投稿時間:2021-08-14 00:24:19 RSSフィード2021-08-14 00:00 分まとめ(30件)

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Google カグア!Google Analytics 活用塾:事例や使い方 ゲーミングPC周りであると便利なグッズTOP3【2021年版】知られざる便利アイテムはケーブルや電源がすっきりできて有能すぎ https://www.kagua.biz/review/gamingdevice/20210813b2.html 電源 2021-08-13 14:59:59
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita データサイエンス100本ノック(構造化データ加工編)をやってみた part7(P-063~P-68) https://qiita.com/pyon/items/ac8c7fb9110dbba061f5 PPpartPPpartPPpartPPpartPPpartPPpartPPpart小数点以下を切り捨てnpfloor小数点以下を四捨五入nparoundnprint小数点以下を切り上げnpceilPP商品データフレームdfproductの単価unitpriceと原価unitcostから、各商品の利益額を算出せよ。 2021-08-13 23:47:52
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Google colab上でgit hubのコードを実装する方法 https://teratail.com/questions/354172?rss=all 2021-08-13 23:37:18
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) grid-area-template内に改ページを挿入したい https://teratail.com/questions/354171?rss=all gridareatemplate内に改ページを挿入したい前提・実現したいこと現在レスポンシブ対応のwebサイトを開発しています。 2021-08-13 23:32:54
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) FTPからファイルのアップができなくなった https://teratail.com/questions/354170?rss=all しかし今日になって急に管理画面からの更新ができなくなり、FTPソフトからファイルをアップロードしても失敗します。 2021-08-13 23:26:49
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) rails NoMethodErrorの解決方法 https://teratail.com/questions/354169?rss=all railsNoMethodErrorの解決方法現在railsにてカフェサイトのポートフォリオを作成しておりますが、NoMethodErrorが出てしまうのうで解決方法を教えてください。 2021-08-13 23:19:55
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) C言語による検索アルゴリズムの記述方法について https://teratail.com/questions/354168?rss=all C言語を学び年ほど経ちましたが、未だにスマートな記述方法を知らないケースがあります。 2021-08-13 23:15:05
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CentOS7でRuby on Rails 環境構築【さくらのVPS】 https://qiita.com/kefir_c/items/ef18127ad5c688922b0b CentOSでRubyonRails環境構築【さくらのVPS】CentOSでRubyonRailsの環境を構築しました、これはその備忘録です。 2021-08-13 23:55:33
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【HTML/CSS】右側に余白ができている https://qiita.com/uot/items/a4d2d6beeb8883de0479 2021-08-13 23:09:37
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita ALBのリダイレクトが飛ばないとき https://qiita.com/namely_/items/8175782f4bee85df838b これが分からずに、結構時間を食ってしまいました…どういうことかというと、私の場合、一番上の順位に、IFホストがexamplecomTHENリダイレクト先ターゲットグループというルールを入れていました。 2021-08-13 23:34:28
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita SAP受かったのでDOPを受ける https://qiita.com/ichimura/items/c4ad2b3157916d300b79 ENIforHA、ユーザーデータ、プリベイクされたAMIを理解して、インスタンスの開始時間を短縮しますAmazonLinuxイメージヒントオンプレミスでのAmazonLinuxの動作の複製が可能になりますスナップショットと共有AutoScalingライフサイクルイベント自動スケーリングを使用したブルーグリーンの展開新しい起動構成、新しい自動スケーリンググループ、またはCloudFormation更新ポリシーを使用ECSイメージの更新による監視と展開を理解する統合ツールCloudWatchとSNSおよびLambdaの統合が通知にどのように役立つか特定のデプロイidスキップされる原因はなにかリージョンで持ちたいデータとグローバルで持ちたいデータがAuroraにあるけどどう対応するかバケットに変更があったけどStorageGatewayファイル共有に反映されてない。 2021-08-13 23:10:57
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita VSCodeでGoを書くときは作業中のディレクトリを開かないとエラーが発生する https://qiita.com/atlansien/items/2f4131c2e4c4158a558f VSCodeでGoを書くときは作業中のディレクトリを開かないとエラーが発生するGoでの開発中、以下のようなエラーが発生したgoplsrequiresamoduleattherootofyourworkspaceYoucanworkwithmultiplemodulesbyopeningeachoneasaworkspacefolderImprovementstothisworkflowwillbecomingsoonandyoucanlearnmorehereワークスペース上にモジュールが必要最初はVSCodeのワークスペースのことかと思っていたが、原因は別にあった原因作業スペース以外の領域をVSCodeで開いていたそのため、VSCodeで開いている領域にある複数のモジュールを検知してしまい、正確なローディングができなくなっていた解決法作業中のディレクトリ今回はtodoappをVSCodeで直接開く以上のことでエラーは出なくなった。 2021-08-13 23:25:15
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CentOS7でRuby on Rails 環境構築【さくらのVPS】 https://qiita.com/kefir_c/items/ef18127ad5c688922b0b CentOSでRubyonRails環境構築【さくらのVPS】CentOSでRubyonRailsの環境を構築しました、これはその備忘録です。 2021-08-13 23:55:33
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita rails チュートリアル第3章 静的ページ https://qiita.com/masatom86650860/items/8417d138f680b17fd0c8 READMErbを書き直しをするこのアプリでの具体的な作業内容を書くgitremoteaddoriginあなたのGitHubアカウント名gtsampleappgitGitHub上にリポジトリを作成のショートカットができるgitpushoriginmasterリモートにもpushREADMEを編集するgitpushoriginmaster編集したものをgithubで上書きするCloudへの接続を許可するconfighostsclearこの手順でCloudの設定が終わるここからsampleappのコードを書いていくclassApplicationControllerltActionControllerBase子と親の関係だった気がするdefhellohelloアクションrenderhtmlhelloworldhtmlにを出力させるendendRailsapplicationroutesdrawdo何を書いているかはわからないrootapplicationhellorootは流れだったような気がするapplicationコントローラのhelloアクションを起こすendこれでhelloworldが出力されると思うgitcommitamAddhellogitpushherokucreategitpushherokumaster細かくデプロイすることでデバッグをしやすくなるherokulogs直近のイベントを表示するherokulogstailイベント発生のたびに自動表示するCtrlCで終了Herokuに展開するときにエラーが発生した場合は、上のコマンドを実行して本番環境のログを取得。 2021-08-13 23:21:06
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【HTML/CSS】右側に余白ができている https://qiita.com/uot/items/a4d2d6beeb8883de0479 2021-08-13 23:09:37
技術ブログ Developers.IO AWS WAF のマネージドルールでリクエストを許可/ブロック(Allow/Block)する設定方法を教えてください https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/tsnote-waf-managed-rule-action-settings/ allowblock 2021-08-13 14:35:36
海外TECH DEV Community How to learn Javascript easily https://dev.to/sergchr/how-to-learn-javascript-easily-2dfb How to learn Javascript easilytl dr search for learn javascript theory in Google and pick any website Go repeat what they teach in Codepen Repeat for every theory section So you re prepared to learn something exciting The first thing you need a theory on how those things work Only basic things such as syntax and programming fundamentals Like what Understand why do we need programming it at all What things are possible what aren tStep A place where to write and execute code To see the result of your code Go to Codepen and create a pen Or choose another code editor This is where you ll be writing programs while studying Step Choose any website where you can learn about the language syntax Google javascript tutorial learn js and so The source doesn t matter at this point pick any This is a great resource Get familiar with how to write code how to create a variable how to make a function how to call a function how to read function arguments handle them and return something useful Congrats on this milestone You now can write basic code Note that it isn t so straightforward to write it though in the beginning It s okay you can t follow tutorials Try to write basic things Get used to the style and then go further Don t go to the next step until you code the practice tasks in the tutorials you followed It s important Don t skip the tasks Step Learn about data structures and when to use them There are primitive structures such as numbers strings booleans And there are more complex types such as arrays objects You should understand when to use arrays and objects know the difference between the two write a lot of code using various data structures Don t go further if you aren t comfortable with writing Javascript code Functions operations with objects arrays If you don t understand some part it s okay and it doesn t mean you re dumb I was trying to learn to code a lot of times and it was hard Go back and read the theory then solve the practical tasks If you can t deal with them go to Stackoverflow and see solutions Understand how they work Most of the time if you don t understand something it s because you skipped a section Or didn t read it carefully Or the information isn t simple enough Try following a different source See a video tutorial Still finding it difficult Write me Step Deciding your niche in applying Javascript With JS you can program front ends interactive visual representation It s websites with logic You need HTML CSS to create visual blocks and JS to say a browser what to do For example when you press a button JS handles the press and does something useful Sends your data to a server to save in a database back ends server side code Node JS This is where you can handle the data a website sends you Store it in a database or send it somewhere else Or transform it and save it mobile apps With React Native framework you can do such isn t that cool desktop apps Step When you decide what path you want to take learn the specifics of that environment For browsers front end path you need to learn DOM I e how to interact with visual elements on a website page Think what projects you d want to create a personal website an online store Or something else And create it Make only a super simple and tiny version Find a theory you will need when you encounter unknowns E g how to find all buttons on a page and handle clicks on every one of them If you prefer server side coding you should learn Node JS It s a thing that helps you to run Javascript in a server side environment Learn how to create a basic HTTP server handle the HTTP requests E g when calling GET api hello to return Hi Then practice Pick up the Express library It simplifies creating code on a server Make some HTTP routes do some transformations of data you receive And of course create an interesting project A server for an online store website A Discord bot For mobile and desktop apps the strategy is the same Learn specifics about the frameworks React Native for mobiles or Electron for desktops Create pet projects SummaryThe most important thing in learning Javascript fast enough is to practice a lot Don t skip it Thus you learn applicable things that solidify what you ve been reading a lot Focus on one area Solidify your knowledge in one niche then go further after understanding the basics Follow me on Twitter 2021-08-13 14:32:34
Apple AppleInsider - Frontpage News 'Donda' on iTunes releases August 22 (maybe), no sign on Apple Music https://appleinsider.com/articles/21/08/13/donda-on-itunes-releases-august-22-maybe-no-sign-on-apple-music?utm_medium=rss x Donda x on iTunes releases August maybe no sign on Apple MusicKanye West s upcoming album Donda is still a no show despite multiple launch events and delays and is now showing a possible August release Kanye West Donda still nowhere to be foundWhile Apple hasn t announced any exclusive streaming deal with Kanye West it has played a significant role in the new album s promotion Two live streaming events have been held on the platform shattering records for the service yet the album itself still isn t available Read more 2021-08-13 14:57:30
海外TECH Engadget House bill takes aim at iOS and Android app store competition https://www.engadget.com/house-bill-ios-android-app-store-competition-open-app-markets-act-143026966.html?src=rss House bill takes aim at iOS and Android app store competitionA bipartisan bill that targets app store competition has been introduced in the House of Representatives It s the House version of a Senate bill that was introduced this week by a group of Republican and Democrat senators and it would likely have a drastic impact on Apple s App Store and the Google Play Store were it to come into effect quot For far too long companies like Google and Apple have had a stranglehold on app developers who are forced to take whatever terms these monopolists set in order to reach their customers quot Ken Buck the ranking Republican member of the House Judiciary Committee antitrust panel wrote in a tweet As Reuters nbsp notes Buck introduced the bill alongside Democrat Hank Johnson nbsp Should the Open App Markets Act become law it could level the playing field for third party app stores and in app payment services Using a third party app marketplace on an iPhone is difficult without jailbreaking the device Google says Android makes it easier for users to install apps from other stores but it still requires developers to handle payments through the Play Store s billing process Both Apple and Google take a percent cut of in app payments That s a key reason why the likes of Spotify and Netflix don t allow users to sign up through mobile apps They direct users to their mobile websites instead quot Apple has used the iOS platform and its App Store policies to insulate itself from competition and disadvantage rivals for far too long quot Horacio Gutierrez Spotify s head of global affairs and chief legal officer told Engadget in a statement quot By introducing the Open App Markets Act in both chambers of Congress we re one important step closer to curbing Apple s anticompetitive behavior leveling the playing field and restoring competition for all The company has accused Apple of operating as a monopoly on iOS The bill would also allow developers to inform consumers about lower prices elsewhere according to its sponsors Epic Games legal battles with Apple and Google kicked off when it offered mobile Fortnite players a discount on virtual goods if they bypassed the iOS and Android payment systems Apple and Google swiftly removed the game from their app stores and Epic responded quickly by filing lawsuits against both companies A judge s decision is pending in the Apple case 2021-08-13 14:30:26
海外TECH Engadget Turns out, I like cooking food from scratch... in a microwave https://www.engadget.com/anyday-cookware-irl-hands-on-140042882.html?src=rss Turns out I like cooking food from scratch in a microwaveI m a sucker for newfangled kitchen appliances I bought into the Instant Pot hype a few years ago and tried out an air fryer as well I ended up getting the Breville Smart Oven Air a toaster oven with an air frying setting I also own a host of other contraptions cluttering up my kitchen cabinets a juicer food processor ice cream maker and two sous vide machines Yet the appliance I use the most is the humble microwave Like many of you I use it mainly for reheating leftovers or warming up frozen dinners I ve never really considered using it for actual cooking except for the occasional “microwave mug cake recipe I ve seen go viral on social media Oh I ve heard of cookbooks from the s and s that tried to sell the public on the wonders of microwave cooking ーI m sure my mom even bought a few back in my youth ーbut those have largely turned out to be full of culinary deception A roast beef dinner via microwave I don t think so But a few months ago I saw an Instagram ad for a new line of cookware that was designed to be used specifically with the microwave It s called Anyday and it was co founded by renowned chef David Chang of Momofuku and Ugly Delicious fame The ad showed luscious photos of mashed potatoes mapo tofu mac and cheese and a chicken and pea dish that all looked really delicious Could all of this really be made with just the microwave Perhaps the best kitchen appliance was under my nose all along Needless to say I was intrigued EngadgetAccording to Anyday the main thing differentiating its cookware from regular microwave safe containers is its glass lid It has a silicone gasket that blocks splatters and keeps moisture in as well as a knob at the top that can be pulled out for steam to escape through air vents The knob can also be pushed down to create an airtight leakproof seal at which point the containers are also stackable In contrast my existing set of Pyrex containers just have regular plastic lids which even the manufacturer recommends shouldn t be used in the microwave since they can warp I should note here that the Anyday lids do have stainless steel rims which you might think is a little dangerous to put in the microwave But they re actually safe on account of their smooth curved shape which prevents arcing The company does warn against heating up two dishes at once however as the combination of two stainless steel lids might result in sparks flying Also the Anyday dishes themselves are made of a frosted borosilicate glass which can withstand large temperature fluctuations without cracking This last part is important as certain ceramics and glass aren t completely microwave safe For example I tried heating up a potato once on a plate I bought from IKEA and it ended up splitting in two The plate that is not the potato EngadgetStill I was a little skeptical So I went ahead and purchased a full set of Anyday cookware just to try everything out That s four dishes total ーshallow and deep in medium and large sizes ーwhich is admittedly quite expensive at Alternatively you can get the medium set of two dishes for or the large set for You can also opt to buy each dish separately the two medium ones go for a piece while the large options are a piece That definitely makes this pretty pricey compared to an average set of microwave safe containers ーa full piece Snapware Pyrex set for example is just The Anyday set comes with several recipe cards which are very handy to start out with but the best place to find recipes is on the Anyday website You ll find everything from one ingredient recipes e g you just want to steam some rice to full recipes such as black bean soup and squash curry On each recipe page you can select your desired serving size as well as the wattage of your specific microwave oven which will determine variables such as dish size cook time and what power level you should use I ve used the Anyday cookware for several weeks now and I ve actually been mostly impressed with the results The first recipe I tried was a chicken and rice meal with peas and marinara sauce I was nervous about whether it would work but it turned out to be delicious with the chicken cooked through to the bone and the rice tender and fluffy The Thai pineapple chicken recipe also worked out well I think I would ve preferred it if the onions were browned and caramelized like they would be on the stove but for microwave cooking it was completely satisfactory EngadgetOne dish in particular was a revelation for me Silky Chinese steamed egg This is a recipe that can be quite tricky to master on the stove as you need to steam it slowly over a gentle heat But in the microwave it s a matter of heating the custard solution at a lower power level for just four to five minutes depending on your microwave wattage The company s site recommends Power Level I ve never really fiddled around with my microwave s power settings before but now that I see it can result in a smooth custard I will definitely be using it more often Another killer application at least for me is poached eggs I usually find poaching eggs to be a bit of a chore you have to heat up a pot of water carefully drop in the egg and hope you re able to rescue it when it s done just right It s especially challenging when it s six in the morning and I haven t had my coffee just yet But with the Anyday and the microwave all I have to do is fill up a shallow dish with cold water straight from the tap crack an egg into it cover it nuke it for two minutes and it s done The yolk is cooked just enough so that it s a little runny which is how I like it I almost couldn t believe it The experience wasn t perfect however For example I tried using the Anyday to cook white rice and even though I followed the recipe exactly the water in the dish boiled over pushing the lid up and spilling out into the microwave As a result the rice wasn t cooked correctly and I had to add the water back in and cook it further I tried cooking the rice in a much larger dish later on and it worked out better but I wish the site had suggested that instead of me finding out on my own EngadgetSpeaking of the recipes I should note that not all microwave ovens are the same even among those with the same wattage My microwave for example is apparently more powerful than normal and it took way less time for me to steam broccoli than the site recommended I also found that not all microwave ovens power levels are the same either My Power Level could be your Power Level I definitely had to play around with different variables in order to get certain foods to cook properly Plus there are certain kinds of cooking that the microwave just cannot do You re just not going to get the same kind of browning that you can get on the stove or in the oven You can t use it to deep fry or roast or bake What you re basically doing is steaming food albeit in a more controlled way The microwave won t replace your stove or your oven or your Instant Pot completely But for all its flaws I still think the Anyday cookware is great It s made me realize that the microwave has a lot more uses than just reheating leftovers It s opened up a whole new world of culinary possibilities that I had not realized existed before Sure the mac and cheese I made in the microwave won t be as amazing as the one baked in the oven but the former can be done in under minutes and it still tastes creamy and cheesy I ve also made instant ramen in the Anyday and the microwave to great success It might not make the best food you ve ever tasted but for college students and time pressed parents and professionals the microwave might just be the most versatile appliance in the kitchen As long as you have the right cookware for it anyway 2021-08-13 14:00:42
海外科学 NYT > Science Iran’s Health System ‘Beyond Disastrous’ from Covid Surge https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/13/world/middleeast/iran-virus-delta-variant.html Iran s Health System Beyond Disastrous from Covid SurgeThe Delta variant of the coronavirus has overwhelmed the country which has been reeling from the pandemic since it began presenting a stark test for its new hard line president 2021-08-13 14:49:26
ニュース BBC News - Home Plymouth shooting: Jake Davison was licensed gun holder https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-58197414 davison 2021-08-13 14:43:06
ニュース BBC News - Home Afghanistan: Boris Johnson calls emergency meeting to discuss situation https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58204857 labour 2021-08-13 14:39:52
ニュース BBC News - Home West Mercia Police officer and child found dead in Kidderminster https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-58205396 mercia 2021-08-13 14:26:27
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid: Record your cough to help improve detection, says government https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-58199049 government 2021-08-13 14:02:59
ニュース BBC News - Home England v India: James Anderson claims five-wicket haul in the second Test against India https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/cricket/58202676 anderson 2021-08-13 14:41:34
ニュース BBC News - Home What happened? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-58200336 plymouth 2021-08-13 14:34:12
北海道 北海道新聞 NY株、一時最高値 米景気回復に期待 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/578098/ 景気回復 2021-08-13 23:15:00
北海道 北海道新聞 盆入りの札幌、墓参りは手早く 例年より帰省客少なめ https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/578095/ 感染拡大 2021-08-13 23:13:00
北海道 北海道新聞 巨人のビエイラが166キロ プロ野球最速更新 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/578090/ 東京ドーム 2021-08-13 23:02:00



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