Engadget Japanese |
Fossil、既存デバイスへは新Wear OSアップデートを提供せず |
fossil |
2021-06-07 10:13:19 |
IT |
Color Calendar - シンプルなカレンダーライブラリ |
ColorCalendarシンプルなカレンダーライブラリWebサイト上でカレンダーを表示したい機会は意外と多いです。 |
2021-06-07 21:00:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
広告を表示したiPadを持ち歩いて稼ぐ「Stchar !」を開発中のワナテクノロジーズ |
新サービス |
2021-06-07 10:00:15 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
プライマル、人事考課/目標管理シートを取り込んで管理できる「BizForecast HR」を販売 | IT Leaders |
bizforecasthr |
2021-06-07 19:16:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
OpenCVとPillowで画像データに取得日時を書き込み |
OpenCVとPillowで画像データに取得日時を書き込み画像データフォルダ内の一連のjpegファイルをモノクロ化して取得日時を書き込み、別のフォルダに出力します。 |
2021-06-07 19:13:56 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Array.includes |
array |
2021-06-07 19:30:45 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
APIキーを非表示にする方法 |
Gitのトラッキングの対象外になるということは、Gitで管理していたディレクトリの中にあっても無視されるということ。 |
2021-06-07 19:25:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
自身を送信者としてTeamsにメッセージを自動投稿したい |
自身を送信者としてTeamsにメッセージを自動投稿したいPythonあるいはそれ以外の言語を用いてTeamsにメッセージを自動投稿するスクリプトを作成しようと考えています。 |
2021-06-07 20:00:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
jQueryでスクロール距離を2回取得したい |
「もっと見る」ボタンクリックしたら、高さを再度取得してスクロールアクションをしたいです。 |
2021-06-07 19:59:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Angular + UIKitでビルドエラー |
AngularUIKitでビルドエラー現在、以下の構成でAngularプロジェクトを作成しております。 |
2021-06-07 19:50:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Rubyについて質問 |
2021-06-07 19:42:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
二次元配列からランダムで要素を取り出したい(JavaScript)。 |
二次元配列からランダムで要素を取り出したいJavaScript。 |
2021-06-07 19:32:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WordPressで投稿したページのURLを変えずにカスタム投稿で再投稿したい |
WordPressで投稿したページのURLを変えずにカスタム投稿で再投稿したい前提・実現したいことWordPressで投稿したページをカスタム投稿で再投稿しようと思ってるんですが、この際にURLを全く一緒の状態で投稿することは可能でしょうか具体的には、通常の投稿ページにというURLの記事があるとして、これを「custom」というスラッグ名のカスタム投稿で同じ内容、同じpostnameの記事を再投稿した場合、になっちゃうんですが、これを「custom」というディレクトリがつかない通常の投稿ページと同じURLにしたいんです。 |
2021-06-07 19:26:03 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Nuxt.jsのルーティングで401エラーが発生します。 |
Nuxtjsのルーティングでエラーが発生します。 |
2021-06-07 19:25:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Rails】最新版のGemがコンフリクトを起こしてインストールできないときの対処法 |
【Rails】最新版のGemがコンフリクトを起こしてインストールできないときの対処法最新版のGemがfaraday以上を求めてきているのに対し、現在のfaradayはでバージョンをあげようにも他のGemの関係でバージョンを上げることができません。 |
2021-06-07 19:19:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
リストで連続している箇所を返したい。 |
リストで連続している箇所を返したい。 |
2021-06-07 19:10:57 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
暗号文を元に戻す[Ruby] |
・暗号文の元に戻す操作として奇数番目の文字に対しては、アルファベットの逆方向にN文字ずらし、偶数番目の文字に対しては、順方向にN文字ずらしたものにそれぞれ変換する暗号化された文字列と、元の文をずらした文字数Nが、与えられる→元に戻された文字列を出力するプログラムを作成してください。 |
2021-06-07 19:28:23 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
FactoryBot・Fakerの導入 |
Fakerとはランダムな値を生成してくれるGemです。 |
2021-06-07 19:26:48 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Useful Tips & Tricks In JavaScript |
Useful Tips amp Tricks In JavaScript useful tips amp tricks in javascriptJavaScript is the most popular language and this language that you can learn easily by yourself it s front hand language And it s one of the languages used by coders developers and programmers Not to be confused with JScript Java or Javanese script that all are similar languages We all know that javascript is now more updated than before There are so many new features added in Javascript Check out some of the best features in JavaScript That makes our work easier and faster programmer developers and coders always have some goal to complete it for them there are some short and simple useful tips amp tricks in javascript they must use it to makes them work easy Quick way to using slice and ES PadStart methodconst accountnum const lastFourDigits accountnum slice print last four digit of account numberconst maskedNumber lastFourDigits padStart accountnum length console log lastFourDigits output will be console log maskedNumber Run an event handler only one time If you want to run the addEventListener method you have to pass once true as the third argument then the event handler method will run only one time That s one of the useful tips amp tricks in javascript document getElementById btn addEventListener click function console log Button is Clicked once true Update an object s properties by spread operatorThe spread syntax can be used when all elements from an object or array need to be included in a list of some kind By using this operator you can update any types of object properties This is one of the most useful javascript tips const object name Anshuman age city Surat const newAge const updatedObject object age newAge console log object name Rahul age city Surat console log updatedObject name Rahul age city Surat Find the length of properties in an objectWhat s the fastest way to find the length of properties you can find the length by using objectLength Object keys exampleObject length this syntax That s one of the most useful tips in javascript Const Object id name Arun age console log Object keys object length Print the last elements of an arraygenerally Array is a collection of the same variables That is one of the most useful tips in javascript is given here if you want to print only the last number from the array you must use the syntax given below const elements const last elements slice console log last Output will be const secondLast elements slice console log secondLast Output will be Check ArrayIn Javascript There are three ways to check an array is in proper syntax or not An array is an object so obviously it has proper syntax That s one of the useful tips in javascript to check an array is actually an array or not const array Print current timestampA unary operator like plus triggers the valueOf method in the Date object and it returns the timestamp It means it converts the current time in a string with different types of time zones That s one of the useful tips amp tricks in javascript and it s most useful if Date now Date now function return new Date getTime Provide dynamic key for an objectMoving on to computed keys the value of object keys can be computed directly in the object literal using the same bracket notation in the literal In a new feature of javascript we can provide a dynamic key for an object that s the better javascript than the old one That one of the best tips amp tricks in javascript function obj key value const dyn key value return dyn console log obj name Rahul Output will be name Rahulconsole log obj age Output will be age Destructuring ArrayThe destructuring syntax is a JavaScript expression that makes it possible to take out values from arrays or properties from objects into distinct variables It s one of the best tips amp tricks in javascript const names yash mayur krushil kenil ansh raju rahul const firstName secondNmae names console log thirdName Output will be krushilconsole log secondName Output will be mayur Execute number variable to functionES is the very advanced operator that converts commas to separate values in an array So when you enter the number variable to add it becomes an array This is one of the most useful tips amp tricks in javascript function add numbers return numbers reduce var value gt return var value const sum add console log sum Output will be Create an array by spread operatorThe spread operator allows an iterable to expand in places where more than zero arguments are expected It mostly uses when an array has more than one value That s one of the most useful tips amp tricks in javascript const s const s const combined s s console log combined Output will be Fill array with specific valuesThe fill method fills the specified elements in an array with a static value You can specify the position of where to start and end the filling If you don t specify the position then all elements will be filled This is one of the most useful tips amp tricks in javascript var fruits Banana Orange mango kiwi fruits fill strawberry Output will be Banana Orange strawberry strawberry Remove duplicates values from arrayThere are so many duplicate values in an array So the programmer can remove them easily by using the console log var syntax That makes work easier and faster This is one of the most useful tips amp tricks in javascript There are two types available to remove the duplicate values which are given below By array filterconst dup const arr dup filter value index gt return dup indexOf value index console log arr Output Will be By setconst dup const arr new Set dup console log arr Add scroll button to the top of the pageMany times pages are so lengthy to scroll That is the top scroll button available by using the below syntax And this is one of the most useful tips amp tricks in javascript window scrollTo top left behavior smooth Convert any type of value to booleanIn JavaScript there are two types of boolean values true and false You can use the Boolean function to find out if a variable is true or not That s one of the most useful tips amp tricks in javascript let num console log num falseconst num console log num trueconst n Tim console log n trueconst n console log n false |
2021-06-07 10:32:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Five classic SQL & database posts - June 2021 |
Five classic SQL amp database posts June Hi I m Helen one of SQL and database tag moderators Each month I ll be taking a trip down memory lane and showcasing some classic data posts Some of these might be your go to resources already others may offer some new insight or ideas Let s jump into the posts First up Adi writes about the building blocks that open a whole new world of workload management various types of files log systems and architectures specifically designed to handle scale Big Data from the Ground up Adi Polak・Feb ・ min read database beginners sql architecture This classic post from jen dives into PostgreSQL and what you can do with the SELECT clause Check out the post and the comments for more What I learned from only using Select in PostgreSQL jen chan・Apr ・ min read beginners debugging sql productivity Next up is a post from Wendy and a post tackling outer joins with useful examples and images to make them easier to understand SQL Outer Joins Wendy Calderon・Nov ・ min read sql programming postgres database This classic post from Matt discusses what deadlocks are how to interpret deadlock graphs and some options for handling deadlocks Understanding SQL Server Deadlocks Matt Eland・Sep ・ min read sql sqlserver performance database Our last post is from Jill and covers the differences between relational and non relational databases Check out the post for more on how to plan your next data project Data Royale SQL vs noSQL Jill Poole・Mar ・ min read database sql firstyearincode codenewbie That s all for this month For more from the Data Community check out the sql postgres mysql and database tags and follow TheDatabaseDev on Twitter |
2021-06-07 10:27:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
C help. (Possible volunteer work.) |
C help Possible volunteer work Original Tweet gt gt I want some kind of free program that takes in all my source C code including libraries asks me for the target OS and gives me an output That s all I really want That s what it comes down to If you know anything that meets this criteria feel free to comment about it lt lt VOLUNTEER WORK WANTED Since I can t afford a fancy IDE e g CLion which has the ability to compile my C code with minimum effort I need someone to compile my code for me since I can t figure out how to build It would be a big help as I m still trying to learn C and want to experiment but there s almost no good free tools There s VS Visual Studio but that seems less than ideal and anything that is good costs money ThanksCheers |
2021-06-07 10:17:15 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to add elements to an array in PHP? |
How to add elements to an array in PHP In this short tutorial we look at how to add to array in PHP we look at the different methods and use cases and weigh them against each other This tutorial is a part of our initiative at Flexiple to write short curated tutorials around often used or interesting concepts However in case you are here only for the solution use this link Table of ContentPHP Add to array or append to arrayAdd to array using square bracketsUsing the array push methodLimitations and Caveats PHP Add to array or append to array Appending an element into an array or add to array is a commonly used method not only in PHP but in other programming languages as well However adding elements to an array in PHP can be done with a handful of methods and they differ based on their use cases In case you are looking to add to array but want the element to be appended at the end of the array you can look at the two methods if you are looking to add to the beginning of the array the array unshift does exactly that for you Add to array using square brackets The square bracket method to add to array is one of the most commonly used methods Most articles on the topic recommend the use of this method because of its efficiency In comparison to the other methods it adds to array without the overhead of calling a function But the downside is that it can only add one argument at a time The syntax is as follows Syntax of Square Bracket method array elementHere array refers to the array you are adding to And element is the element you are looking to add to array Code and Explanation skillset array JavaScript Python C Now let s add to the array skillset PHP Outputvar dump skillset Outputarray gt string Javascript gt string Python gt string C gt string PHP As you can see PHP was added to the end of the array This method can be used to add to array in PHP But although it is efficient adding more than one element would be a hassle while using this method Using the array push method The array push is an inbuilt function in PHP that can be used to add to array as well Where this method stands out from the previous method is that it can be used to add multiple elements to an array at once The syntax is as follows Syntax of array pusharray push array value value value n Parametersarray Required this parameter specifies the array you are looking to appendvalue The value that you are looking to add to array Return ValuesThe array push returns the number of elements in the array Code and Explanation skillset array JavaScript Python C Now let s add to the arrayarray push skillset PHP HTML CSS var dump skillset Outputarray gt string Javascript gt string Python gt string C gt string PHP gt string HTML gt string CSS As you can see the array push in PHP adds to array the passed elements However It is important to remember that the function returns the length and not the appended array after you have used it to add to array in PHP This is important because assigning the function to a variable and printing it would not return your desired output The below code explains the same skillset array JavaScript Python C Now let s add to the array new array array push skillset PHP HTML CSS echo new array This code outputs which is the length of the updated array that you desired Limitations and CaveatsRemember the square bracket is more efficient and should always be chosen when you are looking to add one or two elements to an array in PHP While using square brackets to add to array ensure that the name of the existing array is entered correctly because if the name passed is wrong a new array would be created The array push returns a warning when the array you are looking to add to does not exist |
2021-06-07 10:16:06 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Five classic AWS posts - June 2021 |
Five classic AWS posts June Hi I m Helen one of your AWS Heroes Each month I ll be taking a trip down memory lane and showcasing some classic AWS posts Some of these might be your go to resources already others may offer some new insight or ideas Let s jump into the posts To get us started we have swyx with a review of Alex DeBrie s book tackling DynamoDB Check it out for accessible technical writing of a very abstract and complex subject Things I Learned from The DynamoDB Book swyx・Apr ・ min read books dynamodb aws database Next we have Matt and the fully deployable serverless architecture patterns at cdkpatterns com all built with AWS CDK TypeScript Python and all including the vanilla CloudFormation Template CDK Patterns at Let s Walk Through all Serverless Patterns for AWS Matt Coulter・Jul ・ min read aws cdk serverless tutorial Rakan then shares how to build an SEO friendly server rendered realtime collaborative todo list app with Next js and AWS Amplify Server Side Rendered Real time Web App with Next js AWS Amplify amp GraphQL Rakan Nimer・Jul ・ min read aws amplify nextjs react Moving on to another classic tutorial this time from Graham with a run down of everything they ve learnt from building and using network infrastructure on AWS Everything You Need To Know About Networking On AWS Graham Lyons・Jan ・ min read aws networking Our last classic post this month is from Kevin with a great analogy for how AWS works If you understand how a brewery works then you can get started with AWS Amazon Web Services AWS Explained by Operating a Brewery Kevin Kononenko・Aug ・ min read webdev beginners tutorial That s all for this month For more great posts check out the aws tag and the AWS Heroes |
2021-06-07 10:13:10 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Mark Down for Newbies |
Mark Down for NewbiesWritten by Abayomi OgunnusiAccording to the official site definition Markdown is a lightweight markup language that you can use to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents Created by John Gruber in Markdown is now one of the world s most popular markup languages This is the basics of clear communication used in most version control and collaborative platforms such as Github In this post I will be giving a summary of the commonly used markdown syntax For clarity sake the raw format are written above and the output of the markdown are written below Headings are written with hashtags One is equivalent to the h in HTML syntax and so on h h h h h h h h h h h h Listslists can be written with or or sign symbols Unordered list first time first time Unordered listfirst timefirst timeor use item item item item item item Nested list using hyphen Always ensure you put space after the hyphen first time first time second timefirst timefirst timesecond time Progress list item item item item item item check list or task list x item x item x item x item x item x item The above list could also be written as x item x item x item x item x item x item Ordered list item item item item GitHub list Reordering occurs automatically item item item item item item Links this contain the link description this contains the actual link HOMEPAGE Links with title this contain the link description this contains the actual link this contains the link alt text web glance Inline code using the backtickthis is an inline code this is an inline code Block of codes use three surrounding back ticks used in writing specific language syntax Ensure to put the language immediately after the backtick as shown below lt p gt a paragraph example lt p gt lt p gt a paragraph example lt p gt let table Before and after results using block quotesBeforeconsole log test afterconsole log new test the above code block can be re written as console log test console log new test console log neutral diff console log test console log new test console log neutral Block quotes gt this is a block quotethis is a block quote Adding pictures image purple markdown icon Emphasis strong this is a bold text or bold this is a bold textor bold Emphasis italics This is an italics or italics This is an italicsor italics Writing language syntax using markdownfunction add a b return a b Tables User Email abayomi abayomiogunnusi gmail com isreal isreal gmail com UserEmailabayomiabayomiogunnusi gmail comisrealisreal gmail com TablesFrond EndBack EndFull StackHTML CSS JSNODE JS MONGODBHTML MONGODB REACT BOOTSTRAPEXPRESS MONGOOSEDOCKER strike through is achieved using strikestrike Checklist abayomi abayomi abayomi abayomi x abayomi abayomi abayomi abayomi abayomi x abayomi Tag people use the symbol wowzone deenn drsimplegraffiti drsimplegraffiti drsimplegraffiti Config files for my GitHub profile Hi I m AbayomiA passionate developer from Nigeria All of my projects are available at drsimplegraffiti github ioHow to reach me abayomiogunnusi gmail comFun fact I m an alienConnect with me Languages and Tools View on GitHub |
2021-06-07 10:06:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Help with JavaScript Learning Roadmap |
Help with JavaScript Learning RoadmapHi community I need help and I believe that it can also help tones of people so i ll go straight to the point with the Use case A friend of mine wants to enter the project development world and he wants to be a JS full stack dev The end requirements would be Javascript ES Services and Microservices React Redux Hooks Node js Express PostgreSQL Sequelize Mongo DB Mongoose Apollo after GraphQL GraphQL I m always hands on tones of things and I would like to specialise myself on JS too because i m coding since years ago but worked with java php asp html css Sass bootstrap js C react preact angular and other languages and libs so I also need that I feel kinda frustrated and I want to keep a main language and the overall environment plus I love JS So here I am asking for your experience on this questions Should I add or remove other stuff in the requirements Which ones and Why The learning roadmap I set in order would be fine and suffice or it lacks something Do you think the roadmap would be the same for me years of coding experience than for my friend a complete begginer that knows something about HTML and CSS only Feel free to comment whatever you feel like about the topic |
2021-06-07 10:01:58 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple pays millions to end customer's explicit images leak lawsuit |
Apple pays millions to end customer x s explicit images leak lawsuitApple has paid millions of dollars to settle a lawsuit with a student after Pegatron employees leaked explicit photographs and videos from her iPhone that was sent in for repair In an unnamed student in Oregon sent her iPhone to Apple as part of the repairs process The device was then handed over to a Pegatron facility in Sacramento California where it was examined by technicians Two of the technicians then posted photos of her in various stages of undress and a sex video to the woman s Facebook account to make it seem like she posted the images herself according to The Telegraph The explicit content was later removed once friends of the victim told her of their publication Read more |
2021-06-07 10:37:36 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Google to adapt its ad technology after France hands it a $267 million fine |
Google to adapt its ad technology after France hands it a million fineGoogle has agreed to pay a million fine and change its ad practices after France found it had abused its dominant online ad position |
2021-06-07 10:45:38 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Samsung's stretchable electronic 'skin' can detect and display your heartbeat |
display |
2021-06-07 10:01:55 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
Creating shellcode from any code using Visual Studio and C++ |
steps |
2021-06-07 10:14:00 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
What Has Four Legs, a Trunk and a Behavioral Database? |
african |
2021-06-07 10:21:16 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
IOSCOによる「世界投資者週間2021」の開催日について掲載しました。 |
iosco |
2021-06-07 11:21:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
入札公告等を更新しました。 |
公告 |
2021-06-07 11:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
職員を募集しています。(金融機関等の市場リスク管理態勢に関するモニタリング業務等に従事する職員) |
金融機関 |
2021-06-07 10:12:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
職員を募集しています。(金融機関のマネーローンダリング・テロ資金供与対策に関する法令遵守態勢等のモニタリング業務等に従事する職員) |
法令遵守 |
2021-06-07 10:12:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
職員を募集しています。(金融機関におけるサイバーセキュリティの管理態勢に対するモニタリング業務等に従事する職員) |
金融機関 |
2021-06-07 10:12:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Cricketer's suspension over the top - Dowden |
Cricketer x s suspension over the top DowdenCulture Secretary Oliver Dowden says the England and Wales Cricket Board has gone over the top in suspending bowler Ollie Robinson for historical racist and sexist tweets |
2021-06-07 10:39:59 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Foreign aid: Aid cuts could see lives lost, warns senior Tory |
development |
2021-06-07 10:19:28 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Pakistan train accident: Dozens killed in Sindh collision |
sindh |
2021-06-07 10:45:41 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Logan Paul's whole goal was to survive - Floyd Mayweather |
Logan Paul x s whole goal was to survive Floyd MayweatherUnbeaten former five weight world champion Floyd Mayweather says YouTuber Logan Paul s whole goal was to survive their Exhibition fight at Miami s Hard Rock stadium |
2021-06-07 10:08:36 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: How is Europe lifting lockdown restrictions? |
europe |
2021-06-07 10:12:20 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
「深い集中」が失われたすべての人へ。夢中で働く自分を取り戻すには|井上一鷹さん登壇イベント6/18開催 |
booklabtalk |
2021-06-07 20:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
小学生が特産ナシの袋掛けに挑戦 鳥取・大山町、「甘くなって」 |
二十世紀 |
2021-06-07 19:14:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
職場接種、8日から申請開始 官邸HPに窓口開設 |
加藤勝信 |
2021-06-07 19:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
火災の夕張模擬坑道 23年度の営業再開目指す |
営業再開 |
2021-06-07 19:02:19 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
JOC部長はねられ死亡、自殺か 東京・地下鉄浅草線中延駅 |
都営地下鉄 |
2021-06-07 19:02:09 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
デザインオフィスnendoの腕時計ブランド新作が「時の記念日」に発売 |
bucklecolors |
2021-06-07 19:50:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
スマホ向けアイドルマネジメントRPG『IDOLY PRIDE』事前登録者数が40万人を突破! |
idolypride |
2021-06-07 19:50:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
AI採寸テクノロジー搭載アプリ「Bodygram」がアップデート。体脂肪率&骨格筋量の推定計測が可能に |
bodygram |
2021-06-07 19:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
山善、約7日間動作 新スマートウォッチ「CHRONOWEAR Lite」 |
chronowearlite |
2021-06-07 19:05:00 |