Engadget Japanese |
ポケモンGOでビッパ大発生イベント、終盤は捕獲XP4倍が二日間 |
進行中 |
2021-06-25 11:16:35 |
Engadget Japanese |
Switch「電車でGO!!」専用ワンハンドルコントローラー、8月5日に発売 |
amazon |
2021-06-25 11:00:16 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 高島屋、純損失13億円 臨時休業とインバウンド消失で打撃、“百貨店再生”急務 |
itmedia |
2021-06-25 20:21:00 |
IT |
ShellPiper - 長いシェルコマンドを作成するための専用エディタ |
ShellPiper長いシェルコマンドを作成するための専用エディタシェルでコマンドを書く際に、パイプでどんどんコマンドを繋いでいくのは良くあることです。 |
2021-06-25 21:00:00 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
フルサーバーレス「グローバル下ネタ検索サービス」 |
さらにもう一歩踏み込むと、このCHIMP〇を全世界に公開しても問題がないのかを調べる手段が、もしかしたら本当になかったのではないか。 |
2021-06-25 20:21:18 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
pythonを便利に使おう第三回! 数学編! |
数学のドリルをとけば、不定積分、不定積分…という風に公式を利用しなければテストで高い点数なんて取れないでしょう。 |
2021-06-25 20:41:19 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
フルサーバーレス「グローバル下ネタ検索サービス」 |
さらにもう一歩踏み込むと、このCHIMP〇を全世界に公開しても問題がないのかを調べる手段が、もしかしたら本当になかったのではないか。 |
2021-06-25 20:21:18 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
import segmentation_models_pytorchでエラー |
現在のversionを調べた。 |
2021-06-25 20:20:10 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Leafletで地図をいじるときにハマったこと(1/3) |
中間地点のMarkerがアニメーションで動くようにしました。 |
2021-06-25 20:28:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VirtualBox、2台のゲストOSをグローバルに公開するには? |
VirtualBox、台のゲストOSをグローバルに公開するにはホストnbspWindowsゲストnbspCentOS、ドメインはaaacomゲストnbspCentOS、ドメインはbbbcomドメインサービスのDNS設定で、aaacomとbbbcomのAレコードを自宅のグローバルIPに設定。 |
2021-06-25 20:59:25 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JUPYTER LABで新しいファイルのコードが実行できない |
JUPYTERLABで新しいファイルのコードが実行できない前提・実現したいことjupyternbsplabで、これまで実行できていたプログラムを新しいipynbファイルで実行したら何故か急に実行できなくなりました。 |
2021-06-25 20:46:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
パッケージ化がうまく機能しません…… |
パッケージ化がうまく機能しません……前提・実現したいこと現在「スッキリわかるJava入門第版」でJavaを学習しているのですが、別のクラスのメソッドを呼び出して実行するプログラムを書いたのですが、うまく機能しません。 |
2021-06-25 20:43:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JavaScriptでのカーソル操作について |
JavaScriptでのカーソル操作についてJavascriptでのカーソル操作について質問があります。 |
2021-06-25 20:36:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
メールフォームでラジオボタンにチェックして送信した場合のみGAでコンバージョンとして計測したい |
メールフォームでラジオボタンにチェックして送信した場合のみGAでコンバージョンとして計測したいGooglenbspAnalyticsにてメールフォームからの送信完了をコンバージョンに設定しています。 |
2021-06-25 20:36:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[ FreeType ] FT_New_Face();関数が失敗する理由が知りたい |
FreeTypeFTNewFace関数が失敗する理由が知りたい提示コードのつ目の提示コードのFTNewFace関数ですがなぜフォントが読み込ませんというエラーが出るのでしょうかこの関数はこの場合毎フレーム行うのですが最初のフレームや次のフレームでは発生せず。 |
2021-06-25 20:15:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
cakephp2でsaveがされない。 |
発生している問題下記のような処理で、DBにデータを登録・更新しているのですが、DB内のテーブルを見ても値が更新されませんでした。 |
2021-06-25 20:05:00 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
フルサーバーレス「グローバル下ネタ検索サービス」 |
さらにもう一歩踏み込むと、このCHIMP〇を全世界に公開しても問題がないのかを調べる手段が、もしかしたら本当になかったのではないか。 |
2021-06-25 20:21:18 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CloudWatch Logs に出力された AWS Glue のログを S3 にエクスポート |
CloudWatchLogsに出力されたAWSGlueのログをSにエクスポートglueのエラーログなどをテキストベースで確認したいときの方法になります。 |
2021-06-25 20:04:08 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
複数リポジトリを一括でgit pullするShellを書いてみた |
複数リポジトリを一括でgitpullするShellを書いてみた背景リポジトリを数十個に分割して相互に依存関係があるコードを開発しており、毎日数十個のリポジトリを一つ一つgitpullするのが手間だったので、同一ディレクトリ内にgitcloneしているリポジトリを一括でgitpullするShellを書いてみた。 |
2021-06-25 20:38:29 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[アップデート] Aurora PostgreSQLで利用可能な拡張機能がふえました |
aurorapostgresql |
2021-06-25 11:22:46 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
複数バージョンのMySQLをローカルで同時に使い分けできるdbdeployerを試してみた |
brewdoctor |
2021-06-25 11:01:34 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Rocket Report: China to copy SpaceX’s Super Heavy? Vulcan slips to 2022 |
china |
2021-06-25 11:00:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
AWS SSM Agent - Connection Error |
AWS SSM Agent Connection Error When trying to access EC instance using AWS ssm cli or SSM connect manager and get error Plugin with name Standard Stream not found Step name Standard Stream No worry this post shows you how to trouble shoot What s In This DocumentWhat is the errorInvestigate and Apply solutionConclusion What is the errorWe got error when trying access EC instance using SSM agent and AWS CLI aws ssm start session target i abcefdxx region ap northeast Starting session with SessionId userdev ffdSessionId userdev ffd Plugin with name Standard Stream not found Step name Standard StreamEvent from consoleDo we need to install Session Manager plugin It s optional but not the rootcause yet Optional Install the Session Manager plugin for the AWS CLI Investigate and Apply solutionSo far you need to access the EC using SSH with key pem to debug ask you admin Running tail f got issuetail inotify resources exhaustedtail inotify cannot be used reverting to pollingRestart ssm agent service also got issue No space left on device but it s not about disk space root env test ec user systemctl restart amazon ssm agent serviceError No space left on device root env test ec user df h grep devdevtmpfs G G devtmpfs G G dev shm dev nvmenp G G G So the error itself means that system is getting low on inotify watches that enable programs to monitor file dirs changes To see the currently set limit including output on my machine cat proc sys fs inotify max user watchesCheck which processes using inotify to improve your apps or increase max user watches for foo in proc fd do readlink f foo done grep inotify sort uniq c sort nr proc fd anon inode inotify proc fd anon inode inotify proc fd anon inode inotify proc fd anon inode inotify proc fd anon inode inotify proc fd anon inode inotify proc fd anon inode inotify proc fd anon inode inotify proc fd anon inode inotify proc fd anon inode inotify proc fd anon inode inotify proc fd anon inode inotify proc fd anon inode inotify proc fd anon inode inotifyNotice that the above inotify list include PID of ssm agent processes it explains why we got issue with SSM when max user watches reached limit ps ef grep ssm agroot usr bin amazon ssm agentroot usr bin ssm agent worker Final Solution Permanent solution preserved across restarts echo fs inotify max user watches gt gt etc sysctl confsysctl pVerify aws ssm start session target i abcefdxx region ap northeast Starting session with SessionId userdev ccbaabfsh ConclusionThis issue comes from EC instance not about SSM agentGo to to undestanding SSM agent in minutes Blog · Github · stackoverflow · Linkedin · Group · Page · Twitter |
2021-06-25 11:49:21 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
My opinion on Lua |
My opinion on LuaLua is my fifth favourite programming language and for good reason I like its speed its syntax and the fact that it is so simple Lua is written in C and can be used for gamedev webdev and sometimes even appdev My first time using lua was in my thulium esolang I used it in the lexer and found it nice and I was able to use it to do what I needed with minimal setup I didn t touch lua again until I made chromium about a month later I copied a lot of the code from thulium and in the end I got it done I would say that lua is a language good for beginners but not the best for framework programming excluding gamedev The syntax is at least somewhat intuitive and thanks to its small size it is quite fast It is also good in scripting I like it mostly because of its applications in scripting because I am not a framework dev but its main weakness is the fact that it is well weak It doesn t have much functionality in the world of webdev and appdevs usually favour languages like JS and Python as opposed to Lua |
2021-06-25 11:47:37 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Hello World |
Hello Worldfun main print hello world |
2021-06-25 11:01:25 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
iPhone survives three days underwater in turbulent Idaho river |
iPhone survives three days underwater in turbulent Idaho riverA recovered iPhone was still playing an alarm when found after three days submerged in feet of water in the Blackfoot area of Idaho Idaho iPhone user Tom Adams Source Adams and East Idaho News River user Tom Adams capsized his kayak on June and in the process lost his keys fishing pole wallet and iPhone in the water It s a credit to both the water resistance of Apple s engineers and the battery life of the iPhone though because it was found still working on June Read more |
2021-06-25 11:42:34 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Google adds VPN to iPhones using Google Fi plans |
Google adds VPN to iPhones using Google Fi plansGoogle has announced that iPhone users on any of its Google Fi phone plans will now automatically get a built in VPN service Google Fi for iPhone now includes a VPNPreviously announced on Safer Internet Day in February Google has now begun rolling out its VPN service to iPhone users The VPN has been available on Android where it has seen high usage on its Google Fi phone plans Read more |
2021-06-25 11:18:21 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple offers developers workaround for app RAM limits in iOS 15, iPadOS 15 |
Apple offers developers workaround for app RAM limits in iOS iPadOS Beta versions of iOS and iPadOS now give developers the option of requesting more RAM than the current GB maximum per app with limitations Apple s iPad Pro modelsApple has always set a cap on how much RAM any one app can use on the iPad but it s become more of an issue as the devices themselves physically include more Even on an M iPad Pro with the current maximum GB RAM apps have been limited to around GB each Read more |
2021-06-25 11:46:37 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Virgin Galactic receives FAA approval to take passengers into space |
license |
2021-06-25 11:38:44 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The Morning After: Windows 11 will be a free upgrade from Windows 10 |
The Morning After Windows will be a free upgrade from Windows Today s headlines Microsoft reveals Windows a free upgrade coming later this yearApple might be planning a cheaper iPhone with a big display and Android apps are coming to Windows |
2021-06-25 11:20:55 |
海外TECH |
The Apache Software Foundation Blog |
The Apache News Round-up: week ending 25 June 2021 |
The Apache News Round up week ending June So long June let s review the Apache community s weekly activities Success at Apache the blog series that focuses on the people and processes behind why the ASF quot just works quot nbsp Security in Practice by Jarek Potiuk nbsp ASF Board nbsp management and oversight of the business affairs of the corporation in accordance with the Foundation s bylaws nbsp Next Board Meeting July Board calendar and minutes nbsp ApacheCon nbsp the ASF s official global conference series bringing Tomorrow s Technology Today since Two events are being held in nbsp ApacheCon Home September program and registration are live nbsp nbsp ApacheCon Asia August program registration keynotes and sponsors announced nbsp nbsp Sponsorship opportunities available for both events nbsp ASF Infrastructure nbsp our distributed team on three continents keeps the ASF s infrastructure running around the clock nbsp M weekly checks yield uptime at Performance checks across different service components spread over more than machines in data centers around the world nbsp Apache Code Snapshot nbsp Over the past week Apache Committers changed lines of code over commits Top contributors in order are Mark Thomas Jarek Potiuk Claus Ibsen Otavio Rodolfo Piske and Dan Haywood nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Apache Project Announcements nbsp the latest updates by category Big Data nbsp Apache ShardingSphere beta released nbsp Apache Arrow released https arrow apache org nbsp Apache Qpid Broker J released https qpid apache org nbsp Apache Kudu released https kudu apache org Integration nbsp Apache Camel released https camel apache org IoT nbsp Apache IoTDB and released https iotdb apache org Search nbsp Apache Lucene and Solr released http lucene apache org Workflow nbsp Apache Airflow CVE User enumeration in database authentication in Flask AppBuilder lt Did You Know Did you know that the Apache Pinot incubating injests with Apache Kafka Spark HDFS or Cloud storages and is ideal for real time analytics when scaling to billions of records nbsp Did you know that Apache ECharts has more than three dozen chart types plus dark mode to choose from nbsp Did you know that the Airflow Summit will be held July nbsp Apache Community Notices The Apache Month in Review May nbsp nbsp and video highlights nbsp The nbsp ApacheSoftware Foundation Celebrates Years of Open Source Leadership world s nbsp largest Open Source foundation advances community led innovation quot The nbsp Apache nbsp Way quot nbsp The nbsp Apache nbsp Software Foundation Operations Summary Q FY November January nbsp nbsp Video highlights nbsp Apache in By The Digits nbsp nbsp Video highlights nbsp ASF Security Report nbsp nbsp Video highlights nbsp ASF FY Annual Report nbsp quot Trillions and Trillions Served quot documentary on the ASF full feature nbsp nbsp quot Apache Everywhere quot nbsp nbsp quot Why Apache quot nbsp nbsp nbsp “Apache Innovation nbsp nbsp nbsp The Apache Way to Sustainable Open Source Success nbsp nbsp Foundation Reports and Statements nbsp nbsp All presentations from ApacheCon Home are available at nbsp nbsp nbsp quot Success at Apache quot focuses on the people and processes behind why the ASF quot just works quot nbsp nbsp Inside Infra the new interview series with members of the ASF infrastructure team meet nbsp nbsp nbsp Chris Thistlethwaite nbsp nbsp nbsp Drew Foulks nbsp nbsp nbsp Greg Stein Part I nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Part II nbsp nbsp and Part III nbsp nbsp nbsp Daniel Gruno Part I nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Gavin McDonald Part I nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Andrew Wetmore Part I nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp nbsp Chris Lambertus Part I nbsp nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp ASF Targeted Sponsor Manning Publications is offering special deals on the latest books on Apache Airflow Pulsar Spark and Thrift among other titles and eBooks nbsp nbsp Follow the ASF on social media TheASF on Twitter and on LinkedIn at nbsp nbsp Follow the Apache Community on Facebook nbsp nbsp and Twitter nbsp nbsp Are your software solutions Powered by Apache Download amp use our quot Powered By quot logos nbsp poweredby For real time updates sign up for Apache related news by sending mail to announce subscribe apache org and follow TheASF on Twitter For a broader spectrum from the Apache community nbsp nbsp provides an aggregate of Project activities as well as the personal blogs and tweets of select ASF Committers |
2021-06-25 11:35:04 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Musical Chairs? Why Swapping Seats Could Reduce Orchestra Aerosols. |
Musical Chairs Why Swapping Seats Could Reduce Orchestra Aerosols Moving super spreading instruments like the trumpet closer to air vents could limit the aerosol buildup on stage according to a new study |
2021-06-25 11:46:49 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
小多機の運営基準で省令改正の諮問を了承-社保審・介護給付費分科会 |
厚生労働省令 |
2021-06-25 20:45:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
20年度の概算医療費、過去最大の1兆円以上減-厚労省試算 |
兆円以上減厚労省試算厚生労働省 |
2021-06-25 20:35:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Health Secretary Matt Hancock admits breaking social distance rules with aide |
health |
2021-06-25 11:53:09 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Fast and Furious actor enjoys 'destroying' Edinburgh |
beautiful |
2021-06-25 11:45:55 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
来週(6/28〜7/2)の日経平均株価の予想レンジは、 2万8700~2万9500円! 景気敏感株からグロース株 へのシフトを意識しながら 「やや強気」のスタンスで! - 来週の日経平均株価の予想レンジを発表! |
来週の日経平均株価の予想レンジは、万万円景気敏感株からグロース株へのシフトを意識しながら「やや強気」のスタンスで来週の日経平均株価の予想レンジを発表来週の日経平均株価の予想レンジを発表投資情報サービス会社・ラカンリチェルカの村瀬智一さんが、今週の市況を振り返って分析。 |
2021-06-25 20:40:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
公共部門向け Google Workspace イベントの開催 |
公共部門向けGoogleWorkspaceイベントの開催※この投稿は米国時間年月日に、GoogleCloudblogに投稿されたものの抄訳です。 |
2021-06-25 12:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道の大規模接種、第1週の予約率75.5% |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-06-25 20:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
胆振感染ゼロ、2日連続 日高は10日連続ゼロ 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-06-25 20:09:59 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
死亡女性の身元判明 幌加内の事故 |
上川管内 |
2021-06-25 20:01:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
スクウェア・エニックス、新メディアミックスプロジェクト「Deep Insanity」を始動 |
deepinsanity |
2021-06-25 20:05:00 |
Cloud Blog JA |
公共部門向け Google Workspace イベントの開催 |
公共部門向けGoogleWorkspaceイベントの開催※この投稿は米国時間年月日に、GoogleCloudblogに投稿されたものの抄訳です。 |
2021-06-25 12:00:00 |