Engadget Japanese |
VAIO Z の実機に触れる ── TSUTAYA運営の一部店舗で特別展示 |
sharelounge |
2021-07-26 06:39:03 |
Engadget Japanese |
思想と外観に惚れて「X-Pro3」を購入、4か月愛用コラム |
fujifilm |
2021-07-26 06:00:36 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] foodpanda、日本で即配 日用品など30分で配達「pandamart」 |
foodpanda |
2021-07-26 15:23:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] SIMロックを原則禁止しても課題は解決しない?/スマホをおトクに買おう! |
itmediamobilesim |
2021-07-26 15:15:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] 発光ファンを2基備えたノートPC冷却台 17型までのノートPCに対応 |
itmediapcuser |
2021-07-26 15:01:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
デジタルグッズでアスリートとサポーターをつなぐWebサービス「チアスタ!」 |
cheerfullstadium |
2021-07-26 06:00:22 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
関数と文字列まとめ |
2021-07-26 15:58:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SQLの正規表現で、URLクエリストリングから、指定したパラメータだけ残したい |
SQLの正規表現で、URLクエリストリングから、指定したパラメータだけ残したいnbsp実現したいことnbspクエリストリングから、指定の識別子のパラメータセットだけをSQLの正規表現で抽出したい以下のような、URLのクエリストリングが入っているカラムがあるとします。 |
2021-07-26 15:58:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SocketIOのset()でsocket.set is not a functionとなってしまう |
SocketIOのsetでsocketsetisnotafunctionとなってしまうjsとSocketIOを使用したいと思っているのですが、closenbsptimeoutを設定使用したところjQueryDeferrednbspexceptionnbspsocketusenbspisnbspnotnbspanbspfunctionnbspTypeErrornbspsocketusenbspisnbspnotnbspanbspfunctionというエラーが表示されます。 |
2021-07-26 15:58:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Unity3D] 武器の周りに光の粒を纏わせてその後流れるように消えさせる方法が知りたい。 |
提示画像ですが参考動画にある通りFFの武器が消える演出を作りたいのですがこの動画を見るとシェーダーで行っているようなのですが詳細な説明がないので作り方がわかりません。 |
2021-07-26 15:57:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
特定の接続先に対してlftpでgetを行うと0バイトで完了してしまう |
特定の接続先に対してlftpでgetを行うとバイトで完了してしまうSolarisサーバからLinuxサーバへのマイグレーションを行っており、現行サーバ下でlftpコマンドを用いて接続している外部サーバとの接続テストを実施しているのですが、特定の接続先との通信のみ、ファイルのgetを行った際にデータが正しく受信できない事象が発生しており困っています。 |
2021-07-26 15:57:27 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
配列から要素を取り出し新しく配列を作りたい |
配列から要素を取り出し新しく配列を作りたい前提・実現したいこと【実現したいこと】ソースコードに記載している複雑な配列からtypesにzが含まれている要素だけになるように下記のような配列をおこしたいです式の数は増えてもよいのでわかる方いましたらお願いいたします。 |
2021-07-26 15:53:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
画像表示をさせたいが画像を表示できない |
画像表示をさせたいが画像を表示できない前提・実現したいことボタンを押すとそれに該当する画像を表示させる。 |
2021-07-26 15:48:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python for文について |
ページの中からfor文でレストラン情報をスクレイピングしたいのですが、for文がうまく回っていないようです。 |
2021-07-26 15:47:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHPの$_FILES[ "upfile" ][ "type" ]でMIMEタイプが取得できません |
PHPのFILESquotupfilequotquottypequotでMIMEタイプが取得できませんPHPで画像アップロードのフォームを作っています。 |
2021-07-26 15:39:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ランダムで単語を表示するアプリを作りたいです。 |
適当な単語をデータベースに登録し、登録した単語をランダムに表示させたうえで物語を書いて登録するアプリを作りたいのですが、すでに物語を登録する機能においてcreateを使ってしまっていて物語を登録する機能自体は問題なく動いています、どう動かせばいいか分からないです…。 |
2021-07-26 15:28:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
vscodeを使用して、golangの勉強を始めたところ赤線が消えない |
golang |
2021-07-26 15:27:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
表示を10桁ごとに改行したい |
表示を桁ごとに改行したいからまでの素数を求めると、どのくらい計算時間がかかるかのコードなんですが、NetBeansで実行すると、「行が長すぎます、折り返しモードに切り替えて行全体を表示してください。 |
2021-07-26 15:21:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SSH接続したAWSのEC2インスタンスにPrivateリポジトリがgit cloneができない |
SSH接続したAWSのECインスタンスにPrivateリポジトリがgitcloneができないGithubのprivateリポジトリを、AWSのECインスタンスにgitnbspcloneしようと試みました。 |
2021-07-26 15:08:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHPで特定の拡張子のファイル一覧を再帰的に取得するにはどうすればよいでしょうか? |
PHPで特定の拡張子のファイル一覧を再帰的に取得するにはどうすればよいでしょうか質問内容タイトルの通りです指定ディレクトリ直下のファイルしか取得できないvarwwwphp直下のPHPファイルしか取得できません。 |
2021-07-26 15:07:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
MaskRCNNのカスタムデータ |
MaskRCNNのカスタムデータMaskRcnnを試しているのですが、カスタムデータ自前のデータで学習及び推論をやろうとして色々やってみているのですが、最終的に以下のようなエラーが毎回出て、そこから進めません。 |
2021-07-26 15:05:42 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【AWS】lambdaでfirehoseにデータ挿入、firehoseからs3に格納する際、lambdaでオブジェクト名を任意に設定可能か |
【AWS】lambdaでfirehoseにデータ挿入、firehoseからsに格納する際、lambdaでオブジェクト名を任意に設定可能かfirehoseからSに配信を行う際のオブジェクト名の設定に関する質問です。 |
2021-07-26 15:04:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
動的に付け加えたClassがすぐに反応してしまう |
動的に付け加えたClassがすぐに反応してしまう以下のここの箇所をご覧いただきたいのですが、動的にisexpandedが加えられた場合、そのクラスがあれば処理を実行したいと考えております。 |
2021-07-26 15:03:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【springMVC】ドロップダウンの選択肢で発生するtypeMismatchを解決したい |
【springMVC】ドロップダウンの選択肢で発生するtypeMismatchを解決したい前提・実現したいこと個人制作ですが、SpringMVCthymeleafJDBCTemplateを使って、基本的なCRUD機能をもつアプリを作りました。 |
2021-07-26 15:00:30 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
関数と文字列まとめ |
2021-07-26 15:58:57 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby]文字列(String)のtrue、falseをBoolean(TrueClass、FalseClass)へ変換 |
Ruby文字列Stringのtrue、falseをBooleanTrueClass、FalseClassへ変換rubyでture、falseの入力を文字列Stirngとして受け付けたとき、Boolean型のtrue、falseとして扱うために変換するコードを紹介します。 |
2021-07-26 15:51:25 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Railsでサイトを作成する下準備までの大まかな手順 |
削除するメソッド【B任意のアクションを設定する場合】RESTfulのものとは一致しないアクションを作成したいときはroutesrbファイル内に任意のアクション名を追加する。 |
2021-07-26 15:01:59 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
DockerでSwagger環境簡単構築! |
DockerでSwagger環境簡単構築概要Docker上で動くSwagger環境の構築方法をご紹介します。 |
2021-07-26 15:48:04 |
Linux |
CentOSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
CentOSにOpenFOAM v2106をインストール |
2021-07-26 15:55:53 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby]文字列(String)のtrue、falseをBoolean(TrueClass、FalseClass)へ変換 |
Ruby文字列Stringのtrue、falseをBooleanTrueClass、FalseClassへ変換rubyでture、falseの入力を文字列Stirngとして受け付けたとき、Boolean型のtrue、falseとして扱うために変換するコードを紹介します。 |
2021-07-26 15:51:25 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
EC2にRailsアプリをデプロイ④ ~EC2でRailsを起動させる設定~ |
下記のコマンドでクローンします。 |
2021-07-26 15:47:33 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Railsでサイトを作成する下準備までの大まかな手順 |
削除するメソッド【B任意のアクションを設定する場合】RESTfulのものとは一致しないアクションを作成したいときはroutesrbファイル内に任意のアクション名を追加する。 |
2021-07-26 15:01:59 |
技術ブログ |
クックパッド開発者ブログ |
マイクロマネジメントは悪か?よりよい組織をつくるためのマネジメント形態についての考察 |
自分 |
2021-07-26 16:00:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
An introduction to A* pathfinding (tutorial) |
An introduction to A pathfinding tutorial This is part of a series on bot programming originally published on the Coder One blog Part Getting started with the game environmentPart Creating our first agentThe A pathfinding or A search algorithm is a popular technique for finding the shortest path between two points in an environment In this tutorial we ll implement an A pathfinding algorithm in Python to help our agent navigate to a target destination in the Dungeons and Data Structures environment Make sure you check out Part to get set up and optionally Part to create a simple bot We ll use the A pathfinding algorithm to help our knight find the shortest path to a destination We won t go deeply into the theory behind A pathfinding here Instead check out these useful resources Get a feel for the intuition behind A pathfinding Introduction to A Pathfinding The algorithm pseudocode we ll be implementing Amit s thoughts on pathfinding A pathfinding overviewProvided a starting node A pathfinding works by Searching its neighboring nodesAssigning them a total cost i e time taken tiles moved etc based on the cost taken to get there from the starting node plus the estimated cost of the cheapest path from the neighbor node to the destinationThe goal of A is to minimize f n g n h n Where n is the current node in the pathg n is the cost of the path from the starting node to nh n a heuristic function that estimates the cost to move from n to the target cellExample of f n g n and h n values in our environment What s the difference between A and Dijkstra s algorithm The A search algorithm can be considered an application of Dijkstra s algorithm which adds heuristics to guide its search and achieve better performance If you set the heuristic function h n equal to the A algorithm essentially boils down to Dijkstra s algorithm Getting startedThe goal will be to help our agent successfully navigate to a given destination in the environment Dungeons and Data Structures If you ve been following along with Part and Part we ll be restructuring our project to make it a bit more manageable To start create files in your working directory init py ーto be called by the main environmentfrom import my agentdef agent return my agent Agent my agent py ーholds our agent s behavior logicfrom helpers import class Agent def init self Place any initialization code for your agent here if any self pending actions def next move self game state player state This method is called each time your Agent is required to choose an action passhelpers py ーholds all our helper functions and classes empty file for now Helper functionsWe ll define some helper functions that will be useful for our A pathfinding algorithm later Add these to your helpers py file Note For consistency in the following sections we ll refer to tiles as an x y location of any tile on the map and nodes as specific instances of the Node class object which we ll cover later on A node will contain a location property equivalent to a tile get free neighbors Given a tile this will be used to get a list of surrounding tiles to search next given our current location return only surrounding tiles that are freedef get free neighbors game state location x y location neighbors x y l x y r x y d x y u free neighbors for neighbor in neighbors for tile direction in neighbor items if game state is in bounds tile if game state is occupied tile check if this tile contains treasure or ammo if game state entity at tile t or game state entity at tile a free neighbors append tile direction else free neighbors append tile direction return free neighbors get treasure We ll make our target destination the location of any treasure that spawns Alternatively switch out treasure for ammo to make the agent pick up ammo around the map instead finds treasure if anydef get treasure game state treasure game state treasure if treasure return treasure return first treasure on the list manhattan distance We mentioned earlier that the A pathfinding algorithm is guided by a heuristic function h n The heuristic function we ll use is the Manhattan Distance SourceThis Manhattan Distance is an approximation of the distance between our current node and the destination since it will not account for any obstacles While not perfect it will work for our purposes Manhattan Distance does not account for obstacles in our pathdef manhattan distance start end distance abs start end abs start end return distance The A AlgorithmHere is the pseudocode we will be implementing from OPEN priority queue containing STARTCLOSED empty setwhile lowest rank in OPEN is not the GOAL current remove lowest rank item from OPEN add current to CLOSED for neighbors of current cost g current movementcost current neighbor if neighbor in OPEN and cost less than g neighbor remove neighbor from OPEN because new path is better if neighbor in CLOSED and cost less than g neighbor ⁽²⁾ remove neighbor from CLOSED if neighbor not in OPEN and neighbor not in CLOSED set g neighbor to cost add neighbor to OPEN set priority queue rank to g neighbor h neighbor set neighbor s parent to currentreconstruct reverse path from goal to startby following parent pointersHere is our implementation link to full code Pathfinder class Node def init self parent None location None action None self parent parent self location location self action action self h self g self f def get path node path while node parent path append node node node parent return pathdef get path actions path actions for node in path actions append node action return actionsdef astar game state start target print A STAR path add starting node to open list open list Node None start None closed list exit the loop early if no path can be found the target is likely blocked off max loops counter while lowest rank in OPEN is not the GOAL while len open list gt and counter lt max loops find the node with the lowest rank curr node open list curr index for index node in enumerate open list if node f lt curr node f curr node node curr index index check if this node is the goal if curr node location target print f FOUND TARGET path get path curr node return path current remove lowest rank item from OPEN add current to CLOSED del open list curr index closed list append curr node get neighbors of current neighbors get free neighbors game state curr node location neighbor nodes for neighbor in neighbors for location action in neighbor items neighbor nodes append Node None location action for neighbors of current for neighbor in neighbor nodes used for loop behavior in closed False in open False cost g current movementcost current neighbor cost curr node g if neighbor in OPEN and cost less than g neighbor remove neighbor from OPEN because new path is better for index node in enumerate open list if neighbor location node location and cost lt neighbor g del open list index in open True if neighbor in CLOSED and cost less than g neighbor ⁽²⁾ remove neighbor from CLOSED for index node in enumerate closed list if neighbor location node location and cost lt neighbor g del closed list index in closed True if neighbor not in OPEN and neighbor not in CLOSED set g neighbor to cost add neighbor to OPEN set priority queue rank to g neighbor h neighbor set neighbor s parent to current if not in open and not in closed neighbor g cost open list append neighbor neighbor h manhattan distance neighbor location target neighbor f neighbor g neighbor h neighbor parent curr node counter print f NO PATH FOUND Add this to helpers py Note that we ve added get path actions This will return the actions our agent will need to take in order to get to the destination e g u l Adding pathfinding to our agentTo check that everything is working update the next move method in your my agent py file def next move self game state player state print f tick game state tick number treasure spawns randomly treasure get treasure game state if len self pending actions gt action self pending actions pop elif treasure path astar game state player state location treasure if path actions get path actions path print f ACTIONS actions for action in actions self pending actions append action action self pending actions pop else action else action return actionLink to full codeIn your terminal run coderone dungeon my agent interactive The interactive flag will allow you to play as the Knight If you ve set everything up successfully you should see your agent picking up treasure around the map treasure spawns randomly A STAR FOUND TARGET ACTIONS d d d r r d r r r Note we built our path from the destination node backward so this list of actions is also reversed This is fine since we use pop which takes actions from the end of the list |
2021-07-26 06:47:09 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to clip elements in CSS using clip-path |
How to clip elements in CSS using clip pathI ve never really learned the clip path concept and this article is a change in that habit I ll go through the learning process of the CSS clip path property to make some fantastic shapes with CSS To give you some more background back in my day when we worked on CSS a lot of the shaping was done by overlaying elements and hiding them among other shapes above it The clip path property existed but didn t have massive support back then That is of course changed but my habits did not change so let s refresh my brain by exploring the CSS clip path property Understanding basic clipping with clip pathLet s first look at the central concept of clipping We ll start off by defining a sample box that is by pixels and has a background Nothing crazy yet but let s see what happens when we add clip path in the mix We ll put the clip path on the box class and we ll start by clipping a circle in the middle of our box I ve made the clipped piece less transparent for you to see the actual clip path only shows the circle bit but this should give you an idea of what the clipping does It masks on top of an existing item The shape of you clip path There are a couple of shapes we can use as clip paths Let s have a look at those and how they work CircleThe circle we have already seen in the basic example comes with the following syntax circle radius at posX posY The default position will be center so we can also use a circle like this clip path circle This will make a circle that fills the whole box since the circle is half of the box And place it in the center by default However we can offset the circle like this clip path circle at Which in turn results in this I ve added the box as a transparent element so you can see what part is being clipped by our circle EllipseA shape that works similarly is the ellipse which has two values for the radius ellipse radiusX radiusY at posX posY To use it to clip our box clip path ellipse at Resulting in a shape like such InsetAnother great option is the inset value This can be used to inset from the box bounding In basic it works like this inset top right bottom left round roundX roundY Let s try out a quite extreme issue to showcase what happens clip path inset px px px px round px px Resulting in a shape like this PolygonThe last one is super versatile It s called the polygon and accepts pairs of x y coordinates Making it possible to create impressive shapes with this The basic properties work like this polygon x y x y etc Let s make a star shape and see how that works clip path polygon Resulting in a star shape like this SVG PathsThe last resource we can use is an SVG path Yes you heard that right Let s see how that works First we ll need a HTML resource that has a SVG clip path definition lt svg class svg gt lt clipPath id triangle clipPathUnits objectBoundingBox gt lt path d M h v gt lt path gt lt clipPath gt lt svg gt clip path url triangle Resulting in a shape like this Animating clip pathsAnother really cool thing we can do is animate the clip paths We can use these to animate our clip paths however make sure they are compatible shapes Meaning when using a polygon for instance keep the same amount of points to animate with keyframes move clip path polygon clip path polygon clip path polygon You can try this animate and all the other described properties on this Codepen More resourcesThank you for reading this article I do hope you learned something new about clip paths in CSS If you are eager to read some more about this check out these fantastic resources Clippy to make clip pathsTryShape by TapasMDN Clip path docs Thank you for reading and let s connect Thank you for reading my blog Feel free to subscribe to my email newsletter and connect on Facebook or Twitter |
2021-07-26 06:26:06 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to become a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador (MLSA) |
How to become a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador MLSA Want to be a part of world s largest student developer community Want to learn empower and lead in your college campus Want to Grow your skills and build your reputation as a tech insider Then this blog will tell you all about the Microsoft Learn student Ambassador MLSA program What is Microsoft Learn student Ambassador program Microsoft Learn student Ambassador or MLSA is a program for students around the world to lead a community of technical people and students to grow and develop their technical and career skills for the future The student ambassadors can connect with other students host digital events offer guidance to other students Ambassadors also get support from Microsoft mentors gets the opportunity to show off thier work in local and global challenges like the Microsoft Imagine Cup Who is a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador A Student Ambassador is leader who leads in thier commmunity to help their peers in learning new microsoft technology or invites in attending virtual events held by subject matter experts from Microsoft or the student ambassadors They also gets the opportunity to develop their leadership and entrepreneurship skills through hosting events on their campus networking with other students and Microsoft professionals and building interdisciplinary skills such as public speaking social media and personal branding and more Are you Eligible All applying students mustBe at least years old at the time of submission Be enrolled full time in an accredited academic institution e g College University Have valid identification Experience in Coding Technology can be an advantage but it s not required There are students from different backgrounds who get selected and after that they start learning new skills and technologies What are the Benefits of MLSA The student ambassadors gets a lot of benefits while being an community member of Microsoft like they get access to unique resources like the world s largest student network a Microsoft account and some additional benefits that are listed below You connect with other students worldwide and share each others passion in the leagues You get the trainings and certifications from Microsoft support for organising events etc You get recognized all over the community which you can share it in your resume What are the Milestones in MLSA There are milestones in this program and the benefits of these are given below New Student Ambassador First after acceptance to the program you need to start with some learning paths and start engaged into the leagues to get promoted and unlock to the next level i e Alpha You get some amazing benefits at this level which are given below i Access to Office ii TechSmith Snagit and Camtasia screen capture and recording software Alpha This is basically your first official milestone as a MLSA in which you come after unlocking the new student ambassador level You get some amazing benefits at this level which are given below i Free Linkedin Learning Premium Subscriptionii Free Microsoft Technical Certification MTC voucheriii USD monthly azure creditsiv Visual Studio Enterprise Subscriptionv Name com domain name Beta You can unlock Beta level after organizing and host a virtual event by demonstrating a Microsoft Technology Once you unlocked this level you get event supports from microsoft You also get an invitation to attend the Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors SummitYou get some amazing benefits at this level which are given below i You get all above benefits ii Swags like T shirt MLSA ID etc iii Mentorship Supportiv Event Supportv Access to MLSA Summit Gold Students who going above and beyond in hosting multiple events serving regularly in the community etc are invited to Gold level milestone This level has multiple benefits which are given below i All Alpha and Beta benefitsii You get access to special events and speaking engagementsiii Program Leadership opportunitiesiv Participate in pilot programsv Microsoft Most Valuable Professional MVP Mentorshipvi May be invited to MVP programCheckout the picture given below How to Apply The application process is opened throughout the year and you can apply anytime but the application is accepted in quarters and it is quite easy to apply The application form includes the sections like a written sample technology skills and a short video introduction to know you and why you re passionate about becoming a Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador Below are the steps with which you can apply Step Visit the Official MLSA siteFirst go to and Log in to your microsoft account or just Create a new one If you didn t have already Now Click on Apply Now button Step Logging in to the Application FormOnce you have logged in successfully You will prompt with some Application Notification section which tells you about the Applications timeline Just Read Once Step Checking Privacy and TermsClick Next and Read and Accept all Privacy and Terms Agreement and move on to next step Step Filling Personal InformationAt this stage you ll be asked to fill out your personal information like Name DOB Gender Contact etc as shown in the below picture Once you ve filled all info move on to next step Step Filling Academic DetailsNow here you ve to fill you academic details like College Name Year of Graduation etc Fill all information carefully Step Answering Application QuestionsNow comes the main section which will decide your chances of getting selected ie You have to answer questions which should include video of any one given question and written answers of other questions Questions are given below What excites you about technology and why do you want other students to learn and explore How would you take a technical concept and teach it to a friend or peer that has never heard of it If you re hosting an event at your school how would you get students to attend Here are some of my Tips with which you can succeed First of all Be genuine in answering the questions and answer with honesty Include all your achievements your skills your inspiration in technology etc Make sure your voice is clear and your communications skills should be good in the video Tell why you want to become a member of this community and what and how can you help others Tell them about your previous events that you had organised and how you got the participants to attend Step Filling Social Media DetailsNow here you have to give your all social media platforms details like Linkedin Instagram Twitter Github Repository etc Make sure you make accounts if you haven t on any platform Step Additional InformationHere you have to answer some additional information like which technology interests you and any other information you would like to share with microsoft Now click on Submit button to complete your application And that s all Now you have completed the Application form Just Wait for your result to come Wait you also get your personalized Profile at Microsoft website like this one If you have any doubt in filling this form contact me on Linkedin or Twitter I ll definitely help you in that Thanks for reading this article I hope it helps |
2021-07-26 06:12:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Getting Started with React useContext Hook and React Context |
Getting Started with React useContext Hook and React ContextReact context makes it easy to create globally accessible data and states The useContext hook allows you to work with React contexts from anywhere and pass its data throughout your app This tutorial will show you how to create new context how to get values from it and how to change them lt more gt React context global states prop drillingWhen you work with data they are usually one of two types global or local Global can be accessed from anywhere Local only from the place where they are defined and down the tree This also applies to states You can have global states and you can have local states Which one is the best choice depends on situation React context API makes it easy to create these global states That said there is one problem with these global states They are often difficult to use in nested components It can take a lot of prop drilling to get the data from the top to where you need them You may have to pass these data through multiple components One way to solve this is making those data local However this would lead to duplicate code It would also go against the idea of having one source of truth that is globally accessible Another solution is to skip all prop drilling and simply reach to the context from the component where you need those data This is the goal of the React useContext hook The React useContext hook promises to help you with two things First to help you reach out to any context and from anywhere Second to work with values exposed through this context This includes both getting those values as well as changing them Let s take a look at how it works The contextUsing React context requires getting done few things First you have to create a context You achieve this by using createContext method shipped with React This context will be the global state available for use across the app Well at least one them because your React app can contain infinite number of contexts context jsx Import createContext method from React import createContext from react Create new context export const newContext createContext Notice that we are declaring the context as empty basically assigning it undefined Don t worry This doesn t mean this context will be empty forever It will be empty just for now when you create it Later in the next step you will add values to it Also notice that we are exporting the context The reason for this is simple The useContext hook accepts a context as a parameter So if we want to use the useContext hook to access the context anywhere in the app the context itself must be also accessible anywhere This means we must export it from where it is The context providerThe second thing you have to do is to create a provider for your new context This provider is a component that provides your app with the value s stored inside the context Provider wraps all components that should be able to access the context This is important to remember Components will be able to communicate with provider only if they are provider s children It doesn t matter where in the component tree they are What matters is that the provider is used as a wrapper somewhere in the tree above In general provider is used as a wrapper for the entire app This guarantees that any component in the app will be able to communicate with the provider If you have multiple providers you can wrap one inside another while keeping the app as the last child This will ensure the app has access to all providers up the tree Now let s create the provider Creating the context providerCreating the provider is similar to creating a regular React component Nowadays provider is usually created as a function component You give this component some name It is a good practice to end the name with Provider It makes it easier to understand the code when you read it Inside this component you can use any react hook you want For example you can use useState hook to create new state for the provider You can then expose this state by setting it as a value for the provider This will make it available for any component wrapped with the provider You can also use useCallback hook to create memoized functions These functions can work with the state update its values You can also expose these functions by setting them as values for the provider Again this will make them available for components wrapped with the provider The most important part is where the rendering happens what follows the return statement Here you will use the context for the first time The context you ve previously created also contains a provider component your new provider will render You can access this provider component using object dot notation newContext Provider Since we want to use this provider as a wrapper it should render any children it wraps context jsx Import createContext method from React import createContext from react Create new context export const newContext createContext Create new provider component export const NewProvider props gt return Render Provider provided by previously created context lt newContext Provider gt Render Provider s children props children lt newContext Provider gt Make sure to also export your new Provider component so you can use it where you need it The next step is to take the Provider and use it as a wrapper for the components for which you want to make the data provided by this provider accessible You can also use it to wrap the main app component This will make anything exposed by the provider accessible to any component in the app index jsx Import React and React dom import StrictMode from react import ReactDOM from react dom Import the NewProvider component import NewProvider from context Import app component import App from App Create the main component const rootElement document getElementById root ReactDOM render lt StrictMode gt Use the NewProvider to wrap the whole app lt NewProvider gt The app component rendering all other components lt App gt lt NewProvider gt lt StrictMode gt rootElement Adding state to the context providerThe provider itself is useless if it doesn t provide any value or values to the app In order to fix this you need two things First you need some value some data you want to be available through the provider Second you have to make this data accessible from the provider The first can be fixed by creating new local state inside the provider The useState hook will be perfect for this The value of this state will be what you want to share across the app Since useState hook also creates an update function this will also give you a way to update this shared state To fix the second thing you have to add value attribute to the myContext Provider component returned by the NewProvider component The value of this attribute can be anything from a primitive data type to an object If you want to share a single value the first will be sufficient If you want to share multiple values or values and functions it will be better to use an object It is nice to make values available across the app Even better is to also allow changing these values across the app So let s go with the object Let s create new state and expose both the state and its update function via the provider context jsx Import createContext method and useState hook from React import createContext useState from react Create new context export const newContext createContext Create new provider component export const NewProvider props gt Create local state const state setState useState Prepare values to share const val state The state itself setState The state update function return Set val as the value for value attribute lt newContext Provider value value gt props children lt newContext Provider gt Accessing context with the useContext hookYou are almost done You have context you have provider and you have something to share via the provider You have also wrapped the app with the provider and exposed some value via the Provider s value attribute You can now access the state and setState function exposed via the provider anywhere in the app To achieve this you need just two things The first thing is the React useContext hook The second thing is the exported context the one you created in the beginning with the createContext method When you combine these two you will have immediate access to state and setState you created in NewProvider component Let s create the main App component You saw this component in the index jsx file as the direct child of the provider Creating the context provider section This component will be simple It will contain two components heading showing welcome message and current value of state and input to update the state via setState You will get both state and setState from the newContext context Remember that this context is provided by the NewProvider component You will get those values by calling the React useContext hook and passing the newContext context as an argument Import useContext hook from React import useContext from react Import newContext context import newContext from context Create the App component export default function App Access the state and setState values in newContext const state setState useContext newContext return lt div gt Display the value of state lt h gt Hello state lt h gt lt h gt Change name lt h gt Use setState update function to update the current value of state with the current value of input lt input type text onChange e gt setState e target value gt lt div gt Multiple contextsThere is basically no limit to how many contexts and providers you can have in your React app You can have as many as you want as long as you remember to add each provider as a wrapper For example we can add additional context for email to this simple sample app This will require new context and new Provider component First let s create new context for email This will be almost a mirror copy of the context you already have You will mostly change just the names email context jsx Import createContext method from React import createContext useState from react Create new context export const emailContext createContext Create new email provider component export const EmailProvider props gt Create local state for email const email setEmail useState Prepare values for sharing const val email setEmail Render emailContext Provider exposing val variable return lt emailContext Provider value val gt Render children components props children lt emailContext Provider gt Next you have to import the email context in the main file where you render the App to the root element When you have multiple providers their order doesn t really matter Important thing that the app or some component where you want to use data from those providers is wrapped with those providers import StrictMode from react import ReactDOM from react dom import NewProvider from context Import new email provider import EmailProvider from email context import App from App const rootElement document getElementById root ReactDOM render lt StrictMode gt Add email provider as another wrapper of the App component lt EmailProvider gt lt NewProvider gt lt App gt lt NewProvider gt lt EmailProvider gt lt StrictMode gt rootElement With that you can now use the React useContext hook with emailContext to access the email and setEmail anywhere in the app import useContext from react import newContext from context Import new email context import emailContext from email context export default function App const state setState useContext newContext Access the email and setEmail values in emailContext const email setEmail useContext emailContext return lt div gt Render the value of email lt h gt Hello state email lt h gt lt h gt Change name lt h gt lt input type text onChange e gt setState e target value gt lt h gt Change email lt h gt Allow to to update the current value of email via the setEmail update function and text input lt input type text onChange e gt setEmail e target value gt lt div gt Conclusion Getting started with React useContext hook and react contextCreating global states with React context is very easy With the help of React useContext hook it is also easy to access these contexts and their data I hope that this tutorial helped you understand how to create contexts and their providers and how to use useContext hook to communicate with them |
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