IT |
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2021-07-28 17:22:00 |
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2021-07-28 17:52:23 |
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2021-07-28 17:49:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
The Most POWERFUL [JavaScript] Function |
The Most POWERFUL JavaScript Function ltag user id follow action button background color d important color ffffff important border color d important Clean Code StudioFollow Clean Code StudioClean Code Clean Life Simplify Today we are going to learn about the most powerful function I believe that exists within the entirety of JavaScript The video above is a screencast I created a while back that covers most of these examples in real time Some examples are better understood via text hence this blog while other examples are better understood via screencast hence the youtube video If you feel bored with the beginner examples skip ahead there are much more advanced examples towards the bottom Array reduceWhat does reduce do Well here s the technical definition of reduce Array prototype reduce The reduce method executes a reducer function that you provide on each element of the array resulting in a single output value Not very helpful if you ask me so LET S LEARN BY DOING Using Reduce The most powerful function in all of JS Find total of all numbers summed reduce total number gt total number loop loop loop loop returns Find total of all numbers multiplied reduce total number gt total number As shown it s pretty easy to add or multiply all of the numbers in an array But c mon I said reduce is THE MOST POWERFUL FUNCTION IN ALL OF JS Obviously there has to be more to reduce right Let s say we have and Let s say we want to get some of the values Or more specifically we want to filter the values and only return the values if they are less than Normally we can simply use the filter function and only return the numbers if they are less than Array Filter using reduce filter number gt number lt Well with reduce we can do the exact same thing reduce list number gt number lt list number list And lala we replaced filter with reduce pretty cool but let s be honest This STILL DOESN T justify reduce as being THE MOST POWERFUL FUNCTION IN ALL OF JavaScript What if I told you we could continue down this path and replace just about every array function in JavaScript using reduce Re creating Array some using Array reduce some number gt number lt returns true We have some numbers in the array are less than Using reduce we simply set the initial value to false If the condition is already true then we return the condition If the condition is not already true then we check if the current number meets our condition reduce condition number gt condition true condition number lt false Notice this time we start with a bool false as our initial value instead of using a number or an array We have now summed multiplied filtered and re created some aka conditionally checking something on our array using reduce We could go on to also replace the Array every function using Array reduce but since that is similar to replacing Array some using Array reduce we ll just note that we can easily do that as well What about Array join using Array reduce Replacing Array join with Array reduce truck car people join truck car people Using Array reduce we can code the following truck car people reduce text word gt text word truck car people Notice the output has a preceding dash at the front The callback function accepted as the first argument for the Array reduce function accepts more parameters We can use the third accepted parameters to track our index for our reduce function truck car people reduce text word index gt index word text word truck car people With that rd parameter set up this reduce function will now act exactly how the original Array join actsWith that so far we have used reduce to replace Array mapArray filterArray every Array someArray join Array concat using ReduceWhat about concat Where you can concat an array of and with another array concat hey world mars hey world mars How would you concat or combine arrays reduce hey world mars reduce list array gt list array hey world mars What s cool about combining arrays using Array reduce is that we can concat as many arrays as we want to Simply by passing in more arrays we will automatically combine aka concatenate them using reduce With that we have replicated Array concat using Array reduceLet s get into a few more examples First let s create a few people let sarah name sarah email sarah gmail com id let tim name tim email tim gmail com id let len name len email len gmail com id Grouping People By Names using Array reduceExample of what we want when we group people by namespeople len Gets Len name len email len gmail com id people sarah Gets sarah name sarah email sarah gmail com id Grouping people by their names using reduceMake the initial value for our reduce function an objectBuild an object where The key is the person s name person name The value is the person object person name person Example That won t work let people sarah tim len reduce people person gt person name person people In the example above we ll get an errorUncaught SyntaxError Unexpected token Whenever we use a short hand function to return an object we need to wrap it in parenthesesWrap the returned object s brackets in parentheses to fix the errorlet people sarah tim len reduce people person gt person name person people And lala we now have a people object where the people are grouped by their nameIf we go people len we get lenpeople len name len email len gmail com id If we go people sarah we get sarahpeople sarah name sarah email sarah gmail com id If we go people tim we get timpeople tim name tim email tim gmail com id If we want all of our people people sarah name sarah email sarah gmail com id tim name tim email tim gmail com id len name len email len gmail com id Plucking an array of values by a given key using ReduceMore than that what if we wanted to get just the names of the people let names sarah tim len reduce names person gt names person name sarah tim len What if we wanted to get just the emails of the people let emails sarah tim len reduce emails person gt emails person email sarah gmail com tim gmail com len gmail com Flattening multiple levels of nested Arrays using ReduceMore than that what if we had an array of nested arrays let list of arrays sub one sub two sub three nested sub one nested sub two nested sub three nested sub four one two three Let s take our list of arrays and lets of course use reducelist of arrays reduce flattened item gt if Array isArray item false return flattened item if Array isArray item amp amp Array isArray item return flattened item reduced flatten nested list gt flatten nested list return flattened item And lala we ve flattened our list of multiple level nested arrays Output sub one sub two sub three nested sub one nested sub two nested sub three nested sub four one two three Note We only handled nested sub arrays up to levels deep but you could of course spend some more time on the function and use recursion to pretty simply flatten an array infinite nested levels deep using reduce More POWERFUL use cases for Reduce Alright so now let s dive into some of the more Powerful not as oftenly used use cases for Array reduce Apply Formatters on StringsI m going to start off with an array of strings let strings cool link hello world of javascript goodbye its been swell Next let s create an array of formatters Normally I d call these filters but they re not really filters They re just formatting the string These formatters are actually going to be callback functions First we ll create a dashes to spaces formatter replace dashes with spaces Will use regex to implement this formatter let dashesToSpaces str gt str replace g Next we ll create a capitalize string formatter let capitalize str gt str toUpperCase str slice Then we ll create a string limiter formatter If the string is greater than a given length replace the characters after that length limit with three dots let limiter str gt str length gt str slice str Finally we ll create a formatters array with all of our string formatters let formatters dashesToSpaces capitalize limiter Remember we have our array of strings let strings cool link hello world of javascript goodbye its been swell Our Goal Our goal is to apply every single formatter from our formatters array onto every single string from our strings array Using reduce we can simply do this like so strings reduce list str gt formatters reduce string format gt format string str list And just like that we used reduce to apply an array of formatters on an array of strings Original Strings Array cool link hello world of javascript goodbye its been swell Output After using reduce to apply string formatters Goodbye i Hello worl Cool link Group students by rooms using reduce First let s create some studentslet students name Sally room A name tim room A name nick room B name rick room C name sarah room B name pam room C We want to group the students by their roomSo what we re going to do is use students reduce students reduce class rooms student gt Notice we use the parentheses around the object we re implicitly returning again When we use a short hand function to return an object we have to use syntax if we attempt to directly return an object without the wrapping we ll get an error Next we want to use the student room as the key students reduce class rooms student gt rooms student room rooms student room rooms student room student student Now we have our students grouped by their rooms classes A name sally room A name tim room A B name nick room B name sarah room B C name rick room C name pam room C We have successfully grouped our students by their rooms so that is how we group by reduce So guys that s about all I ve got with reduce I guess the biggest takeaway is that reduce is a super method it really is You can do just about anything you can do with any other Array method using reduce Instead of going Array filter map filter forEach you could use a single reduce function to accomplish the same goal If you need to group a whole bunch of object by their keys use reduce If you need to pluck the values related to a given key Use reduce If you need to apply multiple filters but don t want to raise the time complexity by iterating multiple times over through the same array use reduce If you want to flatten an array of nested arrays where each nested array may have more nested array while each nested array also may not have any nested arrays Use reduce If you need to sum some number multiply some numbers subtract sum numbers or do some arithmetic of any sort reduce works again What if you need to combine some arrays Use reduce What if you need to combine some objects Use reduce What if you want to have a method in your back pocket that you know can do it all and just makes you feel more powerful and efficient as a software engineer Use reduce In my opinion forEach is the most over rated method in the JavaScript eco system and reduce is the most under rated method in the JS eco system As a final example of how cool reduce is let s take this final example name Clean Code Studio belief Simplify should follow Si senor reduce last example partial gt last example partial What does this return It merges all of the objects name Clean Code Studio belief Simplify should follow Si senor ltag user id follow action button background color d important color ffffff important border color d important Clean Code StudioFollow Clean Code StudioClean Code Clean Life Simplify Using reduce you can filter you can apply you can apply a list of callbacks you can flatten merge combine I highly recommend that you become familiar competent and over all familiar when it comes to using reduce So again using reduce you have two parameters accumulator callback functioninitial value used during the first iteration by the accumulator callback function reduce accumulatorCallbackFunction initialValue The Accumulator callback function has four parametersaccumulator the value returned from the callback function after each iterationitem element from the array index the index for the current element being passed into the accumulator callbacksource the original array reduce is being called onlet initial let callback accumulator item index source gt reduce callback initial Finally the last bonus tip what if you want to break out of reduce before you re done iterating through all of the items reduce build item index source gt source slice index By slicing the source array at the given index you ll break out of the reduce functions loop thus if you have a big data set you can stop using computational resources once a condition is met With that I ll close out by saying I highly recommend practicing reduce It is the JavaScript function that I have found the absolute most use out of So many times reduce has been the solution to solving complex coding challenges in a concise and to the point way For demo s on every single Array reduce concept we covered here Checkout the screencast I created we dive deep into reduce We start from simple and build up to eventually cover all of the examples shared in this post Thanks for tuning in and if you have any comments questions or concerns the comment section is right below Clean Code StudioClean Code Clean LifeSimplify ltag user id follow action button background color d important color ffffff important border color d important Clean Code StudioFollow Clean Code StudioClean Code Clean Life Simplify Did you know I have a newsletter If you want to get notified when I publish new blog posts or make major project announcements head over to |
2021-07-28 08:35:17 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to get 100 stars every day on GitHub? |
How to get stars every day on GitHub So let s start off with proof that this actually works This is a screenshot of my repo gt Insights gt Traffic where I see all the views of my repo which has just started to blow up with views Here is my repo by the way if you want to check it out MatthewTamYT LearnPython Everything you need to know about learning Python is here This is a catalog that teaches you how to code in Python In fact everything you need to know from beginner to intermediate is here Even experts could learn from this Steps to Getting StarsSo here are of the most important steps to getting more views on GitHub Feel free to go through them step by step while modifying your own repo So let s get started Repo ContentYou might be surprised but different repo types get very different kind of views After thorough experimentation I have found that tutorials on how to code a certain language racks up a lot of views In fact mine got stars on the first day it launched without advertising The second most popular type of repo is one that is not just a game or somewhat but something that actually makes something better like IDE plugins etc Of course you could do more experiments on popular repos READMEIf you are reading this article I am assuming that you really want more views and stars on your repo and that you have already gone through other articles about a pretty README I hate to break it to you but it s true Spend time on your README Make sure you get a good logo in black and white for your README Then maybe add a GIF right below it followed by some Shields io If you need a tutorial on Shields I recommend this video The best example for this is my repo on Breakout Social CardThe Social Card is the first image people see when clicking into a sharable link of your repo People could see that it looks good and star it anyways The truth is many people star because it looks nice and appealing not because it is useful Spend some time on appearance and you may get crazy results If you want to know more about how you should create a logo watch this YouTube video I made and please subscribe if you like it AdvertisementI have found out that Reddit contrary to public belief does not actually work a charm However posting to Dev to this website actually got me thousands of views a day Hacker news does not work too good either Of course this varies project to project I am just trying to tell you what happened to my repo Here is what I posted to Dev to The Best Way to Learn Python Beginners Friendly Matthew Tam・Jul ・ min read python beginners tutorial programming Community Bits and BobsGo to the Insights tab click Community and finish all the tasks there GitHub is more likely to promote your project if you meet community guidelines This is a very quick step but very effective Bonus StargazersThis is a project where you can display the names of your stars in a beautiful yet informative way Huge thanks to NastyOx for this project Bonus UnlicensePeople don t like it when you tell them what they can and can t do That s why you should choose the Unlicense License so people are free to copy or reproduce your product Bonus CommentYou can comment down below and give your repo name and what it does I will check it out I promise |
2021-07-28 08:34:28 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Difference Between React And Angular. A Comparison Guide For 2021 |
Difference Between React And Angular A Comparison Guide For IntroductionHello again dear friends and accidental bypassers Today we would like to discuss the factual difference between two web developing mainstays React and Angular Bear in mind we don t want to put the two up against each other Our goal is to explore the difference between them to highlight the stronger and weaker sides of both The reasoning behind such an outlook on our topic is quite simple both Angular and React are undoubtedly exceptionally good and functional That s why it would be a disservice to the cause to try to categorically decide which one is better than the other That being said such a topic would be unable to exist without any comparisons at all We would collate and find a sort of champion in some categories And now let s get down to business Overview of ReactWhen discussing a topic like ours it is quite mandatory to do it justice And to do that we need to discuss our compared participants separately first So now would be a perfect time to give you a little overview of what React is and how it functions So by official documentation React is “a library for building composable user interfaces It encourages the creation of reusable UI components which present data that changes over time Quite a definition although quite easy to understand But let s try to explain it even easier React is a useful tool that one can use to create all kinds of websites and webapps It was created by Facebook and Jordan Walke in and since then has been an irreplaceable part of many JavaScript front end developers lives gathering a huge following of contributors It is flexible fast scalable and powerful which no doubt about it plays a crucial part in being one of the best tools for creating dynamic and interactive web apps with ease Furthermore React s developing and ever growing user base allows for quick and efficient issue solving as there is always a ton of people able to contribute their knowledge and advice in the time of need It is also pretty simple to work with making it a good choice for those who only start their work with JavaScript frameworks But wait even that s not all Since there is also been a little useful addition to the whole matter called React Native which is used for the creation of native mobile apps But we are not getting in its depth today leaving this topic for another time Now let s take a little peak at what features does React possess JSX Not necessary to use but quite convenient nonetheless JSX is JavaScript s legacy in React Put simply it is a syntax tool that helps React to understand how the UI should look In a way JSX creates React s elements Rather than artificially separating technologies by putting markup and logic in separate files React separates responsibility through loosely coupled units called “components that contain both markup and logic with JSX s help Components As we ve already mentioned components are the loosely coupled units containing both markup and logic Or to paraphrase components are independent and reusable bits of code They serve the same purpose as JavaScript functions but work in isolation And frankly speaking React is based on these things And they are quite helpful to say the least as they allow for easier code maintenance and higher readability while working on large scale projects Unidirectional data flow and Flux Flux is a pattern implemented in React that helps to keep your whole data flow one directional That in turn complement s React s composable view components Virtual Document Object Model Usage Being a JavaScript library React utilizes virtual Document Object Model which when compared to regular DOM provides higher app performance There are also some pros and cons worth mentioning when talking about React React js Pros React is as we ve already mentioned is pretty easy to learn making it a good choice for novice front end developers React s syntax is HTML like which allows for highly detailed documentation and templating React support such a useful feature as server side rendering Also there are a number of versions of React the transition between them is seamless There is no frame specific code when it comes to React which allows the convenient usage of Javascript React js Cons React s documentation might appear lacking and poor when compared to other frameworks and libraries The full view of Model View Controller is unavailable supporting only part of MVC view Also easy to learn the React itself JSC might be a concerning barrier for new developers All that being said React also has other limitations such as being a front end library which means covering only the view layer of the app thus creating a need to use other technologies to complete the full developer tooling set and a slight increase in the learning curve for new developers due to the usage of inline templating and JSX But nonetheless when it comes to creating multiple events apps as well as creating sharable components for the app React has few competitors And that s not taking into consideration the exceptional convenience in the situations when your app needs personalized solutions And now we would like to debunk a couple of misconceptions about React the first being the mistaken belief that React is in fact a framework It is simply not as React as we have already mentioned is a library And because of that React mostly focuses on the view layer of the app helping to make handling it gradually easier as well as easing its integration into a project much smoother Misbelief number two can be summarized as “JSX is mandatory when using React It is most certainly not It is not even a hard requirement but simply put there is an ability to use JSX when using React And we see few reasons not to use it The final misconception about React we want to mention is the belief that React needs Redux for its ecosystem We won t try to argue with the fact that Redux is indeed commonly used with React And it proves to be quite a useful tool as modern developers quite frequently need to juggle many states between various components and handling complex apps might become somewhat problematic That s where Redux comes into play because it is an open source JavaScript library and it was created to help in solving such problems And while being exceptionally handy when used in combination with React Redux is not the only solution for this kind of problem There are plenty of state management tools on the market today to help you manage your React s state management Summarizing it is ought to be said that React is one of the best open source front end JavaScript libraries for user interface development on the market today and presumably would hold this position for many years to come Overview of AngularNow let s have a closer look at the other today s web development mainstay Angular And first and foremost let s get to know what it is and what it is used for Angular is a TypeScript based open source web application framework It was created in by Google and not so long ago in May of Angular has got a stable release This framework is mainly used for client applications creation and is widely used as one of the best tools for single page applications front end It is also one of the oldest but not worth from it frameworks on the market today and due to terrific support and backing of a humongous number of contributors Angular is extremely convenient for the knowledgeable but has a pretty steep learning curve for the new users Angular is perfect for any development team that looks ready to use full stack solutions scalable feature rich apps or for creating performance oriented web solutions An important thing to keep in mind is that Angular and AngularJS are not the same The key differences are as follows Angular uses hierarchy of components as its primary architectural characteristic AngularJS on the other hand uses the concept of “scope as such Angular and AngularJS expression syntax are different as Angular uses “ for property binding and “ for event binding Angular possesses the ability of dynamic loading while AngularJS lacks that Angular also possesses the support for Angular Universal giving it the ability to run apps on servers Due to the recommended use of Microsoft s TypeScript language Angular has Static typing Generics included and Annotations Much of Angular s core functionality has moved to modules Angular is able to support asynchronous template compilations Now just as well as with React let s take a look at Angular s pros and cons Angular Pros Angular follows clean code development It has an interface that reminisces material design With the help of Angular CLI the process of updating becomes seamless Angular is after all being said just an exceptional high performing full stack framework Angular Cons Learning curve might be steep There is a need of knowing TypeScript and other components that are specific to Angular Angular s documentation is not all inclusive Despite being a full stack solution there still can be situations that will require third party integrations And these integrations might be complicated Switching between versions can be challenging Overall Angular uses TypeScript and HTML to build apps as well as being written on TypeScript itself It also comes with such features as Directives Forms Pipes HTTP Services Dependency Injection and many many more making it a terrific framework for building sophisticated complex web and mobile applications adapted for every device imaginable There are also some misconceptions concerning Agular that we would like to touch upon for some clarification First of them is the belief that Angular is exclusively a JavaScript Library This one is not true as Angular is a framework rather than a library and it has quite a lot of design patterns application like modules and templates It also has very responsive support and many more single page web app designing oriented elements The second misconception about Angular is the belief that apps created with Angular are slower than the ones made on different frameworks This misconception is mostly perpetrated due to poor execution of the apps created on Angular as well as some bad design elements in the core framework But don t think that Angular itself has no sins in that regard as previous versions used to be requested from the server and modules used to be compiled using JIT resulting in slower app response times Now it should also be mentioned that the latest version of Angular has a feature called AOT Ahead of Time compilation which improves app performance in a significant way Now let s get to the third misconception “Using TypeScript is mandatory with Angular This is one of the biggest Angular misconceptions as TypeScript is not a necessity but one of Angular s biggest advantages And it can be easily replaced with ES JavaScript for app development The fourth and last misconception about Angular we would like to discuss here is the belief that Angular lacks State Management and thus is not compatible with Redux and Flux Let us put it this way as web apps become more and more complicated each and everyday state management becomes more and more vital accordingly And while AngularJS wasn t very fitting in that regard the latest Angular framework is as it is designed to provide devs with options on how to use their libraries more efficiently And that includes state management libraries such as Redux and Flux which are based on unidirectional data flow So all that being said we hope you are now persuaded that rivalry based comparison is not possible in this particular pairing as also mostly serving the same purpose both React and Angular are unique in their own ways and are both useful in different situations Thus in the following parts of the article we are going to describe the particular differences between the two and suggest the situations in which each is more fitting React s Unique Features That Angular LacksNow we are going to discuss the most interesting part of this whole article the actual comparison of the two titans And first of all let s do a quick run through some things React and Angular do have in common One Way Data Binding As you might know data binding is the effort of synchronizing data between UI and logic One way data binding in this case refers to the process of binding data from the components to DOM or the other way around meaning that it is strictly unidirectional And both Angular and React use one way data binding but carry with us there is going to be a little twist later Component Based Architecture Both React and Angular approach building their architectures based on replaceable independent substitutable and modular components in order to increase the code s reusability and simplify the whole process But there is a difference in the libraries they choose to use as React is after all not a framework but a library and thus uses such supporting tools as Redux WebPack Babel etc Angular on the other hand is a framework and a full stack one at that This means that it has many out of the box possibilities such as RxJS Angular CLI Angular Universal etc Summing this point up it should be said that while both React and Angular have unique ecosystems React s one is easier to understand and much more flexible but depends on external integrations much more than Angular The latter on the other hand can provide a decent comprehensive solution without the need for any external integrations but due to its independence from them it is much less flexible Community Support Both React and Angular have huge numbers of people using them creating and sharing templates on them This can make the actual process of working on your own project much easier because in case of running into a dead end it is always possible to turn to the community for their help and advice Now let s talk about features that are unique to React and are not possessed by Angular First of them is the upper mentioned extreme flexibility In actuality the thing that could have been React s greatest weakness dependency on third party extensions proves to be one of its biggest strengths By using all sorts of tools with various libraries and architecture for developers to choose from React can provide you with the possibility to create an impressively customizable app Angular is lacking in that regard as it only allows its components to be used with other frameworks And that s not mentioning the fact that the code needs to be embedded with an HTML application making delivering real time updates harder The second feature that React has is a very open and welcoming app structure Angular s app structure is complicated and fixed which can be good for experienced devs in its own right But React s app structure welcomes all and any as it gives developers the freedom of choice by following a component based architecture Expanding UI toolset is the third unique feature of React This feature is the outcome of React s flexibility but it should be mentioned nonetheless Thanks to the community it has React s UI toolset expands exponentially as new tools are developed and tested Angular s set of tools for material design components is on the other hand fixed and built in And as it may make the user interface configuration much faster and easier it might also restrict the creative flow as you can only work with what you have from the very beginning And the fourth React s unique feature is its superior state management Don t get us wrong we don t say that Angular s state management is bad in any way But thanks to external state management libraries such as Redux or MobX for example React which is built in a way that every component has its state allows for swift and convenient state management of every single component as well as groups of components Angular s Unique Features That React LacksNow let s talk about the features that Angular possesses and React lacks First of all as was promised we take a look at a little twist we were talking about when discussing data binding Both React and Angular as we ve already said are implementing one way data binding but Angular is also capable of two way data binding It means that Angular is able to share data between a component class and its template and if data is changed in one place it will automatically reflate at the other end For example if the value of the input box is changed then it will also update the value of the attached property in a component class Second feature that Angular has is the ease and simplicity of updating As Angular is independent from any third party components the updating process is seamless and in fact fully automated from the developer s end of the ordeal React on the other hand has a harder process in that regard as the third party components need to be checked upon for updates And the third and final feature can be somewhat controversial as we suggest that Angular s higher learning curve can be somewhat of a positive feature in itself Yes it is harder to understand for an up and coming developer but once mastered it allows for terrific and ever reliable results Conclusions to haveAs we ve already established in the opening both React and Angular are true mastodons of the front end open source development and most certainly will hold on to their high rankings for years to come But as with everything in life they are not ideal and both have a plenty of unique features drawbacks mixed bags and blessings in disguise And it s up to you to decide whether the higher creative freedom that React provides are your cup of tea more or if it is strict and reliable ways that Angular provides Or maybe it is the combination of two that you are able to master And as always have a nice day and feel free to read up on more of our articles About FlatlogicAt Flatlogic we help businesses to speed up web development with our beautifully designed web amp mobile application templates built with React Vue Angular React Native and Bootstrap During the last several years we have successfully delivered more than custom dashboards and data management solutions to various clients starting from innovative startups to established and respected enterprises You might also like these articles Javascript Tabs Save Space Examples Of Tabbed WidgetsTop Open Source And Paid React Charts Examples Open Source React Navbars Some Pitfalls And Things To Consider |
2021-07-28 08:31:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Operating Systems: Introduction |
Operating Systems Introduction What is O S It is software that manages a computer s hardware To put it more concretely it acts as an interface between hardware and software For example have you ever wondered how does printf in C print in Python println in Java function displays stuff on the console The majority of you haven t Let s take the example of printf function of C language When you try to print some stuff on the console using printf blah blah the internal code of printf makes a system call write which is provided by your operating system windows mac linux etc Its because of this write call you can display things on the console The code for this write call is veryy complex as it is used to access the hardware your monitor In a world devoid of operating systems think how complex it would be to just print stuff on the console I didn t even mention the complexity of reading input Duties of O S It acts as a resource allocator The resource here means CPU memory RAM ROM printer scanner etc facing numerous possibly conflicting requests to the printer for example the OS must decide how to allocate the printer to requesting programs or processes to be more precise It acts as a manager It manages memory processes files security etc In a simple sense you can think it does book keeping job in a library The primary goal of an operating system is convenience to the end users Being efficient is the secondary goal surprisingly Types of O S Assume we have single CPU until unless specified Batch Operating SystemJobs once arrived are addressed in First In First Out Order For example let s say we have jobs J J J coming in order Then unless J completes its execution J and J are not executed The major disadvantage here is even if J needs more IO Input Output time thereby keeping CPU idle still J J is not executed or starved in OS lingo Multiprogramming Operating SystemThe definition varies from author to author so take it with a pinch of salt The idea behind multiprogramming is CPU should not be idle Taking the above example if J goes for IO then CPU can happily execute J If J also goes for IO CPU can execute J So it seems like this is the best approach There s a problem here for example let s say J takes unit time J takes unit time and J takes unit time to execute and no IO is involved for any of the jobs Now if J arrives first it will not leave CPU for loooong time and thereby starving J and J which otherwise would have been executed in less time In operating system lingo this is called non preemptive type of scheduling of jobs because once we start a job we don t stop executing it unless the job itself asks for IO or anything else Multitasking or Time Sharing O S A certain time is given to every process job If it is not completed in that time quantum the process is scheduled later and another process gets the chance In other words it is preemptive multiprogramming Benefit Responsiveness i e Starvation doesn t happen Multiprocessing O S We have more than one CPU which is common these days So idea is to apply multitasking principles to every CPU This scheme is also known as parallelism In simple words assign jobs to every CPU Benefit less costly more efficient than having separate computers more reliable i e if CPU fails still our work is not halted |
2021-07-28 08:30:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to get Thread dump from Heap dump |
How to get Thread dump from Heap dumpRecently I was debugging some nasty deadlocks and as one does in this kind of situation I needed to look into thread dumps Unfortunately for me the only thing I had was heap dump Do not get me wrong heap dumps contain much more information including the needed thread info But heap dumps are also very big can be gigabytes so they are not very practical if you want to share them with a co worker or upload them to online analyzer tools like FastThread All I wanted was a simple text file with the thread dump I started to google and my surprise I was not able to find easy to use tool that can do this Most heap dump analysis tools can show you the thread data but cannot export it in the format that is associated with thread dumps I accepted my faith and continue Until I noticed this nice button in VisualVM that did exactly what I wanted Step by step Open VisualVMVisualVM is a JVM troubleshooting tool it was bundled with JDK and is a standalone free tool It can help you with JMX profiling memory monitoring taking and displaying thread and heap dumps and so much more If you do not have it on your local machine download it and learn how to use it I will definitely improve your troubleshooting capabilities Open your heap dump in VisualVMIt s straightforward Open the heap dump hprof file via the Load Snapshot button Switch to the thread viewAfter the heap dump is loaded in the top left corner of the tab is a dropdown Switch it to Threads Switch the thread view to HTML movedThis is named confusingly but it will do exactly what you need Next to the dropdown is a couple of buttons to switch how the thread view is displayed The first one is the fancy UI and the second one confusingly named HTML will convert the thread info into a thread dump text format This operation will take some time as VisualVM is converting the thread info into the format Copy and pasteNow you can copy the text and enjoy your thread dump One image instead of wordsFor more tips like this you can follow me on Twitter |
2021-07-28 08:25:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Why should you write good commits? |
Why should you write good commits As software engineers who use git or other similar version control systems we tend to write a lot of commits Is investing in good commits a worthwhile investment Why should you write good commits As engineers it s easy to focus on just the code because after all that s what we spend most of our time reading and changing I m going to argue that Git isn t simply a smart diff merger to help us put all code in the same place nor is it just a simple version control system it can be so much more Clearing your head whilst codingOne way I use git commits is to help myself understand what I was doing the day before when writing changing a lot of code It gives me a descriptive context that I can read in order to understand what I was doing the day hours before quicker than just reading the code This is also useful as a way to share with your colleagues some change you want some feedback on what better place to write your intentions than in the commit message itself Example Documenting the codebaseIf you use git to manage your codebase then every single line of code is being documented by the commit messages Along with each change there s a git commit message and if we re able to document each change with some text describing it in a way that s not tied to any external services why not leverage that as a way to document your whole codebase as you write it Easier debuggingLet s pretend that you re working in a codebase where each commit clearly explains the reason why it was added You are now looking at a piece of code and you want to delete it but you don t know if you can Using git blame to check the commit itself lets you understand when and why that change happened You can then know whether you can remove that code if it s not needed because it was added as part of an experiment that has finished for example or whether you should keep it it s really important because the specific version of your DB requires that for example Another git tool that can help us with debugging is git bisect which helps you find out which commit introduced a bug by helping you check commits using binary search In this situation it really helps having atomic commits that have one change only and that are well written so it s easier for the person debugging to figure out which commit introduced the bug but also why we made that specific change to answer questions such as can we revert it And speaking of revert that s another good example of how good commits can help you If each change is isolated in a commit then it s easy to git revert just that specific commit or some to fix a problem in production when speed is crucial OK then what is a “good commit Let s split the commit into two parts the code change and the message The code change should be “atomic meaning it should not break tests and it should be contained in a particular change Good example Implementing a new API endpoint including tests and documentationBad examples Implementing a new API endpoint tests and documentation in three separate commitsImplementing a change to the code and another commit to “fix tests With atomic changes it s easier to run git bisect for finding out problems since you know that every commit keeps the build green so you won t have noise with whatever command you re running to find a particular commit when bisecting and it s easy to git revert it for the exact same reason As for the message it should focus on explaining why the change is being added to the codebase rather than what it s doing since that s already described in the change itself this way when you check a commit for a piece of code you re curious about you can use it to understand why that code was written and its purpose when it s unclear from the code itself What s next OK I managed to convince you and you want to write commit messages that explain the reasoning behind an atomic code change to the code what can you do next When writing a commit message ask yourself whether the message explains well the reason for the change to be added to the codebase When making a commit consider if it can be amended with another commit or if it s an independent change that doesn t break the tests Make reviewing merge requests commit by commit a part of the code review process so that you re only merging good commits into your codebase Share this article with your team and friends who use git ResourcesBecause I m standing on the shoulders of giants here is a selection of talks articles that helped me write this article and have helped me improve my own git commits during my career Joel Chippindale Simplify writing code with deliberate commits talkHow atomic commits make you a better coderPro git book Rewriting history A good talk on git including a story of why git commit messages are usefulThe pro git book is free and a great resource to learn more about git Tom Stuart offers writing git commits as a solution to “Get off the tightrope |
2021-07-28 08:19:35 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
LG will reportedly sell iPhones in its South Korean stores |
LG will reportedly sell iPhones in its South Korean storesRumors swirled last week that LG would start selling iPhones in some of its South Korean stores since it has stopped producing its own smartphones Now LG has confirmed that it will start selling iPhones and other Apple products next month ZDNet has reported nbsp LG and Samsung agreed in to only sell their own smartphones at their respective stores so they wouldn t compete with smaller phone distributors As such when LG started to consider selling iPhones it reportedly faced resistance from a smartphone reseller trade organization Now that it has stopped making its own phones however that group has reportedly signed a new contract that allows LG to sell phones from other manufacturers nbsp On top of selling iPhones starting next month LG will reportedly sell the Watch and other Apple products The company has stores in South Korea so the move could provide a significant boost to Apple It could be to the detriment of Apple s arch rival Samsung though which has essentially had the local smartphone market to itself since LG dropped out nbsp Apple supposedly started negotiating with LG to sell phones in its retail spaces after the Korean company announced it would end production of its own devices Both Samsung and Apple have been offering to pay LG smartphone owners up to won to trade in their phones nbsp |
2021-07-28 08:15:16 |
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2021-07-28 17:15:00 |
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BBC News - Home |
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£1.6bn disability plan aims to tackle inequalities |
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2021-07-28 08:46:01 |
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BBC News - Home |
GB claim relay gold in the pool & silver in rowing - what's happened so far on day five? |
GB claim relay gold in the pool amp silver in rowing what x s happened so far on day five Olympic gold and silver medallists Tom Dean and Duncan Scott help Great Britain win the xm freestyle relay as the team s gold run continues |
2021-07-28 08:16:35 |
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BBC News - Home |
Tokyo Olympics tennis: Andy Murray & Joe Salisbury out of men's doubles |
Tokyo Olympics tennis Andy Murray amp Joe Salisbury out of men x s doublesAndy Murray s bid for an Olympic gold at a third successive Games ends as he and Joe Salisbury lose in the men s doubles semi finals in Tokyo |
2021-07-28 08:03:17 |
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BBC News - Home |
Tokyo Olympics: Geraint Thomas and Tao Geoghegan Hart finish outside top 10 in time trial |
Tokyo Olympics Geraint Thomas and Tao Geoghegan Hart finish outside top in time trialBritain s Geraint Thomas and Tao Geoghegan Hart finish outside the top as Slovenia s Primoz Roglic wins time trial gold at the Tokyo Olympics |
2021-07-28 08:49:11 |
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2021-07-28 17:20:00 |
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2021-07-28 17:05:00 |
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2021-07-28 08:57:49 |
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2021-07-28 08:36:20 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
JR西10月に京阪神60本減便 コロナ影響、利用者が大幅減少 |
感染拡大 |
2021-07-28 17:18:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
米議会襲撃、警官が下院で証言 「銃奪われる」「圧死も」 |
議会 |
2021-07-28 17:06:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
誕生日のサプライズ「脳科学的」正しいタイミング 「ドーパミンが大量放出」される3つの条件とは | リーダーシップ・教養・資格・スキル | 東洋経済オンライン |
東洋経済オンライン |
2021-07-28 17:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
【連載】横浜・八景島シーパラダイスとコラボしたお弁当で、「お絵かきコンテスト」開催! |
八景島シーパラダイス |
2021-07-28 17:45:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
自宅でのスポーツ観戦を豪華に! ハイアット リージェンシー 東京、高級食材が目白押しの「おうちで応援プレート」 |
目白押し |
2021-07-28 17:40:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ASUS、Microsoft Azure Perceptを使用したエッジAIソリューションの開発キット出荷開始 |
azureperceptaudio |
2021-07-28 17:40:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
赤いパワーで猛暑を乗り切れ! ロッテリア「夏のレッドサマー」 |
特別価格 |
2021-07-28 17:15:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
『ウマ娘 プリティーダービー』夏らしい育成ウマ娘&サポートカードが引けるガチャが登場! |
育成 |
2021-07-28 17:15:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
超大型MMORPG『ArcheAge』で熱い夏を吹き飛ばす「どしゃぶりウォーターガン」イベントを開催! |
archeage |
2021-07-28 17:10:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
キリンビール工場見学、10月1日から順次再開へ |
工場見学 |
2021-07-28 08:15:24 |