IT |
InfoQ |
Uno Platform 3.8登場 |
UnoPlatform登場UnoPlatformバージョンのリリースでは、WinUIコントロールや、CalendarDatePickerやCalendarViewコントロールなどのレイアウト、グリッドコントロールなどで、倍のパフォーマンス、新しいLinuxシナリオなど、多くのエキサイティングな追加機能がプラットフォームに実現される。 |
2021-07-26 07:53:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
Scala 3は、開発者エクスペリエンスを向上させるために言語をオーバーホール |
Scalaは、開発者エクスペリエンスを向上させるために言語をオーバーホール作成から年、バージョン以降の最初のメジャーリリースであるScalaは、構文、型システム、メタプログラミング、および言語機能の更新を含む「Scala言語の完全なオーバーホール」をデリバリーした。 |
2021-07-26 07:51:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
Jakarta EE 9.1とJakarta EE 10への道 |
JakartaEEとJakartaEEへの道JakartaEEWorkingGroupは、JakartaEEのプラットフォームおよびWebProfile仕様のリリースを発表した。 |
2021-07-26 07:49:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
Istio 1.10: リリースマネージャSam Naser氏とのQ&A |
translatedbyshojishigeki |
2021-07-26 07:47:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
サービス、プラットフォーム、コミュニティによって企業をエンジニアリングする |
サービス、プラットフォーム、コミュニティによって企業をエンジニアリングする企業は自らの顧客やビジネスに対して、継続的に価値を提供できなくてはならない、それが企業の存在理由なのだ、とRandyShoup氏はQConPlusMayで述べた。 |
2021-07-26 07:45:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
JDK 17の内部JDK要素の強力なカプセル化 |
JDKの内部JDK要素の強力なカプセル化JEPStronglyEncapsulateJDKInternalsは、JDKのGAリリースの対象だ。 |
2021-07-26 07:35:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
Googleが人工知能の処理向けに新しいCloud TPU VMを発表 |
Googleが人工知能の処理向けに新しいCloudTPUVMを発表最近、Googleは、新しいCloudTPU仮想マシンVMを発表した。 |
2021-07-26 07:30:00 |
IT |
InfoQ |
Googleが20億パラメータのAIビジョンモデルをトレーニング |
anthonyalfordtranslatedby |
2021-07-26 07:28:00 |
Engadget Japanese |
紙のワクチンパスポートが発行開始、 デジタル化は「国際規格の動向を見ながら検討」──厚労省 |
国際規格 |
2021-07-26 07:36:12 |
Engadget Japanese |
Kindle書籍が50%オフとなる「夏のビッグセール」が開催中。セール対象は3万タイトル以上。8月5日まで |
kindle |
2021-07-26 07:05:31 |
Engadget Japanese |
Googleドライブでユーザーのブロック可能に。スパムやフィッシング対策 |
google |
2021-07-26 07:00:33 |
ロボスタ |
大正10年創業の箸メーカー「兵左衛門」がアバター遠隔接客システムを採用 直営店舗で挑む新しい接客DX |
timerep |
2021-07-26 07:29:09 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 約40gのケーブル一体型モバイルバッテリー「TAU」が日本上陸 Makuakeで「応援購入」を募集中 |
ITmediaMobile約gのケーブル一体型モバイルバッテリー「TAU」が日本上陸Makuakeで「応援購入」を募集中ヤベツジャパンが、スイスに拠点を構えるメーカーの小型モバイルバッテリーを取り扱うことになった。 |
2021-07-26 16:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ESG投資、どんな取り組みをしている企業に投資したい? 若年層と年配層で二極化 |
itmedia |
2021-07-26 16:20:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] ASUS、メッシュ接続対応のWi-Fi 6無線LANルーターセット「ZenWiFi XD6」 |
asusjapan |
2021-07-26 16:18:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 「YOASOBI」所属のSony MusicがVTuber事業に参入、約50人のデビュー目指しオーディション実施 |
ITmediaNews「YOASOBI」所属のSonyMusicがVTuber事業に参入、約人のデビュー目指しオーディション実施音楽ユニット「YOASOBI」などが所属する音楽事務所のソニー・ミュージックエンタテインメントが、バーチャルYouTuber事業に参入すると発表した。 |
2021-07-26 16:15:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 前澤氏“お金配り”をアプリ化 寄付したい人がお金欲しい人募る「kifutown」 |
kifutown |
2021-07-26 16:12:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
道路上の人や車の状況をエッジAIカメラでリアルタイムに計測・評価する実証実験 |
design |
2021-07-26 07:00:33 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
ジェイドコーポレーション、1カ月単位で短期利用できるクラウド型ビジネスフォン「RemoTEL」 | IT Leaders |
ジェイドコーポレーション、カ月単位で短期利用できるクラウド型ビジネスフォン「RemoTEL」ITLeadersジェイドコーポレーションは年月日、オフィスの電話をPCやスマートフォンで受けられるクラウド型ビジネスフォン「RemoTEL」を発表した。 |
2021-07-26 16:14:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
週刊AWS – 2021/7/19週 |
ioBlockExpressVolumeはAmazonECのRbインスタンスでご利用頂けるようになっていますが、他のインスタンスでも近日中に利用可能になる予定です。 |
2021-07-26 07:46:58 |
AWS Japan Blog |
【寄稿】Amazon Connect Chat のボタンによるコミュニケーション |
上記を活用して、電話での⾃動⾳声応答システムInteractiveVoiceResponseIVRと同様に、チャットでもボタンドリブンの⾃動応答を行い、チャットボットとのやりとりで完結しない場合はオペレータで対応したい場合があります。 |
2021-07-26 07:23:35 |
AWS Japan Blog |
ジョージア州知事は、5,000名超の住民のAWS認定取得を支援 |
この取り組みを通じて、ジョージア州の教育機関は、年までにAWS認定を取得することを目指せるよう、州全体で人もの学習者をトレーニングする計画です。 |
2021-07-26 07:20:33 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ipython 自作モジュールのパスを通して起動するTips |
ipython自作モジュールのパスを通して起動するTips作成中のモジュールをちょっとテストしたいということが多々あります。 |
2021-07-26 16:11:37 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Djangoの旅 ~Part5~ 管理ユーザー登録編 |
2021-07-26 16:01:15 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JavaScriptを基本からまとめてみた【6】【機能】【随時更新】 |
JavaScriptを基本からまとめてみた【】【機能】【随時更新】はじめに学習するに至った経緯年より、未経験からエンジニアへの転職を目指し、某プログラミングスクールへ通う。 |
2021-07-26 16:49:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PythonでExcelの特定セルからメールアドレスを取得してWEBサイトに自動で記入するプログラムでエラーが発生しています。 |
前提・実現したいことExcelのSheetのAにあるメールアドレスを格納して特定のWEBサイトにメールアドレスを自動的に入力して仮登録のメールをエイリアス用のアドレスに送らせるプログラムです。 |
2021-07-26 16:58:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Excel VBA】色付きセルの件数を集計できる自作関数を作りたい |
【ExcelVBA】色付きセルの件数を集計できる自作関数を作りたい前提・実現したいこと色付きセルセル内には様々な文字が入力されているを集計しています。 |
2021-07-26 16:57:30 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Android Studioのエミュレータが起動しない |
teratail過去ログやネットの情報を検索していくつかの解決策を試しましたが、解決できませんでした。 |
2021-07-26 16:55:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ソフトのインストールで指定したパスにインストールされない |
ソフトのインストールで指定したパスにインストールされないとあるサードパーティのソフトをWindowsnbspHにインストールしました。 |
2021-07-26 16:49:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
<Unity> Product Nameを変更したら、ビルドしたものが正常に動作しなくなった |
ProductNameを変更したら、ビルドしたものが正常に動作しなくなったUnityのエディタ上でFile→BuildnbspSettings→PlayernbspSettingsと行って出てきたインスペクタの「ProductnbspName」のところを変更しました。 |
2021-07-26 16:43:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
バッチファイルを利用してフォルダ名の前後を置換 |
バッチファイルを利用してフォルダ名の前後を置換バッチファイルを利用して連番のフォルダ名の連番部分はそのまま前後を置換したいです。 |
2021-07-26 16:43:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【VBA】空白を識別し、入力内容を変えたい。 |
【VBA】空白を識別し、入力内容を変えたい。 |
2021-07-26 16:41:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
予約日(datepicker)が今日の場合は、現在時刻以降のselectを表示したい |
予約日datepickerが今日の場合は、現在時刻以降のselectを表示したい前提・実現したいことPHPで予約システムを作る勉強をしています。 |
2021-07-26 16:31:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
文字起こしプログラムうまく起動しない |
2021-07-26 16:30:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
EC2:シェルスクリプトによるS3のファイル操作 |
runcommand |
2021-07-26 16:24:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unityのスクリプトクラス、Materialをprivateにして既存のマテリアルを取得したい |
Unityのスクリプトクラス、Materialをprivateにして既存のマテリアルを取得したいUnityのコーディングに関する質問です。 |
2021-07-26 16:22:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Spotlightでアプリのタイトル以外で検索ヒットさせる |
Spotlightでアプリのタイトル以外で検索ヒットさせるSpotlightでアプリのタイトル以外で検索ヒットさせるiOSのSpotlight検索でアプリを検索する仕組みに関する質問です。 |
2021-07-26 16:22:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
データの中身をランダムで表示させたい |
データの中身をランダムで表示させたい前提・実現したいことjsで択のクイズを表示させるものを作りたいです。 |
2021-07-26 16:17:06 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azureにてサブスクリプションへの権限付与が適切に実施されているにも関わらずAzureポータルにて表示されない場合の対応方法 |
Azureにてサブスクリプションへの権限付与が適切に実施されているにも関わらずAzureポータルにて表示されない場合の対応方法概要Azureにてサブスクリプションへの権限付与が適切に実施されているにも関わらずAzureポータルにて表示されない場合の対応方法を共有します。 |
2021-07-26 16:20:24 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails6】カスタムフォントの導入方法 |
【Rails】カスタムフォントの導入方法開発中のRailsアプリでストップウォッチのフォントが普通すぎてダサいなと思ったのでカスタムフォントを導入しました。 |
2021-07-26 16:52:15 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Railsで架空のCafeのHPを作ってみよう!【12日目】『特定のデータの取得(active:hashの属性値)』編 |
上記と同じ条件でTestテーブルのoptionidカラムのname属性だけを取得したい場合とします。 |
2021-07-26 16:45:14 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
MS Flight Simulator on consoles: Finally, a next-gen game for Xbox Series X/S |
aimless |
2021-07-26 07:01:40 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
AWS open source news and updates #77 |
AWS open source news and updates th July Instalment Newsletter This week we have more new open source projects including schema manager maildog ddbcereal ecr scan reporter and more This weeks AWS and community blog posts cover topics such as PartiQL ConsoleMe Yor Kubernetes Debezium Apache Kafka Apache Spark Redis HPC and more Also don t miss the great video on getting up and running with Amazon EMR on Apache Airflow Observability oy newsletterIf you had not already signed up for this then perhaps now is a great time Colleague Michael Hausenblas has been curating this essential weekly list of everything you need to know about Observability in the oy newsletter You can subscribe via and you can check out last weeks edition hereThis really is a great way to stay on top of all things Observability Celebrating open source contributorsThe articles posted in this series are only possible thanks to contributors and project maintainers and so I would like to shout out and thank those folks who really do power open source and enable us all to build on top of what they have created So thank you to the following open source heroes Damon Cortesi Justin Turner Arthur Dominic Nightingale John Preston Edmund Hung Taylor Smith Jones Zachariah Noel Bhuvanesh R Viktor Pankov Ian Lim Seungjune Kim Ben Smith JoséLorenzo Cuéncar Nina Vogl Matthew Miller Brendan Bouffler Sukhpreet Kaur Bedi Elizabeth Nguyen Melody Yang Shiva Achari Avnish Jain Justin Garrison Jesse Butler Matt Auerbach Abhinav Krishna Vadlapatla Pablo Redondo Sanchez and Johannes Kupser Make sure you find and follow these builders and keep up to date with their open source projects and contributions Latest from open source projectsThese are the latest projects from the last week or so that popped up on my radar Check them out schema managerschema manager this is a new open source tool from the AWS Proserve team that enables developers to develop and test their schemas without the burden of deploying a schema just to find out that the schema is incomplete Schema Manager is a tool that fills the gap between a schema s development process and the running environment where a schema registry SR is deployed Detailed guidance on how to set up and configure is provided too maildogmaildog this open source project from Edmund Hung allows you to hosting your own email forwarding service on AWS and manage it with Github Actions The project comes with detailed installation and setup instructions some things to be aware of when it comes to your usage as well as guidance on how much this might cost you based on the size volume of emails ddbcerealddbcereal this open source project from Justin Turner Arthur provides a high performance Python library for serialising and deserialising DynamoDB attribute values Serializers and deserializers created with ddbcereal work with the input and output of AWS SDKs like botocore aiobotocore and the low level client interfaces of boto and aioboto Docs and examples to get you started ecr scan reporterecr scan reporter John Preston follows up last weeks project with another one which this time provides a serverless application to monitor ECR Repositories and capture scan results John has also put together this blog post Automated ECR Scans amp Reports with ecr scan reporter that provides background on why he created this project and how to get started ucsd robo car aws deepracerucsd robo car aws deepracer this is a great open source project from Dominic Nightingale for those of you with AWS DeepRacers It is a simple ROS package using OpenCV on aws deepracer rc car with ackerman steering that can follow a line or stay between two lines Detailed docs and examples provided mean you should have no excuses for getting this up and running aws groundstation cli contact controlaws groundstation cli contact control this project provides an interactive CLI utility for scheduling AWS Ground Station satellite contacts Viktor Pankov put together this blog post Scheduling satellite contact using AWS Ground Station and Python SDK to show you how you can use it and how it makes it easier to schedule AWS Ground Station satellite contacts directly from your terminal amazon ivs chime messaging ugc demoamazon ivs chime messaging ugc demo this open sourced demo project is designed to show you how you can build a live streaming platform with chatting feature To help you navigate this project you can check out the blog post Build a live streaming chat application using Amazon IVS and Amazon Chime SDK where Ian Lim and Seungjune Kim show you the steps to build an application that uses live streaming and chat using a number of AWS capabilities Community open source postsYorYor is an open source tool that helps add informative and consistent tags across infrastructure as code frameworks such as Terraform CloudFormation and Serverless In this post Best Practices for AWS Tagging With Yor Taylor Smith shows you how you can use it to apply some best practices to your AWS environments This is a must read post this week great stuff PartiQLPartiQL is an open source project that provides a SQL compatible query language that makes it easy to efficiently query data regardless of where or in what format it is stored In this post DynamoDB with PartiQL Jones Zachariah Noel shows you how you can use this with AWS DynamoDB and how this can make it easier for developers to with a SQL background to get started with DynamoDB DebeziumDebezium is an open source distributed platform for change data capture In this post Integrate Debezium with AWS Secret Manager For Retrieving Passwords AWS Community Builder Bhuvanesh R shares how you can integrate this project with AWS Secret manager for storing and rotating passwords This is important given the nature of the tool and how it manages connection strings to your systems hands on ConsoleMeConsoleMe is an open source web service from Netfix that makes AWS IAM permissions and credential management easier for end users and cloud administrators providing numerous ways to log in to the AWS Console This post Improving database security at FollowAnalytics with AWS IAM database authentication and ConsoleMe from Hugo Henley shares how he has used ConsoleMe to provide secure access to his databases AWS and Amazon open source postsKubernetesA couple of posts this week worth diving deep into First up we have Catching up with Managed Node Groups in Amazon EKS from Jesse Butler who brings you up to speed with the updates from Managed Node Groups in Amazon EKS including feature updates AMI changes and version support and a look ahead to what is coming soon Following that we have Justin Garrison with Amazon EKS now supports Kubernetes everything you need to know about the latest version supported The post covers highlights and new features worth knowing about feature deprecations some upgrade consideration and end of life reminders AWS CopilotAWS Copilot CLI is a tool for developers to build release and operate production ready containerized applications on AWS App Runner Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate In this post Fast forward on your first serverless container deployment on AWS Johannes Kupser shows you how you can use it to deploy your first containerised application on AWS He shows you how it makes it easy not just to initially deploy the application but to redeploy once you have made changes AWS AmplifyMatt Auerbach shared last week this post MLH Fellows Spring that brings us up to speed with the latest cohort of students that are part of the Major League Hacking MLH Fellowship and their work as part of the Amplify cli The post covers introductions to the four Amplify Fellows a description of their projects and what they learned Apache SparkApache Spark is an open source distributed data processing framework capable of performing analytics on large scale datasets enabling businesses to derive insights from all of their data whether it is structured semi structured or unstructured in nature However for organisations accustomed to SQL based data management systems and tools adapting to the modern data practice with Apache Spark may not come as quickly as they would like In this post Build a SQL based ETL pipeline with Apache Spark on Amazon EKS from Melody Yang Shiva Achari and Avnish Jain show you how you can use another open source data processing framework Arc to address this challenge Arc is an opinionated framework for defining predictable repeatable and manageable data transformation pipelines and takes a SQL first approach This enables you to combine the best of both worlds abstracting the Apache Spark and container technologies so you can build a modern data solution on AWS managed services simply and efficiently hands on Apache FlinkApache Flink is an open source framework and engine for processing data streams In this post Secure multi tenant data ingestion pipelines with Amazon Kinesis Data Streams and Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink Abhinav Krishna Vadlapatla and Pablo Redondo Sanchez show you how you can use Apache Flink to continuously process messages in near real time and store them in Amazon S hands on Redis and MemcachedElizabeth Nguyen provides news about some new training videos that you can use to learn about how to set up run and scale in memory data stores in the cloud with Redis or Memcached via Amazon ElastiCache The training materials will walk you through key use cases Redis and Memcached data structures caching patterns and more If this sounds like something you want to dive deeper into go ahead and check out the post Get started with Amazon ElastiCache for Redis and Memcached Introducing the ElastiCache learning pathPostgreSQLSukhpreet Kaur Bedi wrote this post last week Schedule jobs with pg cron on your Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL or Amazon Aurora for PostgreSQL databases that provides you some reasons why you might want to use pg gron and then how you can use pg cron to automate some maintenance tasks on your RDS for PostgreSQL or Aurora PostgreSQL workloads hands on AWS ParallelClusterJoséLorenzo Cuéncar and Nina Vogl show you how to bring up an HPC cluster prepare install and run applications and visualise the results all without needing a single piece of hardware in the blog post How to put a supercomputer in the hands of every scientist BonusAlso check out this Tweet thread from Brendan Bouffler that provides some additional info on how AWS ParallelCluster was able to support a global Hackathon Some great nuggets in there AWS Serverless Application Model SAM AWS Serverless Application Model SAM is an open source framework for building serverless applications In this post Introducing AWS SAM Pipelines Automatically generate deployment pipelines for serverless applications Ben Smith shares news of the public preview of AWS SAM Pipelines a new capability of AWS Serverless Application Model AWS SAM CLI AWS SAM Pipelines makes it easier to create secure continuous integration and deployment CI CD pipelines for your organisations preferred continuous integration and continuous deployment CI CD system This post covers how you can do that with GitLab CI CD but others are supported GitHub Actions Jenkins and AWS CodePipeline hands on VideosApache AirflowDamon Cortesi put this video together last week showing you how you to use Amazon EMR on EC and EKS with Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow Quick updatesAWS SDK for JavaWe have released the AWS SDK for Java which removes the SDK s external dependency on the popular third party JSON library Jackson This means that AWS SDK for Java x no longer requires an external copy of Jackson databind Jackson core or Jackson dataformat cbor in order to function This release does not change any of the public AWS SDK APIs Read more in the blog post from Matthew Miller The AWS SDK for Java removes its external dependency on Jackson Events for your diaryOpen Data Lakes with Presto Apache Hudi amp AWS Glue and S the next generation of analyticsJuly th at am PT pm ETSign up for this roundtable discussion where experts from each layer in this stack Presto AWS and Apache Hudi will discuss why they are seeing a pronounced adoption to this next generation of cloud data lake analytics and how these technologies enable open flexible and highly performant analytics in the cloud Read more and register hereCloud Native Dayrd September Bern SwitzerlandWhat is this an in person event returning A stellar line up including our own Michael Hausenblas an event looking at CNCF projects and the future of IT Find out more and to view prices register by clicking here Stay in touch with open source at AWSI hope this summary has been useful Remember to check out the Open Source homepage to keep up to date with all our activity in open source by following us on AWSOpen |
2021-07-26 07:37:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Implementing Auth in Flutter using Supabase and Getx |
Implementing Auth in Flutter using Supabase and Getx Hey there Have you ever needed a backend service like Firebase for your Flutter app or website but didn t want to go through all the complex setup procedures of Firebase Or have you felt like using a different backend service just because you re bored of using Firebase Well here comes the hero Superman to the rescue Oh wait it s not Superman it s Supabase What is Supabase Supabase is an open source backend as a service developed as an alternative to Firebase It is built using many other open source packages and tools and it offers a lot of features that a developer needs for his app or web application It has a relational database PostgreSQL database built in authentication and authorization storage real time subscriptions and much more A relational database is one that stores data which have some relationships between themSupabase is currently in public beta and there are more features and functions to come when it goes public or when it is production ready Supabase has one of the best documentation out there Check out their website What we re going to doWe ll create a flutter app and set up authentication in it using Supabase In this app we ll also be using Get Get is a package used for state management route management and dependency injection in flutter It s quite easy to understand and get started with it State management Apps and websites have something called state Whenever a user interacts with the app the state of the app changes in simple words the app reacts to the user s action This state needs to be managed to define how and when it should change This is done using the state management technique Flutter comes with a built in state management technique setstate Route management Sometimes we may need to show different screens to the user this is done using route management Dependency Injection Some objects in the app depend on another for its functioning this is called dependency To give the object what it needs is dependency injection It s like passing a service to a client With this the object can be accessed anywhere in the widget tree easily Getting StartedStep Create a flutter app Step Go to Supabase and click on Start Project Step If you are new to Supabase it ll take you to the sign in page If you already have signed in skip to Step Step Click on Continue with Github Step Enter your credentials and click on Sign In Step Click on New Project Step Give the project some name I ll be naming it Auth and type in a strong password now remember to remember the password and then select the closest server region to your location Step Just sit back and enjoy a cup of coffee while Supabase creates your project for you Meanwhile you can check out their documentation and API references on their website Step Once it is ready go to settings and then API section Step Note down your project URL and project API key we will be needing them in our app That s all we need to set up a backend service for our app No other procedures involving the editing of build gradle files etc like Firebase Now go the Authentication section and then into settings and disable email confirmations or else we ll have to verify each email before it we sign In Step Go to the table editor section and click on Create a new table Step Let s name it Users and leave the rest to default and click on Save We will be using this table to store the user data of registered users Step Now click on the icon beside the id column to create a new column We ll name it Name and set the type to text and unselect Allow nullable because we don t want the name of the user to be null by accident Step We ll create more columns Email and Id to store email and user Id That s it now we have our database ready Building the appLet s open the app folder and go to pubspec yaml and import the following packages get storage Now let s assume that a user logs in to the app and uses it for some time and then exits the app The next time he opens the app it shouldn t take him to the login page again right So we need to store a session string for the user so that the app takes him to the home page This is done using this package Now go to main dart and paste the following code import package flutter material dart void main runApp MyApp class MyApp extends StatelessWidget override Widget build BuildContext context return MaterialApp title Flutter Demo theme ThemeData primarySwatch Colors blue home Wrapper class Wrapper extends StatefulWidget override WrapperState createState gt WrapperState class WrapperState extends State lt Wrapper gt override void initState TODO implement initState super initState override Widget build BuildContext context return Scaffold body Center child CircularProgressIndicator The Wrapper class is used to listen to auth changes whether the user is logged in or not in the app and take him to the appropriate page Create global variables and assign them the values you copied earlier final String supaBaseUrl Project URL final String supaBaseKey Project API key Import these in main dartimport package get get dart import package get storage get storage dart import package supabase supabase dart Now create a dependency in void mainvoid main Get put lt SupabaseClient gt SupabaseClient supaBaseUrl supaBaseKey Get put lt GetStorage gt GetStorage runApp MyApp We create a SupabaseClient dependency to access all the functions of supabase Get put takes in a dependency to inject as an argument We specify the type of dependency using less than and greater than operators SupabaseClient takes in arguments project URL and project API key We will also create a dependency for storing the session string and the type will be GetStorage Now let s create a new file inside lib folder and name it authService dart We will be implementing the authentication functions of our app in a separate class called AuthService Paste the following code in it import package get get dart import package get storage get storage dart import package supabase supabase dart class AuthService final authClient Get find lt SupabaseClient gt register user and create a custom user data in the database log in user get currently logged in user data logOut RecoverSession Get find finds the injected dependency instance in the whole widget tree and returns it In our case it is located in main dart We store it in a variable and use it later Register user and create user data register user and create a custom user data in the databaseFuture lt GotrueSessionResponse gt signUpUser String name String email String password async final user await authClient auth signUp email password final response await authClient from Users insert Id user user id Name name Email email execute if response error null return user We create a function signUpUser which returns a Future of type GotrueSessionResponse Future Sometimes we need to retrieve data from the database or somewhere else where the data may not be readily available or may take some time to load depending upon your internet connection Such data are called Futures To use them in our code we need to mark that part of code async meaning asynchronous and use the keyword await to await the data to arrive When we use await in our code whatever code comes after that await code line is executed only after the data arrives or after the awaited code is completely executed To register the user we use the authClient variable and tap into the auth property and then use the signUp function It takes arguments email and password Since it return a Future of type GotrueSessionResponse we use await To create user data in our database we use the authClient variable and use the from function which takes in the database name as an argument and use the insert function which takes a list of Maps as an argument Finally we execute it Syntax authClient from Database name insert Column name value Column name value and so on Column name value Column name value and so on and so on execute Log In User log in user Future lt GotrueSessionResponse gt signIn String email String password async final user await authClient auth signIn email email password password if user error null return user To log in the user we use the authClient variable and tap into the auth property and then use the signIn function It takes named arguments email and password Since it return a Future of type GotrueSessionResponse we use await Get current user get currently logged in user dataUser getCurrentUser return authClient auth user The user function returns user data of type User if there is a currently logged in user Log out user logOutFuture lt GotrueResponse gt logOut async await authClient auth signOut The signOut function simply signs out the current user if there is a logged in user and returns a Future of type GotrueResponse It takes no arguments Recover user session RecoverSession Future lt GotrueSessionResponse gt recoverSession String session async return await authClient auth recoverSession session This function is to recover user session if a user has logged in used the app for some time and exited It takes a String as an argument and returns a Future of type GotrueSessionResponse UINow it s time to add some makeup to our app and make it look beautiful Go to lib folder and create a file called loginPage dart and paste the following code import package supabase auth Screens Auth registerPage dart import package supabase auth Screens Home home dart import package supabase auth Services authService dart import package flutter material dart import package form field validator form field validator dart import package get get dart import package get storage get storage dart class LoginPage extends StatefulWidget String email LoginPage this email override LoginPageState createState gt LoginPageState class LoginPageState extends State lt LoginPage gt AuthService service AuthService final emailController TextEditingController final passwordController TextEditingController final formKey GlobalKey lt FormState gt bool logging false obscure true override Widget build BuildContext context final size MediaQuery of context size emailController text widget email return Scaffold body SingleChildScrollView child Center child Column mainAxisAlignment MainAxisAlignment spaceEvenly children Padding padding EdgeInsets only top child Center child Text LOGIN style TextStyle color Colors black fontSize Container margin EdgeInsets only top size height left right decoration BoxDecoration color Colors blue borderRadius BorderRadius circular child Padding padding EdgeInsets only top left right child Form key formKey child Column children TextFormField controller emailController decoration InputDecoration hintText Email hintStyle TextStyle color Colors white border OutlineInputBorder borderRadius BorderRadius circular focusedBorder OutlineInputBorder borderRadius BorderRadius circular validator MultiValidator RequiredValidator errorText Required EmailValidator errorText Please enter a valid email address SizedBox height TextFormField obscureText true controller passwordController decoration InputDecoration hintText Password hintStyle TextStyle color Colors white border OutlineInputBorder borderRadius BorderRadius circular focusedBorder OutlineInputBorder borderRadius BorderRadius circular validator MultiValidator RequiredValidator errorText Required MinLengthValidator errorText Password must contain atleast characters MaxLengthValidator errorText Password must not be more than characters SizedBox height logging false ElevatedButton onPressed async if formKey currentState validate setState logging true login child Padding padding EdgeInsets symmetric horizontal child Text Login style TextStyle color Colors black style ButtonStyle shape MaterialStateProperty all RoundedRectangleBorder borderRadius BorderRadius circular backgroundColor MaterialStateProperty all Colors white CircularProgressIndicator valueColor AlwaysStoppedAnimation lt Color gt Colors black SizedBox height Row mainAxisAlignment MainAxisAlignment center children Text Don t have an account style TextStyle color Colors white InkWell onTap Navigator pushReplacement context MaterialPageRoute builder gt RegisterPage child Text Register style TextStyle color Colors black fontWeight FontWeight bold SizedBox height Future login async SnackBar snackBar String content String type gt SnackBar content Text content style TextStyle color Colors white fontSize backgroundColor type Error Colors red Colors green Go to the lib folder and create a file called registerPage dart and paste the following code import package supabase auth Screens Auth loginPage dart import package supabase auth Services authService dart import package flutter material dart import package form field validator form field validator dart class RegisterPage extends StatefulWidget override RegisterPageState createState gt RegisterPageState class RegisterPageState extends State lt RegisterPage gt AuthService service AuthService final emailController TextEditingController final passwordController TextEditingController final nameController TextEditingController final formKey GlobalKey lt FormState gt bool registering false bool obscure true override Widget build BuildContext context final size MediaQuery of context size return Scaffold body SingleChildScrollView child Center child Column mainAxisAlignment MainAxisAlignment spaceEvenly children Padding padding EdgeInsets only top child Center child Text REGISTER style TextStyle color Colors black fontSize Container margin EdgeInsets only top size height left right decoration BoxDecoration color Colors blue borderRadius BorderRadius circular child Padding padding EdgeInsets only top left right child Form key formKey child Column children TextFormField controller nameController decoration InputDecoration hintText Name hintStyle TextStyle color Colors white border OutlineInputBorder borderRadius BorderRadius circular focusedBorder OutlineInputBorder borderRadius BorderRadius circular validator MultiValidator RequiredValidator errorText Required SizedBox height TextFormField controller emailController decoration InputDecoration hintText Email hintStyle TextStyle color Colors white border OutlineInputBorder borderRadius BorderRadius circular focusedBorder OutlineInputBorder borderRadius BorderRadius circular validator MultiValidator RequiredValidator errorText Required EmailValidator errorText Please enter a valid email address SizedBox height TextFormField obscureText true controller passwordController decoration InputDecoration hintText Password hintStyle TextStyle color Colors white border OutlineInputBorder borderRadius BorderRadius circular focusedBorder OutlineInputBorder borderRadius BorderRadius circular validator MultiValidator RequiredValidator errorText Required MinLengthValidator errorText Password must contain atleast characters MaxLengthValidator errorText Password must not be more than characters SizedBox height registering false ElevatedButton onPressed async if formKey currentState validate setState registering true register child Padding padding EdgeInsets symmetric horizontal child Text Register style TextStyle color Colors black style ButtonStyle shape MaterialStateProperty all RoundedRectangleBorder borderRadius BorderRadius circular backgroundColor MaterialStateProperty all Colors white CircularProgressIndicator valueColor AlwaysStoppedAnimation lt Color gt Colors black SizedBox height Row mainAxisAlignment MainAxisAlignment center children Text Already have an account style TextStyle color Colors white InkWell onTap Navigator pushReplacement context MaterialPageRoute builder gt LoginPage email emailController text child Text Login style TextStyle color Colors black fontWeight FontWeight bold SizedBox height Future register async SnackBar snackBar String content String type gt SnackBar content Text content style TextStyle color Colors white fontSize backgroundColor type Error Colors red Colors green Next go to main dart and inside Wrapper widget paste the followingvoid sessionCheck async await GetStorage init final box Get find lt GetStorage gt AuthService authService AuthService final session box read user if session null Navigator pushReplacement context MaterialPageRoute builder context gt LoginPage else final response await authService recoverSession session await box write user response data persistSessionString Navigator pushReplacement context MaterialPageRoute builder context gt HomePage We await GetStorage to start initialise the storage drive Next we find a GetStorage dependency instance and assign it to a variable called box We then use this box variable and call a function read which reads the storage drive container and checks if there is a value associated with the key we pass as an argument to it The value will be a session string and we store it in a variable named session Why so Because it makes sense If there is no value present then we take the user to the LoginPage Else if there is some value present we recover that session by calling the recoverSession function we had defined in the AuthService class We call that function using an instance of AuthService class We store the returned value in a variable called sessionResponse Now we need to save this session again in the container so that we have access to it the next time the user opens the app We do it by awaiting box write which takes arguments key The name of the key where the value is stored You can give it any name value The session string to be stored in the container and it will be associated with the key we specify This function returns a Future of type void so we await it Once it is done we go to the homePage Now that we have defined the function we need to call it Paste the following code in main dart inside Wrapper widget override void initState TODO implement initState super initState sessionCheck initState is a function that is automatically called when the widget in which it is In this case it is Wrapper widget is loaded onto the stack Or in simple words it is called when the Wrapper widget loads fires in the app Now go back to loginPage dart and go the login function in it Suppose a user registers for the first time we show him the LoginPage right So after login his session string has to be saved so that it is available to the app the next time he opens it We add two lines to the login function Future login async final box Get find lt GetStorage gt final result await service signIn emailController text passwordController text if result data null await box write user result data persistSessionString ScaffoldMessenger of context showSnackBar snackBar content Login successful type Success Navigator pushReplacement context MaterialPageRoute builder context gt HomePage else if result error message null ScaffoldMessenger of context showSnackBar snackBar content result error message type Error Go to registerPage dart and implement the register function Future register async final result await service signUpUser nameController text emailController text passwordController text if result data null setState registering false ScaffoldMessenger of context showSnackBar snackBar content Registration Successful type Success Navigator pushReplacement context MaterialPageRoute builder context gt LoginPage email emailController text else if result error message null setState registering false ScaffoldMessenger of context showSnackBar snackBar content result error message type Error Home PageWe ll create a file named homePage dart inside lib folder We ll just create a simple home page with just a single button to implement the logout function import package supabase auth Services authService dart import package flutter cupertino dart import package flutter material dart class HomePage extends StatefulWidget override HomePageState createState gt HomePageState class HomePageState extends State lt HomePage gt AuthService authservice AuthService bool loading false override Widget build BuildContext context return Scaffold appBar AppBar body Center child loading false ElevatedButton onPressed async setState loading true await logout child Text Log Out CircularProgressIndicator Future logout async Log OutFuture logout async await authservice logOut setState loading false Navigator pushReplacement context MaterialPageRoute builder context gt LoginPage Just like earlier we will use the AuthService class instance to call the logOut function Since it returns a Future we await it and once it is done we take the user to the LoginPage Now go to authService dart and go to the logOut function logOut userFuture lt GotrueResponse gt logOut async Get find lt GetStorage gt remove user await authClient auth signOut Here we are removing the session string associated with the user because it is no longer needed once the user logs out The remove function removes the data from the container by key It takes the key as an argument and returns a Future of type void Run the appHmmm yeah that s it Go ahead and run the app on your mobile or an emulator Once you log in you can check the database and see that your login details will be in the database table we created Next StepsCheck out the full source code at github AdityaSubrahmanyaBhat supabase auth It s an app demonstrating the auth functions using supabase supabase authA new Flutter project Getting StartedThis project is a starting point for a Flutter application A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project Lab Write your first Flutter appCookbook Useful Flutter samplesFor help getting started with Flutter view ouronline documentation which offers tutorials samples guidance on mobile development and a full API reference View on GitHubThat s all folks Thank you |
2021-07-26 07:15:54 |
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Turtle Beach’s first gamepad pairs its audio expertise with great ergonomics |
Turtle Beach s first gamepad pairs its audio expertise with great ergonomicsEach gaming accessory company has one thing they do well like Corsair and its keyboards or Razer s line of mice Turtle Beach is known as a premium headset manufacturer but that hasn t stopped it from expanding its offerings starting with its very first gamepad the Recon Controller And it happily still incorporates the company s audio expertise It s a wired controller compatible with XboxSeries X S and One as well as Windows As a couch gamer I m never really thrilled by the need to be tethered but it makes up for it with a great hand feel The grips are covered in a tactile gray material with a grid of triangles that help channel heat and sweat away from your palms But what I really like are the textured buttons ーthe shoulder trigger and back buttons are studded with bumps that do a good job of keeping your fingers from slipping They also feel great so much so that I often find myself playing with the Recon Controller even when I m not gaming Kris Naudus EngadgetThe marquee features of the Recon Controller are its audio controls located in a small panel at the top of the gamepad One of my editors said it looks like a modern interpretation of a Mad Catz unit and well he isn t wrong It s not exactly attractive with so many buttons it looks over engineered What all those fiddly buttons offer is an array of options for the sound coming from the headset you ve plugged into the controller The bottom has the usual mm port so it ll work with pretty much any headset provided you have the right cable for it I tried it with the Recon Spark a solid and inexpensive set of cans that s served as my daily driver at the office for a few years now Kris Naudus EngadgetAt each end of the trapezoidal control panel are two toggles the one on the left adjusts the volume and the right one handles the balance between game audio and chat They re far up enough on the controller such that you don t accidentally hit the X and Y buttons However the buttons on the panel itself are packed in so tightly that if you overshoot you re likely to hit one of the controls in the middle instead Which is less than ideal given that the two big buttons are the mute function not something you want to accidentally hit while communicating with your teammates and the “superhuman hearing button The latter is a new feature boosting smaller sounds like footsteps so you won t miss a thing The effect wasn t as pronounced as it promises as I didn t notice huge changes while I played a few rounds of Among Us But it certainly doesn t hurt to have it and the effect may vary depending on the game you re playing and the headset you have connected Kris Naudus EngadgetBetween those two buttons is another toggle one that serves a variety of functions You can adjust your EQ presets between the default bass bass treble and vocal settings You can also adjust the power of the gamepad s vibrations as well as the sensitivity of the thumb sticks It s nice to be able to adjust these things on the fly rather than having to fiddle around in a settings program The big drawback is that it s not immediately clear what the icons represent and I had to consult the instructions and experiment with them before I really understood Overall I was happy with the controller s performance and I m enamored of the ergonomics of it more than anything I m just not entirely sure they re worth dealing with a wired controller and headset when you re used to going wireless |
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