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python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita pandas dataframe で ValueError: Timezones don't match. https://qiita.com/tommarute/items/9040156367fedf16aa03 pandasdataframeでValueErrorTimezonesdonxtmatchAbstractdataframeのtimezoneをAsiaTokyoに設定しているカラムにdatetimetimezoneでtimezoneを設定したdatetimeinstanceを代入しようとしたら怒られたときのメモ。 2021-09-04 15:41:48
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 【JavaScript】デザインパターンをJSで勉強した - Command - https://qiita.com/suzuki0430/items/98551eb626dcbd83fd4e ユーザがコマンドをアンドゥする際、プログラムは最後に実行されたCommandオブジェクトを取得popし、そのオブジェクトのundoメソッドを実行します。 2021-09-04 15:44:55
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita M5CameraのRequest Header Fields Too Largeの対策 https://qiita.com/poruruba/items/e6bc0a618918084e848f 中継サーバを立ち上げるでもよかったのですが、誰もアクセスしないのに、ずっとキャプチャリングやファイル保存をしているので、必要な時に動作するように、こちらの方法を使いました。 2021-09-04 15:41:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【Laravel6】デプロイ環境でのGoogle認証がエラーになる https://teratail.com/questions/357714?rss=all ローカル環境ではしっかり機能していることを確認しております。 2021-09-04 15:55:46
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) jQuery click 適用されない https://teratail.com/questions/357713?rss=all jQueryclick適用されない質問失礼いたします。 2021-09-04 15:40:09
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) テキストの前処理中にエラーが出る https://teratail.com/questions/357712?rss=all テキストの前処理中にエラーが出るこちらの記事を見ながら中国語の文章の形態素解析を試みています。 2021-09-04 15:36:16
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) python リストについて https://teratail.com/questions/357711?rss=all 2021-09-04 15:34:56
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 【Nuxt】画像選択機能を作りたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/357710?rss=all やったことvueselectimageというライブラリを使って実装してみましたが画像のようにチェックボックスしか表示されません。 2021-09-04 15:34:56
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ステージの無限生成を一定時間ごとにしたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/357709?rss=all なのでステージの生成を秒後につ生成されるようにしたいのですが、どのようにしたら良いでしょうか。 2021-09-04 15:34:31
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) herokuでデプロイ Precompiling assets failed. NoMethodError: undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass https://teratail.com/questions/357708?rss=all herokuでデプロイPrecompilingassetsfailedNoMethodErrorundefinedmethodxfornilNilClass前提・実現したいこと一年前に作った、フリマアプリクローンサイトをへロクでデプロイさせたいです。 2021-09-04 15:32:21
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VBA ”インデックスが有効範囲にありません”をスキップしたい https://teratail.com/questions/357707?rss=all その時に、移動したいシートが移動元ブックにない場合は、スキップして次のシート移動に進むということは可能でしょうか。 2021-09-04 15:31:54
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) マルチタスクで処理の進行状況を得るために値をその都度返す方法 https://teratail.com/questions/357706?rss=all マルチタスクで処理の進行状況を得るために値をその都度返す方法やりたいことマルチタスクで処理の進行状況としてint型の値を毎回毎フレーム取得させいたい質問内容提示コードですがディレクトリの中身の画像を一つにまとめて一つのPDFを生成するソフトです。 2021-09-04 15:29:02
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) これから生成されるHTML文書内のid(name)へのリンク https://teratail.com/questions/357705?rss=all これから生成されるHTML文書内のidnameへのリンクよろしくお願いいたします。 2021-09-04 15:28:15
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Swiftで作成した図鑑アプリに画像を表示させたい https://teratail.com/questions/357704?rss=all Swiftで作成した図鑑アプリに画像を表示させたい前提・実現したいことswiftで図鑑のようなものを実装するなシステムを作ったのですが、それに画像を表示できるようにするところで詰まっています。 2021-09-04 15:12:06
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) neo4jをrailsで使いたい https://teratail.com/questions/357703?rss=all neojをrailsで使いたい前提・実現したいことneojをrailsで用いたいです。 2021-09-04 15:09:05
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Googleフォームの「送信」をトリガーにメールを送信したい https://teratail.com/questions/357702?rss=all スクリプト作ってやってみたのですが、フォームからだとエラーでうまくできません。 2021-09-04 15:08:13
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 7章 バーチャルマシン#1 スタック操作 https://qiita.com/motoka1t/items/15938b1f94d7fa651ea1 プロジェクトに対するレポート目標VMをHackコンピュータで動作させる「スタック算術」と「メモリアクセス」を実装する材料NandTetrisで定義しているアセンブラのAPI仕様NandTetrisで定義しているVM仕様RubyアセンブラCPUエミュレータハードウェアエミュレータ実装NandTetrisのアセンブラは文字列の変換のため、スクリプト言語が適していると考え、Rubyにより作成することとする。 2021-09-04 15:34:33
AWS AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita AWSの基礎知識について https://qiita.com/kento-123/items/d8d39cd727e425198f45 AWSの基礎知識についてはじめに研修にてAWSのクラウドサービスを利用しているが操作のイメージがなかなかできないので基本的なことについて調べて理解する。 2021-09-04 15:09:56
golang Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GolangでRiot.jsを試してみました https://qiita.com/TokyoWolFrog/items/1e1393641039add5a752 riotjs 2021-09-04 15:44:56
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Azure IoT Hub + Time Series Insight + Nerves Livebookで温度・湿度のグラフを書く https://qiita.com/torifukukaiou/items/f630fb9b4caee8ead094 2021-09-04 15:34:12
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita GitとGitHubを基本からまとめてみた【6】【React 最初からデプロイまで / GitHub Pages】 https://qiita.com/kanfutrooper/items/d95cb29bdd3935990cd0 GitとGitHubを基本からまとめてみた【】【React最初からデプロイまでGitHubPages】はじめに学習するに至った経緯未経験からエンジニアへの転職を目指し、プログラミングを勉強中。 2021-09-04 15:58:34
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Git commit --amendの使い方と注意点 https://qiita.com/workman02/items/6b4ed4f906d62aba02a0 Gitcommitamendの使い方と注意点概要Gitでコミットをした後に「あ、この変更をコミットし忘れた」ってことあると思います。 2021-09-04 15:41:27
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [Rails]アプリ制作前のGemの導入の仕方 https://qiita.com/janani/items/614c477d6376c411b811 Railsアプリ制作前のGemの導入の仕方はじめに記事の対象者・Railsでアプリ開発を初めた人・Gemの使い方などを知りたい人環境・MacbookAirRetinainch・プロセッサGHzデュアルコアIntelCorei・メモリGBMhzLPDDR・MacOSBigSurバージョン・テキストエディタVisualStudioCode記事の流れWhatisGemどうやってGemを使うの状況によって使うGemWhatisGem簡単にいうと、命令式ある条件下にいるとき、何が、どういうふうに動けが入っている箱のようなもの・「むむむ」どういうこっちゃと思ってるヒト→難しく考えなくて大丈夫日常に使っているもので考えてみようパソコンで例えると。 2021-09-04 15:05:56
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita APIとは何か https://qiita.com/Hashimoto-Noriaki/items/4a569a88eefe47f0a45a APIを叩くとはAPIを叩くとはapplicationの情報を呼ぶ、つまりapplicationの情報を取得するということです。 2021-09-04 15:04:20
海外TECH DEV Community Getting Started with Appwrite Realtime for Flutter https://dev.to/appwrite/getting-started-with-appwrite-realtime-for-flutter-4229 Getting Started with Appwrite Realtime for FlutterRealtime service is one of the most sought after features of Appwrite and it s now ready to play with It s been a while as we already had realtime alpha release and a getting started tutorial to go with it In this tutorial we will dive into the details and understand how to develop a Flutter app leveraging Appwrite s realtime capabilities PrerequisitesIn order to continue with this tutorial you need to have access to an Appwrite console with a project If you have not already installed Appwrite please do so Installing Appwrite is really simple following Appwrite s official installation docs Installation should only take around minutes Once installed login to your console and create a new Project Setup DatabaseOnce you have logged in to the console and selected your project from the left sidebar in the dashboard click on the Database option to get to the database page Once on the database page click on the Add Collection button In the dialog that pops up set the collection name to Items and click on the Create button to create the collection and you will be redirected to the new collection s page where we can define its rules Define the following rules then click the Update button Also note down the Collection ID from the right side of the settings page as we will need that later in our code Namelabel NameKey nameRule Type TextRequired trueArray falseIn the permissions set the read and right permission both to so that anyone can read and write Now that the collection is created we need to create a user This user will be used to create sessions when we authenticate with the realtime API ️Setup Flutter Project and DependenciesWe will begin by creating a new Flutter project From your terminal in your project folder type the following command to create a new Flutter project flutter create flappwrite realtimeThen we add the Appwrite s SDK to do that from your terminal in your newly created project directory type the following command cd flappwrite realtimeflutter pub add appwriteThis command will add Appwrite s latest Flutter SDK with realtime service as a dependency to your Flutter project Once you have installed the dependency and run flutter pub get you should be ready to use it ️Add Flutter PlatformsTo initialize the Appwrite SDK and start interacting with Appwrite services you first need to add a new Flutter platform to your project If you are running on Flutter web you can simply add web platform instead of Flutter platforms To add a new platform go to your Appwrite console select your project and click the Add Platform button on the project Dashboard Choose either Flutter or web platform If you choose web add localhost as the host name If you choose Flutter from the dialog choose one of the tabs based on which platform you plan to run on You can add multiple platforms similarly If you choose to add a Android platform on the dialog box add the details Add your app name and package name Your package name is generally the applicationId in your app level build gradlefile You may also find your package name in your AndroidManifest xml file By registering a new platform you are allowing your app to communicate with the Appwrite API ‍Home PageWe will start by creating a simple stateful widget that will list all the items from our items collection and also allow adding new items as well as deleting existing items Our Home page will also connect to Appwrite s realtime service and display changes in the items collection by updating the UI as they happen So let s create our HomePage widget Modify the code in lib main dart as follows import package flutter material dart void main runApp MyApp class MyApp extends StatelessWidget override Widget build BuildContext context return MaterialApp title FlAppwrite Realtime Demo theme ThemeData primarySwatch Colors blue home HomePage class HomePage extends StatefulWidget const HomePage Key key super key key override HomePageState createState gt HomePageState class HomePageState extends State lt HomePage gt List lt Map lt String dynamic gt gt items TextEditingController nameController TextEditingController override Widget build BuildContext context return Scaffold appBar AppBar title Text FlAppwrite Realtime Demo body ListView children items map item gt ListTile title Text item name floatingActionButton FloatingActionButton child Icon Icons add onPressed dialog to add new item showDialog context context builder context gt AlertDialog title Text Add new item content TextField controller nameController actions TextButton child Text Cancel onPressed gt Navigator of context pop TextButton child Text Add onPressed add new item final name nameController text if name isNotEmpty nameController clear addItem name Navigator of context pop void addItem String name setState items add name name id DateTime now millisecondsSinceEpoch In the initState function of the HomePage we will create and initialize our Appwrite client as well as subscribe to realtime changes in documents in our items collection RealtimeSubscription subscription late final Client client initState super initState client Client setEndpoint lt http localhost v gt your endpoint setProject dfacddc your project id subscribe And in dispose method close the subscription dispose subscription close super dispose Now let us setup different variables and functions to load the initial data listen to changes in the collection documents and update the UI to reflect the changes in realtime First initialize our items collection id and and setup a function to load initial data when the application first starts For that we will also setup Appwrite database service final itemsCollection lt collectionId gt replace with your collection id which can be found in your collection s settings page late final Database database overridevoid initState super initState client Client setEndpoint lt http localhost v gt your endpoint setProject dfacddc your project id database Database client loadItems loadItems async try final res await database listDocuments collectionId itemsCollection setState items List lt Map lt String dynamic gt gt from res data documents on AppwriteException catch e print e message In order to be able to add data to our collection we must first create a session Let s add a login function and call it from our initState function overridevoid initState super initState login login async try await Account client createAnonymousSession on AppwriteException catch e print e message Now we will setup our subscribe function that will listen to changes to documents in our items collection void subscribe final realtime Realtime client subscription realtime subscribe collections lt collectionId gt documents replace lt collectionId gt with the ID of your items collection which can be found in your collection s settings page listen to changes subscription stream listen data data will consist of event and a payload if data payload isNotEmpty switch data event case database documents create var item data payload items add item setState break case database documents delete var item data payload items removeWhere it gt it id item id setState break default break Finally let s modify our addItem function to add item to Appwrite s database and see how the view updates in realtime void addItem String name async try await database createDocument collectionId itemsCollection data name name read write on AppwriteException catch e print e message Let us also modify our ListTile widget to add a delete button that will allow us to delete the item ListTile title Text item name trailing IconButton icon Icon Icons delete onPressed async await database deleteDocument collectionId itemsCollection documentId item id Complete Exampleimport package appwrite appwrite dart import package flutter material dart void main runApp MyApp class MyApp extends StatelessWidget override Widget build BuildContext context return MaterialApp title FlAppwrite Realtime Demo theme ThemeData primarySwatch Colors blue home HomePage class HomePage extends StatefulWidget const HomePage Key key super key key override HomePageState createState gt HomePageState class HomePageState extends State lt HomePage gt List lt Map lt String dynamic gt gt items TextEditingController nameController TextEditingController RealtimeSubscription subscription late final Client client final itemsCollection COLLECTION ID late final Database database override void initState super initState client Client setEndpoint lt http localhost v gt your endpoint setProject YOUR PROJECT ID your project id database Database client login loadItems subscribe login async try await Account client createAnonymousSession on AppwriteException catch e print e message loadItems async try final res await database listDocuments collectionId itemsCollection setState items List lt Map lt String dynamic gt gt from res data documents on AppwriteException catch e print e message void subscribe final realtime Realtime client subscription realtime subscribe collections lt collectionId gt documents replace lt collectionId gt with the ID of your items collection which can be found in your collection s settings page listen to changes subscription stream listen data data will consist of event and a payload if data payload isNotEmpty switch data event case database documents create var item data payload items add item setState break case database documents delete var item data payload items removeWhere it gt it id item id setState break default break override void dispose subscription close super dispose override Widget build BuildContext context return Scaffold appBar AppBar title Text FlAppwrite Realtime Demo body ListView children items map item gt ListTile title Text item name trailing IconButton icon Icon Icons delete onPressed async await database deleteDocument collectionId itemsCollection documentId item id floatingActionButton FloatingActionButton child Icon Icons add onPressed dialog to add new item showDialog context context builder context gt AlertDialog title Text Add new item content TextField controller nameController actions TextButton child Text Cancel onPressed gt Navigator of context pop TextButton child Text Add onPressed add new item final name nameController text if name isNotEmpty nameController clear addItem name Navigator of context pop void addItem String name async try await database createDocument collectionId itemsCollection data name name read write on AppwriteException catch e print e message ConclusionI enjoyed a lot writing tutorial and I hope you enjoyed learning and building Flutter application with Appwrite Realtime service The full source code for this application is available on my GitHub repository Feel free to get back to us if you have any queries or comments Excited to see what the community will build with Flutter and Appwrite Realtime Learn MoreGetting Started With FlutterFlutter PlaygroundAppwrite Docs 2021-09-04 06:46:19
海外TECH DEV Community My niche list of useful tools (will be updating regularly) https://dev.to/anjalivanga/my-niche-list-of-useful-tools-will-be-updating-regularly-4i54 My niche list of useful tools will be updating regularly A seasonal gamer developer or a tech enthusiast needs a reliable repository of tools they can go back to every time they comes across a particular problem The field of tech is so deep and ever emerging that you can always find a unique product or tool that can entirely change the routine way of doing things In this article I have curated a list of product reviews alternatives tools and detailed guides You can refer to this guide to discover new products and inform your self with latest scoop on all the best gaming tools Although the products listed below might not be popular these tools and guides can come very handy to improve your productivity and in case of gamers your entire gaming experience Razer CortexRazer Cortex is a system optimization software used to improve your gaming experience and the overall performance of your PC built by the gaming hardware manufacturer Razer It essentially enhances your play by boosting your system performance and gives you the ability to discover the best gaming deal In this article we have written a comprehensive Razer Cortex review so you know everything about this product before you decide to use it Best Nvidia Control Panel SettingsOptimizing your game settings to maximize the performance and overall visuals and sound of your game can be an entirely different experience Every serious gamer dreams about a seamless high quality gaming experience So in this article we have brought to you the best Nvidia Control Panel Settings in Best Voice changer for Mac Apps Voice changer applications are extremely popular among gamers who use them to alter their voices on Discord A voice changer app alters the pitch of your voice to make it sound a bit funny People use these voice modulation apps to make funny videos and audios and post them on social media In this article we list down the best voice changer for Mac and Windows Best ISO CreatorThe best free ISO creator software are tools that create ISO files that are essentially replicas of the content transcribed on a compact optical disc that is stored digitally on your hard drive In this article we have prepared a listicle of all the top best free ISO creator tools with a detailed review of all their functionalities and features 2021-09-04 06:27:58
海外TECH DEV Community Make your Unix terminal beautiful & productive. https://dev.to/yogeshdev/make-your-unix-terminal-beautiful-productive-c1d Make your Unix terminal beautiful amp productive In this article we will configure the Unix terminal shell upgrade the settings install the plugins packages to increase productivity speed and change the look and feel of your terminal First of all check the activated shell using this command echo SHELL or echo The below command will display all the available shell cat etc shellsSteps to setup amp configure the TerminalInstall ZSH Install amp Configure Oh my zsh Install ThemesInstall PluginsFonts amp ColorsSetup StarshipThe default terminal that comes with Linux Ubuntu like OS is Bash Bourne Again Shell In this tutorial we will first change the shell and configure it and then install update the plugins amp color preferences Install Zsh Shell First check whether zsh is installed or not using this command lt etc shells grep zshoutout bin zsh usr bin zshInstallationFor Debian ubuntu like distros sudo apt updatesudo apt install zshFor Redhatsudo yum install zshFor OpenSusezypper install zshFor Arc Linux or Manjaropacman S zshFor Fedoradnf install zshFor free bsdpkg install zshFor macOSbrew install zshor you can download it from source Official Installation Doc Check zsh version zsh versionZsh has been installed successfully Now make zsh your default terminal chsh s which zsh If you want to switch back to the default bash or any other terminal then run this command chsh s bin bash or exec bashorchsh s bin zsh or exec zshthen restart the terminal Install oh my zshOh my zsh is an open source framework for managing Zsh configuration Install via Curlsh c curl fsSL Install via wgetsh c wget O Manual Installationcurl Lo install sh Check the variable of the zshrc file to confirm that zsh is activated Open zshrc file gt sudo nano zshrcexport ZSH HOME oh my zsh Make sure the above variable is set inside the zshrc file If it s not there then edit the file and add the above line To apply all the edited changes in the bashrc zshrc file you must have to run source bashrc or source zshrc command Next we will install the omz plugins and themes ThemesThe Theme ZSH THEME is a variable of the zshrc omz file To add or update the theme you ve to first install if theme is not installed the theme and then update the theme ZSH THEME variable The oh my zsh comes with predefined themes You can set them by setting the ZSH THEME variable The default and popular themes of omzs are robbyrussell and agnoster that come with omz installation Set the robbyrussell themeZSH THEME robbyrussell Agnoster themeZSH THEME agnoster There are many more theme options available with Oh my zsh For example Pure Avit Apple Bira etc Check the full list of Oh My Zsh Themes Apart from that you can install external themes as well Some of the popular themes are Powerlevelk Powerlevelk Spaceship Bullet Train etc PowerlevelkPowerlvelk is a fully customizable and more advanced theme of zsh InstallationFor Oh my zshgit clone depth ZSH CUSTOM HOME oh my zsh custom themes powerlevelkset the theme in ZSH THME variable in the zshrc file ZSH THEME powerlevelk powerlevelk Configure PowerlevelkType command p configure to start Powerlevelk configuration Or else you can edit the configuration file pk zshFor more details SpaceshipAnother powerful theme is Spaceship It comes with many features and an extremely customizable zsh prompt theme InstallationFor Oh My Zshgit clone ZSH CUSTOM themes spaceship prompt depth Symlink spaceship zsh theme to your oh my zsh custom themes directory ln s ZSH CUSTOM themes spaceship prompt spaceship zsh theme ZSH CUSTOM themes spaceship zsh theme Then set the ZSH THEME variable in zshrcZSH THEME spaceship For more details PluginsThe Plugins is an set of variable array that contains a list of activated plugin values in the zshrc omz file To add or update the plugins you ve to first install if not installed the plugin and then update the plugins variable plugins git node autojump The values of the plugins variable should be separated by space not by a comma Now install some of the useful plugins GitJust add the word git in plugins var plugins git zsh autosuggestionsFor Oh My ZshFirst clone the directory using gitgit clone ZSH CUSTOM oh my zsh custom plugins zsh autosuggestionsand activate the pluginplugins zsh autosuggestions Or Manual Installationgit clone zsh zsh autosuggestionsand add the following line to zshrcsource zsh zsh autosuggestions zsh autosuggestions zshand restart the terminal zsh syntax highlightingInstallationFor ZshClone the git repogit clone echo source q PWD zsh syntax highlighting zsh syntax highlighting zsh gt gt ZDOTDIR HOME zshrcThen enable the pluginsource zsh syntax highlighting zsh syntax highlighting zshFor Oh My ZshClone the repogit clone ZSH CUSTOM oh my zsh custom plugins zsh syntax highlightingAnd add the zsh syntax highlighting value in plugins variableplugins zsh syntax highlighting And restart the terminal BeforeAfterz or Zsh zZ allows you to jump quickly to the directory that you visited most in the past Z will remember the path you ve entered frequently and helped you to jump around them with few keystrokes Z uses regular expression To enable the z plugin assing z to your plugin variable plugins z For more oh my zsh plugins Terminal PreferencesInstall the Patched Fonts for the terminal The patched font will be used to display characters glyph icons arrow effects emojis Install Powerline fontssudo apt get install fonts powerlineFor more options quick installationDownload and Install the Powerline Nerd fontSource Code ProFura Fira Mono PowerlineHackOther Poweline FontsNerd FontsThen select the preferable front in custom font inside the text tab in Preferences Change the colors color scheme of the TerminalOpen the preferences and select the second tab gt Colors Available Buil in Schemes are Tango amp Solarized are recommended You can also customize the colors according to your need in the custom tab Next you can make the terminal productive and more customizable with Starship StarshipInstall and configure StarshipThe Starship is The minimal blazing fast and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell InstallationUsing curlcurl fsSL bashWith Brewbrew install starshipWith Scoopscoop install starshipAfter installation add the below line to initialize the StarshipFor Bash bashrc eval starship init bash For Zsh zshrc eval starship init zsh For Fish config fish config fish starship init fish sourceConfigurationStarship uses a TOML file for configuration TOML Doc To get started configuring starship create the config file starship toml inside config directory starship tomladd newline falsesymbol ➜ language symbol For prompt configuration visit prompt Tmux Tilixtmux is a program that runs in a terminal and allows multiple other terminal programs to be run inside it Tilix is similar to Tmux It is a tiling terminal emulator Tmux Tilix can split your emulator window into multiple terminal panes I hope you guys find the article helpful 2021-09-04 06:06:41
ニュース BBC News - Home Top street artists paint decks in aid of rural skatepark https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-wiltshire-58415348?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA skatepark 2021-09-04 06:41:16
ニュース BBC News - Home Football Focus: How women's football has risen since 50-year ban https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/football/58446519?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA Football Focus How women x s football has risen since year banAt the start of a new FA Women s Super League season Football Focus looks back at how the women s game has risen despite being banned for half of the last century 2021-09-04 06:41:09
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