IT |
気になる、記になる… |
「Apple Watch Series 7」の製品ラベルの画像が流出か − デザインは「Series 6」と同じ?? 様々な情報が明らかに |
applewatchseri |
2021-09-11 12:47:49 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
今度は「iPhone 13」と「iPhone 13 Pro」用の純正レザーケースかもしれない写真が登場 |
iphone |
2021-09-11 12:36:32 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 楽天モバイルで通信障害 現在は復旧 |
itmediamobile |
2021-09-11 21:01:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
言語処理100本ノック解説 2章 |
2021-09-11 21:37:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
シーン読み込み時のAdmobの不具合 |
発生している問題僕の作ったゲームでは、シーン開始時にバナー、インタースティシャル、リワードのつのタイプの広告が読み込まれ、表示できるようにされます。 |
2021-09-11 22:00:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
javascriptでmvcモデルの考え方を取り入れたい |
javascriptでmvcモデルの考え方を取り入れたいストップウォッチを作っていたのですが、コードが猥雑すぎて全体の流れが分からなくなってしまいました。 |
2021-09-11 21:59:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Axiosの使い方が分かりません |
axios |
2021-09-11 21:49:28 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python SVMについて |
anaconda |
2021-09-11 21:45:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
bashで変数の展開時にシングルクォートが付与されてしまう |
cattestshstrtestechostr実行結果bashxtestshstrtestechotesttest実行結果のnbspechoのところでquotquotに対してaposnbspaposが付与されてしまいます。 |
2021-09-11 21:37:41 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Unity for文ループで変数の更新後にも更新前の内容も引き継がれるのを解決したい |
Unityfor文ループで変数の更新後にも更新前の内容も引き継がれるのを解決したい前提・実現したいことUnityでDゲームの開発中です。 |
2021-09-11 21:26:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
unityでランダムな画像を表示する方法について |
unityでランダムな画像を表示する方法について前提・実現したいことunityで寿司打タイピングゲームのようなものをのサイトを参考に作っています。 |
2021-09-11 21:23:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
文章を句点で分割する(正規表現) |
文章を句点で分割する正規表現前提・実現したいこと例えば「腹が減った。 |
2021-09-11 21:21:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Vue.js】選んだセレクトボックスによって切り替わるコンテンツをブラウザバックしても保持したい |
【Vuejs】選んだセレクトボックスによって切り替わるコンテンツをブラウザバックしても保持したい前提Vuejsで選んだセレクトボックスの値によってコンテンツを切り替えるという実装をしています。 |
2021-09-11 21:09:04 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Docker for Mac 設定 |
DockerforMac設定Macの環境機種MacBookAirMCPUAppleMMemoryGbOSmacOSBigSurSHELLzshdockerCUItab補完docker公式のコマンドライン補完の設定はcurlのリンクが死んでいて利用できなかった。 |
2021-09-11 21:05:41 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS ParallelCluster のメジャーアップデート v3.0.0 がリリースされました |
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2021-09-11 12:53:12 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Amazon Auroraで「X2g」と「T4g」インスタンスが利用可能になりました。 |
amazon |
2021-09-11 12:10:33 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
5 Reasons Why Software Engineers Are in High Demand |
Reasons Why Software Engineers Are in High Demand Software Engineer it is one of the most demanded and rewarding career profiles of the current times all across the world Whether we talk about higher salary packages career growth opportunities collaborative work environment amazing perks or any other related aspect a Software Engineer job at almost every renowned tech company offers you these things As per a few standard reports the demand amp job opportunities for software engineers are likely to grow by in the coming years But have you ever thought about the reasons behind such rapidly increasing demand for Software Engineers in the professional world… No worries as here in this article we re going to discuss the same However before moving further let s have a quick look at Who are Software Engineers and What do they do A Software Engineer is a tech professional who implements the software engineering principles or concepts in each phase of building a system product including designing development testing and maintenance He is basically engaged with the product from the requirements gathering phase to its successful final development amp deployment Though the roles and responsibilities of a Software Engineer majorly depend on his specific domain and the company requirements For example a Blockchain Software Engineer is usually responsible for analyzing the company s tech requirements or client s demands and then concerned with the designing amp development of blockchain software product along with handling or managing several other tasks like testing troubleshooting etc Now let s get to know some of the major reasons that why Software Engineers are in great demand in the tech world Rapid Advent of Tech Advancements One of the primary reasons behind such an immensely increasing demand for Software Engineers is the rapid growth of technology The exponential growth amp evolution of technology in the last few years can clearly be seen considering all the recent tech trends like Quantum Computing Artificial Intelligence amp Machine Learning G Hyperautomation Internet of Behaviors IoB etc We re seeing how almost everything around us in the present day scenario including smartphones IoT devices virtual reality and augmented reality platforms cryptocurrencies and many other are all supported by the respective software And thus there is a huge demand amp need for software engineers who can look after the designing development and maintenance of this software And undoubtedly since the technologies are expected to keep growing at such a fast pace the future of software engineer looks promising in the upcoming years as well with the generation of numerous job opportunities for these professionals in the tech world The World is Moving OnlineMoving ahead the massive shift of everyone whether it be an individual or an offline business or education domain or any other to the digital platforms can be considered as another prominent reason that why the demand for software engineers is surging Especially after the global covid pandemic the digital presence for individuals or businesses has remained no more optional but it has become something very much necessary for them to keep going with their respective workflow or operations The platforms like Uber Zomato Flipkart Paytm Zoom etc are some of the renowned examples that represent today s digitalized world And behind all these digital platforms there exists the respective team of software engineers who ensures the successful development and running of the particular product whether it be an app a website or any other software So tech companies are in great need of skilled software engineers that can help them to create build such ideal software solutions to thrive in the industry Code Requires Timely Upgradation ChangesThis is something very crucial to know to understand the scenario of increasing demand for software engineers So most individuals especially beginners usually come with a doubt in their mind that once the code is completed and the product is successfully developed now the project should be over for software engineers except for the tasks like regular maintenance etc But the real scenario differs from it let us tell you why… You need to know that code usually becomes outdated or obsolete due to various reasons like the advent of new technologies need for new features etc hence it requires regular amp consistent updation changes throughout time Let us tell you that there are instances where the organization opts to rebuild the existing software or rewrite the entire code from scratch using the latest technologies for various reasons like better amp fast performance cost reduction etc And that s why a software engineer or a team of software engineers is associated and required for the particular product software even after its successful deployment Software Engineers are Concerned With Mulitple Phases like Designing Development Testing etc Going down the list another prominent reason behind such a great demand for software engineers in the tech world is that these professionals are concerned with almost every crucial phase of the product building whether it be designing development testing etc They work closely with the designing team to let them know the required functionalities of the product as per the user requirements they collaborate with programmers for code writing then they work with the testing team for testing amp assessing the code and so on Not only this but also technical design documentation identifying the improvement areas in the product amp recommending the solution for it improving existing codes and various other such tasks are also often handled by software engineers And this vast amp impactful role of software engineers in product development is one of the major reasons that why software engineers significantly hold a strong place popularity and demand in the tech industry Lesser Supply of Skilled Software Engineers Last but not least there comes the supply and demand concept So we need to understand that there are not adequate software engineers who re quite proficient and skillful as per the industries requirements and as known to everyone short supply always lead to high and high demand For example a software engineer is required to have a strong familiarity with the Software Development Life Cycle SDLC should have a decent knowledge of programming concepts and data structures amp algorithms proficiency with the relevant tools etc Along with it if a software engineer is quite updated with the latest development trends amp possesses some required soft skills as well like communication teamwork etc it makes his profile more strong However as many of the individuals who aspire to start their career as a software engineer lacks the mentioned skills the software engineers continue to be in great demand So these are some of the prominent reasons behind the great demand for Software Engineers in the tech industry and job market And again the future of software engineer seems quite bright hence if you re looking forward to building your career in this particular domain then you can go for it without giving a second thought and learn all the required skills accordingly |
2021-09-11 12:39:03 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Git and GitHub: The Complete Guides - Chapter 4 |
Git and GitHub The Complete Guides Chapter Welcome to this chapter we are going to discuss one of the important features of Git which is called branching In Git branches is part of your everyday development process For example when you want to add a new feature to your project or maybe you might need to fix a bug then you can use branching Here we will cover how to Create a branchCreate and switch to a new branchDelete a branchPush branch to GithubPull branch from remote to localDelete a branchAs shown in the above diagram we have a project timeline with different commits This time line is actually a branch By default when you create a repository and make commits you are working on the master branch This is what we have already seen in previous chapters Continuing with our example sometimes you need to add a new feature to your project but at the same time you don t want to touch or break the current state of the project In that case the best solution is to create a new branch and then work on that newly created branch adding files making commits etc Then after creating and testing the new feature if you are happy with it you can then merge your branch to the master branch You are able to create as many branches as you wish It becomes really helpful when several developers are working on the same project each of them can work on a different branch without breaking another developers work Create a branchLets go and see in practice how to work with branches We go back to our project where we are working on the default master branch To create a new branch we have to run the following command git branch This command is followed by the name of the branch For example git branch feature In order to see what branch we are working on and to see how many branches we have we need to run the following command git branchNow we can see overall we have two branches and currently we are working on the master branch as indicated by the asterisk and green colour text Lets see how we can switch to a different branch for that we have to run the command git checkout feature Now we will be working on the feature branch If we check the commit history we will get all the commits we have made so far We are able to change these commits and also make new ones which won t be available on the master branch If you remember from previous chapters we can switch back to our master branch by running the following command git checkout masterNote that changes or commits we make on our branch will not be seen by the master branch and we can prove this by making a new commit on our feature branch and then checking if the commit is tracked on the commit history on the master branch Create and switch to a new branchLets move on time to see how we can create and switch to a new created branch with just one command Suppose we want to create a new branch called feature and switch to it immediately To do this we need to run the following command git checkout bThis command is followed by the name of the new branch For example git checkout b feature Now when we run git branch we will see we have three branches and we have switched to our new branch as well Delete a branchNext we have to discuss how to delete branches To do this we need to run the following command git branch DThis command is followed by the name of the branch we want to delete Remember we cannot delete the branch which we are currently working on if we try to delete a branch we are currently on we will get an error that says we can t delete it Once we delete our branch we can see how many branches we have left with the command git branchPush branch to GithubWe can push our example feature branch to our remote repository by running the following command git push origin feature To do this we first have to make a commit on our branch which can been seen here When we push our local branch to GitHub we can see that our branch has been added we can then go to our branch and see the commits that were made GitHub will even tell us by how many commits we are ahead of our master branch Create a branch from GitHubWe can also create a branch from the Github website It is pretty simple We click the button that says master and give a name for our branch then click create branch We can see our new branch has been created We can even go to the branches button to see all our branches When we hover over the numbers we can see by how many commits our branch is ahead of the master Pull branch from remote to localIf we created a branch on GitHub and we want to work with that branch on our local repository we have to pull the data from our remote to our local To do this we run the following command git pull originThen we follow the command with the name of our remote branch For example git pull origin feature Then we need to run the command git checkout track origin feature Now we have pulled the data from GitHub to our local repo and we have switched to it We can check this by running the command git branchWe can make a change to our remote branch on GitHub and make a commit to it But to have access to the changes we need to pull the data from the remote branch with the command git pull origin feature You may have noticed Git showing us that our pull request is not really the best method This is true We haven t covered some of the topics yet so ignore it for now We can then check the commit history to see that our commits are up to date with the remote branch Each time when we make a new commit on the feature branch on GitHub remember we have to pull it to our local repository by running the command git pull origin feature Delete a branchWe can delete a branch on GitHub by going to our branches click the branches button On the right side of our branches we can see the little recycle bin which when clicked allows us to delete a branch Now when we go to branches we won t see our branch anymore We can even delete our remote branches from our local repo by running the following command git push origin deleteThis command is followed by the branch we want to delete For example git push origin delete feature By going back to GitHub we can see this branch has been deleted But deleting it this way does not mean it is deleted on our local repo in fact if we check to see how many branches we have on our local repo we will see all our branches are still here We know how to delete a branch on our local repo we do this by running the command git branch D followed by the name of the branch we want to delete We can check our local branches with the command git branch which will show us only the master branch That concludes this chapter on branches however we will be discussing more about branches in the coming chapter I hope you enjoyed it See ya |
2021-09-11 12:07:26 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Deep dive into Linux Networking and Docker - Bridge, vETH and IPTables |
Deep dive into Linux Networking and Docker Bridge vETH and IPTablesThis was originally published here These series of articles are my log of learning about various networking concepts related to Container Orchestration Platforms Docker Kubernetes etc Linux Networking is a very interesting topic In this series my aim is to dig deep to understand the various ways in which these container orchestration platforms implement network internals underneath Getting StartedA few questions before getting started What are namespaces TLDR a linux namespace is an abstraction over resources in the operating system Namespaces are like separate houses with their own sets of isolated resources There are currently types of namespaces Cgroup IPC Network Mount PID User UTSNetwork isolation is what we are interested in so we will be discussing in depth about network namespaces How to follow along All the examples in this article have been made on a fresh vagrant Ubuntu Bionic virtual machine Linux Networking is a very interesting topic In this series my aim is to dig deep to understand the various ways in which these container orchestration platforms implement network internals underneath Getting StartedA few questions before getting started What are namespaces TLDR a linux namespace is an abstraction over resources in the operating system Namespaces are like separate houses with their own sets of isolated resources There are currently types of namespaces Cgroup IPC Network Mount PID User UTSNetwork isolation is what we are interested in so we will be discussing in depth about network namespaces How to follow along All the examples in this article have been made on a fresh vagrant Ubuntu Bionic virtual machine Linux Networking is a very interesting topic In this series my aim is to dig deep to understand the various ways in which these container orchestration platforms implement network internals underneath Getting StartedA few questions before getting started What are namespaces TLDR a linux namespace is an abstraction over resources in the operating system Namespaces are like separate houses with their own sets of isolated resources There are currently types of namespaces Cgroup IPC Network Mount PID User UTSNetwork isolation is what we are interested in so we will be discussing in depth about network namespaces How to follow along All the examples in this article have been made on a fresh vagrant Ubuntu Bionic virtual machine vagrant init ubuntu bionicvagrant upvagrant ssh Exploring Network NamespacesHow do platforms virtualise network resources to isolate containers by assigning them a dedicated network stack and making sure these containers do not interfere with the host or neighbouring containers Network Namespace A network namespace isolates network related resources ーa process running in a distinct network namespace has its own networking devices routing tables firewall rules etc Let s create one quickly ip netns add nsAnd voila You have your isolated network namespace ns created just like that Now you can go ahead and run any process inside this namespace ip netns exec ns python m http server This was pretty neat The exec namespace command executes command in the named network namespace namespace This means that the process runs within its own network stack separate from the host and can communicate only through the interfaces defined in the network namespace Host NamespaceBefore you read ahead I d like to draw your attention on the default namespace for the host network Let s list down all the namespacesip netns all namespacesnsdefaultYou can notice the default namespace that is created This is the host namespace which implies whatever services that you run simply on your VM or your machine is run under this namespace This would be important to note moving forward Creating a Network NamespaceSo with that said let s quickly move forward and create two isolated network namespaces similar to two containers usr bin env bashNS ns NS ns create namespaceip netns add NSip netns add NSConnecting the cablesWe need to go ahead and connect these namespaces to our host network The vETH virtual Ethernet device helps in making this connection vETH is a local Ethernet tunnel and devices are created in pairs Packets transmitted on one device in the pair are immediately received on the other device When either device is down the link state of the pair is down usr bin env bashNS ns VETH veth VPEER vpeer NS ns VETH veth VPEER vpeer create namespaceip netns add NSip netns add NS create veth linkip link add VETH type veth peer name VPEER ip link add VETH type veth peer name VPEER Think of VETH like a network cable One end is attached to the host network and the other end to the network namespace created Let s go ahead and connect the cable and bring these interfaces up setup veth linkip link set VETH upip link set VETH up add peers to nsip link set VPEER netns NS ip link set VPEER netns NS LocalhostEver wondered how localhost works Well the loopback interface directs the traffic to remain within the local system So when you run something on localhost you are essentially using the loopback interface to route the traffic through Let s bring the loopback interface up in case we d want to run a service locally and also bring up the peer interfaces inside our network namespace to start accepting traffic setup loopback interfaceip netns exec NS ip link set lo upip netns exec NS ip link set lo up setup peer ns interfaceip netns exec NS ip link set VPEER upip netns exec NS ip link set VPEER upIn order to connect to the network a computer must have at least one network interface Each network interface must have its own unique IP address The IP address that you give to a host is assigned to its network interface But does every network interface require an IP address right Well not really We ll see that in the coming steps assign ip address to ns interfacesVPEER ADDR VPEER ADDR ip netns exec NS ip addr add VPEER ADDR dev VPEER ip netns exec NS ip addr add VPEER ADDR dev VPEER Remember here we ve only assigned network addresses to the interfaces inside the network namespaces ns vpeer ns vpeer The host namespaces interfaces do not have an IP assigned veth veth Why Do we need it Well not really Build Bridges Not WallsMen build too many walls and not enough bridgesRemember that when you have multiple containers running and want to send traffic to these containers we d require a bridge to connect them A network bridge creates a single aggregate network from multiple communication networks or network segments A bridge is a way to connect two Ethernet segments together in a protocol independent way Packets are forwarded based on Ethernet address rather than IP address like a router Since forwarding is done at Layer all protocols can go transparently through a bridge Bridging is distinct from routing Routing allows multiple networks to communicate independently and yet remain separate whereas bridging connects two separate networks as if they were a single network Docker has a docker bridge underneath to direct traffic When Docker service starts a Linux bridge is created on the host machine The various interfaces on the containers talk to the bridge and the bridge proxies to the external world Multiple containers on the same host can talk to each other through the Linux bridge So let s go ahead and create a bridge BR ADDR BR DEV br setup bridgeip link add BR DEV type bridgeip link set BR DEV up assign veth pairs to bridgeip link set VETH master BR DEV ip link set VETH master BR DEV setup bridge ipip addr add BR ADDR dev BR DEV Now that we have out network interfaces connected to the bridge how do these interfaces know how to direct the traffic to the host The route tables in both network namespaces only have route entries for their respective subnet IP range Since we have the VETH pairs connected to the bridge the bridge network address is available to these network namespaces Let s add a default route to direct the traffic to the bridge add default routes for nsip netns exec NS ip route add default via BR ADDR ip netns exec NS ip route add default via BR ADDR Done Sweet We have a proper setup to test if our containers can talk to each other Let s finally interact with the namespaces add default routes for nsip netns exec NS ping VPEER ADDR PING bytes of data bytes from icmp seq ttl time ms bytes from icmp seq ttl time msip netns exec NS ping VPEER ADDR PING bytes of data bytes from icmp seq ttl time ms bytes from icmp seq ttl time msMASQUERADEWe are able to send traffic between the namespaces but we haven t tested sending traffic outside the container And for that we d need to use IPTables to masquerade the outgoing traffic from our namespace enable ip forwardingbash c echo gt proc sys net ipv ip forward iptables t nat A POSTROUTING s BR ADDR o BR DEV j MASQUERADEMASQUERADE modifies the source address of the packet replacing it with the address of a specified network interface This is similar to SNAT except that it does not require the machine s IP address to be known in advance Basically what we are doing here is that we are adding an entry to NAT table to masquerade the outgoing traffic from the bridge except for the bridge traffic itself With this we are done with a basic setup on how docker actually implements linux network stack to isolate containers You can find the entire script here Now let s dive deep into how docker works with various networking setups How does Docker work Each Docker container has its own network stack where a new network namespace is created for each container isolated from other containers When a Docker container launches the Docker engine assigns it a network interface with an IP address a default gateway and other components such as a routing table and DNS services Docker offers five network types All these network types are configured through docker via the net flag Host Networking net host The container shares the same network namespace of the default host You can verify this easily check the network interfaces on the hostip addr lo lt LOOPBACK UP LOWER UP gt mtu qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen link loopback brd inet scope host lo valid lft forever preferred lft forever inet scope host valid lft forever preferred lft forever enps lt BROADCAST MULTICAST UP LOWER UP gt mtu qdisc fq codel state UP group default qlen link ether b b c brd ff ff ff ff ff ff inet brd scope global dynamic enps valid lft sec preferred lft sec inet fe bff feb c scope link valid lft forever preferred lft forever docker lt NO CARRIER BROADCAST MULTICAST UP gt mtu qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default link ether e c brd ff ff ff ff ff ff inet brd scope global docker valid lft forever preferred lft foreverRun docker in host mode and you will see it lists out the same set of interfaces check the network interfaces in the containerdocker run net host it rm alpine ip addr lo lt LOOPBACK UP LOWER UP gt mtu qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen link loopback brd inet scope host lo valid lft forever preferred lft forever inet scope host valid lft forever preferred lft forever enps lt BROADCAST MULTICAST UP LOWER UP gt mtu qdisc fq codel state UP group default qlen link ether b b c brd ff ff ff ff ff ff inet brd scope global dynamic enps valid lft sec preferred lft sec inet fe bff feb c scope link valid lft forever preferred lft forever docker lt NO CARRIER BROADCAST MULTICAST UP gt mtu qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default link ether e c brd ff ff ff ff ff ff inet brd scope global docker valid lft forever preferred lft forever Bridge Networking ーnet bridge default In this mode the default bridge is used as the bridge for containers to connect to each other The container runs in an isolated network namespace Communication is open to other containers in the same network Communication with services outside of the host goes through network address translation NAT before exiting the host We ve already seen above the creation of a bridge network check the network interfaces in the containerdocker run net bridge it rm alpine ip addr lo lt LOOPBACK UP LOWER UP gt mtu qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN qlen link loopback brd inet scope host lo valid lft forever preferred lft forever eth if lt BROADCAST MULTICAST UP LOWER UP M DOWN gt mtu qdisc noqueue state UP link ether ac brd ff ff ff ff ff ff inet brd scope global eth valid lft forever preferred lft foreverYou can notice that there is an eth veth pair that has been created for this container and the corresponding pair should exist on the host machine check the network interfaces on the hostip addr vethaa if lt BROADCAST MULTICAST UP LOWER UP gt mtu qdisc noqueue master docker state UP group default link ether d c e d ad brd ff ff ff ff ff ff link netnsid inet fe dc eff fed ad scope link valid lft forever preferred lft forever Custom bridge network ーnetwork xxx This is the same as Bridge Networking but uses a custom bridge explicitly created for containers create custom bridgedocker network create foobbdddedaeefceccdbeaebb check the bridge interface on the host br bbd lt NO CARRIER BROADCAST MULTICAST UP gt mtu qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default link ether brd ff ff ff ff ff ff inet brd scope global br bbd valid lft forever preferred lft forever inet fe ff fe scope link valid lft forever preferred lft foreverYou can see that on the custom creation of a bridge a bridge interface is added to the host Now all containers in a custom bridge can communicate with the ports of other containers on that bridge This provides better isolation and security Now let s run two containers in different terminals terminal docker run it rm name container network foo alpine sh terminal docker run it rm name container network foo alpine sh check the network interfaces on the hostip addr br bbd lt BROADCAST MULTICAST UP LOWER UP gt mtu qdisc noqueue state UP group default link ether brd ff ff ff ff ff ff inet brd scope global br bbd valid lft forever preferred lft forever inet fe ff fe scope link valid lft forever preferred lft forever vethca if lt BROADCAST MULTICAST UP LOWER UP gt mtu qdisc noqueue master br bbd state UP group default link ether e e ea e brd ff ff ff ff ff ff link netnsid inet fe ce ff feea e scope link valid lft forever preferred lft forever vethdfe if lt BROADCAST MULTICAST UP LOWER UP gt mtu qdisc noqueue master br bbd state UP group default link ether ba b a brd ff ff ff ff ff ff link netnsid inet fe bb ff fe a scope link valid lft forever preferred lft foreverAs expected with bridge networking both containers container container have got their respective veth vethca vethdfe cable attached You can verify this bridge simply by running you can notice both the containers are connected via the same bridgebrctl show br bbdbridge name bridge id STP enabled interfacesbr bbd no vethca vethdfe Container defined Networking ーnet container container With this enabled the container created shares its network namespace with the container called container create a container in terminal docker run it rm name container alpine sh ip addr lo lt LOOPBACK UP LOWER UP gt mtu qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN qlen link loopback brd inet scope host lo valid lft forever preferred lft forever eth if lt BROADCAST MULTICAST UP LOWER UP M DOWN gt mtu qdisc noqueue state UP link ether ac brd ff ff ff ff ff ff inet brd scope global eth valid lft forever preferred lft forever create a container in terminal docker run it rm name container network container container alpine ip addr lo lt LOOPBACK UP LOWER UP gt mtu qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN qlen link loopback brd inet scope host lo valid lft forever preferred lft forever eth if lt BROADCAST MULTICAST UP LOWER UP M DOWN gt mtu qdisc noqueue state UP link ether ac brd ff ff ff ff ff ff inet brd scope global eth valid lft forever preferred lft foreverYou can see that both the container share the same network interface No networking This option disables all networking for the containerdocker run net none alpine ip addr lo lt LOOPBACK UP LOWER UP gt mtu qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN qlen link loopback brd inet scope host lo valid lft forever preferred lft foreverYou can notice that only the lo loopback interface is enabled nothing else is configured in this container In the next article we will dive deeper inshaAllah into how docker manipulates iptables rules to provide network isolation |
2021-09-11 12:00:40 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
'iPhone 14' & Apple Watch Series 8 rumor discussion, plus more on This Week in Apple |
x iPhone x amp Apple Watch Series rumor discussion plus more on This Week in AppleFor the latest This Week in Apple the presumed iPhone is leaked Apple Watch Series is said to come with a temperature sensor and Apple abandons its TV dongle Keep up with the last seven days of Apple NewsEach week AppleInsider posts many stories about Apple its products rumors and speculation and information about related vendors and other firms Our weekend video series This Week in Apple condenses down the week s stories into an easy to digest video recap Read more |
2021-09-11 12:32:08 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
9/11 anniversary: Queen tells Biden the victims are in her prayers |
president |
2021-09-11 12:48:24 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Prince Andrew's team dispute claims accuser served legal papers |
accuser |
2021-09-11 12:37:12 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Six men arrested in £160m cocaine haul off Plymouth coast |
luxury |
2021-09-11 12:42:26 |
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BBC News - Home |
Coronavirus: PM set to unveil Covid Winter Plan for England |
contingency |
2021-09-11 12:14:26 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Late Allen header earns Villa point at West Ham in WSL |
allen |
2021-09-11 12:34:53 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
超高層の発光現象「スプライト」の撮影成功 なよろ市立天文台 |
雷雲 |
2021-09-11 21:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
胆振、日高管内の感染者ゼロ |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-09-11 21:14:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
レッドイーグルス 延長戦制し初陣飾る 新ユニフォーム ファン応援 ジャパンカップ開幕 |
開幕 |
2021-09-11 21:06:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
日越、防衛装備の輸出へ協定 中国にらみ「関係新たな段階」 |
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2021-09-11 21:06:00 |
北海道 |
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知事会、制限緩和へ接種率提示を 人権配慮も要請、コロナ緊急提言 |
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2021-09-11 21:06:00 |
北海道 |
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赤井さん長男、黒星デビュー 東日本新人王予選ミドル級 |
赤井英和 |
2021-09-11 21:06:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
Do you live in a small random town that nobody has really heard of? What's it like? |
Do you live in a small random town that nobody has really heard of What x s it like Currently living in Tokyo but like many COVID has changed my perception of the typical working life and I m increasingly dreaming of the semi inaka Saying that I don t have a drivers license nor do I like the cold heavy snow Interested to hear from people who live in small randoms towns ones that still have train connections but feel remote submitted by u joostay to r japanlife link comments |
2021-09-11 12:02:41 |