python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
(Mac)PythonのSeleniumで「chromedriveのpathの場所が見つからない」時の対応 |
「PythonChromeDriverインストールとパスの通し方」※ちなみに、解決策の「pipinstallchromedriverbinaryauto」については、実施していません。 |
2021-09-11 18:49:17 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[JavaScript] named export と default export の違い |
NodejsでESModulesを動かすためには、jsの拡張子の場合、packagejsonの記載が必要です。 |
2021-09-11 18:48:06 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Module parse failed: Unexpected string in JSON at position 93 while parsing と表示された時の対処 |
ModuleparsefailedUnexpectedstringinJSONatpositionwhileparsingと表示された時の対処jsonファイルを手動で弄ると起こるエラーModuleparsefailedUnexpectedstringinJSONatpositionwhileparsingnametextsexYoumayneedanappropriateloadertohandlethisfiletypecurrentlynoloadersareconfiguredtoprocessthisfileSeeloadersSyntaxErrorUnexpectedstringinJSONatpositionwhileparsingこのエラーが起こった時の対処です。 |
2021-09-11 18:35:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Python】pyinstallerでexeファイルを実行した際の「No such file or directory」エラーについて |
【Python】pyinstallerでexeファイルを実行した際の「Nosuchfileordirectory」エラーについて前提・実現したいことpyinstallerを用いて、pythonファイルをexeファイルとして作成しようとしています。 |
2021-09-11 18:57:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
仮想環境にdjangoがあるのに、データベースを構築する時にmanage.pyでCouldn't import Django.が返ってくる |
仮想環境にdjangoがあるのに、データベースを構築する時にmanagepyでCouldnxtimportDjangoが返ってくる環境仮想環境nbspnbsppiplistnbspDjangopippytzsetuptoolssqlparse仮想環境nbspactivate済エディタVscode解決したいことdjangoはインストールしました。 |
2021-09-11 18:53:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Flutter, FirebaseのDBで変更されたデータのみを取得する方法 |
更新された分だけのデータを取得する方法はありますか。 |
2021-09-11 18:53:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SwiftUI-Buttonなしのアニメーション実装 |
SwiftUIButtonなしのアニメーション実装SwiftUIでButtonなしのアニメーションをしたいです。 |
2021-09-11 18:50:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
display: flex;について(初心者です) |
displayflexについて初心者です前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-09-11 18:36:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
フォルダ構造を評価して頂きたいです |
フォルダ構造を評価して頂きたいです経緯現在勉強と趣味を兼ねてホームページを運営しているのですが、laravelとgithubを勉強しようと考えています。 |
2021-09-11 18:27:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
HTMLのPタグについて |
開始 |
2021-09-11 18:25:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Fluentdを使ったAWSのDocumentDBへのデータの収集 |
Fluentdを使ったAWSのDocumentDBへのデータの収集下記のサイトを参考にEC内に構築したmongoDBにFluentdを使ってjsonファイルを収集しています。 |
2021-09-11 18:14:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
YouTube Android Player APIを一時停止する方法がわからない |
2021-09-11 18:11:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Vue.js + TypeScriptのinjectがexistエラーになるのを解決したい |
VuejsTypeScriptのinjectがexistエラーになるのを解決したいVuenbspCLIでVuejsnbspnbspTypeScriptの構成でProvidenbspnbspinject機能を使ってstore機能を実装しています。 |
2021-09-11 18:05:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[パフォーマンス]2回目以降のリクエストの処理時間が短くなる理由が知りたい |
2021-09-11 18:02:33 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
複数ページの画面遷移を構築しよう! |
HTMLのボタンでリンク作成してみようaタグまず初めに、aタグでリンク用のボタンを作成する方法について紹介していきます。 |
2021-09-11 18:30:59 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【初歩中の初歩】Rubyで掛け算をしてみよう★ |
【初歩中の初歩】Rubyで掛け算をしてみよう今回はRubyを使って掛け算をしてみます。 |
2021-09-11 18:07:24 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ALBでCookieをもとに公開範囲を限定する |
これは、社内ネットワークがしっかり構築されていてIPが統一されればいいですけど、そうでない場合各自のIPを許可していくのは面倒かなと思います。 |
2021-09-11 18:27:56 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
DynamoDB を Docker で動かす |
サンプルデータをインサートするローカルにDynamoDBが構築できたら、実際にデータを登録してみます。 |
2021-09-11 18:40:18 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GitLab CI/CDでGitLab Runnerのタグを正しく指定する方法 |
対処法GitLabRunnerでは、SpecificRunnerを利用するには、gitlabciymlにおいて、そのRunnerを明示する必要があります。 |
2021-09-11 18:11:16 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
GolangでAirを使ってホットリロードを実現する |
2021-09-11 18:45:45 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
git コマンド覚書 |
コミットの構成圧縮ファイルツリーファイルコミットファイル内容圧縮ファイル圧縮されたファイルデータツリーファイル今のワークディレクトリ内の圧縮されたファイルのデータの一覧コミットツリーファイル・親コミット・作成者・日付・コミットメッセージ変更点の確認gitaddする前の変更分gitdiffgitdiffファイル名gitaddした後の変更分gitdiffstaged変更履歴gitloggitlogonelinegitlogpファイル名gitlogn表示するコミット数ファイル操作リポジトリからのファイルの削除gitrmgitrmcachedファイルの移動gitmvmv旧ファイル名新ファイル名gitrm旧ファイル名gitadd新ファイル名変更したファイルを戻すステージ→ワークツリーgitcheckoutファイル名ディレクトリ名addしたファイルを戻すリポジトリ→ステージgitresetHEADファイル名ディレクトリ名直前のコミットをやり直す直前のコミットを上書きするgitcommitamendリモートの情報を表示するgitremotevgitremoteshowgitのリモート名を変更gitremoterenameoriginoriginブランチ操作全てのブランチを表示gitbranchaブランチ作成gitbranchブランチ名gitcheckoutbブランチ名作成移動ブランチ削除gitbranchdブランチ名mainにマージされてない変更がある場合は削除されないgitbranchDブランチ名強制削除リモートブランチの削除今いるブランチのブランチ名変更gitbranchmブランチ名mergeマージとは変更分を取り込むこと。 |
2021-09-11 18:13:57 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
初めてのGraphQL with Rails ②(Apollo Client編) |
Gemfilegemgraphiqlrailsこちらのgemをインストールしてbundleinstallrailsggraphqlinstallのコマンドを実行したときに、routesrbに以下の内容が記載されていると思います。 |
2021-09-11 18:36:01 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
FlowBite - Tailwind CSS Components Library |
FlowBite Tailwind CSS Components Library What is FlowBite FlowBite is an open source collection of UI elements based on the utility first CSS framework Tailwind designed and coded by Themesberg available in Figma and as web components Why use FlowBite One of the disadvantages of Tailwind CSS compared to other frameworks is that it doesn t have a base set of components This makes it really hard to quickly prototype a user interface This is where FlowBite comes into play it s basically Tailwind CSS but you get all of the components that you would normally get with a classic CSS framework like Bootstrap or Bulma There are at least types of components including buttons alerts breadcrumbs pagination and navbars FlowBite also includes some custom JavaScript that enables interactive components such as dropdowns modals tooltips and many more How to get started Getting started with FlowBite is fairly easy all you need to do is follow the quickstart guide or set up an advanced workflow by following the build tools guide Include via CDNThe quickest way to get started working with FlowBite is to simply include the CSS and JavaScript into your project via CDN Require the following minified stylesheet inside the head tag lt link rel stylesheet href themesberg flowbite latest dist flowbite min css gt And include the following javascript file before the end of the body element lt script src themesberg flowbite latest dist flowbite bundle js gt lt script gt Important This is not the recommended way of working with FlowBite because you won t be able to purge the unnecessary CSS Check out the build tools to properly set up FlowBite for development and production code Require via NPMYou can also require FlowBite as a dependency using NPM by running the following command npm i themesberg flowbite InstallationFollow these steps to configure develop and build with FlowBite and Tailwind CSS Make sure that you have Node js and NPM installed on your machineCreate a new folder with mkdir flowbite projectMove inside the newly created folder with cd flowbite projectRun npm init to create a package json file and follow the CLI instructionsRun the following code to install Tailwind CSS npm install D tailwindcss latest postcss latest autoprefixer latest tailwindcss forms latestCreate a new file with touch postcss config js and insert the following code postcss config jsmodule exports plugins tailwindcss autoprefixer Create a Tailwind configuration file by running npx tailwindcss initAnd then add the following code inside the tailwind config js file module exports purge enabled true content layouts html content md content html darkMode false or media or class theme extend fontFamily sans Inter ui sans serif system ui apple system system ui Segoe UI Roboto Helvetica Neue Arial Noto Sans sans serif Apple Color Emoji Segoe UI Emoji Segoe UI Symbol Noto Color Emoji body Inter ui sans serif system ui apple system system ui Segoe UI Roboto Helvetica Neue Arial Noto Sans sans serif Apple Color Emoji Segoe UI Emoji Segoe UI Symbol Noto Color Emoji mono ui monospace SFMono Regular Menlo Monaco Consolas Liberation Mono Courier New monospace colors white ffffff black gray FFAFB FFF EEEB DDDB CAAF B B F red FDFF FDEE FBDD FBB F F E CEE BCC DD orange FFFF FEECDC FCDBD FDBAC FFAC FFAF D B ACD DD yellow FDFDEA FDFB FCEA FACA EA C FA EB B green FFAF DEFEC BCFDA EBC CD EFE A CE F teal EDFAFA DFF AFECEF EDCE BDCA A C blue EBFFF EEFFE CDDFD ACAFE AFA FF CF ADB EF indigo FFFF EEDFF CDDBFE BCFC DAFB F EC CD D F purple FFFF EDEBFE DCDFE CABFFD ACFA F EAF CBD B AD pink FDFF FCEF FADE FBD FEB E DF BFD B AD variants extend fill hover focus zIndex hover active plugins require tailwindcss forms Include Tailwind in your CSS by creating a new CSS file and use the directive to inject the main styles styles css tailwind base tailwind components tailwind utilities Compile the CSS using the Tailwind CLI tool by running npx tailwindcss o flowbite cssInclude the newly created flowbite css file into your HTML template and start developing with FlowBite and Tailwind CSS Using ES make sure that you also create a JavaScript file called flowbite js to make elements such as dropdowns and modals work and add the following code import tippy from tippy js import tippy js dist tippy css optional for stylingimport tippy js animations scale css import createPopper from popperjs core function toggleCollapse collapseId const menu document getElementById collapseId if menu classList contains hidden menu classList remove hidden else menu classList add hidden window toggleCollapse toggleCollapse function toggleDropdown event dropdownID let element event target while element nodeName BUTTON element element parentNode createPopper element document getElementById dropdownID placement bottom start modifiers name offset options offset document getElementById dropdownID classList toggle hidden document getElementById dropdownID classList toggle block window toggleDropdown toggleDropdown function toggleModal modalID document getElementById modalID classList toggle hidden document getElementById modalID backdrop classList toggle hidden document getElementById modalID classList toggle flex document getElementById modalID backdrop classList toggle flex window toggleModal toggleModal document addEventListener DOMContentLoaded function tippy data tippy content Alternatively you can also just use a CDN link with the compiled JS lt script src themesberg flowbite latest dist flowbite bundle js gt lt script gt Building for productionIf you want to build for production use the following command and remove any unused CSS NODE ENV production npx tailwindcss o flowbite css Figma design filesIf you d like to work with a Figma design file you can either duplicate the free version on Figma Community or upgrade for additional application UI marketing UI and e commerce sections and pages with FlowBite Pro LicensingThe components library of FlowBite is open source under the MIT License However please take into account that the pro version of FlowBite is subject to the EULA End User License Agreement from FlowBite AuthorsThe authors of FlowBite are Zoltán Szőgyényi development and Robert Tanislav designer as the co founders of Themesberg |
2021-09-11 09:46:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Django Website Templates - Free Download |
Django Website Templates Free DownloadHello Coders This article presents a curated list with open source and Free Django Website Templates available for download under permissive licenses without a registration lock or other limitations like footer credit links All products are actively supported and might be used in many ways from eLearning to code professional websites and open source projects For newcomers Django is a leading open source web framework coded by experts using a batteries included concept Thanks for reading Content provided by App Generator Django Website Template Pixel product page contains link Django Website Template Black product page contains link Django Website Template Volt product page contains link Django Website Template Datta product page contains link Django Website Template Soft product page contains link All templates use Django as the backend framework along with other useful features Authentication SQLite for persistence Forms validation SASS compilation scripts and also Docker integration for a blazing fast deployment Django Website Template PixelOpen Source Django Template Starter coded with basic modules database ORM and deployment scripts on top of Pixel Lite UI Kit a fully responsive and modern Bootstrap UI Kit that will help you build creative and professional websites The Django codebase is provided with database ORM authentication and deployment scripts Django Website Template Pixel product page contains DEMO Django Website Template Pixel Github Download link Mb Django Website Template BlackOpen source Django Dashboard built with authentication database basic modules and deployment scripts on top of Black Dashboard UI free version For newcomers Black Dashboard is a beautiful Bootstrap Admin Dashboard with a huge number of components built to fit together and look amazing It combines colors that are easy on the eye spacious cards beautiful typography and graphics This modern dark themed UI is crafted by Creative Tim Django Website Template Black product page contains DEMO Django Website Template Black Github Download link Mb Django Website Template VoltVolt Dashboard is a free and open source Bootstrap Admin Dashboard featuring over components example pages and plugins with Vanilla JS There is more than free Bootstrap components included some of them being buttons alerts modals date pickers and so on Django Website Template Volt product page contains DEMO Django Website Template Volt Github Download link Mb Django Website Template DattaDatta Able Bootstrap Lite is the most stylized Bootstrap Lite Admin Template around all other Lite Free admin templates in the market It comes with high feature rich pages and components with fully developer centric code Before developing Datta Able our key points were performance and design Django Website Template Datta product page contains DEMO Django Website Template Datta Github Download link Mb Django Website Template SoftDesigned for those who like bold elements and beautiful websites Soft UI Dashboard is ready to help you create stunning websites and web apps Soft UI Dashboard is built with over frontend individual elements like buttons inputs navbars nav tabs cards or alerts giving you the freedom of choosing and combining Django Website Template Soft product page contains DEMO Django Website Template Soft Github Download link MbThanks for reading For more resources please access Django Dashboards free amp commercial productsOpen source Admin Dashboards built in React Flask and Django |
2021-09-11 09:41:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Learning Python- Intermediate course: Day 24, Summary of the week and Adding Colors |
Learning Python Intermediate course Day Summary of the week and Adding Colors Today we will check how to add background color to the widgets Setting the background color We can set the background color of the window as well as the widgets using the bg attribute from tkinter import master Tk master title Color Demo master geometry x master configure bg pINk Not case sensativeThe string is not case sensitive We can set the background color of the widgets in the same mannerfrom tkinter import master Tk master title Color Demo master geometry x master configure bg pINk Not case sensativea Label master text Welcome bg yellow a pack master mainloop Setting the font colorThe font color can be set using the fg attribute This is just the same as the bg attributeResultLabel Label fg Pink text Program to implement colors Let us now build a program the same one as yesterday A color will be chosen from the radio buttons instead of programming languages The background color of the Label will be accordingly to the color chosen from tkinter import master Tk master title Color Demo master configure bg pINk Not case sensativemaster geometry x v IntVar v set initializing the choice i e no default choicecolors Blue Green Red Yellow making an array to choose the colors from text to display in the labeldef showchoice function to display the result ResultLabel config text colors v get bg colors v get fg Orange set the font color to Orange ResultLabel Label master font Helvetica bold bg Pink text Make the label ResultLabel pack Set the radiobuttonsRadiobutton Radiobutton master text colors variable v command showchoice fg colors bg Pink value Radiobutton Radiobutton master text colors variable v command showchoice fg colors bg Pink value Radiobutton Radiobutton master text colors variable v command showchoice fg colors bg Pink value Radiobutton Radiobutton master text colors variable v command showchoice fg colors bg Pink value Radiobutton pack Radiobutton pack Radiobutton pack Radiobutton pack master mainloop Here are the snapshots Summary of the week Day We learnt how to make Tkinter windows We learnt how to set the default geometry and position of the window using the geometry attribute We made our very first hello world application in Tkinter using the first widget the Label widget Day We explored checkboxes by making a program which renders text bold italics or both This is achieved through the font attribute in Tkinter Day We understood the Tkinter variables IntVar BooleanVar FloatVar and StringVar They are actually object instances which hold the primitive data types They can be accessed by using their getter and setter methods After that we made a program using Radio buttons which takes in the favorite programming language The users can only choose one among the available options which is the characteristic of the radiobuttons The pyw extensionWe usually store the python programs with the py extensions But this opens up a command prompt along with the file Hence for GUI applications it is a good idea to name the files with an pyw extension instead of a py extension This prevents the opening of the command prompt More about it here |
2021-09-11 09:35:58 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Yet another portfolio - 12th attempt |
Yet another portfolio th attemptHello everyone I love working on my portfolio I know it sounds narcissistic but the truth is that it is the subject I know the best and it is always a bit of introspection and self knowledge when I do this exercise kind of like a therapy Redoing my portfolio has always been a way to put one foot into a new web technology My first portfolio was years ago using only HTML and CSS Needless to say it looked pretty basic Then I remember doing a second version with JQuery and anoter one with a custom design one using PHP etc Every iteration was a learning Last year I worked on a new version of my portfolio after few weeks of designing it through Figma I started coding while having in mind that this would be a long term one I wanted to get familiar with the concept of animation and minimalism I wanted that website to be unique and soft while telling my story To anyone who wants to learn something new in web development or design in general I highly recommend to do a portfolio Hope you will enjoy my twentieth take on it Cheers |
2021-09-11 09:10:36 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Return to normal? Japan study suggests adjusting expectations as delta spreads |
Return to normal Japan study suggests adjusting expectations as delta spreadsAccording to a recent study people may need to adjust their expectations on what normal looks like due to the spread of the highly contagious |
2021-09-11 18:14:31 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
9/11 anniversary: Queen tells Biden the victims are in her prayers |
president |
2021-09-11 09:05:53 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
9/11 anniversary: Biden calls for unity as US remembers attacks |
anniversary |
2021-09-11 09:23:40 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
日17―5ソ(11日) 日本ハムが大勝 |
日本ハム |
2021-09-11 18:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
巨4―5中(11日) 中日が逃げ切る |
福田 |
2021-09-11 18:02:00 |