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IT 気になる、記になる… Appleがスマートバンドの検討を行っていたことが予想出来る「Apple Watch Series 3」の試作機の存在が明らかに https://taisy0.com/2021/06/25/142321.html apple 2021-06-24 23:59:49
IT 気になる、記になる… 「watchOS 8 beta 2」では「ポートレート」の文字盤が利用可能に https://taisy0.com/2021/06/25/142314.html tomac 2021-06-24 23:45:13
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 老後資金が不安62% 貯蓄額は「100万円~500万円未満」が最多に https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2106/25/news072.html itmedia 2021-06-25 08:39:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 「他社が採用を控える今がチャンス」 コロナ禍でも約7割が採用意欲変わらず https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2106/25/news071.html itmedia 2021-06-25 08:32:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 場所によっては2倍以上…東京都心「局地バブル」の理由 https://www.itmedia.co.jp/business/articles/2106/25/news070.html itmedia 2021-06-25 08:24:00
IT ITmedia 総合記事一覧 [ITmedia エグゼクティブ] 欧米は情報機関との連携でサイバー攻撃に対応 https://mag.executive.itmedia.co.jp/executive/articles/2106/25/news069.html itmedia 2021-06-25 08:24:00
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Remote ContainerでPython Seleniumする https://qiita.com/atmaru/items/1f66d20a16657e493ccd requirementstxtpytestseleniumpytestとseleniumを使ったテストプログラムを動かしたいので、このつを自動でInstallする設定にしています。 2021-06-25 08:48:18
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Reactアプリケーションを高速化するための方法2(イベント編) https://qiita.com/SoraKumo/items/159932af861faac2d0b1 Reactアプリケーションを高速化するための方法イベント編上位コンポーネントを経由せずにイベントをやりとりする前々回ReactuseStateによるstate管理の問題点とその解決方法を模索した結果、つの機能を分離するに至った話前回Reactアプリケーションを高速化するための方法今回の内容今回はコンポーネント間でイベントのやりとりをしますこれをReactの標準機能で実装しようとすると、コンポーネントで作成したDispatchを親で吸い上げて配り直す必要がありますそういった処理を書くのは冗長になりやすいので避けたいところです。 2021-06-25 08:51:48
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【VueCliをGitへのPush方法】 https://teratail.com/questions/345969?rss=all 【VueCliをGitへのPush方法】VueCliで作成した課題をGitHubへPushしたいです現在、Vuecliで画面上にHelloWorldと出力する課題を与えられて行ってます。 2021-06-25 08:54:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 要素の長さが増加する場合のデータベース(MySQL )への格納方法 https://teratail.com/questions/345968?rss=all 要素の長さが増加する場合のデータベースMySQLへの格納方法アンケートサイトを作成しています。 2021-06-25 08:12:03
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Boolean型関数を使おうとするとエラーがでてしまう https://teratail.com/questions/345967?rss=all Boolean型関数を使おうとするとエラーがでてしまうVIVEのコントローラーのトリガーボタンを使いたくて、参考サイトを参照して実際にプログラムを打ち込んだところ、行目のBoolean型関数のところでエラーが出てしまいます。 2021-06-25 08:05:17
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Deviseでログイン後にアカウント作成する方法について https://teratail.com/questions/345966?rss=all devise 2021-06-25 08:04:36
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita RSpecでCookies(永続ログイン)のテストをする方法 https://qiita.com/CoGee/items/49fd706dd2fc17f991e0 RSpecでCookies永続ログインのテストをする方法「showmethecookies」をインストールする詳細はこちらを参照してください。 2021-06-25 08:29:05
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita RSpecでCookies(永続ログイン)のテストをする方法 https://qiita.com/CoGee/items/49fd706dd2fc17f991e0 RSpecでCookies永続ログインのテストをする方法「showmethecookies」をインストールする詳細はこちらを参照してください。 2021-06-25 08:29:05
海外TECH DEV Community 🧑‍💻 How I developed my portfolio for a month 🗓 + Demo 🍿 https://dev.to/kerthin/how-i-developed-my-portfolio-for-a-month-demo-3ee7 ‍How I developed my portfolio for a month Demo IntroductionLink to the DEMO at the endToday I would like to share with you my experience in developing a personal portfolio I understand that many of you immediately wondered after reading the title And why spend so much time developing a portfolio at all After all you just need to create a small one page website and add all the information about yourself and your works there And here I definitely agree with you that if you are developing a business card website then this is quite a working option You don t even have to spend a few days developing such a site Such a site can be developed in hours But I set myself a different task I wanted to create a portfolio that would show with its appearance what kind of developer I am and what I am capable of I wanted to use animations build complex objects using HTML and CSS make smooth transitions between pages choose bright colors for the site But at the same time of course I did not want to make a site from the nineties which usually caused users to have epilepsy I wanted my portfolio to be something like a picture that I painted like an artist I didn t want to fill my site with boring and monotonous text content Let s be honest No one cares what you like to eat in the morning and for dinner no one cares what TV shows and movies are your favorite what games you play and how you spend your time The employer is not even interested in whether you watch anime This is assumed by default So I decided to focus on the appearance of the site Therefore the first thing we will discuss with you is the design Design ColorsThe first step is to discuss the colors that I decided to use in my project This is Vinous bdand Beige febI have long dreamed of using these colors together but unfortunately I could not do it at work and so finally I decided to use them in my personal portfolio I think that these colors are very well in harmony with each other And in the future we will have to use many more colors but more on this later in the following chapters PagesAs for the pages I decided to make them only This is the home page where my photo brief information about me and links to my social networks will be placed so that people can contact me On the second page I decided to arrange my works which can be viewed with the help of a special presentation more on this later StyleI decided to design the appearance of the site in a minimalistic style I didn t want a large number of unnecessary photos and the like to be present on the site I wanted the site to look seasoned and concise Therefore I decided to use Flat design as the design of the portfolio elements AnimationAs for animations here is the same approach as with the style of elements Animations should look appropriate and be combined with all their surrounding elements Animations and static elements on the site should look like a single whole Perfect TechnologiesBefore we go any further I should tell you what tools I used for development HTMLTo create a DOM structure I decided to use the PUG preprocessor It significantly helped me reduce the amount of code due to the ability to use loops and mixins CSSTo create styles for elements I preferred to use the SASS preprocessor with SCSS syntax I did this for the same reason as with the PUG preprocessor JavaScriptTo create animations I needed to use three JS libraries TweenMax jsAnime jsRevealer jsHome PageFinally we can start analyzing the pages of the portfolio itself directly When I started working through the DOM structure and it came to the section where my photo should have been I thought for a while and asked myself this question Why would I just insert my photo I thought it was too easy for me Is it really impossible to use this place more effectively instead of just occupying this place with a photo Moreover I do not like to be photographed And here I would like to return to my recent quote I wanted my portfolio to be something like a picture that I painted like an artist I thought that I would be able to apply my own knowledge of HTML and CSS in order to simply draw myself And I started a difficult job 🥷 Step OneAt first it was not easy but the most important thing is to find an avatar layout on the Internet that you could be inspired by when creating your own CSS portrait CSS portrait sounds strange And here s what happened CodePen It took me about hours to create it This is taking into account the fact that I had to spend a lot of time searching for good examples of avatars on the Internet Step TwoIn general I was satisfied with the result but the avatar itself as you can see is small in size and the image that the avatar was intended to replace was large in size Moreover the avatar merged colors with the background Therefore I decided to create a special environment around the avatar to fill the empty space in the place of which the photo should have been And later I decided to animate this very environment to make the picture look more lively And here s what happened CodePen See in the format x I have already posted this work on my very first post CodePen CSS Illustration Animation Roden・May ・ min read codepen css html webdev Step ThreeNext I needed to create a text with brief information about myself who I am and where I live Here I decided to use a straight font because it fit very well into the overall style Something like that It s already coming out well and it pleases Step FourNext I needed to implement navigation with which I could switch between the pages of the site I decided to make it minimalistic and unfixed so that it doesn t follow the window when scrolling It wasn t necessary But do not forget about adaptability because what looks good on the desktop will not look good on the phone Therefore I decided to make text links to pages disappear on screens less than px and a burger menu appears And when you click on the burger menu button a Popup menu appears in which the necessary links to pages and social networks are located I have a separate article about this burger menu Burger Popup Menu anime js Roden・May ・ min read codepen webdev css html CodePen Step FiveI decided to attach links to my social networks and email to the lower edges of the screen I also added position fixed to them so that they follow the screen when scrolling Step SixAnd the last thing I decided to do on the home page is to describe my personal qualities To do this I decided to use icons Quite a logical action Describing your personal qualities visualizing it all with icons But here too I later wondered I told myself So stop stop stop stop wait a minute Can t you draw such icons yourself Yes it will not be easy but it is possible right Aren t you tired of these static images that you can find on a million other sites After thinking about all this a little more I still decided to get down to business And I started drawing again but this time icons 🥷And here s what I got Oh I forgot to add that I also wanted to animate them I love doing this I also did a separate article about them CodePen CSS Icons Animation Roden・May ・ min read codepen webdev css html CodePen It remained only to add the text to them and that was all The home page will be finished Result Step SevenWell the end of creating a home page has come It took me a little less than three weeks to create it Yes yes do not be surprised because it is not so easy to create everything that has been described from the first time And before we go to the second page I suggest you take a look at the result Home Page CodePen Demo Oh my God lines of SCSS code and this is taking into account loops and mixins that shorten the code Without them there would probably be or lines of code But there is still a portfolio page ahead Portfolio PageWith the portfolio page everything was simpler it was no longer necessary to come up with a style for the pages But there was another problem You see when demonstrating my works I planned that each work would have its own page separately But I quickly realized that I don t want to produce a large number of identical html files And what will happen in a couple of years when the number of works will become significantly more And I decided to create a section for the presentation of my works right on the page with my exhibited projects This section of the presentation was supposed to work according to the following principle You click on a special card for any project The presentation opens according to the principle of the Popup menu only in the case of a presentation it opens on the right not on top The content of the presentation itself is filled in depending on the project that you selected by clicking on the card and all data about the project is stored in an arrayHere s how it works To close the presentation click on the round button in the upper left corner Close ButtonI have already created a separate article about this presentation Awesome Developer Portfolio Page for your Projects responsive Roden・Jun ・ min read codepen webdev css javascript Mini CodePen Demo Finishing touchesWell that s it the portfolio is ready It remains only to add small details Namely the preloader You see what s the matter there are a huge number of elements on the site that need a little time to load and in order not to observe the loading of elements a small preloader is needed And also add a small animation of the elements surfacing to give the site a light elegance Initially I made a preloader on which the word Welcome appears using SVG but I quickly realized that this may look good but it certainly won t work as a preloader for my site Because it s a very long time seconds Therefore I decided to abandon the word animation and reduce the preloader animation to one second on both pages Well that s it ResponsiveHome Page Portfolio Page The site is adapted for screen resolutions such as media px media px media px media px media px media px media px media px media px media px media px media px media px media px media px media iPad min width px and max width px portrait media iPad min width px and max width px portrait media iPad min width px and max width px portrait media iPad min width px and max width px portrait media iPad min width px and max width px portrait media iPad min width px and max width px portrait media iPad min width px and max width px portrait media min width px and max width px and max height px media min width px and max width px and max height px media min width px and max width px and max height px media min width px and max width px and max height px media min width px and max width px and max height px media min width px and max width px and max height px media min width px and max width px and max height px media min width px and max width px and max height px media min width px and max width px and max height px media min width px and max width px and max height px media max width px and max height px Unfortunately there were too many media queries this is due to the fact that I used the value vh for height these are viewports for height Because of this some elements had to be trimmed sometimes but don t be too scared Summing up the resultsFriends now it s time to take stock and calculate how much time it took me to create each individual element and why it ends up being about a month Design It took me about days of long wanderings on such sites as Behance and Dribbble to think about how I want to see my portfolio CSS Illustration It took me about a week to create CSS Illustration well maybe a little more Navigation I spent days creating the navigation Icons I spent a week and a half creating animated icons it was not easy Portfolio Presentation And I spent a week creating a portfolio and presentations for projects Preloader I also spent days creating preloadersThis results in approximately days During all this time lines of code were written on the PUG preprocessor lines of code on SCSS and lines of code on JS Comrades don t think about it I m not bragging There s nothing to brag about here I just decided to summarize it in terms of the amount of code But remember quantity does not mean quality The EndFriends it s time to say goodbye Thank you for paying attention to my post My God I wrote it for about five hours And it feels like no more than two hours have passed Well okay it s not scary Below is the promised link to the full demo portfolio Full Portfolio DemoYou can also download it from my repository Kerthin portfolio templateSait I can advise you to subscribe to my Twitter I also post my work there And finally I want to say friends make such portfolios as you like If you want to make a business card website without any extraneous elements animations and other things then please do it Or on the contrary you want to make some highly animated portfolio or even make a d website on three js then it is completely your right There are no serious rules that you must follow here The most important thing is that you like it first of all And your employer should like your resume You can also check out my recent article on the topic of a portfolio for developers Examples of a Good ‍‍Developer Portfolio for Your Inspiration Roden・Jun ・ min read webdev tutorial beginners css See you all later 2021-06-24 23:30:41
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple TV+ original 'Stillwater' wins Peabody Award for storytelling https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/24/apple-tv-original-stillwater-wins-peabody-award-for-storytelling?utm_medium=rss Apple TV original x Stillwater x wins Peabody Award for storytellingApple TV original children s series Stillwater earned a Peabody Award for storytelling the company announced on Thursday The show was honored for encouraging empathy with its family oriented storytelling about mindfulness Apple said in a press release This is the first award win for Stillwater after the series picked up an Annie Award nomination for Best TV Media in the Preschool category earlier this year Based on the Scholastic book series Zen Shorts by Jon J Muth Stillwater is an animated show that focuses on Karl Addy and Michael who receive life advice from a wise panda who lives next door Mindfulness is a key concept of the series Read more 2021-06-24 23:54:15
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News SharePlay makes debut in second iOS 15 beta https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/24/shareplay-makes-debut-in-second-ios-15-beta?utm_medium=rss SharePlay makes debut in second iOS betaApple s new SharePlay feature which enables users to watch videos listen to music and share their screen with each other over FaceTime is now available for testing with Thursday s iOS beta release The iPhone maker issued the second beta version of iOS today delivering a handful of bug fixes and performance improvements Of the new features introduced in this iteration SharePlay is arguably the most important Announced at the Worldwide Developers Conference earlier this month SharePlay is a FaceTime integration option that allows two or more users to share content from other apps or their own screen Read more 2021-06-24 23:14:10
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple issues second developer betas for iOS 15, iPadOS 15, tvOS 15, watchOS 8 [u] https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/06/24/apple-issues-second-developer-betas-for-ios-15-ipados-15-tvos-15-watchos-8?utm_medium=rss Apple issues second developer betas for iOS iPadOS tvOS watchOS u Apple has provided developers with the second beta of iOS iPadOS watchOS and tvOS for testing the milestone operating system releases on their own hardware The latest betas can be downloaded from the Apple Developer Center by developers enrolled into the testing program While normally a public beta variant would follow shortly after the developer counterpart via the Apple Beta Software Program Apple has warned the first public beta won t be out until July Apple issued the first developer betas on June shortly after the WWDC keynote It is likely there will be quite a few more beta releases to come ahead of the full public release this fall Read more 2021-06-24 23:22:07
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金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 中国のフィンテック規制強化とその影響:証券レビュー http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/459591/?rss 日本証券経済研究所 2021-06-25 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 日米投信の長期比較から得られる示唆:証券レビュー http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/459592/?rss 日本証券経済研究所 2021-06-25 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 〔講演〕カネ余り下の資産価格膨張:いつまで続くのか? http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/459593/?rss 日本証券経済研究所 2021-06-25 00:00:00
金融 金融総合:経済レポート一覧 〔講演〕株主優待に関わる経済学研究の現状と展望 http://www3.keizaireport.com/report.php/RID/459594/?rss 日本証券経済研究所 2021-06-25 00:00:00
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ニュース BBC News - Home 'We're trying to convince them' - Some GB Olympians 'don't want vaccine' https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/olympics/57604425 x We x re trying to convince them x Some GB Olympians x don x t want vaccine x The head of the British Olympic Association BOA says some members of Team GB refuse to have the Covid vaccine 2021-06-24 23:02:32
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マーケティング AdverTimes 世界で活躍する日本人マーケターの仕事(フィリップス 藤井崇雅さん)後篇 https://www.advertimes.com/20210625/article354159/ 藤井 2021-06-25 00:00:02



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