Engadget Japanese |
楽天モバイル、iOS版「Rakuten Link」の仕様変更を延期 |
rakuten |
2021-06-24 08:10:53 |
Engadget Japanese |
iPhone 13(仮)のダミーモデルやケース画像が公開。やはり12からはマイナーチェンジか |
iphone |
2021-06-24 08:00:57 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] ベタ塗りがリアルな風景に──NVIDIAがAIイラストツールを無料公開 作ったデータはレイヤーごとPhotoshopへ引き継ぎ可 |
itmedia |
2021-06-24 17:48:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] H2Oリテイリングとローソンが包括的業務提携 狙いは? |
itmedia |
2021-06-24 17:40:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] iPhone版「Rakuten Link」アプリの仕様変更日が“未定”に 準備が整い次第改めて告知 |
iphone |
2021-06-24 17:30:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
データ連携ソフト「ASTERIA Warp」新版、テレワーク向けに開発ツールとの通信をSSL/TLS化 | IT Leaders |
データ連携ソフト「ASTERIAWarp」新版、テレワーク向けに開発ツールとの通信をSSLTLS化ITLeadersアステリアは年月日、企業データ連携EAIESBソフトウェア「ASTERIAWarp」シリーズの新版を発表した。 |
2021-06-24 17:10:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
AWS CloudFormation のパブリックレジストリの紹介 |
レジストリを使用すると、AWSによって提供されたリソースを使用するのと同じ方法で、CloudFormationテンプレートとCDKアプリケーションでこれらの拡張機能を簡単に検出してプロビジョニングできます。 |
2021-06-24 08:12:45 |
AWS - Webinar Channel |
AWS Floor28 News - Migrating to AWS (Hebrew) |
AWS Floor News Migrating to AWS Hebrew בפרקהזהשלAWS Floor News אנושמחיםלארחאתבןהופמן Partner Solution Architect AWS אשריספרלנועלחלקמהחידושיםהאחרוניםבעולמותהמיגרציהלענן נסבירעלAWS Application Migration Service MGN שירותהמאפשרהגירהשלאפליקציותקיימותלתוךAWS ללאכלשינוייםבאפליקציהובארכיטקטורה AWS SaasS Boost פרוייקטקודפתוחשמאפשרללקוחותלהעביראתהפתרונותשלהםלתצורהשלתוכנהכשירותונדברגםעל AWS App Runner המאפשרללקוחותינולבנותולהריץאפליקציותWeb אוAPIs בכלסקיילשיידרש מבלילהשקיעזמןבבנייתותפעולהתשתית Have a project to deploy on the cloud and need our help Live chat with an AWS business representative now » |
2021-06-24 08:29:45 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Lambda (Python) で EBS ボリュームのスナップショットを削除してみる |
LambdaPythonでEBSボリュームのスナップショットを削除してみるはじめにずいぶん昔に作成したものですが…以下の処理に伴って、イメージを削除したものの、元のECインスタンスの設定によっては、スナップショットが残ってしまうことがあるのでこちらで対応します。 |
2021-06-24 17:06:45 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Lambda (Python) で EBS ボリュームのスナップショットを削除してみる |
LambdaPythonでEBSボリュームのスナップショットを削除してみるはじめにずいぶん昔に作成したものですが…以下の処理に伴って、イメージを削除したものの、元のECインスタンスの設定によっては、スナップショットが残ってしまうことがあるのでこちらで対応します。 |
2021-06-24 17:06:45 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Javascript】郵便番号から住所を自動入力する方法 |
【Javascript】郵便番号から住所を自動入力する方法成果物郵便番号を入力することで住所をある程度自動で入力できるものを作ったのでそのアウトプットです。 |
2021-06-24 17:37:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Rubyのバージョンについて(環境セットアップ) |
Rubyのバージョンについて環境セットアップ発生している不具合Progateにて、RubynbsponnbspRailsの環境構築をしてみようという課題をやっているのですが、インストールしたrubyのバージョンが違うのかhttplocalhostに接続しても、正しく画像が表示されません。 |
2021-06-24 17:50:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python listのsort(並べ替え)について |
2021-06-24 17:41:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
データパッチとは。? |
2021-06-24 17:36:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PythonライブラリPulpで近似解を求めたい |
PythonライブラリPulpで近似解を求めたいPythonライブラリPulpで近似解を求めたいPythonライブラリのPulpを用いて最適化問題の近似解を求めたいと思っています。 |
2021-06-24 17:28:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Androidで動画をアップロードする方法がわかりません |
Androidで動画をアップロードする方法がわかりませんAndroidで画像や動画をHTTPアップロードするアプリを開発しています。 |
2021-06-24 17:24:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
CSSでヘッダーをposition:fixedで上部に固定するとレイアウトが崩れる |
CSSでヘッダーをpositionfixedで上部に固定するとレイアウトが崩れる前提・実現したいことCSSでヘッダーをpositionfixedを使って固定したいです。 |
2021-06-24 17:24:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Androidアプリ開発 OSMDroid 地図上をタッチして追加したマーカーでポリゴンを作成したい |
Androidアプリ開発OSMDroid地図上をタッチして追加したマーカーでポリゴンを作成したい前提・実現したいことosmdroidで表示したマップ上をタッチしてマーカーを追加していき、そのマーカーで囲まれたエリアをポリゴンにしたい。 |
2021-06-24 17:19:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
MongoDBへクエリが登録されない |
MongoDBへクエリが登録されないJavaScriptMongoDB初心者です。 |
2021-06-24 17:19:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WordPressでFont Awesomeの読み込みをやめたい |
WordPressでFontAwesomeの読み込みをやめたいやりたいことテーマcocoonを使用したサイトの高速化に伴いFontAwesomeをやめて画像かSVGに置き換えたいです。 |
2021-06-24 17:19:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
tableの中のチェックボックスの値を取得したい。 |
tableの中のチェックボックスの値を取得したい。 |
2021-06-24 17:17:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
batファイルを実行しようとすると「このアプリはお使いのPCで実行できません」と表示されます。 |
batファイルを実行しようとすると「このアプリはお使いのPCで実行できません」と表示されます。 |
2021-06-24 17:15:03 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VBA 条件付き三色スケールについて |
具体的な条件はBRECのエリアの数値が以上の時、それぞれ対応するCBN内のセルを色スケールで表す、といったものです。 |
2021-06-24 17:11:46 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Lambda (Python) で EBS ボリュームのスナップショットを削除してみる |
LambdaPythonでEBSボリュームのスナップショットを削除してみるはじめにずいぶん昔に作成したものですが…以下の処理に伴って、イメージを削除したものの、元のECインスタンスの設定によっては、スナップショットが残ってしまうことがあるのでこちらで対応します。 |
2021-06-24 17:06:45 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
SORACOM Arc を使って EC2 に セキュリティグループを超えて SORACOM Napter でリモートアクセスしてみた |
soracomarc |
2021-06-24 08:18:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to install ImageMagick? |
How to install ImageMagick I ve recently picked up interest in contributing to this platform forem dev to so I ve been reading the documentation I m now stuck on the installation of ImageMagick I run on Windows OS so im not sure if i m to install ImageMagick on WSL or on my machine itself Please help clarify Thanks |
2021-06-24 08:54:51 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Learning Python- basic course: day 4, The for loop |
Learning Python basic course day The for loop Welcome all to the day of our course Today we will learn about the for loop and all it s pitfalls Loops in pythonThe For loop Everyone knows that the For Loop is a type of loop which runs statements for a given number of times Here is the for loop syntax for i in range k statement the statement will run k timesAgain no curly braces just indention Here is a sample program which prints hello five times Note the mistakes often made by beginners gt gt gt for i in range don t forget the semicolon File lt stdin gt line for i in range SyntaxError invalid syntax gt gt gt for i in range print hello don t forget the indent File lt stdin gt line print hello IndentationError expected an indented block gt gt gt for i in range print hello hellohellohellohellohelloOkay the running variable i is incremented by So until i equals five the program keeps on running Well actually no This happens in Java and C But Python differs a bit over here In Python the running variable is assigned a new value and not incremented What happens is something like this When you say for i in range a list of numbers from zero to four will be generated Note and not Then i will be assigned all the values from that list in order one by one Even if we change the value of i in the middle it doesn t affect the loop as i is just assigned the next value more about it here I know loss of flexibility But we can always convert the for loop into a while loop gt gt gt for i in range i print hi hihihihihiAlthough we cannot change the running variable there is no restriction against using it If we want to change the default value of increment of i in the list we can add another parameter in the for loop as shown below gt gt gt for i in range here represents the increment values print i Here is a sample program to find factors of a number There are two bugs in the program Can you fix them n int input Enter a number for i in range n if n i print i If you have already spotted them comment the answers below For those who havent the answer is hereThe range function makes a list of values and the running variable is assigned the values one by one We can also make a list manually but that part is to be covered when dealing with Python lists later One thing to note here is that any changes in the variable indicating the end values doesn t affect the main program Example in the above program if we change the value of n in the indent it wont affect the number of times the statements are executed This is because the range list is made already using the value we have given at the time of generating the for lop Here is a program in which the values of end variable are changed but the program won t get affected Program to find the factorial of a numbera int input Enter a number for i in range a a a iprint a Break statement The break statement is used to end the for loop in middle After this statement is executed the last for loop terminates and the control goes to the next statementsSimilarly Python has the continue statement which starts the next iteration of the loop again Syntax is as follows breakcontinueFor those who are new to the concept you will find a really good explanation here Here is an example This program finds if a number is prime or not a int input Enter a number IsPrime for i in range a if a i print The number is composite IsPrime breakif IsPrime print The number is prime Don t get disheartened if all things are not clear right away We are going to solve many more sample questions in the next lectures Do try these exercises given below or at least see the answers This will help strengthen the concepts or reinforce them further Exercise Write a program to calculate the factors the sum of the factors and the number of factors of the number Answer Write a program to find if a number is a perfect number or not Perfect number is a number whose sum of factors excluding itself is equal to number eg are perfect numbers AnswerYes these exercises were repetitive But tomorrow we will do some really fantastic questions which actually are asked in interviews Follow me for updates so you don t miss out on tomorrows special edition of learning Python course Your suggestions motivate me so please please please let me know in the comment section if you this part or not And don t forget to like the post if you did |
2021-06-24 08:49:17 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Meet the most Complex & Innovative Admin from Creative Tim |
Meet the most Complex amp Innovative Admin from Creative TimOver the last few months we have been working on a brand new modern admin template to help developers streamline their development process In a highly competitive market such as web development the trends standards and techniques are constantly changing We at Creative Tim have always wanted to deliver great tools to all the web developers Therefore we have analyzed tendencies and adapted them to our know how in order to deliver a tool that satisfies the developer s needs and expectations Meet Soft UI Dashboard PRO the most complex and innovative dashboard made by Creative Tim Why “the most Because of its very modern looking and high quality code that make it the perfect dashboard for different purposes from CRM admins to automotive or virtual reality admins Are you interested in finding out more about our latest product Read on Latest Technology Bootstrap For this product we ve decided to use the latest version of Bootstrap considering its popularity “Bootstrap the world s most popular framework for building responsive mobile first sites and its out of the box solutions to create responsive and dynamic interfaces Soft UI Dashboard PRO is following the latest code standards provided by the guys from Bootstrap so you will love working with this dashboard Innovative Design Gradients We wanted to give our product a fresh realistic feeling therefore we used gradients a popular trend for this year D Interactive Elements Interactive D design encourages users to stay longer Knowing this we ve integrated D elements into Soft UI Dashboard PRO to create an innovative and attractive feel for the users Glassmorphism If you are a fan of glassomorphism too you will fall in love with our product We used transparent and blurred out backgrounds with colorful images and shapes to create the glass effect that the big ones in the industry like Apple and Microsoft are using Complex ComponentsElementsSoft UI Dashboard is a “Developer First product with a lot of variables for colors fonts sizes and other elements It is built with over frontend individual elements like buttons inputs navbars nav tabs cards or alerts giving you the freedom of choosing and combining All components can easily be modified using SASS files and classes View all components here Prebuilt Design BlocksOur product comes with prebuilt design blocks so the development process is seamless Having multiple different sections designed web developers can then create each module and assemble them in different sequences to create unique pages and templates PluginsOur dashboard is ready to help you built powerful and complex products We ve integrated customized plugins that extend the features and can add more interaction or functionalities to your site Kanban Sweet Alerts Wizard Choices Fullcalendar and many more Example PagesLack of inspiration No worries Our example pages are ready to get you on track when you want to show something directly to your clients or quickly set up the basic structure for your web project Soft UI Dashboard PRO contains beautiful ready to use pages from the basic Profil Page to Automotive Virtual Reality and CRM admin pages Let s see some of our example pages CRM Admin PageSmart Home Admin PageAutomative Admin PageVirtual Reality Admin Page PricingSoft UI Dashboard Pro comes with available licenses Freelancer license including Developer access Months of Tech Support and Months of Free Updates Company license including up to Developers access Months of Tech Support and Months of Free Updates Enterprise license including more than Developer access Months of Tech Support and Months of Free UpdatesCheck out more detail here Free VersionNot sure yet Try out the free demo and get the feel of Soft UI Dashboard Pro The difference between the demo and the premium version consists in its number of components The quality remains the same Here s what you will get with Soft UI Dashboard Handcrafted Elements Customized Plugins Example Pages Final ThoughtsWe really hope you will enjoy this user friendly dashboard Get a look and share your feedback with us Don t forget to check its complex documentation |
2021-06-24 08:33:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Netflix System Design- Backend Architecture |
Netflix System Design Backend ArchitectureCover Photo by Alexander Shatov on UnsplashNetflix accounts for about of the world s internet bandwidth traffic Serving over billion hours of content per month globally to nearly every country in the world Building a robust highly scalable reliable and efficient backend system is no small engineering feat but the ambitious team at Netflix has proven that problems exist to be solved This article provides an analysis of the Netflix system architecture as researched from online sources Section will provide a simplified overview of the Netflix system Section is an overview of the backend architecture and section provides a detailed look at the individual system components OverviewNetflix operates in two clouds Amazon Web Services and Open Connect Netflix content delivery network The overall Netflix system consists of three main parts Open Connect Appliances OCA Open Connect is Netflix s custom global content delivery network CDN These OCAs servers are placed inside internet service providers ISPs and internet exchange locations IXPs networks around the world to deliver Netflix content to users Client A client is any device from which you play the video from Netflix This consists of all the applications that interface with the Netflix servers Netflix supports a lot of different devices including smart TV Android iOS platforms gaming consoles etc All these apps are written using platform specific code Netflix web app is written using reactJS which was influenced by several factors some of which include startup speed runtime performance and modularity Backend This includes databases servers logging frameworks application monitoring recommendation engine background services etc When the user loads the Netflix app all requests are handled by the backend server in AWS Eg Login recommendations the home page users history billing customer support Some of these backend services include AWS EC instances AWS S AWS DynamoDB Cassandra Hadoop Kafka etc Backend ArchitectureNetflix is one of the major drivers of microservices architecture Every component of their system is a collection of loosely coupled services collaborating The microservice architecture enables the rapid frequent and reliable delivery of large complex applications The figure below is an overview of the backend architecture Backend ArchitectureThe Client sends a Play request to a Backend running on AWS Netflix uses Amazon s Elastic Load Balancer ELB service to route traffic to its services AWS ELB will forward that request to the API Gateway Service Netflix uses Zuul as its API gateway which is built to allow dynamic routing traffic monitoring and security resilience to failures at the edge of the cloud deployment Application API component is the core business logic behind Netflix operations There are several types of API corresponding to different user activities such as Signup API Discovery Recommendation API for retrieving video recommendation In this scenario the forwarded request from API Gateway Service is handled by Play API Play API will call a microservice or a sequence of microservices to fulfill the request Microservices are mostly stateless small programs there can be thousands of these services communicating with each other Microservices can save or get data from a data store during this process Microservices can send events for tracking user activities or other data to the Stream Processing Pipeline for either real time processing of personalized recommendations or batch processing of business intelligence tasks The data coming out of the Stream Processing Pipeline can be persistent to other data stores such as AWS S Hadoop HDFS Cassandra etc Backend Components Open ConnectEverything that happens after you hit play on a video is handled by Open Connect This system is responsible for streaming video to your device The following diagram illustrates how the playback process works Open Connect Design ImageOCAs ping AWS instances to report their health the routes they have learned and the files they have on them A user on a client device requests playback of a title TV show or movie from the Netflix application in AWS The Netflix playback service checks for the user s authorization permission and licensing then chooses which files to serve the client taking into account the current network speed and client resolution The steering service picks the OCA that the files should be served from generates URLs for these OCAs and hands it back to the playback service The playback service hands over the URLs of the OCA to the client The client requests for the video files from that OCA Zuul API GATEWAYNetflix uses Amazon s Elastic Load Balancer ELB service to route traffic to services ELB s are set up such that load is balanced across zones first then instances Amazon Elastic Load BalancerThis load balancer routes request to the API gateway service Netflix uses Zuul as its API gateway It handles all the requests and performs the dynamic routing of microservice applications It works as a front door for all the requests For Example api products is mapped to the product service and api user is mapped to the user service The Zuul Server dynamically routes the requests to the respective backend applications Zuul provides a range of different types of filters that allows them to quickly and nimbly apply functionality to the edge service The Cloud Gateway team at Netflix runs and operates more than clusters of Zuul sending traffic to about and growing backend service clusters which amount to more than million requests per second open sourcing zuul Zuul ArchitectureThe Netty handlers on the front and back of the filters are mainly responsible for handling the network protocol web server connection management and proxying work With those inner workings abstracted away the filters do all of the heavy liftings The inbound filters run before proxying the request and can be used for authentication routing or decorating the request The endpoint filters can either be used to return a static response or proxy the request to the backend service The outbound filters run after a response has been returned and can be used for things like metrics or adding removing custom headers The Zuul Api gateway forwards the request to the appropriate Application API Application APICurrently the Application APIs are defined under three categories Signup API for non member requests such as sign up billing free trial etc Discovery API for search recommendation requests and Play API for streaming view licensing requests etc When a user clicks signup for example Zuul will route the request to the Signup API If you consider an example of an already subscribed user Supposing the user clicks on play for the latest episode of peaky blinders the request will be routed to the playback API The API in turn calls several microservices under the hood Some of these calls can be made in parallel because they don t depend on each other Others have to be sequenced in a specific order The API contains all the logic to sequence and parallelize the calls as necessary The device in turn doesn t need to know anything about the orchestration that goes on under the hood when the customer clicks “play Netflix API ArchitectureSignup requests map to signup backend services Playback requests with some exceptions map only to playback backend services and similarly discovery APIs map to discovery services Hystrix Distributed API Services ManagementHystrixHystrix ArchitectureIn any distributed environment with a lot of dependencies inevitably some of the many service dependencies fail It can be unmanageable to monitor the health and state of all the services as more and more services will be stood up and some services may be taken down or simply break down Hystrix comes with help by providing a user friendly dashboard Hystrix library is used to control the interaction between these distributed services by adding some latency tolerance and fault tolerance logic Consider this example from Netflix they have a microservice that provides a tailored list of movies back to the user If the service fails they reroute the traffic to circumvent the failure to another vanilla microservice that simply returns the top movies that are family friendly So they have this safe failover that they can go to and that is the classic example of first circuit breaking Note Netflix Hystrix is no longer in active development and is currently in maintenance mode Some internal projects are currently being built with resiliencej Titus Container ManagementTitusTitus is a container management platform that provides scalable and reliable container execution and cloud native integration with Amazon AWS Titus ArchitectureIt is a framework on top of Apache Mesos a cluster management system that brokers available resources across a fleet of machines Titus is run in production at Netflix managing thousands of AWS EC instances and launching hundreds of thousands of containers daily for both batch and service workloads Just think of it as the Netflix version of Kubernetes Titus runs about million containers per week Datastores EVCacheA cache s primary purpose is to increase data retrieval performance by reducing the need to access the underlying slower storage layer Trading off capacity for speed a cache typically stores a subset of data transiently EVCacheTwo uses cases for caching is to Provides fast access to frequently stored data Provides fast access to computed memoized data Netflix s microservices rely on caches for fast reliable access to multiple types of data like a member s viewing history ratings and personalized recommendations EVCache DiagramEVCache is a memcached amp spymemcached based caching solution that is mainly used for AWS EC infrastructure for caching frequently used data EVCache is an abbreviation for Ephemeral The data stored is for a short duration as specified by its TTL Time To Live Volatile The data can disappear any time Evicted Cache An in memory key value store SSDs for CachingTraditionally caching is done on the RAM Storing large amounts of data on RAM is expensive Hence Netflix decided to move some caching data to SSD Modern disk technologies based on SSD are providing fast access to data but at a much lower cost when compared to RAM The cost to store TB of data on SSD is much lower than storing the same amount using RAM Evolution of application Data Caching MySQLNetflix uses AWS EC instances of MYSQL for its Billing infrastructure Billing infrastructure is responsible for managing the billing state of Netflix members This includes keeping track of open paid billing periods the amount of credit on the member s account managing the payment status of the member initiating charge requests and what date the member has paid through The payment processor needed the ACID capabilities of an RDBMS to process charge transactions Netflix Datastore Apache CassandraCassandra is a free and open source distributed wide column store NoSQL database designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers providing high availability with no single point of failure Netflix uses Cassandra for its scalability lack of single points of failure and cross regional deployments In effect a single global Cassandra cluster can simultaneously service applications and asynchronously replicate data across multiple geographic locations Netflix stores all kinds of data across their Cassandra DB instances All user collected event metrics are stored on Cassandra As user data began to increase there needed to be a more efficient way to manage data storage Netflix Redesigned data storage architecture with two main goals in mind Smaller Storage Footprint Consistent Read Write Performance as viewing per member grows The solution to the large data problem was to compress the old rows Data were divided into two types Live Viewing History LiveVH Small number of recent viewing records with frequent updates The data is stored in uncompressed form Compressed Viewing History CompressedVH A large number of older viewing records with rare updates The data is compressed to reduce the storage footprint Compressed viewing history is stored in a single column per row key Compressed Viewing History Stream Processing PipelineDid you know that Netflix personalizes movie artwork just for you You might be surprised to learn the image shown for each video is selected specifically for you Not everyone sees the same image Netflix tries to select the artwork highlighting the most relevant aspect of a video to you based on the data they have learned about you on your viewing history and interests Stream Processing Data Pipeline has become Netflix s data backbone of business analytics and personalized recommendation tasks It is responsible for producing collecting processing aggregating and moving all microservice events to other data processors in near real time Streaming data is data that is generated continuously by thousands of data sources which typically send in the data records simultaneously and in small sizes order of Kilobytes Streaming data includes a wide variety of data such as log files generated by customers using your mobile or web applications e commerce purchases in game player activity information from social networks financial trading floors or geospatial services and telemetry from connected devices or instrumentation in data centers AWS What is streaming Data This data needs to be processed sequentially and incrementally on a record by record basis or over sliding time windows and used for a wide variety of analytics including correlations aggregations filtering and sampling Information derived from such analysis gives companies visibility into many aspects of their business and customer activity such as service usage for metering billing server activity website clicks and geo location of devices people and physical goods and enables them to respond promptly to emerging situations For example businesses can track changes in public sentiment on their brands and products by continuously analyzing social media streams and respond in a timely fashion as the necessity arises The stream processing platform processes trillions of events and petabytes of data per day Viewing History Service captures all the videos that are played by members Beacon is another service that captures all impression events and user activities within Netflix All the data collected by the Viewing History and Beacon services are sent to Kafka Apache Kafka Analyzing Streaming DataKafka is open source software that provides a framework for storing reading and analyzing streaming data Netflix embraces Apache Kafkaas the de facto standard for its eventing messaging and stream processing needs Kafka acts as a bridge for all point to point and Netflix Studio wide communications How Kafka is used by Netflix Apache Chukwe Analyzing Streaming DataApache Chukwe is an open source data collection system for collecting logs or events from a distributed system It is built on top of HDFS and Map reduce framework It comes with Hadoop s scalability and robustness features It includes a lot of powerful and flexible toolkits to display monitor and analyze data Chukwe collects the events from different parts of the system From Chukwe you can do monitoring analysis or you can use the dashboard to view the events Chukwe writes the event in the Hadoop file sequence format S Apache Spark Analyzing Streaming DataNetflix uses Apache Spark and Machine learning for Movie recommendation Apache Spark is an open source unified analytics engine for large scale data processing On a live user request the aggregated play popularity How many times is a video played and take rate Fraction of play events over impression events for a given video data along with other explicit signals such as members viewing history and past ratings are used to compute a personalized content for the user The following figure shows the end to end infrastructure for building user movie recommendations Data Processing Engine Elastic Search Error Logging and MonitoringNetflix uses elastic search for data visualization customer support and for error detection in the system Elasticsearch is a search engine based on the Lucene library It provides a distributed multitenant capable full text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema free JSON documents With elastic search they can easily monitor the state of the system and troubleshoot error logs and failures ConclusionThis article has provided a detailed analysis of the Netflix Backend architecture You can refer to these references for more information Follow me here and across my social media for more content like this Linkedin Twitter REFERENCESTitusOpen Sourcing ZuulOpen ConnectHow Netflix Backend OperatesA Design Analysis Of Cloud Based Microservices Architecture At NetflixNetflix System DesignHystrix What is it and Why is it UsedEngineering Tradeoffs and the Netflix API Re architectureApplication Data Caching Using ssdsEvolution Of Application Data Caching From Ram To ssdNetflix Billing Migration To AwsOptimizing The Netflix ApiWhat s Trending On NetflixEvolution Of The Netflix Data PipelineZuul API GatewayCAP theoremWhat Happens When You Press PlayScaling Time Series Data Storage PartNetflix High Level System ArchitectureHow Kafka is used by Netflix |
2021-06-24 08:09:38 |
海外TECH |
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マルチプロジェクトの Cloud Monitoring がより簡単に |
このスコープ対象プロジェクトは、CloudConsoleのプロジェクト選択ツールで選択されているクラウドプロジェクトです。 |
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2021-06-24 17:15:00 |
Cloud Blog JA |
マルチプロジェクトの Cloud Monitoring がより簡単に |
このスコープ対象プロジェクトは、CloudConsoleのプロジェクト選択ツールで選択されているクラウドプロジェクトです。 |
2021-06-24 10:00:00 |