Engadget Japanese |
Apple Watchユーザーならマストバイ! Ankerのケーブルレス充電器 |
AppleWatchユーザーならマストバイAnkerのケーブルレス充電器使い始めると、その便利さゆえ、片時も離れたくなくなるのが、AppleWatch。 |
2021-09-04 07:30:55 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Windows11 + WSL2 + DockerDesktop+GPU(Nvidia)+Jupyterlabの環境構築方法 |
WindowsWSLDockerDesktopGPUNvidiaJupyterlabの環境構築方法はじめに「幼少期よりWindows派の自分が、Dockerを使いたいがためにデュアルブートの危険を冒してUbuntuを利用していたが、WSLが登場して以降、Windows上でdockerもgpuも快適に使えるようになり意気揚々としていた。 |
2021-09-04 16:53:54 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
辞書型リストの指定したキーに重複した値がある場合の辞書の削除 |
辞書型リストの指定したキーに重複した値がある場合の辞書の削除csvを開いて重複の辞書を削除をし、再保存。 |
2021-09-04 16:48:27 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Vue(Javascript)「2以上5未満」みたいな条件分岐の書き方がわからない |
VueJavascript「以上未満」みたいな条件分岐の書き方がわからない解決したいこと下記のコードでresultsNumの値が、①の場合②の場合③の場合のように、各条件によって表示するコンポーネントを切り分けたいです。 |
2021-09-04 16:46:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【】 読み上げ機能を作りたいんですが、エラーを吐いてしまいます |
【Discordpy】読み上げ機能を作りたいんですが、エラーを吐いてしまいます前提・実現したいことPython初心者です。 |
2021-09-04 16:34:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VBA 値だけをコピー |
VBA値だけをコピーDimmotoAsWorksheetsakiAsWorksheetSetmotoSheetsASetsakiSheetsBDimlastRowAsLonglastRowmotoRangeDEFindWhat合計LookAtxlPartRowmotoRangeAKamplastRowCopysakiRangeAInsertShiftxlDown現在このようなコードでコピペをしております。 |
2021-09-04 16:28:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JavaScriptで作った任意の配列から重複する要素を取り除いた後、何種類の数値で構成されている確認するためのプログラミングの解説をお願いします。 |
JavaScriptで作った任意の配列から重複する要素を取り除いた後、何種類の数値で構成されている確認するためのプログラミングの解説をお願いします。 |
2021-09-04 16:25:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
chainerとcupyを用いたGPU計算を実行したら、'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xa3 in position 225とエラーが出ました |
chainerとcupyを用いたGPU計算を実行したら、xutfxcodeccanxtdecodebytexainpositionとエラーが出ました使用環境CPUiKGPUGTXSUPERpythonnbspVisualnbspStudionbsp発生している問題ディープラーニングのコードの練習を始めたばかりなのですが、chainerとcupyを使って簡単なAIを作成しようとgpu計算を行おうとしたところ、chainerfunctionsreluで、エラーメッセージutfcodeccantdecodebytexainpositioninvalidstartbyte試したことコードの先頭にはutfのおまじないをつけています。 |
2021-09-04 16:25:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
「 The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable 」の原因が知りたい |
econtrolprocessstatusenum |
2021-09-04 16:18:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Target class [App\Http\Controllers\App\Http\Controllers\AttendanceController] does not exist. というエラー |
TargetclassAppHttpControllersAppHttpControllersAttendanceControllerdoesnotexistというエラー勤怠管理システムをLaravel×Reactで開発中です。 |
2021-09-04 16:17:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Dockerを使ったGatsbyの開発環境構築 |
Dockerを使ったGatsbyの開発環境構築Dockerを使ってGatsbyの開発環境を構築しています。 |
2021-09-04 16:17:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
headlessuiでModal表示するとfixedの中の中央揃え要素が右にずれる |
headlessuiでModal表示するとfixedの中の中央揃え要素が右にずれるReactnbspxnbsptailwindcssをベースにしたUIコンポーネントであるheadlessUIのDialogModalコンポーネントを使って開発しています。 |
2021-09-04 16:02:09 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
with_indexメソッドについて |
eachwithindexを使用した書き方fruitseachwithindexdofruitindex開始番号を指定できるので、こちらの方が直感的にわかりやすいp私がindex番目に好きな果物はfruitです。 |
2021-09-04 16:54:47 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Windows11 + WSL2 + DockerDesktop+GPU(Nvidia)+Jupyterlabの環境構築方法 |
WindowsWSLDockerDesktopGPUNvidiaJupyterlabの環境構築方法はじめに「幼少期よりWindows派の自分が、Dockerを使いたいがためにデュアルブートの危険を冒してUbuntuを利用していたが、WSLが登場して以降、Windows上でdockerもgpuも快適に使えるようになり意気揚々としていた。 |
2021-09-04 16:53:54 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Golang】"go install" でアプリのバージョン情報に自動対応させる【Go 1.16+】 |
そのため、gogetuでパッケージをバイナリとしてインストールする習慣がまだあるgoinstallを使わないユーザのことを考えると、gomodのバージョンをgo以上に設定している場合に、この方法を使うのが確実だと思います。 |
2021-09-04 16:17:25 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
go で構造体を比較したい時に、気軽に== を使って比較する前に、ポインタ型か、そうでないかをちゃんと確認しようね。 |
goで構造体を比較したい時に、気軽にを使って比較する前に、ポインタ型か、そうでないかをちゃんと確認しようね。 |
2021-09-04 16:08:03 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
SourseTreeとGithubのSSH接続詳しい設定方法(For Mac) |
SourseTreeとGithubのSSH接続詳しい設定方法ForMac準備SourseTreeとGithubダウンロードしログインしてくださいはターミナルでの操作️⃣sshkeygentrsaCメールアドレスを入力まずはSSH認証の公開鍵と秘密鍵を作成してください。 |
2021-09-04 16:04:39 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Rails]root to:を使ってroot_pathアクションで遷移先を指定できる |
Railsroottoを使ってrootpathアクションで遷移先を指定できる初めになぜこの記事を書きたかったのか・自分の知識を言語化させ記憶に定着させたいから。 |
2021-09-04 16:58:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
A FRAMEWORK FOR SYSTEM DESIGN INTERVIEWSIn this article I would like to share some insights about process of system design interview from System design interview book A step process for effective system design interviewEvery system design interview is different A great system design interview is open ended and there is no one size fits all solution However there are steps and common ground to cover in every system design interview Step Understand the problem and establish design scope Why did the tiger roar A hand shot up in the back of the class Yes Jimmy the teacher responded Because he was HUNGRY Very good Jimmy Throughout his childhood Jimmy has always been the first to answer questions in the class Whenever the teacher asks a question there is always a kid in the classroom who loves to take a crack at the question no matter if he knows the answer or not That is Jimmy Jimmy is an ace student He takes pride in knowing all the answers fast In exams he is usually the first person to finish the questions He is a teacher s top choice for any academic competition DON T be like Jimmy In a system design interview giving out an answer quickly without thinking gives you no bonus points Answering without a thorough understanding of the requirements is a huge redflag as the interview is not a trivia contest There is no right answer So do not jump right in to give a solution Slow down Think deeply and ask questions toclarify requirements and assumptions This is extremely important As an engineer we like to solve hard problems and jump into the final design however thisapproach is likely to lead you to design the wrong system One of the most important skills as an engineer is to ask the right questions make the proper assumptions and gather all the information needed to build a system So do not be afraid to ask questions When you ask a question the interviewer either answers your question directly or asks you tomake your assumptions If the latter happens write down your assumptions on the whiteboard or paper You might need them later What kind of questions to ask Ask questions to understand the exact requirements Here is a list of questions to help you get started •What specific features are we going to build •How many users does the product have •How fast does the company anticipate to scale up What are the anticipated scales in months months and a year •What is the company s technology stack What existing services you might leverage to simplify the design ExampleIf you are asked to design a news feed system you want to ask questions that help you clarify the requirements The conversation between you and the interviewer might look like this Candidate Is this a mobile app Or a web app Or both Interviewer Both Candidate What are the most important features for the product Interviewer Ability to make a post and see friends news feed Candidate Is the news feed sorted in reverse chronological order or a particular order The particular order means each post is given a different weight For instance posts from your close friends are more important than posts from a group Interviewer To keep things simple let us assume the feed is sorted by reverse chronological order Candidate How many friends can a user have Interviewer Candidate What is the traffic volume Interviewer million daily active users DAU Candidate Can feed contain images videos or just text Interviewer It can contain media files including both images and videos Above are some sample questions that you can ask your interviewer It is important to understand the requirements and clarify ambiguities Step Propose high level design and get buy inIn this step we aim to develop a high level design and reach an agreement with the interviewer on the design It is a great idea to collaborate with the interviewer during theprocess •Come up with an initial blueprint for the design Ask for feedback Treat your interviewer as a teammate and work together Many good interviewers love to talk and get involved •Draw box diagrams with key components on the whiteboard or paper This might include clients mobile web APIs web servers data stores cache CDN message queue etc •Do back of the envelope calculations to evaluate if your blueprint fits the scale constraints Think out loud Communicate with your interviewer if back of the envelope isnecessary before diving into it If possible go through a few concrete use cases This will help you frame the high level design It is also likely that the use cases would help you discover edge cases you have not yet considered Should we include API endpoints and database schema here This depends on the problem For large design problems like “Design Google search engine this is a bit of too low level For a problem like designing the backend for a multi player poker game this is a fair game Communicate with your interviewer ExampleLet us use “Design a news feed system to demonstrate how to approach the high level design Here you are not required to understand how the system actually works At the high level the design is divided into two flows feed publishing and news feed building •Feed publishing when a user publishes a post corresponding data is written into cache database and the post will be populated into friends news feed •Newsfeed building the news feed is built by aggregating friends posts in a reverse chronological order Step Design deep diveAt this step you and your interviewer should have already achieved the following objectives •Agreed on the overall goals and feature scope•Sketched out a high level blueprint for the overall design•Obtained feedback from your interviewer on the high level design•Had some initial ideas about areas to focus on in deep dive based on her feedbackYou shall work with the interviewer to identify and prioritize components in the architecture It is worth stressing that every interview is different Sometimes the interviewer may give off hints that she likes focusing on high level design Sometimes for a senior candidate interview the discussion could be on the system performance characteristics likely focusing on the bottlenecks and resource estimations In most cases the interviewer may want you to dig into details of some system components For URL shortener it is interesting to dive into the hash function design that converts a long URL to a short one For a chat system how to reduce latency and how to support online offline status are two interesting topics Time management is essential as it is easy to get carried away with minute details that do not demonstrate your abilities You must be armed with signals to show your interviewer Try not to get into unnecessary details For example talking about the EdgeRank algorithm ofFacebook feed ranking in detail is not ideal during a system design interview as this takesmuch precious time and does not prove your ability in designing a scalable system ExampleAt this point we have discussed the high level design for a news feed system and the interviewer is happy with your proposal Next we will investigate two of the most important use cases Feed publishingNews feed retrieval Step Wrap upIn this final step the interviewer might ask you a few follow up questions or give you the freedom to discuss other additional points Here are a few directions to follow •The interviewer might want you to identify the system bottlenecks and discuss potential improvements Never say your design is perfect and nothing can be improved There isalways something to improve upon This is a great opportunity to show your critical thinking and leave a good final impression •It could be useful to give the interviewer a recap of your design This is particularly important if you suggested a few solutions Refreshing your interviewer s memory can be helpful after a long session •Error cases server failure network loss etc are interesting to talk about •Operation issues are worth mentioning How do you monitor metrics and error logs How to roll out the system •How to handle the next scale curve is also an interesting topic For example if your current design supports million users what changes do you need to make to support million users •Propose other refinements you need if you had more time To wrap up we summarize a list of the Dos and Don ts Dos•Always ask for clarification Do not assume your assumption is correct •Understand the requirements of the problem •There is neither the right answer nor the best answer A solution designed to solve the problems of a young startup is different from that of an established company with millions of users Make sure you understand the requirements •Let the interviewer know what you are thinking Communicate with your interview •Suggest multiple approaches if possible •Once you agree with your interviewer on the blueprint go into details on each component Design the most critical components first •Bounce ideas off the interviewer A good interviewer works with you as a teammate •Never give up Don ts•Don t be unprepared for typical interview questions •Don t jump into a solution without clarifying the requirements and assumptions •Don t go into too much detail on a single component in the beginning Give the high level design first then drills down •If you get stuck don t hesitate to ask for hints •Again communicate Don t think in silence •Don t think your interview is done once you give the design You are not done until your interviewer says you are done Ask for feedback early and often Time allocation on each stepSystem design interview questions are usually very broad and minutes or an hour is not enough to cover the entire design Time management is essential How much time should you spend on each step The following is a very rough guide on distributing your time in a minute interview session Please remember this is a rough estimate and the actual time distribution depends on the scope of the problem and the requirements from the interviewerStep Understand the problem and establish design scope minutesStep Propose high level design and get buy in minutesStep Design deep dive minutesStep Wrap minutes |
2021-09-04 07:04:50 |
海外ニュース |
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Suga’s abrupt exit throws LDP race wide open |
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ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
2021年度版【ふるさと納税ランキング~ビール編~】 「ふるさと納税」でビールがもらえる自治体を調査! コストパフォーマンスが最強の自治体はココだ! - ふるさと納税おすすめ特産品情報 |
2021-09-04 16:30:00 |
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ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
【ふるさと納税】ビールがもらえる自治体ランキング (2021年度版)人気の「ビール」がもらえる自治体を 比較して、コスパ最強のおすすめの自治体を発表! - ふるさと納税特産品ランキング |
【ふるさと納税】ビールがもらえる自治体ランキング年度版人気の「ビール」がもらえる自治体を比較して、コスパ最強のおすすめの自治体を発表ふるさと納税特産品ランキング年度の「ふるさと納税」の特産品として「ビール」がもらえる、お得な自治体のランキングを発表各自治体自慢の「ビール」がもらえる自治体をザイ・オンライン編集部が徹底調査し、お得度に応じてランキング。 |
2021-09-04 16:30:00 |
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