IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Amazonの年に一度のビッグセール「プライムデー」、今年は6月21〜22日に開催か |
amazon |
2021-05-28 03:34:06 |
ロボスタ |
森林、カフェの映像に合わせてアロマシューターが連動 より没入感のある空間を演出する「IoA Work for Senses」凸版印刷が発表 |
ioawor |
2021-05-28 03:33:55 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ワタミ、ワクチン2回接種で生ビール1杯無料キャンペーン 規制解除後に実施店舗を徐々に拡大 |
itmedia |
2021-05-28 12:15:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] コロナ前より和らぐも企業の37.2%が正社員不足 業種別では? |
itmedia |
2021-05-28 12:15:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] プラネックス、LTE通信対応で屋外設置もできるネットワークカメラ |
itmediapcuser |
2021-05-28 12:09:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
Among Usなどカジュアルゲームが躍進! Liftoff Mobileがレポートを発表 |
amongus |
2021-05-28 03:00:53 |
AWS Japan Blog |
Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics が大阪リージョンでご利用いただけるようになりました |
Canaryの設定にはスクリプトエディタが、備わっており、こちらのスクリプトで監視の際にユーザーの動きを再現する挙動を設定することができます。 |
2021-05-28 03:30:25 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
for文の速度が遅いとき(一応jsの場合) |
for文の速度が遅いとき一応jsの場合ネストされたプロパティはfor文の外で参照する当たり前だったかもしれませんが初心者はこういうことに気づかないと思うので。 |
2021-05-28 12:55:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
window.location で取得したurlの文字列を変更したい |
windowlocationで取得したurlの文字列を変更したいwindowlocationnbspで取得したurlの文字列を変更したいwindowlocationnbspで取得したurlの一部をreplaceで変更したいのですが、上手く行きませんでした。 |
2021-05-28 12:51:03 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ラムダ式をBigDecimalを使って計算する |
2021-05-28 12:47:50 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
多次元配列をtableの各セルにネスト構造で出力したい |
多次元配列をtableの各セルにネスト構造で出力したい多次元配列をテーブルのネスト構造で表現したいと考えており、nbsp表現したい結果のテーブルは例えば以下の通りです。 |
2021-05-28 12:47:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Hyper-vでWindows2000を起動した時、ネットが認識されない |
HypervでWindowsを起動した時、ネットが認識されないお世話になっております。 |
2021-05-28 12:46:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Rails API】画像を置くためにapp/assets/photosディレクトリ作成後 行うべきこと 初期設定。アセットパイプライン。 |
一旦自身で調べてみて、RailsnbspAPIモードでは作っていないAppと比較してみたりしたのですが、うまく行きません。 |
2021-05-28 12:41:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Simple Calendarの日付表示を変更したい |
SimpleCalendarの日付表示を変更したいSimplenbspCalendarの日付表示を変更したいSimplenbspCalendarを導入しカレンダーを表示させていますが、「」nbspという日付表示を「」と言った日付のみの表示にしたいのですが、変更の仕方がわかりません。 |
2021-05-28 12:37:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[C#]DwmExtendFrameIntoClientAreaで黒以外を透過する方法はあるか |
CDwmExtendFrameIntoClientAreaで黒以外を透過する方法はあるかUnityでデスクトップマスコットを作っています。 |
2021-05-28 12:35:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
monacaでのAndroidキーストアの更新について |
monacaでのAndroidキーストアの更新について年ほど前に趣味でmonacaにてAndroidアプリをつリリースしまして、リリース直後は数回アップデートしたんですがその後、本業が忙しくなりアップデートしていませんでした。 |
2021-05-28 12:32:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Colab Notebooksのエラー解決を教えてください。 |
colabnotebooks |
2021-05-28 12:31:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[WPF] DataGridViewへチェックボックスを配置した時のチェックされた行のデータを取得したい |
DataGridViewにチェックボックスを配置して、ファイル一覧を表示させるところまでは出来たのですが、チェックボックスをクリックした際に対象の行を読み取ることが出来なくて困っています。 |
2021-05-28 12:28:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Local by Flywheelの共有URLを使用時に画像がうまく反映されません。 |
クライアントに共有URLを送る際に問題が発生しました。 |
2021-05-28 12:26:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
stod関数を自作、もしくは使わず実装(C++) |
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2021-05-28 12:25:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Laravel6.xでTCPDFを使用して複数ページのAddPage()をすると最後のページ以外が白紙になる |
LaravelxでTCPDFを使用して複数ページのAddPageをすると最後のページ以外が白紙になるLaravelxでBladeでHTMLを作成し、TCPDFを使用してPDFへ変換する処理を作成しています。 |
2021-05-28 12:22:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SafariだけdataTransfer.getDataの値が空になる |
SafariだけdataTransfergetDataの値が空になるブラウザやWordのファイルから選択したテキストをドラッグアンドドロップで貼り付ける処理を実装しているのですが、ChromeやFireFoxでは問題なくテキストデータを取得できるのですが、Safariのみ空になってしまいます。 |
2021-05-28 12:21:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Reactで`npm start`をするとエラーになる |
React で npmstart を する と エラー に なる React で npmnbspstart を する と エラー に なり ます 。 |
2021-05-28 12:13:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Visual Studio Code(VS Code)のプラグイン Markdown Preview Enhanced でのプレビュー内ドキュメントリンクが動作しない |
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2021-05-28 12:05:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
2021-05-28 12:04:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Accesss]集計時に日付1~日付3の列を追加し、小さい順に並べ替えてセットしたい。 |
試したことクロス集計クエリを使ってみたのですが、それだと日付の数だけ列が増えてしまうので期待した結果ではありませんでした。 |
2021-05-28 12:03:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
作成したマクロが実行できないの表示の解決策を学びたいです。 |
作成したマクロが実行できないの表示の解決策を学びたいです。 |
2021-05-28 12:01:37 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Ruby on Rails】Remember me |
記憶トークンと暗号化したユーザーIDをcookieに保存し、記憶ダイジェストをデータベースに保存する。 |
2021-05-28 12:03:25 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Ruby on Rails】Remember me |
記憶トークンと暗号化したユーザーIDをcookieに保存し、記憶ダイジェストをデータベースに保存する。 |
2021-05-28 12:03:25 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
【Swift】直感的に押せそうな「絶対に押すな!」ボタンを作ってみた |
swift |
2021-05-28 03:07:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Comparing Managed Kubernetes Services: EKS vs. AKS vs. GKE |
Comparing Managed Kubernetes Services EKS vs AKS vs GKEThe way organizations are using Kubernetes has quickly evolved in the past years All the giant cloud providers offer managed Kubernetes services for their customers so that they can easily automate the deployment scale and manage their containerized applications But how do these platforms perform Do they live up to the hype How well do they integrate What s it like maintaining and working with them That s why in this article we reviewed the Managed Kubernetes solutions from the top cloud providers Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service EKS from Amazon Google Kubernetes Engine GKE from Google Cloud Platform and Azure Kubernetes Service AKS from Microsoft Azure It is best to get a deep understanding and look beyond the price and consider factors like scalability security features before making a final decision We ve also decided to group the different features available for each managed Kubernetes services in this blog So let s dig in My Background Cloud Engineer AWS Community Builder AWS Educate Cloud Ambassador x AWS Certified x OCI Certified x Azure Certified General Overview Amazon Elastic Kubernetes ServiceAmazon Elastic Kubernetes Service EKS is a managed service publicly available in June to run Kubernetes on AWS It can be integrated easily with all the services apps and protocols that run on a Kubernetes Environment EKS is designed entirely around Kubernetes so everything you need to manage and deploy containers is included Whether its seamless integration with the third party tools for logs and performance metrics or advanced scaling capabilities EKS is an excellent option if you already have an established AWS cloud architecture and want to experiment with Kubernetes or looking forward to migrating workloads on different clouds Azure Kubernetes ServiceAzure Kubernetes Service AKS is a managed Kubernetes solution that was made available in by Microsoft This is a fully managed service that makes containerized apps easy to deploy and manage in the Kubernetes environment AKS runs both on Azure Public Cloud on premises which helps deliver mission critical applications to customers AWS also has Government Cloud support for Government and their partners to run sensitive workloads AKS is worth it when it comes to seamless integration with its tools including Visual Studio and Active Directory and the rest of the Microsoft Cloud SaaS services If you have an established enterprise agreement with Microsoft and no preference for any other architecture then AKS will perfectly suit your requirements Google Kubernetes EngineKubernetes itself started as a Google s internal project so it makes sense that they were the first to deliver managed Kubernetes solution in known as Google Kubernetes Engine GKE Google Kubernetes Engine GKE as a managed production grade container orchestration engine is the most resilient and well rounded Kubernetes offering when compared to AKS and EKS It has support for the Istio service mesh out of the box and gVisor for an extra layer of security between running containers Also one of the key benefits of GKE is that service upgrades and new versions are instantly available while other providers take time to provide update releases High availability of ClustersHigh availability of clusters is crucial if you are running production critical applications on Kubernetes It ensures your cluster will be available when something goes wrong For instance if your services rely on a single data center and it goes down your services will not be interrupted GKE offers excellent support for highly available clusters in two modes multi zonal and regional There is just one master node in multi zonal mode yet there can be many worker nodes across various zones In regional mode the master nodes are likewise spanned over all the regional zones to provide superior HA AKS doesn t provide high availability for their master nodes as of date However the nodes are deployed in Availability Zones for greater availability EKS likewise provides HA across both workers and master nodes spanned over different accessibility zones in the same way as GKE s SLASLA service level agreement is a powerful acronym in all industries and it is no different within the cloud community All cloud platform providers offer different SLA s which guarantees different uptimes according to their availability zones and their region of deployment For example Amazon EKS guarantees uptime AKS offers when availability zones are enabled and when disabled andGKE splits its managed Kubernetes clusters offering uptime for Zonal deployments and for regional deployments Differences in SLA for Kubernetes control planes also present another area to compare A Kubernetes control plane is a management infrastructure implemented by the cloud provider to efficiently perform all the essential processes for running your worker nodes It varies by different cloud providers AKS Control Plane comes free of cost and you do not pay anything for it GKE was also free of cost initially but they have announced they will start charging soon for the control plane EKS initially charge for their control plan right from the beginning Resource Availability with Node PoolsFor different types of workflows different kinds of machines are allocated to clusters by node pools For example storage systems require better storage disks than workflows like visual data analysis requiring a better CPU and GPU With node pools we can provide the best resource available for specific nodes and provide optimal performance on those nodes while not allocating resources to all the cluster nodes GKE and EKS are leading in this since they both provide functionality for node pooling But AKS on the other hand does not provide node grouping and recommends different clusters in different scenarios ScalabilityGKE AKS and EKS all provide you the ability to scale up nodes very quickly just by using the UI In autoscaling GKE is leading as the most mature solution available on the interface What a user needs to do is just specify the desired VM size and the range of nodes in the node pool And the rest of the steps are managed by Google Cloud EKS and AKS come after GKE in auto scaling because they need some manual configurations to setup GKE also provides further customization in its ability to scale up Unlike AKS and EKS In GKE you can configure to a cluster using the Cluster Autoscaler which will scale your nodes up or down based on the required workload That is especially helpful when you have to run short lived processes AKS and EKS can also implement auto scaling policies but you have to set them manually compared to GKE which provides Cluster Autoscaler by default Bare Metal ClustersAs understandable by name Bare metal clusters are deployed on a cloud architecture with no virtualization layer in between in other words no VMs There are various benefits of this technique The infrastructure overhead reduced drastically which provide access to more computing and storage resources for application deployments Access to more computing resources also increases the computing power which helps reducing latency and downtimes for a particular application request Coming to GKE vs AKS vs EKS for bare metal performance EKS allows the use of bare metal nodes GKE and AKS do not support bare metal nodes Although EKS does not default to bare metal nodes as they are expensive to deploy Resource LimitsResource limits are handled in a different way across providers ーlimits are per account with EKS where AKS handle limits per subscription and GKE balances limits on a per project basis EKS offers a maximum of nodes per cluster per account AKS offers nodes per cluster and GKE offers nodes per cluster per project While most limits look clear on paper some are not In AKS for example the maximum number of nodes that you can have depends on whether the node is available in State Set or Availability Set On the other hand In EKS the maximum number of nodes per cluster you can get varies on the node s instance type Whereas GKE provides you more highly available nodes without any location variables Resource monitoringIn terms of resource monitoring all three cloud providers have offerings GKE uses Stackdriver for resource monitoring within their Kubernetes cluster It monitors the master and worker nodes and all Kubernetes components inside the platform along with logging AKS offers Azure Monitor to evaluate the health of a container and Application Insights to monitor the Kubernetes components EKS requires the use of third party tools and recommends Prometheus for resource monitoring Role based access control RBAC Role based access control RBAC in Kubernetes allows admins to configure dynamic policies to deny unauthorized access All the three hosted services providers provide RBAC implementations but they set it differently EKS has a slight advantage with a tighter security policy overall as it considers RBAC and pod security policies mandatory compared to GKE and AKS Availability as a Cloud ProviderAll three providers have their offerings available in most regions globally Google Cloud has the best availability among these three globally It has services in almost every region following the lead is Azure Azure comes above AWS after launching services in Latin America and Africa Also EKS is not available in the AWS government cloud AKS however has one Azure government cloud whereas Google has no government clouds Secure Image ManagementAll three cloud providers offer container image registry services that provide secure image management and stable build creation But the degree of control these cloud provider provides varies The image signing feature of Azure Container Registry ACR provides users with the ability to check their container images authenticity In the same way immutable image tags in Elastic Container Registry ECR allows users to create a secure container builds at all times Lastly Binary Authorization in GKE prevents deployment of images conflicting with the set policies and triggers the automatic lock down of those risky images Elastic Container Registry and Azure Container Registry also support resource based permissions for access controls on a repository level to prevent unauthorized access which Google container registry does not PricingEach vendor has its specific features limitations and pricing plans Management and deployment of clusters that include master and worker machines running provided at no cost by GKE and AKS You are charged only for services that you use on the go such as bandwidth storage and virtual machines In comparison Amazon EKS costs you per hour for each deployed cluster other than the instances and services you are using Concerning the price overall here are some rough figures to help you determine costs when choosing a Kubernetes platform This cost comparison assumes that you have worker nodes and each node has CPU and GB of RAM Billable hours hours per month Final WordsAWS Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform all are claiming to be the best Managed Kubernetes solution from the past years It s on you Whether you want the advantage of the most mature and budget product of Google or you want to leverage your Microsoft Enterprise Agreement to get better pricing and support on Azure or you want to make your transition to the cloud easier with EKS on Amazon To find that its always important to compare storage network and compute features for each provider before you decide for a managed Kubernetes service It is also critical to compare the costs since services can vary between regions and are different for each configuration Completely testing service s features and capabilities in your environment will ultimately provide the real time pricing and performance metrics which will help determine a Kubernetes offering that perfectly suits your business needs Hope this guide helps you understand the Different Managed Kubernetes Services EKS vs AKS vs GKE feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn You can view my badges here If you are interested in learning more about AWS then follow me on github If you liked this content then do clap and share it Thank You |
2021-05-28 03:27:36 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Coding a React Carousel From Scratch |
Coding a React Carousel From ScratchI have recently been working on an app for musicians to connect and be matched up with based on similar preferences I wanted the UX UI to be something like a tinder swiper where you can scroll through different profile cards In the past I have used libraries like Bootstrap to achieve the carousel like presentation however I wanted to challenge myself to build that out myself with vanilla JS within my React app My first thoughts were to use CSS animation with toggled classes to move the cards in and out of the screen however I quickly found this method ineffective I soon knew I would have to use JS to solve this problem So allow me to walk you through my process To start I needed to have an array of data recommended musicians to swipe through This was relatively easy given I had stored those recommendations in my Redux state All I had to do was map my state to props in the recommended users component like so const mapStateToProps state gt return currentUser state currentUser currentUser recommendedUsers state currentUser recommendedUsers const mapDispatchToProps dispatch gt return fetchUserRecs gt dispatch fetchUserRecs export default connect mapStateToProps mapDispatchToProps RecommendedUsers I mapped my the fetch recommended users dispatch function to props as well so when this component mounted in the application it would fetch this data Now was the time where I had to figure out how to actually implement the carousel like behavior After some experimentation I decided that I would make the container for all the recommended user profiles to be a div that had an overflow hidden property with a nowrap white space property This meant that the div could not break its line and would continue horizontally I could then manipulate the scrollLeft margin of the container with JS to shift what is in view based on what card is shown This is what the CSS looked like for the cards container div as well as the card class itself cards container height overflow hidden white space nowrap card display inline block width height padding rem Next I had to define some state variables locally in the component itself I needed to figure out what the index in the array of recommended users of the active card was so that would be a variable And then I need a variable to store the current scroll margin to implement So my component state looked like this state activeIndex margin My render function looked something like this const shownUserId this props recommendedUsers this state activeIndex id null return lt div className recommended users gt lt div className cards container gt this props recommendedUsers map u index gt lt div gt lt PreviewUserCard user u currentUser this props currentUser key u id cardChange this cardChange shownUserId shownUserId gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt Basically I was mapping a component called PreviewUserCard that rendered all a user s information for each user in the recommended array I passed in a local function called cardChange that could be executed within the PreviewUserCard component This function is what would control the scrollLeft margin and change the active index cardChange e gt if this state activeIndex this props recommendedUsers length this setState activeIndex this setState margin else this setState state gt activeIndex state activeIndex margin state margin window innerWidth Basically this function first checks if the current activeIndex is at the end of the recommended users array and if it is resets the active index to the first card as well as sets the margin to as well Otherwise it will increment the activeIndex by to the next user in the array and set the margin to the window width in addition to the previous margin This is because a card is the width of the window and by increasing the scrollLeft margin by we are essentially displaying the next card in the div The last part of this puzzle is the incrementally set the scrollLeft value If we changed it all at once there would be no carousel effect at all So I decided to write a function that would be executed whenever the component updated it will execute whenever the cardChange function is called This important function is called setMargin which essentially increments the current scrollLeft value in smaller chunks to give it a nice flow and feeling of swiping It looks like this setMargin gt const container document querySelector cards container let interval setInterval gt let i container scrollLeft if i lt this state margin container scrollLeft i window innerWidth if container scrollLeft gt this state margin clearInterval interval else container scrollLeft i window innerWidth if container scrollLeft lt this state margin clearInterval interval First we get the cards container element and set that to a variable Then we set an interval which takes the current value of that container scrollLeft margin It then says while this current scroll value is less than the component state s margin value our target value increment in small amounts the current scrollLeft value until we hit out target scrollLeft value and then clear the interval If the current scroll value of the container is MORE than our target value then that means we have reached the end of our array and have reset to We then do a similar thing of changing the current scroll value until we hit our target however this time we are decrementing down and doing it faster for a nice effect And that s it If you ve successfully followed along you now know how to implement this yourself There probably is a better way to do this and I would love to implement touch events and smoothing incrementation now it is all linear so it could be more natural but for now I am proud to have came up with this method It would probably be faster to just use a library like React Carousel or Bootstrap s Carousel but this was a fun and enjoyable challenge Feel free to comment any other solutions you may have to creating a carousel like presentation Thanks for reading |
2021-05-28 03:10:11 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Back to Basic: Should we use Flexbox or Grid? |
Back to Basic Should we use Flexbox or Grid Back to Basic will answer some of my questions when I first started learning CSS Personally I think when you start learning CSS it will be very hard because CSS has about properties that we can use Of course we won t use it all there are many properties that I still didn t know but there are plenty of properties that we need to understand to be proficient in CSS This blog will not cover CSS from the really basic ones but I will try to show you the implementation If you never have used flexbox or grid before you can check this flexbox guide and grid guide from css tricks QuestionWhen should we use flex or grid When I first started learning CSS and know about flexbox and grid I got confused about when to use flexbox and grid In this blog I will try to explain my approach on how to choose between flexbox and grid according to the condition Use Case of Using FlexI always use flex to give a layout that only has dimension horizontal only or vertical In this blog I will give you some example of flexbox use case with some of my project that I have made Container that has all elements in the center both horizontally and verticallyWe usually see this in a landing pageExample To achieve this layout we only need lines of CSS I suggest you to memorize this combination because you will use this in many cases container make sure the parent element has height min height vh css to align vertically and horizontally display flex align items center justify content center If you want to make a full page make sure the container has a height of the viewport Divide page into partsThis layout also commonly seen usually to divide the container into parts with the same width we can also make it divide into or as many as you want CodepenThis layout can be easily achieved by using flex let s see the HTML first lt div class container gt lt div class content gt lt h gt Hello Bambang lt h gt lt p gt welcome to my page lt p gt lt button gt click me lt button gt lt div gt lt img class content src alt unsplash gt lt div gt As we can see that div container has items which is div content and img content so we can make layout that is equal parts container min height vh display flex content this will make it divides in equal parts width div content the first flexbox use case display flex flex direction column align items center justify content center img content object fit cover by using width we make the child element to take as much space as possible Because both of them wants to be so they compromise and span over If we want to make a responsive design with this layout we can utilize flex direction container min height vh display flex add this to make the flex stacked vertically flex direction column media min width px container flex direction row So when we are in a mobile view flex will stacked vertically like how HTML normally works and when we get into larger viewport flex will make the child elements stack horizontally check the codepen for demo Creating Navbar using space between CodepenCreating a simple navbar will be very often to do and usually the layout is spaced apart where the left side is the logo and the right side is the navigation lt nav gt lt h gt Home lt h gt lt ul gt lt li gt Route lt li gt lt li gt Route lt li gt lt ul gt lt nav gt nav has children which are h and ul Next we just need to reset the base style and split the children element with space betweennav background color lightblue display flex align items center this property will make the child spaced apart justify content space between ul remove bullet style list style none display flex ul gt li li add space between navigation links margin left em All of the examples above actually can be made with a grid too But by using grid we need to write more CSS than using flexbox Use Case of Using GridCodepenGrid is usually used to make a more complex layout My way of deciding is if using flex is too hard then use grid Layouting with flex actually can also be implemented for the complex layout but using grid will be much easier Making dimensional layoutI usually use grid to create this layout because there is a gap feature to space them out Spacing things out using flex is going to be harder if we want to make the design responsiveLayout like this will be very easy if using grid we only need to make it into columns lt div class container gt lt div class item gt item lt div gt lt div class item gt item lt div gt lt div class item gt item lt div gt lt div gt We will simplify the layout by using div container and div item container container base layout max width px margin auto display grid grid template columns repeat fr gap em item border px solid white height em By using grid template columns repeat fr we set the grid to divide the columns into two and the item will follow the rule that we set Last we add the gap em to create some whitespace Grid will be very helpful in responsive design we only need to change the rules on grid tem to be column when it is on smaller screen size and make it to columns in the larger screens container container base layout max width px margin auto display grid no need to add grid template because grid defaults to column gap em media min width px container grid template columns repeat fr Make layout with different sizesCodepenI recommend you to use Firefox Dev Tools to see lines indicating the grid numbers We approach this kind of layout by making columns and rows then we assign the row and col placement on each of the elements For example the first picture spans over columns and rows Check this if you have not understand the grid numbering system lt div class container gt lt div class item item gt item lt div gt lt div class item item gt item lt div gt lt div class item item gt item lt div gt lt div class item item gt item lt div gt lt div gt We will simplify the layout by using container as the parent container max width px margin auto display grid makes the grid into columns and rows grid template columns repeat fr grid template rows repeat fr item border px solid white min height rem item grid column grid row item grid column you can also give value to item and but because it follows the natural flow of the grid I won t continue For responsive design we can put the image according to the rows and columns that we want we can also change the template SummaryUse Grid if using flex is getting too complicatedOriginally posted on my personal site find more blog posts and code snippets library I put up for easy access on my site |
2021-05-28 03:09:31 |
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