IT |
InfoQ |
Microsoftが64ビットのVisual Studio 2022を発表 |
aspnetblazor |
2021-06-10 09:22:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
OSGiワーキンググループがEclipse Foundationを新しいホームに |
OSGiワーキンググループがEclipseFoundationを新しいホームにOSGiワーキンググループWGは月にOSGiCoreリリースを出荷した後、現在EclipseFoundationでインキュベーション活動を行っている。 |
2021-06-10 09:20:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
ポスト量子暗号とは - Jean-Philippe Aumasson氏に聞く |
ポスト量子暗号とはJeanPhilippeAumasson氏に聞く量子コンピュータはいまだ初期段階にあるが、企業や研究機関の間では、ポスト量子暗号postquantumcryptographyに関する関心が高まっている。 |
2021-06-10 09:18:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
異文化コラボレーションの促進 |
bybenlinderstranslatedby |
2021-06-10 09:16:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
SpotifyのWebとデスクトップクライアントのコードベース統合への道のり |
Spotifyのチームは、Webプレーヤと独立したフル機能のデスクトップクライアントを所有していた。 |
2021-06-10 09:14:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
JetBrainsがIntelliJ IDEA 2021.1をリリース |
JetBrainsがIntelliJIDEAをリリースJetBrainsは、Javaのサポート、HTMLの変更を即座にレンダリングする新しいプレビュー機能、およびWSLのサポートを特徴とするIntelliJIDEAをリリースした。 |
2021-06-10 09:11:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
調査結果より、Infosecチームがクラウドの複雑さに対処するためにセキュリティツールの使用を拡大 |
byjaredruckletranslatedby |
2021-06-10 09:09:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
SentryはフロントエンドをTypescriptに移行 - 教訓 |
SentryはフロントエンドをTypescriptに移行教訓MarkStory氏とPriscilaOliveira氏は最近、Sentryのフロントエンドコードベース年間の作業で行のコードをTypeScriptに変換するときに学んだ教訓を共有した。 |
2021-06-10 09:07:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
MITがAIベンチマークとなるThreeDWorld Transport Challengeを発表 |
MITがAIベンチマークとなるThreeDWorldTransportChallengeを発表MITとMITIBMWatsonAILabの研究者チームが、ThreeDWorldTransportChallengeを発表した。 |
2021-06-10 09:06:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
JDK 16をサポートするGradle 7.0がリリース |
JDKをサポートするGradleがリリースカスタマイズ可能なオープンソースのビルド自動化ツールであるGradleは、JDKをサポートするバージョンをリリースした。 |
2021-06-10 09:04:00 |
Engadget Japanese |
iPhoneを「デジタル運転免許証」にできる米国民が羨ましすぎる:WWDC21(石川温) |
iphone |
2021-06-10 09:30:19 |
Engadget Japanese |
iOS 15はオンデバイスAIを強化、写真中のテキストをコピペする「ライブテキスト」対応。看板から通話も |
iphone |
2021-06-10 09:20:08 |
Engadget Japanese |
ガジェットにアウトドア、ビールもキャンペーン!父の日ギフトはAmazon「中小企業応援キャンペーン」で選ぼう |
amazon |
2021-06-10 09:10:51 |
ロボスタ |
ポッドキャスト番組連動オリジナルドラマ「お耳に合いましたら。」Spotifyとテレビ東京で放送決定 7月8日(木)〜 |
spotify |
2021-06-10 09:50:29 |
ロボスタ |
【連載マンガ ロボクン vol.194】どこまでOK?顔認証 |
yascorn |
2021-06-10 09:40:16 |
ロボスタ |
勉強カフェ「吹田江坂スタジオ」に遠隔接客サービス「RURA」導入 内覧受付時間2.8倍へ 受付業務をリモートで対応 |
株式会社 |
2021-06-10 09:38:16 |
ロボスタ |
セコムが新型セキュリティロボット「cocobo」(ココボ)を発表 AIと5G、クラウド連携の次世代型 デザインは「LOVOT」の根津氏 |
cocobo |
2021-06-10 09:08:53 |
TechAcademyマガジン |
小学生の習い事におすすめしたい「プログラミング教室」 |
小学生の習い事におすすめしたい「プログラミング教室」本記事ではイー・ラーニング研究所が行った調査アンケートをもとに、小学生の習い事について紹介しています。 |
2021-06-10 09:26:17 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
LINE bot作成 C#+AWS(Lambda) |
AWSマネジメントコンソールにログインgtLambdagt先程デプロイした関数を選択gt「設定」タブをクリックLambdaをAPI化Lambda関数を作成しただけでは、まだLINEからのWebhookを受けることができません。 |
2021-06-10 18:42:26 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
個人的メモ |
vscode |
2021-06-10 18:59:33 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【初心者向け】Pythonで三目並べ(マルバツゲーム)を作る |
前節でピックアップしたつの機能の実装についてそれぞれ見ていきますx盤面の表示以下のリストがあったとすると、gameBoardoプレイヤーが座標にoを入力以下のように表示する機能を実装します。 |
2021-06-10 18:45:24 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
遺伝的アルゴリズムについてコードも交えて説明する |
また、遺伝子アルゴリズムでは最後に求められた解が最適な解とは限らないので過去も含め最も評価が良かったものを採用することもある。 |
2021-06-10 18:35:41 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Blenderで出力した3DモデルをAR.jsで使う |
Blenderで出力したDモデルをARjsで使うARjsで表示するDモデルを無料サイトで探していたのですが、Blenderのプロジェクト形式でしか配布していないモデルがあり、じゃあBlenderでglbファイルにしてやれば良いじゃんとなった際のやり方。 |
2021-06-10 18:50:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unity2Dでのリザルト画面にクリアタイムとスコアを表示したい… |
UnityDでのリザルト画面にクリアタイムとスコアを表示したい…当方、現在Unityにてステージ制のタイムアタックと獲得スコアを競うDアクションゲームを制作しています。 |
2021-06-10 18:48:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
画像を分割して類似画像 |
画像を分割して類似画像これがreojpegです。 |
2021-06-10 18:40:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
QuantLib-Pythonはm1 mac(Apple Silicon)上で動かすことはできますか |
mmacapplesilicon |
2021-06-10 18:39:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ワードプレスのテスト環境 リンク切れ |
ワードプレスのテスト環境リンク切れ大幅なワードプレスの改修を行いたく、サーバーのサブディレクトリにテスト環境を構築しました。 |
2021-06-10 18:39:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
例外処理で文字列や空白が出てきたときの処理 |
例外処理で文字列や空白が出てきたときの処理前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-06-10 18:36:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
変数にゴミが入っているということに関する質問 |
変数にゴミが入っているということに関する質問今回とあるコードでプログラムを作りました。 |
2021-06-10 18:32:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SPFレコードの上限について |
2021-06-10 18:27:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
データベースのコピー(復元)でコピー元のDBが「復旧しています」となる |
データベースのコピー復元でコピー元のDBが「復旧しています」となるSQLnbspServernbspを使用しています。 |
2021-06-10 18:24:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Qtのソースへステップインできない |
QtのソースへステップインできないQtのAPIを呼び出すコードにブレークポイントを設定し、ステップインを行っても入れないため困っています。 |
2021-06-10 18:18:25 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Amplify GraphQLのクエリで、 filterを使って「入力値を含む検索結果」を出したい |
AmplifyGraphQLのクエリで、filterを使って「入力値を含む検索結果」を出したい前提・実現したいことAmplifynbspGraphQLのクエリで、filterを使って、検索した時に「入力値を含む検索結果」を出すには、どうしたらよろしいでしょうか現在、以下のfilter検索のコードを書いており、「入力値から始まるor入力値と等しい」結果を表示することはできるのですが、「入力値を含む」という検索結果にしたいです。 |
2021-06-10 18:14:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) | Dtoの詰め替えで効率の良い方法が分からない |
単票形式の帳票で件ずつのデータを出力します。 |
2021-06-10 18:01:48 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JPCYBERのPUT通信をWiresharkで確認する(ACL設定あり) |
また、CLIだとオブジェクトアップロード時にACLオプションを設定していますが、JPCYBERの場合はアップロードとALC設定を別々に実行していることがわかったので、その処理の違いも理解できました。 |
2021-06-10 18:43:32 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
LINE bot作成 C#+AWS(Lambda) |
AWSマネジメントコンソールにログインgtLambdagt先程デプロイした関数を選択gt「設定」タブをクリックLambdaをAPI化Lambda関数を作成しただけでは、まだLINEからのWebhookを受けることができません。 |
2021-06-10 18:42:26 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
バリデーションの種類について Rails |
バリデーションの種類についてRails多分よく使うであろうバリデーション入力必須presencetrue一意性被ったらエラーuniquenesstrue最小文字数lengthminimumn最大文字数lengthmaximumnパスワードは英数字を含めるPASSWORDREGEXAazdazdzifreezevalidatesformatofpasswordemailを含めるVALIDEMAILREGEXAwazdazziformatwithVALIDEMAILREGEX全角カタカナformatwithAァヶーzmessage全角カタカナで入力して下さい全角カタカナ、ひらがな、漢字formatwithAぁんァン一龥々zmessage全角ひらがな、全角カタカナ、漢字で入力して下さい参考文献Railsガイドもわかりやすいです。 |
2021-06-10 18:00:33 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
No More Google 🙅 |
No More Google Privacy friendly alternatives to Google that don t track you The source of this article is from NoMoreGoogle com Google Chrome Google Search Google Chrome Passwords Google Analytics Google Mail Google Docs Google Sheets YouTube Google Maps for Websites Google Authenticator Google Blogger Google DNS Google Drive Google Hangouts Google Images Google Maps Google Poly Google ScholarThis website and article are non commercial and are not affiliated with Google or any of the alternatives listed here The alternatives are submitted and voted on by the general public crowdsourcing The source of this article is from NoMoreGoogle com And this article is the main article |
2021-06-10 09:45:35 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to bulk rename PDFs with Python |
How to bulk rename PDFs with PythonToday I will show you a simple way to bulk rename your pdf files If you have a group of PDFs that need to be copied and renamed for multiple folders this script will help you a lot Let s jump to the code import osimport shutilfrom datetime import datefrom os import walkafter importing we need to define the path mypath r C Users Stokry Desktop python bulk main the we need to get files to rename filesnames next walk mypath files will be copied into folders name John and Anna list John Anna also we will set a current datetoday date today strftime m d y then we can create the new folders for name in list newdir name today path os path join mypath newdir os mkdir path this will copy the files for file in filesnames shutil copy mypath file path os rename path file path name file This is our final result Thank you all |
2021-06-10 09:34:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Interactive Algorithm Problem Solving |
Interactive Algorithm Problem SolvingTop links to interactively learn algorithm problem solving gt Hacker Rank gt Leet Code gt Hacker Earth gt Exercism gt Code Wars gt Code In Game gt Check IO gt Algo Expert gt Top Coder gt Code Forces |
2021-06-10 09:30:14 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Useful Tips & Tricks In JavaScript |
Useful Tips amp Tricks In JavaScript useful tips amp tricks in javascript JavaScript is the most popular language and this language that you can learn easily by yourself it s front hand language And it s one of the languages used by coders developers and programmers Not to be confused with JScript Java or Javanese script that all are similar languages We all know that javascript is now more updated than before There are so many new features added in Javascript Check out some of the best features in JavaScript That makes our work easier and faster programmer developers and coders always have some goal to complete it for them there are some short and simple useful tips amp tricks in javascript they must use it to makes them work easy Quick way to using slice and ES PadStart methodconst accountnum const lastFourDigits accountnum slice print last four digit of account numberconst maskedNumber lastFourDigits padStart accountnum length console log lastFourDigits output will be console log maskedNumber Run an event handler only one time If you want to run the addEventListener method you have to pass once true as the third argument then the event handler method will run only one time That s one of the useful tips amp tricks in javascript document getElementById btn addEventListener click function console log Button is Clicked once true Update an object s properties by spread operatorThe spread syntax can be used when all elements from an object or array need to be included in a list of some kind By using this operator you can update any types of object properties This is one of the most useful javascript tips const object name Anshuman age city Surat const newAge const updatedObject object age newAge console log object name Rahul age city Surat console log updatedObject name Rahul age city Surat Find the length of properties in an objectWhat s the fastest way to find the length of properties you can find the length by using objectLength Object keys exampleObject length this syntax That s one of the most useful tips in javascript Const Object id name Arun age console log Object keys object length Print the last elements of an arraygenerally Array is a collection of the same variables That is one of the most useful tips in javascript is given here if you want to print only the last number from the array you must use the syntax given below const elements const last elements slice console log last Output will be const secondLast elements slice console log secondLast Output will be Check ArrayIn Javascript There are three ways to check an array is in proper syntax or not An array is an object so obviously it has proper syntax That s one of the useful tips in javascript to check an array is actually an array or not const array Print current timestampA unary operator like plus triggers the valueOf method in the Date object and it returns the timestamp It means it converts the current time in a string with different types of time zones That s one of the useful tips amp tricks in javascript and it s most useful if Date now Date now function return new Date getTime Provide dynamic key for an objectMoving on to computed keys the value of object keys can be computed directly in the object literal using the same bracket notation in the literal In a new feature of javascript we can provide a dynamic key for an object that s the better javascript than the old one That one of the best tips amp tricks in javascript function obj key value const dyn key value return dyn console log obj name Rahul Output will be name Rahulconsole log obj age Output will be age Destructuring ArrayThe destructuring syntax is a JavaScript expression that makes it possible to take out values from arrays or properties from objects into distinct variables It s one of the best tips amp tricks in javascript const names yash mayur krushil kenil ansh raju rahul const firstName secondNmae names console log thirdName Output will be krushilconsole log secondName Output will be mayur Execute number variable to functionES is the very advanced operator that converts commas to separate values in an array So when you enter the number variable to add it becomes an array This is one of the most useful tips amp tricks in javascript function add numbers return numbers reduce var value gt return var value const sum add console log sum Output will be Create an array by spread operatorThe spread operator allows an iterable to expand in places where more than zero arguments are expected It mostly uses when an array has more than one value That s one of the most useful tips amp tricks in javascript const s const s const combined s s console log combined Output will be Fill array with specific valuesThe fill method fills the specified elements in an array with a static value You can specify the position of where to start and end the filling If you don t specify the position then all elements will be filled This is one of the most useful tips amp tricks in javascript var fruits Banana Orange mango kiwi fruits fill strawberry Output will be Banana Orange strawberry strawberry Remove duplicates values from arrayThere are so many duplicate values in an array So the programmer can remove them easily by using the console log var syntax That makes work easier and faster This is one of the most useful tips amp tricks in javascript There are two types available to remove the duplicate values which are given below By array filterconst dup const arr dup filter value index gt return dup indexOf value index console log arr Output Will be By setconst dup const arr new Set dup console log arr Add scroll button to the top of the pageMany times pages are so lengthy to scroll That is the top scroll button available by using the below syntax And this is one of the most useful tips amp tricks in javascript window scrollTo top left behavior smooth Convert any type of value to booleanIn JavaScript there are two types of boolean values true and false You can use the Boolean function to find out if a variable is true or not That s one of the most useful tips amp tricks in javascript let num console log num falseconst num console log num trueconst n Tim console log n trueconst n console log n false |
2021-06-10 09:17:21 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
5 accessibility principles you can start implementing now |
accessibility principles you can start implementing nowThe topic of web accessibility is huge and it can be hard to know where to start In this blogpost I will cover principles that you can and should start to implement straight away I have selected these topics not because they are more important but because they should be quite easy for a web developer to add to their existing toolbox Prerequesites For this blogpost I will assume that you have some basic knowledge and understanding about web accessibility If you don t I recommend reading Part Introduction before diving in to this If you want the TL DR too long didn t read version you can jump right to the summary Use the correct semantic elementsIn html we use elements to structure our content An element concists of two tags one opening and one closing tag Like this lt div gt lt div gt Semantic elemetents are elements that represents a logical section of content and have a clear meaning In the example above I used a div element This is not a semantic element The div doesn t tell you anything about what kind of content you should expect to find inside it One semantic element you ve probably used before is the h element or h h Maybe you thought it was just a simple way to style all headers consistently It is actually a way to structure your content Elements for overall site structure img alt The image shows a layout of a website There is one large container body From the top there is a header and a nav Underneath there is a aside to the left and a main to the right Inside the aside is another nav and a section Inside the main is another section and an article lt br gt Beneath all of this is a footer src dev to uploads s amazonaws com uploads articles wvlvxtaonkkftsqo jpg The above image illustrates how you can structure your site using semantic elements This will of course depend on what kind of content you are presenting on your site For example the upper lt nav gt could also go inside the header And there could be an aditional lt header gt inside a lt section gt But I wanted to keep the image simple to give you an overview of how it could look lt header gt The header element represents introductory content This typicalle contains the site logo some links a search form and maybe the author name lt nav gt The nav element represents a collection of links which purpose is to be used for navigation There can be more than one lt nav gt element on a page One could represent the site menu and another could represent table of contents for the current page Its important to give them different identifications so its clear for non visual users what they represent You can still usa an unordered list to organise your navigation links but put the whole list inside the lt nav gt element lt main gt The main element represents the dominant content of the page lt aside gt The aside element represents content that is indirectly related to the main content lt section gt The section element represent content that does not have any other tags to represent it Typically genereic or standalone content lt article gt The article content represents content that is independent from the rest of the site If a user was presented this content outside of the webpage it would still make sence lt footer gt When inside the body the footer element represent the website footer If it is placed inside an article element it represents the least important information about that article Other elements worth noticing lt hr gt It s so easy to throw in a lt hr gt when you need a nice line on your page But it s worth noticing that the lt hr gt tag actually have semantic meaning It represents a thematic break in the content and it is anounced by screen readers So if you just want a visual horizontal line for decoration you should not use a lt hr gt but use a css border instead lt button gt vs lt a gt The button should be used when you want the user to trigger some javascript by clicking on it While the a element should be used for links that takes the user to another page Using colorContrastA lot of people have problems with their sight It could be color blindness or other challenges But either way it is important that we use enough contrast between colors to ensure that the content is clearly visible for all users To be WCAG AA compliable the colors you use together should have a contrast ratio of at least for normal text and for large text Dont trust your eyes Even though you think it looks nice and that the contrast is good enough you should always check And don t trust that the designer either Some designers are up to date about accessibility and WCAG but theres also some that are not But if you find that the colors you got from a designer is not WCAG compliable remember to be nice about it There are a lot of free tools you can use to see if the contrast is good enough I like this contrast checker Don t use color alone to convey meaningOn the same topic don t use color alone to convey meaning As an example links should always be marked with something more than a different color like an underline Or if you display an error success message that are set to be red green based on some state you should make sure that the state is still clear for people who can t see the color You can do this by being explicit in the wording of the message Always add type to input fieldsThe HTML type attribute is important for screenreader users The screenreader will anounce what kind of input type that is expected Especially important is it to set the type password for password input fields If the type is missing on a password field the screenreader will speak the users password aloud as they enter it Don t use pixels for font sizeDifferent browsers will display content a little differently And it is also possible that your users have browser extensions that changes the font family or basic font size to make it easier for them to read Thats why WCAG recomends working with proportion and not pixel sizing If you use the em unit to set font size instead of pixels Em means that the text size is set relative to the default font size em means times the size of the default By using em the text on your page will scale nicely no mather the users default settings Always add styling for focus stateIf a user is navigating your solution with a keyboard they schould be able yo see where the focus is right away Focus style is very often displayed as a border around the conent in focus Unfortunatley a lot of developers and designers tend to remove this because it doesn t look nice You can of cource style the focus state however you want but make sure it is clear enough so the users don t have to wonder where on the page the focus is SummaryLets summarize what you have learned in this blogpost Always use the proper semantic element in htmlMake sure that the colors you use have the proper contrast ratio And also don t use color alone to convey meaning Remember to add the type property to input fields Especially important on password fields Use a relative measurment for font size Like the em unit Make it easy to see where the focus state on your page is by always adding styling for focus If you start implementing these five principles right away you are allready on your way to help create a more accessible internet In the next part of this series I will cover some more complex topics If you don t want to miss it make sure to follow me on twitter ResourcesHTML element reference MDN Web docs HTML seamantic cheat sheet Learn the web Contrast checker Syntax fm have a podcast episodes where they talk about html semanticsDid you find this article usefull Follow me on twitter to be notified when I publish something new Also if you have any feedback or questions please let me know in the comments below Thank you for reading and happy coding Eli |
2021-06-10 09:10:58 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
12 Active AI Game Competitions to Check Out in 2021 (Ongoing and Upcoming) |
Active AI Game Competitions to Check Out in Ongoing and Upcoming AI game competitions are also known as AI programming competitions or bot programming competitions They re different from your average data science competition In an AI game competition you aren t given a data set Instead you get a game or simulation and your job is to program an agent that can compete in it sometimes head to head against other players agents They can be a great place to practice programming algorithms and AI ML The competitions vary widely in their difficulty prizes languages available and feasible strategies To help you find the right one I ve compiled a list of ongoing and upcoming AI game competitions to check out below up to date as of May List of AI Game CompetitionsKaggle SimulationsAWS DeepRacerCoder OneBattlecodeTerminalCodinGameRussian AI CupBattlesnakeLux AI ChallengeIEEE Conference on GamesRobot RumbleCodecupKaggle Simulations ー You ve likely heard of Kaggle They re the most popular platform for hosting data science competitions But they re also home to a range of simulation playgrounds such as ConnectX Hungry Geese and the resource management game Halite by Two Sigma Players submit agents that compete on a live leaderboard and prizes include Kaggle merchandise and ranking points for your Kaggle profile Kaggle is a great place to start if you re new to AI game competitions since they provide tutorials and free GPUs for training Currently their simulations only support submissions in Python AWS DeepRacer ー AWS DeepRacer is a D racing simulator designed to help developers get started with reinforcement learning Using their prebuilt model you ll be able to focus on designing a reward function and tuning hyperparameters It s free to get started with hours of training on AWS But if you plan on seriously competing you ll need to pay for training evaluating and storing your model on AWS Your reward for getting serious will be to rise up the ongoing AWS DeepRacer league From the FAQ section of their website Developers will start in the Open Division of the league Each month the top in the Open Division will advance to the Pro Division the following month The top racers at the end of the monthly Pro Division race qualify for the Pro Finale where they will race live to determine the winners for that month The top in the Pro Finale receive AWS DeepRacer Evo devices while the top will be eligible to receive an expenses paid trip to advance to compete in the AWS DeepRacer Championship Cup at re Invent Aside from their virtual racing tracks there is also an option to purchase their DeepRacer Evo a th scale autonomous racing car for USD to try out your RL model on physical tracks Coder One ー Coder One is an upcoming competition platform that will feature a range of AI games across different genres designed for both casual competition and research Previous competitions featured a Bomberman like two player action game with AUD cash prize pools The competitions are held in multi stage tournaments with a closing finale stream featuring the finalist teams Participants are free to use any language of choice Starter kits are provided in Python and TypeScript Coder One is currently in closed beta but you can sign up to the waitlist to get notified of competitions happening later this year Battlecode ー Battlecode is MIT s longest running programming competition The theme changes each year but generally centers around a turn based strategy game Participants write an AI player in Java controlling a robot army to take down their opponent The competition is open to anyone to participate Although only teams of full time students international students as well as MIT students are eligible for tournament prizes s tournament featured a USD prize pool The competition is held in a multi stage tournament format over a one month period The competition is already over but will return in January Terminal by Correlation One ー Terminal is a two player tower defense game organized by Correlation One In Terminal you take turns building structures and mobile units to take down your opponent Terminal features regular seasons currently on Season which boast ludicrous prize pools USD and end with a finale tournament stream Players can use Python Java or Rust to build their agents CodinGame ー CodinGame is a training platform for programmers and features a range of game based exercises in built IDE and support for multiple languages They host seasonal contests which last for about weeks each Each contest features a new game and a ranking system to measure your progress from Wood →Legend Previous prizes have included CodinGame T shirts monitors amp keyboards and Amazon gift cards If you re planning on entering you ll be in good company as each contest attracts thousands of developers with some of them actively streaming their participation Russian AI Cup ー The Russian AI Cup is an annual competition organized by Mail Ru Group and My com Games vary widely between competitions but previous years have featured RTS action platformers and more Each competition sees about participants each year with prizes that range from merchandise MacBook and cash up to rubles Their sandbox mode is open now for practise but the competition will be returning December Officially supported languages are C C F D Go Java Kotlin Scala Python Ruby JavaScript Rust Battlesnake ー Battlesnake is a multiplayer Snake game similar to Kaggle s Hungry Geese Your goal is to survive the longest either by eliminating others or trying not to starve Battlesnake runs seasonal tournament leagues lasting a couple of months each and prizes include gift cards customizations and merchandise To participate you ll need to host your agent on your own server implementing the Battlesnake API You ll be able to use any language with official starter kits available for Python Go Java JavaScript and Ruby Lux AI Challenge ー The Lux AI Challenge is an upcoming competition with a target launch date of June and will run for about a month It will feature a player RTS game and ranked leaderboard From the website The competition involves a multi variable optimization and resource gathering and allocation problem in a v scenario against competitor bots It will be hosted in partnership with Kaggle and support Python JavaScript Go and Java out of the box IEEE Conference on Games ー This isn t a competition website but the IEEE Conference on Games CoG is worth checking out CoG is an annual event held for researchers in the general domain of AI in games It s aimed at helping researchers generate new papers and research in game AI but also features a competition track with AI games that are open to the public Here you ll find a range of AI games being used in research such as Dota StarCraft Angry Birds Space Invaders and many more Some competitions will also feature cash prizes in the range of USD Robot Rumble ー Robot Rumble is still in Alpha but has a public demo available to try out It s a simple player game in which you will control robots that spawn every turns These robots can either move or attack Your goal is to end the game with more robots than your opponent Python and JavaScript agents are supported out of the box The organizers have plans to run an upcoming competition You ll be able to join their waitlist to be notified of any announcements CodeCup ー CodeCup is held annually and organized by the Dutch National Olympiad in Informatics The competition has ended but CodeCup will likely return in early Each year features a new game Previous years included puzzle and board games such as five in a row and tic tac toe variants Supported languages are Pascal C C Java Python or Haskell Special MentionsHere are some additional websites to check out that don t necessarily feature competitions Screeps ー Described as a MMO sandbox game for programmers Available for purchase on Steam JavaScript only Starcraft AI Arena ー An arena with an active community developing scripted and deep learning agents for Starcraft AICrowd ー Similar to Kaggle occasionally hosts simulation type games AIGaming com ー Website featuring a wide range of games such as Battleship Chess and Go OpenAI Gym ー Toolkit for developing and benchmarking reinforcement learning algorithms Environments range from toy text problems to Atari games and MuJoCo physics simulators Closing RemarksI ve tried to make this a comprehensive list of all active and upcoming AI game competitions As new competitions come up I ll aim to keep this list up to date If there are any competitions I ve missed or if you have any suggestions and feedback please let me know Thanks for reading I hope you managed to find a competition that interests you |
2021-06-10 09:07:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Solution: My Calendar I |
Solution My Calendar IThis is part of a series of Leetcode solution explanations index If you liked this solution or found it useful please like this post and or upvote my solution post on Leetcode s forums Leetcode Problem Medium My Calendar I Description Jump to Solution Idea Code JavaScript Python Java C Implement a MyCalendar class to store your events A new event can be added if adding the event will not cause a double booking Your class will have the method book int start int end Formally this represents a booking on the half open interval start end the range of real numbers x such that start lt x lt end A double booking happens when two events have some non empty intersection ie there is some time that is common to both events For each call to the method MyCalendar book return true if the event can be added to the calendar successfully without causing a double booking Otherwise return false and do not add the event to the calendar Your class will be called like this MyCalendar cal new MyCalendar MyCalendar book start end Examples Example Input MyCalendar MyCalendar book returns trueMyCalendar book returns falseMyCalendar book returns trueExplanation The first event can be booked The second can t because time is already booked by another event The third event can be booked as the first event takes every time less than but not including Constraints The number of calls to MyCalendar book per test case will be at most In calls to MyCalendar book start end start and end are integers in the range Idea Jump to Problem Description Code JavaScript Python Java C Since the bookings are not allowed to overlap we ll naturally need to keep the data sorted in some way so that we can find the proper insertion position of each new booking and to check for the validity of the booking The naive solution here would be to use an array and resort it each time at a time complexity of O N log N Alternately we could use a binary search to find the right position then insert the booking at that position but that would take O log N time for the binary search and another O N time for the insertion Instead we can do better by using a linked list approach as searching the linked list will only be O N time and the insertion will only be O time We should start by defining our empty bookings list head with a head node and a tail node as bookends for the booking data For the book function we will then iterate through the linked list until we find the booking that begins after our attempted booking start curr We should also remember to keep track of the last node as well so that we can stitch the new booking into the list Once we ve located the proper node we should check to see if the new booking will overlap and return false if it does Otherwise we should create our new node and insert it between last and curr then return true Time Complexity O N where N is the length of the linked listSpace Complexity O N for the linked list Javascript Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea class MyCalendar constructor this head start end next start Infinity end Infinity book function start end let curr this head last while curr start lt start last curr curr curr next if last end gt start curr start lt end return false last next start start end end next curr return true Python Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea class MyCalendar def init self self head start end next start float inf end float inf def book self start int end int gt bool curr self head while curr start lt start last curr curr curr next if last end gt start or curr start lt end return False last next start start end end next curr return True Java Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea class ListNode public int start end public ListNode next public ListNode int s int e ListNode n start s end e next n class MyCalendar ListNode head public MyCalendar ListNode tail new ListNode Integer MAX VALUE Integer MAX VALUE null head new ListNode tail public boolean book int start int end ListNode curr head last head while curr start lt start last curr curr curr next if last end gt start curr start lt end return false last next new ListNode start end curr return true C Code Jump to Problem Description Solution Idea struct LNode public int start end LNode next LNode int s int e LNode n start s end e next n class MyCalendar public MyCalendar LNode tail new LNode INT MAX INT MAX nullptr head new LNode tail bool book int start int end LNode curr head last head while curr gt start lt start last curr curr curr gt next if last gt end gt start curr gt start lt end return false last gt next new LNode start end curr return true private LNode head |
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