投稿時間:2021-08-14 02:31:19 RSSフィード2021-08-14 02:00 分まとめ(34件)

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AWS AWS News Blog Cross-Account Data Sharing for Amazon Redshift https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/cross-account-data-sharing-for-amazon-redshift/ Cross Account Data Sharing for Amazon RedshiftTo be successful in today s fast moving world businesses need to analyze data quickly and take meaningful action Many of our customers embrace this concept to become data driven organizations Data driven organizations treat data as an asset and use it to improve their insights and make better decisions They unleash the power of data by using secure … 2021-08-13 16:38:16
AWS AWS Mobile Blog Cross-Platform Mobile Tracking App with AWS Amplify and Amazon Location Service https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/mobile/cross-platform-mobile-tracking-app-with-aws-amplify-and-amazon-location-service/ Cross Platform Mobile Tracking App with AWS Amplify and Amazon Location ServiceThis article was written by Aaron Sempf and Florian Seidel Location based tracking applications have become very popular in recent years with the rise of ride sharing companies and augmented reality “catch them all style games But personnel tracking in areas such as policing ambulance firefighting and other departments has been an integral part of the intelligence … 2021-08-13 16:44:26
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita yukicoder contest 309 参戦記 https://qiita.com/c-yan/items/9415f82231f73c785409 2021-08-14 01:06:32
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita CNNを用いた画像分類 https://qiita.com/rituka/items/6ae4473acf9e505f1a52 CNNを用いた画像分類はじめに私はエンジニア転職を目指して勉強中の数学担当塾講師です学習の一環として本記事を投稿します今回は初心者の方の参考になればと自分が間違えたところも記述しています至らぬ点も多いですが最後までお付き合いくださいコードは完成したものを載せていますAidemyで学習したこと・Python入門・Numpy基礎・Pandas基礎・Matplotlib基礎・データクレンジング・機械学習概論・教師あり学習分類・回帰・教師なし学習・スクレイピング・ディープラーニング基礎・CNNを用いた画像認識・男女識別・Flask入門の為のHTMLampCSS・Flask入門・文字認識アプリの作成・コマンドライン入門・Git入門・Herokuへのデプロイ方法・自然言語処理基礎・ネガポジ分析・確率論情報理論・画像認識アプリの作成スキルがまだまだ足りない初心者なのでカリキュラム外もいくつか学習しましたこれからも時間を見つけて取り組みたいと思います高校数学と関連しているところは理解しやすくて楽しいと感じました教える側として質問する人としない人では伸び率が違うと感じるので何かを学んでいる人は質問をたくさんしてください疑問点αで質問することを私も意識しました目的今回は和柄檜垣文様・七宝文様・鱗文様の画像分類をしますテーマ決めに難航しておりましたがキャラクター分類をしている方を見て柄の分類ならいつか自分も使うかもしれないと思い『よく見るのに覚えられない・どう検索するか迷う』和柄を分類しようと考えました。 2021-08-14 01:05:03
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 背景画像を画面全体に表示したいです。 https://teratail.com/questions/354184?rss=all 背景画像を画面全体に表示したいです。 2021-08-14 01:48:44
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) scrapyでtext()がうまくいかない https://teratail.com/questions/354183?rss=all responsexpathullispang 2021-08-14 01:23:22
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Wordpressで作成したサイトへのアクセスが不定期に重くなる https://teratail.com/questions/354182?rss=all Wordpressで作成したサイトへのアクセスが不定期に重くなるお世話になります。 2021-08-14 01:20:33
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 辞書の中に辞書を作る方法について https://teratail.com/questions/354181?rss=all inzipkeyslistlistprintdic 2021-08-14 01:09:26
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ミリ秒単位のタイムスタンプをYYYY年m月d日に変換する https://teratail.com/questions/354180?rss=all datey 2021-08-14 01:09:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) vscode+Spring boot+thymeleaf+MyBatis//データを取得しドロップダウンメニューを表示する https://teratail.com/questions/354179?rss=all 2021-08-14 01:01:54
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita #5 Rails × Vue.jsで動的なページをSPA化させる https://qiita.com/divclass123/items/3c3725018f8dd3fd3762 二つ目の方法、railsでカテゴリーの処理を書くapicontrollerの方でregionnameとかを定義して、regionidの値によって処理して、json形式でvueに受け渡して、vueファイルでdrinkregionnameとかで表示させたい。 2021-08-14 01:08:31
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita RDS(Amazon Relational Detabase Service)とは? https://qiita.com/hareguni/items/d5f63b4e667bbb023095 RDSとはRDSとはAmazonRelationalDetabaseServiceの略称である。 2021-08-14 01:17:32
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita #5 Rails × Vue.jsで動的なページをSPA化させる https://qiita.com/divclass123/items/3c3725018f8dd3fd3762 二つ目の方法、railsでカテゴリーの処理を書くapicontrollerの方でregionnameとかを定義して、regionidの値によって処理して、json形式でvueに受け渡して、vueファイルでdrinkregionnameとかで表示させたい。 2021-08-14 01:08:31
海外TECH Ars Technica Apple defends iPhone photo scanning, calls it an “advancement” in privacy https://arstechnica.com/?p=1787043 apple 2021-08-13 16:41:20
海外TECH DEV Community How does AI bounding box detection work? https://dev.to/aws-builders/how-does-ai-bounding-box-detection-work-2je6 How does AI bounding box detection work Learn in secondsIt looks so simple when AI does it right But the AI doesn t give you an image it gives you data It s up to you to make it look simple The results you get are presented in a way so you can choose specific items from all the returned results You might think a box gives you four values and you re right but it only gives you TWO points From that you can infer a box to draw that identifies the object However it very rarely gives you one box Lots of times you get a whole bunch of boxes for you to chose from This is because the model is often trained to return X results no matter what and sometimes it s meant to detect a whole wide array of objects not just one Many boxes are identified by what they are detecting like people or tables etc But you might have a photo with three people in it and it returns people boxes Each of these boxes generally give you a score of confidence and it s your job to identify if they are identifying the same object or separate objects There s some well known algorithms to take the best of the best Once you have the boxes you re interested in you can draw them easily with a canvas In JavaScript you just overlay a canvas on the image and draw rectangles there The final result lets you draw clean object detection on websites It s pretty cool and easy to do this on images and video Want the code to do this It s all in Chapter of my book with a deep explanation Buy a copy of the bookI m looking forward to what you can do with your very own AI object detection Don t forget to tag your cool stuff with the MadeWithTFJS Hashtag on Twitter And don t forget to follow me for more AI tidbits like this 2021-08-13 16:29:49
海外TECH DEV Community I Joined the Contentful Developer Relations Team https://dev.to/contentful/i-joined-the-contentful-developer-relations-team-3ne6 I Joined the Contentful Developer Relations TeamWe have welcomed Brittany also known as musicalwebdev to the Developer Relations team at Contentful From event planning to legal administration to software development Brittany s path to developer relations has been an interesting one Read on to learn more about her career journey involvement in the tech community and love of musicals What were some of your first experiences with web development I started learning how to code around the age of through Neopets Neopets is an online virtual world where you take care of virtual animals Within the world you can participate in a variety of activities such as running a shop playing games and chatting in discussion forums One major feature of Neopets is guilds which are private clubs where leaders create games and manage a private discussion board Guild pages along with user profiles and shops are customizable using HTML and CSS I started designing guild pages and in exchange I was paid in virtual paint brushes ーa very expensive and sought after item in the Neopets world Through Neopets I learned HTML CSS Paint and eventually Photoshop I had a ton of fun running my own Neopets guild design business At the time I had no idea that web development was an actual career What made you want to change your career to tech I worked at a law firm in a legal practice management in My department at the firm was assigned specific practice areas such as corporate energy etc and we helped lawyers manage those groups Our tasks included writing marketing materials creating financial reports and running meetings Due to the nature of our jobs we used a lot of different software programs and needed to combine data from many places to come up with one report I started thinking that it would be nice if there were one program that could pull data from all of our different tools into one place I wondered if I could build something like that At the same time I wanted to build a website where I could write reviews for musicals that I had seen since I was regularly going to New York City to see shows a few times a year I attempted to start a website but got confused with all of the unusual characters I saw everywhere it was jQuery So with two goals in mind I started learning how to code How did you start learning how to code After trying to learn how to code on my own for a few months through FreeCodeCamp Udemy and other platforms I decided to attend a meetup In January I went to my first Meetup to learn about JavaScript and jQuery I didn t know at the time but the Meetup was actually hosted by a coding bootcamp named Thinkful After the Meetup ーwhich I thought was awesome ーI signed up for a free trial for Thinkful and eventually signed up for the bootcamp Sometime after starting the bootcamp I created my Twitter account and thus musicalwebdev was born The only downside to being known as the “Musical Web Dev″is that many assume that I have some sort of musical ability Unfortunately my musical abilities when it comes to singing and dancing are pretty non existent However I m extremely good at rapping songs from Hamilton So of course one of my first projects was a Hamilton Quiz I worked as a web developer at a digital agency and as a software engineer at a retail company after the bootcamp I never ended up making anything related to legal tech but I have made a lot of musical related projects How did you get involved in your local tech community I started getting involved in the Washington DC tech community during my coding bootcamp We had a requirement to go to two or three meetups per month however I misread the requirement and thought it was two per week oops I ended up going to a ton of awesome DC meetups and meeting a lot of really cool people Everyone had a mentor at the coding bootcamp Although Thinkful operates online it wants to establish an in person presence in various cities It hosts free beginner level coding Meetups in the DC area My mentor for Thinkful just so happened to be in charge of the DC meetups so I went to many of his events over time Eventually I started teaching at the Meetups as well and in became the main instructor for the Thinkful DC meetups and taught beginner coding Meetups almost every week Around the same time I started as a front end lead for Women Who Code DC The front end team plans two to three front end related meetups per month for women in the DC area Through both opportunities I ve mentored many people from underrepresented groups that are learning to code or are still early in their tech careers In addition to Women Who Code DC I help plan events for Black Code Collective DC and have been an instructor and mentor for G Code House Musicals have been playing a big part in your tech journey how did you get into them In fifth grade my mom bought a VHS tape of Grease that ーapparently ーI absolutely loved I would carry the tape in my backpack and when I went to friends houses after school I would make them watch it with me Over the next few years I watched as many movie musicals as possible and saw my first live musical Lion King on Broadway in my senior year of high school In college I studied government and was lucky to volunteer as an usher at theaters where Broadway touring shows were performed Through volunteering I saw Wicked times Once I learned how to code I wanted to make projects about my favorite hobby My most recent musical related project is TheaterLog which I made to keep track of the musicals and plays I have seen since Wow what an interesting story Any additional words I feel lucky to join the awesome Developer Relations team at Contentful If you want to keep up to date with what I am doing you can find me on Twitter at a local Washington DC tech event or follow what shows I am seeing at TheaterLog 2021-08-13 16:28:30
海外TECH Engadget Facebook Messenger rolls out end-to-end encrypted voice and video calls https://www.engadget.com/facebook-messenger-e2ee-voice-video-calls-group-instagram-164140952.html?src=rss Facebook Messenger rolls out end to end encrypted voice and video callsFacebook is rolling out a host of features for Messenger users who switch on end to end encryption nbsp EEE You can now call Messenger contacts using voice or video with EEE enabled just like in WhatsApp No one other than the person you re speaking with can see or listen to your EEE chats or calls so you can add an extra layer of protection to your voice and video conversations on Messenger However Facebook says you can still report messages if needed There are updates for disappearing messages as well You ll see an option for them when you tap your profile photo in a chat as well as in the message compose field tap the timer icon there You can now activate disappearing messages for everyone in a chat not just yourself On top of that you ll have more control between how long messages are viewed and when they vanish ーbetween five seconds and hours Facebook has some other EEE features in the works It s planning to start public tests of EEE group chats and calls in Messenger in the coming weeks The company will also begin a limited test EEE for Instagram direct messages You ll need to have an existing chat with someone or to follow each other before you can enable EEE on a DM exchange 2021-08-13 16:41:40
Cisco Cisco Blog Be advised: helping financial services adapt to hybrid work https://blogs.cisco.com/financialservices/be-advised-helping-financial-services-adapt-to-hybrid-work Be advised helping financial services adapt to hybrid workCisco s financial services team welcomes Marc Haimsohn Senior Director of Business Development at Vyopta as our guest blogger this week Marc dives into a discussion around hybrid work and how to maximize both in person and virtual interactions 2021-08-13 16:28:53
海外科学 NYT > Science Amid Extreme Weather, a Shift Among Republicans on Climate Change https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/13/climate/republicans-climate-change.html Amid Extreme Weather a Shift Among Republicans on Climate ChangeMany Republicans in Congress no longer deny that Earth is heating because of fossil fuel emissions But they say abandoning oil gas and coal will harm the economy 2021-08-13 16:54:50
金融 RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 8月21日(土)サーバメンテナンスのお知らせ https://www.jsda.or.jp/shinchaku/servermaintenance/20210813155853.html 月日 2021-08-13 17:00:00
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 職域接種の範囲どこまで 伊勢丹の感染、99%外部社員 https://t.co/9WgcDZNpt3 https://t.co/Ge2jy7PlJU https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1426226172086693899 職域 2021-08-13 16:56:32
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 三菱重工が回収CO2の取引市場 日本IBMと整備 https://t.co/2egCWoC7EB https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1426223499794796548 三菱重工 2021-08-13 16:45:54
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 労働、3年で100時間減 効率的な働き方の継続課題 https://t.co/zfiak0qe5A https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1426223498779774979 継続 2021-08-13 16:45:54
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 療養支援と病床の不安なお 在宅患者ケア、保健所と分担 https://t.co/kpNNTKObGx https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1426223497739595777 療養 2021-08-13 16:45:54
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 「売れる農業」県内一丸 宮崎や鹿児島、ブランド確立 https://t.co/g4wS8s5FDq https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1426223235331330049 鹿児島 2021-08-13 16:44:51
ニュース @日本経済新聞 電子版 ウイルス抑止、ワクチン接種の有効性なお高く https://t.co/xA8XVg8bxf https://twitter.com/nikkei/statuses/1426218430210920449 有効 2021-08-13 16:25:46
ニュース BBC News - Home Plymouth shooting: Maxine Davison, killer's mother, was first victim https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-58206101 maxine 2021-08-13 16:50:57
ニュース BBC News - Home West Mercia Police officer and child found dead in Kidderminster https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hereford-worcester-58205396 mercia 2021-08-13 16:01:17
ニュース BBC News - Home A visual guide to what happened https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-devon-58200336 plymouth 2021-08-13 16:53:53
ニュース BBC News - Home The investigation so far https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58200018 crime 2021-08-13 16:38:44
ニュース BBC News - Home Incels: A new terror threat to the UK? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58207064 belief 2021-08-13 16:49:36
ニュース BBC News - Home Covid-19 in the UK: How many coronavirus cases are there in my area? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51768274 cases 2021-08-13 16:14:55
Azure Azure の更新情報 General availability: Azure IoT Central new and updated features—July 2021 https://azure.microsoft.com/ja-jp/updates/azure-iot-central-new-and-updated-features-july-2021/ availability 2021-08-13 17:00:01
GCP Cloud Blog The Brexit vote: A case study in causal inference using machine learning https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/developers-practitioners/brexit-vote-case-study-causal-inference-using-machine-learning/ The Brexit vote A case study in causal inference using machine learningIn this blog post we ll answer the question How did the Brexit vote impact exchange rates between the British Pound and US Dollar To do so we ll use causal inference techniques to estimate the impact of what statisticians call a treatment in this case a policy decision Please note that this is a technical blog post aimed at educating about concepts and tools with public data not any political or economic implications The techniques we ll discuss here can apply to all kinds of scenarios such as the impact of a marketing campaign or product introduction on sales Causal inference is needed because we don t have a controlled experiment for this scenario An ideal experiment contains carefully matched groups except for the explanatory variable being investigated Many real world situations in which we are trying to find meaning don t meet those conditions We ll need to find another time series that closely follows the US Dollar British Pound exchange rate but was not impacted by the Brexit vote From this other time series we ll derive the counterfactual what was expected to happen had the Brexit vote not occurred We ll estimate the effect as the difference between the counterfactual and actual time series Our scenarioAfter the Brexit vote on June the British Pound GBP dropped from versus the US Dollar USD to the following day and continued to decline In contrast the Euro USD exchange rate did not change much despite being highly correlated to the GBP USD exchange rate The daily values of the two exchange rates had a Pearson correlation coefficient around during the year period prior to the event So we ll use the Euro USD exchange rate as a control To estimate the effect we ll consider the following weeks as the post treatment period We could extend this period out further to estimate the full effect However the longer of a window we use other factors come into play and it becomes more difficult to isolate the effect of the treatment alone Below you can see a chart of both exchange rates along with the shaded area indicating the post treatment period The data is available from FRED the Federal Reserve Economic Data site US UK Exchange Rate  US Euro Exchange Rate Effect estimation with statistical modelingGiven the stark change in USD GBP how can we determine if the Brexit vote was a factor and how can we calculate the size of the effect First let s use tfcausalimpact to estimate the effect tfcausalimpact is a Python port of the R based CausalImpact package It is based on the TensorFlow Probability package and uses the Bayesian Structural Time Series method After the data has been loaded into a dataframe an analysis can be performed as follows A summary report can be produced indicating that the Average Treatment Effect during the post treatment period i e the weeks following the Brexit vote is a drop of about Also you can visualize the findings in a plot Effect estimation with machine learningWe ll now explore an alternative machine learning approach using Vertex AI Vertex AI is the unified platform for AI on Google Cloud enables users to create AutoML or custom models for forecasting We will create an AutoML forecasting model that allows you to build a time series forecasting model without code Over the past few years there have been multiple studies comparing statistical vs machine learning approaches e g Comparison of statistical and machine learning methods for daily SKU demand forecasting Machine Learning vs Statistical Methods for Time Series Forecasting Size Matters It s outside the scope of this article to discuss this topic in depth but it s worth noting that each approach has relative strengths and it may be helpful to apply both in your analysis This model will be used to derive the counterfactual time series In other words the model will produce a time series that aims to estimate what would the USD GBP exchange rate be had the Brexit event not happened The model will use patterns from the Euro exchange rate as well as the pre intervention data from the UK exchange rate to derive the counterfactual In this case we re actually generating a hypothetical historical time series rather than forecasting a future time series With a counterfactual time series like this policy makers or business leaders can consider the retrospective impact of decisions they ve made Let s now explore how to implement the AutoML training process Here is a code snippet demonstrating how to create and run the training job from prepared training data Vertex AI AutoML Forecasting estimated the counterfactual at a slightly higher level than tfcausalimpact leading to a stronger treatment effect of vs ConclusionIn this blog post we ve explored how to use causal inference to estimate the impact of an event We ve also looked at multiple approaches that can be used to perform this estimate First we used tfcausalimpact which uses a Bayesian Structural Time Series approach to generate the counterfactual Then we used the forecasting service from Vertex AI to use a Deep Learning based approach If you d like to try out this scenario yourself all of the code is available in Github From there you can launch the notebook in GCP Notebooks or Colab If you d like to explore Vertex AI AutoML Forecasting in more depth this codelab provides an end to end tutorial Feel free to connect on LinkedIn or Twitter to continue the conversation Related ArticleNew to ML Learning path on Vertex AIIf you re new to ML or new to Vertex AI this post will walk through a few example ML scenarios to help you understand when to use which Read Article 2021-08-13 16:30:00



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