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AWS AWS Architecture Blog Top 5: Architecture Content for May https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/top-5-architecture-content-for-may/ Top Architecture Content for MayWith Architecture Center content being published nearly every day sometimes more than two or three times a day we know it can be hard to fit it all into your busy schedule So this month we ve rounded up our most popular and highly rated content to provide you with a quick rundown nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Architecture Center nbsp Reference … 2021-05-26 15:44:21
AWS AWS Machine Learning Blog Gain valuable ML skills with the AWS Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree Scholarship from Udacity https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning/gain-valuable-ml-skills-with-the-aws-machine-learning-engineer-nanodegree-scholarship-from-udacity/ Gain valuable ML skills with the AWS Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree Scholarship from UdacityAmazon Web Services is partnering with Udacity to help educate developers of all skill levels on machine learning ML concepts with the AWS Machine Learning Scholarship Program by Udacity by offering scholarships with a focus on women and underrepresented groups Machine learning is an exciting and rapidly developing technology that has the power to … 2021-05-26 15:50:47
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Anaconda有償化であわあわしている僕のために、Pipenvを授ける https://qiita.com/t_sato310/items/996c6cd1a5a5ab2f449a pipenvpython無事に作成できました仮想環境へのライブラリインストール下記コマンドを実行し、ライブラリをインストールします。 2021-05-27 00:45:02
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JavaScriptの論理演算子の返り値は論理値ではない https://qiita.com/huma17ax/items/8da4e3f0bbed313791b5 JavaScriptの論理演算子の返り値は論理値ではない経緯先日JavaScriptで以下のような記述を見かけたlenobjarrlength今までCをメインに使っており論理演算子の返り値は論理値Boolean型であると思い込んでいたがどうやらJavaScriptでは仕様が違うらしいCの場合ampampを出力してみるincludeltiostreamgtincludelttypeinfogtincludeltcxxabihgtusingnamespacestdintmainintxycoutltltxampampyltltendl完全な型名の取得consttypeinfoampidtypeidxampampyintstatcharnameabicxademangleidnameampstatcoutltltnameltltendl以下が出力bool型であるboolJavaScriptの場合xyconsolelogxampampyconsolelogtypeofxampampy以下が出力yの中身が返ってきているnumberリファレンスに書いてあったexprampampexprexprがtrueに変換できる場合はexprを返し、それ以外の場合はexprを返します。 2021-05-27 00:04:13
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JavaScriptの論理演算子の返り値は論理値ではない https://qiita.com/huma17ax/items/8da4e3f0bbed313791b5 JavaScriptの論理演算子の返り値は論理値ではない経緯先日JavaScriptで以下のような記述を見かけたlenobjarrlength今までCをメインに使っており論理演算子の返り値は論理値Boolean型であると思い込んでいたがどうやらJavaScriptでは仕様が違うらしいCの場合ampampを出力してみるincludeltiostreamgtincludelttypeinfogtincludeltcxxabihgtusingnamespacestdintmainintxycoutltltxampampyltltendl完全な型名の取得consttypeinfoampidtypeidxampampyintstatcharnameabicxademangleidnameampstatcoutltltnameltltendl以下が出力bool型であるboolJavaScriptの場合xyconsolelogxampampyconsolelogtypeofxampampy以下が出力yの中身が返ってきているnumberリファレンスに書いてあったexprampampexprexprがtrueに変換できる場合はexprを返し、それ以外の場合はexprを返します。 2021-05-27 00:04:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) file( $file_name )の逆を行う https://teratail.com/questions/340542?rss=all ffilefilename 2021-05-27 00:46:28
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【CSS】transform:scaleプロパティで要素を小さくすると、余白が入る https://teratail.com/questions/340541?rss=all 【CSS】transformscaleプロパティで要素を小さくすると、余白が入る例えばtransformnbspscaleを要素にかけてあげると、小さくはなるが親要素が持っている本来の大きさはそのままなので、不自然な余白が生まれるような状態になってしまいます。 2021-05-27 00:36:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VBAからのIE操作:WEB上のPDMシステムのアイコンボタンをクリックしたい https://teratail.com/questions/340540?rss=all 2021-05-27 00:34:19
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) nginx: [emerg] "server" directive is not allowed here in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:38が発生しNginxが起動できず、HTT https://teratail.com/questions/340539?rss=all nginxemergquotserverquotdirectiveisnotallowedhereinetcnginxnginxconfが発生しNginxが起動できず、HTT前提・実現したいことSSL化を試みていたものの失敗し、HTTP接続に戻そうと試みてNginx設定ファイルを元に戻そうとしたところ、元の記述がわからなくなってしまいました。 2021-05-27 00:27:52
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) formで入力された値を別のファイルで使用したい https://teratail.com/questions/340538?rss=all formで入力された値を別のファイルで使用したい前提・実現したいことindexhtmlでformに入力された値textを、indexhtmlに表示させたいです。 2021-05-27 00:23:26
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Google AdMobのEnabledのチェックボックスが表示されない https://teratail.com/questions/340537?rss=all GoogleAdMobのEnabledのチェックボックスが表示されないUnityへGooglenbspAdMobを導入したいのですがビルドしようとするとエラーが出ます。 2021-05-27 00:15:33
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) wordpressのテーマTwenty Twenty-Oneのスマホにおけるナビゲーション表示部分のカスタマイズについて。 https://teratail.com/questions/340536?rss=all wordpressのテーマTwentyTwentyOneのスマホにおけるナビゲーション表示部分のカスタマイズについて。 2021-05-27 00:05:40
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Herokuデプロイ奮闘記(前編) https://qiita.com/tsutsumin_pro/items/b68ea5b4b16826a5286c 念のたmcdBundlerのをインストールgeminstallbundlerデプロイ対象アプリのあるディレクトリに戻るcd“アプリのディレクトリ同様にインストールgeminstallbundlerインストールされているバージョンの種類が増えているのを確認gemlistbundlerBundlerので生成されていたGemfilelockを一旦削除rmgemfilelockGemfilelockをバージョン指定して再生成bundleinstall再生成されたGemfilelockに記載されているBUNDLEDWITHと一致しているのを確認bundlervもしこの後も何らかの理由でGemfilelockを削除するような事があった場合、その度に上のように特定のバージョンを指定してbundleinstallしなければ、毎回インストールされている最新バージョンのBundlerで再生成してしまう。 2021-05-27 00:41:13
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Herokuデプロイ奮闘記(前編) https://qiita.com/tsutsumin_pro/items/b68ea5b4b16826a5286c 念のたmcdBundlerのをインストールgeminstallbundlerデプロイ対象アプリのあるディレクトリに戻るcd“アプリのディレクトリ同様にインストールgeminstallbundlerインストールされているバージョンの種類が増えているのを確認gemlistbundlerBundlerので生成されていたGemfilelockを一旦削除rmgemfilelockGemfilelockをバージョン指定して再生成bundleinstall再生成されたGemfilelockに記載されているBUNDLEDWITHと一致しているのを確認bundlervもしこの後も何らかの理由でGemfilelockを削除するような事があった場合、その度に上のように特定のバージョンを指定してbundleinstallしなければ、毎回インストールされている最新バージョンのBundlerで再生成してしまう。 2021-05-27 00:41:13
海外TECH Ars Technica EU suspects Facebook of abusing power with Marketplace, report says https://arstechnica.com/?p=1767753 marketplace 2021-05-26 15:31:58
海外TECH DEV Community ⛴ Deploy React Apps In Production Pretty Easily 😎 https://dev.to/sudarshansb143/deploy-react-apps-in-production-pretty-easily-49jc Deploy React Apps In Production Pretty Easily TL DR Serving react app is pretty simple if we does it directly through development environment i e serve apps directly including their source code but how to serve react apps as bundled static assets in production environment will be the main focus of this article Going deep into working of this tools can feel get pretty cumbersome if someone is heavily using tools like Create React App which works like magic and does all the heavy lifting behind seens Hence I will keep it simple Today we will be deploying simple react app using Node js back end The final project is pretty simple and could be used as base template for your next production ready app Start Nodejs projectFirst thing first we will start basic node app which will serve as a back end for our react front end npm init y Add some utilityNow we will install some packages like express cors and dotenv I am using dotenv for maintaining global values like NODE ENV or anything as needed npm i express dotenv cors save Ignite the Server Now we will create a simple index js which will serve our as API for the client application imports const express require express require dotenv config const cors require cors Init App const app express const PORT process env PORT Serve Assets if process env NODE ENV production app use express static build app use express json app use cors app get home function req res res status json status true data Backend Responded app listen PORT gt console log Example app running on PORT This is dead simple web server for react client Now we will add a a script in package json Which will start server on specified port We will modify it later for client building stuff Create Front End AppInitialize react app using CRA create react app or you can configure it on your own using babel and webpack or which ever tool you wanna use if you want that I will be preferring CRA Inside our back end project directory initialize the front end project npx create react app frontendAfter a while we now have a new react app which magically does nothing beside spinning a huge blue react logo After it modify content of package json of front end project and add following code to it proxy http localhost This will save us from typing API URL multiple times from our ajax calls which we will be writing in front end component Write a componentBefore writing component I will install axios if preferred or use fetch for back end communication cd front endnpm i axiosThen create a basic component for testing and verifying purpose Which will verify the connection between front end and back end import axios from axios import useEffect from react function App const fetchData async gt try let resonse await axios home if resonse status alert hooray else alert OH Snap catch err console log err err message useEffect gt fetchData return lt div className App gt lt p gt Testing Deployment lt p gt lt div gt export default App This component does only fetching of data and throwing an alert Here we are executing function of API call directly in useEffect for avoiding extra bit of code for testing purpose only Then add the script in the back end project as client cd frontend amp amp npm run start This script will run the project and you will see the normal alert The Deployment StuffUntil this point every thing is good Now it s time to deploy it using static asset serving Many tutorials are currently explaining how to ship this kind of project on platforms like heroku or varcel Which are pretty good But this platforms are friendly up to a certain extent For ex Heroku is free but your free dyno will be inactivated if it is not actively getting used for a certain duration Rebooting the slept dyno can take fairly large amount of time as compared to normal requests For avoiding this we end up serving the project s on paid servers there we should serve the apps in this fashion For deployment we will be generating the bundle of static files which will be served from Nodejs back end We Already added a snippet for this in index js This way whenever we are using it in production this will work as expected Step Generate BundleAdd script in package json of back end project for building the static asset from react source code build cd frontend amp amp npm run build This will change the current working directory and after that it will generate the build folder in front end project Step Place build directory in root foldermove the build directory in the root of the project mv build Step Set NODE ENV to productionAfterwards last step is to change set the value of NODE ENV in env file as the production which depicts we are in production mode and enable static asset serving NODE ENV productioncontent of env file will look like thisPORT NODE ENV productionNow for visit the urlhttp localhost homeYou will get the alert response and finally everything is working Now if we deployed this Nodejs project on any production ready cloud environment like AWS EC Instance Digital occean Droplet Virtual Machine Then this will work as expected Thus final directory structure will look like this Final ThoughtsThis is one of way of serving the full stack application created using React and Nodejs When I was deploying this kind project I haven t found any comprehensive guide so I decided to write one Thanks for reading 2021-05-26 15:47:46
海外TECH DEV Community Fetching and reading files from S3 using Go 🔥👀 https://dev.to/seanyboi/fetching-and-reading-files-from-s3-using-go-4180 Fetching and reading files from S using Go Trying to figure out how to do simple tasks using the AWS SDK for particular services can be difficult given that sometimes the AWS documentation is limited and gives you the bare minimum Today I ll show you how to fetch and read particular files from S using Go This tutorial collates many hours of research into what should be a simple problem Prerequisites include Go installed previous experience with Go AWS SDK set up previous development with AWS SDK Basic importsimport encoding json fmt io ioutil log github com aws aws lambda go lambda github com aws aws sdk go aws github com aws aws sdk go aws session github com aws aws sdk go service s Defining global variables and structs Start off by defining some basic structs and global variables type SBucket struct Bucket string json bucket Key string json key type Metrics struct RMSE string json rmse MAE string json mae MAPE string json mape var pageNum int var sBuckets SBucketvar finalMetrics Metricsvar sess session Session Initiating a session Firstly we initialise a session that the SDK uses to load credentials from the shared credentials file aws credentials and create a new Amazon S service client sess err session NewSession amp aws Config Region aws String conf AWS REGION if err nil exitErrorf Unable to create a new session v err Listing items in a bucket with pagination The AWS docs only give an example of accessing a bucket s files using ListObjectsV function Now the problem I encountered with this function it does not allow us to apply our own custom function to the results in order for us to filter them even more Another problem is it returns up to of the objects in a bucket with each request This includes sub paths to the files you wish to read ListObjectsV lists all objects in our S bucket tree even objects that do not contain files If I want to target certain objects we have to apply a function So instead we ll use ListObjectsVPages ListObjectsVPages iterates over the pages of a ListObjectsV operation calling the function with the response data for each page To stop iterating we return false As shown below I wish to target only the json files in the page and append them to an sBucket slice This part is important as it will allow us to know the location of each file so we can then access the contents We pass our main bucket name as S BUCKET and our object path if there is one into S PREFIX svc s New sess err svc ListObjectsVPages amp s ListObjectsVInput Bucket aws String S BUCKET Prefix aws String S PREFIX func page s ListObjectsVOutput lastPage bool bool pageNum for item range page Contents if strings Contains item Key json sBuckets append sBuckets SBucket Bucket conf S BUCKET Key item Key return pageNum lt if err nil exitErrorf Unable to list items in bucket q v conf S BUCKET err Accessing the object contents Using the sbuckets slice we will access the Bucket and Key from the struct and request the Object information or in other words the file and then fetch the object based on the object information for item range sBuckets requestInput amp s GetObjectInput Bucket aws String item Bucket Key aws String item Key result err svc GetObject requestInput if err nil log Print err Reading the contents into sliceThe JSON file result is read with the ioutil Readall function which returns a byte slice that is decoded into the Metrics struct instance using the json Unmarshal function The best tutorial I have found regarding reading JSON into a struct is this one Parsing JSON defer result Body Close body err ioutil ReadAll result Body if err nil log Print err bodyString fmt Sprintf s body var metrics Metrics err json Unmarshal byte bodyString amp metrics if err nil fmt Println twas an error finalMetrics append finalMetrics metrics And that s it You have now fetched JSON files from a certain bucket and parsed the results into a struct In my opinion especially in machine learning fetching the contents of an S file is hugely important as engineers we are constantly wanting to see and compare for example past models performance or fetching additional data features to append to our models 2021-05-26 15:26:11
海外TECH DEV Community React typed state management under 10 lines of code https://dev.to/svehla/react-typed-state-management-under-10-lines-of-code-1347 React typed state management under lines of code GoalThe goal of this tutorial is to write strong state management with type inference from the javascript code TLDR Final example of the state management is available on githubor you can find a fully working example at the end of this article Historical backgroundReact introduced hooks about years ago It changed the whole ecosystem and it shows up that we can write an application without using externalstate management libraries like redux or mobx and we ll still have nice minimalist code We were able to do the same even before the hooks were introduced but the problem was that the renderProps HOC Classes API wasn t that nice and elegant as hooks are If you know that you want to use Redux and you re struggling with Typescript type inference you can check this articleTooling of vanilla React is still pretty strong but if you have an applicationwith tons of lines of code that s too complex for ordinary humans you canstart to think about some third party state management libraries Custom state management WrapperReact context is a nice option on how to split parts of your global application logic into differentfiles and define a new React createContext for each module Then you just import the context instance and use it in the component instance by useContext hook A great feature of this pattern is that you don t re render components that are not directly connected to the state that is changed In pure vanilla React you can write your state management via context like this import React useState useContext from react const MyContext React createContext null const LogicStateContextProvider props gt const logicState setLogicState useState null return lt MyContextontext Provider value logicState setLogicState gt props lt MyContextontext Provider gt const Child gt const logic useContext MyContext return lt div gt const App gt lt LogicStateContextProvider gt lt Child gt lt LogicStateContextProvider gt Everything looks nice until you start to add Typescript static types Then you realize that you have to define a new data type for each React createContext definition redundant unwanted line of static type type DefinedInterfaceForMyCContext redundant unwanted line of static type logicState null string redundant unwanted line of static type setLogicState React Dispatch lt React SetStateAction lt boolean gt gt redundant unwanted line of static type const MyContext React createContext lt BoringToTypesTheseCha gt null as any ts hack to omit default values const LogicStateContextProvider props gt const logicState setLogicState useState null as null string return lt MyContext Provider value logicState setLogicState gt props lt MyContext Provider gt As you can see each React createContext takes a few extra lines for defining Typescript static typeswhich can be easily inferred directly from the raw Javascript implementation Above all you can see that the whole problem with inferring comes from the JSX It s not impossible to infer data types from it So we have to extract raw logic directly from the Component and put it into a custom hook named useLogicState const useLogicState gt const logicState setLogicState useState null as null string return logicState setLogicState const MyContext React createContext lt some Typescript generic magic ReturnType lt typeof useLogicState gt gt null as any ts hack to bypass default values const LogicStateContextProvider props gt const value useLogicState return lt MyContext Provider value value gt props lt MyContext Provider gt const Child gt const logic useContext MyContext return lt div gt const App gt lt LogicStateContextProvider gt lt Child gt lt LogicStateContextProvider gt As you can see decoupling logic into a custom hook enable us to infer the data type by ReturnType lt typeof customHook gt If you don t fully understand this line of TS code ReturnType lt typeof useLogicState gt you can check my other Typescript tutorials I also don t like the fact that there is a lot of redundant characters which you have to have in the codeevery time you want to create new React context and it s own JSX Provider Component which we use to wrap our lt App gt So I have decided to extract and wrap all dirty code in its own function Thanks to that we can also move that magic Typescript generic into this function and we ll be able to infer the whole state management type Props children React ReactNode export const genericHookContextBuilder lt T P gt hook gt T gt const Context React createContext lt T gt undefined as never return Context ContextProvider props Props amp P gt const value hook return lt Context Provider value value gt props children lt Context Provider gt So we can wrap all this magic which is hard to read into a ten line function Now the genericHookContextBuilder function takes our state hook as an argument and generates Component which will workas an App Wrapper and Context which can be imported into useContext we re ready to use use it in the next example Full exampleimport React useState useContext from react export const genericHookContextBuilder lt T P gt hook gt T gt const Context React createContext lt T gt undefined as never return Context ContextProvider props Props amp P gt const value hook return lt Context Provider value value gt props children lt Context Provider gt const useLogicState gt const logicState setLogicState useState null as null string return logicState setLogicState export const ContextProvider LogicStateContextProvider Context LogicStateContext genericHookContextBuilder useLogicState const Child gt const logic useContext LogicStateContext return lt div gt const App gt lt LogicStateContextProvider gt lt Child gt lt LogicStateContextProvider gt As you can see we have written a small wrapper around native React context default verbose API The wrapper enhanced it with out of the box Typescript type inference which enabled us not to duplicate code and to save a lot of extra lines I hope that you enjoyed this article the same as me and learned something new If yes don t forget to like this article 2021-05-26 15:25:14
海外TECH DEV Community Top JavaScript VSCode Extensions for Faster Development 🔥 https://dev.to/circle/top-javascript-vscode-extensions-for-faster-development-282m Top JavaScript VSCode Extensions for Faster Development VSCode is an open source cross platform editor that has become a favourite of programmers particularly in the Web Development community It s fast extensible customisable and has tons of features You should check it out if you haven t already done it Thousands of extensions have been made for VSCode I am going to list a few extensions that I use on a day to day basis Let s begin Quokka jsQuokka js is a rapid prototyping playground for JavaScript and TypeScript What that means is that it runs your code immediately as you type and displays various execution results in your code editor Try it yourself After installing this extension you can press Ctrl Cmd ⌘ Shift P to display the editor s command palette and then type Quokka to see the list of the available commands Select and run the New JavaScript File command You can also press ⌘ K J to open the file directly Anything you type in this file is executed immediately JOIN THEVIKCODE NEWLETTER GET DAILY WHICH WILL NOT BE AVAIBLE HERE Todo HighlighterIt often happens that you code a function and think that there is a probably better way to do the same thing You leave a comment TODO Needs Refactoring or something to that effect But then you forget about the note and push your code to master production With Todo Highlighter that won t happen Hopefully It highlights your TODOs FIXMEs or any other annotation in your code in bright colours so it is always clearly visible One nifty feature is List Highlighted annotations It lists all the TODOs in the output console REST ClientAs a web developer we often need to work with REST APIs For examining the URLs and checking the responses tools like Postman are used But why have a different app when your editor can easily do the same task Welcome REST Client It allows you to send HTTP request and view the response in Visual Studio Code directly Auto Close Tag and Auto Rename TagSince the advent of React and the traction it has gained in the last few years HTML like syntax in the form of JSX is all the rage now We again have to code with tags JavaScript Any web developer you would tell you that it is a pain to type the tags In most cases we need a tool that can quickly and easily generate tags and their children Emmet is a really good example of this already built into VSCode However sometimes you do just want something simple and concise Such as an auto tag closer which generates the closing pair of a tag as you type the opening pair And when you change that same tag the closing tag automatically gets changed These two extensions do just that GitLensAs told by its author GitLens supercharges the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code It packs a surprising number of features such as code authorship shown via Code lens commit search history and GitLens explorer You can read full explanations of these features here Suffice it to say that you should install this plugin if you do any work with git There are other extensions that focus on a specific functionality You can install those if GitLens feel bloated or you don t use many of its features 2021-05-26 15:24:28
海外TECH DEV Community Golang: Build and Deploy an AWS Lambda using CDK 🚀 https://dev.to/aws-builders/golang-build-and-deploy-an-aws-lambda-using-cdk-4jk3 Golang Build and Deploy an AWS Lambda using CDK If you read my previous posts you can see that I am working with Golang and AWS a lot so in this one I will present how I deploy a serverless API in AWS Lambda with an API Gateway to access it I will write the API using GO and go chi chi to handle the http routing layer TL DRAll the sources are available in thomaspoignant cdk golang lambda deployment repository thomaspoignant cdk golang lambda deployment Create a serverless API in GOSo the first things we will do is creating an API using go chi and the aws lambda go SDK so we need to import these dependencies go get github com aws aws lambda gogo get github com awslabs aws lambda go api proxygo get github com go chi chigo get github com go chi renderYou can see that we ve also imported github com awslabs aws lambda go api proxy this framework allows using go chi with a lambda handler Now we can create our main go file that contains the logic of our API In this file we have important functions main and handler This is important to understand that the main function is called only when the lambda is starting so don t do anything in the main if you want that action to happen for each API request The handler function is where the lambda is called so you will go on this function every time a request comes in and since we are using a chiadapter the handler will use the go chi router to handle the requests We are using this adapter to keep all the benefits from a framework to handle the http layer it allows us to have better routing but also to use some fancy helper to get your params or write your responses in the repo we are using go chi render for that You can check the repo to see the complete code of the lambda thomaspoignant cdk golang lambda deployment Build amp Deploy our lambda with CDKNow that our lambda function is ready we will have to build it and deploy it So our CDK stack will contains these steps Create the GO binary we will use in our lambdaDeploy the code as a lambda functionDeploy an AWS API Gateway to access this API on the internet Create GO binary and deploy itSince we are using CDK it is to serve and build the lambda inside our infra as code So as you can see the lambda Function object is taking parameters runtime information on the language of the lambda here we are using GO handler the name of your go binarycode the code to run in the lambda as you can see we are using lambda Code fromAsset this takes the code location and create the binary from the code To execute the build CDK is launching a docker image you need docker on your machine and use the makefile to build the binary with no dependency of the current machine running CDK Add an API Gateway to access the lambdaSince lambda functions are not accessible directly through HTTP let s add an API Gateway in front of our lambda function Doing this is super easy with CDK this is only one object creation call to LambdaRestApi with the lambda you just created and a description It will do everything for you under the hood by creating a proxy route on the API Gateway and the associated deployment it means that all the routes will go directly to lambda function and you have to manage the routing on your code and this is EXACTLY what we want to do ConclusionAs you can see with not much code we built deployed and exposed a serverless API You can check the full repo here and use this as an example to start building a more complex logic in your API It is also super easy to manage more than lambda function in your stack you just have to call multiple time the CDK functions so enjoy ️ thomaspoignant cdk golang lambda deployment cdk golang lambda deploymentThis repo is an example on how to deploy a serverless API on AWS Lambda using aws CDK Associated article LambdaThe GO Lambda function is a simple API using go chi chi to handle http requests The code is located in the lambda api folder Deployment with CDKThe CDK stack is also simple it build the binary of the lambda and deploy it with an API Gateway in front of this lambda to access it through HTTP The code is located in the infra cdk folder View on GitHub 2021-05-26 15:21:18
海外TECH DEV Community Curso de HTML e CSS feliz (Projeto Portfólio) #00 #00 https://dev.to/marcobrunodev/curso-de-html-e-css-feliz-projeto-portfolio-00-00-129l Curso de HTML e CSS feliz Projeto Portfólio Vem cáe bora conhecer o projeto no qual trabalharemos durante todo o Curso de HTML e CSS feliz Estudar sem praticar échato né E épraticando que a gente fixa nosso conhecimento teórico por isso todo curso que elaboro tem um projeto para direcionar os estudos assim todo mundo pode por a mão na massa No Curso de HTML e CSS feliz criaremos um portfólio juntos passo a passo Eu farei o meu durante as aulas e convido vocêa mudar as cores e outros elementos relacionadas ao layout para vocêter seu projeto com a sua elegância e chavosidade A parte de design e planejamento do layout não éo foco do curso e para facilitar o desenvolvimento do projeto darei acesso ao layout que fiz com carinho tudo procê Os links para acesso estão no final do post mas antes de ir lácorrendo CALMA Leia todo o conteúdo porque tenho informações importantes para passar ou não rs Sobre o layout e as aulasO layout tem seções e faremos todas elas com calma para aprendermos juntos HTML e CSS de forma feliz Se vocêquer aprender rápido e ou acha que trabalhar com programação éalgo fácil tenho uma notícia triste não éfácil e não existem atalhos Minha dica de ouro é vai mas vai com calma e se dedique Pronto Agora estou mais leve por mandar a real Ainda estácomigo Ótimo Sinal de que realmente quer aprender então vamos lá se liga no layout que vocêfaráno final do curso com as seções Cabeçalho Banner Skills Projetos Sobre Contatos e Rodapé Bonito né Acesso ao layout no FigmaA seguir vocêencontrarádois links no primeiro vocêacessa o layout no Figma mas sem poder alterá lo e no segundo vocêteráacesso ao arquivo Curso de HTML e CSS feliz fig para baixar colocar no seu Figma e poder alterar tudo do seu jeito Se vocênão sabe como pegar o arquivo do Curso de HTML e CSS feliz fig e colocar no Figma fica tranquilo a pois mostrarei isso no curso mais pra frente Onde tirar suas dúvidasPrimeiro boas vindas ao Curso de HTML e CSS Feliz se vocêtiver qualquer dúvida tanto sobre o projeto quanto sobre programação entra láno Discord que a gente dátodo o suporte que puder dar Nossa comunidade dev jáconta mais de mil pessoas felizes se apoiando e compartilhando conhecimento 2021-05-26 15:00:43
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Zoom video conferencing to support Center Stage on iPad Pro https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/26/zoom-video-conferencing-to-support-center-stage-on-ipad-pro?utm_medium=rss Zoom video conferencing to support Center Stage on iPad ProApple s new Center Stage feature for keeping iPad Pro video callers in frame will be supported by Zoom FaceTime s new Center Stage pictured will be supported in Zoom for the inch iPad ProFollowing Apple s previous confirmation that its new FaceTime Center Stage feature would work with rival video conferencing apps Zoom has now added support in its forthcoming iPadOS version Read more 2021-05-26 15:56:41
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple seeking business manager with cryptocurrency, alternative payment experience https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/26/apple-seeking-business-manager-with-cryptocurrency-alternative-payment-experience?utm_medium=rss Apple seeking business manager with cryptocurrency alternative payment experienceApple is seeking a business development manager focused on alternative payment platforms such as digital wallets or cryptocurrency to lead partnerships for its financial services Credit AppleAccording to a job listing posted Wednesday Apple is looking to hire a person to join its Apple Wallets Payments and Commerce WPC team to lead alternative payment partnerships Read more 2021-05-26 15:24:06
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple Watch again at core of new antitrust suit filed by AliveCor https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/05/26/apple-watch-again-at-core-of-new-patent-infringement-suit-filed-by-alivecor?utm_medium=rss Apple Watch again at core of new antitrust suit filed by AliveCorClaiming that Apple copied its Apple Watch ECG ideas medical firm AliveCor is calling for a trial by jury over the case in California courts Apple Watch with ECG featureMobile medical company AliveCor has previously filed a patent infringement suit against Apple in Texas and also asked the US International Trade Commission to ban sales of the Apple Watch Now it is requesting a trial by jury over the patent issues and has filed in the Northern District of California Read more 2021-05-26 15:02:51
海外TECH Engadget Sonos' One SL speaker is now more power efficient https://www.engadget.com/sonos-one-sl-refresh-155011697.html efficient 2021-05-26 15:50:11
海外TECH Engadget Epic's next-gen Unreal Engine 5 is now available in early access https://www.engadget.com/unreal-engine-5-early-access-152553496.html Epic x s next gen Unreal Engine is now available in early accessEpic Games has made Unreal Engine available in Early Access giving developers a chance to build next gen games for consoles and PCs 2021-05-26 15:25:53
Cisco Cisco Blog Lifecycle Advantage: Changing the Game for Customer Success https://blogs.cisco.com/partner/lifecycle-advantage-changing-the-game-for-customer-success Lifecycle Advantage Changing the Game for Customer SuccessCisco and partners can now work together to deliver customer success at scale With Success Program Insights Cisco provides partners the combination of customer data rich insights and analytics recommended actions and digital customer journeys they need to lead their customers through the lifecycle 2021-05-26 15:00:37
Linux OMG! Ubuntu! PSA: Ubuntu’s IRC Channels Have Moved from Freenode to Libera Chat http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/p4rv9UHY6p8/ubuntu-irc-moves-to-libera-chat PSA Ubuntu s IRC Channels Have Moved from Freenode to Libera ChatUbuntu has moved its IRC infrastructure from Freenode to the new Libera Chat platform following changes to the management of the Freenode company This post PSA Ubuntu s IRC Channels Have Moved from Freenode to Libera Chat is from OMG Ubuntu Do not reproduce elsewhere without permission 2021-05-26 15:26:15
海外科学 NYT > Science U.S. Officials Press for More Thorough Inquiry Into Virus Origins https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/26/science/covid-19-origins-who.html U S Officials Press for More Thorough Inquiry Into Virus OriginsThe World Health Organization is facing mounting criticism for an earlier report dismissing the possibility that the coronavirus had accidentally escaped from a Chinese laboratory 2021-05-26 15:32:09
海外TECH WIRED Amazon Just Bought MGM For Over $8 Billion. Your Move, Netflix https://www.wired.com/story/amazon-mgm-acquisition-streaming consolidation 2021-05-26 15:12:45
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金融 金融庁ホームページ 「国際会計基準審議会の議論内容及び討議資料等の調査分析等」(令和2年度)の成果物について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/common/about/research/20210526.html 国際会計基準審議会 2021-05-26 15:33:00
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仮想通貨 BITPRESS(ビットプレス) 日本銀行、決済システムレポート別冊「デジタル通貨に関連する情報技術の標準化」 https://bitpress.jp/count2/3_9_12520 情報技術 2021-05-27 00:22:11
GCP Cloud Blog Real-time Change Data Capture for data replication into BigQuery https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/data-analytics/real-time-cdc-replication-bigquery/ Real time Change Data Capture for data replication into BigQueryBusinesses hoping to make timely data driven decisions know that the value of their data may degrade over time and can be perishable This has created a growing demand to analyze and build insights from data the moment it becomes available in real time Many will find that the operational and transactional data fuelling their business is often stored in relational databases which work well for processing transactions but aren t designed or optimized for running real time analytics at scale Traditional approaches to solving this challenge include replicating data from one source to another in scheduled bulk loads of entire frequently large datasets This is often costly strenuous on production systems and can become a bottleneck to making timely and accurate decisions So how can you run real time analytics against operational and transactional data You can achieve this with a technique for data integration known as Change Data Capture CDC CDC identifies and captures changes in source databases updates inserts and deletes This allows you to process only the data that has changed at the moment it changes CDC delivers a low latency near real time and cost effective solution for data acquisition replication storage and analysis  CDC can replicate transactional data into data warehouses unlocking the potential to analyze the freshest data for operational reporting streaming analytics cache invalidation event driven architectures and more However implementing CDC solutions can be complex require expensive licenses and be heavily reliant on niche technical expertise In this blog we ll explore how you can take advantage of a completely cloud native end to end solution to this problem  Replicating operational data into BigQuery with real time CDCBigQuery is Google Cloud s data warehouse which offers a serverless and cost effective way to store large amounts of data it is uniquely optimized for large scale analytics While BigQuery is a great solution for operational analytics one of the biggest challenges is bringing in data in a reliable timely and easy to use manner There have been scattered solutions in this area but they have largely placed the burden of integration on customers The launch of Datastream our new serverless CDC and replication service solves many of these challenges Datastream synchronizes data across heterogeneous databases applications and storage systems with minimal latency It supports data replication for a variety of use cases including real time analytics Datastream integrates with our Data and Analytics services allowing you to create simple end to end cloud native solutions that replicate your changed data into BigQuery Cloud Data Fusion is Google Cloud s integration service for building ETL and ELT data pipelines Data Fusion already supports the replication of data from SQL Server and MySQL to BigQuery through an easy to use wizard driven experience Data Fusion now integrates with Datastream to support Oracle as a data source without the need for expensive licenses or agents Dataflow is our fully managed service for unified stream and batch data processing Dataflow s integration with Datastream includes the launch of three new templates that replicate data to BigQuery Cloud Spanner and Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL You can also extend and customize the Dataflow templates that ingest and process changed data from Datastream sources This is key if you need to do transformations or enrichments with data from another source before storing it in Google Cloud Let s dive into an example and explore how you can use these integrations Imagine that you are running a business FastFresh that offers same day delivery of fresh food to homes across London To sell all your produce and minimize food waste you want to build real time reports to understand whether you have a surplus of produce and should apply discounts before the end of the day Your operational data such as produce inventory is stored in Oracle and is being continuously updated as customers purchase goods You want to replicate this data into BigQuery so you can run analysis and generate these real time reports Replicating data from Oracle to BigQuery with Data Fusion and DatastreamData Fusion is completely code free and is the perfect solution for those wanting to build a simple end to end replication pipeline using one service Data Fusion is built with data democratization in mind a guided replication wizard invites not just data scientists and analysts but also business users and database administrators to take ownership of their data pipeline creation and information management  To synchronize your inventory data from Oracle to BigQuery you just need to follow the wizard to set up your data sources and destinations You can select the tables columns and change operations update inserts or deletes that you want to synchronize This granular level of control allows you to capture only the data that you actually need replicated minimizing redundancy latency and cost Data Fusion will generate a feasibility assessment before beginning the replication process giving you the opportunity to fix any problems before starting replication fast tracking your journey to building a production ready pipeline Finally you can use the monitoring dashboard to visualize your streams performance and events enabling you to build a holistic oversight of your pipeline and spot any bottlenecks or unexpected behavior in real time Replicating your operational data into BigQuery Spanner or Cloud SQL with Dataflow TemplatesIf you need to replicate data to targets other than BigQuery or you are a data engineer wanting to build and manage your own change data capture jobs you ll want to use a combination of Datastream and Dataflow for replication To streamline this integration we ve launched three new pre built streaming templates in Dataflow s interface Datastream to BigQueryDatastream to Cloud SpannerDatastream to Cloud SQL for PostgreSQLThese templates offer a lightweight and simple replication solution that doesn t require expertise in Java or Python   You first create a Datastream stream to synchronize your changed data to a Cloud Storage bucket You can create multiple streams across multiple sources that replicate into the same bucket This means you can stream change data from multiple sources into BigQuery with a single Dataflow job reducing the number of pipelines you need to manage Datastream normalizes data types across sources allowing for easy source agnostic downstream processing in Dataflow Next you create a Dataflow job from one of our new streaming templates Datastream to BigQuery for our use case All you have to do is specify the streaming source bucket and the staging and replication datasets in BigQuery   And that s it Your job will begin with minimal start up time and changed data will be replicated to BigQuery In a subsequent blog post we ll share tips on how to enrich your Dataflow CDC jobs on the fly Reap the rewards Analyzing your operational data in BigQueryNow that your operational data is being replicated to BigQuery you can take full advantage of its cost effective storage and analytical prowess BigQuery scales serverlessly and allows you to run queries over petabytes of data in a matter of seconds to build the real time insights You can create materialized viewsover your replicated tables to boost performance and efficiency or take advantage of BQML to create and execute ML models for say demand forecasting or recommendations  In our use case we wanted to create dashboards to monitor stock inventory in real time Connecting your BigQuery data to business intelligence services like Looker allows you to build sophisticated real time reporting platforms Both Data Fusion and Dataflow using Datastream specific templates replicate data to storage solutions in Google Cloud Here s a table that can help you make the right decision for your use case and organization  When should I use Cloud Data Fusion or Dataflow templates Beyond replication processing and enriching your changed data before synchronizing to your target destinationTemplates and code free solutions are great for replicating your data as it is But what if you wanted to enrich or process your data as it arrives before storing it in BigQuery  For example when a customer scans their membership card before making a purchase we may want to enrich the changed data by looking up their membership details from an external service before storing this into BigQuery  This is exactly the type of business case Dataflow is built to solve You can extend and customize the Dataflow templates that ingest and process changed data from Datastream sources Stay tuned for our next blog in this series as we explore enriching your changed data in more detail In the meantime check out our Datastream announcement blog post and start replicating your operational data into BigQuery with Dataflow or Data Fusion 2021-05-26 16:00:00



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