AWS Compute Blog |
Automating Amazon CloudWatch dashboards and alarms for Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow |
Automating Amazon CloudWatch dashboards and alarms for Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache AirflowThis article shows a serverless example that automatically creates CloudWatch dashboards and alarms for all existing and new MWAA environments With this example you can achieve better observability for your MWAA environments |
2021-07-27 14:56:09 |
AWS Compute Blog |
Building well-architected serverless applications: Regulating inbound request rates – part 2 |
Building well architected serverless applications Regulating inbound request rates part This series of blog posts uses the nbsp AWS Well Architected Tool nbsp with the nbsp Serverless Lens nbsp to help customers build and operate applications using best practices In each post I address the serverless specific questions identified by the Serverless Lens along with the recommended best practices See the nbsp introduction post nbsp for a table of contents and explanation of the example application Reliability question REL … |
2021-07-27 14:35:59 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Codeforces Global Round 15 B. Running for Gold 最強がいる場合の判定 |
いないならそれを述べよ※後述の通り、複数の候補が存在することはありませんこう考えた前提まず、aがbに勝つをaはbより順位が強い試合がつ以上あると定義します。 |
2021-07-27 23:40:13 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Progateで作ったWebアプリをDjangoで作ってみる2! Part1 --初期設定編-- |
gtdjangoadminstartprojectblogappgtcdblogappgtpythonmanagepystartappblog「templates」ディレクトリと「static」ディレクトリを作成して、さらにそれぞれの下層に「blog」ディレクトリを作成します。 |
2021-07-27 23:26:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
cocoapod エラー [!] Existing Podfile found in directory のエラーが出てインストールできません、 |
cocoapodエラーExistingPodfilefoundindirectoryのエラーが出てインストールできません、cocoapodnbspインストールができません。 |
2021-07-27 23:37:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
AngularでUploadした画像データをRails(carrierwave)で受け取る。 |
AngularでUploadした画像データをRailscarrierwaveで受け取る。 |
2021-07-27 23:36:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VueJSのmixinsをvue-router遷移ごとに呼び出したい |
VueJSのmixinsをvuerouter遷移ごとに呼び出したい表題の件で質問させていただきました。 |
2021-07-27 23:34:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
xcodeでコマンドライン的なツールを開く方法 |
xcodeでコマンドライン的なツールを開く方法前提・実現したいことxcodeでそういったコマンドライン的なツールを開く方法があったら教えていただきたいです↑まず最初にこれが結論ですメンターの言っている意味を理解したい現在Reactnativeのプロジェクトの実行環境を整えようとしているのですがターミナルからコマンドを実行してもエラーが出てしまい実行できませんそこでメンターの方に質問したところ「ターミナルを実行せずに、xcodeにおいて「reactnativenbspstart」コマンドを実行してくだい。 |
2021-07-27 23:32:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
if文の大なりの判定が理解できない |
if文の大なりの判定が理解できない前提・実現したいことif文の大なりの判定が理解できない発生している問題・エラーメッセージanbspbnbspcnbspにそれぞれ、、、を代入した時に下記のif文の条件式はとなるのでif文の中の処理が実行されないと思っていたのですが実行されてしまいます。 |
2021-07-27 23:30:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonプログラムにてエクセル更新をしても手入力したコメントはそのままにするプログラムを作成したい(再) |
pythonプログラムにてエクセル更新をしても手入力したコメントはそのままにするプログラムを作成したい再実現したいこと以下のソースコードにて機械稼働率のエクセル自動集計出力を行い、管理者が日の機械稼働状況に問題があった場合にエクセルへ手入力によるコメントを残します。 |
2021-07-27 23:30:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
balaC(MPU6886)をbluetoothで操作できない |
balaCMPUをbluetoothで操作できないMstackのbalaCをbluetoothで操作しようと思い、BLEのコードをBalaCのコードに追加したのですが、Bluetoothでつながりますが、その後に、倒立振り子動作にはいらなくなります。 |
2021-07-27 23:28:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
logコマンド以外で最新のコミットの日時を取得する方法 |
gitlogformatcddateiso |
2021-07-27 23:23:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WordPress で『Advanced Custom Fields』カスタムフィールドの項目のValue値が空で表示されてしまいます |
WordPressで『AdvancedCustomFields』カスタムフィールドの項目のValue値が空で表示されてしまいます現象WordPressnbspで『AdvancednbspCustomnbspFields』を利用しています。 |
2021-07-27 23:20:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Vue.js] csvファイルからデータを読み込み配列にしたい |
2021-07-27 23:18:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
微分方程式を解き,Excelに出力したいです. |
2021-07-27 23:13:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
msedgedriver で フレームを XPath を使用して選択したい |
msedgedriverでフレームをXPathを使用して選択したいインデックスでフレーム選択することは出来るのですがXPathnbspを使用してフレーム選択を行いたいです対象フレームのElementIDの取得はXPathで出来るのですがエレメントのメソッドでフレーム選択に使用できそうなものは見つけられませんでした。 |
2021-07-27 23:12:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pandas iatの使い方 |
pandasiatの使い方pandasのiatの使い方について疑問に思った点がございますので、教えて頂けると幸いです。 |
2021-07-27 23:11:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PyQのチュートリアルをやっています。 その中で以下のコードがエラーが出てしまいます。 原因はなんでしょうか? |
PyQ の チュートリアル を やっ て い ます 。 |
2021-07-27 23:05:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
sublime textで突然scssのコンパイルができなくなりました(エラー:kill_previous) |
sublimetextで突然scssのコンパイルができなくなりましたエラーkillprevious前提・実現したいことsublimenbsptextでサイトを作成しています。 |
2021-07-27 23:01:42 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Amplify GraphQLでRDSを使用する |
フロントエンドアプリもLambdaもJSちなみに私はJS信者ではない手順概要Amplifyの準備AmplifyでLambdaLayerを作成AmplifyでLambda関数を作成Lambda関数にVPCアクセス権限を追加VPCアクセスを設定するGraphQLAPIを作成するフロントエンドアプリからGraphQLAPIを呼び出すRDSproxyを導入するシークレットを作成シークレットを使用するポリシーを作成シークレットを使用するロールを作成RDSproxyを作成するRDSproxyを使用する手順Amplifyの準備amplifyinitでAmplifyを使い始めるのだが、ソースツリーをロールバックしたり何が起こっているか把握するためにも、このコマンドの前にプロジェクトをgit管理して変化を確認できるようにしておくことをおすすめする。 |
2021-07-27 23:44:40 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
RaspberryPiでamd64のDockerイメージを起動する(夢を見た) |
RaspberryPiでamdのDockerイメージを起動する夢を見た注意この記事ではRaspberryPi上のDockerでarmではないamdのDockerイメージを起動するという通常は使わないとてもニッチなことを紹介しています。 |
2021-07-27 23:40:01 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Docker起動時に Fatal Error Failed to ping backend API という警告が出た場合の対処法 |
Docker起動時にFatalErrorFailedtopingbackendAPIという警告が出た場合の対処法macでDocker起動時にFatalErrorFailedtopingbackendAPIという警告のウィンドウが出た場合の対処法です。 |
2021-07-27 23:34:20 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[React] アンケートアプリで質問に回答したらページ再読み込みをせずに次の質問に進めるようにする |
question |
2021-07-27 14:56:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Swapping Tokens on MetaMask |
Swapping Tokens on MetaMaskMetaMask one of the most popular Ethereum based crypto wallets offers the ability to swap a crypto token with another seamlessly We can do that either by using the built in swap feature within the wallet app or manually by using any DEX platform such as Uniswap or Pancakeswap Using the built in swap featureTo swap a token using the swap feature on MetaMask we ll need to follow these simple steps Open the MetaMask extensionClick the new Swap buttonSelect the tokens you want to swap and click Get quotes Let MetaMask do its magic Compare all available quotes and select the best oneClick on Swap and wait until the transaction completes Manually using a DEXTo manually swap tokens using MetaMask we can use a DEX such as Uniswap or Pancakeswap Let s walk down the steps on how to do it with Pancakeswap These steps would be pretty much the same on most DEX platforms Fire up your browser and visit pancakeswap financeThen click on Trade gt Exchange from the menu at the left Click on Connect at the top right cornerEnsure that you re signed into your MetaMask wallet Select MetaMask from the list of supported wallets Select the account you want to connect and click Next Select the tokens you want to swap in the From and To section and click Swap Confirm the transaction from your walletAnd voila Your transaction is submitted You can view the status of your transaction on BSCScan Make sure that you ve added the token s contract in your MetaMask wallet so that it shows up after the swap |
2021-07-27 14:44:29 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Top 10 Podcasts for Python in 2021 |
Top Podcasts for Python in Python is one of the most popular easy and versatile programming languages among developers And amusingly it has a community that teems with podcasts choices that the developer is confused about which one to choose so here is an attempt to compile the best Podcasts for Python that are out there Python is a comprehensible English like syntax that is quite friendly with beginners It has fast pace delivery with adaptable solutions to a diverse range of industries The internet contains vast resources to learn Python some of them would be the online MOOC Massive Open Online Courses websites YouTube channels and the ever growing area of podcasts Podcasts come quite handy when you are multitasking and can learn at your own pace In this blog it would be an attempt to cover the podcasts from the whole range of skill sets an emerging to a seasoned developer would require Podcasts for Python in The Real Python PodcastHosted by Christopher Bailey weekly that provides you with interviews coding tips and conversations with guests from the Python community It has received rave reviews from all types of developers One of the feedback involves how one of the episodes on Python packaging helped a beginner to understand and reach the desired tutorials that helped him build his first Python package Also Could Read the Beginner s Guide To Python It is also appreciated for the copious notes it provides along with the recommendations to sync in your understanding of the language It has been in the market since and has an outstanding reach of K followers on Twitter Talk Python To MeIt is a weekly podcast hosted by Michael Kennedy It has a format of minutes where industry experts are invited to speak on a wide array of topics related to Python and interlinked to it With the success of this podcast they have also launched a second one Deemed to be the counterpart of the long format of the first one this one Python Bytes delivers on the topical items in a fifteen minute conversation to the listener It is co hosted by Brian Okken Another remarkable thing about this podcast is the range of courses it provides you on an individual level The courses vary from a beginner to a seasoned developer to the requirements of an entrepreneur to building projects using APIs It has been in the community since and has voluminous followership of K Podcastinit A podcast with a followership of K it is led by the brilliant Tobias Macey A product of the technical Operational lead at MIT s Open Learning Programme It works with the mantra of one size fits all No matter where you re coming from what field of IT you are into this must be one of the most helpful podcasts that bounds to be on your list It covers all the challenges use cases and the motivation that went into making the software that you are using and making this accessible from the horse s mouth It has a format of minutes and covers dynamic topics related to Web Applications Scientific Research DevOps Data Science and much more One of their latest topics Episode explores The SpeechBrain Toolkit for Speech Processing It is a definite click with the increase in the rise in automation this episode accommodates how we need high quality libraries to generate and process audio data Profitable PythonLaunched in it is hosted by Ben McNeill The podcast has an interview style that offers a host of significant Python based content that developers end up dabbling within their day to day life These include tutorials tips real life examples and help you speed with Python The major topics covered in the podcast include Data Science Machine Learning frameworks like Django and much more It has recorded episodes and it also branches to discussing mentorship guidelines amidst the career and programming tips Teaching PythonThis one is my personal favorite a podcast run by two passionate adventurous and outstanding people sharing their experience of teaching middle school computer science program solving and life lessons of taking frustration and failure through the lens of the Python programming language Kelly Paredes has remarkable experience in teaching with a specialization in curriculum design and development She teaches at the Pine Crest School in Florida while Sean Tibor has vast experience in marketing and technical management roles Both of them have three years of experience in teaching Python to seventh and eighth graders at the same school in Florida It is quite open ended as the length of the podcasts ranges from minutes to an hour and a half They don t follow a fixed timeline and we would recommend you to follow them on social media to keep yourself updated when the next episode will turn up Test and CodeA weekly podcast hosted by Brian Okken This show covers a wide range of topics that might include software engineering testing Python programming and many related topics Hosted by Brian Okken it was launched in This podcast will be a great fit for you if you are especially interested in software testing and specifically Python programming and testing The duration of these episodes vary from minutes to an hour and has an interview style like format Along with that the topics covered in the podcast are language neutral Django RiffsIt is a podcast that helps you learn web application development in Python using the Django web framework Its episodes discuss how you write tests for your Django apps and verify how your site can work and continue to work Along with that there is an episode that discusses the role of static files in your application This podcast provides a new take on Python give it a go Mid Meet PyThis one meets in the middle of the week to talk and chat about Python As it labels itself it is designed by “Pythonistas for Pythonistas The podcast includes various conversations with Lemon Sanfoy one of the owners of Python discord to other members in the community related to its various libraries and this ever dynamic language Early Access PyCharmIt is a podcast that goes behind the scenes of discussing how the PYCharm IDE is made and what type of motivation the creative thinking process went into making it one PyCharm is a Python IDE from JetBrains It covers a range of topics and talks about the interlinking it shares with Data Science the Web and Django just to name a few Python Out LoudHosted by Kevin Chang and Isaiah Lankham this podcast talks to a beginner and a seasoned developer and walks in casual discussions about Python and the problem solving aspect of it at the same time The names of their episodes are quirky enough for you to give it a click and enjoy them as they dabble with the further specificities of the language Wrapping UpTell us about your interesting take on these podcasts in the comment section below Podcasts have gained new popularity in the Gen Z era where we are growing more accustomed to listen to topics and information related to what interests us |
2021-07-27 14:16:08 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
My Placements Journey |
My Placements JourneyThis article is all about my placements journey I have cleared interviews and got offers from Microsoft Twitter Amazon PayPal Cisco and a couple more I am sharing my interview experiences not only for these companies but for all the companies where I was rejected too Google Sharechat Atlan Postman Amazon And the reason for that is You can t do all the mistakes by yourselves to learn from them A wise person learns from the mistakes of others I have shared my mistakes and learnings from different interviews hopefully it will be helpful I am a final year student from a Tier college and it really doesn t matter but I have to mention it because so many juniors are worried about this fact and I wanna make clear that Accept whatever you got and work towards your goal Tier College Tag won t block your ways if you upskill enough All the experiences would cover the following details TimelineHow did I applyInterview ProcessMy LearningLet s just start then Also Don t get demotivated by my repeated rejections We will move towards the good things gradually p ZS Associates SELECTEDRole Business Technology AnalystHow did I apply ZS Campus Beats ChallengeTimeline Applied in March Process in April MayFirst interview of th year Though not the desired role or package but my confidence was boosted after clearing all the rounds A lengthy process and not for SDE Role too so I am not penning it down here AMAZON REJECTEDRole SDE InternTimeline Applied in May and Interviews in JuneApplied through Amaze WowProcessOnline Coding TestFF Elimination Round Questions each from Trees and DPI solved the Trees one completely struggled with the DP oneRejected in this round itselfLearning I didn t manage my time well spent too much time on st question due to which couldn t code the nd within the given time I was pretty bad at explaining interviewing just doesn t mean solving a question on silent mode POSTMAN REJECTEDRole SDE InternTimeline Applied and Interviewed in AugustApplied through Careers Site With referral ProcessOnline Coding Testst FF Round JavaScript Computer Networks Databases Resume Projects All these were asked in great detail cross question from each answer deep dive into all questions Some questions that I remember SSL Verification Process many confusing questions around this in JavaScript How HTTP and HTTPs connections are established questions around working of NodeJS etc I was rejected after this round itself No DSA asked FYI more FF Rounds were expected if I had cleared the previous round Learning Till now I was majorly focusing on DSA with this interview I realized I need to thoroughly study all CS Subject Fundamentals and just reading Top interview Questions of OS before the interview isn t gonna work p GOOGLE REJECTEDRole Software DeveloperTimeline Applied in August Interviewed in SeptemberApplied through Careers Site With referral Process On site Rounds tech Googlyness were to be scheduled First on Day and remaining only if the feedback from previous rounds was positive Interview Day I was already quite nervous In the first interview questions were asked I solved both one with expected time and space complexity but for the other question the interviewer expected a more optimised solution I sat for the nd interview with increased nervousness only question was asked which I solved and coded but again the interviewer pushed for a more optimized approach By this time I knew that I have lost this chance and with no expectations sat for the rd Round this time I solved and coded the solution with best possible complexity covered all edge cases etc and the interviewer seemed happy with my performance Topics of questions DP Binary Search Graph HashmapI got a feedback call within the same week from the recruiter and I was rejected once again Learning After this interview I could clearly see the areas I needed to work on The rejection and feedback from Google instead of demotivating me lifted my spirits I got YES and NOs from the rounds but the good thing was that even the interviewers sent this feedback She was way too near the optimization needed it was a matter of some more minutes and She would have solved it They also told me my strong points along with where I lacked I clearly knew that I needed to work more on Speed and Problem Solving Skills and I definitely started on it soon after this interview by giving more and more live contests and upsolving them regularly on Codeforces atcoder Leetcode Codechef short only binarysearch io Another big takeaway was giving interviews with a calm mind and confidence My nervousness really slowed down my brain SHARECHAT REJECTEDRole Frontend InternTimeline Applied and Interviewed in SeptemberApplied through A google form was all around I just filled it and got the test link ProcessOnline Coding Test questions DSA Round elimination round questions Topics Graph and Hashmap were asked complete optimised running clean bug free code was expected for both I performed quite good in this round Interviewer seemed impressed After a couple of hours recruiter called and informed that I have my next round the next day Frontend Dev Round elimination round HTML CSS JavaScript ReactJS This round revolved around these things only Within the same week I got the rejection mail Little more background This was the rd time in the same year itself that I received test link from Sharechat First time for Backend Intern Role Out of solved questions completely and partially didn t get interview call nd time for SDE Intern Role solved all questions completely still didn t get interview call rd time for Frontend Intern Role solved all questions completely and got interview call this time Now the sad thing at that time was that I had not been into frontend development at all Backend Development was where both my skills and interest lied but I thought that I will practice some frontend before the interviews Now a more sad thing was that the interviews were scheduled just in a couple of days on the same day my google interviews were scheduled P As a result I couldn t prepare anything for the frontend round Learning Well I was happy after performing good in DSA Round Bad performance in frontend dev round didn t affect me because I hadn t prepared for it ATLAN REJECTEDRole Backend InternTimeline Applied in July Interviewed in SeptemberApplied through Careers Site without referral the application form was lengthy and asked about many things including projects open source contributions etc Process Project Submission They gave a problem statement I had to build a solution Android App or Website I enjoyed making this project st FF Round No DSA again Many questions around the project I submitted in the previous round Some questions revolved around scalability approaches system design basics reliability and failure in big projects I answered most of the questions And the interviewer seemed quite happy There were some questions like http multipart request MySQL master slave replication that I couldn t answer Result This time I wasn t expecting rejection but who cares about expectations I was again rejected with a message that my past experiences projects stack doesn t suit the requirement Learning Stop expecting You can get rejected even after you feel you did good INNOVACCER PPOLittle good news in September I received Pre Placement Offer from Innovaccer where I did my summer intern For the interview experience and process refer my other article A Break that I took from InterviewingI was tired by this point for some or the other reason I was getting rejected again and again I was working on my weak areas analysing for each interview why I couldn t make it and improving on those things But every interview gave me a new reason of rejection The companies that I have listed above are only the ones I got interview calls from Leave alone the companies where I applied and didn t get a reply and the companies from where I received test link but didn t get interview calls cases here For some I didn t perform well enough in the tests for some I didn t get interview call even after solving the tests completely I stopped applying to any companies at this point and just practiced more for around months silently No LinkedIn No interviews only coding and brushing fundamentals again CISCO SELECTEDRole SDE InternTimeline Applied in July interviewed in November I had totally forgotten that I even applied here Applied through Careers Site with Referral Process Online Test Coding Questions and MCQs Only Java Python and C were allowed st Technical Round mins Coding Questionsst question s optimization was based on using a linear String Matching Algo in one part of the algorithm I implemented KMP nd question was to check whether a graph is a tree Write pseudo code for Semaphore WorkingMany questions from Operating Systems Threads Processes Memory Management etc nd Technical Round mins Based on CS Fundamentals and ResumeOS DBMS CN REST API Design Questions around my projects and skills that I mentioned in my resumeHR Round This was more of a formality They informed about the stipend duration etc and asked some questions like Why Cisco etc In a couple of days I received the selection mail Note All rounds were eliminatory rounds and were conducted on the same day with a gap of couple of hours Learning This was kind of my first success at interviews and I realized that a calm mind without any expectations helped me during the interview This was also the first time I was not nervous before the interviews Why This time I had tailored my mind with कर्मकिएजाफलकीइच्छामतकर in English Do your duty without thinking about results Before the interviews I just told myself to talk to the guys solve the questions they ask and chill And that helped PAYPAL SELECTEDRole SDE InternTimeline I applied around August and got test link in November and had interviews in December Applied through Careers Site without Referral University Recruitment was probably the name of this hiring event Process Online Test Coding Questions The most interesting questions that I got in any test till now st Technical Round mins Trapping Rain Water Problem Its a Leetcode Hard Problem Complete optimised code was expected Asked me to explain the approach of the questions from the online round and asked if I had any other approaches to solve them Puzzles It was fun solving them nd Technical Round mins Based on CS Fundamentals and ResumeThe interviewer asked me to introduce myself along with the work that I have done in my previous internships or any projects that I wanted to discuss She cross questioned meanwhile The interviewer was clearly impressed with my answers and overall profile Managerial Round This Round taught me to never be overconfident I always thought that HR Rounds are a piece of cake for me so I never really prepared or even thought about them The interviewer asked me many questions about myself my aspirations my principles of life some situation based questions my weaknesses and many more and To be honest I didn t really feel good after the interview I thought he is not gonna select me because during the interview he focused on my weaknesses a lot most of his questions revolved around my weaknesses it s like I couldn t even tell one of my profile work highlights In a couple of days I received the selection mail I joined PayPal and after the internship received a full time offer from them Note All rounds were eliminatory rounds and were conducted on different days Learning Most interviewers are very supportive and encouraging Speaking with confidence and putting up a happy face instead of a scared one transmits good vibes across AMAZON SELECTEDRole Software Development EngineerTimeline Applied in January Interviewed in MarchApplied through Careers Site with Referral Process Online Test Coding Questions and MCQs Quant Reasoning English Personality I found it easy as compared to other tests I had given st Technical Round mins Coding QuestionsRotten Oranges Variant a Leetcode Medium Question A question based on Topological Sortnd Technical Round mins Graph Question Used Djisktra AlgoDP Question I don t remember the question Bar Raiser Round this was probably the name A mix of everything that is asked in interviews It took well above mins DSA Binary Search Problem with some tricks and needed optimizations Good QuestionIn depth discussion of work in my previous internships In depth discussion of one project He asked to write the code of one of the APIs of my project and asked to do some tweaks in the database calls inside it Discussion about my volunteering and leadership experiences Why Amazon Behavioural questions checking Amazon Leadership PrinciplesIn the same week I received the selection call Note All rounds were eliminatory rounds and were conducted in days Learning The interviewer advised me to never stop working on Girl Code It it s an organisation that I run He said everybody works for money promotions a better life etc but only a few have selfless purposes Don t let it go MICROSOFT SELECTEDRole Software DeveloperTimeline Applied in January Interviewed in FebruaryApplied through Microsoft Engage HackathonProcess Hackathon Problem Statements were given My project was shortlisted and I was called for the further interview process Online Test Coding Questions and MCQs coding questions were easy but the rd was one was a damn tough problem on graphs st Technical Round mins Resume and Projects GrillingHackathon Project DiscussedQuestions around REST APIs HTTP Verbs request and response headers SQL vs NOSQL Usecases ACID properties etc nd Technical Round mins Coding QuestionsTopics Linked List Hashmaps DPAverage difficultyAA Round As appropriate The recruiter told me that interviewer could ask anything in this round coding question fundamentals projects HR questions etc Coding Question From arrays it was a new and tricky question and I don t remember it exactly and asked Why I wanted to join Microsoft All of it went well overall I couldn t tell the optimised approach at first but after some thinking I gave the expected solution soon The interviewer even made a comment that he liked the way I approached the question from different directions and liked my confidence even after not hitting the right approach in the first go In a couple of days I received the selection call Note All rounds were eliminatory rounds and were conducted on different days Learning By this time so much had changed about the way I interview I once ruined my Amazon and Google Interviews because of being nervous after telling the brute approach I have written it before and will again repeat Don t think too much Nervousness can slow down your brain p PALANTIR REJECTEDRole Software Developer Timeline Applied in December Interviewed in FebruaryLocation LondonApplied through Careers Site without referral Process Online Coding Test Coding Questions The questions were different and difficult than the usual ones I solved completely and partially Also this was the only company where I got an interview call without hitting a score in coding questions st FF Coding Round mins Coding QuestionsTopics Strings Arrays Trees HashmapsThe questions were easy but running code for all was expected and the implementation of each of them were lengthy I coded as fast as I could and completed and explained my solutions to the interviewer Another Coding Round A tricky Binary Tree Problem later the interviewer asked the same question for generic tree It went good Learning Round Some rules of a new language were shared to me during the interview itself and I was asked a few questions which I had to solve using that language syntax It was very much like SQL This round went good too Decomposition Round It was more like a system design round if I would label it A scenario for an app was given and I had to discuss it s high level design I wasn t prepared for it but still did my best and interviewer seemed neutral I couldn t judge how he felt about my performance In a couple of days I received the rejection and feedback call The recruiter told me that the feedback from all rounds is positive except the Decomposition Round They liked me but still wouldn t be able to proceed with my application Note The interview process and support was one of the best I experienced Learning Prepare System Design P Though I wasn t selected but I gave my best and had a great experience TWITTER SELECTEDRole Software EngineerTimeline June Last interview that I gave pTwitter asks the candidates to sign an NDA before the interview process So I won t be able to share any specifics My friend has penned down the general process you can refer it here Some more TipsOnline Test Try to solve all the questions I have faced rejection even after solving all questions few times leave alone the hopes of getting an interview without solving all questions completely Giving live or even virtual contests on codeforces com codechef com short only atcoder com binarysearch io leetcode com will equip you with problem solving skills quick implementation ability effective debugging edge cases recognition and resolution Within the actual Interview I have a lot to share on this topic so I will write a separate article altogether Getting calls from companies A good resume an impressive LinkedIn profile applying to as many companies as possible and and an added referral I took all the referrals through LinkedIn only is the only answer If you are not getting replies from companies not getting shortlisted not getting selected after interviews Just remember जरूरीथोड़ीहै किजोपत्थरतुममारो उससेआमटूटेहीटूटे आखिरकुछकोशिशेंतैयारीकेलिएभीहोतीहैं English Translation It isn t necessary that every stone you throw will hit the target after all some efforts are also made for preparation Note There is a possibility that there might be some deviations in the timeline that I have mentioned and the order number of interviews might also differ for someone else Good Luck for your interviews Also Please share the article with those who can be helped with it and I hope it gave you a general idea of how the SDE Interviews at various companies look like If you want to know something else Feel free to comment |
2021-07-27 14:09:48 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Cara Update Node js di Linux |
Cara Update Node js di LinuxJika kita memakai linux dan ingin menginstall nodejs lewat command sudo apt install node kemungkinan besar nodejs yang kita install masih versi untuk mengupdate node ke versi terbaru berikut ini langkah langkahnyaUpdate Linux Packagesudo apt updateInstall nvmcurl o bashSetelah itu restart terminal kita Cek InstalasiBuka kembali terminal dan cek apakah kita berhasil menginstall nvm dengan command nvm versionInstall Node Sebelum itu kita lihat versi node yang tersedia nvm ls remoteLalu install menggunakan command berikut nvm install version number contoh nvm install v |
2021-07-27 14:00:35 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
JP in da Kyiv, and crypto R&D internship pre-announcement |
JP in da Kyiv and crypto R amp D internship pre announcementIn the pandemic restrictions times meeting offline is a luxury especially given that you adore hardcore ️discussions on cryptography ZKP ZkSNARKs or post quantum computing We had one just recently and it inspired us for more Last week we hosted in Kyiv Ukraine a legendary cryptographer researcher and Cossack Labs business partner Jean Philippe JP Aumasson He stands behind SipHash BLAKE hash functions as their co designer and behind several modern books on cryptography as their author For this long awaited visit we were ready to kill the fatted calf and party hard And we had it all up to eleven during the special crypto drinks amp talks event Yay that was awesome A cosy venue in downtown Kyiv relaxed summer mood and exchange of experiences amp great ideas with JP and the Ukrainian cryptography community people We can talk about cryptography audits root key ceremonies searchable encryption end to end encryption and one end encryption for ages If you do too join us next time without hesitation Anastasiia Voitova Cossack Labs and Jean Philippe JP AumassonThe next day Cossack Labs team had more of its guilty crypto pleasure with a special workshop on crypto attacks defenses and PQC designed by JP and Philipp Jovanovic check it out And since we stand for the concept of giving knowledge back to the community and recently finished the first cycle of our crypto R amp D internship it is more than possible that we have several spots for new internsin the autumn Check for updates if you enjoy the same cryptographic wave Quantum Computers how bad for Crypto JP AumassonVisit our website Follow us on Twitter LinkedIn YouTube and Facebook Cut through complexity |
2021-07-27 14:00:33 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Best deals for July 27 - MagSafe charging, Samsung Smart Monitor, and more! |
Best deals for July MagSafe charging Samsung Smart Monitor and more Tuesday s best deals include of a Sony inch K TV off a Inch Curved Samsung Monitor iTunes movie sales and more Deals Tuesday July Shopping online for the best discounts and deals can be a difficult and annoying task Rather than sifting through miles of advertisements check out this list of sales we ve hand picked just for the AppleInsider audience Read more |
2021-07-27 14:49:05 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
How to use Live Text on iOS 15 |
How to use Live Text on iOS Live Text on iOS lets you take text out of photos you took years ago ーor that you haven t taken yet at all Here s what it s capable of plus what you can do when it doesn t quite work as it should Live Text even works with photos before you take them It spots any text in the viewfinderYou would think that Live Text on the forthcoming iOS would be the same as it is on the equally forthcoming macOS Monterey Live Text on either platform will identify text in any photo you ve ever taken just about and let you copy it out Read more |
2021-07-27 14:25:52 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple Watch 'black box' algorithms unreliable for medical research |
Apple Watch x black box x algorithms unreliable for medical researchApple s use of algorithms to analyze data may be an issue for medical research after a Harvard professor discovered inconsistencies in data from one Apple Watch accessed at different times An Apple Watch showing a blood oxygen reading One of the benefits of mobile devices and wearable devices like the Apple Watch is that improvements can be made in software In medical research this may not necessarily be a good thing and has prompted one study to rethink its methodology Read more |
2021-07-27 14:04:31 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Waze will warn you about traffic jams and detours before you drive |
Waze will warn you about traffic jams and detours before you driveWaze can be helpful for dodging gridlock and other headaches while you drive but now it s helping you make a more informed choice before you start moving The Google owned company has revamped the pre drive screen on Android and iOS to deliver considerably more info on the pre drive screen You ll now see alternate routes traffic levels real time reports and toll info not to mention an explanation of just why Waze chose a given route If the app recommends that you skip your typical route to work you ll know what s to blame You can still choose that usual route if you d like The updated screen is already rolling out to users worldwide In some ways this is one of the more important Waze upgrades in recent memory While Waze still thrives on its automatic route planning this puts more control in your hands and might help more people understand how the app makes its decisions |
2021-07-27 14:48:28 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Sony’s ZV-E10 brings interchangeable lenses to its vlogging camera series |
Sony s ZV E brings interchangeable lenses to its vlogging camera seriesSony has launched its first vlogging specific mirrorless camera the ZV E that borrows a number of features from ZV compact vlogging model At the same time it s roughly based on the A and A series APS C mirrorless cameras with all the good and bad that entails nbsp The two biggest advantages of the ZV E over the ZV are the larger megapixel APS C sensor and interchangeable mirrorless mount The latter feature opens Sony s range of plus E mount lenses to vloggers making the ZV E much more versatile than the fixed lens ZV The larger sensor meanwhile will deliver improved light sensitivity and a shallower depth of field SonyThe ZV E uses the aging megapixel APS C sensor found in the A and other recent Sony models While that delivers sharp downsampled K video at up to fps or fps p it s likely to have a serious amount of rolling shutter that s not ideal for its intended purpose nbsp On the more positive side it offers optical and active electronic image stabilization just like the ZV That should smooth out handheld shooting pretty well though don t expect miracles for walk and talk type vlogging ーespecially if rolling sensor wobble proves to be an issue nbsp Size wise the ZV E is smaller than any of the A series cameras at grams and isn t much larger and heavier than the ZV It lacks an electronic viewfinder but it s Sony s first APS C mirrorless camera with a fully articulating flip out screen ーa basic requirement on any vlogging camera these days nbsp SonyThe ZV E comes with Sony s latest phase detect autofocus system both for video and still shooting That means you should get incredibly quick subject tracking along with reliable eye face and head detect autofocus It also has an S amp Q slow amp quick feature that lets you record time lapse and slow motion footage in camera without the need for any post processing work It borrows several vlogging features directly from the ZV The first is called quot product showcase quot a setting that allows it to instantly focus away from your face and onto an object placed in front of the camera That s particularly handy for vloggers reviewing products devices etc nbsp SonyThe other is a bokeh switch that instantly sets the lowest f stop available for lighting conditions That way you can have the background as defocused as possible allowing your subject to stand out clearly nbsp The ZV E has a built in high quality three way microphone left right and central channels that s designed to pick out your voice That means you can vlog without the need to buy a microphone though it still won t match the quality and voice isolation of a dedicated shotgun or lapel mic It also comes with a hotshoe attached muff to help block wind noise and if that s not enough a wind noise reduction setting It also comes with a microphone input though not a headphone output nbsp Finally if you re into live streaming you can connect the ZV E directly to a smartphone via the USB C port and stream directly to YouTube or other services ーmuch as you can with Panasonic s latest GH II It will also work directly as a webcam streaming both video and audio not just video like other cameras so you can take advantage of its high quality microphone nbsp The ZV E will be available in either black or white by the end of August and will cost for the body or in a bundle including Sony s mm F power zoom lens nbsp |
2021-07-27 14:27:31 |
海外TECH |
The Apache Software Foundation Blog |
The Apache Cassandra Project Releases Apache® Cassandra™ v4.0, the Fastest, Most Scalable and Secure Cassandra Yet |
The Apache Cassandra Project Releases ApacheCassandrav the Fastest Most Scalable and Secure Cassandra YetOpen Source enterprise grade Big Data distributed database powers mission critical deployments with improved performance and unparalleled levels of scale in the CloudWilmington DE ー July ー nbsp The Apache Cassandra Project released today v of ApacheCassandra the Open Source highly performant distributed Big Data database management platform quot A long time coming Cassandra is the most thoroughly tested Cassandra yet quot said Nate McCall Vice President of Apache Cassandra quot The latest version is faster more scalable and bolstered with enterprise security features ready for production with unprecedented scale in the Cloud quot As a NoSQL database Apache Cassandra handles massive amounts of data across load intensive applications with high availability and no single point of failure Cassandra s largest production deployments include Apple more than instances storing over petabytes of data across clusters Huawei more than instances across clusters and Netflix more than instances storing petabytes across clusters with over trillion requests per day among many others Cassandra originated at Facebook in entered the Apache Incubator in January and graduated as an Apache Top Level Project in February Apache Cassandra vCassandra v effortlessly handles unstructured data with thousands of writes per second Three years in the making v reflects more than bug fixes improvements and new features that include Increased speed and scalability streams data up to times faster during scaling operations and up to faster throughput on reads and writes that delivers a more elastic architecture particularly in Cloud and Kubernetes deployments Improved consistency keeps data replicas in sync to optimize incremental repair for faster more efficient operation and consistency across data replicas Enhanced security and observability audit logging tracks users access and activity with minimal impact to workload performance New capture and replay enables analysis of production workloads to help ensure regulatory and security compliance with SOX PCI GDPR or other requirements New configuration settings exposed system metrics and configuration settings provides flexibility for operators to ensure they have easy access to data that optimize deployments Minimized latency garbage collector pause times are reduced to a few milliseconds with no latency degradation as heap sizes increase Better compression improved compression efficiency eases unnecessary strain on disk space and improves read performance Cassandra is community hardened and tested by Amazon Apple DataStax Instaclustr iland Netflix and others that routinely run clusters as large as nodes and with hundreds of real world use cases and schemas nbsp The Apache Cassandra community deployed several testing and quality assurance QA projects and methodologies to deploy the most stable release yet During the testing and QA period the community generated reproducible workloads that are as close to real life as possible while effectively verifying the cluster state against the model without pausing the workload itself quot In our experience nothing beats Apache Cassandra for write scaling and we re looking forward to the performance and management improvements in the release quot said Elliott Sims Senior Systems Administrator at Backblaze quot We rely on Cassandra to manage over one exabyte of customer data and serve over billion files for our customers across countries so optimizing Cassandra s capabilities and performance means a lot to us quot quot Since software engineers at Bloomberg have turned to Apache Cassandra because it s easy to use easy to scale and always available quot said Isaac Reath Software Engineering Team Lead NoSQL Infrastructure at Bloomberg quot Today Cassandra is used to support a variety of our applications from low latency storage of intraday financial market data to high throughput storage for fixed income index publication We serve up more than billion requests per day on a nearly PB dataset across a fleet of Cassandra nodes quot quot Netflix uses Apache Cassandra heavily to satisfy its ever growing persistence needs on its mission to entertain the world We have been experimenting and partially using the beta in our environments and its features like Audit Logging and backpressure quot said Vinay Chella Netflix Engineering Manager and Apache Cassandra Committer quot Apache Cassandra s improved performance helps us reduce infrastructure costs s stability and correctness allow us to focus on building higher level abstractions on top of data store compositions which results in increased developer velocity and optimized data store access patterns Apache Cassandra is faster secure and enterprise ready I highly suggest giving it a try in your environments today quot quot Apache Cassandra s contributors have worked hard to deliver Cassandra as the project s most stable release yet ready for deployment to production critical Cloud services quot said Scott Andreas Apache Cassandra Contributor quot Cassandra also brings new features such as faster host replacements active data integrity assertions incremental repair and better compression The project s investment in advanced validation tooling means that Cassandra users can expect a smooth upgrade Once released Cassandra will also provide a stable foundation for development of future features and the database s long term evolution quot Apache Cassandra is in use at Activision Apple Backblaze BazaarVoice Best Buy Bloomberg Engineering CERN Constant Contact Comcast DoorDash eBay Fidelity GitHub Hulu ING Instagram Intuit Macy s Macquarie Bank Microsoft McDonalds Netflix New York Times Monzo Outbrain Pearson Education Sky Spotify Target Uber Walmart Yelp and thousands of other companies that have large active data sets In fact Cassandra is used by of the Fortune Select Apache Cassandra case studies are available at nbsp In addition to Cassandra the Project also announced a shift to a yearly release cycle with releases to be supported for a three year term Catch Apache Cassandra in action through presentations from the April Cassandra World Party Availability and OversightApache Cassandra software is released under the Apache License v and is overseen by a volunteer self selected team of active contributors to the project A Project Management Committee PMC guides the Project s day to day operations including community development and product releases For downloads documentation and ways to become involved with Apache Cassandra visit and About Apache CassandraApache Cassandra is an Open Source distributed wide column store NoSQL database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers providing high availability with no single point of failure Cassandra offers robust support for clusters spanning multiple datacenters with asynchronous masterless replication allowing low latency operations for all clients Apache Cassandra is used in some of the largest data management deployments in the world including nearly half of the Fortune The Apache Software Foundation quot Apache quot quot Cassandra quot quot Apache Cassandra quot and quot ApacheCon quot are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation in the United States and or other countries All other brands and trademarks are the property of their respective owners nbsp nbsp |
2021-07-27 15:00:06 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
新型コロナウイルス感染症への証券関係機関等・各証券会社の対応について(リンク集) |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-07-27 14:40:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
BIS決済・市場インフラ委員会および証券監督者国際機構による報告書「『金融市場インフラのための原則』の実施状況に関するモニタリング(金融市場インフラの業務継続計画)」について掲載しました。 |
業務継続計画 |
2021-07-27 15:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
監査監督機関国際フォーラムによる「監査市場における国際的に関連する取組」について掲載しました。 |
関連 |
2021-07-27 15:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
With ‘King’ Kohei gone, royal rumble set for all-around crown |
With King Kohei gone royal rumble set for all around crownWith King Kohei Uchimura having stepped down there will be a new Olympic all around men s gymnastics champion crowned at the Tokyo Games on Wednesday |
2021-07-27 23:01:43 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Culture of cover-up saw hundreds of children abused in Lambeth, report finds |
london |
2021-07-27 14:38:44 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tokyo Olympics: Simone Biles out of women's team final as Russian Olympic Committee win gold |
Tokyo Olympics Simone Biles out of women x s team final as Russian Olympic Committee win goldSimone Biles pulled out of the gymnastics women s team final at Tokyo before her United States team went on to claim silver |
2021-07-27 14:05:39 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: PM warns against 'premature conclusions' as cases fall |
covid |
2021-07-27 14:16:48 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Contaminated-blood inquiry: Former Health Minister Clarke denies responsibility |
blood |
2021-07-27 14:06:01 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Whipps Cross Hospital cancels operations after flooding |
whipps |
2021-07-27 14:05:51 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tokyo Olympics: Charlotte Dujardin performs as GB earn team dressage bronze |
tokyo |
2021-07-27 14:46:15 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Vunipola, Murray and Harris to start second Lions Test |
chris |
2021-07-27 14:27:19 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tokyo Olympics: Great Britain - including Charlotte Dujardin - win team dressage bonze |
Tokyo Olympics Great Britain including Charlotte Dujardin win team dressage bonzeCharlotte Dujardin moves alongside Katherine Grainger as Great Britain s most decorated female Olympian as she claims team dressage bronze |
2021-07-27 14:14:13 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tokyo Olympics: Team GB's gymnasts give emotional interview after bronze medal win |
Tokyo Olympics Team GB x s gymnasts give emotional interview after bronze medal winGreat Britain s bronze medal winning gymnastic quartet describe their achievement as a dream we didn t think was possible |
2021-07-27 14:24:02 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Gold for GB swimmer who overcame Covid twice |
olympics |
2021-07-27 14:40:55 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
女子日本、準々決勝進出 サッカー・27日 |
準々決勝 |
2021-07-27 23:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
男女とも準々決勝で敗れる バスケ3人制・27日 |
準々決勝 |
2021-07-27 23:15:00 |
仮想通貨 |
BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
[Bloomberg] ゴールドマンの資産運用部門、暗号資産関連ETF提供を申請 |
bloomberg |
2021-07-27 23:53:05 |