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カテゴリー等 サイト名等 記事タイトル・トレンドワード等 リンクURL 頻出ワード・要約等/検索ボリューム 登録日
IT 気になる、記になる… 「Google マップ」のiOS版でも今月中にダークモードが利用可能に https://taisy0.com/2021/08/04/143765.html google 2021-08-03 16:35:52
AWS AWS Architecture Blog Expiring Amazon S3 Objects Based on Last Accessed Date to Decrease Costs https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/expiring-amazon-s3-objects-based-on-last-accessed-date-to-decrease-costs/ Expiring Amazon S Objects Based on Last Accessed Date to Decrease CostsOrganizations are using Amazon Simple Storage Service S for building their data lakes websites mobile applications and enterprise applications As the number of objects within your S bucket increases you may want to move older objects into lower cost tiers of Amazon S In some cases you may want to delete the objects altogether to further … 2021-08-03 16:07:07
AWS AWS Big Data Blog Effective data lakes using AWS Lake Formation, Part 5: Securing data lakes with row-level access control https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/big-data/effective-data-lakes-using-aws-lake-formation-part-5-secure-data-lakes-with-row-level-access-control/ Effective data lakes using AWS Lake Formation Part Securing data lakes with row level access controlIncreasingly customers are looking at data lakes as a core part of their strategy to democratize data access across the organization Data lakes enable you to handle petabytes and exabytes of data coming from a multitude of sources in varying formats and gives users the ability to access it from their choice of analytics and … 2021-08-03 16:52:45
AWS AWS Desktop and Application Streaming Blog Amazon WorkSpaces Flexible Workforce Offer Available on August 1, 2021 https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/desktop-and-application-streaming/amazon-workspaces-flexible-workforce-offer-available-on-august-1-2021/ Amazon WorkSpaces Flexible Workforce Offer Available on August Since the beginning of the Covid pandemic we have focused on helping customers scale up quickly on Amazon WorkSpaces As a result our customers were able to run their business continuously while keeping employees safe Customers tell us about their journey and that their mix of remote and in office work will change as they … 2021-08-03 16:27:38
AWS AWS Meet Harjyot Soni, Enterprise Support Senior Manager at Amazon Internet Services Private Limited https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVWWLtiM57s Meet Harjyot Soni Enterprise Support Senior Manager at Amazon Internet Services Private LimitedMeet Harjyot Soni Senior Manager of Enterprise Support team at Amazon Internet Services Private Limited as he shares more about how the team provides customers with expertise supported by comprehensive cloud capabilities Come build with us View open roles at AWS Subscribe More AWS videos More AWS events videos ABOUT AWSAmazon Web Services AWS is the world s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform offering over fully featured services from data centers globally Millions of customers ーincluding the fastest growing startups largest enterprises and leading government agencies ーare using AWS to lower costs become more agile and innovate faster AWS AmazonWebServices CloudComputing AWSCareers 2021-08-03 16:47:13
AWS lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS】S3を利用した Git LFS サーバを作成する【cli版】 https://qiita.com/c0ba1t_coke/items/94ed3a62ab34078a1f92 【AWS】Sを利用したGitLFSサーバを作成する【cli版】SをLFSサーバにしてCodeCommitでGitLFSを使えるようにする目標gitlfsの基本を学ぶAmazonSにGitLFSサーバを超簡単に立てるのcli版を作る環境AWSアカウント所有済みIAMを自由に操れる権限を持っている手順AWSCLIの設定codecommitの権限があるIAMユーザのクレデンシャルを登録するawsconfigure認証情報ヘルパーを設定するgitconfigglobalcredentialhelperawscodecommitcredentialhelpergitconfigglobalcredentialUseHttpPathtruecatgitconfigcredentialhelperawscodecommitcredentialhelperUseHttpPathtrue確認awscodecommitgetrepositoryrepositorynamelfstestREPOSITORYMETADATAarnawscodecommitapnortheastlfstestsshgitcodecommitapnortheastamazonawscomvreposlfstestTTbccdcdfadbfbcaablfstestgitcloneCloningintolfstestwarningYouappeartohaveclonedanemptyrepositorylslfstestlfsサーバ構築用のファイルを保存するSバケット作成awssmbsgitlfstestregionapnortheastmakebucketgitlfstestawsslsgitlfstest準備バケットにyamlファイルとZipファイルを入れておくgitlfsyamlのオブジェクトURLをコピーしておくCloudFormationを構成するjsonファイル作成パラメータで指定するユーザ名とパスワードを記載したJSONを用意しておくparamsjsonParameterKeyGitLfsUsernameParameterValueユーザ名を入れるParameterKeyGitLfsPasswordParameterValueパスワードを入れるコマンドawscloudformationcreatestackstacknamegitlfsservertemplateurlhttpsyamlを保管しているSバケットのURLgitlfsyamlparametersfilepathtoparamsjsoncapabilitiesCAPABILITYIAM各パラメータについてstacknameスタック名を指定任意templateurlスタック作成のためのyamlファイルさっきメモしておいたURLparametersgitlfsuserとpasswordを指定する必要がある。 2021-08-04 01:06:55
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Ubuntu]pyenvでPythonをインストールしようとするとzlibなどがエラーを起こすのを解決した https://qiita.com/ysd_marrrr/items/472162288b9c131f5427 UbuntupyenvでPythonをインストールしようとするとzlibなどがエラーを起こすのを解決したpyenvをど使って新し目のPythonexをインストールするとビルドに失敗することがあります。 2021-08-04 01:16:09
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Goolgle Chromeのブックマークレットを複数タブで動かしたい https://teratail.com/questions/352624?rss=all GoolgleChromeのブックマークレットを複数タブで動かしたい他のサイトを参考に、「開いているページの最新のアーカイブが別ウィンドウで開かれる」というブックマークレットを追加しました。 2021-08-04 01:49:32
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 相対URLを絶対URLに変換した後、実行結果で確認したい場合 https://teratail.com/questions/352623?rss=all 相対URLを絶対URLに変換した後、実行結果で確認したい場合スクレイピングで取得した相対URLを絶対URLに変換したいということで下のコードを書きましたtitleurlslistfor文とextendで作られた相対URLが複数入ったリストimporturllibparsefortitleurlintitleurlslisturllibparseurljointitleurlこちらのコードはエラーが出ず実行できました。 2021-08-04 01:48:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) STSのpom.xmlエラーの解決方法 https://teratail.com/questions/352622?rss=all pomxml 2021-08-04 01:06:01
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS】S3を利用した Git LFS サーバを作成する【cli版】 https://qiita.com/c0ba1t_coke/items/94ed3a62ab34078a1f92 【AWS】Sを利用したGitLFSサーバを作成する【cli版】SをLFSサーバにしてCodeCommitでGitLFSを使えるようにする目標gitlfsの基本を学ぶAmazonSにGitLFSサーバを超簡単に立てるのcli版を作る環境AWSアカウント所有済みIAMを自由に操れる権限を持っている手順AWSCLIの設定codecommitの権限があるIAMユーザのクレデンシャルを登録するawsconfigure認証情報ヘルパーを設定するgitconfigglobalcredentialhelperawscodecommitcredentialhelpergitconfigglobalcredentialUseHttpPathtruecatgitconfigcredentialhelperawscodecommitcredentialhelperUseHttpPathtrue確認awscodecommitgetrepositoryrepositorynamelfstestREPOSITORYMETADATAarnawscodecommitapnortheastlfstestsshgitcodecommitapnortheastamazonawscomvreposlfstestTTbccdcdfadbfbcaablfstestgitcloneCloningintolfstestwarningYouappeartohaveclonedanemptyrepositorylslfstestlfsサーバ構築用のファイルを保存するSバケット作成awssmbsgitlfstestregionapnortheastmakebucketgitlfstestawsslsgitlfstest準備バケットにyamlファイルとZipファイルを入れておくgitlfsyamlのオブジェクトURLをコピーしておくCloudFormationを構成するjsonファイル作成パラメータで指定するユーザ名とパスワードを記載したJSONを用意しておくparamsjsonParameterKeyGitLfsUsernameParameterValueユーザ名を入れるParameterKeyGitLfsPasswordParameterValueパスワードを入れるコマンドawscloudformationcreatestackstacknamegitlfsservertemplateurlhttpsyamlを保管しているSバケットのURLgitlfsyamlparametersfilepathtoparamsjsoncapabilitiesCAPABILITYIAM各パラメータについてstacknameスタック名を指定任意templateurlスタック作成のためのyamlファイルさっきメモしておいたURLparametersgitlfsuserとpasswordを指定する必要がある。 2021-08-04 01:06:55
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【AWS】S3を利用した Git LFS サーバを作成する【cli版】 https://qiita.com/c0ba1t_coke/items/94ed3a62ab34078a1f92 【AWS】Sを利用したGitLFSサーバを作成する【cli版】SをLFSサーバにしてCodeCommitでGitLFSを使えるようにする目標gitlfsの基本を学ぶAmazonSにGitLFSサーバを超簡単に立てるのcli版を作る環境AWSアカウント所有済みIAMを自由に操れる権限を持っている手順AWSCLIの設定codecommitの権限があるIAMユーザのクレデンシャルを登録するawsconfigure認証情報ヘルパーを設定するgitconfigglobalcredentialhelperawscodecommitcredentialhelpergitconfigglobalcredentialUseHttpPathtruecatgitconfigcredentialhelperawscodecommitcredentialhelperUseHttpPathtrue確認awscodecommitgetrepositoryrepositorynamelfstestREPOSITORYMETADATAarnawscodecommitapnortheastlfstestsshgitcodecommitapnortheastamazonawscomvreposlfstestTTbccdcdfadbfbcaablfstestgitcloneCloningintolfstestwarningYouappeartohaveclonedanemptyrepositorylslfstestlfsサーバ構築用のファイルを保存するSバケット作成awssmbsgitlfstestregionapnortheastmakebucketgitlfstestawsslsgitlfstest準備バケットにyamlファイルとZipファイルを入れておくgitlfsyamlのオブジェクトURLをコピーしておくCloudFormationを構成するjsonファイル作成パラメータで指定するユーザ名とパスワードを記載したJSONを用意しておくparamsjsonParameterKeyGitLfsUsernameParameterValueユーザ名を入れるParameterKeyGitLfsPasswordParameterValueパスワードを入れるコマンドawscloudformationcreatestackstacknamegitlfsservertemplateurlhttpsyamlを保管しているSバケットのURLgitlfsyamlparametersfilepathtoparamsjsoncapabilitiesCAPABILITYIAM各パラメータについてstacknameスタック名を指定任意templateurlスタック作成のためのyamlファイルさっきメモしておいたURLparametersgitlfsuserとpasswordを指定する必要がある。 2021-08-04 01:06:55
海外TECH Ars Technica Awful transaction and timing: AT&T finally ditches DirecTV https://arstechnica.com/?p=1784787 directv 2021-08-03 16:10:34
海外TECH DEV Community SOLID: Dependency Inversion Principle https://dev.to/victorpinzon1988eng/solid-dependency-inversion-principle-5f8m SOLID Dependency Inversion PrincipleThis is the last article about the SOLID principles and in my opinion the most important one Dependency Inversion is the foundation for one of the most useful features implemented by so many frameworks nowadays which is Dependency Injection This SOLID principle gives your architecture the necessary flexibility to achieve separation of concerns between layers and it s a concept that every developer should know DefinitionRobert C Martin defines DI as follows A High level modules should not depend on low level modules Both should depend on abstractions B Abstractions should not depend upon details Details should depend on abstractions High and Low level modules To fully understand the dependency inversion principle we should first understand the concept of high and low level modules A software module is a coding unit that contains one or more routines Regularly a module has just one responsibility in the whole system You build a system using multiple modules which can be grouped in different layers Let s have a graphic example of this In this example there are five different modules we have the Calculator module as well as the Add Subtract Multiply and Divide module When we talk about high level modules we re talking about modules that are directly used or instantiated by the presentation layer In our example there is just one high level module which is the Calculator class Low level modules on the other hand help the high level modules to accomplish their work typically we refer to these modules as dependencies In our example the low level modules are the Add Subtract Multiply and Divide classes Dependencies and CouplingAs mentioned in the previous paragraph dependencies are established when a module uses another module to complete its work For instance the Calculator module needs the Add module to achieve its goal so a dependency is established Coupling is the degree of interdependence between two modules it s a measure of how closely connected they are When this connection is strong and we cannot change one part of the dependency without affecting the other part we say there is a tight coupling On the other hand if we can change one part of the dependency without affecting the other part we say there is a loose coupling We should always avoid tight coupling because it violates the Open Closed Principle by not allowing to modify one side of the dependency without affecting the other one Applying The Dependency Inversion PrincipleThere is one fundamental flaw with the Calculator System design there is a tight coupling between Calculator and the rest of the low level modules We cannot modify any of the operation modules without modifying the Calculator module Additionally if we want to add another operation square root for example we also have to modify the Calculator class which violates the Open Closed Principle So how do we fix this design issue Easy applying the Dependency Inversion Principle The first segment of our principle says High level modules should not depend on low level modules Both should depend on abstractions In our current design the Calculator module depends on the Add Subtract Divide and Multiply module To comply with the DI we must define an abstraction named CalculatorOperation Both high and low level modules will depend on this abstraction The second segment of the DIP principle says Abstractions should not depend upon on details Details should depend on abstractions To accomplish this rule we must define the abstraction as an interface abstraction not as a class detail Now there is loose coupling between the Calculator module and the Operations modules Now you can change one side of the dependency without affecting the other side You can also add more operations as long as they implement the Operation abstraction without affecting the Calculator module Coding example Bad DesignEach calculator operation is represented as a low level module public class AddOperation Adds two numbers param numA First number param numB Second number return Result public double add double numA double numB return numA numB public class SubtractOperation Subtracts two numbers param numA First number param numB Second number return Result public double subtract double numA double numB return numA numB public class MultiplyOperation Multiplies two numbers param numA First number param numB Second number return Result public double multiply double numA double numB return numA numB public class DivideOperation Divides two numbers param numA First number param numB Second number return Result public double divide double numA double numB return numA numB The violation of the Dependency Inversion Principle is noticeable in the Calculator class If we want to add a new calculator operation we must modify the Calculator class which violates the Open Closed principle public class Calculator public enum Operation ADD SUBTRACT MULTIPLY DIVIDE Performs a two numbers operation param numA First number param numB Second number param operation Type of operation return Operation s result public double calculate double numA double numB Operation operation double result switch operation case ADD AddOperation addOp new AddOperation result addOp add numA numB break case SUBTRACT SubtractOperation subOp new SubtractOperation result subOp subtract numA numB break case MULTIPLY MultiplyOperation multOp new MultiplyOperation result multOp multiply numA numB break case DIVIDE DivideOperation divOp new DivideOperation result divOp divide numA numB break return result To solve this issue and comply with the DIP and OCP we must add an abstraction and modify the dependencies so both high and low level modules depend on the abstraction Good Designpublic interface CalculatorOperation public double calculate double numbA double numB public class AddOperation implements CalculatorOperation Override public double calculate double numbA double numB return numbA numB public class SubtractOperation implements CalculatorOperation Override public double calculate double numbA double numB return numbA numB public class MultiplyOperation implements CalculatorOperation Override public double calculate double numbA double numB return numbA numB public class DivideOperation implements CalculatorOperation Override public double calculate double numbA double numB return numbA numB Now the Calculator class complies with the Dependency Inversion Principle public class Calculator Performs a two numbers operation param numA First number param numB Second number param operation Type of operation return Operation s result public double calculate double numA double numB CalculatorOperation operation return operation calculate numB numB Final thoughtsWe ve gone through the five SOLID principles you ve seen the benefits and disadvantages of each one Remember that SOLID principles were thought to help you achieve flexibility readability and reusability Some of these principles are the cornerstone of multiple frameworks and architectures and you will benefit from implementing them But also remember that excessive or incorrect use of these principles will overcomplicate your code You must evaluate each use case and decide which is best for your solution If you like to read more about DIP you can have a look at Martin Fowler s Blog 2021-08-03 16:35:50
海外TECH DEV Community Python Functions. https://dev.to/manuel_a/python-functions-4bg9 Python Functions What is a function Simply put a function in general terms is a sequence of statements that performs a computation When you define a function you give it a name followed by these sequence of statements Later on you call the function by the defined name to perform what it was assigned to do If you have worked with python before you have probably worked with a function already Chances are high that you did not know it even take an example when you are trying to find the type of a value type Output is lt class int gt Tada Easy right Right there was among the functions you used along the way It is one of many inbuilt functions that come along with python The name of the function right there is type and the expression in the parenthesis is called the argument of the function An argument is a value that we pass into the function as an input and in this case the result of the type function is the type of the argument an integer Briefly the main take away is that a function takes an argument and returns a return value Let s take a dive into in built functions Python comes bundled with a lot of in built functions We will only look at a few of them The max and min function These return the largest and smallest value respectively numbers print max numbers returns print min numbers returns Type conversion function These take values of one type and convert them to the type specified by that particular function but of course only when it can Otherwise an error is returned Let s visualize it gt gt gt int returns gt gt gt int Hello Returns value error ValueError invalid literal for int with base Hello gt gt gt int returns gt gt gt float returns gt gt gt float returns gt gt gt str returns gt gt gt str returns Random numbers These are used to avoid a deterministic approach to things for example when designing a game you probably would not want your users to guess the next move so why not make them random Not only that how about the issue of security and privacy Imagine a One Time Pin OTP or internet banking password that can be easily guessed because it follows a certain known pattern why not do it the random way using python s inbuilt random function For example when you want to generate random numbers check below import random for x in range x random random print x returns random numbers The random function returns a float betwen and including but not Each time you run the above function a different set of random numbers are generated as values of x Other functions that handle random numbers are randint and choice gt gt gt random randint returns any number from to t gt gt gt random choice t returns any valueMath function There are set of in built functions in python that simplifies mathematical computations We import the math library to be able to use these functions e g sqrt log sin tan import math gt gt gt degrees gt gt gt radians degrees math pi gt gt gt math sin radians User defined functions You most likely have been waiting for this one On top of Python s in built functions We can as well create our own functions To do this we use the def keyword followed by the function name and parameters if any defining a function in python def function name parameters may or may not have parameters function statements hereTake an example of a function that prints the name of movies and takes no parameters def movie titles print Coming America print Out of Death print War room movie title function call Output is the movie titles aboveSee also an example of a function that takes parameters This one counts the number of items in a list list def count list list count for number in list count count return count print f The number of items in the list is count list list Arguments and parameters Parameters are the variables that are defined during function declaration They are found inside the the parenthesis On the other hand arguments are the actual values that are assigned to the parameters def add a b added a b return addedx add returns and are the arguments of the function Fruitful and void functions Fruitful functions are those that have a return value For example the above function which adds two numbers When you assign it to x we get a return value of On the other hand void functions are those that gives an output but do not have a return value This is demonstrated by the previous example that was printing movie titles When we assign the movie list function to let s say movies we get None simply because there is no return value That s the end of today s article I hope you learnt something 2021-08-03 16:28:12
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple TV+ fills out cast of Will Smith-led film 'Emancipation' https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/03/apple-tv-fills-out-cast-of-will-smith-led-film-emancipation?utm_medium=rss Apple TV fills out cast of Will Smith led film x Emancipation x A number of new cast members have signed on to upcoming Apple TV original thriller Emancipation which stars Will Smith as a runaway slaveCredit Apple Emancipation is inspired by the true story of Whipped Peter a runaway slave who emancipated himself from a southern plantation and joined the Union Army Later images of Peter s scarred back contributed to growing public opposition to slavery in the s Peter is played by Smith in the upcoming Apple TV film Read more 2021-08-03 16:50:08
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News Apple adds new Radeon Pro graphics cards for Mac Pro https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/03/apple-adds-new-radeon-pro-graphics-cards-to-mac-pro-configurator?utm_medium=rss Apple adds new Radeon Pro graphics cards for Mac ProCustomers can add Radeon Pro WX and Radeon Pro WX modules to the Mac Pro adding up to to the base price The Mac Pro can be configured with new Radeon Pro graphics cardsRecent macOS updates have added support for the latest Radeon Pro graphics card modules to the Mac Pro and eGPU installs on Intel Macs Customers can add these graphics cards when configuring a new Mac Pro and a few hours after debut made them available for upgraders as well Read more 2021-08-03 16:28:27
海外TECH Engadget Crime alert app Citizen will connect users to safety agents for $20 a month https://www.engadget.com/crime-alert-app-citizen-subscription-service-protect-agents-164046706.html?src=rss Crime alert app Citizen will connect users to safety agents for a monthControversial crime alert app Citizen has opened up its month subscription service to everyone in the US The Protect plan which almost users have beta tested offers around the clock access to quot Citizen s team of highly trained Protect Agents quot CEO Andrew Frame wrote in a blog post Those agents can call for you if you re in a situation in which contacting emergency services directly might not be safe quot If you share your location with Citizen Protect Agents can live monitor your location provide first responders and help them arrive more quickly by guiding them to your exact location quot Frame wrote quot Protect Agents will always continue to monitor you while you wait for help to arrive quot The agents can notify your emergency contacts and keep them updated if you re in trouble Frame said they can also guide you to a safe place or help nearby when needed or chat with you for peace of mind The service can also alert other Citizen users in the area if your scenario warrants doing so quot Harnessing the power of Citizen s safety network through Protect generated alerts has helped dozens of families reunite with their missing loved ones and pets quot Frame wrote Users can connect to a Protect agent and chat via video audio or text after tapping a button on the Citizen app s home screen The iOS version of the app includes an optional Protect Mode which offers other ways to link up with an agent Citizen plans to bring quot additional functionality quot to Android soon You can switch on a feature that displays a prompt to connect to an agent when you shake your device a couple of times If you opt to use the Distress Detection feature Citizen will monitor your device s audio with quot AI powered technology which identifies sounds that indicate trouble like a scream for example quot If the app picks up an audible distress signal it ll ask if you d like to be connected to an agent If seconds pass without you responding to the prompt Citizen will connect you to an agent automatically Citizen started out in as an app called Vigilante that aimed to alert users about crimes and emergencies Apple swiftly kicked it from the App Store over vigilantism concerns Vigilante was rebranded a few months later with a deeper focus on safety The app hit headlines again in May when Citizen offered a reward for information that led to the arrest of a person who it claimed started a wildfire Citizen identified the wrong person and police arrested someone else in connection with the alleged crime The same month a Citizen branded security vehicle was spotted in Los Angeles amid reports that the company was testing an on demand private security force The company later said it wouldn t start its own such service but it didn t rule out partnerships with private security companies Having swift access to support agents isn t inherently a bad idea but Citizen s history might dissuade some from taking out a Protect subscription It s worth noting there are other ways to discreetly call and send a message with location updates to your emergency contacts such as the iPhone s Emergency SOS function nbsp 2021-08-03 16:40:46
海外TECH Engadget I tried the Krispy Kreme Xbox doughnut https://www.engadget.com/i-tried-the-krispy-kreme-xbox-donut-163000967.html?src=rss I tried the Krispy Kreme Xbox doughnutI m ambivalent about cross brand synergy ーtypically hollow business deals borne from some misguided belief that yes these two things work together and will sell more something Microsoft ーmore specifically Xbox ーloves to tie its onyx consoles to food companies soft drinks and the rest While promoting the Xbox One X in the US alone there were collaborations with Taco Bell Doritos Mountain Dew and er Totino s pizza rolls On the other hand I also like doughnuts Engadget Mat SmithIn the UK American doughnut company Krispy Kreme is celebrating the Xbox s th anniversary with an iced donut decorated to look like the console s nexus symbol If you re willing to buy a box of you ll also get a code with a chance to win a Series X However I live alone and have poor self control so I bought a box of three ーfor the photos of course I don t think green is a particularly appetizing color for pastry treats but it sells Xbox the brand ーsort of The color seems closer to Krispy Kreme s shade of green and not quite as vivid as the almost lime Xbox logo The thin layer of green icing doesn t have a flavor and there s a dusting of powdered sugar to indicate the collaboration Otherwise yes it s a filled Krispy Kreme puffy delicious yeast raised donut I m not here to debate cake versus yeast donuts ーplease take it out on me over on Twitter Then I bit in deeper Maybe it s the Mountain Dew tie ins with video gaming s past but I feared some sort of aggressive citrus jam jelly or neon fondant nonsense Thankfully instead thick rich chocolate brownie fondant that s pretty delicious but not excessively cloying nbsp The limited edition doughnuts are on sale in the UK until August nd 2021-08-03 16:30:00
海外TECH Engadget YouTube starts paying Shorts creators from its $100 million fund https://www.engadget.com/youtube-shorts-100-million-dollar-creator-fund-launch-160058966.html?src=rss YouTube starts paying Shorts creators from its million fundIn the last few years many of the biggest social media companies have been throwing money at creators trying to get them to embrace their platforms and bring loyal audiences to their apps Earlier this year YouTube announced a million fund specifically to pay creators who use the platform s new Shorts format which just came out of beta and rolled out to countries last month That fund is now live as of today so the company is dropping more details on how you can get paid As YouTube announced earlier this year the company plans to invite quot thousands of eligible creators quot to claim a payment from the program from now through YouTube is offering from to depending on how many people watch the Short as well as some other engagement metrics Anyone posting shorts is theoretically eligible to get picked for a payment not just creators who participate in the YouTube Partner Program that s the program YouTube launched years ago so that users could get paid for their content Naturally there are a number of standards that these Shorts need to meet to be eligible Most of them are pretty straightforward like abiding by YouTube s community guidelines and copyright policies YouTube also doesn t want people just re uploading content they created for Snapchat or TikTok so any Shorts with watermarks or logos from other social networks won t qualify YouTube says it ll be awarding payments on a monthly basis so interested creators will be incentivized to keep making new Shorts While YouTube Shorts is a relatively new platform TikTok has had a similar fund for its creators since It was announced as a million fund double what YouTube currently has budgeted for its Shorts fund and those interested would have to submit their best work But while TikTok s fund may be larger than this Shorts program YouTube notes that it has nine other ways for its creators to monetize their content While YouTube Shorts is a relatively new platform TikTok has had a similar fund for its creators since It was announced as a million fund double what YouTube currently has budgeted for its Shorts fund and those interested would have to submit their best work But while TikTok s fund may be larger than this Shorts program YouTube notes that it has nine other ways for its creators to monetize their content Not to be outdone Facebook recently launched its own billion program to lure creators to Instagram as well as its main service Perhaps more significantly than the sheer dollar value is the fact that Facebook isn t going to collect a cut of creators revenue through making a focus on the platform even more potentially lucrative The size of this move is an admission from Facebook that it s a little behind the curve here Instagram didn t offer any kind of revenue share until last year in fact nbsp Between TikTok s massive influence and Facebook s massive war chest aimed at creators YouTube is going to need to keep offering its users more ways to make cash ーand the company knows it Indeed it said in today s news that the million fund is the quot first step quot in its plans to monetize Shorts 2021-08-03 16:00:58
海外TECH Engadget Google Maps for iOS gets dark mode and new location sharing features https://www.engadget.com/google-maps-ios-dark-mode-update-160053585.html?src=rss Google Maps for iOS gets dark mode and new location sharing featuresIn the past year Google Maps has received tons of new features to help you get around pay for parking and keep abreast of new services in your vicinity With its latest iOS update Google is breaking out more of its most used functions to help you access them faster It s also adding a dark mode to lower the strain on your eyes and a new live location option for iMessage that can help you track friends and loved ones nbsp The latter lets you share your real time location while texting by tapping the Google Maps button Though the feature is active for one hour by default you can choose to extend it to up to three days or disable it by pressing the stop button Live location recalls the safety features built into ride hailing apps like Uber and Lyft If you frequently use Google Maps to check traffic conditions you can now put that info directly on your home screen with a new widget The same goes for the search bar which lets you look up places to visit or find frequent destinations with a tap Of course the quick access features are made possible thanks to Apple s introduction of iPhone widgets with iOS last fall Dark mode is self explanatory and you can turn it on via settings It s just odd that it took so long for the otherwise ubiquitous feature to reach Maps on iOS 2021-08-03 16:00:53
海外TECH Network World Juniper software triggers network response to threats https://www.networkworld.com/article/3627303/juniper-software-triggers-network-response-to-threats.html#tk.rss_all Juniper software triggers network response to threats Juniper Networks continues to grow its enterprise cloud security family with a new product that promises to protect application workloads in any cloud or on premises environment The company rolled out Juniper Cloud Workload Protection package a  lightweight software agent that the company says controls application execution and monitors application behavior to help businesses spot and fix anomalies Backup lessons from a cloud storage disasterThe idea is to provide protection from attackers looking to exploit application vulnerabilities said Kate Adam senior director of security product marketing for Juniper Networks  To read this article in full please click here 2021-08-03 16:06:00
海外科学 NYT > Science What if Highways Were Electric? Germany Is Testing the Idea. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/03/business/electric-trucks-catenary-wire.html obstacles 2021-08-03 16:39:06
海外科学 NYT > Science With Undersea Robots, an Air Force Navigator Lost Since 1967 Is Found https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/01/world/asia/pentagon-robots-vietnam-war-dead.html With Undersea Robots an Air Force Navigator Lost Since Is FoundA recovery mission off Vietnam s coast showed how advances in technology have given new reach to the Pentagon s search for American war dead 2021-08-03 16:52:05
金融 金融庁ホームページ 金融庁職員の新型コロナウイルス感染について公表しました。 https://www.fsa.go.jp/news/r3/sonota/20210803.html 新型コロナウイルス 2021-08-03 17:00:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Ever Given: Cargo ship that blocked Suez Canal arrives in Felixstowe https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-58078100 felixstowe 2021-08-03 16:39:08
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid-19: Scotland to end most Covid rules and cabinet splits over travel https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58075493 coronavirus 2021-08-03 16:28:13
ニュース BBC News - Home Aya Hachem: Seven men guilty of drive-by shooting murder https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-58077841 owners 2021-08-03 16:47:16
ニュース BBC News - Home Andrew Cuomo: New York Governor sexually harassed women, report finds https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-58077255 misconduct 2021-08-03 16:14:54
ニュース BBC News - Home Vitaly Shishov: Head of Belarus exiles group found dead in Ukraine https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-58065313 belarus 2021-08-03 16:33:06
ニュース BBC News - Home Svetlana Tikhanovskaya: Belarus opposition leader hopeful after Boris Johnson meeting https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-58073145 belarus 2021-08-03 16:26:38
ニュース BBC News - Home Boris Johnson will not meet Nicola Sturgeon during trip to Scotland https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-58079390 boris 2021-08-03 16:41:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Premier League: Players from all 20 clubs will continue to take the knee https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/58079081 Premier League Players from all clubs will continue to take the kneePlayers from all Premier League clubs will continue to take the knee as a symbol of their unity against all forms of racism 2021-08-03 16:57:36
ニュース BBC News - Home Coronavirus: How does the NHS test-and-trace system and app work? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/explainers-52442754 covid 2021-08-03 16:31:00
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid-19 in the UK: How many coronavirus cases are there in my area? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51768274 cases 2021-08-03 16:26:58
北海道 北海道新聞 NY州クオモ知事のセクハラ認定 州司法長官が捜査結果発表 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/574643/ 司法長官 2021-08-04 01:09:00
仮想通貨 BITPRESS(ビットプレス) [WIRED] 乱高下するビットコインの価格と、「反通貨」としての価値の本質 https://bitpress.jp/count2/3_9_12679 wired 2021-08-04 01:03:38
GCP Cloud Blog What is Cloud IoT Core? https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/developers-practitioners/what-cloud-iot-core/ What is Cloud IoT Core Click to enlargeThe ability to gain real time insights from IoT data can redefine competitiveness for businesses Intelligence allows connected devices and assets to interact efficiently with applications and with human beings in an intuitive and non disruptive way After your IoT project is up and running many devices will be producing lots of data You need an efficient scalable affordable way to both manage those devices and handle all that information  IoT Core is a fully managed service for managing IoT devices It supports registration authentication and authorization inside the Google Cloud resource hierarchy as well as device metadata stored in the cloud and the ability to send device configuration from other GCP or third party services to devices  Main componentsThe main components of Cloud IoT Core are the device manager and the protocol bridges The device manager registers devices with the service so you can then monitor and configure them It provides Device identity management Support for configuring updating and controlling individual devicesRole level access controlConsole and APIs for device deployment and monitoringTwo protocol bridges MQTT and HTTP can be used by devices to connect to Google Cloud Platform for Bi directional messagingAutomatic load balancingGlobal data access with Pub SubHow does Cloud IoT Core work Device telemetry data is forwarded to a Cloud Pub Subtopic which can then be used to trigger Cloud Functions as well as other third party apps to consume the data You can also perform streaming analysis with Dataflow or custom analysis with your own subscribers Cloud IoT Core supports direct device connections as well as gateway based architectures In both cases the real time state of the device and the operational data is ingested into Cloud IoT Core and the key and certificates at the edge are also managed by Cloud IoT Core From Pub Sub the raw input is fed into Dataflow for transformation and the cleaned output is populated in Cloud Bigtable for real time monitoring or BigQueryfor warehousing and machine learning From BigQuery the data can be used for visualization in Looker orData Studio and it can be used in Vertex AI for creating machine learning models The models created can be deployed at the edge using Edge Manager in experimental phase Device configuration updates or device commands can be triggered by Cloud Functions or Dataflow to Cloud IoT Core which then updates the device   Design principles of Cloud IoT CoreAs a managed service to securely connect manage and ingest data from global device fleets Cloud IoT COre is designed to be Flexible providing easy provisioning of device identities and enabling devices to access most of Google CloudIThe industry leader in IoT scalability and performance Interoperable with supports for the most common industry standard IoT protocolsUse casesIoT use cases range across numerous industries Some typical examples include Asset tracking visual inspection and quality control in retail automotive industrial supply chain and logisticsRemote monitoring and predictive maintenance in oil amp gas utilities manufacturing and transportationConnected homes and consumer technologies Vision intelligence in retail security manufacturing and industrial sectorsSmart living in commercial residential and smart spaces Smart factories with predictive maintenance and real time plant floor analytics For a more in depth look into Cloud IoT Core check out the documentation   For more GCPSketchnote follow the GitHub repo For similar cloud content follow me on Twitter  pvergadia and keep an eye out on thecloudgirl dev Related Article cheat sheets to help you get started on your Google Cloud journeyWhether you need to determine the best way to move to the cloud or decide on the best storage option we ve built a number of cheat shee Read Article 2021-08-03 16:30:00



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