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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT 気になる、記になる… プライド月間に合わせてGoogle検索に新たなイースターエッグが登場 https://taisy0.com/2021/06/01/141223.html google 2021-06-01 14:49:29
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] Tinder、毎週金曜日に始まる48時間限定の新体験型コンテンツ「Vibes」スタート 狙いは? https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2106/01/news168.html ITmediaビジネスオンラインTinder、毎週金曜日に始まる時間限定の新体験型コンテンツ「Vibes」スタート狙いは「Tinder」を運営する米MatchGroupは新体験型コンテンツ「Vibesバイブス」の提供を開始すると発表した。 2021-06-01 23:23:00
AWS AWS Open Source Blog Managing AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector with AWS Systems Manager Distributor https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/managing-aws-distro-for-opentelemetry-collector-with-aws-systems-manager-distributor/ Managing AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Collector with AWS Systems Manager DistributorAWS Systems Manager Distributor simplifies the distribution installation and update process for software packages on managed instances at scale AWS Systems Manager also provides a secured and centralized repository with version control for these software packages With AWS Systems Manager Distributor users can install and update their software packages for a large set of managed … 2021-06-01 14:57:13
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita py.exe をインストール https://qiita.com/9boz/items/2a7a1cf4e16565ce9d62 bitbitpythonlauncher 2021-06-01 23:10:00
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 投稿画面で画像をドロップして追加 https://qiita.com/ad1117wi/items/a101fa612686c46f29be この後にプレビュー画像であるimg要素を生成しますが、その親要素として生成します↓例ltdividimageelementclassimageelementgtltimggtltdivgt↓選択解除によりimg要素プレビュー画像が消えても例ltdividimageelementclassimageelemantgtltdivgtこのように親要素のdiv要素が残るようにしてあげます。 2021-06-01 23:14:46
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 第 6 章 Linter とフォーマッタでコード美人に メモ https://qiita.com/kamenaris/items/cdc035cb084162e63b3c 第章Linterとフォーマッタでコード美人にメモlinterコードを静的解析してコンパイルではじかれない潜在的なバグを警告するものコードフォーマッタインデントや改行などのスタイルを一律に自動整形してくれるものESLintについてはCreateReactAppで生成したプロジェクトにはESLintパッケージが最初からインストールされてるインストール済みのものをそのまま使っておいたほうが無難・インストールされているバージョンの確認の方法yarnlisteslintwarningFilteringbyargumentsisdeprecatedPleaseusethepatternoptioninstead└ーeslint追加でインストールしていくのは、ESLintによる公式のTypeScript対応プロジェクト『TypeScriptESLint』が提供してるパッケージ群ESLint本体を除くエコシステムのパッケージは主に種類に分類される・パーサParserソースコードを特定の言語仕様に沿って解析してくれるライブラリ。 2021-06-01 23:12:05
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【Vue.js】動的にコンポーネントを切り替える際に、切り替え毎にdestroyedされないようにするには https://qiita.com/yuta-katayama-23/items/db3e4b4f9bfb098e5e6f ライフサイクルフック説明activatedコンポーネントがDOMに表示される時にdeactivatedコンポーネントがDOMに表示されなくなった時に動画のソースコードは以下Appvueはltkeepalivegtltkeepalivegtタグで囲む事でdestroyedされないようにできると同じ。 2021-06-01 23:04:16
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) v-forを用いて、データが表示されない https://teratail.com/questions/341643?rss=all vforを用いて、データが表示されない現在、googlenbspboolsnbspapiを用いた本の検索と気になる保管機能の実装したサイトを制作しております。 2021-06-01 23:54:57
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 2つのデータフレームを比較と欠損値の補充したいです。 https://teratail.com/questions/341642?rss=all つのデータフレームを比較と欠損値の補充したいです。 2021-06-01 23:52:51
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VBA 特定の範囲をコピーして下の行に貼り付けたい https://teratail.com/questions/341641?rss=all 下記、コードで言えば、なぜか実行途中で落ちます白い画面で実行途中で落ちます→行が多すぎて落ちるのかと思っているのですが、範囲はAAZの範囲を行程度なので、その程度で固まるかと思っています。 2021-06-01 23:49:06
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Chrome拡張 background.jsでXMLHttpRequestができない https://teratail.com/questions/341640?rss=all 2021-06-01 23:47:35
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) attribute エラーの対処 https://teratail.com/questions/341639?rss=all attributeエラーの対処前提・実現したいことpdfの表を読み取ってExcelに変換するプログラミングを書いています。 2021-06-01 23:46:23
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) npm run devが実行できない https://teratail.com/questions/341638?rss=all 2021-06-01 23:39:17
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) チャットアプリのデータ設計について https://teratail.com/questions/341637?rss=all チャットアプリのデータ設計について現在、swiftでチャットアプリを作っているのですが、チャット機能自体作り終わったところです。 2021-06-01 23:38:39
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Advanced Custom Fields の出力の仕方 https://teratail.com/questions/341636?rss=all 記事作成画面だと出力のコードを書く場所がありませんので、phpファイルが必要かと思います。 2021-06-01 23:38:31
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) c++で形式?(初心者なのでこれが何かわかりません) https://teratail.com/questions/341635?rss=all 2021-06-01 23:30:46
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Local by Flywheelエラー、macターミナル sudo lsof -i:80; sudo lsof -tnP -i:80 | xargs -n 1 ps -p 何も起こらない https://teratail.com/questions/341634?rss=all Lerannbspmoreより、原因を調べていたところ、macのポート番号が他のアプリとバッティングしているのではないかと思っています。 2021-06-01 23:30:42
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) GASのスクリプトで添付ファイルと差出人名が両立できない https://teratail.com/questions/341633?rss=all GASのスクリプトで添付ファイルと差出人名が両立できない前提・実現したいことGASを用いて顧客へメールを一斉送信しておりました。 2021-06-01 23:03:09
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 投稿画面で画像をドロップして追加 https://qiita.com/ad1117wi/items/a101fa612686c46f29be この後にプレビュー画像であるimg要素を生成しますが、その親要素として生成します↓例ltdividimageelementclassimageelementgtltimggtltdivgt↓選択解除によりimg要素プレビュー画像が消えても例ltdividimageelementclassimageelemantgtltdivgtこのように親要素のdiv要素が残るようにしてあげます。 2021-06-01 23:14:46
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Tips: CodeBuildでGitHubのPRへコメントを行う https://qiita.com/getty104/items/d02fd368c987f3b9fb7e CodeBuildnの準備まずはCodeBuildとGitHubを以下の記事を参考に連携してください。 2021-06-01 23:10:28
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita MySQL8+phpMyAdmin https://qiita.com/grazios/items/1a6364b44256032c1b1b MySQLphpMyAdminなにこれローカルのDBなんて適当でええねんという人向け。 2021-06-01 23:41:42
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita sort.SearchStrings の注意点と対策コード https://qiita.com/comi19/items/dda0de077a5c11be7d80 参考文献SearchStringsLsortSearchStringsの仕様sortSearchStringsは公式ドキュメントによると、昇順にソートされた文字列スライスと文字列xを受け取り、スライスの中にxがあるか二分探索する。 2021-06-01 23:18:50
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GoでDotenv(.env)を読み込む https://qiita.com/goahi/items/341e13853883bfbf1905 こうしないとrが含まれてしまう。 2021-06-01 23:17:17
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWS S3 のオブジェクトURLを Azure Storage でやるための手順 https://qiita.com/matchyy/items/4176dc8744e847c5beac 共有用のURLを作成するでアップロードしたファイルを選択し、SASの生成を選択し、SASトークンおよびURLを生成を選択する※BLOBSASURLが表示されるので、このURLを使ってアクセスすればファイルをダウンロードできる※共有に対する開始日時と有効期限の設定があるので、必要なら修正する。 2021-06-01 23:49:20
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 投稿画面で画像をドロップして追加 https://qiita.com/ad1117wi/items/a101fa612686c46f29be この後にプレビュー画像であるimg要素を生成しますが、その親要素として生成します↓例ltdividimageelementclassimageelementgtltimggtltdivgt↓選択解除によりimg要素プレビュー画像が消えても例ltdividimageelementclassimageelemantgtltdivgtこのように親要素のdiv要素が残るようにしてあげます。 2021-06-01 23:14:46
海外TECH DEV Community How to start competitive coding! https://dev.to/rishabh062/how-to-start-competitive-coding-ce4 How to start competitive coding Competitive programming CP is a mind sport usually held over the Internet or a local network involving participants trying to program according to provided specifications Basic requirement for CP is ParticipationBasically CP demands regular participation on various contest which held over internet LearningIf you are participation but not learning new concepts then it is of no use You need to maintain both PatienceMost important thing you need to learn is patience while doing the problems Some time you will not get AC or green tick for particular problem but must not loose hope You need to explore it Basic steps in learning Competitive programming Choose well known programming language Choosing a correct programming language is great concert here Although you can do CP in any language but usually C C or JAVA is most preferred because of speed and time of execution which is great in this language Python is slow as compared to C C and JAVA that s why very less number of programmers used to do Competitive Programming Choosing some platform for practising competitive programming There are many platform present where you can practice and take part in contest Some of them are CodechefCodeforcesLeetcodeGeeksforGeeksHackerrankLearn Data Structures and Algorithms Data Structures are something that helps you in making the program more efficient Algorithms are something that use various data structures to implement the logic and solve the program Learn them from here GeeksforGeeks DSGeeksforGeeks AlgoLast gt Practice practice Practice a lot If you want to become excel on that you need to practice and keep learning from your mistake Start your journey as soon as possible and enjoy this sports Visit my codechef profile gt RishabhFollow me here TwitterLinkedlnThanks for reading 2021-06-01 14:54:38
海外TECH DEV Community TUTORIAL: How to create a modal in UI Builder https://dev.to/backendless/tutorial-how-to-create-a-modal-in-ui-builder-5b97 TUTORIAL How to create a modal in UI BuilderA modal is a common UI element used to grab the user s attention by overlaying the page In this step by step tutorial we will show you how to implement style and interact with modals in UI Builder Also known as overlays or dialog windows modals are an easy way to ensure your user receives information or takes an action you want them to take In order to guarantee the user interacts with the modal most modals prevent the user from interacting with the underlying page While this can be effective in small doses the modal UI element should be used in moderation as it tends to disrupt the user experience Check out an example of the component in this demo In this tutorial we will take you through the process of implementing a modal in Backendless built in UI Builder To follow along simply login or create a free Backendless account Note from the author The names for the classes and elements in this component are used for example You can them to whatever you prefer Modal Structure In UI BuilderLet s start assembling the modal window by creating the component structure on the User interface tab The general structure of the component is shown below For clarity element IDs are named the same as classes Descriptions modal open button for opening a modal window can be any of your custom solutions modal root element of the modal required modal card root block for your content inside this element put what you need required modal close button to close the modal window you can do as you need modal shadow shading curtain behind the modal window restricts access to other elements of the page required All elements of the component except buttons use the Block component For the buttons we will use the Button element but you can use whatever you want When creating elements immediately assign ID and Classes according to this structure As a result you should get something similar to this After you create the entire structure of the component you need to reset all settings for the Block elements To do this you need to delete all the selected properties Later we will indicate the necessary ones through the styles The Padding property is set to and then reset in the same way StylesTo create styles switch to the Theme tab Inside the page select the Editor tab and then Extensions Now we ll create Extensions You can change the names as you like Extension MxModal is a LESS mixin in which the basic styles of the component are taken out for ease of multiple use Edit only if you know what you are doing Learn more about CSS LESS in UI Themes mx modal display none important position fixed important top important bottom important left important right important z index important flex direction column important justify content center important align items center important width important height important padding px important amp open display flex important media min width px padding important mx modal curtain position fixed important top important bottom important left important right important z index important background color rgba width important height important mx modal card width important media min width px width px important The Extension Modal contains the general styling of the component on the page according to your project The most important thing is to import mixins any other properties can be adjusted as you like modal open width px important modal mx modal modal card mx modal card flex direction column important justify content flex end important align items flex end important background color fff height px important border radius px box shadow px px px px rgba px px px px rgba px px px px rgba modal close width px important modal shadow mx modal curtain LogicLet s start adding Codeless logic from the root Page element To do this we return to the User interface tab select the Page element and click on the puzzle icon as in the screenshot In the Logic tab that opens for the Page element we hang the logic on the On Page Enter event as in the screenshot This will create a global modal state variable isOpenModal for the entire page We set the value to false which in our logic will define a closed modal window If you want to use several different modals add a unique variable for each window In order not to switch between tabs to select the following items we will use the navigator To do this unpin the Page element by clicking on the button icon Now we add logic for the rest of the elements On the window open button use the On Click Event Set the isOpenModal variable to true Similarly add a handler for the On Click Event for the close button and shade curtain Now all that remains is to add logic to the element with the modal class For this we use the Class List Logic event Here depending on the value of the isOpenModal variable the open class is added or removed That s all there is to it We hope that you found this useful and as always happy codeless coding 2021-06-01 14:26:31
海外TECH DEV Community The function(){of 'JS strings'} https://dev.to/yugely/the-function-of-js-strings-1kpe The function of x JS strings x This post is going to go over dynamic function creation and it will take a general look at how JS looks at strings and different ways they can be used These methodologies should be avoided as they tend to deliver unpredictable results that often off little reasoning as to why the evaluated the way they did There are also concerns around accidental invocations Unless you do the due diligence to take it to task I wouldn t incorporate it But we ve all been in the spot where we just need to make it work even if its a quick and dirty way of doing the deed technical debt cough ough I think this is a cool characteristic of the language and one I believe developers should be aware of as it is an important facet in which the language itself operates Example take a moment to picture how this is going to run JS Regex Vanilla bby var b f gt a gt console log hello in a setTimeout gt console log in time out call a console log out of timeout in f call f var str console log comparison check b before timeout call console log typeof b string console log typeof b var res undefined setTimeout gt console log first comparison check b console log typeof b string console log typeof b console log second comparison check b console log typeof b string console log typeof b res str split str b console log first comparison check res console log typeof res string console log typeof res console log res console log third comparison check b console log typeof b string console log typeof b What we have is a function within a string or a string concatenated with a function When run we will check the type of the value and of a value and do a strict comparison check as to what each variable is This is going to be run through the v engine which really shouldn t matter let me know if you have found different Lets take a look now at what my output from the this code looks like Did you expect that output I did not In fact for the most part I cannot explain the repetition either outside of the variable initializing itself for comparison checks But I want you to pay attention to the fact that though the system saw it was a string told me it was in fact a string and did so with a strict comparison check multiple times the b variable was not a string as it carried out the routine embedded inside of it What does this say Well it says there is some sort of duality in the way JS views strings I ve often thought of it as one big regex engine That JS saw it was a string but still had the direction to carry out the embedded instructions instead of print out what the instruction would be Cant strings in fact be functions Yes in face strings can indeed be evaluated at runtime as functions The next few examples were pulled from answered questions as I believe there is some great discussions on the topic Example variablesvar ta var da var s Create string representation of functions function test alert da this test s function test alert ta this test s forEach fun gt this fun name fun calling the functionthis test calls testthis test calls testThis is using an invocation to access the the two functions This is a dynamic invocation which is a way a good amount of libraries are built sans the dynamic way to invoke the function Example var name foo Implement iteval function name alert Foo Test itfoo Next is TRUEfoo name foo This is using the eval function to evaluate the string as a function instead of printing it instead of printing it Outside of a whonky DB return value there really isn t a whole lot to use this with Example var f new Function name return alert hello name f erick This is constructing the body and contents of the function and using the built the function feature to store a body that evaluates as a function and storing it in variable f I personally think this is a cleaner and more approachable way to do this task as it mitigates the concerns around accidental invocation In the example the name param is the value being passed in for the function when called and the second param contains the contents of the function itself String can be evaluated as functions in JS a characteristic of the language that not many others share While fun to toy with to see what spits out the console I think it best not to incorporate it en masse but to understand better how the HUGE ecosystem surrounding the language itself is used 2021-06-01 14:23:00
海外TECH DEV Community A beginners guide to infosec https://dev.to/cossacklabs/a-beginners-guide-to-infosec-3o22 A beginners guide to infosecIn this first remote infosec career rollercoaster thrills and charms like it was never before However to move in this direction as a junior specialist you need to gain some new skills and a brand new line of thought Cossack Labs senior security engineers are sharing advice about this path These basic principles and rules will help you drive through your infosec career safe and sound right from the start Ready steady go Table of contents ️Hard skills ️⃣points to consider️Soft skills run smarter️Shortcuts for career racers Hard skills Learning security can be as hard as doing it “Eat the elephant one bite at a time play the long game and move steadily and constantly they say This universal principle works in infosec as well You need a lot of small steps and a plan Here are the elements of planning which can add brilliance to your infosec career to do list ️⃣Understand how computers workFirst things first what distinguishes a good junior engineer from a bad one is knowing the basics Start upgrading yourself in computer science courses on computers OS network technologies Linux Windows administering and programming will do nicely With advanced computer skills you will move faster and smoothly into the next stage If you prefer books get your copy of Security Engineering by Ross Anderson or read its chapters available online for free This really huge book is both useful and entertaining so why not let yourself get into a new profession with fun but not blood sweat and tears ️⃣Broaden the security horizonAwareness is one of the main weak points of most entry level specialists in information security Tune in security vibes Get an answer to a question “what do appsec and fire extinguishers have in common Read through OWASP Top Ten OWASP ASVS OWASP MASVS OWASP SAMM Have fun with tasks like OWASP juice shop and move on The effective and time saving way of systemising the knowledge is to take entry level courses with certification like CompTIA Security ISC SSCP GIAC Security essentials They will help to get acquainted with the industry its terms notions and concepts Skills that you obtain at this stage will work for both if you get deeper in infosec or quit it ️⃣Select your team At this point it s high time to decide which team you are in Do you want to attack weak spots in systems application or infrastructure security Alternatively you can play for defence analyze risks and threat models and implement effective security measures Understanding in what proportion you are interested in a red blue teaming is already a huge guideline for further development Red teamers look for weaknesses and vulnerabilities testing the security of applications infrastructures and systems The work of the red team is to touch twist and wobble until it breaks with varying degrees of consistency It s easier becoming a decent red teamer all other things being equal than becoming a good defender because the feedback loop from your work is an order of magnitude shorterー it s either worked or failed In an offensive security specialist s journey the Offensive Security Certified Professional OSCP course can be your first infosec mountaineering equipment in a collection Blue teamers analyze risks and threats design and implement security measures This work involves system thinking the ability to represent complex processes at different levels of the technological stack see the big picture and be able to dig into details Note that defence is a harder longer and more complicated process where you have to pay attention to lots of details and keep a broad view simultaneously Occasionally it will demand some red skills as well To succeed on this path you need to work hard solve more tasks and gain extensive experience in as many projects as possible ️⃣Look for an internshipSome specialities like data security require a very specific knowledge setーlike understanding cryptography crypto attack and defences and building crypto based systems As in Cossack Labs we build software for data security all our engineers understand crypto Recently we started running a closed crypto R amp D internshipprogram and plan to make it public soon Quite an obvious tip check out our updates not to miss an opportunity At the moment our first interns are going through intensive crypto studies seasoned with lots of Rust programming They learn building and attacking crypto primitives dealing with cryptographic libraries studying cutting edge crypto like zk SNARKs doing research and presenting their discoveries and getting used to working in a team Our cryptographers software and security engineers support them during the whole program For a beginner security engineer an internship can be a skyrocket to a pro We highly recommend searching for such an opportunity ‍Soft skills ‍Infosec is not all about tools it s about people This discovery will lead you to study psychology and people s behaviour You will find astonishing things about “them and yourself as well Soon you might start feeling sad and annoyed about people their risk management misfits and poor decision making Get prepared one day to meet a strange infosec personality aspect high criticism of others combined with protectiveness and “toxicity The more you learn the more mistakes and flaws you will see in people close and far from you Technically this is your job Predictably later this toxicity can fire back to you Imagine this “Day by day you search for vulnerabilities and really find them try to mitigate successfully or not and have to address sudden security incidents as well One day you win anotherーnot quite so This situation plays out over and over again and this is frustrating Apart from purely technical issues it s worth paying attention to your personal mental health and well being Run smarter not harder Sports physical activities enough rest and healthy sleep contrary to expectations can help you stay more productive in infosec Shortcuts for career racers Every long way can be a little shorter eh If it s in your style here are some tricks ️Practice lab Either in the red or blue team you need practice on a playground From a virtual server to a mini data centre in your basementーpractice makes perfect ️Credentials Don t miss capture the flag contests and public playgrounds for example HackTheBox Root Me Cryptopals CryptoHack Some playgrounds have public scoreboards which might help you to get a job ️Certificates Security certificates are a controversial topic as they don t represent the knowledge but they might let your CV come through filters ️Internship As we mentioned above find an internship in a company that does things that excite youーand apply ️Conferences talks and blogs Pandemic made taking part in major security events much easier You can pick up the cherries and get info from the stable at NoNameCon DefCon RSA security tracks at InfoQ ️Podcasts Defensive Security Risky Business Security weekly ️Follow infosec engineers vixentael julepka gunpi and CossackLabs Constant learning is a common thing in IT in general and in infosec in particular Here you are to agree with the ever changing technology stack and life long learning approach So get ready to run really fast to stay still Continuous and often radical challenges in this industry is a rule and they demand to comply and grow with it ️ 2021-06-01 14:17:25
海外TECH DEV Community Create A Joke Generator : API project https://dev.to/isteakshupto/create-a-joke-generator-api-project-3ca6 Create A Joke Generator API projectGithub source code Click hereLive project link Click hereApi link Click hereFor the html part we will use a paragraph tag where we will generate our joke and a button which will generate the joke lt DOCTYPE html gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charset UTF gt lt meta http equiv X UA Compatible content IE edge gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt title gt Dadjoke Generator lt title gt lt link rel shortcut icon href image favicon png type image x icon gt lt link rel stylesheet href css style css gt lt head gt lt body gt lt div class main gt lt div class jokebox gt lt h gt Dadjoke Generator amp lt h gt lt p class joke gt lt p gt lt button class btn gt Get a joke lt button gt lt div gt lt div gt lt Javascript gt lt script src js script js gt lt script gt lt body gt lt html gt Then we will style our html We will use box shadow to highlight our jokebox and btn import url regular italic italic italic italic italic italic italic root karla Karla sans serif focus outline px solid margin padding box sizing border box body background color dfe font family var karla display flex flex direction column justify content center align items center min height vh h margin rem jokebox box shadow px px rgba px px rgba text align center max width px background color ffffff color B padding rem font size rem btn box shadow px px rgba px px rgba background color dfe padding rem rem margin rem font family var karla color ffffff border cursor pointer We will call the api using async function We will name the function loadJoke We will use await fetch to get the data from the api According to the documentation we need to use headers interface to accept the application json data Then after clicking the button we will simply insert the joke to the paragraph tag To load a joke when the window loads we will use an event listener which will be attached to our window object named DOMContentLoaded We will simply pass the loadJoke there const insertjoke document querySelector joke const btn document querySelector btn async function loadJoke const response await fetch headers Accept application json const joke await response json insertjoke innerHTML joke joke btn addEventListener click loadJoke window addEventListener DOMContentLoaded loadJoke 2021-06-01 14:16:07
海外TECH DEV Community Weekly Challenge 115 https://dev.to/simongreennet/weekly-challenge-115-26c9 Weekly Challenge Challenge My solutions TASK ›String Chain TaskYou are given an array of strings Write a script to find out if the given strings can be chained to form a circle Print if found otherwise A string S can be put before another string T in circle if the last character of S is same as first character of T My solutionI thought this was straight and even submitted a pull request last night My logic was to get a sorted order of the first letter and last letter of each word If they matched we had a solution And it worked for the two examples However I realised a few minute later that it didn t cover the cases where we had two different circles for example ab bc ca ij jk ki This had me thinking today sorry boss about what the best way of finding a solution that didn t involve a recursive sub routine I failed So I now have a solution that works but I m not overly happy with it but I believe it works It will be interesting to see how other Team PWC members tackle the task I have a recursive subroutine reduce list that takes two parameters the words used and the words remaining The first call puts the first word in the list in the used value It doesn t really matter what word we used first as we need to make a circle For each call I find possible words we can add to the list where there first letter is the same as the last letter of the last word and recursively call the subroutine If there is no solution I return If we have found a possible solution we need to do one final check that the first letter of the first word is the same as the last letter of the last word to complete the circle Examples ch pl abc dea cd ch pl ade cbd fgh TASK ›Largest Multiple TaskYou are given a list of positive integers single digit Write a script to find the largest multiple of that can be formed from the list My solutionHopefully this is as straight forward as I think it is After checking all inputs are a single digit I sort the numbers in decreasing order in an array called numbers I then find the position index of the last even number If it is not already in the last position I move that digit to the end I also display a message if no even digits can be found Examples ch pl ch pl ch pl 2021-06-01 14:13:16
海外TECH DEV Community 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐏𝐈𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫? https://dev.to/devstack06/-1lea 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐀𝐏𝐈𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 This series can help you with the Getting the data through Rest API and using it on flutterModel class CreationPosting the data from the flutter app to the back end using Rest API It will help you handle all the types of JSON data like a single object list object nested objects etc Link of series find the repo link in the description and subscribe to the channel for more awesome videos 2021-06-01 14:05:50
海外TECH DEV Community 3 Tales of Tricky Statistics https://dev.to/primalskill/3-tales-of-tricky-statistics-3dgp Tales of Tricky StatisticsStatistics can often be misleading here s an example Take the number of billionaires in ten countries United States China India Germany Russia Hong Kong Canada United Kingdom Brazil Italy From this list we can safely say that the US is clearly leading here or can we This number is not showing reality because the underlying comparison billionaires to nr of people is different in each country Normalizing the basis to compare to let s say per million people would be a much better metric because every country on the list above has at least a million citizens The list below shows this Hong Kong Canada US Germany United Kingdom Italy Russia China Brazil India This list shows a totally different picture We compared two dimensions normalizing one to the other and calculated the average Another case where averaging can be misleading is employee salaries and the national or company wide average which is not a very accurate metric simply because if we take five employees in a company with the following salaries Employee USD monthEmployee USD monthEmployee USD monthEmployee USD monthEmployee USD monthOn average we could say that an employee has USD month Employee wouldn t agree A better metric would be the median salary which is considered a more neutral measure and it s USD month So next time you interview for a job and the HR person says Oh yeah our employees get around X amount of USD per month you should ask if it s on average or median A wonderfully elegant yet horrible metric is lines of code in a codebase It s wonderful because it s straightforward it s a number everybody can understand one project has LoC another project has LoC therefore the former is bigger than the latter Yet it s a horrible metric because managers often use it to measure developer productivity Why is that Well a program can be written in an infinite amount of ways one developer can write a function in lines another can write it in lines Which is better Also the process of writing code differs from let s say writing this blog post A developer can write lines of code deleting and modifying the rest to be under LoC Or one project can adhere to one type of coding style another to a different one for example the same exact code can be written in four different ways Ten lines console log console log console log console log console log console log console log console log console log console log Three lines for let i i lt i console log i Four lines for let i i lt i console log i One line for let i i lt i console log i Using lines of code as a blanket statistic to measure productivity is horrible but if a manager uses this metric by logic the developer who wrote it in ten lines is the most productive Developer productivity is a really complex metric there s no single truth but we can employ a variety of other strategies such as The number of bugs QA caught after a feature was implemented Effort of feature vs time of development Time and effort of peer reviews In the end WTF minute is a better metric than LoC Cover photo by charlesdeluvioThis article was originally published on Please comment and consider sharing this article and if you have any questions you can contact me here in the comments or on Twitter 2021-06-01 14:05:35
海外TECH DEV Community 10 Blazor Features You Probably Didn't Know https://dev.to/grapecity/10-blazor-features-you-probably-didn-t-know-1mgp Blazor Features You Probably Didn x t KnowBlazor is still a relatively young technology yet it has gained incredible momentum since its release in Originally an experimental project Blazor now ships as part of NET and is considered production ready Its main attraction for NET developers is that they can use their favorite languages like C to write single page applications reusing existing NET libraries and frameworks Like most modern web technologies Blazor is evolving rapidly Every few months its developers release previews packed with new features If you experimented with Blazor during the early days you might have encountered snags and limitations that no longer exist Blazor is tightly integrated with ASP NET Core supports all major NET APIs not constrained by the browser s security sandbox and provides bi directional integration with JavaScript These capabilities make it a robust choice to build enterprise web applications If you still have your doubts about using Blazor keep reading Here are the top ten things you wish Blazor could do ーthat it actually does NET and C Blazor ships as part of NET and supports all relevant APIs Some APIs such as file I O just don t make sense in the browser context due to restrictions on accessing the local file system Blazor also supports the latest C language version Using the newest language constructs not only improves your code s conciseness and readability but it can also actually improve performance Here s a quick look at some helpful C features you can use in your Blazor apps Did you know you can save keystrokes with simplified object initialization It s no longer necessary to redeclare the class when you create a new instance This redundant code Person person new Person Simplifies to this Person person new Use the new switch expression to simplify logic What looked like this public int DoMath int a int b Operator op switch op case Operator Add return a b case Operator Sub return a b case Operator Mult return a b default return a b You can now express more succinctly public int DoBetterMath int a int b Operator op gt op switch Operator Add gt a b Operator Sub gt a b Operator Mult gt a b gt a b Don t forget you can also use the fast SpanT for array and string manipulation as well as the new range operators MarkdownMarkdown creates web based documents as a popular and lightweight alternative to HTML Its simple syntax makes it easy to write without having to worry about nested tags or special controls Repositories like GitHub and most blog engines and content management systems CMS support Markdown Browsers lack native Markdown support and can only display it once it s rendered into HTML A variety of open source libraries format parse validate and transform markdown Building a markdown editor in Blazor is incredibly easy since it supports existing NET libraries The figure below demonstrates a simple Blazor WebAssembly markdown editor that takes only minutes to create To see for yourself create a new Blazor WebAssembly project If you re not sure how check out this learning module Next add a reference to the Markdig package Update the Index page to include this row lt div class row gt lt div class col gt lt textarea bind value MarkdownText bind value event oninput rows cols gt lt textarea gt lt div gt lt div class col gt lt textarea bind value Html bind value event oninput rows cols gt lt textarea gt lt div gt lt div gt In the code behind implement properties like this private string markdown public string MarkdownText get gt markdown set if value markdown markdown value OnMarkdownChanged public string Html get set The conversion is then as simple as private void OnMarkdownChanged gt Html Markdown ToHtml markdown Now you have a real time markdown editor that refreshes the HTML as you type gRPCThe popular new gRPC framework provides high performance communication between endpoints It uses the newer HTTP protocol which allows parallel requests over a single connection The payload is a compressed binary format so it usually has a much smaller network footprint than traditional REST or even WCF SOAP based implementations According to this gRPC architecture document gRPC can be up to eight times faster than JSON serialization and has to percent smaller payloads than equivalent REST services gRPC is built into NET Core and the default lightweight web server that ships with NET Core Kestrel and supports HTTP Browser limitations make it impossible to implement a standard gRPC browser client because no APIs exist to control HTTP communication An open source project called gRPC Web provides an extension that functions in the browser and includes a proxy to handle requests from both implementations making it possible to use gRPC from Blazor WebAssembly applications After you install and configure the required packages gRPC calls look almost identical to REST based requests Here s an example call forecasts await WeatherForecastsClient GetWeatherAsync new WeatherForecast Forecasts gRPC requires all APIs to have a custom input and custom output In the example above the custom input WeatherForecast indicates a request for the forecast and the response contains the Forecasts property payload You can see the complete end to end example in the blog post How to use gRPC Web with Blazor WebAssembly on App Service An open source project even generates all required gRPC infrastructure from a set of interfaces Check out the gRPC generator to see the “grWizard in action GraphQLGraphQL is another popular protocol that is rapidly replacing traditional REST in modern web applications Facebook created it to improve its user interface performance and designed it specifically to streamline communication from a front end client They did not intend it for interprocess communication like gRPC GraphQL is popular for its strongly typed schema easy discoverability and capacity for a single request to aggregate responses from multiple back ends Its most popular feature enables the client to define the response shape to receive only the specifically required data and avoid over fetching Consider a data set that contains contact information To implement an autocomplete search box that just returns names you might make a request like this contact filter likness lastname firstname The request only returns names In a different component you might want to show more data and shape the request like this contact filter likness lastname phone address street zipCode Popular GraphQL libraries for NET include GraphQL NET and Hot Chocolate To see GraphQL in action with a Blazor WebAssembly app follow the Get started with Strawberry Shake guide A companion to HotChocolate GraphQL on the server Strawberry Shake creates NET GraphQL client proxies to consume endpoints with strongly typed payloads EF Core and Azure Cosmos DBEntity Framework Core EF Core is an object to database mapper enabling developers to use domain objects and a consistent strongly typed data access API to manage data persistence It supports various databases including SQL Server MySQL PostgreSQL SQLite and Azure Cosmos DB EF Core is cross platform and targets NET so it is fully compatible with Blazor projects The caveat is the browser s security sandbox most databases use non standard protocols over non standard ports that browsers don t support Azure Cosmos DB is an exception because it provides the option to access APIs directly over HTTPS The EF Core Azure Cosmos DB provider can access the database directly from the client running in the browser This has constraints however It is bad practice to store credentials even encrypted credentials on the client You must assume the client has access and the information could leave your database wide open To secure access secure the user s identity with a provider like Azure Active Directory Then instead of using your secret key you can request an Azure Cosmos DB resource token with security constraints Read EF Core and Azure Cosmos DB with Blazor WebAssembly to learn more Progressive Web AppsIt s often challenging to deliver apps that work across all devices and deliver a native experience Progressive web apps PWA provide a “best of all worlds solution Using a special browser based feature called a service worker PWAs enable web apps to run disconnected Install these apps just like ordinary apps on your phone desktop or tablet Their code delivers pages from local storage when an active connection is not available They also support push notifications so your users never miss an important event The Blazor WebAssembly app template has a checkbox to enable PWA From the command line simply use the pwa switch like this dotnet new blazorwasm pwa o pwaAfter creating your new project you ll notice particular files under wwwroot The manifest json is a special configuration file that describes your app and the location of various icons to use when installed Several icons ship with the template The service worker published js script contains the special code that enables offline mode The basic PWA app stores pages in local storage as the user navigates the site It pre installs essential pages and intercepts the browser s fetch page mechanism The interception code loads pages from the cache when the user is offline and refreshes the cache when the user is online When you run the application modern browsers provide the option to install it The figure below shows the icon and action in Microsoft Edge Installing the PWA app adds it to your applications list places an icon to run it and launches it in a chromeless window that looks like the figure below Although the app has its own window that you can move and resize it is a version of the web browser dedicated to running the PWA CSS IsolationThe latest Blazor release features CSS isolation Single page application frameworks like Angular and React heavily use this powerful feature Instead of being forced to manage a single large CSS library for the entire app CSS isolation enables you to style each component individually There is no need to come up with unique names for each component type If you style a heading element for “component A it only applies to that component and doesn t conflict with “component B The default Blazor project template generates examples of CSS isolation To create a stylesheet isolated to your component simply create a file with the same name as the component with the css extension In the default Blazor template notice that MainLayout razor has a related file named MainLayout razor css The styles defined in that file only apply to the MainLayout component To see how it works notice that when you run your app it references a file with the convention appname styles css The figure below shows the result of examining network calls for an app named “pwa Opening the file reveals this code snippet Shared MainLayout razor rz scp css page b oyozaouy position relative display flex flex direction column main b oyozaouy flex Notice the styles now have a unique suffix to avoid collision with other components For full CSS isolation details read ASP NET Core Blazor CSS Isolation VirtualizationBusiness apps commonly handle large data lists Paging is not always an option or the optimal solution but large lists can degrade performance due to the overhead of rendering the list s components Users on the other hand only use a subset of the data at any given time Even if the list contains hundreds of thousands of elements the app likely only displays a few dozen at once Virtualization takes advantage of this to render only visible components For a list of elements the app only renders the elements in view As the user scrolls the list and other elements come into view the app renders them The overall time to process is the same but delaying the render until the item scrolls into view gives users the perception of improved performance In Blazor apps virtualization is extremely easy to implement Consider a FoodItem component that displays a list of food items A typical list might render like this notice the use of the key attribute to help Blazor keep track of list items lt div style height px overflow y scroll gt foreach var foodItem in foods lt FoodItem key foodItem Id Item foodItem gt lt div gt To virtualize this component so the app only renders in view items simply wrap the list in the Virtualize component lt div style height px overflow y scroll gt lt Virtualize Items foods gt lt FoodItem key context Id Item context gt lt Virtualize gt lt div gt Some virtualization guidelines relate to how you size components You can also specify a delegate to provide items for streaming Read ASP NET Core Blazor Component Virtualization to learn more about virtualization Server Side Pre RenderingA common single page application challenge is the delay between serving the web page and rendering the data The page template must load first followed by asynchronous operations to fetch and render data This can cause a poor user experience Server side pre rendering addresses this issue by constructing the page in a virtual Document Object Model DOM on the server then delivering it as static content The client app then takes over This creates a seamless experience for the end user Pre rendering can also improve your website s search engine optimization SEO by delivering content for search engines to index For pre rendering to work the app must be hosted A static website doesn t have the server capabilities to pre render An ASP NET Core hosted app can host the Blazor WebAssembly to render the first page of components on the first load The document Pre render and integrate ASP NET Core Razor components details the configuration steps You don t have to settle for pre rendering at runtime in response to HTTP requests Your app can pre render as part of your build process and deliver a set of static assets that represent the initial website state Learn more about this approach by reading Pre render Blazor WebAssembly at build time to optimize for search engines Hot ReloadOne of the hottest new Blazor features and number one on this list is Hot Reload Web development can be iterative and productivity depends on seeing the result of incremental changes as quickly as possible The NET team not only implemented this feature but they made it blazing fast If you ve used reload in previous versions toss your expectations out the window because you must see the updated reload for yourself The new Hot Reload feature is available in NET preview Be sure to download and install that NET version to take advantage of the performance improvements The feature in NET requires recompiling and reloading the entire app which is far slower Use dotnet versionWhen we run that we see preview Let s see Hot Reload in action Create a new Blazor project called HotReload dotnet new blazorwasm o HotReloadGo to the directory cd HotReloadOpen the project in your favorite editor like Visual Studio VS or Visual Studio Code if you use Visual Studio ensure you use v or later Under properties find and open the launchSettings json file Under your web server of choice defaults are either IIS Express or the name of your app add the property hotReloadProfile with the value blazorwasm Ours looks like this iisSettings cutting this out for brevity profiles IIS Express ignore this for now hotreload hotReloadProfile blazorwasm commandName Project dotnetRunMessages true launchBrowser true etc etc Save your changes From the command line run using the new watch command followed by the standard run command dotnet watch runIf you re correctly set up the first message should note that Hot Reload is active While the app is running open the project in your favorite integrated development environment IDE or open the pages using Notepad Go to Pages then Index razor change “Hello world to “Hello live refresh and save You should see the app restart and deliver the new content The first time is always slower so next edit the text “Welcome to your new app by adding “friend at the end Save it and you should almost immediately see results similar to the figure below You can learn more about this feature in the NET Preview announcement Blazor may be relatively new but it s a mature framework with strong backing from the NET ecosystem including GrapeCity s ComponentOne These ten features are only a subset of what s possible with Blazor Now that you know what Blazor can do you can create your web applications with features you may not have thought possible 2021-06-01 14:04:32
海外TECH DEV Community GraphQL or REST https://dev.to/franciscomendes10866/graphql-or-rest-3837 GraphQL or RESTFor a long time now REST has been the most popular protocol for sending information over the web But in the last few years we have seen a great increase in the popularization of GraphQL Which supposedly came to solve some of the problems of REST But first of all let s have an idea of what an Api is What is an Api You may not know what it means or what it does But Apis are working behind the scenes to provide you with richer digital experiences It is a standardization for applications to communicate with each other to provide information and functionality without human intervention I believe you are still confused because I was not very clear with my explanation So I will use this image to give an example This is the most popular example and it was with which I learned the concept of how an Api works The way an Api works is usually compared to ordering food at a restaurant where you represent the customer the web mobile or desktop client the waiter represents the Api and the chef represents the server You examine the menu choose the meal you want and order from the waiter The waiter takes your order to the chef The chef executes it Then the waiter brings the meal to you What is REST It is an Api design paradigm designed to standardize web services through a set of constraints Using REST when building a web service makes it easier for clients and servers to get along even when one is unaware of the other so they can grow in a dependent way as long as they follow the appropriate conventions What is GraphQL It was designed to handle a large volume of complex and nested data that is present in many modern applications Basically it allows clients to have the possibility to obtain only the data they want from the Api This gives tremendous flexibility from the point of view of the frontend What s the Difference REST and GraphQL are fundamentally similar as both include the idea of resources The core idea of REST is the resource and each resource is identified by a URL and you retrieve that resource according to the HTTP verb So it looks like this GET api posts id title GraphQL or REST comments id message bla bla bla Notice that we have two resources the first one is the post and the second are the comments And whenever we make an HTTP request to this endpoint all this data will always be returned even if we only want the post data and not the comments GraphQL has a different approach as mentioned earlier This is because the two resources in the previous example are completely separate First we would have to define the data that both resources hold And only after that we could query the data If we just wanted to get the data from the post we would have to do it as follows query singlePost id id title id title GraphQL or REST However if we wanted to get only the title of the post and the comments we would do it this way query singlePost id title comments id message title GraphQL or REST comments id message bla bla bla REST Apis issuesSome of the problems that are solved by GraphQL are the over under fetching the flexibility and the excessive amount of requests to Api These problems happen because the only way to obtain data in REST Apis is to make HTTP requests to certain endpoints in order to obtain certain structured data sets And because of this it is difficult to provide clients with the data they really need GraphQL Apis issuesIn GraphQL there is a common problem called the n problem This is because in GraphQL we execute different functions resolvers while in REST we have only one function controller per endpoint That is our Api will end up making several requests to fetch data for a given resource When should I use REST GraphQL I have to mention that when we start a project we should use tools that we are more confident to use Each paradigm has its advantages and disadvantages just as each has its own learning curve and challenges If you want to have greater compatibility with other types of clients web mobile and desktop and tools or if you have a project that is easily structured the use of REST would be ideal However if you want to have the flexibility to choose which resources to consume with a single request to the Api or if you want to query only the data you want using GraphQL would be ideal GraphQL ChallengesAlthough I am talking about Apis development the differences between the two paradigms become great if we put the frontend in question From the point of view of the development of the frontend when consuming Apis with GraphQL it is a dream come true because we have all the flexibility we want and it is not that difficult to implement However the backend is totally different because this is where the whole concept is different from what we are used to REST And this is where all the complexity and the learning curve lies What about you Have you created GraphQL Apis in your projects 2021-06-01 14:04:18
海外TECH DEV Community IF YOU'RE A BEGINNER IN CODING, READ THIS https://dev.to/tannudaral/if-you-re-a-beginner-in-coding-read-this-458m IF YOU x RE A BEGINNER IN CODING READ THISDON T FALL IN TUTORIAL HELL And if you haven t heard of it then you re at the right place at the right time When many start out they keep on watching tutorials on Youtube attend their classes for some online course they enrolled in etc But do you think that will be worth it Just learning the concepts Understanding them but not applying them anywhere NO Never Until you apply your knowledge in a project it s a waste Computer Science is something that can be only learnt through practice and more practice Start building something do something At first you might make mistakes make them who s stopping you If you feel like you need help refer to StackOverflow or Youtube or your instructor In these times the best thing that has happened is that most of our doubts have already been someone else s doubts and therefore there answers are readily available You can easily find solution to your problems on the internet If you need help with ideas refer to google geeksforgeeks has some amazing project ideas too or BE CREATIVE and make something that s unthought of before So go on build something You can do this Keep Learning Keep Coding 2021-06-01 14:00:47
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Coinbase Card is now supported by Apple Pay, Google Pay https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/01/coinbase-card-is-now-supported-by-apple-pay-google-pay?utm_medium=rss Coinbase Card is now supported by Apple Pay Google PayCoinbase has announced that its cryptocurrency debit card is now compatible with Apple Pay and Google Play allowing users to check out and earn crypto Credit CoinbaseThe Coinbase Card is a Visa debit card that allows users to spend cryptocurrency as cash across the globe Support for Apple Pay will allow Coinbase Card users to quickly activate their cards and make contactless payments on an iPhone or Apple Watch Read more 2021-06-01 14:41:27
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News EU planning second try at uniform digital wallet for ID, payments https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/01/eu-planning-second-try-at-uniform-digital-wallet-for-id-payments?utm_medium=rss EU planning second try at uniform digital wallet for ID paymentsThe European Union is working on a new standard of digital identification to give citizens of all countries access to public and private services under a single online ID The European Union wide app would be accessed via biometric scans such as retina facial recognition or fingerprint scans It would allow users to securely store payment information such as bank cards and credit cards and official documents like passports and drivers licenses According to the Financial Times the use of the wallet won t be mandated at the time of introduction Still those who choose to use it would benefit from the added layers of convenience and security Read more 2021-06-01 14:16:09
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News 'iPhone 13' will have bigger batteries than the iPhone 12 family, leaker claims https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/01/iphone-13-will-have-bigger-batteries-than-the-iphone-12-family-says-leaker?utm_medium=rss x iPhone x will have bigger batteries than the iPhone family leaker claimsThe iPhone family will have bigger batteries than the iPhone a leaker claims with all four models apparently gaining more battery capacity over their similar sized counterparts It seems that one of the benefits of the next iPhone generation could be longer battery life Apple is said to be preparing three larger capacity batteries for use in the iPhone range with three different capacities mirroring the levels of the current iPhone and iPhone Pro range According to an image from Chinese social media shared by serial leaker Lvetodream on Twitter the three are three battery capacities covering the model numbers A A and A These model numbers may relate to the iPhone models themselves Read more 2021-06-01 14:20:58
海外TECH Engadget Chinese activists sue Tencent over 'inappropriate' content in 'Honor of Kings' https://www.engadget.com/tencent-clash-of-kings-arena-of-valor-lawsuit-142559708.html?src=rss_b2c Chinese activists sue Tencent over x inappropriate x content in x Honor of Kings x A public interest group said the game also known as Arena of Valor has elements that are unsuitable for kids 2021-06-01 14:25:59
海外TECH Engadget IMDb's new interactive game show kicks off with a Marvel movie quiz https://www.engadget.com/imdb-game-show-marvel-quiz-140034477.html?src=rss_b2c cinematic 2021-06-01 14:00:34
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 PSJ予測統計値 https://www.jsda.or.jp/shiryoshitsu/toukei/psj/psj_toukei.html 統計 2021-06-01 16:00:00
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 新型コロナウイルス感染症への証券関係機関等・各証券会社の対応について(リンク集) https://www.jsda.or.jp/shinchaku/coronavirus/link.html 新型コロナウイルス 2021-06-01 14:15:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Lockdown easing in Scotland paused for millions https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-57315436 current 2021-06-01 14:38:51
ニュース BBC News - Home Anthony Sootheran murder: Woman who starved millionaire to death jailed https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-57316940 estate 2021-06-01 14:51:53
ニュース BBC News - Home Root wants England to put on a show against Kiwis as fans return at Lord's https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/57321098 zealand 2021-06-01 14:35:41
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid: What's the roadmap for lifting lockdown? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-52530518 covid 2021-06-01 14:23:53
北海道 北海道新聞 芽室町が2年連続で全国2位 議会改革度ランキング https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/550619/ 早稲田大 2021-06-01 23:10:55
北海道 北海道新聞 NY株、一時300ドル超高 米景気回復の加速期待 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/550705/ 景気回復 2021-06-01 23:08:00
IT 週刊アスキー ECS、マウスより小型と謳うRyzen搭載超小型PCを「COMPUTEX TAIPEI Virtual」にて展示 https://weekly.ascii.jp/elem/000/004/057/4057362/ computextaipeivirtual 2021-06-01 23:50:00



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