Engadget Japanese |
米国の医療従事者向けSNS「Doximity」で誤情報・陰謀論が蔓延中との報 |
doximity |
2021-08-08 06:45:17 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
pyenv cheetsheet |
pyenv cheetsheetpyenv cheetsheetCommandsList versions available on the Internet pyenv install listAvailable versions snip Install specific version pyenv install Downloading Python tar xz gt Installing Python snip List versions installed at local pyenv versions system set by home foo pyenv version Create virtualenv with specific versionSyntax pyenv virtualenv version lt virtualenv name gt Example pyenv virtualenv sspa pyLooking in links tmp tmpgfsvlgRequirement already satisfied setuptools in home foo pyenv versions envs sspa py lib python site packages Requirement already satisfied pip in home foo pyenv versions envs sspa py lib python site packages pyenv versions system set by home foo pyenv version envs sspa py sspa pySet application specific version with virtualenvYou can specify the virtualenv version created above cd path to your application pyenv local sspa py python V check the python virsionPython |
2021-08-08 15:49:04 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python】CSVファイルの内容をspaCyとGiNZAで解析してワードクラウド化 |
【Python】CSVファイルの内容をspaCyとGiNZAで解析してワードクラウド化はじめにグーグル検索結果のタイトルとリンクをCSVファイルに保存するようにした【Python】グーグル検索結果のタイトルとリンクをCSVファイルに保存ページ移動有CSVファイルから文章を抜き出して、ワードクラウド化と単語の出現頻度をグラフ化していく仕様・csvファイルの処理対象のデータはtitleというヘッダーの列・csvファイルの文字コードはUTFcpのいずれか・処理対象データの単語の出現頻度はcsvファイル①に保存・処理対象データの単語の出現頻度Topはグラフ化してPNGファイル②で保存・形態素解析は自然言語ライブラリspaCyと日本語NLPライブラリGiNZAを使用・解析結果をもとにワードクラウド化してPNGファイル③で保存・①③のファイル名は「unkoα」※コード上のfilenameで指定コードimportspacynlpspacyloadjaginzaimportpandasaspdimportmatplotlibpyplotaspltimportjapanizematplotlibグラフの日本語が文字化けしないために必要importcollectionsfromwordcloudimportWordCloudGiNZA統計モデルで分析した結果をリストにして返す関数defanalyzebyginzawordsGiNZA統計モデルに文章を渡して分析docnlpwords分析結果をリストに格納するwordlistchunklistchunktextforchunkindocnounchunkstokenlisttokenlemmafortokenindociftokenposVERBforiinchunklistwordlistappendiforjintokenlistwordlistappendjreturnwordlist処理対象CSVファイル読み込み処理ファイルパスの指定csvreadpathresultcsvファイル読み込み。 |
2021-08-08 15:32:07 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python】よく見かける仮引数の形式を確認してみた( *args とか **kwargs など) |
dictをキーワード引数で渡すには、キーワードを使用する。 |
2021-08-08 15:27:32 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
点が三角形と四面体の中にあるか調べる方法 |
方法名時間secコードリンク外積リンク逆行列リンク四面体の点の内外判定理論三角形と同様で、サイズが一つ増えただけです。 |
2021-08-08 15:07:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
FragmentManagerのshowとhideの使い方がわからない |
しかしタブ切り替え時に以下のメソッドを呼び出すようにしたのですが、Fragment表示部分が真っ白になり意図した動作になりません。 |
2021-08-08 15:59:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ポインタ変数を利用したwhileの終了のさせかた |
2021-08-08 15:54:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PF作成時の開発環境 |
cloud |
2021-08-08 15:47:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHP:Parse error: syntax error, unexpected token "echo" と表示される |
PHPParseerrorsyntaxerrorunexpectedtokenquotechoquotと表示される前提・実現したいことphpで掲示板を作成しています。 |
2021-08-08 15:34:46 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unity オブジェクトを小刻みに動かす方法が知りたい |
unity |
2021-08-08 15:34:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
画面全体に背景動画を流したい |
画面全体に背景動画を流したい前提、実現したいことWebサイトの編集をしています。 |
2021-08-08 15:31:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
heroku create後、jawsDBの有料プラン(blacktip)を設定しようとしたところエラーが出ました |
herokucreate後、jawsDBの有料プランblacktipを設定しようとしたところエラーが出ましたMySQLをDBに使用するため、herokunbspaddonsのjawsDBnbspblacktipnbspSharedのを設定しようとしたところ下記エラーが出ました。 |
2021-08-08 15:19:59 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
DBのテーブル設計の学習方法 |
設計 |
2021-08-08 15:17:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonでmatplotlibを使いたいのですが、うまくいきません |
pythonでmatplotlibを使いたいのですが、うまくいきませんVScode上でpythonを使って次元のグラフを書きたいです。 |
2021-08-08 15:14:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ACアダプターでUSBに給電してM5stackCore2を駆動するには |
ACアダプターでUSBに給電してMstackCoreを駆動するには前提・実現したいことMstacknbspbasicnbspを用いて温湿度と地温・土壌水分を測定し、sigfoxで送信してambientで見る仕組みを稼働できたので、今度はnbspMstacknbspcorenbspを用いて同じ事をしようと思いました。 |
2021-08-08 15:06:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
discordbotでタイマー実装について |
2021-08-08 15:00:33 |
Linux |
Ubuntuタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
SSH接続でrootログインを無効化して新しいユーザーでログインする方法(公開鍵暗号を用いる場合) |
2021-08-08 15:27:43 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWSのS3上に静的なWebサイトを公開するまで【2021年版】 |
アップロード画面にファイルがあることを確認し、アップロードをクリックします。 |
2021-08-08 15:51:07 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AmplifyとEC2の通信でハマったところ |
AmplifyとECの通信でハマったところ構成フロントReact→AmplifyサーバーRails→ECRDS以下のように通信が流れるようなインフラを作った。 |
2021-08-08 15:21:40 |
gcpタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Datadog】GCP から取得したログの latency を string でなく number でパースする |
【Datadog】GCPから取得したログのlatencyをstringでなくnumberでパースするGCPからアクセスログをDatadogに取り込むと、単位のsが付いてくる。 |
2021-08-08 15:29:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Why I'm not a VC (yet) |
Why I x m not a VC yet Imagine a job where you make k a year investing other people s money no downside into amazing founders try to be helpful and make as much as million over years Pretty sweet right Those numbers aren t hypothetical that s exactly what Brianne Kimmel does with her WorkLife Fund to be fair she has top tier results with gt x returns in years on Hopin and Pipe alone It s a pretty sweet life and is governed by the Matthew effect inherent in the capital part of venture capital initial success leads to better dealflow leads to more funds and more success I accidentally have a decent profile for a VC career I have an economics degree from Wharton and spent my first years working in every part of finance from central banking to investment banking to hedge funds long story here I also code and am well recognized in mostly JS devtools circles I was with Netlify az backed from Series B to C and am now at Temporal Sequoia backed I have a better than average network across my blog newsletter Twitter podcast including many founders a dozen GPs and I think I ve shook hands with at least billionaires As an indie creator I ve watched with green tinged eyes as Ryan Hoover Li Jin Tyler Tringas Sahil Lavingia Paige Doherty Packy McCormick and others launched funds that tie in perfectly with their brands I m nowhere near as accomplished as any of them but pursuing their path was at least available to me given my network and trajectory Instead I ve turned away and chosen the more traditional path of salaried startup employee with less freedom and more discomfort I get asked why every now and then so I figure I better jot down my post hoc rationalizations I don t want to be a meta creator Meta Creators have a ceiling to substance they burn bright but are ultimately not material There is too much money chasing too few operators This is a time of ridiculously easy money with GameStop still worth b and Dogecoin worth b Devtools startups raising at x ARR and Roam raising a m seed Interest in private company funding is at generational highs while new company formation is just coming off generational lows Investors say getting great dealflow is their biggest problem but post PMF founders themselves report that hiring experienced senior executives is their biggest problem This will be much easier after I have made it I ll be ready someday is a terrible reason to not do things ーa college friend of mine is already a GP at Greylock without ever having been a founder or early stage exec But I also see heaps of bright eyed bushy tailed partners who haven t done a notable thing in their lives and I know that nobody gives them the time of day Just being at a good firm is no longer enough ーyour shortform bio founded X led X at Y coined X has to get to the level where people get you on the cap table just to have your name on their list of backers Power is moving to the person As Ashley Mayer put it the influencers are trying to become VCs at the exact same time as the VCs are trying to become influencers But the biggest reason of all I m on the hunt for bigger problems When you are a frog in a well all you see when you look up is a tiny circle of sky My imagination is constrained by my experience and despite my already diverse background across countries industries and cultures I feel like I haven t pushed myself into hard enough problems When you are a regular employee at a stable company working on defined career paths everything looks solved and your main job is to learn how things are done But founding and investing in startups is not just the art of identifying what big things are broken everyone can complain about how everything is broken but also whether the technology and market are ready for the right people to lead everyone to the promised land When you take the solve your own problems approach you most like come up with BC ideas which are pretty universally regarded to be much harder than BB On my own the best idea I ve had is Superhuman for Twitter At Temporal I ve had two theses ーX University as a Service the Enterprise House of Brands ーthat off the bat have much better revenue potential and lower product platform risk As an operator I m focusing on specializing in Developer Experience which economically speaking is helping Developer Tools companies cross the chasm I also practice this on a light burn basis with Svelte Society which in its second year alone memed Svelte to the top of the StackOverflow frameworks survey I m not resting on my laurels though I started angel investing last year and have made investments so far of which already have markups I ll share more detailed investment theses for each soon but I think my goal is to deploy k yr as an angel as a way to dip my toe into startup investing mindful that valuations are sky high right now If I get an early hit then that s an accelerant to an eventual VC career I could also start a syndicate or rolling fund Even now the maximum I ve allowed myself to go is starting a devtools angels list and Discord where we are currently at members but the principle is the same ーI m not ready to be a fulltime investor so I refuse to take formal steps but I m happy to lay the groundwork and have the option someday |
2021-08-08 06:26:46 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
in-memory databases: a pratical demo |
in memory databases a pratical demoMany of you might ve heard a thing or two about Redis an in memory database that enables super fast reads and writes But why is this We first need to understand what in memory really means A computer has RAM Random Access Memory that s super fast This is where Redis lives in the same place any variable or object you create in any language RAM is very fast but it comes at a monetary cost disk space think your hard drive or ssd is slower but cheaper This is easily Redis biggest pitfall as RAM becomes a limiting factor regarding how much data you can store With that brief introduction out of the way let s dive into a crude demonstration of just how much faster Redis can be in comparison to storage in a generic database We ll just be using a simple Json file for this example but the concept applies to virtually any database I ll be writing this in Python but any modern version of Python will work No external dependencies are required Here s the step by step walkthrough To start I m going to import a few modules json allows us to port between json lt gt python dict and time allows us to keep track of time Then I ll create a dictionary called DATA which will be cached in memory since it s a variable import jsonimport timeDATA dict key val Next I ll define a quick method to create a Json file that represents the DATA variable in the current directory this is what we ll compare our in memory calls to def createJsonFile gt None Creates a simple data json in the current directory with the value of the dict DATA with open data json w as f json dump DATA f Now I ll define a method that opens the Json file converts it into a dict and calls for the value of key def readFromJson gt float Reads the value of key by opening data json and parsing it into a dict and then querying the in memory dict Returns float How long the operation took to complete in seconds rounded to dec start time time with open data json r as f readData json loads f read value readData key timeToComplete round time time start print f Finished querying Json in timeToComplete sec value value return timeToCompleteHere I m defining a method to get the value of key but from the already cached in memory dict DATA def readFromMemory gt float Reads the value of key from the in memory dict DATA global Returns float How long the operation took to complete in seconds rounded to dec start time time value DATA key timeToComplete round time time start print f Finished querying memory in timeToComplete sec value value return timeToCompleteFinally I ll define a quick tester method to compare the in memory calls vs the file calls def main gt float Runs a call to readFromMemory and readFromJson and explains which was faster and by how much Returns float the time difference between the readFromMemory and readFromJson calls rounded to dec if pos gt readFromMemory was faster if neg gt readFromJson was faster readFromJsonTime readFromJson readFromMemoryTime readFromMemory totalDelta round readFromJsonTime readFromMemoryTime if totalDelta gt print f Reading from memory was totalDelta sec faster than reading from Json else print f Wow Reading from Json was actually totalDelta sec faster return totalDeltaAs a bonus I m going to define a batch method to run lots of tests for us an aggregate the total results def runTests numTests int gt None Runs lots of comparisons and explains the net delta or how much time was saved by the in memory calls Args numTests int optional How many tests to run Defaults to start time time deltaCount for in range numTests deltaCount main timeToComplete round time time start print f Finished with a net delta of round deltaCount seconds saved Runtime timeToComplete sec Last but not least the actual call if name main createJsonFile Try this out first to see a single test main Run this later to see a large comparsion supply a custom value for numTests if you want runTests Here s the complete Python code copy pasteable import jsonimport timeDATA dict key val def createJsonFile gt None Creates a simple data json in the current directory with the value of the dict DATA with open data json w as f json dump DATA f def readFromJson gt float Reads the value of key by opening data json and parsing it into a dict and then querying the in memory dict Returns float How long the operation took to complete in seconds rounded to dec start time time with open data json r as f readData json loads f read value readData key timeToComplete round time time start print f Finished querying Json in timeToComplete sec value value return timeToCompletedef readFromMemory gt float Reads the value of key from the in memory dict DATA global Returns float How long the operation took to complete in seconds rounded to dec start time time value DATA key timeToComplete round time time start print f Finished querying memory in timeToComplete sec value value return timeToCompletedef main gt float Runs a call to readFromMemory and readFromJson and explains which was faster and by how much Returns float the time difference between the readFromMemory and readFromJson calls rounded to dec if pos gt readFromMemory was faster if neg gt readFromJson was faster readFromJsonTime readFromJson readFromMemoryTime readFromMemory totalDelta round readFromJsonTime readFromMemoryTime if totalDelta gt print f Reading from memory was totalDelta sec faster than reading from Json else print f Wow Reading from Json was actually totalDelta sec faster return totalDeltadef runTests numTests int gt None Runs lots of comparisons and explains the net delta or how much time was saved by the in memory calls Args numTests int optional How many tests to run Defaults to start time time deltaCount for in range numTests deltaCount main timeToComplete round time time start print f Finished with a net delta of round deltaCount seconds saved Runtime timeToComplete sec if name main createJsonFile Try this out first to see a single test main Run this later to see a large comparsion supply a custom value for numTests if you want runTests The DemoTo start just run the program You ll see a single test that might print out something like this Finished querying Json in sec value val Finished querying memory in sec value val Reading from memory was sec faster than reading from Json As you can see there s a difference That might not seem like a lot but try commenting out main and uncommenting runTests Here s what it looked like when I passed in numTests to the runTests call lt Hundreds of thousands of lines of individual test results gt Finished with a net delta of seconds saved Runtime sec As you can see those small differences add up Now for most applications I doubt you ll need something as powerful as Redis But there s a reason big tech companies that rely on speedy APIs like Twitter use it Be sure to like and let me know if you think Redis is worth it down below Complete Python Code |
2021-08-08 06:22:38 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Sneaky Thieves Steal Hair From Foxes, Raccoons, Dogs, Even You |
mammals |
2021-08-08 06:16:32 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Tokyo hands Olympic baton to Beijing but virus and boycott calls weigh |
Tokyo hands Olympic baton to Beijing but virus and boycott calls weighSome experts say Beijing organizers should take a cue from Tokyo in handling the virus threat But that will do little to alleviate the |
2021-08-08 15:08:25 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Kenya’s Eliud Kipchoge retains men’s Olympic marathon title |
consecutive |
2021-08-08 15:03:06 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tokyo Olympics: Team GB match London 2012 with 65 medals won |
total |
2021-08-08 06:15:30 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Pollution: 'This is my coffin, this is why I swim with it' |
attention |
2021-08-08 06:01:06 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tokyo Olympics: Ireland's Kellie Harrington beats Beatriz Ferreira to win lightweight gold |
Tokyo Olympics Ireland x s Kellie Harrington beats Beatriz Ferreira to win lightweight goldWatch the best moments from the women s lightweight final as Ireland s Kellie Harrington beats Beatriz Ferreira of Brazil to win gold at Tokyo |
2021-08-08 06:30:17 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tokyo Olympics: Lauren Price beats Li Qian to win women's middleweight boxing gold |
Tokyo Olympics Lauren Price beats Li Qian to win women x s middleweight boxing goldBritain s Lauren Price becomes the first Welsh fighter to win an Olympic boxing gold medal beating China s Li Qian in the women s middleweight final |
2021-08-08 06:25:08 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
愛犬に「生タイプ」のドッグフードを与えても大丈夫? |
inter |
2021-08-08 16:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
旭川で2人感染 新型コロナ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-08-08 15:14:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
米大物ロック歌手の娘が銀メダル 馬術、スプリングスティーンさん |
東京五輪 |
2021-08-08 15:02:00 |
仮想通貨 |
BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
[日経] 海外強豪サッカーチームも導入、スポーツ版暗号資産 〝物言うファン〟醸成、新たなマーケティング手法に |
醸成 |
2021-08-08 15:55:48 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
通常の約3倍、ワインに合う!? 「おおきなパイ飲み」が当たるキャンペーン |
重量 |
2021-08-08 15:30:00 |