IT |
気になる、記になる… |
楽天モバイル、楽天市場店で「iPhoneのお買い物ポイントが最大20倍キャンペーン」を開催中 |
iphone |
2021-08-04 03:03:16 |
Engadget Japanese |
NASAとボーイング、CST-100 Starlinerの試験打上げを延期。「予期せぬバルブ開度」検出のため |
cststarliner |
2021-08-04 03:45:29 |
Engadget Japanese |
WhatsApp、写真を1回しか表示できない「View Once」機能を導入 |
facebook |
2021-08-04 03:19:47 |
Engadget Japanese |
PayPayのチャージ方法に「LINEMO」が追加 |
linemo |
2021-08-04 03:15:47 |
ロボスタ |
中西金属工業 藤井寺市で自動床洗浄ロボットと除菌ロボットの実証実験を実施 商業施設や公共施設での活躍の可能性を確認 |
中西金属工業株式会社 |
2021-08-04 03:43:35 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 予約が増えると特典も増える「オッドタクシー」BD-BOX、1000セット達成で「勢いが止まらない…どちらまで? 仕様」に |
bdbox |
2021-08-04 12:39:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] AppleがMac Pro向けに「Radeon Pro W6000Xシリーズ」搭載グラフィックスカードを発売 本体購入時に搭載も可能 |
ITmediaPCUSERAppleがMacPro向けに「RadeonProWXシリーズ」搭載グラフィックスカードを発売本体購入時に搭載も可能AppleのMacProにGPUグラフィックスの選択肢が追加され、よりパフォーマンスが向上したRDNAアーキテクチャベースの「RadeonProWXシリーズ」を搭載するMPXModuleを搭載できるようになった。 |
2021-08-04 12:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 楽天モバイルの「キャリアメール」は2021年内提供に |
itmediamobile |
2021-08-04 12:26:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Apple、Mac Pro (2019) に最高速AMD GPUを提供開始 究極モデルは580万円超えに |
amdgpu |
2021-08-04 12:18:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
農作物栽培環境をVR上に完全再現する農業版3Dデジタルツイン |
happyquality |
2021-08-04 03:00:40 |
Google |
カグア!Google Analytics 活用塾:事例や使い方 |
理想のサンシェード!傘型の車のフロント日差しよけ |
降車 |
2021-08-04 03:00:20 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
野村證券、投資情報アプリに認証基盤を採用、個人を特定してそれぞれに合わせた情報を提供 | IT Leaders |
野村證券、投資情報アプリに認証基盤を採用、個人を特定してそれぞれに合わせた情報を提供ITLeaders野村證券は、投資情報を提供するスマートフォンアプリ「FINTOS」を年月に開始した。 |
2021-08-04 12:54:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pillowで複数ファイルを保存したい |
pillowで複数ファイルを保存したいfromPILimportImageforiinrangeimactivationsiimimpilimgImagefromarrayimpilimggraypilimgconvertLpilimggraysaveMdjpgiエラーFileltipythoninputcedbcgtlinepilimggraysaveMdjpgiSyntaxErrorinvalidsyntax複数ファイルを保存したいのですが上記のエラーにより保存できません。 |
2021-08-04 12:58:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
spree::productでpriceやimageの表示のさせ方について |
spreeproductでpriceやimageの表示のさせ方について前提・実現したいこと現在railsにsolidusを導入しecサイトの開発に取り組んでいる最中です。 |
2021-08-04 12:56:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
問合せフォームで添付ファイル機能を作りたい。 |
問合せフォームで添付ファイル機能を作りたい。 |
2021-08-04 12:55:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
go mod init "リポジトリ名"を誤字してしまい、mod.goのパスを変更したいがやり方がわからない。 |
gomodinitquotgithubcomUsernameリポジトリ名quotを誤字してしまい、modgoのパスを変更したいがやり方がわからない。 |
2021-08-04 12:46:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ヒストグラムで両対数グラフを作成したい |
2021-08-04 12:23:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C#で音声データストリームをキャプチャしたい |
Cで音声データストリームをキャプチャしたい前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-08-04 12:14:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Unity】 GetComponentでNullが返ってきてしまう。 |
【Unity】GetComponentでNullが返ってきてしまう。 |
2021-08-04 12:13:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Flutter リマインド機能 local_notificationsを使用して毎日設定した時間にリピートしたい |
Flutterリマインド機能localnotificationsを使用して毎日設定した時間にリピートしたい前提・実現したいことリマインド機能localnotificationsを使用して毎日設定した時間にリピートしたいshowDailyAtTimeが非推奨らしいので、zonedScheduleを使ったのですが、年月日まで入力しないといけません。 |
2021-08-04 12:01:53 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
SOA新試験(SOA-C02)受験レポート |
soaaws |
2021-08-04 03:52:01 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Linux Cheat Sheet For Beginners |
Linux Cheat Sheet For BeginnersIf you re not using the terminal Linux commands may appear scary at first by once you start using them you will understand them very easily On a Linux system there are numerous commands for executing operations and procedures Having a list of commands on hand is useful whether you are new to Linux or an experienced user File Permission commandsCommandDescriptionls lto show file type and access permissionrread permissionwwrite permissionxexecute permission no permissionChown userFor changing the ownership of a file directoryChown user group filenamechange the user as well as group for a file or directory Hardware commandsCommandDescriptiondmesgDisplays bootup messagescat proc cpuinfoDisplays more information about CPU e g model model name cores vendor idcat proc meminfoDisplays more information about hardware memory e g Total and Free memorylshwDisplays information about system s hardware configurationlsblkDisplays block devices related informationfree mDisplays free and used memory in the system m flag indicates memory in MB lspci tvDisplays PCI devices in a tree like diagramlsusb tvDisplays USB devices in a tree like diagramdmidecodeDisplays hardware information from the BIOShdparm i dev xdaDisplays information about disk datahdparm tT dev xda Conducts a read speed test on device xdabadblocks s dev xdaTests for unreadable blocks on disk Basic Linux commandsCommandDescriptionlsLists all files and directories in the present working directoryls RLists files in sub directories as wellls aLists hidden files as wellls alLists files and directories with detailed information like permissions size owner etc cd or cd Navigate to HOME directorycd Move one level upcdTo change to a particular directorycd Move to the root directorycat gt filenameCreates a new filecat filenameDisplays the file contentcat file file gt fileJoins two files file file and stores the output in a new file file mv file new file path Moves the files to the new locationmv filename new file nameRenames the file to a new filenamesudoAllows regular users to run programs with the security privileges of the superuser or rootrm filenameDeletes a filemanGives help information on a commandhistoryGives a list of all past commands typed in the current terminal sessionclearClears the terminalmkdir directorynameCreates a new directory in the present working directory or a at the specified pathrmdirDeletes a directorymvRenames a directorypr xDivides the file into x columnspr hAssigns a header to the filepr nDenotes the file with Line Numberslp nc lpr cPrints c copies of the File lp d lp PSpecifies name of the printerapt getCommand used to install and update packagesmail s subject c cc address b bcc address to address Command to send emailmail s Subject to address lt FilenameCommand to send email with attachment Environment Variables commandCommandDescriptionecho VARIABLETo display value of a variableenvDisplays all environment variablesVARIABLE NAME variable valueCreate a new variableUnsetRemove a variableexport Variable valueTo set value of an environment variable User management commands of linuxCommandDescriptionsudo adduser usernameTo display value of a variablesudo passwd l username Displays all environment variablessudo userdel r username Create a new variablesudo usermod a G GROUPNAME USERNAMERemove a variablesudo deluser USER GROUPNAMETo set value of an environment variablefingerGives information on all logged in userfinger usernameGives information of a particular user Network commandCommandDescriptionSSH username ip address or hostnamelogin into a remote Linux machine using SSHPing hostname or To ping and Analyzing network and host connectionsdirDisplay files in the current directory of a remote computercd dirname change directory to dirname on a remote computerput fileupload file from local to remote computerget fileDownload file from remote to local computerip addr show Displays IP addresses and all the network interfacesip address add dev ethAssigns IP address to interface ethifconfig Displays IP addresses of all network interfacesping host ping command sends an ICMP echo request to establish a connection to server PCwhois domain Retrieves more information about a domain namedig domain Retrieves DNS information about the domaindig x host Performs reverse lookup on a domainhost google com Performs an IP lookup for the domain namehostname i Displays local IP addresswget file name Downloads a file from an online sourcenetstat pnltu Displays all active listening portsquitLogout Process commandCommandDescriptionbgTo send a process to the backgroundfgTo run a stopped process in the foregroundtopDetails on all Active ProcessespsGive the status of processes running for a userps PIDGives the status of a particular processpidofGives the Process ID PID of a processkill PIDKills a processniceStarts a process with a given priorityreniceChanges priority of an already running processdfGives free hard disk space on your systemfreeGives free RAM on your system System InformationCommandDescriptiontimeIt is a utility that measures the time taken by a program to execute procThe files under proc displays system information dmsegThis command is used to print the contents of the bootup messages displayed by the kernel This is particularly useful in debugging issues dfDisplays the information about the space on the mounted file systems whoDisplays information about the logged in users including their login time wThis command displays who are logged in into the system and the processes they are running usersThis command prints the name of the currently logged in users lastThis command displays the time of the logged out users This also displays the information when the computer was rebooted lastlogDisplays a list of the users and the time day of their login whoamiIt tells the username of the logged in user freeDisplays memory status Total Used Free cached Swap uptime wIt displays how long the computer has been up and running Additionally it displays the number of users and the processor load unameIt is used to display system information such as OS type kernel version etc xargsThis command is used to run a command as many times as required dateIt is used to display the system It can also be used to set the date time calThis command displays the calendar of the current month acpiThis command is used to display the battery status and other ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Information related information acpi availableThis command is used to test if the ACPI subsystem is available aptitude VI Editing CommandsCommandDescriptioniInsert at cursor goes into insert mode aWrite after cursor goes into insert mode AWrite at the end of line goes into insert mode ESCTerminate insert modeuUndo last changeUUndo all changes to the entire lineoOpen a new line goes into insert mode ddDelete lineddDelete linesDDelete contents of line after the cursorCDelete contents of a line after the cursor and insert new text Press ESC key to end insertion dwDelete worddwDelete wordscwChange wordxDelete character at the cursorrReplace characterROverwrite characters from cursor onwardsSubstitute one character under cursor continue to insertSSubstitute entire line and begin to insert at the beginning of the lineChange case of individual characterReferences Linoxide Guru Hackr Loggly Phoenixnap ConclusionI hope you found this cheatsheet helpful If you need any help please let me know in the comment sectionLet s connect on Twitter and LinkedIn Thanks for reading See you next time |
2021-08-04 03:56:25 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Git Command You Should Use Everyday |
Git Command You Should Use EverydayWhen I started my career I was always afraid of losing my code changes Sometimes I would copy the code to text files just to be sure that I won t miss something That s not a great practice If you know how to use git properly you won t have these doubts Git has everything you need to make you safe And much more Let s dive in Read More Git Command i use Everyday |
2021-08-04 03:36:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Best web development-roadmap-2021 |
Best web development roadmap There has never been a better time to learn to code or make a career change to software engineering The demand for web developers is at an all time high and it s only increasing There are both free and premium tutorials online that teach you the skills to get a job as a developer ーno CS degree required This article details the needed skills and the corresponding tutorials to learn them effectively The illustrated guide is provided by Codelivly and can be found on codelivly ーCodelivly work is excellent so be sure to star the repo and subscribe to his newsletter to support his efforts Don t be intimidated by the map It may seem like a lot but I ll break it down so you can learn each part step by step This article will be divided into the following sections Full Stack Web Development Frontend Web Development Backend Web Development Best Python Framework For Web Development |
2021-08-04 03:32:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Create Custom Captcha in HTML CSS & JavaScript |
Create Custom Captcha in HTML CSS amp JavaScriptHey friends today in this blog you ll learn how to create Custom Captcha in HTML CSS amp JavaScript In the earlier blog I have shared how to Detect User Browser using JavaScript and it s time to create a simple captcha program Mostly Captcha is used on the comment or contact form of the websites to restrict robots bot from commenting on a blog post or sending a message to the admin There can be random images or codes in the captcha and the users must have to select correct images or match the codes to complete their task In this small project Custom Captcha in JavaScript there is an image with the random characters and numbers You can also refresh the captcha code and get a new one using the reload button In the input field you have to enter the captcha codes that are shown on the image If your codes matched with the captcha codes then there is appears a success message else there appears an error message If you ve matched the codes then after seconds there will be generated a new one captcha code I hope you liked this simple captcha program and want to get source codes but don t worry I have given codes and source code files at the bottom of this page from where you can copy paste codes the source code files But before copying codes let s understand the basic codes and concepts of this program At first in the JavaScript file I have stored all characters and numbers in the array then inside for loop using Math random function I got random characters from the given array And passed these codes or characters in the captcha by adding space between each character After this I got user entered values split them and joined them with space so users don t need to enter spaces to match the codes Once I joined the user values then I matched this user value with the captcha codes If the value is not matched I ve shown an error message and if the value is matched I ve shown a success message and generate the new random codes after seconds using the setTimeout function Create Custom Captcha in JavaScript Source Codes To create this program Custom Captcha in JavaScript First you need to create three Files HTML CSS amp JavaScript File After creating these files just paste the following codes into your file First create an HTML file with the name of index html and paste the given codes into your HTML file You ve to create a file with html extension and remember the image that is used on this program will not appear lt DOCTYPE html gt lt Coding By CodingNepal youtube com codingnepal gt lt html lang en gt lt head gt lt meta charset UTF gt lt meta name viewport content width device width initial scale gt lt title gt Custom Captcha in JavaScript CodingNepal lt title gt lt link rel stylesheet href style css gt lt Font Awesome CDN Link for Icons gt lt link rel stylesheet href gt lt head gt lt body gt lt div class wrapper gt lt header gt Captcha in JavaScript lt header gt lt div class captcha area gt lt div class captcha img gt lt img src captcha bg png alt Captch Background gt lt span class captcha gt lt span gt lt div gt lt button class reload btn gt lt i class fas fa redo alt gt lt i gt lt button gt lt div gt lt form action class input area gt lt input type text placeholder Enter captcha maxlength spellcheck false required gt lt button class check btn gt Check lt button gt lt form gt lt div class status text gt lt div gt lt div gt lt script src script js gt lt script gt lt body gt lt html gt Last create a JavaScript file with the name of script js and paste the given codes in your JavaScript file Remember you ve to create a file with js extension const captcha document querySelector captcha reloadBtn document querySelector reload btn inputField document querySelector input area input checkBtn document querySelector check btn statusTxt document querySelector status text storing all captcha characters in arraylet allCharacters A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z function getCaptcha for let i i lt i getting random characters from the array let randomCharacter allCharacters Math floor Math random allCharacters length captcha innerText randomCharacter passing random characters inside captcha innerText getCaptcha calling getCaptcha when the page open calling getCaptcha amp removeContent on the reload btn clickreloadBtn addEventListener click gt removeContent getCaptcha checkBtn addEventListener click e gt e preventDefault preventing button from it s default behaviour statusTxt style display block adding space after each character of user entered values because I ve added spaces while generating captcha let inputVal inputField value split join if inputVal captcha innerText if captcha matched statusTxt style color dbec statusTxt innerText Nice You don t appear to be a robot setTimeout gt calling removeContent amp getCaptcha after seconds removeContent getCaptcha else statusTxt style color ff statusTxt innerText Captcha not matched Please try again function removeContent inputField value captcha innerText statusTxt style display none That s all now you ve successfully created a Custom Captcha in HTML CSS amp JavaScript So this is all for today Thanks Also Read Key Lesson s to Learn From Rich Dad Poor Dad for Programmers For more details please visit Code With Imam |
2021-08-04 03:03:58 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Oppo's latest under-screen camera may finally be capable of good photos |
Oppo x s latest under screen camera may finally be capable of good photosUntil recently there was only one smartphone on the market equipped with an under screen camera last year s ZTE Axon G Other players such as Vivo Oppo and Xiaomi had also been testing this futuristic tech but given the subpar image quality back then it s no wonder that phone makers largely stuck with punch hole cameras for selfies Despite much criticism of its first under screen camera ZTE worked what it claims to be an improved version into its new Axon G which launched in China last week Coincidentally today Oppo unveiled its third gen under screen camera which based on a sample shot it provided appears to be surprisingly promising ーno noticeable haziness nor glare But that was just one photo of course so I ll obviously reserve my final judgement until I get to play with one Even so the AI tricks and display circuitry that made this possible are intriguing OppoIn a nutshell nothing has changed in terms of how the under screen camera sees through the screen Its performance is limited by how much light can travel through the gaps between each OLED pixel Therefore AI compensation is still a must For its latest under screen camera Oppo says it trained its own AI engine quot using tens of thousands of photos quot in order to achieve more accurate corrections on diffraction white balance and HDR Hence the surprisingly natural looking sample shot OppoAnother noteworthy improvement here lies within the display panel s consistency The earlier designs chose to lower the pixel density in the area above the camera in order to let sufficient light into the sensor This resulted in a noticeable patch above the camera which would have been a major turn off when you watched videos or read fine text on that screen But now Oppo ーor the display panel maker which could be Samsung ーfigured out a way to boost light transmittance by slightly shrinking each pixel s geometry above the camera In order words we get to keep the same ppi pixel density as the rest of the screen thus creating a more consistent look OppoOppo added that this is further enhanced by a transparent wiring material as well as a one to one pixel circuit to pixel architecture instead of two to one like before in the screen area above the camera The latter promises more precise image control and greater sharpness with the bonus being a percent longer panel lifespan due to better burn in prevention Oppo didn t say when or if consumers will get to use its next gen under screen camera but given the timing I wouldn t be surprised if this turns out to be the same solution on the ZTE Axon G In any case it would be nice if the industry eventually agreed to dump punch hole cameras in favor of invisible ones |
2021-08-04 03:00:44 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
F.D.A. Aims to Give Final Approval to Pfizer Vaccine by Early Next Month |
F D A Aims to Give Final Approval to Pfizer Vaccine by Early Next MonthThe Food and Drug Administration s move is expected to kick off more vaccination mandates for hospital workers college students and federal troops |
2021-08-04 03:09:05 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Olympics organizers report 29 new games-related COVID-19 cases |
covid |
2021-08-04 12:15:49 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Japan’s top COVID-19 adviser says he wasn’t consulted on hospitalization policy shift |
Japan s top COVID adviser says he wasn t consulted on hospitalization policy shiftThe health minister defended the move saying the government was acting pre emptively to ensure enough hospital beds as Japan entered a new phase with a |
2021-08-04 12:09:03 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard retires after Olympic debut |
Transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard retires after Olympic debutWhile her appearance on sport s biggest stage was short lived it was hailed by trans activists as a historic occasion for a marginalized community |
2021-08-04 12:22:41 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tokyo Olympics: USA's Sydney McLaughlin sets a new 400m hurdles world record |
Tokyo Olympics USA x s Sydney McLaughlin sets a new m hurdles world recordUSA s Sydney McLaughlin sets a new world record of to beat Dalilah Muhammad to win the m hurdles at the Olympic Stadium in Tokyo |
2021-08-04 03:20:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tokyo Olympics: Sydney McLaughlin smashes her 400m hurdles world record |
tokyo |
2021-08-04 03:47:44 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Simone Biles: Tokyo 2020 medallist on 'unique Olympic experience' |
Simone Biles Tokyo medallist on x unique Olympic experience x American Simone Biles says she will forever cherish her unique Olympic experience after taking her overall Games medal haul to seven in Japan |
2021-08-04 03:07:20 |
ビジネス |
不景気.com |
21年5月の生活保護受給は163万8591世帯に減少、人数も減 - 不景気.com |
厚生労働省 |
2021-08-04 03:45:26 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
直火式エスプレッソメーカーを使えば、味わい深いイタリアンコーヒーを手軽に楽しめるよ |
2021-08-04 13:00:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
Anthos で Windows Server アプリケーションにも広がる Kubernetes のメリット |
Anthosを使用したオンプレミスでのWindowsServerの実行下図は、Anthosを使用してオンプレミスのGKEクラスタでWindowsコンテナベースのワークロードを実行する場合のアーキテクチャの概要を示しています。 |
2021-08-04 05:00:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
Collaboration Cloud Summit セッション内容を公開しました |
CollaborationCloudSummitセッション内容を公開しましたCollaborationCloudSummit本登録開始CollaborationCloudSummitは、つのGoogleCloudSummitシリーズのつで、GoogleWorkspaceに特化した日間のイベントです。 |
2021-08-04 04:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
瞬間最高視聴率は43・3% 日本敗戦のサッカー準決勝 |
日本テレビ |
2021-08-04 12:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
菊池は6回2失点 レイズ戦 |
菊池 |
2021-08-04 12:06:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東証、午前終値2万7603円 続落、感染再拡大を懸念 |
日経平均株価 |
2021-08-04 12:06:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
河野氏、政治理念で新著 総裁選前出版に臆測も |
河野太郎 |
2021-08-04 12:06:00 |
ニュース |
Newsweek |
初対面で即、相手の心を掴む秘訣...『仕事ができる人は、3分話せばわかる』 |
この本では、そんな偉人たちの子ども時代の「好き」を、「オタク」として紹介しています。 |
2021-08-04 12:06:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
アイデアを具現化し思考を拡張させるプロトタイピングツール「VIVIWARE Cell」 |
viviware |
2021-08-04 12:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
松屋のライスを無料で生野菜にできる「ロカボチェンジ」 |
開始 |
2021-08-04 12:25:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
DNP、11.1kWの大電力に対応した薄型・軽量・低コストなワイヤレス充電用シート型コイルを開発 |
大日本印刷 |
2021-08-04 12:20:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
東京五輪、メダル獲得後の特別CMの注目度は |
tvisioninsights |
2021-08-04 03:45:02 |
ニュース |
10%が見えてきたEC化率、物販系の市場成長率は脅威の22%に |
が見えてきたEC化率、物販系の市場成長率は脅威のにピックアップ電子商取引に関する市場調査の結果を取りまとめました月日先日、こちらの記事を出したところ「最新版の情報が出ているよ」というご指摘をいただきました。 |
2021-08-04 03:34:28 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Anthos で Windows Server アプリケーションにも広がる Kubernetes のメリット |
Anthosを使用したオンプレミスでのWindowsServerの実行下図は、Anthosを使用してオンプレミスのGKEクラスタでWindowsコンテナベースのワークロードを実行する場合のアーキテクチャの概要を示しています。 |
2021-08-04 05:00:00 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Collaboration Cloud Summit セッション内容を公開しました |
CollaborationCloudSummitセッション内容を公開しましたCollaborationCloudSummit本登録開始CollaborationCloudSummitは、つのGoogleCloudSummitシリーズのつで、GoogleWorkspaceに特化した日間のイベントです。 |
2021-08-04 04:00:00 |