IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「Surface Duo 2」のレンダリング画像 − 流出した試作機の実機写真をもとに作成 |
surface |
2021-08-08 13:29:36 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
LeetCode 41. "First Missing Positive"を線形探索で解いた話 |
returnposnumsnumsのうち正である数posnumsxforxinnumsifxgtposnumsの最大の数maxposnum、最小の数minposnumを取得する。 |
2021-08-08 22:42:02 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Pythonでオリジナルのドット絵エディタを作る(2) - ペイントツールの追加 |
パレット線ツール四角ツール塗りつぶし有り無しスポイトツール塗りつぶしツール格子ツール取り消しやり直し環境前回から使用しているPySideに加えて、以下のライブラリを追加で使用します。 |
2021-08-08 22:29:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
headerの固定がレスポンシブのみにしたいが、したらPC版でも消えた |
headerの固定がレスポンシブのみにしたいが、したらPC版でも消えた前提・実現したいことレスポンシブ対応でpositoionnbspfixedをheaderfixed親要素に適用したいconseptもslider対応になっている。 |
2021-08-08 22:58:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Ansibleの管理対象でshellファイルを実行し環境変数を設定する方法について |
Ansibleの管理対象でshellファイルを実行し環境変数を設定する方法について前提Ansibleで複数サーバに対し製品のインストール・設定を行う環境の構築中製品はOSSなどではなく、とある会社固有の製品実現したいこととある製品のインストール手順の中でshellファイルを読み込んで環境変数を設定し、その後のインストールなどを行うものがあります。 |
2021-08-08 22:57:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
アイコン、タイトル、内容を表記した商品リストの編集方法について |
見た目上は価格comさんのHPの「パソコン」の表を目標として作成しているのですが、タイトルと内容をPC、携帯での表示に関わらず、アイコンと少し間を空けて、中心より右側に配置したいと考えています。 |
2021-08-08 22:56:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
GASでメールをスプレッドシートに抽出したいが、「TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined」と出てしまう |
GASでメールをスプレッドシートに抽出したいが、「TypeErrorCannotreadpropertyxsplitxofundefined」と出てしまう前提・実現したいことお客さんの業務効率改善のためにGASをUdemyで勉強してます。 |
2021-08-08 22:53:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
wxWidgets event.Skip()の使い方がよくわからない |
2021-08-08 22:49:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WP下層ディレクトリURLが繰り返される |
箇所 |
2021-08-08 22:29:24 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
<HTML>画像の表示とグーグルマップの配置がウィンドウの大きさによって崩れてしまう問題点 |
ltHTMLgt画像の表示とグーグルマップの配置がウィンドウの大きさによって崩れてしまう問題点実現したいことに対しての誤り箇所HTMLを記述しているエディタはVSCodeでMicrosoftnbspEgeでindexhtmlを開きました。 |
2021-08-08 22:28:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
エクセルvbaの無限ループ処理の対処 |
あるデータ表からfor文で上から順にvlookup関数で該当するデータを出力し、データが間違いor空欄の場合は次の行にスキップして繰り返す…という処理を作ろうとしたのですが、以下文だとマクロそのものが無限にループしてしまいます。 |
2021-08-08 22:24:31 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
IIRフィルタの出力を求めたい |
2021-08-08 22:13:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
githubでassign yourselfができない。 |
assignnbspyourself |
2021-08-08 22:10:22 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
たった1日で基本が身につく!Docker/kubernetes超入門2章のAnsibleの設定ファイルについて |
問題HyperVを利用してdockerの環境をつ作ったあとansibleをインストールしました。 |
2021-08-08 22:12:03 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Docker Desktop for Windowsで/var/lib/docker/containers/コンテナIDの場所を特定する |
DockerDesktopforWindowsでvarlibdockercontainersコンテナIDの場所を特定するはじめに「たった日で基本が身に付くDockerKubernetes超入門」という本を勉強していたところ、書籍ではHypervで作成したCentos環境で説明していたところを、DockerDesktopでやっていて書籍通りに行うことができかなったため記事にしました。 |
2021-08-08 22:05:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
A2HS in Flutter Web |
AHS in Flutter WebWhen I wanted to implement Add to home screen feature in an application I was working in flutter I didn t found much good solutions out there and I struggled a bit coming up with a solution In this article I ve described my personal solution to this Please let me know if we can do this in a great way than this Enjoy learning We re trying to achieve To start learning about AHS Add to Home Screen we first need to learn about PWAs Know this already you can skip to the main content PWA Progressive Web App PWAs or Progressive Web Apps are the web apps that use the cutting edge web browser APIs to bring native app like user experience But how do we differentiate normal and PWA web app It s simple we just need to check if it contains the following features Secure Network HTTPS Service WorkersManifest FileSource MDN Web Docs AHS What s AHS Add to Home screen or AHS for short is a feature available in modern browsers that allows a user to install a web app ie add a shortcut to their Home screen representing their favorite web app or site so they can subsequently access it with a single tap Source amp More Info MDN Web DocsRelation of AHS with PWA As we learnt AHS s job is to provide you ability to install the web app on your device Therefore it needs the web app to have offline functionality Therefore PWAs quite fit for this role Flutter ImplementationWell now that we ve learned what PWA and AHS means let s now get to the main point i e creating AHS functionality to flutter web app or creating flutter PWA Let s first make the Flutter Web App Flutter PWA Create a new flutter app web enabled and go through the steps below For this we want to click on link to navigate to the section Have a manifest fileIcons availableService workersAHS Prompt ConfigurationShow AHS Prompt From Flutter Web AppHTTPS context ManifestParticular The web manifest is written in standard JSON format and should be placed somewhere inside your app directory It contains multiple fields that define certain information about the web app and how it should behave To know more about fields checkout the source docs Implementation Flutter web comes with a manifest json file already but some of the browsers don t support it Therefore we ll create a new file in web root directory named manifest webmanifest Add this code in it name FlutterAHS short name FAHS start url display standalone background color C theme color C description Flutter AHS Demo Application orientation portrait primary prefer related applications false icons src icons Icon png sizes x type image png src icons Icon png sizes x type image Add this line in the head tag of your index html file lt link rel manifest href manifest webmanifest gt Run the app and navigate to Dev Tools gt Application gt Manifest You should see this If you see some warning please consider resolving them Note All the fields here are required for PWA to work Please consider replacing values in it Though you can reduce the number of images in icons list Source amp More Info MDN Web Docs IconsWe can already see icons folder there just add appropriate icons there and make sure to add them in the manifest file Service WorkersParticular Service workers essentially act as proxy servers that sit between web applications the browser and the network when available They are intended among other things to enable the creation of effective offline experiences intercept network requests and take appropriate action based on whether the network is available and update assets residing on the server They will also allow access to push notifications and background sync APIs Implementation Create a file named sw js in root folder where manifest belongs Add following code there const cacheName flutter app cache v const assetsToCache index html icons Icon png icons Icon png self addEventListener install event gt self skipWaiting skip waiting event waitUntil caches open cacheName then cache gt return cache addAll assetsToCache self addEventListener fetch function event event respondWith caches match event request then function response Cache hit return response if response return response return fetch event request This will cache network urls and assets The service worker emits an install event at the end of registration In the above code a message is logged inside the install event listener but in a real world app this would be a good place for caching static assets Now In in index html before the default service worker registration of flutter above line var serviceWorkerUrl flutter service worker js v serviceWorkerVersion Add the following code var customServiceWorkerUrl sw js navigator serviceWorker register customServiceWorkerUrl scope then function registration Registration was successful console log CustomServiceWorker registration successful with scope registration scope function err registration failed console log CustomServiceWorker registration failed err This will register our service worker we defined in sw jsSource amp More Info MDN Web DocsGoogle Web Dev AHS PromptParticular At last we re here we now need to present the install dialog to user But now an important issue here is it will only prompt on event fire For eg on click event So for eg if you have a button in your html let s say you ll fire a js onclickevent to call a function and show the prompt and bad part is it does not work automatically But worry not we ll get to this Implementation Create a script js file in the root directory where manifest belongs and add the following code let deferredPrompt add to homescreenwindow addEventListener beforeinstallprompt e gt Prevent Chrome and earlier from automatically showing the prompt e preventDefault Stash the event so it can be triggered later deferredPrompt e function isDeferredNotNull return deferredPrompt null function presentAddToHome if deferredPrompt null Update UI to notify the user they can add to home screen Show the prompt deferredPrompt prompt Wait for the user to respond to the prompt deferredPrompt userChoice then choiceResult gt if choiceResult outcome accepted console log User accepted the AHS prompt else console log User dismissed the AHS prompt deferredPrompt null else console log deferredPrompt is null return null beforeinstallprompt will be called automatically when browser is ready to show prompt when AHS conditions are fulfilled Now the idea is when beforeinstallprompt fires it will populate defferredPrompt and we can then present the prompt Add this line in the head tag of index html file lt script src script js defer gt lt script gt At this point we ve to check if all things are configured properly Run the app in browser and open developer tools inspect and navigate to application tab Recheck manifest tab there there should be no error or warning there There should be no error or warning on the service worker tab too If there s no problem then congratulations We re all set with configurations now we just need to call the prompt from our flutter app Show AHS Prompt With FlutterThe concern here now is how do we fire a JS callback from a button in flutter app let s say For this now we re going to use universal html package We can also do it with dart js but it s not recommended for using in flutter apps directly So go ahead and add universal html as dependency in your pubspec yaml file Link for package Universal HTML We will also require Shared Prefs so add it too Link for package Shared Preferences We ve to create a button to allow user to click and show the prompt We ll for this eg show a popup to user whenever it s ready to show prompt In main dart file we ve the good old counter app import package universal html js dart as js import package flutter foundation dart show kIsWeb Import the two packages And now add the following code to the initState if kIsWeb WidgetsBinding instance addPostFrameCallback async final prefs await SharedPreferences getInstance final isWebDialogShownKey is web dialog shown final isWebDialogShown prefs getBool isWebDialogShownKey false if isWebDialogShown final bool isDeferredNotNull js context callMethod isDeferredNotNull as bool if isDeferredNotNull debugPrint gt gt gt Add to HomeScreen prompt is ready await showAddHomePageDialog context prefs setBool isWebDialogShownKey true else debugPrint gt gt gt Add to HomeScreen prompt is not ready yet Here we first check if the platform is web if yes then call the isDeferredNotNull function we wrote in script js file This will return us if the defferredPrompt is not null as we know this will only be not null when the browser is ready to show prompt If it s not null then show the dialog and set the shared pref key to true to not show again Below is the dialog popup code Future lt bool gt showAddHomePageDialog BuildContext context async return showDialog lt bool gt context context builder context return Dialog shape RoundedRectangleBorder borderRadius BorderRadius circular child Padding padding const EdgeInsets all child Column mainAxisSize MainAxisSize min children Center child Icon Icons add circle size color Theme of context primaryColor SizedBox height Text Add to Homepage style TextStyle fontSize fontWeight FontWeight w SizedBox height Text Want to add this application to home screen style TextStyle fontSize SizedBox height ElevatedButton onPressed js context callMethod presentAddToHome Navigator pop context false child Text Yes This will call the presentAddToHome function in the script js to show the install prompt Final Step HTTPS ContextFor showing prompt we need to host web app to a secure HTTPS hosting We ll host the web app on Github Pages Create a new repository named username github io Run flutter build web web renderer htmlAfter successful build navigate to build web directory Initialize a new git repository and add remote to it For username github io this repository Push and wait for some time check for the deployment status on the repository on GitHub And now you re all done To check visit username github io Important Things to keep in mind Prompt will sometimes not be shown for the first time Most probably it would be shown the next time you visit the page or reload the page Please check it s terms You can check the console tab of the dev tools if it s not ready you can see deferredPrompt is null printed Please see the supported browsers for beforeinstallprompt callback Click here to see Try in different browser if not working on one for eg Mozilla Firefox Brave etc Will only work when hosted Make sure you have no errors or warning on manifest in Applications tab in browser dev tools Hope you got the result you wanted Source Code SahilSonawaneOfficial flutter web ahs AHS in FlutterSource code for establishing AHS functionality in flutter web Please consider going through article about this Dev To LinkMedium Link View on GitHubThat s all This is my first article I will love to hear suggestions to improve Thanks ️ |
2021-08-08 13:38:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Ng-magical directives series (*ngTemplateOutlet) |
Ng magical directives series ngTemplateOutlet Magic is just science that we do not understand yet Arthur C ClarkeThis article is part of what I call the magical directives series In this series we will unravel the mystery behind some interesting Angular directives Afterwards we can add this little magic to our tool box I call them magical directives because they play a very important role in building reusable components across our Angular applications Below are the directives that we will be looking at in this series ng templateng containerng content ngTemplateOutlet links to other articles in this series are below The ngTemplateOutletIn our last article ng content We said that we are going to discuss the conditional content projection in this particular article One of the major draw backs in using the ng content is the ability to specify default content What this means is that if a user does not provide the content for a select attribute that particular content tag will be blank This is the first problem the ngTemplateOutlet helps to solve The ngTemplateOutlet helps to build configurable components and also helps in the insertion of common template in different sessions of our page Let us start with the simple use case for the ngTemplateOutlet which is the insertion of a template into different sessions of our page for example if you have a repeated icon across your page instead of creating the image tag or repeating the host html that holds that image you can create a template with the lt ng template gt and then use the ngTemplateOutlet to reference it in every session that you need to display the icon Template to be used at multiple sessions in our application lt ng template ourIcon gt lt img src urImage jpg alt someImge gt lt ng template gt reference the template across different sessions in our application lt div gt lt div class header gt lt ng container ngTemplateOutlet ourIcon gt lt ng container gt lt h gt Our lovely page lt h gt lt div gt lt div class body gt lt ng container ngTemplateOutlet ourIcon gt lt ng container gt lt div gt lt div class Footer gt lt ng container ngTemplateOutlet ourIcon gt lt ng container gt lt div gt lt div gt In the example above we have been able to use the icon template across multiple sessions in our page without re writing the html and if we ever want to change the image url we just have to update the template without touching the sessions where it is used The second use case is for the conditional content projection books view html lt h gt Our Story Books lt h gt lt ng container ngTemplateOutlet booksTemplate booksTemplate defaultBooks gt lt ng container gt lt ng template defaultBooks gt lt div ngFor let bk of booklist class books card default gt lt h gt bk name lt h gt lt p gt bk author bk year lt p gt lt div gt lt ng template gt books view ts import Component Input OnInit TemplateRef from angular core Component selector app books view templateUrl books view component html styleUrls books view component scss export class BooksViewComponent implements OnInit Input booksTemplate TemplateRef lt HTMLElement gt Input booklist name The young shall grow author some persons year name Without a silver spoon author some body year name Lara the sugar gurl author everybody year constructor ngOnInit void In sample code above we have defined a view for our lists of books First in the books view ts file we are expecting an input of type templateRef Input booksTemplate TemplateRef lt HTMLElement gt and in the html file we defined another template called defaultBooks lt ng template defaultBooks gt lt div ngFor let bk of booklist class books card default gt lt h gt bk name lt h gt lt p gt bk author bk year lt p gt lt div gt lt ng template gt and in our template we created the template container for the view lt ng container ngTemplateOutlet booksTemplate booksTemplate defaultBooks gt lt ng container gt This is simply saying that hey we are expecting an input of type templateRef called booksTemplate If it is provided then display it else use the default defined template called the defaultBooksNow you can use the books view in any part of our application in the following ways pass in your custom template lt app books view booksTemplate myCustomeTemplate gt lt app books view gt Allow the default template to be used lt app books view gt lt app books view gt Unlike the ng content we have been able to provide default values to be projected The ngTemplateOutlet is super useful for creating configurable components Two examples of how we can utilize the power of ng templateOutlet in our books viewcreate multiple templates for different use cases eg card view table view list view e t c and allow the parent component that want to use our books view to specify the type of view they want else return default view Here we can even go further to automate the views depending on defined condition Example you can set the hostlistener to listen to screen sizes or allow users to select the type of view that they want while you automatically switch between your defined templates card view table view list view We can also decide to allow the parent component to send in their own template like we have in the above Below is an example of a parent component using our books view along side with customer templates lt ng template cardView gt lt div let ngFor let bk of books class books card gt lt h gt bk name lt h gt lt p gt bk author bk year lt p gt lt div gt lt ng template gt lt ng template tableView gt lt table gt lt tr gt lt th gt Title lt th gt lt th gt Author lt th gt lt th gt Year lt th gt lt tr gt lt tr ngFor let bk of books gt lt td gt bk name lt td gt lt td gt bk author lt td gt lt td gt bk year lt td gt lt tr gt lt table gt lt ng template gt passing the template to our app view lt app books view booksTemplate cardView gt lt app books view gt As seen above we have two templates defined by our parent component the cardView and the tableView Although we have manually assigned the cardView to the booksTemplate but we can always dynamically change the value from the ts file of our parent component as discussed earlier Hey guys Isn t that super cool But wait If you look at the books view ts you will see that we have default data booklist being used What if we want to send in our own data but still want to use the default template If you look at the default template you will notice that it directly has access to the booklist in our ts file And that is the same for every template embedded in the ng template they can access variables in our ts We can further create a unique variable that is only accessible to our template alone and not outside of it This is done by using let keyword as in let data Example lt ng container ngTemplateOutlet booksTemplate booksTemplate defaultBooks context implicit booklist gt lt ng container gt lt ng template let books defaultBooks gt lt div ngFor let bk of books class books card default gt lt h gt bk name lt h gt lt p gt bk author bk year lt p gt lt div gt lt ng template gt Here we have defined a variable books that is only accessible by our template we no longer have direct access to the booklist in our ts Where does the let books get its value from The data for the let books can be gotten directly from the parentFrom a default value set in the ngTemplateOutlet context propertyTo get the value from the parent lt app books view booklist booklist gt lt app books view gt Here we are are not passing any template to the books views this means that we want to use the default template while we are sending our own data to the template Now what happens is thatOur books views will first check if booklist has been passed as an input value If the value is passed it then assign the value of the booklist to let books through the contextIf there is no booklist passed to it it then assign the data specified in the context to the let books context implicit booklist which is the default value This way we can successfully send in our own data to books view while still using the default template Same way if we want to send in our custom template and also allow for dynamic data we can also declare the template scoped variable with the letIn our parent component lt ng template let books cardView gt lt div let ngFor let bk of books class books card gt lt h gt bk name lt h gt lt p gt bk author bk year lt p gt lt div gt lt ng template gt lt ng template let books tableView gt lt table gt lt tr gt lt th gt Title lt th gt lt th gt Author lt th gt lt th gt Year lt th gt lt tr gt lt tr ngFor let bk of books gt lt td gt bk name lt td gt lt td gt bk author lt td gt lt td gt bk year lt td gt lt tr gt lt table gt lt ng template gt lt This allows you to use project your custom template and also pass in the data gt lt app books view booklist booklist booksTemplate cardView gt lt app books view gt Here we have also added the let books variable to our custom templates Whenever we pass in the data to our template it assigns the value of the data to our contextwhose value is then assigned to the let books lt app books view booklist booklist booksTemplate cardView gt lt app books view gt You can check out the github rep for the sample code above Conclusionyou can utilize the magical power of the ngTemplateOutlet ng template ng content and ng container to create your own reusable component library while also giving your users the flexibility to customize the components Previous ng content |
2021-08-08 13:31:30 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Create a Search Bar in React |
How to Create a Search Bar in ReactOne of the things I was currently interested in was creating a search bar however I didn t want to search for things that were already available in the frontend In the same way that I didn t feel like making a request to an Api by clicking on a button I just wanted to use an Input and as soon as I finish writing I would automatically make the request to the Api and this is where the challenge of today s example lies The idea of today s example is to write the name of a house from Game of Thrones and then we will list the family name and its members Let s codeIn today s example we ll just install axios to make http requests for our application npm i axiosThe application scaffold is up to you because it will work anyway whether you use create react app vite or other First we will create the axios instance and then consume the Game Of Thrones Quotes API src api got jsimport axios from axios export default axios create baseURL Then we can start working on our custom hook For this to work we are going to use two well known hooks that you are probably familiar with useState and useEffect Just like we re going to import our axios instance src hooks useFetch jsimport useState useEffect from react import got from api got const useFetch gt return export default useFetch Let s start by creating our state which in this example will be an object with two properties We have the slug which will be the search term this being the name of the house And the second will be the results of Api s response src hooks useFetch jsimport useState useEffect from react import got from api got const useFetch gt const data setData useState slug results return export default useFetch Now we can use useEffect which will be executed whenever the slug is changed This way src hooks useFetch jsimport useState useEffect from react import got from api got const useFetch gt const data setData useState slug results useEffect gt data slug return export default useFetch However as you might have already thought If we now make the http request inside useEffect it means that whenever the user writes a new character he will make a new request to the Api But we don t want that so we ll use setTimeout because we want the http request to be done as soon as the user finishes writing for that we ll have a timeout of one second But then we will be taking a risk we could end up having several timeouts and we don t want that This is because if the timeout starts and the user writes again we want to cancel the previous timeout So we need to clean up our useEffect and we will use clearTimeout to cancel the previous timeout Like this src hooks useFetch jsimport useState useEffect from react import got from api got const useFetch gt const data setData useState slug results useEffect gt if data slug const timeoutId setTimeout gt return gt clearTimeout timeoutId data slug return export default useFetch Now we can make our http request using our axios instance and let s pass our slug as the only parameter We will then store the response data in our state src hooks useFetch jsimport useState useEffect from react import got from api got const useFetch gt const data setData useState slug results useEffect gt if data slug const timeoutId setTimeout gt const fetch async gt try const res await got get data slug setData data results res data catch err console error err fetch return gt clearTimeout timeoutId data slug return export default useFetch Now just return our state and our setter to be able to use our custom hook src hooks useFetch jsimport useState useEffect from react import got from api got const useFetch gt const data setData useState slug results useEffect gt if data slug const timeoutId setTimeout gt const fetch async gt try const res await got get data slug setData data results res data catch err console error err fetch return gt clearTimeout timeoutId data slug return data setData export default useFetch Now we can start by creating our UI first let s start with our App jsx Likewise we ll import our custom hook and import the House jsx component which hasn t been created yet and we ll do conditional rendering as we ll only show house data if we have some src App jsximport React from react import useFetch from hooks useFetch import House from components House export default function App const data setData useFetch return lt main gt lt input type text placeholder Type your favorite house value data slug onChange e gt setData data slug e target value gt lt br gt data results length gt lt House family data results gt null lt main gt Now we can start creating our House jsx component and in the same we will import Members jsx which has yet to be created src components House jsximport React from react import Members from Members export default function House family return lt div gt lt h gt family name lt h gt lt Members members family members gt lt div gt Finally we can create our last component that will list each of the family members src components Members jsximport React from react export default function Members members return lt ul gt members map el i gt lt li key i gt el name lt li gt lt ul gt You should get a result similar to this ConclusionAs always I hope you found it interesting If you noticed any errors in this article please mention them in the comments 🪗Hope you have a great day |
2021-08-08 13:24:01 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
My Dev Journey: Week 14 |
My Dev Journey Week This week was the final week of the Northcoders bootcamp that I have been on It s been an absolute blast and getting to know the tutors and other students on the cohort has been one of the biggest pleasures I ve learnt so much in the space of weeks things I never thought I d be able to do It s gone so fast and it s kind of crazy to think where I ll be in another months time If you ve enjoyed this blog post maybe consider checking out my Twitter and GitHub What s happened this week Finished our group projectWe spent the first three days of this week finishing off our app For those who didn t see last week our app is all about maintaining the motivation to achieve goals that you set for yourself by setting you up in a group with friends so that you hold each other accountable for reaching you goals We spent the Monday finishing off our backend and then the four of us all started working on the frontend together and getting that looking more polished than our initial styling Presented our appOn the Thursday we recorded our app demo and created our presentation Then on the Friday we rehearsed our presentation many times and watched all of our peers present their apps to us and on a live stream I have studied remotely for the most part of the course but travelled into the Manchester campus for the day to present my app with the rest of my team which was a great experience You can watch the whole livestream here where my team was the last to present starting at but the link takes you to that timestamp Finished NorthcodersAs soon as we finished our presentation the livestream ended and at that point everyone on the cohort had officially finished the course We finished off with some beer and pizza in the office as well as going out for a drink with everyone that was able to present in person I ve had a great time on this course and feel like it has set me in a really good direction on the path to being a good developer What s next First of all I m going to have a week off after what has been a very fast and incredibly intense experience I m hoping to write another blog post next week to round off this experience but see where I get to from there Whether you ve only read one of these blog posts or you ve read all of them thank you for reading to the end I never would have thought I could write a blog post weeks in a row and definitely not that I could write a blog post series that has over total views so far Thank you all |
2021-08-08 13:09:20 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple emails beta testers to try out iOS 15, macOS Monterey |
Apple emails beta testers to try out iOS macOS MontereyApple is keen to get more people testing out iOS and its other major operating system updates according to an email to existing beta testers encouraging them to try out the public betas Apple is anticipated to release iOS iPadOS tvOS watchOS and macOS Monterey to the public this fall alongside its hardware releases While it is currently beta testing the milestone versions it appears that Apple wants more people trying out the inbound software updates An email was sent to participants of its Beta Software Program nudging people who haven t yet downloaded the next operating system versions to do so The email seen by toMac offers that participants can help shape Apple software by test driving pre release versions and letting us know what you think Read more |
2021-08-08 13:11:44 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
Climate change: Time running out to stop catastrophe - Alok Sharma |
chief |
2021-08-08 13:19:15 |
金融 |
ニュース - 保険市場TIMES |
「保険市場」に損保ジャパンの移動の保険『UGOKU』が新登場! |
2021-08-08 23:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghanistan war: Taliban capture city of Kunduz |
forces |
2021-08-08 13:56:49 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Climate change: Time running out to stop catastrophe - Alok Sharma |
chief |
2021-08-08 13:19:15 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Saudi Arabia to allow in vaccinated Umrah pilgrims |
saudi |
2021-08-08 13:08:37 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Rain threatens to wipe out final day of England-India Test |
bridge |
2021-08-08 13:05:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tokyo Olympics: Relive every Team GB gold medal at 2020 Games |
charlotte |
2021-08-08 13:27:28 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tokyo Olympics: Closing ceremony marks end of behind-closed-doors Games |
Tokyo Olympics Closing ceremony marks end of behind closed doors GamesThe Tokyo Olympics postponed and played out behind closed doors because of the Covid pandemic conclude with a vibrant ceremony in Japan s capital |
2021-08-08 13:28:14 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
滴る汗を鉄壁ガード!速乾・冷感・防臭機能付きヘッドバンド【今日のライフハックツール】 |
高さ |
2021-08-08 22:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
JR西、特急30本を計画運休 台風9号接近で |
計画運休 |
2021-08-08 22:10:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
華やかな音楽で彩る五輪閉会式 東京スカパラらが「鬼滅の刃」 |
東京五輪 |
2021-08-08 22:03:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
女子マラソンも初めて表彰 東京五輪閉会式 |
東京五輪 |
2021-08-08 22:03:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
DONDA Anticipation Thread Part 5 - Hurricane Edition |
DONDA Anticipation Thread Part Hurricane Editionwell We ve had of these now When do you think Hurricane will drop submitted by u WestBeatsEver to r WestSubEver link comments |
2021-08-08 13:03:51 |