arrangement SpaceEvenly Button onClick coroutineScope launch scrollState animateScrollToItem Text text Top Button onClick coroutineScope launch scrollState animateScrollToItem listSize Text text Bottom LazyColumn state scrollState items listSize PhotographerCard numberCount it Preview showBackground true Composablefun LayoutsCodeLabPreview TestTheme SimpleList Composablefun PhotographerCard modifier Modifier Modifier numberCount Number Card elevation dp Row modifier padding dp clip RoundedCornerShape dp background MaterialTheme colors surface clickable onClick TODO Implement click padding dp fillMaxWidth Surface modifier Modifier size dp shape CircleShape color MaterialTheme colors onSurface copy alpha f Image painter rememberCoilPainter request contentDescription Android Logo modifier Modifier size dp padding dp Icon Icons Filled PersonOutline modifier Modifier padding dp contentDescription null Column modifier padding start dp align Alignment CenterVertically Text List View fontWeight FontWeight Bold CompositionLocalProvider LocalContentAlpha provides ContentAlpha medium Text text numberCount sec style MaterialTheme typography body PreviewLastly Let s combine everything to have some simple UI in action UI play Preview showBackground true Composablefun LayoutsCodeLab Scaffold topBar TopAppBar title Text text Design With Composed style MaterialTheme typography h actions IconButton onClick TODO Icon Icons Filled Favorite contentDescription null innerPadding gt BodyContent Modifier padding innerPadding padding dp Composablefun BodyContent modifier Modifier Modifier Spacer Modifier height dp GetCustomColumn modifier modifier Row modifier modifier fillMaxWidth padding dp size dp horizontalScroll rememberScrollState content StaggeredGrid for topic in topics Chip modifier Modifier padding dp text topic PreviewListView Composablefun PreviewListView Scaffold New GetCustomColumn we created We save the scrolling position with this state val scrollState rememberLazyListState LazyColumn state scrollState for topic in topics items topics size GetImageColumn text topic Preview ltag user id follow action button background color b important color ffffff important border color b important Kah Di Chienja kchienja Agoo Clinton kchienja Getting Started With JetPack Composed by KChienja DEVCommunity dev to kchienja getti… PM May kahdichienja kotlin test kotlin testJetpack Compose is a modern toolkit for building native Android UI It s based on the declarative programming model so you can simply describe what your UI should look like and Compose takes care of the restーas app state changes your UI automatically updates View on GitHubJetpack Compose is a modern toolkit for building native Android UI It s based on the declarative programming model so you can simply describe what your UI should look like and Compose takes care of the restーas app state changes your UI automatically updates |
2021-05-26 14:28:44 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Top 3 Entertaining and Inspirational Instagram Influencers you Must Follow in 2021 |
Top Entertaining and Inspirational Instagram Influencers you Must Follow in Let s all admit those simple motivation words always work a simple quote or a minute video of a podcast a picture or a story of someone else s success can get us fired up So who are the best accounts to follow on social media like Instagram Here s my list of top influential and fun personalities to follow on Instagram they honestly try to touch people and show them how life can be better not just financially but also inner peace getting to know yourself just simply finding the right balance in life Enjoy Andy FrisellaWith a cool and fun personality Andy preaches about hard work but most importantly he shows the results of that hard work He is a car enthusiast and you can frequently see his Lamborghini or Mustang in the news feed as a result of his hours work week Now if that does not inspire you to start your own business I don t know what will Andy has an audience of more than million followers and he also shares his wisdom on his podcast Erik BergmanErik Bergman is an entrepreneur who made a fortune at a young age He earned more than million before the age of with his media company He now owns great com an online casino affiliate program that donates the profits to charity Eric s Instagram account is followed by more than people which is totally deserved Erica has a fun and loving personality with original and exciting content where he tries to help his audience live a better life His account name is smilingerik and it s deserved because he is always positive and smiling and his energy is contagious Binais BegovicAnother cool guy on Instagram is Binais Begovic If seeing someone live the life you want to live inspires you then Binais is the right person to follow He shows how amazing life can be if you work hard He is the owner of Ironman magazine and constantly shares its success You can find him in a luxury car gym or over a book He creates interesting content for his followers and might just be the right person to inspire you Feel free to Share a thought or comment on some of your favorite motivational personalities on Instagram |
2021-05-26 14:13:48 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
MongoDB updateOne() , updateMany() e seus operadores |
MongoDB updateOne updateMany e seus operadores Atualizando documentosNo MongoDB temos diversos métodos que nos ajudam a atualizar nossos documentos por exemplo adicionar um novo campo ou removê lo e atéadicionar um novo item em uma array ou remover Nesse artigo vou mostrar alguns dos métodos que mais utilizo para atualizar documentos juntamente com alguns operadores de atualização Vamos usar como exemplo o documento abaixo Nosso Documento name Emanuel password email emanuel gmail com Métodos e OperadoresNo MongoDB possuímos mais de métodos que nos auxiliam na atualização de documentos mas no nosso artigo iremos utilizar em específico que são updateOne e updateMany Ambos não retornam o documento mas vou estar deixando o retorno para demonstração Caso queira o retorno do documento utilize o método findOneAndUpdate Método updateOneO método updateOne éresponsável pela atualização de somente documento O método recebe parâmetros que são filter update e options que deixaremos para outro momento Exemplo filter gt query do documento que deseja encontrar para alteração update gt operador que iráutilizar na atualização do documentoconst filter name Emanuel const update set name Rodrigo Abaixo explicaremos o que éo set const user db users updateOne filter update Retorno name Rodrigo email emanuel gmail com password Método updateManyO método updateMany éresponsável pela atualização de diversos documentos muita atenção ao usar esse comando Todos os documentos que forem encontrados de acordo com a query passada serão alterados Documentos de exemplo name Emanuel password email emanuel gmail com genre male name Rodrigo password rodrigo email rodrigo gmail com genre male Exemploconst filter genre male const update set password const user db users updateMany filter update Retorno name Rodrigo email rodrigo gmail com password genre male name Emanuel email emanuel gmail com password genre male Operadores de AtualizaçãoOs métodos de atualização possuem diversos operadores de atualização que nos auxiliam na hora de atualizar um ou diversos documentos Na documentação vocêencontra diversos mas vou estar deixando os que mais utilizo Exemplo de como utilizar um operadordb users updateMany genre male set genre female name Robson lt operator gt lt field gt lt value gt Operador setEste operador éresponsável por adicionar um novo campo no seu documento ou atéa sobrepor um campo jáexistente Documento name Rodrigo genre male Exemploconst user db users updateMany name Rodrigo set genre female Retorno name Rodrigo genre female Operador incEste operador éresponsável por incrementar ou decrementar um número ao campo para decrementar sóusar números negativos Documento name Rodrigo seguidores Exemploconst user db users updateOne name Rodrigo inc seguidores Retorno name Rodrigo seguidores Operador pushEste operador éresponsável por adicionar um novo item a uma array Documento name Rodrigo interests basquete Exemploconst user db users updateOne name Rodrigo push interests futebol Retorno name Rodrigo interests basquete futebol Operador pullEste operador éresponsável por remover um item da sua array Documento name Rodrigo interests basquete futebol Exemploconst user db users updateOne name Rodrigo pull interests basquete Retorno name Rodrigo interests futebol ConclusãoEntão utilizamos o método updateOne quando queremos atualizar somente um documento e o método updateMany quando desejamos atualizar diversos documentos Com o uso dos operadores certos conseguimos resultados bem legais para suas alterações no banco Linkedin Emanuel FerreiraEmail contatoferreirads gmail comRevisão do Texto Ana Julia Lima |
2021-05-26 14:11:29 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Sonos One SL speaker now more power efficient, easier to recycle |
Sonos One SL speaker now more power efficient easier to recycleTo meet sustainability goals set by the company Sonos is refreshing the design of its One SL speaker to use less power and be easier to recycle For the last few years Sonos has committed itself to do better in regards to environmental sustainability when it comes to its products On the Sonos corporate responsibility site a paragraph reads Sonos builds premium sound experiences To us premium also means responsible To do this Sonos has begun making sure that the paper included in the packaging is sustainability resourced Now Sonos is refreshing its Sonos One SL a pared down version of the Sonos One Not only is the Sonos One SL slightly cheaper but it also lacks the microphones of the Sonos One making it an obvious choice for privacy minded individuals Read more |
2021-05-26 14:52:07 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Researchers uses minor M1 vulnerability to poke fun at 'overhyped' flaws |
Researchers uses minor M vulnerability to poke fun at x overhyped x flawsA minor security vulnerability baked into Apple Silicon is giving a security researcher an avenue to poke fun at overly dramatic reveals and poor coverage of chip errata Credit Hector MartinThe flaw dubbed MRACLES is a bug in the design of Apple s M chipset that could potentially allow any two applications running under an OS to covertly exchange data between them without normal operating system features It can t be fixed without a silicon revision Read more |
2021-05-26 14:37:30 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Month-end MacBook Pro deals: save up to $200 on every M1 model, plus $50 off AppleCare |
Month end MacBook Pro deals save up to on every M model plus off AppleCareThe best MacBook Pro deals are at AppleInsider as we head into the Memorial Day weekend with every inch M model up to off on top of a markdown on AppleCare Month end MacBook Pro discountsReaders on the hunt for the cheapest prices on Apple s latest inch MacBook Pro can save anywhere from to on every configuration including those with GB of RAM using the activation links below and promo code APINSIDER The same coupon code also knocks off AppleCare for the inch MacBook Pro bringing the price down to when purchased alongside the notebooks Read more |
2021-05-26 14:27:23 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Amazon acquiring MGM Studios in $8.45 billion deal |
Amazon acquiring MGM Studios in billion dealAmazon hopes to spur its entertainment division with the purchase of MGM a massive entertainment publisher known for titles like James Bond and Rocky Amazon buys MGMAmazon Prime Video will be able to bolster its exclusive content package using the large back catalog of MGM The billion deal is its biggest purchase since Whole Foods in Read more |
2021-05-26 14:13:12 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Robotic 'digger finger' could search for buried land mines |
mines |
2021-05-26 14:48:06 |
海外TECH |
As Chips Shrink, Rowhammer Attacks Get Harder to Stop |
memory |
2021-05-26 14:01:20 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
Shell: Netherlands court orders oil giant to cut emissions |
accord |
2021-05-26 14:48:42 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
NISA及びジュニアNISA口座開設・利用状況調査結果について |
調査結果 |
2021-05-26 16:00:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
金融・証券教育への支援活動について |
Detail Nothing |
2021-05-26 16:00:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
株主コミュニティの統計情報・取扱状況 |
株主コミュニティ |
2021-05-26 15:30:00 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
新型コロナウイルス感染症への証券関係機関等・各証券会社の対応について(リンク集) |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-05-26 15:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
「国際会計基準審議会の議論内容及び討議資料等の調査分析等」(令和2年度)の成果物について公表しました。 |
国際会計基準審議会 |
2021-05-26 15:33:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
スチュワードシップ・コードの受入れを表明した機関投資家のリストについて更新しました。 |
機関投資家 |
2021-05-26 15:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
「保険会社向けの総合的な監督指針」及び「IAIGs等向けモニタリングレポート」の英訳を公表しました。 |
iaigs |
2021-05-26 15:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Tokyo Olympics sponsor Asahi Shimbun joins cancellation chorus |
Tokyo Olympics sponsor Asahi Shimbun joins cancellation chorusTokyo CEO Toshiro Muto said it was natural that different media organizations have different views but acknowledged that people are anxious |
2021-05-26 23:39:14 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Thousands died who didn't need to die, says Dominic Cummings |
coronavirus |
2021-05-26 14:21:06 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Holiday islands considered for green list |
destinations |
2021-05-26 14:23:07 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Corby stabbing: Three arrested after Rayon Pennycook killed |
inquiry |
2021-05-26 14:27:28 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Instagram lets users hide likes to reduce social media pressure |
counts |
2021-05-26 14:19:22 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Key points: Dominic Cummings evidence |
government |
2021-05-26 14:35:28 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
R・ロドリゲス、待望の来日初アーチに満足げ 日本ハム |
日本ハム |
2021-05-26 23:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
インド株国内感染、累計29人に 専門家「予断許さず」と分析 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-05-26 23:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
NY円、108円後半 |
外国為替市場 |
2021-05-26 23:12:00 |
Cloud Blog |
Real-time Change Data Capture for data replication into BigQuery |
Real time Change Data Capture for data replication into BigQueryBusinesses hoping to make timely data driven decisions know that the value of their data may degrade over time and can be perishable This has created a growing demand to analyze and build insights from data the moment it becomes available in real time Many will find that the operational and transactional data fuelling their business is often stored in relational databases which work well for processing transactions but aren t designed or optimized for running real time analytics at scale Traditional approaches to solving this challenge include replicating data from one source to another in scheduled bulk loads of entire frequently large datasets This is often costly strenuous on production systems and can become a bottleneck to making timely and accurate decisions So how can you run real time analytics against operational and transactional data You can achieve this with a technique for data integration known as Change Data Capture CDC CDC identifies and captures changes in source databases updates inserts and deletes This allows you to process only the data that has changed at the moment it changes CDC delivers a low latency near real time and cost effective solution for data acquisition replication storage and analysis CDC can replicate transactional data into data warehouses unlocking the potential to analyze the freshest data for operational reporting streaming analytics cache invalidation event driven architectures and more However implementing CDC solutions can be complex require expensive licenses and be heavily reliant on niche technical expertise In this blog we ll explore how you can take advantage of a completely cloud native end to end solution to this problem Replicating operational data into BigQuery with real time CDCBigQuery is Google Cloud s data warehouse which offers a serverless and cost effective way to store large amounts of data it is uniquely optimized for large scale analytics While BigQuery is a great solution for operational analytics one of the biggest challenges is bringing in data in a reliable timely and easy to use manner There have been scattered solutions in this area but they have largely placed the burden of integration on customers The launch of Datastream our new serverless CDC and replication service solves many of these challenges Datastream synchronizes data across heterogeneous databases applications and storage systems with minimal latency It supports data replication for a variety of use cases including real time analytics Datastream integrates with our Data and Analytics services allowing you to create simple end to end cloud native solutions that replicate your changed data into BigQuery Cloud Data Fusion is Google Cloud s integration service for building ETL and ELT data pipelines Data Fusion already supports the replication of data from SQL Server and MySQL to BigQuery through an easy to use wizard driven experience Data Fusion now integrates with Datastream to support Oracle as a data source without the need for expensive licenses or agents Dataflow is our fully managed service for unified stream and batch data processing Dataflow s integration with Datastream includes the launch of three new templates that replicate data to BigQuery Cloud Spanner and Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL You can also extend and customize the Dataflow templates that ingest and process changed data from Datastream sources This is key if you need to do transformations or enrichments with data from another source before storing it in Google Cloud Let s dive into an example and explore how you can use these integrations Imagine that you are running a business FastFresh that offers same day delivery of fresh food to homes across London To sell all your produce and minimize food waste you want to build real time reports to understand whether you have a surplus of produce and should apply discounts before the end of the day Your operational data such as produce inventory is stored in Oracle and is being continuously updated as customers purchase goods You want to replicate this data into BigQuery so you can run analysis and generate these real time reports Replicating data from Oracle to BigQuery with Data Fusion and DatastreamData Fusion is completely code free and is the perfect solution for those wanting to build a simple end to end replication pipeline using one service Data Fusion is built with data democratization in mind a guided replication wizard invites not just data scientists and analysts but also business users and database administrators to take ownership of their data pipeline creation and information management To synchronize your inventory data from Oracle to BigQuery you just need to follow the wizard to set up your data sources and destinations You can select the tables columns and change operations update inserts or deletes that you want to synchronize This granular level of control allows you to capture only the data that you actually need replicated minimizing redundancy latency and cost Data Fusion will generate a feasibility assessment before beginning the replication process giving you the opportunity to fix any problems before starting replication fast tracking your journey to building a production ready pipeline Finally you can use the monitoring dashboard to visualize your streams performance and events enabling you to build a holistic oversight of your pipeline and spot any bottlenecks or unexpected behavior in real time Replicating your operational data into BigQuery Spanner or Cloud SQL with Dataflow TemplatesIf you need to replicate data to targets other than BigQuery or you are a data engineer wanting to build and manage your own change data capture jobs you ll want to use a combination of Datastream and Dataflow for replication To streamline this integration we ve launched three new pre built streaming templates in Dataflow s interface Datastream to BigQueryDatastream to Cloud SpannerDatastream to Cloud SQL for PostgreSQLThese templates offer a lightweight and simple replication solution that doesn t require expertise in Java or Python You first create a Datastream stream to synchronize your changed data to a Cloud Storage bucket You can create multiple streams across multiple sources that replicate into the same bucket This means you can stream change data from multiple sources into BigQuery with a single Dataflow job reducing the number of pipelines you need to manage Datastream normalizes data types across sources allowing for easy source agnostic downstream processing in Dataflow Next you create a Dataflow job from one of our new streaming templates Datastream to BigQuery for our use case All you have to do is specify the streaming source bucket and the staging and replication datasets in BigQuery And that s it Your job will begin with minimal start up time and changed data will be replicated to BigQuery In a subsequent blog post we ll share tips on how to enrich your Dataflow CDC jobs on the fly Reap the rewards Analyzing your operational data in BigQueryNow that your operational data is being replicated to BigQuery you can take full advantage of its cost effective storage and analytical prowess BigQuery scales serverlessly and allows you to run queries over petabytes of data in a matter of seconds to build the real time insights You can create materialized viewsover your replicated tables to boost performance and efficiency or take advantage of BQML to create and execute ML models for say demand forecasting or recommendations In our use case we wanted to create dashboards to monitor stock inventory in real time Connecting your BigQuery data to business intelligence services like Looker allows you to build sophisticated real time reporting platforms Both Data Fusion and Dataflow using Datastream specific templates replicate data to storage solutions in Google Cloud Here s a table that can help you make the right decision for your use case and organization When should I use Cloud Data Fusion or Dataflow templates Beyond replication processing and enriching your changed data before synchronizing to your target destinationTemplates and code free solutions are great for replicating your data as it is But what if you wanted to enrich or process your data as it arrives before storing it in BigQuery For example when a customer scans their membership card before making a purchase we may want to enrich the changed data by looking up their membership details from an external service before storing this into BigQuery This is exactly the type of business case Dataflow is built to solve You can extend and customize the Dataflow templates that ingest and process changed data from Datastream sources Stay tuned for our next blog in this series as we explore enriching your changed data in more detail In the meantime check out our Datastream announcement blog post and start replicating your operational data into BigQuery with Dataflow or Data Fusion |
2021-05-26 16:00:00 |