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IT 気になる、記になる… 「Office 2021」のパッケージデザインが明らかに https://taisy0.com/2021/06/24/142251.html office 2021-06-24 12:30:08
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 拡張子「.IFO」「.VRO」の動画データをDVDに焼きたい https://teratail.com/questions/345922?rss=all windowspc 2021-06-24 21:52:01
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VirtualBoxのホストオンリーアダプターが設定できません https://teratail.com/questions/345921?rss=all VirtualBoxのホストオンリーアダプターが設定できません前提・実現したいこと現在ノートPCでVirtualBoxを用い、ゲストOSにUbuntuを使用しています。 2021-06-24 21:48:59
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) GASでスプレッドシートのIDとCSVファイルのIDが一致したときに値を書き込み https://teratail.com/questions/345920?rss=all 2021-06-24 21:48:35
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VBAで、指定ブックをアクティブにしようとすると、エラーが発生する。 https://teratail.com/questions/345919?rss=all VBAで、指定ブックをアクティブにしようとすると、エラーが発生する。 2021-06-24 21:36:00
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) vhost.confでDocumentRootに設定したディレクトリが表示されない https://teratail.com/questions/345918?rss=all vhostconfでDocumentRootに設定したディレクトリが表示されないLaravelで製作したサイトを運用しています。 2021-06-24 21:30:56
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 環境変数のpathを設定したい https://teratail.com/questions/345917?rss=all 環境変数 2021-06-24 21:22:36
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) python tkinterにてタブ内のテキストを読み取りたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/345916?rss=all pythontkinterにてタブ内のテキストを読み取りたい。 2021-06-24 21:22:27
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) pytorch RuntimeError: Expected hidden[0] size (1, 17938, 50), got [2, 1, 50]が発生 https://teratail.com/questions/345915?rss=all pytorchRuntimeErrorExpectedhiddensizegotが発生前提・実現したいことpytorchにてLSTMを使って、時系列データの予測をしたいのですが、RuntimeErrorが発生しました。 2021-06-24 21:18:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ResnetにDnCNNを入れたNetworkのTypeErrorについて https://teratail.com/questions/345914?rss=all ResnetにDnCNNを入れたNetworkのTypeErrorについてResnetにDnCNNをいれてノイズ落書きを消そうとしているのですが、エラーを解決できません。 2021-06-24 21:07:11
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) srcファイルの作成 https://teratail.com/questions/345913?rss=all eclipse 2021-06-24 21:00:21
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita rspecのモックとスタブを使いこなせ!!! https://qiita.com/shu1124/items/df4fb162f3a9c134c14c Rollbarも外部に依存する箇所なのでallowでスタブ化しています。 2021-06-24 21:38:01
Linux Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita サーバーのストレージがマッハだと思ったらlogだった件 https://qiita.com/SatoshiNonomura/items/7e54ae54d04e6ee41472 設定とりあえず以下のコマンドで確認できるはずです。 2021-06-24 21:08:23
Docker dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita vscode + wsl2 + docker での作業 https://qiita.com/okadabasso/items/db0b42a80c9ccb44ebb0 vscodewsldockerでの作業最近のvscodeはリモートに接続していろいろできるらしいと聞いてお試ししてみるwslインストールこの記事の記述に従ってwslをインストール最後に適当なディストリインストールする。 2021-06-24 21:19:55
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita コンテナとコレクション https://qiita.com/Nabetani/items/ad973b9176dda036aa1d だいたいみんなこっちなんだなと思った。 2021-06-24 21:57:32
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita rspecのモックとスタブを使いこなせ!!! https://qiita.com/shu1124/items/df4fb162f3a9c134c14c Rollbarも外部に依存する箇所なのでallowでスタブ化しています。 2021-06-24 21:38:01
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rials いいね・コメント・フォロー・メール・チャットのテーブル設計 https://qiita.com/dam-san/items/5c59b84da114f9bb9008 Rialsいいね・コメント・フォロー・メール・チャットのテーブル設計ユーザーと投稿物bookcreatetableusersforcecascadedottstringemaildefaultnullfalsetstringencryptedpassworddefaultnullfalsetstringresetpasswordtokentdatetimeresetpasswordsentattdatetimeremembercreatedattstringnamettextintroductiontstringprofileimageidtdatetimecreatedatnullfalsetdatetimeupdatedatnullfalsetindexemailnameindexusersonemailuniquetruetindexresetpasswordtokennameindexusersonresetpasswordtokenuniquetrueendcreatetablebooksforcecascadedottstringtitlettextbodytintegeruseridtdatetimecreatedatnullfalsetdatetimeupdatedatnullfalseendいいね機能createtablefavoritesforcecascadedottintegeruseridtintegerbookidtdatetimecreatedatnullfalsetdatetimeupdatedatnullfalseendコメント機能createtablebookcommentsforcecascadedotttextcommenttintegeruseridtintegerbookidtdatetimecreatedatnullfalsetdatetimeupdatedatnullfalseendフォロー機能createtablerelationshipsforcecascadedottintegerfolloweridtintegerfollowedidtdatetimecreatedatnullfalsetdatetimeupdatedatnullfalseendメール機能アドレス機能createtablemailforcecascadedottintegeruseridtintegertargetuseridtintegertargetuseridtdatetimecreatedatnullfalsetdatetimeupdatedatnullfalseendcreatetableadrressesforcecascadedottintegerfromuseridtintegertouseridtstringtitlettextbodytdatetimecreatedatnullfalsetdatetimeupdatedatnullfalseendチャット機能LINEのように相互に、時系列も分かるようなビューを搭載するなら、chatroomという概念を入れたほうがわかりやすい。 2021-06-24 21:19:05
海外TECH Ars Technica Hyundai’s 2022 Tucson Hybrid is a charming and efficient crossover https://arstechnica.com/?p=1775917 crossover 2021-06-24 12:13:45
海外TECH DEV Community How we made the chat widget accessible for people with visual impairments https://dev.to/livechat/how-we-made-the-chat-widget-accessible-for-people-with-visual-impairments-41d0 How we made the chat widget accessible for people with visual impairmentsMatching colors to achieve the minimum WCAG contrast score might be perceived as a simple task After all there are plenty of free tools available ーfrom websites like colourcontrast to design tool plugins for Figma or Sketch ーthat can help you calculate the proper color contrast for your designs In our case the challenge was to solve contrast problems when colors can be customized by the users In this article we want to share what we have learned and how we build accessible color palettes Where to start Start by doing an audit using Google Lighthouse or you can find a tool that will fit your needs in this article Gathering together issues related to low color contrast and grouping them into those which can be fixed quickly and those which will require special solutions was very helpful and speeded up the whole process The low hanging fruit was fixing the contrast between elements that don t inherit a primary color and also fixing the contrast between surfaces They were easy to resolve because we decided that some components will always have a set of fixed color values and thanks to that we can easily predict the contrast in relation to the different surfaces By doing an audit and refining each element individually we recreated our new grayscale palette Do an audit using specialized tools and group issues based on their level of difficulty Performance over PreferenceTake a look at these two buttons Which one is more appealing to you I assume that the button on the left might look more appealing to most respondents however working with accessibility in mind is not a matter of preferences ーit s simply down to performance If I want to measure the button s performance my question should be Do you have a problem reading any of those buttons Then filter out everyone who can read both and focus only on people who have a hard time reading any of the buttons There is a thin line in matching colors for the button such that they fulfill WCAG guidelines and the button still looks the way most people expect to see it Those expectations of specific color combinations might exist because people just get used to them but changing the combinations to have a contrast score of at least won t bother anyone that much and it might help others to better perceive the interface Our eyes and vision change over time just like the rest of our bodies Some people experience age related vision changes that interfere with their ability to see clearly for reading and other close vision tasks We don t know what the exact demographic of chat widget end users is However the chats scale is approximately million per day so there was a risk that a significant number of users might have problems when interacting with the LiveChat Widget It s important not to rely solely on the WCAG math for calculating contrast You can strive for the best score and readability by tweaking colors but at the end of the day testing it with real users or doing the accredited accessibility audit is a must Eliminate your personal bias on preferred color combinations and remember that you are designing it for ALL users Framer polished js to the rescueNowadays design tools offer several ways to solve inaccessible color problems You can install a plugin to your favorite design tool and test many color combinations one by one However it might be a time consuming task especially if you provide color customization in your app so why not automate this process Framer a tool that combines both code and design was a lifesaver when designing elements that inherit primary colors The tool allows you to use mechanisms that function in the actual code environment We ve used one of those available mechanisms from the polished js package Thanks to this package we could test for accessible colors on many components simultaneously You can see how the components and the contrast score changes when tweaking the primary color It speeds up the whole process dramatically The cool thing is that we have also implemented this package inside the Chat Widget code so the design and production are based on the same environment The important thing is that when the user customizes the primary color of the widget the system relies on the polished js mechanism This matches whichever text or icon color black or white scores the highest Because of this users might even get black text on a blue button if white text would only achieve a minimum contrast ratio for that particular blue background The way we measure combination contrast is not perfect because the WCAG guidelines as the name suggests are just recommendations and I believe that the proper math for color calculation that mirrors human perception is yet to be invented Still we think it s better to have this automation than always having white be the foreground to a primary color Do accessible colors have to be ugly Statements about ugly accessible colors might be a consequence of the high contrast modes you may have seen over time on various websites It s easy to make a false assumption about accessible colors if you re just starting with the topic and you ve seen too many of those websites Another thing is that perceiving color is a subjective matter When we think about the color being beautiful it only exists in our heads as a pleasant feeling However a fairly useful method would be to observe the most popular colors on the web I think that for the sake of argument we can call popular colors appealing After all they are popular for a reason Gather and refine those colors by increasing or decreasing their lightness so they will have a minimum foreground to background contrast ratio For example if you want to fix an inaccessible color decide whether you want to darken the background and lighten the foreground or do the opposite ーlighten the background and darken the foreground Both ways are good use whatever works for your design to achieve a good contrast score We have decided to make the theme colors slightly darker so that all our predefined theme colors work well as a background to a white foreground We didn t want to include colors with high luminance like yellow or orange in a predefined set of colors because combining them with white surfaces results in low contrast Users still have a choice if none of those five colors meet their expectations They can pick whatever color they want as a primary color and we will adjust the text color on the messages and buttons Achieving the proper text color is done automatically by the polished js library In short whatever color you pick polished will match the text color white or black depending on which combination contrast score is the highest Two problems at onceWorking on accessible colors in LiveChat Widget was an excellent opportunity to tidy up the code and create a single source of truth for design tokens The term “design tokens refers to properties like colors font sizes spacings and even transitions The main premise of having organized design tokens especially colors is to maintain consistency within the application Synchronizing colors between design and code will also help you keep the product palette accessible automated checks and predictable so if you have the opportunity to do that go for it Pay attention to focusYou are probably familiar with that blue border that appears from time to time when you scroll through websites Those elements are called focus indicators Some people don t like that browsers add them by default to components like inputs or buttons because it interferes with their website app design so they remove them in the CSS If you want to build an inclusive product you should not use outline none on focusable elements globally for the whole website or app Instead of deleting the outline completely you can show a focus indicator that originates from keyboard interaction but that is not present with pointer device interaction Also make sure that the color you use for the focus indicator properly contrasts with the backgrounds It is also good to add a small gap between the focused element and the component using the outline offset property for better visibility Wrap upYou may be overwhelmed by the number of color issues the audit can reveal but don t worry very often the same color relations are repeated across the app Like in any other case planning is very important Break down all issues into groups and categorize them based on similarity and difficulty Choose your tools when it comes to design development and testing There are plenty of tools and libraries which can speed up the whole process Key takeaways Start with an auditEliminate personal bias toward preferred colorsDon t rely solely on the WCAG math for contrast calculations Test the combinations with real usersAccessible color palettes can be appealingWorking on accessible colors is an opportunity to tidy up your design systemCreate a proper focus indicator and show it when needed 2021-06-24 12:48:58
海外TECH DEV Community List of Best GitHub Repos for Web Developers https://dev.to/stacksjar/list-of-best-github-repos-for-web-developers-2jip List of Best GitHub Repos for Web DevelopersIn this post we are going to check best GitHub Repositories for Web Developers to learn fundamentals of Coding and Boost Productivity List of the most Useful GitHub Repos are as belowRead Complete Article Here 2021-06-24 12:44:10
海外TECH DEV Community Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements https://dev.to/garimasharma/pseudo-classes-and-pseudo-elements-npp Pseudo classes and pseudo elementsCSS provide useful selector types that focus on specific platform state like when the element is hovered active etc Pseudo ClassesHTML here find themselves in various stages either because they are interacted with user or one of their child element is in a certain state For example an HTML element could be hovered with the mouse pointer by a user or a child element could also be hovered by the user For those situations use the hover pseudo class When the link is hovered with a mouse pointer this code is fired a hover color blue text decoration underline Pseudo classes let you apply CSS based on state changes This means that your design can react to user input and changes accordingly For example you have an email signup form you can change the border color of the field to red if it contains invalid email address and green when it contains correct email address As stated above pseudo class let us apply CSS based on user input Entering an email address is the input of the user whether right or wrong How do you do that Well we have a pseudo class invalid this is one of many browser provided pseudo classA pseudo class lets you apply styles based on state changes and external factors This means that your design can react to user input such as an invalid email address Interactive StatesWe can apply the following pseudo classes on the interaction of a user with our page hoverIf the user is pointing to an element with a pointing device can be a mouse an they place it over an element we can trigger the action of the user with hover class to apply different style when user hovers on it We can achieve this effect with little effort lt p gt This is link lt a href gt Try hovering me lt a gt lt p gt This line is to remove the default behavior of anchor tag we want underline effect one hover a text decoration none When the user hover on a tag this code will be fired a hover text decoration underline color ead activeThis state is triggered when an element is actively being interacted withーsuch as a clickーbefore click is released If a pointing device like a mouse is used this state is when the click starts and hasn t yet been released We can achieve this effect with little effort lt div gt lt button class btn gt Click and hold to see the active state lt button gt lt div gt btn active transform scale box shadow none There are tons of pseudo classes for us to explore on If you want to know more go to Pseudo classes Pseudo ElementsPseudo elements differ from pseudo classes because instead of responding to the platform state they act as if they are inserting a new element with CSS Pseudo elements are also syntactically different from pseudo classes because instead of using a single colon we use a double colon A pseudo element is like adding or targeting an extra element without having to add more HTML For exampleIf you ve got an article of content and you want the first letter to be a much bigger drop capーhow do you achieve that In CSS you can use the first letter pseudo element to achieve this sort of design detail p first letter color blue float left font size em font weight bold line height before and afterBoth the before and after pseudo elements create a child element inside an element only if you define a content property my element before content my element after content before pseudo element to insert content at the start of an element or the after pseudo element to insert content at the end of an element Pseudo elements aren t limited to inserting content though We can also use them to target specific parts of an element The content can be any string even an empty one but be mindful that anything other than an empty string will likely be announced by a screen reader We can add an image url which will insert an image at its original dimensions so we won t be able to resize it There are tons of pseudo classes for us to explore on If you want to know more go to Pseudo ElementsWritten and Edited by me 2021-06-24 12:27:32
海外TECH DEV Community Top 10 Useful GitHub Browser Extensions https://dev.to/abanoubasaad/top-10-useful-github-browser-extensions-2k2d Top Useful GitHub Browser ExtensionsThere are many types of addiction but addiction to GitHub is a unique and interesting one Although GitHub is a great tool for developers using extensions to increase your productivity is greater Let s get started with the extensions that I m using OctotreeIt shows a side panel to enhance code review and exploration Here it is easy to navigate between the files and folders of the repository Enhanced GitHubIt displays The whole repository size and each file sizeDownload linkYou can copy file content directly to the clipboard GitHub Code FoldingIt enables code folding in GitHub SourcegraphIt makes you go to definition amp find references currently for Go Java TypeScript JavaScript and Python Notifications Preview for GitHubThis extension makes you Show the count of notifications on the bell icon Preview the unread notifications using pop overs on hoverAllow to perform actions like marking as read and unsubscribing on the notifications File Icons for GitHub and GitLabIt gives you different file icons in GitHub or GitLab OctoLinkerIt makes navigating through the code more efficient by turning language specific statements like include require or import into clickable links GitHub Isometric ContributionsIt allows you to toggle between the normal GitHub contribution chart and an isometric pixel art version D ChartD Chart GIFs for GitHubIt makes it easier to search GIPHY and add a GIF into any GitHub comment box Refined GitHubThis extension has a lot of features like Making whitespace characters visibleAdding one click merge conflict fixersAdding reaction avatars showing who reacted to a commentLetting you hide every event except comments or unresolved comments in issues and PRsLinking issue PR references and URLs in code and conversation titlesAdding the option to wait for checks when merging a PRAdding a button to revert all the changes to a file in a PR ConclusionI tried to show some useful GitHub extensions that I know There are a lot of other extensions you can use to enhance your experience If you want to explore other awesome GitHub extensions you can check this link Which GitHub extension do you like more Let me know 2021-06-24 12:05:59
海外TECH DEV Community What Do Exotic Programming Languages and Single-origin Coffee Beans Have in Common? https://dev.to/fidel/what-do-exotic-programming-languages-and-single-origin-coffee-beans-have-in-common-37af What Do Exotic Programming Languages and Single origin Coffee Beans Have in Common This blog post started when I wanted to combine two of the things I love playing around with different programming languages and brewing my own coffee with different beans from all around the world Then that got me thinking how do some of the most interesting programming languages I ve used relate to some of the most delicious and peculiar beans I ve had the chance to taste Mind you I don t consider myself to be an expert on either of the two I can however share enough knowledge today so that you can learn something new And who knows maybe you ll be inspired enough to try out a new language or coffee variety Without further ado make yourself a coffee take a seat and enjoy my coffee programming language pairings Ada and Venezuelan coffee Utterly great almost perfect and incredibly difficult to findI ll start things by coming clean Ada is my favourite programming language And I m originally from Venezuela So there s going to be some bias here However I m pretty sure anyone who s tried Ada can admit that it s a hell of a language And Venezuela has always been pretty well known for its amazing coffee and cocoa beans so hopefully I m not too detached from the truth anyway What makes them so great then When it comes to Ada one has to first understand what it was made for highly secure and reliable systems Which explains many of the things surrounding the language a very strict type system that s also incredibly expressive it possesses a weird array and string types that force you to always define their size so that the compiler can guarantee that there s not going to be an overflow Plus its syntax while seemingly verbose at first is very well suited for readability something that makes a lot of sense given that we spend way more time reading software than writing it All in all Ada is a very well thought out programming language that makes way too much sense most of the time and thus in my opinion lends itself quite well for learning programming concepts since it s a language that aids you a lot in your thinking process Unfortunately though it s garnered a bad rap since the very beginning for its relation with the US Department of Defence and being a closed language with a paid compiler Nowadays you can download a free version of it but it s still not widely used Many issues you ll find while developing will not be as simple to solve as doing a Google search or looking on Stack Overflow As for Venezuelan coffee if you can imagine how good coffee should taste like then you pretty much know why it s so highly regarded Because of the country s currently “fragile state it s not as readily available in your everyday roaster coffee shop Same as with Ada if you get your hands on it please try it You won t regret it with Ada Text IO use Ada Text IO procedure Drinking Venezuelan Coffee is type Level Type is range type Coffee Origin Type is Venezuela Kenya Rwanda Sumatra type Coffee Mug is record Level Level Type Coffee Origin Coffee Origin Type end record procedure Fill Mug M in out Coffee Mug is begin case M Level is when gt M Level Level Type Last Put line Mug filled when others gt Put Line Mug is already full end case end Fill Mug My Mug Coffee Mug Level gt Coffee Origin gt Venezuela begin Fill Mug My Mug end Drinking Venezuelan Coffee Pony and Kenyan coffee Down to earth and inconspicuous but full of flavourWhat I like a lot about Kenyan coffee is that it s a very grounded coffee You can almost taste the earth with every sip of it If you don t get what I mean imagine the amazing smell of earth just before it rains Yep Kenyan coffee tastes that good That same feeling is the one I get whenever I do something with the Pony language Pony is a very welcoming programming language because it doesn t try to be more than it is And yet what it has to offer is quite powerful and unique For starters Pony is an actor based language If you are familiar with Erlang or using channels you ll get the gist of it But if not think of every actor as a living object or process that communicates with other actors by sending and receiving messages This already makes Pony quite suitable for concurrent systems and programs but there s more Pony is also a capabilities based programming language in which everything has a set of rules that tells you what you can and cannot do with it For instance a variable with the Value capability is read only which means that you can safely share it between your actors A variable with the Reference capability is mutable which means that you can t pass it around There are of course many more of them but hopefully you got the gist of it All of this comes packaged in a nice syntax that reminds me of Python which is always a nice language to read Did it sound compelling I hope it did And if you decide to try Pony please ask a friendly barista to make you a cup of Kenyan coffee to go along with it You can have it however you like but I recommend it black and without sugar actor Customer let name String var coffee String new create name String gt name name be ask for coffee b Barista gt b prepare coffee this name be receive coffee coffee String gt coffee coffee actor Barista let available coffee String let out OutStream new create available coffee String out OutStream gt available coffee available coffee out out be prepare coffee c Customer name String gt out print One available coffee coffee for name c receive coffee available coffee actor Main new create env Env gt var barista Barista Kenyan env out var customer Customer Jane customer ask for coffee barista Reason and Rwandan coffee Familiar on the outside amazingly exciting on the insideIf there s something that Reason and Rwandan coffee have in common is that they both look like something else at first glance When it comes to Rwandan coffee it just looks like well any other coffee but when you try it…uff it s like no coffee you ve ever had As for Reason from a syntax point of view it s eerily similar to JavaScript This happens for a good reason pun intended it s a language mostly directed at JavaScript developers Reducing grammar friction is one of its objectives However under that first superficial layer of familiarity lies a different language in many many ways First off Reason unlike JavaScript is powered by OCaml You could say that it s a syntax layer on top of OCaml At its core it has the kind of strong and rich type system that JavaScript could only dream of I still love you JavaScript just not in the same way With Reason you ll be able to construct better software that s easier to rely on In addition to that you can compile to both JavaScript and OCaml giving you access to two very mature ecosystems at once Oh and if you needed one more reason yes pun intended…again to try it two words pattern matching Think of it as a sort of switch statement that lets you match the shape of your data instead of just doing it by an explicit value Trust me once you use a language with pattern matching you ll miss it whenever you re using one that doesn t If you feel like trying out something new but don t feel like going too far from your comfort zone be it other kinds of coffee or programming languages with C style syntax then maybe you should consider checking out Reason or Rwandan coffee you can t go wrong with either one let workingHours let workStartsAt let myPreferredDrink Rwandan coffee let translateTime hour gt hour lt string of int hour AM string of int hour PM let whatToDo firstHour currentHour drink gt let timeOfDay firstHour currentHour let atTime predicate gt At translateTime timeOfDay predicate switch timeOfDay timeOfDay mod gt atTime drink more drink gt atTime Lunch break gt atTime drink drink for hour in to workingHours Js log whatToDo workStartsAt hour myPreferredDrink Idris and Sumatran coffee Strange hard to grasp and filled with incredible depthWhen it comes to programming languages that I enjoy playing around with a certain group of so called functional programming languages is at the top One of the most popular in that group is Haskell from which Idris takes a lot of cues One of the core tenants of a functional programming language is that functions are first class citizens You can treat them as you would any other value which allows for pretty powerful things like returning functions or passing them around as arguments to other functions They also tend to feature very strong type systems However one other thing that makes languages such as Idris so special is their declarative syntax style which looks more as if you were describing things instead of the more intuitive command like style do this then that of writing imperative style code Sumatran coffee is also a very special kind of coffee because of the way in which it s processed as well as the kind of climate where it grows This makes it so that Sumatran coffee tastes quite different from what you would expect coffee to taste like It tastes almost foreign to someone more used to the kind of regular coffee you would find at your average café In the same way Idris or Haskell look almost foreign to someone used to more imperative programming languages like C or Java Yet besides all that Idris most distinctive feature is not that it s a functional programming language per se but rather something more unique dependent types You can enhance a type by providing a value together with it A good example for this would be the concat function which would be typed something like List n t gt List m t gt List n m t The first argument will be a list of n elements the second a list of m elements and the result will be a list with n m elements How cool is that With dependent types you gain a whole new level of control over what to expect from your code In my book that s always good Whenever you re ready to try something different and exciting be it Idris Sumatran coffee or even better both be prepared and enjoy the ride isSumatranCoffee String gt BoolisSumatranCoffee Sumatran TrueisSumatranCoffee FalsedrinkOrPass String gt StringdrinkOrPass coffee case isSumatranCoffee coffee of True gt I ll have some of that Sumatran coffee please False gt No thanks I d rather have something else main IO main putStrLn drinkOrPass Sumatran There are of course many other programming languages and coffee beans that are worth talking about Like Nicaraguan coffee with its acidic notes the aromatic wonder that Ethiopian coffee is the esoteric th with its stack based syntax or Clojure which is a cool language based on Lisp which means it uses lots of parentheses Hopefully I got to pique your curiosity on at least one of the combos that I paired above Few things are as fun as trying new programming languages Combine that with a cup of coffee made with freshly roasted beans and you re all set 2021-06-24 12:01:18
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News 'Apple Glass' could place virtual controls in the wearer's hand https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/24/apple-glass-could-place-virtual-controls-in-the-wearers-hand?utm_medium=rss x Apple Glass x could place virtual controls in the wearer x s handAn Apple AR device such as Apple Glass or another head mounted display may be able to detect when a wearer puts their hand out and position a virtual control panel there Virtual controls in the palm of your handEven if Apple Glass or another head mounted display HMD is lighter and more fashionable than say an Oculus headset it s still a headset Apple doesn t want you to have to take it off or search around with your hands for the controls to use it Read more 2021-06-24 12:18:40
海外TECH Engadget Apple's AirPods Max fall to a new all-time low of $489 at Amazon https://www.engadget.com/apple-airpods-max-good-deal-amazon-124026253.html?src=rss_b2c amazon 2021-06-24 12:40:26
海外TECH Engadget This electronic fairy jar is a charming mix of Pokémon and Tamagotchi https://www.engadget.com/wowwee-got2glow-fairy-finder-120319712.html?src=rss_b2c colorful 2021-06-24 12:03:19
Cisco Cisco Blog Cisco announces membership to Security Advisor Alliance https://blogs.cisco.com/security/cisco-announces-membership-to-security-advisor-alliance Cisco announces membership to Security Advisor AllianceRead more about Cisco s newly announced membership to the Security Advisor Alliance and how this can benefit security leaders and our CISO community 2021-06-24 12:00:34
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 政府、ワクチン在庫精査 職場接種加速で逼迫 https://t.co/sw8QKzbRxx https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1408045706644918272 職場 2021-06-24 12:53:51
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 若者、ワクチンで心筋炎 専門家「恩恵はリスク上回る」 https://t.co/EucWw61ffP https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1408040451890810884 若者 2021-06-24 12:32:58
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 宇宙開発5社がユニーク返礼品 人工衛星に名前刻印 https://t.co/DPVgUuOtiI https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1408037142228455424 人工衛星 2021-06-24 12:19:49
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 ゼンショー、コロナ後見据え海外出店加速 300億円調達 https://t.co/b4cVOSctxr https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1408036417893142528 海外 2021-06-24 12:16:56
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 【都議選2021】非自民連立への転機(1993年)、「自民ぶっ壊す」で大勝(2001年)、知事が主役の初選挙(17年)。これまで国政の影響を受け、国政を変えてきた東京都議選の歩みをたどります。 特集ページへ… https://t.co/hIHAsTxdi7 https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1408035943450296322 【都議選】非自民連立への転機年、「自民ぶっ壊す」で大勝年、知事が主役の初選挙年。 2021-06-24 12:15:03
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 米、格差解消へ金融規制見直し 民主左派が相次ぎ提案 https://t.co/c5BdGdU0Cl https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1408032864143220737 民主左派 2021-06-24 12:02:49
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid-19: Europe braces for surge in Delta variant https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-57594954 august 2021-06-24 12:40:39
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid: UK's foreign travel 'traffic light' lists due to be announced https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57590119 review 2021-06-24 12:31:04
ニュース BBC News - Home EE to reintroduce Europe roaming charges in January https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-57595913 europe 2021-06-24 12:07:26
ニュース BBC News - Home Miami building collapse: Rescuers search rubble for survivors https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-57592827 rubble 2021-06-24 12:08:19
ニュース BBC News - Home BBC announces comprehensive Tokyo Olympics coverage plans across TV, radio and online https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/olympics/57597043 olympics 2021-06-24 12:02:28
ニュース BBC News - Home What are the rules for travelling to green, amber and red list countries? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-52544307 countries 2021-06-24 12:43:09
LifeHuck ライフハッカー[日本版] サーフボード取付型モーター「BoostFin」でマリンスポーツを満喫 https://www.lifehacker.jp/2021/06/237329-machi-ya-boostfin-review.html boostfin 2021-06-24 22:00:00
北海道 北海道新聞 胆振、日高管内とも感染者ゼロ 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/559462/ 新型コロナウイルス 2021-06-24 21:17:00
北海道 北海道新聞 陸自、英国加え米豪と上陸訓練 対中けん制策 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/559461/ 水陸機動団 2021-06-24 21:15:00
北海道 北海道新聞 雨竜米の日本酒、今年も 栽培の植村さん「ぜひ購入を」 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/559460/ 酒造好適米 2021-06-24 21:14:00
北海道 北海道新聞 後志管内感染ゼロ 新型コロナ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/559459/ 新型コロナウイルス 2021-06-24 21:11:00
北海道 北海道新聞 小樽商工会議所、職場接種の準備急ぐ 樽商大は今回見送り方針 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/559457/ 小樽商工会議所 2021-06-24 21:10:00
北海道 北海道新聞 6月のモスクワ連日30度超 最高気温120年ぶり更新 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/559452/ 最高気温 2021-06-24 21:09:27
北海道 北海道新聞 中0―6神(24日) ガンケルが6連勝 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/559456/ 内野ゴロ 2021-06-24 21:08:00
北海道 北海道新聞 IST、宇宙事業拡大へ寄付募る 大樹町のふるさと納税活用 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/559450/ 事業拡大 2021-06-24 21:03:43
北海道 北海道新聞 ウガンダ濃厚接触、市職員ら8人 大阪・泉佐野の選手団合宿 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/559455/ 大阪府泉佐野市 2021-06-24 21:03:00



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