IT |
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Apple、macOS Catalina向けに「セキュリティアップデート 2021-005」をリリース |
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2021-09-13 23:21:35 |
IT |
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2021-09-14 08:50:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 「日本版MaaS支援事業」に見る、日本のモビリティにおける課題 |
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2021-09-14 08:50:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] レゴジャパン、任天堂と大人向けブロック発売 『スーパーマリオ64』の世界を表現 |
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2021-09-14 08:35:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
テクノロジーと人間を組み合わせ、 忙しい家族をサポート! 「Yohana Membership」 |
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2021-09-13 23:00:45 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
setTimeoutとsetIntervalの違い |
2021-09-14 08:46:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
JavaScript divを動かす イベントの重なり |
2021-09-14 08:42:13 |
Program |
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AWS chaliceでPC,スマホWEBサイト |
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2021-09-14 08:34:10 |
Ruby |
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【個人開発】自分だけのうまくいく方法を見つける目標達成サービス「b-logic」をリリースしました。 |
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2021-09-14 08:46:51 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Ruby|csv_box を使ってもっと楽に CSV をつくりたい |
CSVBoxaddbookdofieldidfieldtitlefieldpriceendCSVBoxlayoutsはCSVBoxaddで登録した対象にどの順番で出力したいかを決めることができます。 |
2021-09-14 08:17:07 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Azure AD OIDCでUserInfoエンドポイントにアクセスする |
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2021-09-13 23:34:30 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Top FDA regulators blast US booster plan after announcing resignations |
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2021-09-13 23:23:53 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
LittleBigTrouble: Sony kills multiple games’ online service without notice |
shutdown |
2021-09-13 23:03:49 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Python tutorial básico: Programando un registro. |
Python tutorial básico Programando un registro Escribiremos un programa que nos permita hacer un registro de animales con su nombre científicoy su nombre común estos enlazados por un ID único Usando ese ID podremos eliminar al animal del registro o simplemente modificar los nombres ya escritos Asícomo una opción de ver la lista de los animales yaregistrados y una opción que nos permita salir del programa La meta es generar e imprimir una lista que se pueda modificar como esta Animal RegistryIDScientific NameCommon NameYCanis Lupus FamiliarisSiberian HuskyMTRCebinaeCapuchin MonkeyDUOctopodaOctopusYGEAnthophilaBeeJNDinastinaeRhinoceros BeetleWVTAPython RegiusBall PythonHAZPGorillaGorillaTrabajaremos con El modulo PrettyTable Diccionarios anidados Control del flujo Funciones Debes instalar PrettyTable mediante Pip Intenta en la consola con pip install prettytablePrimero importaremos los módulos necesarios PrettyTable para la creación de la tabla en donde registraremos a los animales random y string para generar un ID al azar con el cual identificaremos la fila en el registo y sys para salir del programa from prettytable import PrettyTableimport randomimport stringimport sysAhora crearemos un diccionario vacío en donde almacenaremos los animales que vayamos a registrar animal dic Escribiremos la condicional if name main para evitar errores de importación y por buenas practicas y llamamos a nuestra función main if name main main La explicación de como if name main funciona estáfuera del alcance de este articulo Funciones Ahora bien escribamos las funciones que harán andar nuestro programa estas irán ANTES de la condicional if name main anteriormente descrito De lo contrario Python intentaría ejecutar la función main cuando esta no han sido definida por lo tanto dispararía un error Función pricipal main Dentro de main obligaremos a que se ejecute este loop con un while True imprimirálas instrucciones de añadir borrar actualizar chequear y salir del programa También tenemos un input que serála opción que elija el usuario y esta seráalmacenada enla variable user input Atento al método lower este convierte en minúsculas lo que ingrese el usuario asíevitamos errores de tipeo por parte de este Finalmente las condicionales Dependiendo de lo que elija el usuario se llamaráa una función Functions def main User s choise while True instrucctions user input input nWhat do you want to do a d u l e lower if user input a add animal elif user input d delete animal elif user input u update animal elif user input l print register elif user input e exit program elif not user input print please enter something Instrucciones Crearemos una función para que el usuario vea las opciones de nuestro programa junto a una tecla a presionar para que se ejecute esa opción y para que el usuario sepa que hacer Las opciones son agregar animal borrar animal actualizar animal mirar lista y salir del programa Por lo tanto sería así Functions def instrucctions print nAnimal registry program n Enter A or a to add new animal n Enter D or d to delete a animal n Enter U or u to update animal n Enter L or l to check list of animals n Enter E or e to exit the program Imprimimos las opciones n significa un salto de linea Imprimir registro def print registry x PrettyTable ID Scientific Name Common Name for animal data in animal dic x add row animal data animal dic animal data scientific name animal dic animal data common name print x get string title Animal registry Atento a lo que sucede aquí Para darles nombres a los encabezados de las columnas los escribimos en formato de lista y la pasamos como parámetro de PrettyTable y la almacenamos en la variable x Antes de hablar del ciclo for debemos recordar y tener muy claro de que estamos intentando acceder a un diccionario dentro de otro diccionario Solo para tenerlo claro comparemos un diccionario común a uno anidado Diccionario Donde tenemos una colección de elementos almacenados en pares de key value clave valor name Adam name es la key clave y Adam el value valor name Adam last Smith Podemos tener más de un key value en UN diccionario name y last son las keys Diccionario anidado Los valores al exterior del diccionario también son diccionarios book Wealth of Nations author Adam Smith book Economic Sophisms author Frédéric Bastiat es la key clave del diccionario externo y book y author claves del diccionario interno Entendido esto volvamos al código anterior for animal data in animal dic Lo que ocurre aquíes que accedemos al key externo Es decir el ID mediante animal date x add row animal data animal dic animal data scientific name animal dic animal data common name Ya que accedemos al key externo tendremos acceso a los valores internos Ocurre de la siguiente manera animal dic ID del animalanimal dic animal data scientific name nombre científicoanimal dic animal data common name nombre comúnEntonces pues x add row animal data animal dic animal data scientific name animal dic animal data common name Ingresamos los valores de nuestro diccionario a la fila de PrettyTable como una lista mediante el método add row Finalmente le damos un encabezado a nuestra tabla print x get string title Animal registry Ahora puedes imprimir la lista iniciando el programa y presionando l o L Obviamente ahora nuestro diccionario estávacío Más adelante veremos como ingresarle datos Random ID Necesitamos un ID para identificar la columna y al animal registrado este ID servirácomo enlace siendo la key externa de nuestros diccionarios anidados Es necesario para un futuro poder actualizar uno o ambos nombres del animal o borrarlo definitivamente Para facilitarle la tarea al usuario y evitar que cree duplicados crearemos una función que retorne un string al azar Lo haremos con el siguiente código def random id random string join random choices string ascii uppercase string digits k return random stringDonde k es el largo del string La explicación de como funciona esta función estáfuera del alcance de este articulo Agregar Ahora hagamos la función que se encargaráde tomar los valores que escriba el usuario e ingresarlos en el diccionario def add animal animal id random id scientific name input nPlease enter the scientific name title common name input nPlease enter the common name title data animal id scientific name scientific name common name common name if not scientific name and not common name print You must write something else animal dic update data Lo primero que notarás es que llamamos a la función random id que devuelve un string y lo almacenamos en la variable animal id Como su nombre lo indica identifica al animal y su fila dentro del registro Mediante el método input le pedimos al usuario que escriba el nombre común y científico y los almacenamos en variables Usamos el método title por estética Hagamos una pausa y miremos otra vez esta parte del código data animal id scientific name scientific name common name common name Actualizamos nuestro diccionario anidado y lo almacenamos en una variable llamada data De modo que animal id Es el random ID que retorna nuestra función Es la key clave externa de este diccionario anidado scientific name que estáentre comillas es la key llave interna scientific name que una variable es la value valor interno Ingresado por el usuario El siguiente bloque de código establece una condición donde si el usuario no ingresa ni un nombre científico ni un nombre común imprima un mensaje de que debe hacerlo Por ultimo en el else si se han ingresados al menos uno de los dos input actualizaremos el animal dic con los datos escritos por el usuario Eliminar fila Ahora escribamos la función para borrar la fila que el usuario elija mediante el ID único def delete animal animal id input nEnter the animal ID you want delete upper if animal id in animal dic choice input Delete y n lower if choice yes or choice y del animal dic animal id print f animal id registry has been deleted else print ID not found Check list pressing L Le pedimos al usuario que ingrese el ID de la fila Usamos upper para que este no tengaque escribir mayúsculas Creamos un if que chequea si el ID ingresado por el usuario estáen el diccionario le dela elección de querer borrarlo con un sío no Si escribe si se borrara con un del animal dic animal id que busca el ID key externo y borra todos sus key values internos Con el else declaramos de que si no se ha encontrado el ID imprime un ID not found Actualización Tal vez el usuario ha cometido un error de tipeo y desea cambiar los campos de una fila en especificoAhíla necesidad de una función que los actualice def update animal animal id input nEnter the animal ID you want update upper If external key in dictionary if key is equal to ID animal id for animal in animal dic if animal animal id choice input f Update registry animal id y n lower if choice yes or choice y Changing names scientific name input Write a new scientific name title common name input Write a new common name title if not scientific name and not common name print You must write something else Updating animal dic animal scientific name scientific name animal dic animal common name common name print registry updated print registry else print ID not found Check list pressing L El usuario ingresa el ID mediante un input y es almacenado en una variable Síel ID key externo existe en nuestro diccionario avanzaráa recorrerlo mediante un for loop de lo contrario imprimiráun ID not found Preguntamos si el usuario realmente quiere borrar la fila y almacenamos su respuesta en una variable Si es afirmativo procedemos Contrario se detiene el flujo Pedimos al usuario mediante un input que escriba los nuevos nombres y los almacenamos envariables Si el usuario ha dejado en blanco ambos campos se imprimirá You must write something de lo contrario accederemos al diccionario a su llave externa y almacenaremos los nuevos valores Salir del programa def exit program sys exit Goodbye Usamos el método exit del modulo built in sys para salirnos del programa e imprimiremos un mensaje |
2021-09-13 23:47:07 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Python Beginners Tutorial: Animal registry |
Python Beginners Tutorial Animal registryWe will write a program that will allow us to make a register of animals with their scientific name and common name binded by a unique ID Using that ID we will be able to remove the animal from the register or simply modify the names already written Also an option to view the list of animals already registered and an option to exit the program The goal is to generate and print a list that can be modified like this Animal RegistryIDScientific NameCommon NameYCanis Lupus FamiliarisSiberian HuskyMTRCebinaeCapuchin MonkeyDUOctopodaOctopusYGEAnthophilaBeeJNDinastinaeRhinoceros BeetleWVTAPython RegiusBall PythonHAZPGorillaGorillaWe will work with The PrettyTable module Nested dictionaries Flow control Functions You must install PrettyTable via Pip Try with pip install prettytableFirst we will import the necessary modules PrettyTable for the creation of the table where we will register the animals random and string to generate a random ID with which we will identify the row in the record and sys to exit the program from prettytable import PrettyTableimport randomimport stringimport sysNow we will create an empty dictionary where we will store the animals that we are going to register animal dic We will write the conditional if name main to avoid import errors and for good practice and call our main function if name main main An explanation of how if name main works is beyond the scope of this article Functions Now let s write the functions that will run our program these will go BEFORE the conditional if name main described above Otherwise Python would try to execute the main function when it has not been defined thus triggering an error Main function Now we must bind the option chosen by the user to the functions of our program The next step is straightforward inside main we will force this loop to run with a while True it will print the instructions to add delete update check and exit the program We also have an input that will be the option that the user chooses and this will be stored inthe variable user input Pay attention to the lower method transform what the user enters into lower case so we avoid typing errors Finally the conditionals Depending on what the user chooses a function will be called Functions def main User s choise while True instrucctions user input input nWhat do you want to do a d u l e lower if user input a add animal elif user input d delete animal elif user input u update animal elif user input l print register elif user input e exit program elif not user input print please enter something Instructions We will create a function so that the user can see the options of our program along with a key to press to execute that option and so that the user knows what to do The options are add animal delete animal update animal check list and exit the program So it would be like this Functions def instrucctions print nAnimal registry program n Enter A or a to add new animal n Enter D or d to delete a animal n Enter U or u to update animal n Enter L or l to check list of animals n Enter E or e to exit the program We print the options n means a line break Print the list def print registry x PrettyTable ID Scientific Name Common Name for animal data in animal dic x add row animal data animal dic animal data scientific name animal dic animal data common name print x get string title Animal registry Pay attention to what happens here To give names to the column headers we write them in list format and we pass it as parameter of PrettyTable and store it in the variable x Before we talk about the for cycle we must remember and be aware that we are trying to access a dictionary within a dictionary Just to lining things up let s compare a common dictionary to a nested one Dictionary Where we have a collection of items stored in key value pairs name Adam name is the key and Adam is the value name Adam last Smith We can have more than one pair of key value in just ONE dictionary name and last are both keys Nested dictionary The values to the outside of the dictionary are also dictionaries book Wealth of Nations author Adam Smith book Economic Sophisms author Frédéric Bastiat is the key of the external dictionary and book and author are keys of the internal dictionary With that in mind let s go back to the previous code for animal data in animal dic What happens here is that we access the external key through animal data x add row animal data animal dic animal data scientific name animal dic animal data common name Since we access the external key we will have access to the internal values It happens as follows animal dic Animal IDanimal dic animal data scientific name scientific nameanimal dic animal data common name common name So then x add row animal data animal dic animal data scientific name animal dic animal data common name We enter the values of our dictionary into the row of PrettyTable as a list by means of the method add row Look carefully everything is between braces Finally we give a header to our table print x get string title Animal registry Now you can print the list by starting the program and pressing l or L Obviously in this moment our dictionary is empty We will see later how to enter data into it Random ID We need an ID to identify our rows this ID will serve as a binding being the external key of our nested dictionaries It is necessary in the future to be able to update one or both names of the animal or to delete it definitively To make it easier for the user and to avoid creating duplicates we will create a function that returns a random string We will do it with the following code def random id random string join random choices string ascii uppercase string digits k return random stringWhere k is the length of the string An explanation of how this function works is beyond the scope of this article Add Now let s make the function that will take the values typed by the user and enter them into the dictionary def add animal animal id random id scientific name input nPlease enter the scientific name title common name input nPlease enter the common name title data animal id scientific name scientific name common name common name if not scientific name and not common name print You must write something else animal dic update data The first thing you ll notice is that we call the random id function which returns a string and store it in the animal id variable As the name implies it identifies the animal and the row within the record Using the input method we ask the user to type the common and scientific name and store them in variables We use the title method for aesthetics Let s pause and look at this part of the code again data animal id scientific name scientific name common name common name We update our nested dictionary and store it in a variable called data So animal id is the random ID that our function returns It is the external key of this nested dictionary scientific name which is in quotation marks is the internal key scientific name which is a variable is the internal value Entered by the user The next block of code sets a condition where if the user does not enter either a scientific name or a common name print a message that he she must do so Finally in the else if at least one of the two input have been entered we will update the animal dic with the data entered by the user Delete row Now let s write the function to delete the row of the user s choice using the unique ID def delete animal animal id input nEnter the animal ID you want delete upper if animal id in animal dic choice input Delete y n lower if choice yes or choice y del animal dic animal id print f animal id registry has been deleted else print ID not found Check list pressing L We ask the user to enter the ID of the row We use the upper method so that the user does not have to type in all capital letters We create an if that checks if the ID entered by the user is in the dictionary then give him the choice to delete it with a yes or no If user types yes it will be deleted with a del animal dic animal id which looks for the ID external key and deletes all its internal key values With the else we declare that if the ID has not been found it prints ID not found Update Perhaps the user has made a typo and wants to change the fields in a specific row There is a need for a function to update them def update animal animal id input nEnter the animal ID you want update upper If external key in dictionary if key is equal to ID animal id for animal in animal dic if animal animal id choice input f Update registry animal id y n lower if choice yes or choice y Changing names scientific name input Write a new scientific name title common name input Write a new common name title if not scientific name and not common name print You must write something else Updating animal dic animal scientific name scientific name animal dic animal common name common name print registry updated print registry else print ID not found Check list pressing L The user enters the ID via an input and it is stored in a variable If the ID external key exists in our dictionary it will step through it with a for loop otherwise it will print an ID not found We ask if the user really wants to delete the row and store their answer in a variable If yes we proceed Otherwise the flow stops We ask the user using an input to type the new names and we store them invariables If the user has left both fields blank it will print You must write something otherwise we will access the dictionary its foreign key and store the new values Exit the program def exit program sys exit Goodbye We use the exit method of the built in sys module to exit the program and print a message Full code |
2021-09-13 23:34:27 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple TV+ takes home 7 Creative Arts Emmy Awards |
Apple TV takes home Creative Arts Emmy AwardsApple TV landed seven Creative Arts Emmy Awards at last weekend s rd Annual Creative Arts Emmy Awards presentation including a historic win for Boys State and three nods for Ted Lasso Announced on Sunday Apple TV originals Boys State Ted Lasso and Carpool Karaoke The Series picked up awards on Primetime Emmy Award nominations Boys State the Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize winner which Apple and A picked up for million last year won Outstanding Documentary or Nonfiction Special The win makes Apple TV the first streaming service to win an Emmy in the category in its first two years of eligibility Apple says The film follows a group of high school seniors participating in Texas annual Boys State program a mock exercise that sees students build their own state government Read more |
2021-09-13 23:49:18 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Epic pays Apple $6M for profits made after instituting 'Fortnite' third-party payments |
Epic pays Apple M for profits made after instituting x Fortnite x third party paymentsEpic CEO Tim Sweeney on Monday announced that his company made a payment of million to Apple for violating App Store rules as per a ruling handed down in the Epic v Apple court trial last week U S District Court Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers in a ruling on Friday ordered Epic to pay damages related to revenue collected from Fortnite sales on the App Store following the company s decision to implement a third party in app payment system against Apple s policies In an attempt to sidestep App Store commissions Epic last year surreptitiously integrated and activated a direct payment alternative in its popular game Fortnite While Apple removed the title from the App Store shortly after the scheme was made public some users downloaded and installed the offending app version and conducted in app purchases through Epic s system Read more |
2021-09-13 23:22:24 |
金融 |
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[OSE]国債先物における受渡適格銘柄及び交換比率一覧表の更新 |
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2021-09-14 09:00:00 |
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金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
2021年はiDeCo加入が急増 |
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2021-09-14 00:00:00 |
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工作機械受注が教えてくれる景況感~ようやく「国内向け」が上向く:Market Flash |
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2021-09-14 00:00:00 |
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アジア主要通貨・株価の動き(9月10日まで) |
国際金融情報センター |
2021-09-14 00:00:00 |
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金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
IPO Monthly Report (2021年8月)~2021年8月の月間新規上場会社数は、前年と同じく4社となりました。これで年始からの新規上場社数は66社(前年比21社増) |
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2021-09-14 00:00:00 |
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サステナビリティ社会の実現のために野村グループが果たす役割 |
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KPMG Insight Vol.50/2021年9月号~特集:サステナビリティ社会の実現のために野村グループが果たす役割 |
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週間市場レポート(2021年9月6日~9月10日)~日本の株式・債券市場、米国の株式市場、外国為替市場 |
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2021-09-14 00:00:00 |
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ESG通信 第2回 ESG投資の広まりと浸透 |
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2021-09-14 00:00:00 |
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金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
投資環境ウィークリー 2021年9月13日号【日本、米国、欧州、オーストラリア】秋の政局を追い風に変えた国内株、だが米中景気動向にも目配りを |
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2021-09-14 00:00:00 |
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金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
バイデン大統領のTV演説が示すもの / ユーロ:テーパリングではなく「再調整」 / トルコリラ:大統領による利下げ圧力に屈した中銀:Weekly FX Market Focus |
weeklyfxmarketfocus |
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金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
ウィークリーレポート 2021年9月13日号~国内株式は大幅続伸。日経平均株価が約5カ月ぶりに3万円台を回復... |
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2021-09-14 00:00:00 |
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2021-09-14 00:00:00 |
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金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
ウィークリー・マーケット 2021年9月第3週号 |
日興アセットマネジメント |
2021-09-14 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
最近の米国株の動向と今後の方向性:市川レポート |
三井住友 |
2021-09-14 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
【注目検索キーワード】心のバリアフリー |心のバリアフリー/?rss
検索キーワード |
2021-09-14 00:00:00 |
金融 |
金融総合:経済レポート一覧 |
【お薦め書籍】もう価格で闘わない〜非価格経営を実現した24社の取り組み |
価格競争 |
2021-09-14 00:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
Record 250 people with COVID-19 in Japan died at home or elsewhere in August |
augustthe |
2021-09-14 08:15:53 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Scrap Covid tests for most travellers, says industry |
covid |
2021-09-13 23:01:02 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
iPhoneでSafariのスタートページをカスタマイズする方法 |
iphone |
2021-09-14 08:30:00 |
ニュース |
Newsweek |
【9.11】20年目の「新事実」テロ実行犯の2人は愛し合っていた |
ドイツのベルリンにいて、アフガニスタンにいるアルカイダ指導部とアタの連絡を仲介していたラムジ・ビナルシブ今もグアンタナモに収容中も、あの人はずっと一緒に住んでいたから恋人同士だったかもしれないと供述している。 |
2021-09-14 08:10:00 |
デザイン |
Webクリエイターボックス |
コピペでOK!セクション間のおしゃれな仕切りをカスタマイズして実装できる便利なWebサイト3つ |
コピペでOKセクション間のおしゃれな仕切りをカスタマイズして実装できる便利なWebサイトつ上下に並んだセクションの間に、斜めのラインや模様を取り入れると一気に印象が変わります。 |
2021-09-13 23:16:34 |