投稿時間:2021-06-07 08:10:02 RSSフィード2021-06-07 08:00 分まとめ(13件)

カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
TECH Engadget Japanese 優先度で整理しよう!リマインダーはタスクを並べ替えるべし:iPhone Tips https://japanese.engadget.com/reminder-sort-and-reorder-221008488.html iphonetipsios 2021-06-06 22:10:08
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia エンタープライズ] 国内エンタープライズインフラ市場、プラス成長への復帰はいつになる?――IDC予測 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/enterprise/articles/2106/04/news072.html idcjapan 2021-06-07 07:30:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia News] Square、再生可能マイニング施設建設に500万ドル出資 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/2106/07/news061.html itmedianewssquare 2021-06-07 07:03:00
TECH Techable(テッカブル) コロナハッカソンブームに意味はあったのか? エストニアの有識者が徹底解説 https://techable.jp/archives/155860 課題 2021-06-06 22:00:49
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Selenium(Python)の個人的スニペット集 20選 https://qiita.com/mochi_yu2/items/e2480ae3b2a6db9d7a98 ・macOSCatalina・Python・selenium・GoogleChrome目次スニペットαとりあえず動かす終了時に閉じるWebDriverを自動更新する要素の取得・操作普通のスクリーンショット取得ページ全体のスクリーンショットヘッドレスモードHeadlessモードで起動JavaScript実行要素をクリックする直前・直後に何か処理をするBasic認証を突破するChromeDevToolsProtocolコマンドの実行【Chrome】ページ全体のスクリーンショットを撮る【HeadlessChrome】WebページをPDFに保存する【Chrome】ページをMHTML形式でつのファイルに保存する【Chrome】カスタムヘッダの付与ネットワーク情報を取得するLINEに通知を送る【GoogleColab】Seleniumを使うための準備【GoogleColab】ノートブック上に画像を表示する【GoogleColab】Googleドライブをマウントする【GoogleColab】Googleスプレッドシートの中身を読み取るテスト用サイト開発者ツールでXPathで要素を取得する最新のChromeDriverのバージョンが知りたいドキュメント等スニペット集ここからが、スニペット集です。 2021-06-07 07:58:06
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita JavaScript プリミティブ型とオブジェクトについて https://qiita.com/tsukiyama3/items/a16cfdbaee027a49d0d1 JavaScriptプリミティブ型とオブジェクトについてはじめにJSのデータ型であるプリミティブ型とオブジェクトの違いについてまとめました。 2021-06-07 07:04:55
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita terminalでGitの認証情報を更新する https://qiita.com/hedrall/items/768df693f277ae464583 terminalでGitの認証情報を更新するMacのTerminalでGitを使っている場合、usenamepasswordは一度入力すると以後聞かれなくなると思いますが、その後ユーザやパスワードを変更したくなった時にどうするかを記します。 2021-06-07 07:19:12
海外TECH DEV Community Adding and Removing columns from existing tables using Laravel migrations. https://dev.to/roxie/adding-and-removing-columns-from-existing-tables-using-laravel-migrations-389g Adding and Removing columns from existing tables using Laravel migrations TeaserHave you been at that point where you finished setting up your database and realized you forgot to add a column or you put in a wrong column and you have to remove it Are you like me that usually refreshes the entire database for minor changes That s poor programming practice and what would you do if it was a company s database Nevertheless I discovered an easy way out so please enjoy the read IntroductionLaravel migrations simply allows you to easily perform certain actions to the database without going to the database manager eg phpMyAdmin They can also serve as a version control for your database A default laravel migration file comes with a class definition containing both an up and a down method The up method is run when migration executes to apply changes to the database while the down method is run to revert those changes Generating MigrationsA migration can be simply generated with the following command P S Migration files are in the database migrations directory The name of the table to be created is tests you can change it to any preferred name php artisan make migration create tests table Laravel will use the name of the migration to attempt to guess the name of the table and whether or not the migration will be creating a new table If Laravel is able to determine the table name from the migration name Laravel will pre fill the generated migration file with the specified table The migration file should look like this by default use Illuminate Database Migrations Migration use Illuminate Database Schema Blueprint use Illuminate Support Facades Schema class CreateTestsTable extends Migration Run the migrations return void public function up Schema create tests function Blueprint table table gt id table gt timestamps Reverse the migrations return void public function down Schema dropIfExists tests P S Schema create is only used when a table is to be created initially A common error is trying to use it to add a column to an existing table The tests table that should have two columns name string and age integer will be written in the up method as follows public function up Schema create tests function Blueprint table table gt id table gt string name table gt integer age table gt timestamps Running MigrationsTo execute migrations to the database run this Artisan command php artisan migrateThis command runs all outstanding migrations P S Confirm the database that it s been updated with the columns and their respective types Other Migration Commandsphp artisan migrate rollback This rolls back the last batch of migrations php artisan migrate reset This rolls back all your applications migrations php artisan migrate refresh This rolls back all your migrations and execute the migrate command Its like recreating your entire database php artisan migrate fresh This drops all the tables and executes the migrate command again P S The rollback always executes the corresponding down method Updating Tables Adding columns to an existing table A gender string column is added to the tests table by the following steps Create a migration filephp artisan make migration add gender to tests table table testsUsing Schema table in the up method which will be provided by default columns can be added as follows public function up Schema table tests function Blueprint table table gt string gender Setting up the rollback optionThe down method should also be updated because of rollbacks public function down Schema table tests function Blueprint table table gt dropColumn gender Now execute the migrations To run the migrations use this Artisan command php artisan migrate P S Confirm that the gender column has been added to the tests table on your database Note Laravel places the added column last on the table however it can be placed at any desired position on the table For the gender to be placed after the name the up method would rather be like this public function up Schema table tests function Blueprint table table gt string gender gt after name This looks more organized and better The gender column is successfully added to the tests table Updating Tables Removing columns from an existing table There are several ways to remove a column from a table Remove a columnTo remove the name column from tests table Create the migration file with this Artisan command php artisan make migration drop gender from tests table table testsUpdate the up method with column you want to drop public function up Schema table tests function Blueprint table table gt dropColumn name Run migrationsExecute the migrations with this Artisan command php artisan migrateP S Confirm that the name column has been dropped on the tests table P S A migrations file name is unique so every migration file should have different names when creating them Remove multiple columnsIn order to remove more than one column from your table the same steps are followed as above but the up method is slightly different The column names are passed into an array as a single argument to dropColumn like this public function up Schema table tests function Blueprint table table gt dropColumn age gender Here are the results on the database Remove a column if it exists As usual follow the same guides as outlined in the first method of removing column with the only slight difference in the up method However the column will be checked if its existing before its dropped The up method will be as follows public function up Schema table tests function Blueprint table If the id column exists on tests table if Schema hasColumn tests id drop the id column Schema table tests function Blueprint table table gt dropColumn id After running the migrations here is the final output of our database The id name age and gender column is successfully removed from the table ConclusionNow you don t need to refresh your database always for these minor changesThis entire code is open source on Github Thank you for reading 2021-06-06 22:35:54
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Twitter's paid 'Super Follows' subscriptions could launch soon https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/06/twitters-paid-super-follows-subscriptions-could-launch-soon?utm_medium=rss Twitter x s paid x Super Follows x subscriptions could launch soonTwitter is allegedly getting close to launching its long anticipated Super Follows feature which would provide paid access to bonus content supplied by popular personalities on the microblogging service A slide in a February presentation to analysts about the Super Follow function Twitter Twitter is working through ways to earn a profit from its user base and has recently launched its Twitter Blue subscription The company is still looking at other avenues for earning money from the use of its iOS and other apps and one option could be landing soon Read more 2021-06-06 22:57:52
金融 ニュース - 保険市場TIMES アニコム損保、「梅雨時の愛犬との過ごし方」アンケート結果発表 https://www.hokende.com/news/blog/entry/2021/06/07/080000 2021-06-07 08:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home The Papers: 'Battle to save 21 June' and a royal 'gran gesture' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-57379684 royal 2021-06-06 22:56:37
ビジネス 東洋経済オンライン 「日経平均は緩やかに上昇」との予測を変えない訳 投資家が気になっている4つの質問に答えよう | 市場観測 | 東洋経済オンライン https://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/432797?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=http&utm_campaign=link_back 日経平均 2021-06-07 07:30:00
デザイン UXMilk ユーザーストーリーを深めるコンテキスト設計とは https://uxmilk.jp/77217 bugattiveyron 2021-06-06 22:45:38



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