IT |
気になる、記になる… |
イオンモバイル、「イオンでんわ5分かけ放題」を6月1日より提供へ |
何度でも |
2021-05-28 08:24:53 |
ロボスタ |
西武緑化管理 ロボット芝刈機「Automower」の個人ユーザー向け機種を取り扱い開始 専用WEBサイトもオープン |
automower |
2021-05-28 08:04:10 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
液晶からバッテリー残量が分かる!3ポート付きの大容量モバイル充電器が登場 |
gloture |
2021-05-28 08:00:08 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
NTTデータ、現場作業をARで支援するサービスを開始、3Dマニュアルも作成 | IT Leaders |
itleadersntt |
2021-05-28 17:44:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ubuntu 20.10 に python3.9 をインストールしたときの備忘録 |
sudoaptupdateリポジトリ管理ソフトをインストールインストールは以下のコマンドを実行します。 |
2021-05-28 17:59:47 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Windows7 の電卓についていたアレ (住宅ローンの計算) |
Windowsの電卓についていたアレ住宅ローンの計算Windowsの電卓についていたアレ住宅ローンの計算Windowsの電卓についていた住宅ローンの計算がWindowsで見当たらないので、HTMLとJavaScriptで再現してみました。 |
2021-05-28 17:40:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
レッドハットでPHP with mySQL選択後、ワークスペースが開始できないとエラー表示になってしまう。 |
acdaadfdaceffpng |
2021-05-28 17:56:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Visual Studio Codeを使ったhtmlで画像を表示させたい。 |
VisualStudioCodeを使ったhtmlで画像を表示させたい。 |
2021-05-28 17:56:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
時間拡大ネットワークが作成できない |
時間拡大ネットワークが作成できない時間拡大ネットワークを作成しているが実行してもエッジリストに追加されません。 |
2021-05-28 17:54:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Googlecolaboratoryでのkeras_bert実行エラー「AttributeError: module 'keras' has no attribute 'applications'」 |
Googlecolaboratoryでのkerasbert実行エラー「AttributeErrormodulexkerasxhasnoattributexapplicationsx」質問内容Googlecolabratoryで、kerasbertを実行しようとすると以下のようなエラーが出てしまい、実行できません。 |
2021-05-28 17:50:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python 3.9(64bit)のPipがwin32をサポートする件について |
PythonbitのPipがwinをサポートする件について前提・実現したいこと以下のパッケージをインストールしようとしています。 |
2021-05-28 17:40:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Siriショートカット起動か通常クリック起動かの識別 |
Siriショートカット起動か通常クリック起動かの識別Siriにアプリ名を言って起動したのか普通にアイコンタップして起動したのかを識別したいです。 |
2021-05-28 17:37:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VBAで、ファイルサーバーにユーザIDとパスワードを用いてログインする方法 |
VBAで、ファイルサーバーにユーザIDとパスワードを用いてログインする方法前提・実現したいことExcelでVBAを使って、DataをファイルサーバにユーザIDとパスワードを使ってログインし、共有フォルダのファイルに張り付けるようにいろいろやってますが、ログインもできていない状況です。 |
2021-05-28 17:34:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
attr('name')の値と取りたい |
attrxnamexの値と取りたいjQueryで下記コードがあるとします。 |
2021-05-28 17:34:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PyTorchによるCNNの実装方法(畳み込みニューラルネットワーク) |
PyTorchによるCNNの実装方法畳み込みニューラルネットワーク前提・実現したいことPyTorchを用いてCNN畳み込みニューラルネットワークの実装を進めておりますが、CNNへの理解が乏しく上手く実装できておりません。 |
2021-05-28 17:17:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
スプレッドシートから得た文字列をGASでHTMLにわたす |
スプレッドシートから得た文字列をGASでHTMLにわたすこの質問の続きです。 |
2021-05-28 17:16:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
phpで配列の表示を指定のhtmlの場所に表示する方法を教えてください |
2021-05-28 17:10:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
$_POSTで受け取った配列をwhileで回して表示しているが、ソートのやり方が分からない |
POSTで受け取った配列をwhileで回して表示しているが、ソートのやり方が分からない制作しているサイトの概要以下の画像のようなサイトを制作しています。 |
2021-05-28 17:06:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
UnityとFaceAPI.jsを連携させたい。 |
faceapijs |
2021-05-28 17:04:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
DataFrameのreplaceで置換されなかった要素の処理について |
DataFrameのreplaceで置換されなかった要素の処理についてDataFrameのreplaceをした際に、replaceされない要素について以下の処理を行いたいです。 |
2021-05-28 17:01:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
phplaravelで作成した画面をwordpressで作成したHP内に取り込みたい。 |
phplaravelで作成した画面をwordpressで作成したHP内に取り込みたい。 |
2021-05-28 17:01:02 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
paiza標準入力・出力まとめ |
まとめ標準入力なんで、使わなくないと思っていましたが、これらを理解することで、配列が絡んでくるアルゴリズムを書くのが、かなり楽になった気がします。 |
2021-05-28 17:01:47 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ubuntu 20.10 に python3.9 をインストールしたときの備忘録 |
sudoaptupdateリポジトリ管理ソフトをインストールインストールは以下のコマンドを実行します。 |
2021-05-28 17:59:47 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
未経験からのAWS SAA受験記 |
【SAAC版】AWS認定ソリューションアーキテクトアソシエイト模擬試験問題集回分問上の「これだけでOK…」にも模擬問題はついているので、必要ないかも。 |
2021-05-28 17:54:57 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Vmmemがメモリを食う場合にWSLshutdown後のdocker再起動方法 |
Vmmemがメモリを食う場合にWSLshutdown後のdocker再起動方法背景Vmmemというプロセスが以上にメモリを食うのでwslshutdown参考してからdockerのコンテナを起動しようとしたところ以下のエラーが出た。 |
2021-05-28 17:11:08 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
SolarWinds hackers are back with a new mass campaign, Microsoft says |
emails |
2021-05-28 08:15:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Make a login form with password display |
Make a login form with password displayHello everyone today I propose you a tutorial to create a login form to your website using a little javascript to display or hide the user s password field This tutorial is quite simple however it will not take into account the backend aspect of the user s connection Let s CodeTo begin we set up our HTML as follows lt body gt lt form method post gt lt h gt Connection lt h gt lt div gt lt input type text placeholder email gt lt br gt lt input type password id password placeholder password onfocus black onblur white gt lt svg xmlns viewBox xml space preserve onclick passwordShow id showEye gt lt g gt lt path d M c S c c s C z M c c c C z gt lt g gt lt g gt lt path d M c s s S z M c s s S z gt lt g gt lt svg gt lt svg xmlns xmlns xlink viewBox xml space preserve onclick passwordHide id hideEye gt lt g gt lt path d M c c c c l l c c c c L l C z gt lt path d M c c c c l l c c c c c l L z gt lt path d M c c c c c c c c c C z gt lt path d M c c c c c c c c c c C z gt lt path d M c l c c s l C z gt lt g gt lt svg gt lt br gt lt input type submit name value Send gt lt div gt lt form gt lt body gt In this example the button to show or hide the user s password are two SVG you can however replace them with images although this is not recommended Now we set up our CSS In our example our CSS code will look like this import url Sans amp display swap body background image url data image svg xml csvg xmlns version xmlns xlink xmlns svgjs width height preserveAspectRatio none viewBox e cg mask url quot b SvgjsMask quot b fill none e crect width height x y fill ea e c rect e cpath d M c C c c c C c c c C c c c C c c c C c c cL L z fill ae e c path e cpath d M c C c c c C c c c C c c cL L z fill ab e c path e c g e cdefs e cmask id SvgjsMask e crect width height fill white e c rect e c mask e c defs e c svg e background size vw vh margin height vh display flex justify content center align items center font family Open Sans sans serif form backdrop filter saturate blur px display block height fit content max width width px border radius px margin auto padding px border px solid gray form div padding px px form password padding px px px px width px form showEye display block fill fff transition all form hideEye display none fill fff transition all form input outline none display block border px solid transparent margin auto border radius px background rgba padding px color white width px transition all s ease in out form input focus background white color black form input focus placeholder color gray form input placeholder color white form input type submit color white background rgba margin px auto auto auto cursor pointer width px form input type submit hover background white color black form input focus box shadow rem rgba form svg width px height px cursor pointer float right margin top px margin right px z index position relative form h font size rem color white text align center letter spacing px Now we are going to do the most interesting part setting up our javascript First of all we have to understand the process we are going to follow To display the string of characters of the input type password we have to replace it by an input type text Concretely this is what it looks like let password document getElementById password let showEye document getElementById showEye let hideEye document getElementById hideEye function black showEye style fill hideEye style fill function white showEye style fill fff hideEye style fill fff function passwordShow password type text showEye style display none hideEye style display inline password focus function passwordHide password type password showEye style display inline hideEye style display none password focus When clicking on a svg to show or hide the password two different functions can be launched passwordShow or passwordHide Here is the final result This turoriel was pretty quick if you have any questions feel free to ask me in comments |
2021-05-28 08:45:50 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Build an online Shop with Gatsby and Shopify (Part 3) |
Build an online Shop with Gatsby and Shopify Part This is the third and last part of my gatsby and shopify series If you have not read the parts before I would recommend reading them before Otherwise it will be hard to follow Today we will add the function to add a product to our cart and then build a checkout page where you can click on checkout to get redirected to your personalized shopify checkout First we should recall where we stopped import fetch from isomorphic fetch import React useEffect createContext useState from react import Client from shopify buy const client Client buildClient storefrontAccessToken process env ACCESS TOKEN domain process env SHOP NAME fetch const defaultValues client checkout lineItems export const StoreContext createContext defaultValues const isBrowser typeof window undefined const ContextProvider children gt const checkout setCheckout useState defaultValues checkout const setCheckoutItem checkout gt if isBrowser localStorage setItem shopify checkout id checkout id setCheckout checkout useEffect gt const initializeCheckout async gt const existingCheckoutID isBrowser localStorage getItem shopify checkout id null if existingCheckoutID amp amp existingCheckoutID null try const existingCheckout await client checkout fetch existingCheckoutID if existingCheckout completedAt setCheckoutItem existingCheckout return catch e localStorage setItem shopify checkout id null const newCheckout await client checkout create setCheckoutItem newCheckout initializeCheckout return lt StoreContext Provider gt children lt StoreContext Provider gt export default ContextProvider Add Variant to CartNext up we would need a function to go add a product to the cart So let us build it const addVariantToCart variantId quantity gt const checkoutID checkout id const lineItemsToUpdate variantId quantity parseInt quantity return client checkout addLineItems checkoutID lineItemsToUpdate then res gt setCheckout res The function takes two arguments The first one is the id of the product or more specific the id of the variant That means when you have a product like a shirt you would have different variants You would take the id for the variant The other parameter is the quantity Then afterwards we get the id for the checkout This we need for later It will be used for making our request because shopify needs to know to which checkout they need to add the variant to Then we construct or data we want to send For now we only send one at a time Later you could make this more complex and maybe to a bulk adding version of this function In the last step we need to use our shopify sdk to add the items to the checkout Then we wait for the response and set it to the state Passing our dataOne important thing we missed in our ContextProvider file We need to pass the functions and our data to use it afterwards return lt StoreContext Provider value defaultValues addVariantToCart checkout gt children lt StoreContext Provider gt We pass an object called value into the context provider There we spread in the defaultValues Pass our newly build function and the checkout state Now we could use our provider Using the providerIn order to make the data accessible everywhere in our pages I would recommend adding the ContextProvider component in our layout Just wrap everything else in it This makes it available everywhere else Now we could use the context everywhere you want We will add it to a component which shows a product with the add to cart button import React useContext from react import StoreContext from provider ContextProvider const ProductDescription title priceRange description shopifyId gt const addVariantToCart checkout useContext StoreContext const handleAddToCart gt addVariantToCart shopifyId const handleDirectCheckout gt addVariantToCart shopifyId window open checkout webUrl self return lt div className row gt lt div className col gt lt StyledProductName gt title lt StyledProductName gt lt StyledPrice gt priceRange minVariantPrice amount € lt StyledPrice gt lt StyledLabel gt Product Type lt StyledLabel gt lt StyledSelect name producttype id producttype gt lt option value Download gt Download lt option gt lt option value Artwork gt Artwork lt option gt lt StyledSelect gt lt hr gt lt StyledProductText gt description lt StyledProductText gt lt StyledButton className mr onClick handleAddToCart gt Add to Cart lt StyledButton gt lt StyledButtonSecondary onClick handleDirectCheckout gt Direct Checkout lt StyledButtonSecondary gt lt div gt lt div gt export default ProductDescriptionDo not wonder why the JSX Tags look a bit different They are styled with styled components Which is an entirely different topic If you want to learn more about it Just have a look here Styled components For now you just have to know that it is a way of styling and under the hood you could use any tag you want And as we want to focus here on building the functionality this is not something you should worry about Enough about styled components First we need to import the store context Then we can use it in the component const addVariantToCart checkout useContext StoreContext We use the addVariantToCart function and the checkout state from the StoreContext Above is shown how you get it from the context Pretty easy right Next We have two functions which will handle the clicks on the buttons The first just calls the addVariantToCart function with the shopifyId which was passed as props The id you get with calling the shopify data on your page And then you could also add a quantity For simplicity its only possible to add one product at the moment But that would be an easy fix and could be done later Next the handleDirectCheckout function This would be if a user directly wants to check out with the product on the page Therefore the addVariantToCart function is also called afterwards we open the shopify checkout The url of the checkout is stored in the checkout state This is a large object we get from shopify Also there are other things in it like all the items in the line or the total amount of the cart Final wordsNow you know how to use the context and how to build your own shop with shopify and gatsby I know that s not all you need to build but it should give you a starting point and hopefullyenables you to build your own shop I think it is really fun and a cool way to build your custom shop If you have a question feel free to reach out I would be happy to help |
2021-05-28 08:18:36 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
10 job interview questions every software developer should know |
job interview questions every software developer should knowSo you re looking to become a software developer and join the ranks of highly skilled professionals If you re in the midst of your job search and need some quick tips to get better prepared for the interview we can help with that JOIN THEVIKCODE NEWLETTER GET DAILY WHICH WILL NOT BE AVAIBLE HERE For some interviews are nerve racking and difficult But as long as you prepare with mock interviews you ll be ready for anything your future employer might throw your way not to mention stand out from other job seekers If you want to ace the interview and land the job below are ten questions that every software developer should know how to answer We ll follow those with some tips for your interview prep so you have every chance to edge out the competition Questions to Expect in Your Interview What is responsive design Explain the difference between fixed and fluid layouts Describe a time where you had to convince a teammate to change their code for a project What is an example of a sandbox What s the purpose of one How do you communicate your progress to your team What tools do you like to use to design develop and debug applications What is the best way to collaborate on a coding project Describe a time you got something wrong while coding What did you do about it Have you ever worked with someone who didn t give as much effort as other team members How did you handle it Give an example of a well designed website or product with good user experience Why do you like it Have you ever had a bug in your code that was already in production How did you communicate fix the issue Tips for Nailing Your Software Developer InterviewGetting the job relies on so many factors your experience culture fit with the company and even just dumb luck But you can give yourself every competitive advantage by going into the interview prepared Here are some reminders to keep in mind if you re in the running for your dream developer gig If you don t know the answer just be honest Developer interviews can get very technical very fast If you don t know the answer to a question be transparent and tell them that but remind them that you re excited to learn You could even describe another skill that you learned on the last job or taught yourself to demonstrate your initiative Ask questions of your own Great developers are in high demand You might get more interview requests or even competing job offers So get all of the information you need to decide if the company is a good fit for you too Be ready to show off your portfolio You should have a few of your best projects in one place like Github Even if you ve never had a true developer job there are other ways to build a portfolioThese were some general interview questions every programmer should know |
2021-05-28 08:17:06 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Solution: Maximum Erasure Value |
Solution Maximum Erasure ValueThis is part of a series of Leetcode solution explanations index If you liked this solution or found it useful please like this post and or upvote my solution post on Leetcode s forums Leetcode Problem Medium Maximum Erasure Value Description Jump to Solution Idea Code JavaScript Python Java C You are given an array of positive integers nums and want to erase a subarray containing unique elements The score you get by erasing the subarray is equal to the sum of its elements Return the maximum score you can get by erasing exactly one subarray An array b is called to be a subarray of a if it forms a contiguous subsequence of a that is if it is equal to a l a l a r for some l r Examples Example Input nums Output Explanation The optimal subarray here is Example Input nums Output Explanation The optimal subarray here is or Constraints lt nums length lt lt nums i lt Idea Jump to Problem Description Code JavaScript Python Java C Like most problems that ask about a contiguous subarray this problem naturally calls for a pointer sliding window approach There are a few ways we can keep track of the contents of the sliding window but since the constraint upon nums i is fairly small we can use the faster arraymap nmap method rather than a hashmap So as we iterate our sliding window through nums we ll move our right pointer forward increasing the counter for the appropriate number in nmap If that bucket in nmap goes above then we know that the newly added number isn t unique in our sliding window so we need to increase the left pointer until the counter is reduced back to We should also of course keep track of the sum total of the sliding window At each iteration once we ve confirmed the uniqueness of the contents of the sliding window we should also update our best result so far Then once we re done we can just return best Time Complexity O N where N is the length of numsSpace Complexity O for nmap keeping track of numbers from to Javascript Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea var maximumUniqueSubarray function nums let nmap new IntArray total best for let left right right lt nums length right nmap nums right total nums right while nmap nums right gt nmap nums left total nums left best Math max best total return best Python Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea class Solution def maximumUniqueSubarray self nums List int gt int nmap total best left for right in nums nmap right total right while nmap right gt nmap nums left total nums left left best max best total return best Java Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea class Solution public int maximumUniqueSubarray int nums short nmap new short int total best for int left right right lt nums length right nmap nums right total nums right while nmap nums right gt nmap nums left total nums left best Math max best total return best C Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea class Solution public int maximumUniqueSubarray vector lt int gt amp nums char nmap int total best for int left right right lt nums size right nmap nums right total nums right while nmap nums right gt nmap nums left total nums left best max best total return best |
2021-05-28 08:13:30 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Tesla update activates the in-car camera for driver monitoring |
autopilot |
2021-05-28 08:15:11 |
金融 |
JPX マーケットニュース |
[東証]上場廃止に係る猶予期間入り:(株)ワイズテーブルコーポレーション |
上場廃止 |
2021-05-28 18:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
職員を募集しています。(金融商品取引業者等(主として投資運用会社)に対するモニタリング業務等に従事する職員(課長補佐クラス)) |
課長補佐 |
2021-05-28 10:00:00 |
金融 |
ニュース - 保険市場TIMES |
アフラック、令和2年度がん対策推進優良企業に選出 |
がんからの就労を支援アフラック生命保険株式会社は、日本で初めてがん保険を発売した保険会社である。 |
2021-05-28 18:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan permits continued stay of Myanmar residents due to coup |
emergency |
2021-05-28 17:45:55 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Immigration bureau sued for locking up 17 people in a room made for six |
Immigration bureau sued for locking up people in a room made for sixFour people allege that electricity was cut during their stay that they were not given drinking water and that they were not let out when |
2021-05-28 17:32:32 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Bill on rehiring teachers fired for sexual acts with children clears Diet |
Bill on rehiring teachers fired for sexual acts with children clears DietA new law aims to make it more difficult for educators who lost their teaching licenses due to acts of sexual violence to work again |
2021-05-28 17:14:24 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Insurers must not penalise loyal customers, says FCA |
january |
2021-05-28 08:38:31 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Nike says it split with Neymar over sexual assault investigation |
brazilian |
2021-05-28 08:14:23 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
What are the rules for travelling to green, amber and red list countries? |
rules |
2021-05-28 08:52:24 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
20年の漁獲量、2年連続最低 0・5%減、温暖化やコロナ影響 |
養殖業 |
2021-05-28 17:18:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
旅行業、79%が顧客大幅減 大型連休中、観光庁調査 |
大型連休 |
2021-05-28 17:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ジョコビッチ、無観客は五輪再考 「ファン観戦ならプレーする」 |
世界ランキング |
2021-05-28 17:02:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
ウマ娘だけでないサイバー絶好調の真因【動画】 時価総額は初の1兆円突破、「電通超え」の威力 | インターネット | 東洋経済オンライン |
時価総額 |
2021-05-28 17:10:00 |
ニュース |
Newsweek |
コロナ禍の新人をどう育てればいいのか、先輩社会人としてできる4つのこと |
ツイッターで、自分が社会人になりたてのとき助けになった本を紹介してもいいだろう。 |
2021-05-28 17:35:00 |
ニュース |
Newsweek |
先住民アボリジニの記憶術に、ホームズ流「記憶の宮殿」凌ぐ効果 豪研究 |
モナシュ大学が発表したリリースのなかでレイサー博士は、本テクニックによって学生の学習効果が向上するだけでなく、先進的な学問分野の習得に伴うストレスを抑えることができるのではないかと述べている。 |
2021-05-28 17:04:04 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
注目のローソンご褒美スイーツ!「雅ロール宇治抹茶」やミルクバターソースあふれる「露ふわケーキ」など |
宇治抹茶 |
2021-05-28 17:45:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
「北海道すた丼」ガッツリ焼肉と濃厚バター、ご飯は約3杯分と大盛 |
伝説のすた丼屋 |
2021-05-28 17:15:00 |