投稿時間:2021-09-12 18:22:53 RSSフィード2021-09-12 18:00 分まとめ(29件)

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TECH Engadget Japanese 100均のAirTag用ケースってどうなの?ダイソーのAirTagケースの使用感をレビュー https://japanese.engadget.com/airtag-case-daiso-review-080034351.html 均のAirTag用ケースってどうなのダイソーのAirTagケースの使用感をレビュー今年の月に発売されたAppleの落とし物トラッカー「AirTag」。 2021-09-12 08:00:34
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Herokuの500エラーへの対応(Django) https://qiita.com/philosophy_note/items/2b6d6f67e0ef943b73a8 Herokuのエラーへの対応DjangoDjangoで作成したアプリをつHerokuにデプロイしたところ、それぞれエラーが発生してしまったので、その対応方法とエラーの内容について忘備録として残しておきます。 2021-09-12 17:55:53
python Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita [PyTorch 1.9.0] LSTMを使っていくつ先の未来まで精度良く予測できるのか検証してみた https://qiita.com/sloth-hobby/items/8d4c7c1185d660921b7a 2021-09-12 17:18:50
js JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Chrome Extensionでオブジェクトの配列をCSVとして保存する方法 https://qiita.com/FumiyaMizuguchi/items/87587e4a4cb2d62f4f4d 2021-09-12 17:09:13
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) djangoとpython3でのwebサイト制作 https://teratail.com/questions/359107?rss=all djangoとpythonでのwebサイト制作サイトを見ながらpythonとdjangoでSNSを作っていました。 2021-09-12 17:55:48
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) cloud9でJavaの環境が構築できません。 https://teratail.com/questions/359106?rss=all cloudでJavaの環境が構築できません。 2021-09-12 17:54:14
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) BMLiNGAMのインストールができない(Mac OS) https://teratail.com/questions/359105?rss=all BMLiNGAMのインストールができないMacOSBMLiNGAMを参考にBMnbspLiNGAMをインストールしていたのですが、途中で失敗してしまいました。 2021-09-12 17:52:47
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) Unity 端末のアスペクト比に関わらず固定のサイズでスクリーンショットを撮影したい https://teratail.com/questions/359104?rss=all 2021-09-12 17:51:11
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) requests,beautifulsoupでのテキストを数字に変換する方法を教えて下さい。(python,HTML) https://teratail.com/questions/359103?rss=all requestsbeautifulsoupでのテキストを数字に変換する方法を教えて下さい。 2021-09-12 17:46:37
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 別サーバーに設置してある動画が再生できません。 https://teratail.com/questions/359102?rss=all 別サーバーに設置してある動画が再生できません。 2021-09-12 17:30:36
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) VBAマクロから複数の値を返してExcelのセルに設定したい https://teratail.com/questions/359101?rss=all VBAマクロから複数の値を返してExcelのセルに設定したいマクロで複数の値を取得し、Excelでそれらをそれぞれ別のセルに設定しようとしています。 2021-09-12 17:25:05
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) ネットワークトラフィック収集 https://teratail.com/questions/359100?rss=all ネットワークトラフィック収集pythonで社内ネットワークのトラフィックを収集し、どのスイッチやサーバーにトラフィックが集中しているか描画するようなアプリというかシステムを作りたいのですが、どういった知識が必要になりますでしょうか私が考えられる範囲ですと①Networkxを利用②matplotlibを使って描画②社内サーバーやスイッチなどのSNMPMIBを取得何もヒントが無く困っております。 2021-09-12 17:20:58
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) 正規化表現「Regex」を使って関数、クラス、enumを認識させたい。 https://teratail.com/questions/359099?rss=all regex 2021-09-12 17:16:07
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) フラッシュROMがうまくいきません https://teratail.com/questions/359098?rss=all フラッシュROMがうまくいきませんい自分の環境はUbuntuで、H用のクロスコンパイラの環境を設定するところまではできたのですが、kzhwriteでROMを書き込むところで躓いています。 2021-09-12 17:13:58
Program [全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) AtCoder ABC218 FのWAする原因がわからない https://teratail.com/questions/359097?rss=all AtCoderABCFのWAする原因がわからない前提・実現したいことABCのF問題を解いています。 2021-09-12 17:08:39
Ruby Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails + React 画像読み込み方法 https://qiita.com/syukan3/items/904832d3b45755d7b724 RailsReact画像読み込み方法手順画像ファイルをappassetsimagesへ配置configwebpackerymlに追記jsxファイルにComponentを作成画像ファイルをappassetsimagesへ配置適当な画像ファイルをappassetsimagesへ配置します。 2021-09-12 17:53:58
Azure Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita App Service の Web App for Container に Visual Studio Code 環境を作ってみた https://qiita.com/mnrst/items/a8fee69fc1f1f606dc8d AppServiceのWebAppforContainerにVisualStudioCode環境を作ってみた背景と目的codeserverというブラウザ上でVisualStudioCodeVSCodeが動作するアプリがあり、仮想マシン上に入れたり、ローカルのDocker上で動かせたりします。 2021-09-12 17:02:38
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Powershellでgit stash showすると「Too many revisions specified: 'stash@' 'MAA=' 'xml' 'text'」と表示される https://qiita.com/urushibata/items/1f42008797e31f9c729f Powershellでgitstashshowすると「ToomanyrevisionsspecifiedxstashxxMAAxxxmlxxtextx」と表示されるGitのstash内容を表示しようとすると「ToomanyrevisionsspecifiedstashMAAxmltext」とエラーが表示されます。 2021-09-12 17:52:17
Git Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita 一発で、現在のrepoのremote urlとpathをブラウザで開く方法 https://qiita.com/thunderz99/items/bbeb661ca15b263503ea 2021-09-12 17:03:11
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita Rails + React 画像読み込み方法 https://qiita.com/syukan3/items/904832d3b45755d7b724 RailsReact画像読み込み方法手順画像ファイルをappassetsimagesへ配置configwebpackerymlに追記jsxファイルにComponentを作成画像ファイルをappassetsimagesへ配置適当な画像ファイルをappassetsimagesへ配置します。 2021-09-12 17:53:58
Ruby Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita エラー【Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@popperjs/core'】が分からんかった https://qiita.com/9-michi-9/items/4673943f34c6cbdfd8ef エラー【ModulenotfoundErrorCanxtresolvexpopperjscorex】が分からんかったRailsでwebpackerを起動したときに出たエラーbinwebpackdevserverERRORinnodemodulesbootstrapdistjsbootstrapesmjsModulenotfoundErrorCantresolvepopperjscoreinUsersusernamehogeappnodemodulesbootstrapdistjs入れているBootstrapとpopperjsを使っている場合、入れ方の問題のよう。 2021-09-12 17:47:56
海外TECH DEV Community Part 1: Short introduction to RabbitMQ https://dev.to/thedailytechtalk/part-1-short-introduction-to-rabbitmq-52nl Part Short introduction to RabbitMQIf you like what I wrote and want to support me please follow me on Twitter to learn more about programming and similar topics Also check out my blog with more details about this topic here️️In this blog post we are going to cover an overview of what RabbitMQ is and give an example of when you would apply this technology What is RabbitMQ RabbitMq is an open source message broker software sometimes called message oriented middleware that originally implemented the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol or gt AMQp for short and has since been extended with a plug in architecture to support Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol STOMP Message Queuing Telemetry gt Transport MQTT and other protocols The simplest way of putting it would be RabbitMQ is used to distribute long running task that doesn t require immediate user feedback into a separate process Now since we have a good understanding of the definition let s dive deep into the components of RabbitMq it s topology and how we can use it RabbitMq has different exchanges Direct exchangeFanout exchangeHeader exchangeDead Letter exchangeTopic exchange Basic components of RabbitMq ExchangesExchangeDescriptionDirectDirect exchange delivers messages to queues based on a message routing key FanoutFanout exchange routes messages to all of the queues that are bound to it and the routing key is ignored HeaderHeaders exchange routes messages based on arguments containing headers and optional values Headers exchanges are very similar to topic exchanges but route messages based on header values instead of routing keys Dead Letter ExchangeProvides the functionality to capture messages that are not deliverable TopicTopic exchanges route messages to queues based on wildcard matches between the routing key and the routing pattern which is specified by the queue binding Messages are routed to one or many queues based on a matching between a message routing key and this pattern ComponentsExchangeDescriptionBindingBinding is a “link that you set up to bind a queue to an exchange Routing keyRouting key The routing key is a message attribute The exchange might look at this key when deciding how to route the message to queues depending on exchange type ProducersJob of the producer is to send a new message to the exchange MessageMessage represents value you want the consumer to recieve and process QueueQueues are ordered collections of messages ExchangeExchange routes the message to the right queue ConsumersConsumers is a client that receives messages Direct exchangeA direct exchange delivers messages to queues based on a message routing key The routing key is a message attribute added to the message header by the producer Think of the routing key as an address that the exchange is using to decide how to route the message A message goes to the queue s with the binding key that exactly matches the routing key of the message Fanout exchangeA fan out topology is when the producer sends a message to the exchange and the exchanges ignore the routing key and just sends the task directly to all of the queues that are available Topic exchangeThe logic behind the topic exchange is similar to a direct one a message sent with a particular routing key will be delivered to all the queues that are bound with a matching binding key There are two important special cases for binding keys can substitute for exactly one word can substitute for zero or more words Dead Letter exchangeThere are three identified situations where a message becomes undeliverable after reaching RabbitMQ A message is negatively acknowledged by the consumerThe TTL of a message expiresThe queue reaches capacityBy default the broker drops these messages Publishing is successful however the RabbitMQ consumer never handles or has a change to handle the message successfully Queues attached to a dead letter exchange collect dropped messages with the next steps determined by developer In other words it s up to you to decide how to handle messages in the dead letter queue When implemented correctly information is almost never lost Header exchangeHeaders exchange is an exchange which route messages to queues based on message header values instead of routing key Producer adds some values in a form of key value pair in message header and sends it to headers exchange After receiving a message exchange try to match all or any based on the value of “x match header value with the binding value of all the queues bound to it If you like what I write and want to support me please follow me on Twitter to learn more about programming and similar topics ️️ 2021-09-12 08:05:29
海外TECH DEV Community The Dark Side of Blogging https://dev.to/eevajonnapanula/the-dark-side-of-blogging-1kaj The Dark Side of BloggingLately I ve seen multiple excellent posts about why developers should blog They list very good reasons and I wholeheartedly agree with them Blogging is good for many things it s fun and you learn a lot during the process However there are downsides to blogging as well especially if you write about controversial topics This blog post will discuss some of these downsides tell my own experiences and share tips on conquering those not so great things I m writing the tips for myself as advice I would have needed to hear so they might not all apply to you but I hope you ll get at least something out of this post Some BackgroundI started actively blogging about a year ago My motivator was at first to write blog posts weeks in a row to get the weeks badge from Dev I earned the badge and if you re interested I wrote a blog post about what I learned from that journey Checkpoint Weeks of Blogging Eevis she her ・Feb ・ min read writing webdev learning womenintech Blogging is something I like a lot It has given me a way to construct my thoughts through writing and learn in the process I already have a good archive of articles I ve written It hasn t been once or twice that I ve had the opportunity to refer to one of my blog posts in a conversation However as much I like this there have been downsides as well And during the past year I ve been struggling with stuff as I would imagine most of us have because of Covid and all the isolation it causes I m also recovering from a brain injury which makes me prone to fatigue So these things have significantly slowed my speed of writing especially in So let s have a look at the downsides and some advice Writing Quality Content Takes TimeIf you want to write some quality content it takes time Suppose you re creating a tutorial of some sort building the end result testing it and writing the blog post It can take a long time from the start to publishing it In Dev I ve come across multiple posts that are basically just short lists of links There is time and place for those lists but at least I like to read longer posts with some actual content and from the discussions I ve seen in Dev I m not the only one And writing longer posts takes more time Editing is another part of the writing process that requires time Of course it is possible to just write and then publish But parts of writing quality content are editing proofreading and all those moments when you might need to delete half of your blog post and start over So my advice for this would be to give yourself time In life all kinds of things can happen It is okay if you don t write every week especially if you re writing for yourself and not for example as a job And when you do have time and energy purposely book time for writing editing and all that The PressureYou also might feel pressured to write and publish For some this is not an issue but at least for me it has been When I was blogging for weeks publishing a blog post a week I often felt pressure in the back of my mind Okay it was me wanting to keep the streak going and nobody else was asking me to do anything Nevertheless it really stressed me out sometimes After the weeks passed and I got my Dev badge the publishing pace slowed significantly down until in the summer I ve published maybe a couple of posts Well depending on how you define summer It s also possible that the pressure comes from outside if you write for a company or a commissioned piece then it s not just you anymore There are deadlines and someone else is depending on you As mentioned there was no one else pressuring me on this at least on purpose I m the one who makes me feel like I need to write Sometimes I don t even know why there is just that nagging feeling that I haven t published anything in ages There is another kind of pressure as well writing about specific topics I mean my blog posts have been mostly about accessibility topics but there have been some other themes as well Still sometimes I feel like I need to stay in my lane Now that I think of it I ve actually been told that when writing about equality related topics But I think there s richness in being able to explore different themes So what kind of advice would I give to combat the pressure of writing First of all be merciful and compassionate to yourself No one s life is depending on your writing and it is okay to take your time And it is also okay to branch out and write about other topics as well These might feel like a bit obvious pieces of advice but at least I need to hear them once in a while Responses to Controversial TopicsAs I mentioned I ve been mostly writing about accessibility and front end development Once in a while I ve thrown in some posts related to controversial topics Good examples of these are language and being a woman in an industry where women haven t had space for a long time Recently I wrote about why I don t want to be referred to with the phrase you guys First I shared it on LinkedIn and the response I got was pretty much supportive with a couple of not so supportive comments I thought okay let s publish this on Dev I wasn t prepared for the flood of comments it received In the comments there were some encouraging comments and then some comments with good critique and conversation But then the negative comments started coming and I felt paralyzed I wanted to answer the ones with encouragement and good commentary but the negativity just drained me So I want to apologize to anyone who was waiting for my answer and never got it I had to draw a line to protect my mental health Some of the negative comments were clear trolls some of them clearly tried but it felt like they hadn t read anything more but the title of the blog post And the mansplaining Oh the mansplaining For those who are offended by the word I do not mean that all opposing views were mansplaining As said some good comments challenged my points and they definitely don t fall under the term mansplaining But then again some comments definitely were mansplaining As said those comments drained me I was contemplating removing the whole post from Dev but in the end two things kept me from deleting it First was all the encouraging comments I received in the post and the second was the support I got from the Dev s team Thank you again Michael for reaching out It meant a lot So what I learned from this and what tips could I give First suppose you write about controversial topics and receive a similar reception In that case it is totally okay not to answer the comments You and your health come first And it s okay to draw lines and keep them You don t owe anything to anyone This is especially true for people from a minority as they tend to get more trolling and negative comments just because of their background Summing Up The TipsSo to sum up what I ve been discussing here are the tips from the previous sections Give yourself time Book time for the writing process Be merciful to yourself It s okay not to answer all comments Draw lines and keep them Cover photo by Marco Bianchetti on Unsplash 2021-09-12 08:04:11
海外ニュース Japan Times latest articles Japan says suspected Chinese submarine seen near territorial waters https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/09/12/national/china-submarine-territorial-waters/ Japan says suspected Chinese submarine seen near territorial watersThe Maritime Self Defense Force on Friday morning identified a submerged vessel sailing northwest just outside territorial waters near Amami Oshima island the Defense Ministry said 2021-09-12 17:37:36
ニュース BBC News - Home England vaccine passport plans ditched, Javid says https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58535258?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA england 2021-09-12 08:56:22
ニュース BBC News - Home Great North Run 2021: Thousands set off as event returns https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-58519044?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA covid 2021-09-12 08:46:24
ニュース BBC News - Home Pope meets Hungary's populist leader Orban https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-58533533?at_medium=RSS&at_campaign=KARANGA francis 2021-09-12 08:39:39
北海道 北海道新聞 日3―0ソ(12日) 今川、初安打が2ラン https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/588409/ 日本ハム 2021-09-12 17:11:00
北海道 北海道新聞 コロナ新治療薬を月内にも承認へ 英グラクソ製 https://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/article/588410/ 厚生労働省 2021-09-12 17:07:00



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