Engadget Japanese |
Galaxy Buds2海外発表、新無線イヤホンはANCと2ウェイ構成キープで本体小型化 |
galaxy |
2021-08-11 15:30:12 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
他で管理されているDynamoDBへの更新をAmplifyアプリでサブスクライブする |
functiontemplateにはLambdatriggerを選択トリガにはAmazonDynamoDBStreamを選択「ProvidetheARNofDynamoDBstreamdirectly」を選択準備で控えた通知を受け取りたい対象のDynamoDBテーブルのStreamのARNを入力Advancedの設定で先程設定したLambdalayerを指定する。 |
2021-08-12 00:17:02 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Hit&Blow(ヒットアンドブロー)のソルバーをpythonで書いてた |
HitampBlowヒットアンドブローのソルバーをpythonで書いてたはじめに先日、世界のアソビ大全をやっていたのですが、「ヒットブロー」っていうNumernヌメロンみたいなやつが面白かったのでソルバーを作ってみました。 |
2021-08-12 00:11:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
$_GETでアドレスにパラメータが存在しない場合 |
GETでアドレスにパラメータが存在しない場合やりたいことidの様にGETaposidaposで取得するパラメータに基づいて、動的にウェブページを構成するサイトを作成しております。 |
2021-08-12 00:59:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
onTouchEventの動きで不明点があるので、解決して欲しいです。 |
onTouchEventの動きで不明点があるので、解決して欲しいです。 |
2021-08-12 00:58:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Node.js】google maps apiを使って地図を表示したい |
現在、nodejs上にてgooglenbspmapsnbspapiを使用して、地図を表示させたいと思っております。 |
2021-08-12 00:56:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JavaScriptでのcsv書き込み |
javascript |
2021-08-12 00:53:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
DataFrameに3層目の列名を追加したい |
DataFrameに層目の列名を追加したい前提・実現したいことimportpandasaspdimportnumpyasnpdfpdDataFramedatanparangereshapedfcolumnspdMultiIndexfromproductABabcdisplaydfで得られるDataFrameに層目の列名を追加し、ABabcabcのようなインデックスを実現したいのですが、上手くできません。 |
2021-08-12 00:41:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
CSSで画像を複数画像をグリッドに、1枚の画像の場合は中央表示にしたい。 |
CSSで画像を複数画像をグリッドに、枚の画像の場合は中央表示にしたい。 |
2021-08-12 00:24:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
期間を指定する機能を作りたい |
期間を指定する機能を作りたい前提・実現したいことデーターベースに入れた写真を開始年のみ設定した場合にその年以降の写真を全て取り出す機能を作りたいです。 |
2021-08-12 00:21:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ownerコマンドのエラー |
commandsisowner |
2021-08-12 00:12:39 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby 基礎 |
Ruby基礎目次基礎文法演算子データ型制御文クラスとモジュールライブラリ基礎文法基本的なルールすべてオブジェクト文字列や配列、数値やnilなど改行が文の区切り、セミコロンで明示的に文の区切りをすることも可能バックスラッシュを使うと、文がまだ続くことを明示できる変数「変数名値」の形式で変数宣言ができる変数名だけ宣言するとエラーになるため、何かしらの値を代入する必要があるローカル変数先頭を英子文字か「」にするhogehogeインスタンス変数先頭を「」にするfugafugaクラス変数先頭を「」にするclassFoofooendグローバル変数先頭を「」にするbar定数先頭を英大文字にするPIYOpiyo疑似変数特殊な変数のこと変数名説明selfメソッドの実行主体nilnil値true真偽値の真false真偽値の偽FILEソースファイル名LINEソースファイル中の行番号ENCODINGソースファイルのスクリプトエンコーディングコメント単行コメント「」をつけることでコメント化hogehogeコメント複数行コメントbeginからendでコメント化beginコメントコメントコメントend記述以降をすべてコメント化ENDの記述以降は全てコメントになるhogehogeEND以降コメント化コメントコメントコメントマジックコメントソースコードの先頭に書く「おまじない」のようなものRubyでは主にソースコードの文字を指定するために使用するencodingutfcodingutfvimsetfileencodingutf関数関数名は英小文字か「」で始まる必要がある関数内で最後に評価した式が戻り値となるreturnは必要なしreturnを明示した場合は、その時点で呼び出し元に戻り値を返して処理が終了となる引数がない場合は、は省略しても良い慣例として、破壊的操作をするメソッドには文末に「」をつける慣例として、真偽値を返すメソッドには文末に「」をつける普通の関数defsumababendデフォルト引数この場合、bの値を指定しない場合はbになるdefaddababend省略defhelloputshelloend可変長引数cが可変長引数deftestabcメソッドの処理end標準出力puts引数に与えた値を出力し、nilを返す出力の後に改行されるputshogeprint引数に与えた値を出力し、nilを返す出力の後に改行なしprinthogep引数に与えた値を詳しく出力し、引数の値を返す出力の後に改行されるphoge演算子算術演算子演算子説明例加算結果減算結果乗算結果累乗結果除算結果剰余結果比較演算子演算子説明等しい等しくないgtより大きいgt以上ltより小さいlt以下論理演算子演算子説明ampampAND演算子OR演算子NOT演算子ビット演算子演算子説明ampビットAMDビットORビットXORビット反転ltlt左シフトgtgt右シフト三項演算条件演算条件式式trueなら式falseなら式文字列演算子演算子説明連結ltlt連結と代入n回の繰り返し連結putsaabbaabb連結と代入saasbbputssltltsaabbputssaabbn回の繰り返しputsaaaaaデータ型数値NumericからIntegerFloatにそれぞれクラスが分かれる数値計算は他言語同様クラス説明Numeric数値の親クラスInteger整数の親クラスBignumIntegerから派生大きな整数FixnumINtegerから派生整数Float浮動小数点数※整数は値のサイズによって自動的にBignumFixnumへの変換が行われる文字列Stringクラスダブルクォート、シングルクォートで括った値が文字列となるダブルクォートで囲んだ場合はエスケープシーケンスを解釈するダブルクォートで囲った文字列には式の埋め込みが可能記法で文字列を作ることも可能クオートをエスケープする必要がない複数行はヒアドキュメント行指向文字列リテラルを使うと良いシングルクォートsaabbダブルクォート改行エスケープシーケンスや式の埋め込みが可能saanbb式の埋め込み式という記述で埋め込みが可能sパーセント記法qシングルクォートと同じ処理sqaabbQダブルクォートと同じ処理sQaanbb同じくダブルクォートと同じ処理sヒアドキュメント書き方ltlt識別子行目行目行目識別子altltTEXT行目行目TEXT※ltltTEXTのように、「」をつけると、最後の識別子をインデントさせることができる配列Arrayクラスインデックス番号を指定して値を取得できる。 |
2021-08-12 00:38:46 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Dockerfile에 ubuntu-nginx-php를 만들고 RDS와 연동해 보기 – RDS 연동편 |
Dockerfile에ubuntu nginx php를만들고RDS와연동해보기 RDS 연동편안녕하세요클래스메소드김재욱 Kim Jaewook 입니다 이번에는「Dockerfile에ubuntu nginx php를만들고RDS와연동해보기」라는주제로Docker와AWS 서비스인 |
2021-08-11 15:35:39 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Investor group criticizes Activision for “inadequate” harassment response |
issues |
2021-08-11 15:39:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to set up an index alias that points to multiple indices in Elasticsearch |
How to set up an index alias that points to multiple indices in ElasticsearchIndex aliasing is a powerful feature in Elasticsearch that gives us the ability to control the indices One could create as many indices as possible and use an alias to point to the right index or one can point the index alias to all indices depending on your application needs ScenariosImagine if you had the following scenarios when working with Elasticsearch for your application needs Scenario A snapshot of your index that needs to be restored to a new cluster however you forgot to restore it and instead you created a new index As time passed you realised that new data had amassed in the newly created index and you needed to combine the data from the snapshot with the new index Scenario You have an index that requires certain schema changes or re indexing To be able to ensure your users are able to search from your instance with almost no downtime set up a new index with new schema changes and re index the data Introducing multi index aliasing You can create a single index alias that points to multiple indices There s an endpoint from Elasticsearch that allows you to perform one or more alias actions in a single atomic operation PrerequisitesVerify if the alias you d like to use has not been used yet by using the alias alias name endpoint HEAD alias my aliasIf it returns a it means the alias is available and can be used in setting up the multi index aliasingIf it returns a it means it s being used and you need to choose another aliasVerify your indices are readily available within your cluster instance StepsEnsure that your old snapshot is ready if you don t have your secondary index setup When you do restore the snapshot index ensure that the index name is different than the newly created to avoid conflicts Clone the index from the old snapshot cluster if you have toRun the following POST request to your designated cluster POST aliases actions add index new index alias new index alias add index old index alias new index alias But wait what if I want to specify the new data is written to a specific index You can pass in the is write index parameter in the payload as follows POST aliases actions add index new index alias new index alias is write index true add index old index alias new index alias As you can see it s fairly straightforward to set up an index alias that points to multiple indices within your Elasticsearch instance If you want to query data from the alias simply perform the following GET new index alias searchThis would help you query across two indices new index and old index BenefitsZero downtime Bring up a new index with new changes point alias to new index when it s ready Keep the old index stale in case it s needed for future reference or just as a backup Multiple Indices We want to be able to query multiple indices Then create an alias that points to multiple indices Resources |
2021-08-11 15:19:30 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
9 Amazing Things To Do With Python |
Amazing Things To Do With PythonHello buddies We love python right So today we re going to see some amazing things that can be done with python you may not know them Interesting Let s start Google Search with PythonSometimes we get so much into programming that we feel lazy enough to open the browser and search our queries But with the amazing python library google we can search our queries by just writing lines of code without manually opening the browser and searching our query on it To install pip install googleCode import library from googlesearch import search write your queryquery best course for python displaying results from the searchfor i in search query tld co in num stop pause print i you will notice the search results website links in the output Downloading Instagram Posts and profile pictureWe all come across some wonderful posts on Instagram and want to save them offline on our devices But the app provides posts to be saved online for later and not offline This can be done with the amazing python library instaloader To install library pip install instaloaderCode to download all the posts of a profile import instaloader creating objectd instaloader Instaloader sepcifying the profile nameprofile Name enter the instagram handle do profile pic only True to download the profile pictured download profile profile Name profile pic only False you will notice a folder of this profile s name under which all the posts will get downloaded Extracting audio from the video filesThere are certain situations when we have the mp file but we only need the audio from it Like making a video with audio of another video We struggle enough to get the same audio file but we fail and unfortunately we decide to choose the other music file This problem is solved with the python library moviepy as we can extract the audio from the video files through this To install library pip install moviepyCode import library import moviepy editor as mp specify the mp file here mention the file path if it is in different directory clip mp VideoFileClip video mp specify the name for mp extractedclip audio write audiofile Audio mp you will notice mp file will be created at the specified location URL ShortenerDealing with long URLs is a hectic task when you have to regularly work with them There comes the idea of URL Shorteners such as bit ly and tinyurl These services shorten the URL to below characters We can create our own URL shortener with the help of the python library pyshorteners To install library pip install pyshortenersCode import library import pyshorteners creating objects pyshorteners Shortener type the urlurl type the youtube link here print the shortend urlprint s tinyurl short url Image to PDF ConvertorSometimes we have our notes or documents as photographs and it becomes difficult to study in that manner We might follow the wrong sequence and things become confusing and annoying To solve this problem one idea is to collect all the images and then convert them into a pdf file This can be done with the python library imgpdf To install library pip install imgpdfCode import librariesimport osimport imgpdf specify the name for pdf filewith open converted pdf wb as f collect all the images in a single folder and specify its location f write imgpdf convert i for i in os listdir files images if i endswith jpg Plagiarism detectorOne of the most important factors for dealing with content writing is Plagiarism It s not even possible to check the files manually when they are in bundles There comes the need for the Plagiarism detector tool We can also create our own plagiarism detector with the help of the python library difflib It can be used to check similarities between two or more files on a device To install library pip install difflibCode import the required libraryfrom difflib import SequenceMatcher opening two text files with open file one txt as file open file two txt as file read the files in another variables file data file read file data file read since we have taken two files for detecting plagiarism we mention two them here similarity ratio SequenceMatcher None file data file data ratio print the plagiarsim ratio print similarity ratio Language TranslatorWe live in a world of multilingual people Therefore to understand each other s language we need a language translator since we cannot learn these many languages We can create our own language translator with the help of the python library Translator To install library pip install translateCode import the library from translate import Translator specifying the language translator Translator to lang Hindi typing the messagetranslation translator translate Hello Welcome to my class print the translated messageprint translation QR code generatorWe see QR Quick Response code often in our day to day life A very quick example is payment apps where QR code saves a lot of user s time We can also create our unique QR code for website or profiles with the python library qrcodeTo install library pip install qrcodeCode import the libraryimport qrcode link to the websiteinput data Creating object version defines size of image from integer to box size size of each box in pixels border thickness of the border qr qrcode QRCode version box size border add date pass the input textqr add data input data converting into imageqr make fit True specify the foreground and background color for the img img qr make image fill black back color white store the imageimg save qrcode img png Download Youtube videosWe all see some of the useful content on youtube whether it be educational or for entertainment purposes This platform doesn t charge us and it s available free to watch an unlimited wide variety of videos The only problem arises when we want to download these videos for the future Here is a cool python library pytube which supports downloading To install library pip install pytubeCode import the library from pytube import YouTube ask user to type in the link link input Enter the link of youtube video creating an objectyt YouTube link to get the highest resolutionys yt streams get highest resolution show the message until downloadingprint Downloading specifying the location for this video ys download Downloads python show the message when download is completedprint Download completed Or else you can try this article s method by Siddharth ChandraSo buddies that s for now Thanks for reading and Happy Coding |
2021-08-11 15:15:08 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Finding and fixing memory leaks in Go |
Finding and fixing memory leaks in GoThis post reviews how I found a memory leak how I fixed it how I fixed similar issues in Google s sample Go code and how we re improving our libraries to prevent this in the future The Google Cloud Client Libraries for Go generally use gRPC under the hood to connect with Google Cloud APIs When you create an API client the library initializes a connection to the API then leaves that connection open until you call Close on the Client client err api NewClient Check err defer client Close Clients are safe to use concurrently so you should keep the same Client around until you re done with it But what happens if you don t Close the client when you should You get a memory leak The underlying connections never get cleaned up Google has a bunch of GitHub automation bots to help manage hundreds of GitHub repos Some of our bots proxy their requests through a Go server running on Cloud Run Our memory usage looked like a classic sawtooth memory leak I started debugging by adding the pprof Index handler to the server mux HandleFunc debug pprof pprof Index pprof provides runtime profiling data like memory usage See Profiling Go Programs on the Go Blog for more information Then I built and started the server locally go build PROJECT ID my project PORT serverless scheduler proxyNext I sent a some requests requests to the server for i in docurl header Content Type application json request POST data name HelloHTTP type testing location us central localhost v cronecho i doneThe exact payload and endpoint is specific to our server and is irrelevant for this post To get a baseline for what memory is being used I collected some initial pprof data curl http localhost debug pprof heap gt heap pprofInspecting the output you can see some memory usage but nothing immediately stands out as a large issue which is good We just started the server go tool pprof heap pprofFile serverless scheduler proxyType inuse spaceTime May at am EDT Entering interactive mode type help for commands o for options pprof topShowing nodes accounting for kB of kB totalShowing top nodes out of flat flat sum cum cum kB kB google golang org grpc internal transport newBufWriter inline kB kB bufio NewReaderSize inline kB kB google golang org grpc metadata Join kB cloud google com go secretmanager apiv Client AccessSecretVersion kB cloud google com go secretmanager apiv Client AccessSecretVersion func kB github com googleapis gax go v Invoke kB github com googleapis gax go v invoke kB google golang org genproto googleapis cloud secretmanager v secretManagerServiceClient AccessSecretVersion kB google golang org grpc ClientConn Invoke kB google golang org grpc addrConn createTransportThe next step was sending a bunch of requests to the server and seeing if we could reproduce the seeming memory leak and identify what the leak is Sending requests for i in docurl header Content Type application json request POST data name HelloHTTP type testing location us central localhost v cronecho i doneCollecting and analyzing more pprof data curl http localhost debug pprof heap gt heap pprof go tool pprof heap pprofFile serverless scheduler proxyType inuse spaceTime May at am EDT Entering interactive mode type help for commands o for options pprof topShowing nodes accounting for MB of MB totalDropped nodes cum lt MB Showing top nodes out of flat flat sum cum cum MB MB google golang org grpc internal transport newBufWriter MB MB bufio NewReaderSize MB MB bytes makeSlice MB MB crypto tls Conn readHandshake MB MB crypto x parseCertificate MB MB crypto tls Client MB MB golang org x net http hpack headerFieldTable addEntry MB MB google golang org grpc internal grpcsync NewEvent MB MB runtime malg MB MB encoding json decodeState literalStoregoogle golang org grpc internal transport newBufWriter really stands out as using a ton of memory That s the first indication of what the leak is related to gRPC Looking at our application source code the only place we were using gRPC was for Google Cloud Secret Manager client err secretmanager NewClient ctx if err nil return nil fmt Errorf failed to create secretmanager client v err We never called client Close and created a Client on every request So I added a Close call and the problem went away defer client Close I submitted the fix it automatically deployed and the sawtooth went away immediately Woohoo Around the same time a user filed an issue on our Go sample repo for Cloud which contains most of the Go samples for docs on cloud google com The user noticed we forgot to Close the Client in our of our samples I had seen the same thing pop up a few other times so I decided to investigate the entire repo I started with a rough estimate of how many affected files there are Using grep we can get a list of all files containing a NewClient style call then pass that list to another invocation of grep to only list the files that don t contain Close ignoring test files grep L Close grep El New Client go grep v testOops There were files…For context we have about go files in the GoogleCloudPlatform golang samples repo Given the scale of the problem I thought some automation would be worth it to get a rough start I didn t want to write a full on Go program to edit the files so I stuck with Bash grep L Close grep El New Client go grep v test xargs sed i New Client s ndefer client Close Is it perfect No Did it make a huge dent in the amount of work Yes The first part up until test is the exact same as above get a list of all of the possibly affected files the ones that seem to create a Client but never call Close Then I passed that list of files to sed for actual editing xargs invokes the command you give it with each line of stdin being passed as an argument to the given command To understand the sed command it helps to see what a sample usually looks like in the golang samples repo omitting imports and everything after client initialization accessSecretVersion accesses the payload for the given secret version if one exists The version can be a version number as a string e g or an alias e g latest func accessSecretVersion w io Writer name string error name projects my project secrets my secret versions name projects my project secrets my secret versions latest Create the client ctx context Background client err secretmanager NewClient ctx if err nil return fmt Errorf failed to create secretmanager client v err At a high level we initialize the client and check if there was an error Whenever you check the error there is a closing curly brace I used that information to automate the editing The sed command is still a douzy though sed i New Client s ndefer client Close The i says to edit the files in place I m OK with this because git can save me if I mess up Next I used the s command to insert defer client Close right after the presumed closing curly brace from checking the error But I don t want to replace every I only want the first one after a call to NewClient To do that you can give an address range for sed to search An address range can include the start and end patterns to match before applying whatever command comes next In this case the start is New Client matching NewClient type calls and the end separated by a is matching the next curly brace That means our search and replace will only apply between the call to NewClient and the closing curly brace From knowing the error handling pattern above the closing brace of the if err nil condition is exactly where we want to insert our Close call Once I had automatically edited all of the samples I ran goimports to fix the formatting Then I went through each edited file to make sure it did the right thing In server applications should we actually close the client or should we keep it around for future requests Is the name of the Client actually client or is it something else Is there more than one Client to Close Once that was done I was left with files edited The last order of business is trying to make it so this doesn t happen to users anymore There are a few ways we have in mind Better samples See above Better GoDoc We updated our library generator to include a comment in the generated libraries saying to Close the Client when you re done with it See Better libraries Is there a way we can automatically Close clients Finalizers Have an idea of how we can do this better Let us know on I hope you learned a bit about Go memory leaks pprof gRPC and Bash I d love to hear your stories about memory leaks you ve found and what it took to fix them If you have ideas about how we can improve our libraries or samples let us know by filing an issue |
2021-08-11 15:05:22 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
FEMA, FCC to conduct smartphone Wireless Emergency Alert test on Wednesday |
FEMA FCC to conduct smartphone Wireless Emergency Alert test on WednesdayThe second nationwide test of the Wireless Emergency Alert will be conducted on Aug at p m Eastern on smartphones that have opted in The Wireless Emergency Alert system is used to alert public of emergenciesThe test will be conducted to ensure that the Wireless Emergency Alert and Emergency Alert System effectively warn the public The Wireless Emergency Alert appears on smartphones and the Emergency Alert System displays on televisions or plays on radios Read more |
2021-08-11 15:48:01 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Best Deals for August 11 - eBay Back-to-School 20% off, eufy Security, and more! |
Best Deals for August eBay Back to School off eufy Security and more Wednesday s best deals include off tech on eBay off Amazon s K Fire TV Stick off an Ecovac Robot vacuum and more Deals Wednesday August Shopping online for the best discounts and deals can be an annoying and challenging task So rather than sifting through miles of advertisements check out this list of sales we ve hand picked just for the AppleInsider audience Read more |
2021-08-11 15:37:04 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple customers in Canada can now finance new devices through Affirm |
Apple customers in Canada can now finance new devices through AffirmApple s buy now pay later partnership with Affirm is now live in Canada allowing customers to spread out the cost of new devices over a set period of time Credit AppleThe partnership which went live on Wednesday allows customers to finance new iPhone iPad and Mac purchases over a month or month period The payment plan made in collaboration with Affirm subsidiary PayBright has no interest if paid in full during that timeframe Read more |
2021-08-11 15:27:00 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Owlet’s latest smart sock is designed to keep tabs on older kids too |
Owlet s latest smart sock is designed to keep tabs on older kids tooOwlet the company best known for its smart sock wearables for infants and babies has just released the Smart Sock Plus The new product is designed to monitor the same stats as the previous versions ーheart rate pulse ox and sleep metrics ーbut can now be used on children up to five years old or pounds Owlet says that one of the most frequent requests they received from parents was the ability to use the sock past the month cut off period The company has updated the algorithms to measure older children as they grow but otherwise works much the same as before nbsp A sock with a sensor is fastened around your child s foot and readings are sent to a base station that will alert parents and caregivers if your child s heart rate or pulse ox drop below a preset zone The app also tracks sleep metrics and will work along side the company s camera to provide a complete picture of your child s well being as they sleep The Smart Sock Plus includes three sizes of the fabric sock to fit your kiddo as they grow and is available now for Existing Smart Sock customers can purchase an expansion pack for which provides users with two additional sock sizes The Owlet Cam retails for on its own or you can get the bunlded package with the Smart Sock Plus for |
2021-08-11 15:37:43 |
海外科学 |
BBC News - Science & Environment |
How are wildfires linked to climate change? |
previous |
2021-08-11 15:38:30 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
英国金融行為規制機構(FCA)との格付会社に係る情報交換枠組みに関する書簡交換について公表しました。 |
格付会社 |
2021-08-11 17:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
金融庁職員の新型コロナウイルス感染について公表しました。 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-08-11 17:00:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
東北財務局が台風第9号から変わった温帯低気圧に伴う大雨による災害等に対する金融上の措置について要請しました。 |
東北財務局 |
2021-08-11 15:30:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
A dangerous new variant of populism |
A dangerous new variant of populismAs anti greens and anti vaxxers join forces any number of stray populist demagogues might seek to lead movements against environmental and COVID vaccination policies |
2021-08-12 00:15:23 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Does Scarlett Johansson have a case against Disney? |
Does Scarlett Johansson have a case against Disney The movie star claims that Disney breached her contract when it released Black Widow simultaneously in movie theaters and on the Disney streaming service |
2021-08-12 00:12:13 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Afghanistan war: Taliban back brutal rule as they strike for power |
punishments |
2021-08-11 15:16:55 |
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BBC News - Home |
Helicopter finds missing girl asleep in field in Devon |
large |
2021-08-11 15:34:56 |
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BBC News - Home |
Google may cut pay of staff who work from home |
staff |
2021-08-11 15:39:13 |
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BBC News - Home |
Love Island: Faye and Teddy's row sparks record 25,000 Ofcom complaints |
history |
2021-08-11 15:23:59 |
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BBC News - Home |
Max Woosey: Camping challenge boy sleeps out for 500th night |
woosey |
2021-08-11 15:08:36 |
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BBC News - Home |
Wildfires: How are they linked to climate change? |
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2021-08-11 15:38:30 |
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BBC News - Home |
National anthem: Should Wales' teams sing God Save the Queen? |
internationals |
2021-08-11 15:07:34 |
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BBC News - Home |
England's Broad out of India series - Anderson a doubt for second Test |
England x s Broad out of India series Anderson a doubt for second TestStuart Broad will miss the remainder of England s series against India because of a calf tear and James Anderson is a doubt for the second Test |
2021-08-11 15:24:43 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
The Hundred: Smriti Mandhana capitalises on Welsh Fire's missed chances to hit 78 |
The Hundred Smriti Mandhana capitalises on Welsh Fire x s missed chances to hit Southern Brave opener Smriti Mandhana hits from balls after being dropped twice and caught off a no ball as the hosts make a record against Welsh Fire at the Ageas Bowl |
2021-08-11 15:46:37 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
濃菜麺 井の庄@荻窪 「濃菜麺、トマベジ、ほか」 |
中村泰介 |
2021-08-11 16:01:00 |