IT |
気になる、記になる… |
M1Xチップを搭載した新型「MacBook Pro」は今後数週間で発売へ |
apple |
2021-09-12 13:47:52 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
テスト投稿(線形回帰分析してみる) |
数式の載せ方がわからない・・wdefJhYmYsizeJnpsumhymreturnJ線形回帰の学習用いる特徴量個の特徴量を散布図で見るとRMが住宅価格と相関してそうなので適当ですが特徴量はこちらを選ぶことにします。 |
2021-09-12 22:54:58 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Nuxt で WordCloud を作る・そのためのデータを Python で作成する |
これは、pandasの素晴らしさで簡単にできるわけですが、これをファイルにするところは、ちょっと悩みました。 |
2021-09-12 22:43:55 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
python Yahooニュースの指定したワードのみをスクレイピング |
妥協点本当はURLも一緒に取得したかったのですが、指定したタイトルのURLのみを取得することが出来なかった点。 |
2021-09-12 22:28:41 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Irisデータ処理(機械学習:前処理編) |
Irisデータ処理機械学習前処理編機械学習の全体の流れ➀データの取得➁データの加工標準化、テスト用データと学習用データの分割など➂モデルの定義を行い、データを入力する。 |
2021-09-12 22:08:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ActionController::ParameterMissingと出てしまいます。 |
ActionControllerParameterMissingと出てしまいます。 |
2021-09-12 22:49:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python name 'tmp' is not defined とエラーが出ます。 |
Pythonnamextmpxisnotdefinedとエラーが出ます。 |
2021-09-12 22:37:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Ng-bootstrapを用いたcarouselの表示方法 |
Ngbootstrapを用いたcarouselの表示方法前提・実現したいことAngularを使ってSPAを作成しています。 |
2021-09-12 22:33:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHPUnitを使用したcoverage(html)を出力を行いたいです。 |
PHPUnitを使用したcoveragehtmlをeclipseから出力したいというのが目標です。 |
2021-09-12 22:21:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
重複を最小にするチーム分 |
重複を最小にするチーム分メンバーリストを指定した人数で、指定した回数にランダムでチーム分けがしたいです。 |
2021-09-12 22:10:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ホーミングする弾幕が曲線を描くようにしたい |
ホーミングする弾幕が曲線を描くようにしたい前提・実現したいことCを使用してゲームを作っています。 |
2021-09-12 22:06:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
DateFrameのカラムを結合してdatetime型のカラムを作成したい |
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2021-09-12 22:01:46 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
SSMを使ってEC2内のシェルスクリプトを動かす |
ECの準備最近のversionのecは最初からSSMエージェントがインストールされているらしいが、古いECなどの場合は手動でインストールする必要がある。 |
2021-09-12 22:56:07 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
pathの引数について |
projecttaskpathtaskprojecttaskgtprojecttask引数の順番を入れ替てみる以下のような結果から、pathの引数はassociationで定義したことなど関係なく、引数に指定した順番の通りにidを渡すようです。 |
2021-09-12 22:38:13 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】N+1問題についてのまとめ |
SQLが「usersテーブルへのアクセスが回」に対して「productsテーブルへのアクセスがgroupsテーブルのレコードの数回」発行このようにアクセス回に対して、関連するテーブルがN回発行されているNの状況を「N問題」と言う。 |
2021-09-12 22:27:30 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
SSMを使ってEC2内のシェルスクリプトを動かす |
ECの準備最近のversionのecは最初からSSMエージェントがインストールされているらしいが、古いECなどの場合は手動でインストールする必要がある。 |
2021-09-12 22:56:07 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
S3バケットを作成してEC2と接続する【備忘録】 |
PHPのバージョンアップAWSサービスとの接続にはAWSSDKforPHPを用いるが、これはPHPに対応していない。 |
2021-09-12 22:44:08 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
pathの引数について |
projecttaskpathtaskprojecttaskgtprojecttask引数の順番を入れ替てみる以下のような結果から、pathの引数はassociationで定義したことなど関係なく、引数に指定した順番の通りにidを渡すようです。 |
2021-09-12 22:38:13 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】N+1問題についてのまとめ |
SQLが「usersテーブルへのアクセスが回」に対して「productsテーブルへのアクセスがgroupsテーブルのレコードの数回」発行このようにアクセス回に対して、関連するテーブルがN回発行されているNの状況を「N問題」と言う。 |
2021-09-12 22:27:30 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
[React] アプリのビルド時にBrowserslistの更新を要求されるので対処してみる |
browserslist |
2021-09-12 13:52:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
[Rust] Tokio stack overview: Runtime |
Rust Tokio stack overview RuntimeTL DR In this first installment of a series devised to give an overview of the Tokio stack I talk about its runtime Quoting its first announcement Tokio is a platform for writing fast networking code in Rust and is primarily intended as a foundation for other libraries In this series I plan to go through all the libraries crates that belong to this stack explaining the very basics of each which means trying to answer these simple questions what problems do them solve and how Today I start with the first and I assume the most known of them the Tokio runtime What is an asynchronous runtime Core Rust provides the types to build an asynchronous application However when building say an asynchronous network application we found ourselves in the need of a lot of boilerplate code We can write it ourselves or we can use a library that gives it to us ready made and probably better made And that is what an asynchronous runtime such as Tokio does it provides the building blocks to construe such an application FuturesLet us start by taking a look at what core Rust brings to the table so we can better understand what we would lack if we were to build an asynchronous network application all by ourselves P S I already wrote an introduction to async Rust so this will be a dried out explanation Asynchronous Rust allows us to create concurrent applications It does so via the syntax async await Basically blocks and functions declared with async desugar into a block or function that returns the implementation of a trait called Future Future is a state machine so it can keep up with the progress made in a certain operation which means it can stop processing at some point and when executing again continue from where it stopped On a higher level we might say that a future is the representation of a value that may or may not be ready a duality that is put forward using an enum called Poll that has two variants Pending and Ready lt T gt The Future trait also has a function called poll that will try to make as much progress as possible within the future thus driving the state machine forward This function poll is first executed when we await the future To await the future is to deliver it to a scheduler formerly known as executor that will poll it If it is processed through completion Ready lt T gt is returned otherwise Pending is returned and the scheduler keeps the future aside waiting for a request to poll it again This request comes from the driver formerly known as reactor which is an I O event loop Rust does not provide these last two That is why we need a crate that provides them Besides that we also need some time related utilities to handle all this scheduling stuff Needless to say that this is precisely what the Tokio runtime provides Quoting its documentation Unlike other Rust programs asynchronous applications require runtime support In particular the following runtime services are necessary An I O event loop called the driver which drives I O resources and dispatches I O events to tasks that depend on them A scheduler to execute tasks that use these I O resources A timer for scheduling work to run after a set period of time SchedulerWhen you code an async function for the first time you realize that the place from which you are calling this function also has to be async And if you go all the way up and try to make your main function async Rust will tell you that main function is not allowed to be async Asking Rust to explain this error gives us a hint rustc explain E fn main or the specified start function is not allowed to be async Not having a correct async runtime library setup may cause this error A quick search on the web is enough to provide the solution we got to import tokio and use this attribute macro tokio main async fn main However even thought it certainly works a question remains… Why Because at some point the futures have to be dealt with and there is nothing above the main function in a Rust program so whoever is handling them have to be below it Another way to put it is to say that the main is the entry door of your program The operating system running the binary knows nothing about futures so they have to be managed inside the house that is after we entered the program So main has to be synchronous If that is the case how does Tokio manage to make main async if the top level function cannot be async Well it does not tokio main will desugar async fn main into something like this fn main tokio runtime Builder new multi thread enable all build unwrap block on async When using the attribute macro tokio main we are building a runtime below main a runtime that will handle the tree of futures Why am I calling it a tree Because a future may await other futures I will talk more about multiple await calls later For now let us move on with this idea of handling a tree of futures Handling the tree of futuresConsider the example below tokio main async fn main let foo bar tokio join foo bar println foo bar async fn foo gt amp static str let listener std net TcpListener bind unwrap match listener accept Ok pair gt println foo is finished foo Err error gt error async fn bar gt amp static str let listener std net TcpListener bind unwrap match listener accept Ok pair gt println bar is finished bar Err error gt error Tip run the code above and connect to both and using your browser and check the result in the terminal where you ran the program When we call foo await we are handing foo s future to the runtime scheduler the one responsible for calling poll on it Futures are executed by the scheduler as part of tasks You might think of a task as a thread that is not handled by the OS scheduler but by the runtime scheduler they are virtual green threads This will run foo as far as possible towards completion which means that the executor will not preemptively stop it to run something else in its stead as the OS does with its threads For the Tokio scheduler as far as a task is doing relevant work it may keep working In a more technical jargon tasks run until they yield In our example foo runs until it starts listening at port If you re trying to understand which part of our code is explicitly yielding the task give up It is not there We don t code yields Rust manages that for us After foo yields join will call bar which will run until it starts listening at port At this point as both functions have yielded we have two futures waiting to be polled again and they may be polled in any order Now imagine that foo and or bar call async functions inside them giving new tasks to the scheduler In a scenario like this we have a tree of futures One important thing to understand here is that we have a root future the async book calls it “top level future but I will stick with “root in this case it is the future returned by that async block in main you will find inside block on in the desugared example And this is important for at least two reasons First a task is responsible for a tree of futures So let s say we have an async fn main As we saw under the hood this is a normal main that will block on an async block If inside this future we await another future it will be dealt by the same task as it is part of the same tree Second it points to the threshold between concurrency and parallelism If you just await or join futures you will never have two Tokio tasks running simultaneously because at the end our main is awaiting the root future and its node futures are executed one after the other as part of the same task hence in the same OS thread In other words your async program will have concurrency but not parallelism Revisiting our example even if ports and are accessed at the same time foo and bar will be executed one after the other because they are fruits futures of the same tree Sure this is no big deal here but if you remember that we are talking about network applications and by doing so extrapolate over this silly example you will quickly see this cannot be right Scheduling parallel tasksAs mentioned above main is the entry point of our program so everything we are doing is below it And what we have below what tokio main desugars to is a runtime that was built using new multi thread a multi threaded Tokio runtime So far we have been using only one of those threads it is running our task spawned by block on If we want parallelism we need to hand our futures to the runtime itself so they can become a root future and as such become new tasks To achieve this parallelism that is to allow the runtime to execute our tasks with a different worker of its thread pool we got to spawn the tasks use std collections HashMap use std sync Arc Mutex tokio main async fn main let db Arc lt Mutex lt HashMap lt amp str amp str gt gt gt Default default tokio spawn foo db clone tokio spawn bar db clone handle db await async fn foo db Arc lt Mutex lt HashMap lt amp str amp str gt gt gt let listener std net TcpListener bind unwrap match listener accept Ok pair gt loop if let Ok mut lock db try lock println foo is finished lock insert f foo break Err error gt println error async fn bar db Arc lt Mutex lt HashMap lt amp str amp str gt gt gt let listener std net TcpListener bind unwrap match listener accept Ok pair gt loop if let Ok mut lock db try lock println bar is finished lock insert b bar break Err error gt println error async fn handle db Arc lt Mutex lt HashMap lt amp str amp str gt gt gt loop if let Ok lock db try lock if lock len println lock get f unwrap lock get b unwrap break In the example above foo and bar become root futures in their own right and as handle is the single future within the block on future we end up with three different trees of futures That way if we call all three functions at the “same time they can be executed in three different threads assuming the runtime has these threads I might have went a little over the top by using Arc lt Mutex lt HashMap gt gt since it could be dealt with in an easier manner with JoinHandle My reasoning was that using the smart pointers made it easier to see the parallelism as the JoinHandle looks very similar to how we use await Going beyondIf you want to go above and beyond a good place to start is to understand how Tokio employs a work stealing technique to manage its multithreaded scheduler DriverLet us reconsider our previous example After foo and bar both yield which happens once they start listening at they return Poll Pending As there is still work to be done the scheduler will not get rid of them but will not poll them again autonomously it will poll them again under request In this case the source of the need to poll them again is the access to However if neither foo nor bar are actually running which process will pull the trigger Something has to be running to mediate our access to and the scheduler That is the role of the driver which is how Tokio call its I O event loop Before diving into the driver though let us talk a bit more about what make it necessary a pending future Pending futureMaybe this topic belongs to the scheduler but as it is vital for an understanding of the driver I think it also fits here When we poll a future it receives a Context as an argument Currently this Context is just a wrapper for the amp Waker This amp Waker is a reference to the Waker found within the task that calls poll This amp Waker has a method wake that is called by the driver so the task that owns Waker becomes aware that it should poll the future once again The following flow is an illustrative example of how it works A future is awaited As such it is handed to the scheduler task that was created by block on as we saw spawn also creates tasks This task will poll the future which will do some work until it reaches the point where it has to yield let s say it is listening at some address as our foo was Before yielding the future clone the amp Waker received as an argument in poll That “binds the future and the task It yields returning Poll Pending When the operating system s I O receives a connection on that certain address it will let the driver know The driver will call wake on the amp Waker stored by the future and this will wake up the task The awoken task will then poll the future again If it returns Pending again the new Waker the was passed by this last poll will be copied and the process restarts The th and th steps describes the role of the driver as an interface between the OS and the task scheduler This means that the driver will perform system calls to the OS such as kqueue in BSD macOS IPCP in Windows or epoll in Linux and now we are hearing more and more about io uring which Tokio handles as well It is worth noting that the interaction is actually between the driver and mio so it is mio who interacts with the OS That being said I will abstract from it here so we can depict a simplified conversation between Tokio s driver and the OS I O which comprises the th step above The driver being an event loop will keep polling the OS using one of these system calls Let us retrieve our foo example If the driver polls the OS and find out that there was a connection at it will then wake the task for it to poll the future Sure there is a myriad of details left out For example how the communication via channels between the scheduler and the driver actually works Nevertheless I will respect the beginners tag with which I marked this post and stop here Even because if I write posts for beginners it is not only because I think we still miss more introductory content but also because of my own current limitations and here we are teetering on the edge of my knowledge gap TimerThe module tokio time is part of the runtime and provides utilities for tracking time I don t have much to talk about these but I will for the sake of completion quote the part of the documentation that explains what this module provides Sleep is a future that does no work and completes at a specific Instant in time Interval is a stream yielding a value at a fixed period It is initialized with a Duration and repeatedly yields each time the duration elapses Timeout Wraps a future or stream setting an upper bound to the amount of time it is allowed to execute If the future or stream does not complete in time then it is canceled and an error is returned I will stop here for today I feel there is a lot missing but this post is already longer than I wanted Hopefully we will be able to revisit some topics as we move on to talk about the other crates As always if you spot something See you there Cover photo by Pawel Nolbert |
2021-09-12 13:39:39 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Map, Filter and Reduce explained. |
Map Filter and Reduce explained You probably have heard of map reduce and filter Map reduce and filter are all array methods in JavaScript In this article you will learn why and how to use each one I will try and explain with examples of how each of these functions works map map is used to transform an array It creates a new array populated with the results of the calling function on every element in the calling array const array const output array map element gt return element console log output In the above code array calling arrayelement gt calling functionThe array elements are being traversed one by one and in each iteration the current element is multiplied by The new value is pushed into a new array and after the traversal is complete we get a new array of elements in the output filter Filter is used to filter the array filter method creates a new array with all the elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function If the test condition returns true the element gets pushed to the output array If the condition returns false the element does not get pushed to the output array const array const output array filter element gt return element console log output In the example above it is filtering out all the odd elements from the array based on the test implemented in the function and pushing them into a new array and then returning the new array reduce The reduce method executes a reducer function on each element of the array resulting in a single output value The reducer function takes two parameter accumulator current accumulator the returned value of the previous iterationcurrent the current item in the arrayconst array const output array reduce acc curr gt acc acc curr return acc console log output The above code calculates the sum of the elements of the array The initial value of acc is set to as mentioned in the code On each iteration the current element is added to acc and hence at last the total sum is returned ConclusionI really hope that you enjoyed reading this article and learned something from it If you have any doubt or you think i missed something let me know in the comments Feel free to like and share the post You can connect with me on Twitter Namit MalasiLinkedIn Namit Malasi |
2021-09-12 13:37:20 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
'iPhone 13,' 'Apple Watch Series 7' features outlined ahead of Tuesday event |
x iPhone x x Apple Watch Series x features outlined ahead of Tuesday eventApple will be using its California Streaming event to launch the iPhone and Apple Watch Series a report confirms in a roundup of feature expectations for the inbound electronic devices Many rumors and lots of speculation have been published ahead of Apple s special event which is anticipated to introduce a wide roster of product updates As usual ahead of the event itself reports are starting to surface that attempts to set expectations for what Apple will reveal In the latest Power On newsletter for Bloomberg Mark Gurman reiterates rumors about the iPhone and Apple Watch Series For the iPhone Gurman believes it will reuse the iPhone design but chiefly it will differ in having a smaller notch in the display Read more |
2021-09-12 13:40:17 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
iPhone 13 Pro will get 1TB option & new 'AirPods 3' will not replace AirPods |
iPhone Pro will get TB option amp new x AirPods x will not replace AirPodsApple analyst Ming Chi Kuo has chimed in on what he expects to see during Tuesday s Apple Event and is taking some stabs at pricing In a note to investors seen by AppleInsider Kuo breaks down Tuesday s Apple event He isn t forecasting anything that hasn t already been spoken about at some length but he is detailing some of the specifics of the various products iPhone and iPhone Pro Read more |
2021-09-12 13:39:05 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Great North Run 2021: Thousands take part as event returns |
tyneside |
2021-09-12 13:15:50 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ryanair: Holiday prices likely to rise sharply soon |
leary |
2021-09-12 13:26:26 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Hearts 0-0 Hibernian: Edinburgh derby ends in stalemate |
derby |
2021-09-12 13:04:36 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Chelsea 4-0 Everton: Sam Kerr scores twice as Blues get first WSL win of season |
Chelsea Everton Sam Kerr scores twice as Blues get first WSL win of seasonDefending champions Chelsea bounce back from their opening day defeat with a comfortable victory over Everton in the Women s Super League |
2021-09-12 13:27:05 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
メモが捗る筆記具「神ペン」7選【今日のライフハックツールまとめ】 |
紹介 |
2021-09-12 22:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
退避のアフガン人が日本到着 タリバン復権後初めて |
暫定政権 |
2021-09-12 22:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
中9―5ヤ(12日) 中日が逆転勝ち |
逆転勝ち |
2021-09-12 22:17:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
IAEA、監視カメラ継続で合意 イラン核査察、映像は提供せず |
国際原子力機関 |
2021-09-12 22:06:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
名寄―稚内間 13日始発から特急など8本運休 JR宗谷線 降雨のため |
降雨 |
2021-09-12 22:01:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
Tired of being asked to teach people's kids, just really tired of it. |
Tired of being asked to teach people x s kids just really tired of it Preface This post is merely to vent not to ask for advice if that belongs in a megathread I haven t found then I don t mind if this gets removed About a year and a half ago I got my first seshain job after about years in Japan Until then I was working on over a dozen separate contracts some verbal some formal in over a dozen different places commuting from one lesson to the next just about each hour of the day some days from as early as and some days as late as I made more money before but less reliably and the work was absolute hell no one cares how many other people s schedules you are juggling how tired you are that your transportation is broken or if you are sick dying of thirst hunger etc when you just do one thing for them once a week they always assume if you aren t working for them then you are not working and no matter what your situation you always have one hour some time in the week to do their thing Anyway now I have a few private lessons outside of my full time contract but only for adults and children from Jr High up My contract forbids me to teach children under the age of a non negotiable addendum which I discovered added to the contract on the day I was asked to come and sign it which had never been discussed in any interview prior to that day To be honest I don t have time for individual kid lessons anyway if I am going to work after hours or on weekends it needs to be worth the time and the going rate for one child one hour once a week is dirt Nonetheless people never stop asking It would be one thing if it were different people all the time which I also deal with that I could politely refuse once even if I have to explain about the contract or if they will simply accept that I don t have time No the same people keep asking They keep asking and keep asking and keep asking Over and over and over They send messages with their kids homework for me to read or translate believe me I tried every which way to not give these people my phone number social media contacts email address but there are only so many possible ways and they have asked a number of times exponentially greater than that number ask if I am still doing the only full time job I have ever been able to find in their country just like they asked the last time we met a week before ask if I can do an online lesson after I give my whole spiel about how much I hate doing online lessons for the th time etc They never stop until I am teaching their child English in some way One is actually my girlfriend s friend and is using her to use me Today I got a second e mail with her kid s homework to do translate and read apparently because the last time they ended up not using the reading I sent her it was the wrong homework I really don t care Of course my girlfriend had already agreed that I would do it before asking me so now it s a strain on our relationship that I don t want to do unpaid work for a person I have already refused to work for face to face even on numerous occasions and no I do not accept being taken out to dinner as payment please f amp ck the F amp CK off with that I have reminded my girlfriend that I already refused to work for this person and not to accept any more requests asks begging for favors offers of dinner etc That won t be the end of it though This person for one will absolutely ask me to teach her kid again because that s the first thing she does any time she makes contact with either of us and she s not the only person There s the guy at my full time job who s also a parent we get along really well and I enjoy having his son in class but I don t have time to give him a private lesson and it violates the contract of the company his father and I work for There s the restaurant guy who keeps trying to hook me up with the families of every customer who comes in like if I were still a free agent that would be great but please stop now There s the wedding singer who has a friend with a kid and no I don t have time to go to some other town to teach one kid for one hour once a week for a couple thousand yen no And so on and so forth It s exhausting That s all submitted by u quequotion to r japanlife link comments |
2021-09-12 13:14:14 |