AWS Architecture Blog |
Field Notes: Set Up a Highly Available Database on AWS with IBM Db2 Pacemaker |
Field Notes Set Up a Highly Available Database on AWS with IBM Db PacemakerMany AWS customers need to run mission critical workloadsーlike traffic control system online booking system and so forthーusing the IBM Db LUW database server Typically these workloads require the right high availability HA solution to make sure that the database is available in the event of a host or Availability Zone failure This HA solution for … |
2021-09-24 14:53:32 |
AWS Government, Education, and Nonprofits Blog |
How to make the most of your AWS Summit Washington, DC experience |
How to make the most of your AWS Summit Washington DC experienceOn September Amazon Web Services AWS will be holding the AWS Summit Washington DC at the Walter E Washington Convention Center in Washington DC Attendees can deepen their cloud knowledge and gain new skills to design and deploy solutions in the cloud to accelerate missions If you re planning on attending or thinking about attending here s how can you make the most of your AWS Summit Washington DC experience before you go and at the event |
2021-09-24 14:10:50 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[検証]性能観点でパラメータ情報はAWSサービスのどこに保存するのが良い? |
Lambdaなどの処理で実行するパラメータ等の情報はどこに格納していますかSSMパラメータストアSDynamoDB色々なサービスがあると思いますが、それぞれの性能観点。 |
2021-09-24 23:45:09 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ABC95 C - Half and Half から学んだ |
ABCCHalfandHalfから学んだ考えても良くわからず、以下のページの冒頭、ABピザの全探索が見えてピンときた。 |
2021-09-24 23:49:32 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Google colabの90分切れに対応する |
分何も操作しないと自動的にセッション切れしてしまって学習が止まってしまうやつです。 |
2021-09-24 23:39:06 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
M1 Macでkivyを動かすようにする(Miniforge) |
2021-09-24 23:26:14 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
sklearn.model_selection の簡単まとめ (1) Splitter Classes について |
そのため非常に素朴な内容かもしれません。 |
2021-09-24 23:20:37 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Windows]'py'と'python'コマンドの違い |
Windowsxpyxとxpythonxコマンドの違い背景Pythonで環境構築をしようとすると、主にpipを用いる場面で、Windowsの環境ではpyとpythonの種類が登場する。 |
2021-09-24 23:03:40 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【WordPress】カスタムフィールド(画像)があれば表示する。アイキャッチ画像があればそれを表示する。(条件分岐) |
【WordPress】カスタムフィールド画像があれば表示する。 |
2021-09-24 23:53:27 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
swiftでのintへの変換方法 |
firebase |
2021-09-24 23:47:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
確率的勾配降下法でパラメータを複数回更新した場合のコードについて |
確率的勾配降下法でパラメータを複数回更新した場合のコードについて【前提】こちらは某通信制スクールでの問題になります。 |
2021-09-24 23:43:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
dfをconcatで結合するときに重複して結合してしまう |
dfをconcatで結合するときに重複して結合してしまう前提・実現したいこと年から年までの年間の秋田における波高と周期の情報とねんから年の秋田県沖における情報において月別平均をとり、以下のようなグラフを作成したいのですが、dfの結合で重複して結合されてしまい、正しい平均値が取れない状況です。 |
2021-09-24 23:40:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
stackblitzのnext.jsをS3に公開したい |
stackblitzのnextjsをSに公開したいstackblitzオンラインエディタ上に、nextjsのベースファイルを持ってきました。 |
2021-09-24 23:36:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Swift tableCellをロングタップした時、dialogのはいを押した瞬間に消えるはずが何故か消えませんその原因を教えてください。 |
SwifttableCellをロングタップした時、dialogのはいを押した瞬間に消えるはずが何故か消えませんその原因を教えてください。 |
2021-09-24 23:25:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Unity2D]正常に動いているのにNullReferenceExceptionエラーが出ている |
UnityD正常に動いているのにNullReferenceExceptionエラーが出ている内容ゲームオーバーになったら自分のスコアを表示させるというスプリクトを作っていて、「GameObjectFind」や「GetComponent」は最初のStart関数内でキャッシュさせたほうが処理が軽くなるということを知り、つのスプリクトを同じように変更したところなぜかつのスプリクトにだけNullエラーが出てきているのですが、問題なく動作するのです。 |
2021-09-24 23:24:49 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
『Swift』家計簿をつけるアプリを作りたい |
swift |
2021-09-24 23:24:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
unity cloud buildエラーを解決したい(Error: unrecognized project!) |
unitycloudbuildエラーを解決したいErrorunrecognizedprojectunitynbspcloudnbspbuildでビルドしたところ以下の様なエラーがでました。 |
2021-09-24 23:13:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ターミナルでのpod installが実行できない。 |
ターミナルでのpodinstallが実行できない。 |
2021-09-24 23:12:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ボタンに画像を張り付けてPHPに適応させる方法が知りたいです。お願いします;; |
ボタンに画像を張り付けてPHPに適応させる方法が知りたいです。 |
2021-09-24 23:09:39 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
railsチュートリアル第6章 ユーザーオブジェクトを検索する |
番目のユーザーfooが削除されていることを確認しましょう。 |
2021-09-24 23:26:42 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[検証]性能観点でパラメータ情報はAWSサービスのどこに保存するのが良い? |
Lambdaなどの処理で実行するパラメータ等の情報はどこに格納していますかSSMパラメータストアSDynamoDB色々なサービスがあると思いますが、それぞれの性能観点。 |
2021-09-24 23:45:09 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Azure】Azure Backup 概要 まとめ |
・バックアップデータがコンテナーに残っている限り、バックアップが停止中でも料金が発生するため、バックアップが不要になった際は、必ずデータを削除すること。 |
2021-09-24 23:46:12 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Azure Synapse Analytics の専用SQLプール(Dedicated SQL Pools)容量制限について(特にシステム動的管理ビューの最大行数)の注意喚起 |
システム動的管理ビューの最大行数注意喚起参照先驚くべきことに、sysdmpdwexecrequestsリクエスト・クエリの情報の最大行数はです。 |
2021-09-24 23:33:18 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Tips] GitHub Actions で VNet 内の Azure Functions (C#) にデプロイする方法 |
AzurePortalで当該FunctionAppに行く「発行プロファイルの取得」をクリックして、PublishSettingsファイルをダウンロードするPublishSettingsファイルを開き、中身をコピーしておくGitHubに行き、RepositorygtSettingsgtSecretsで、コピーしておいたXMLを貼り付けて新しいシークレットを作成するAzurefunctionsactionに用意されたテンプレートを利用して、リポジトリにgithubworkflowsymlを作成する「env」セクションにある変数を当該FunctionAppに合わせて変更するプロジェクトコードをGitHubリポジトリにコミットプッシュすると、新しいGitHubワークフローがActionsタブで開始されるAzurePortalでFunctionApp発行プロファイルを取得AzurePortalで対象のFunctionAppに行き、概要ページの上部にある「発行プロファイルの取得」をクリックし、PublishSettingsファイルをダウンロードします。 |
2021-09-24 23:26:51 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
railsチュートリアル第6章 ユーザーを検証する |
有効性を検証するモデルのバリデーション機能は、テスト駆動開発とまさにピッタシの機能と言えます。 |
2021-09-24 23:27:35 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
railsチュートリアル第6章 ユーザーオブジェクトを更新する |
特定の属性のみを更新したい場合は、次のようにupdateattributeを使います。 |
2021-09-24 23:27:05 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Webアプリでの画面タッチによるいろいろな操作を制限してみた |
javascdript |
2021-09-24 14:47:44 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
iPhone 13 and 13 Pro review: If you could have three wishes |
great |
2021-09-24 14:01:01 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Tailwind CSS Datepicker |
Tailwind CSS Datepicker Tailwind CSS DatepickerThis project is a free and open source datepicker library which uses the utility first classes from Tailwind and the JavaScript from another open source library called Vanilla JS Datepicker This Tailwind CSS Datepicker is part of a larger library of components and interactive elements called Flowbite Although it can also be used independently from the main library we encourage you to check out the whole Tailwind components library from Flowbite Getting startedIf you want to use the Tailwind Datepicker plugin using JavaScript you will need to include it into your project via NPM npm i themesberg tailwind datepicker saveAfter you ve installed the NPM library you will need to import the Datepicker module import Datepicker from themesberg tailwind datepicker Datepicker Initialize a new element using the Datepicker constructor and optionally add custom options based on your needs const datepickerEl document getElementById datepickerId new Datepicker datepickerEl options If you want to use the Tailwind Date Range Picker you have to import the DateRangePicker module import DateRangePicker from themesberg tailwind datepicker DateRangePicker Then in the same fashion you can initalize a date range picker component by using the DateRangePicker constructor const dateRangePickerEl document getElementById dateRangePickerId new DateRangePicker datepickerEl options DocumentationCheck out the official Tailwind CSS Datepicker Documentation page to learn how to get started by installing and then using this library in your project LicenseThe Tailwind CSS Datepicker is open source under the MIT License Find out more by clicking here |
2021-09-24 14:55:49 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Best Deals Sept. 24 - 80% off Tile trackers, $270 Apple Watch Series 5, and more! |
Best Deals Sept off Tile trackers Apple Watch Series and more Friday s best deals include up to off Tile tracker products off a Boost Mobile iPhone plan an Apple Watch Series for and more Friday September Shopping online for the best discounts and deals can be an annoying and challenging task So rather than sifting through miles of advertisements check out this list of sales we ve hand picked just for the AppleInsider audience Read more |
2021-09-24 14:54:42 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple ignored reports of three big security problems in iOS 15, researcher says |
Apple ignored reports of three big security problems in iOS researcher saysA security researcher claims that Apple snubbed them on a zero day flaw they reported and that the company has yet to fix three other zero day vulnerabilities that are now present in iOS Credit Andrew O Hara AppleInsiderIn a blog post on Friday security researcher illusionofchaos wrote about their frustrating experiencing participating in the Apple Security Bounty program The program is meant to offer payments to independent researchers for finding flaws in Apple s systems Read more |
2021-09-24 14:05:15 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Sell your used iPhone for cash, grab a 13% limited-time bonus |
Sell your used iPhone for cash grab a limited time bonusApple s iPhone has officially launched and now is the time to lock in the best trade in price for your used device before values drop Exclusive iPhone trade in dealsIt s official the iPhone is available for purchase and that means it s time to get the most money for your used device before values drop Read more |
2021-09-24 14:33:32 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Best iPhone 13 case deals: OtterBox, Pad & Quill, Spigen, Incipio & more all on sale |
Best iPhone case deals OtterBox Pad amp Quill Spigen Incipio amp more all on saleDid you just receive Apple s brand new iPhone iPhone Pro iPhone Pro Max or iPhone mini If so you may want to protect the phone Best of all you won t have to plunk down a lot of coin thanks to these iPhone case deals on covers designed to fit any budget Case Deals September Read more |
2021-09-24 14:14:29 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max review: Apple saved the real upgrade for the Pros |
iPhone Pro and Pro Max review Apple saved the real upgrade for the ProsA phone can be endowed with the fastest processor in the world but if it s saddled with a slow screen it could still feel sluggish ーespecially when compared to a similarly equipped device with a faster panel That s why the iPhone Pro s most important new feature is its ProMotion display But ProMotion is only included on the Pro and Pro Max models this year making it one of the features that differentiate them from the iPhone and mini not to mention last year s Pro For an extra to the Pro series also offers an additional telephoto camera a new macro photography mode as well as more power and endurance But are the iPhone Pro s new cameras and screens worth the extra money DesignBefore we get into those features though there s one thing you should consider weight At grams ounces the inch Pro is heavier than both the Pro and the iPhone The Pro Max which has a inch screen outweighs last year s Pro Max and Samsung s Galaxy S Ultra While I didn t mind the regular Pro it was uncomfortable to use Apple s biggest flagship one handed for more than a few minutes at a time David Imel for EngadgetIn addition to being heavier than last year s models the iPhone Pro and Pro Max are a bit thicker too They also have larger rear camera modules and slightly smaller display notches Otherwise Apple hasn t strayed far from the Pro s design These phones have similar stainless steel enclosures with glass coverings and are rated IP for water and dust resistance Even the colors available are familiar The typical trio of graphite gold and silver are now accompanied by Sierra Blue Personally I prefer this paler shade to the Pacific Blue offered on the last generation Display and audioI realized something when I started testing the iPhone series last week Basically everything I do on a phone requires scrolling That includes browsing social feeds looking for the right component on a spec sheet reading through old conversations creeping on my Instagram viewers and reading articles to give you a non exhaustive list This is why Apple s new ProMotion screen on the iPhone Pro and Pro Max is a big deal and also why it s kind of annoying that it took the company so long to adopt this technology in the first place Google was already a little behind when it added Hz panels to the Pixel after companies like ASUS and OnePlus had already introduced higher refresh rates Nowadays this tech isn t just for premium top tier Android devices either David Imel for EngadgetThis is hardly the first time Apple is late to adopt a new technology But it is worth emphasizing that the faster screens on the iPhones make a real difference Like many Android phones the iPhone Pro and Pro Max adjust their refresh rates depending on what you re doing They can go as low as Hz when you re looking at a static image or up to Hz for scrolling and compatible games The benefits might not be obvious at first but when you go back to a slower screen you ll quickly notice the jagged artifacts they produce Aside from ProMotion the iPhone Pro s OLED displays are also percent brighter than their predecessors which is nice for outdoor reading But without a side by side comparison the difference is subtle at best Regardless I enjoyed watching the visual perfection that is Doja Cat s Kiss Me More music video on the iPhone Pro s True Tone display The rosy cotton candy hues looked vibrant and her individual lashes were clear The stereo speakers also did a respectable job of delivering crisp audio with adequate bass Other things like voices and instrumental background music in videos and games all came through clearly as well CamerasApple says the iPhone Pro s rear cameras have received the “biggest upgrade ever touting “next level hardware that captures so much more detail The triple megapixel setup includes a primary sensor with a large f aperture a mm telephoto lens and an ultra wide option with a degree field of view Night mode is now supported on all three of the cameras so you don t have to compromise on wide angle or close up shots in low light There s also a new macro photography feature thanks to the updated ultra wide lens along with software like Photographic Styles and Cinematic Mode Those two modes are also offered on the iPhone and mini and you can read my review of those phones for more details In short Photographic Styles lets you easily customize and set a sort of default for the contrast levels and color temperature of your images Meanwhile Cinematic Mode is good at identifying faces and people in a scene and blurring out everything surrounding a subject but it struggled when I tried to change the focal point The system is also a little wonky at outlining individuals and stray body parts like thumbs and ears can get eaten up in the artificial blur I found that adjusting the intensity via the f stop setting helped keep this problem at bay but the trade off was less of a DSLR like look in the final video David Imel for EngadgetOne feature the Pros have over the regular is macro photography With this generation you can get as close as two centimeters away from your subject and not lose focus Unfortunately Apple doesn t offer a way to manually enable a macro mode the system automatically switches to the close up camera when you get all up in something s face The iPhone Pro was generally accurate at detecting when I was trying to get a tight shot but it kept changing back and forth between macro and regular views Sometimes it would continually focus and refocus on the flowers behind the buds I was trying to shoot The latter is a more understandable issue every little hand tremor is magnified when a camera is zoomed that far in making it hard to latch on to a subject Not to mention something in motion like a leaf in the wind But that s all the more reason to give users manual control Apple has said it will be releasing a software update soon that should prevent the camera from switching in and out of macro mode which I of course can t vouch for yet When it worked as expected macro mode delivered surprisingly great results My shots of a closed flower bud and the vein system on a leaf s surface were impressively detailed showing individual hairs on the stem and petals Close ups of a fried fish clearly rendered the oil oozing out of the batter You need to make sure to let enough light shine on your subject though because my shots of a bee inside a flower were dark and splotchy But that s basically Photography it s not an issue specific to macro mode In general the iPhone Pro took sharp colorful photos rivaling my sample shots from the Pixel and Galaxy S Ultra Apple s default treatment renders pictures that are typically brighter and sometimes more saturated but with Photographic Styles you can pick a look that you like and stick with it I m not a fan of the iPhone s aggressive HDR effects compared to the Pixels more neutral landscapes but frankly we re at a point where Samsung Google and Apple are generally on par in terms of sheer quality The iPhone Pro s upgraded sensors also really improved low light performance I took photos of the moon peeking through some clouds in the middle of Manhattan skyscrapers with the S Ultra Pixel and iPhone Pro and they were all clean and sharp They differed a bit in color temperature but it s not noticeable without a direct comparison Google still retains an advantage with Night Sight though it produces photos that are significantly cleaner brighter and richer in detail David Imel for EngadgetAs for the Pro s front camera it s pretty much the same as the iPhone s and that s not a bad thing You ll still get Cinematic Mode and Photographic Styles via the megapixel True Depth sensor and though selfies were a little soft in low light they were otherwise sharp Because these are Pro series phones Apple also threw in support for ProRes videos in addition to its ProRAW format for stills or at least it will eventually ProRes won t be available until a future iOS update arrives at an unspecified date but it promises to preserve colors at high quality And thanks to the A s hardware acceleration plus video encoders and decoders you ll be able to record in the format at up to K resolution p for the base GB model and frames per second iOS Speaking of the iPhone series runs iOS out of the box and I was able to test most of the new features when I tested the beta version Focus modes for example let you set custom home pages and notification profiles based on your location or time of day It s one of my favorite new features on any smartphone platform in recent years because it allows people without a separate work device to switch off from work when they please David Imel for EngadgetSince most of iOS s new features will be coming to older iPhones though they re unlikely to sway your decision on whether to upgrade We ll have a more in depth review of iOS but suffice to say I appreciate the level of control it offers I m especially looking forward to testing out SharePlay which hasn t rolled out yet but will let you watch shows with or stream your phone screen to friends over FaceTime Performance and battery lifeThe main difference between the iPhone and iPhone Pro s processors is that the latter uses a beefier core GPU This means that graphics intensive tasks like gaming or video editing should be executed more quickly I made a trailer in iMovie and while I had to wait seconds for it to finish exporting on the iPhone it took a mere seconds on the Pro The iPhone Pro s A Bionic chip is similarly powerful in less intensive tasks I played rounds of Catan watched various YouTube videos chatted with friends played music and snapped photos in rapid succession ーall without any delay And I know I ve already said this a lot but I have to stress again that the faster screens here just make most tasks feel more responsive In the week or so that I ve had the iPhone Pros I ve only needed to charge them twice Granted I spent most of the first few days focusing on the iPhone and mini using the Pros predominantly when I was doing intensive camera testing But when I switched over to the more premium devices the iPhone Pro lasted almost a full two days before needing a charge Battery levels dipped more quickly when I was playing games and exporting videos but not so much that I had to worry about running out of juice Considering its higher refresh rate that s an impressive runtime I m still running battery tests across the iPhone lineup and will update this review with more empirical results as soon as that s done For now though it s clear that despite the ProMotion displays the iPhone Pro and Pro Max can last longer than a day David Imel for EngadgetWrap upWith faster screens superb performance and long lasting batteries the iPhone Pro and Pro Max are excellent phones If you re on a device older than a Pro you should consider upgrading just for the new ProMotion displays Though the cameras also got a noteworthy improvement I m not sure they re going to be the biggest draw It s honestly hard to spot the difference in quality between photos taken by Apple s recent flagships Features like Cinematic Mode Photographic Styles and macro cameras are nice to have but won t define your iPhone Pro experience And though Apple was playing catch up to Android flagships by finally introducing Hz screens to its phones there are now fewer things that Samsung and Google offer that the iPhones don t But for basically anyone who uses iOS the iPhone Pro and Pro Max if you don t mind its weight is a worthy upgrade Key specs iPhone Pro Processor A Bionic with core CPU and core GPUStorage GB or TB storageMicroSD card support NoneDisplay inch Super Retina XDR OLED with ProMotion up to HzDisplay resolution x ppi Rear triple cameras MP f wide angle camera with sensor shift OIS MP f ultra wide camera degree FOV MP f mm telephoto camera Front camera MP f TrueDepth cameraOperating system iOS Battery quot Up to hours video playback quot Charging Lightning port with fast wired charging at W up to percent in minutes Support for MagSafe wireless charging up to at W Qi wireless charging at up to W Dimensions x x inches x x mmWeight ounces gramsFingerprint sensor NoWaterproofing IPNFC YesHeadphone jack NoKey specs iPhone Pro Max Processor A Bionic with core CPU and core GPUStorage GB or TB storageMicroSD card support NoneDisplay inch Super Retina XDR OLED with ProMotion up to HzDisplay resolution x ppi Rear triple cameras MP f wide angle camera with sensor shift OIS MP f ultra wide camera degree FOV MP f mm telephoto cameraFront camera MP f TrueDepth cameraOperating system iOS Battery quot Up to hours video playback quot Charging Lightning port with fast wired charging at W up to percent in minutes Support for MagSafe wireless charging up to at W Qi wireless charging at up to W Dimensions x x inches x x mm Weight ounces grams Fingerprint sensor NoWaterproofing IPNFC YesHeadphone jack NoPhotos by David Imel DurvidImel |
2021-09-24 14:30:41 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
#CiscoChat! Possibilities with Predictive Internet |
CiscoChat Possibilities with Predictive InternetHow can a predictive internet help your organization Find out how this technology can help solve network issues how AI ML can enable a dynamic and adaptive network and how it impacts the application experience in a live CiscoChat on Sept at PM PT |
2021-09-24 14:47:09 |
金融 |
RSS FILE - 日本証券業協会 |
株主コミュニティの統計情報・取扱状況 |
株主コミュニティ |
2021-09-24 15:30:00 |
金融 |
金融庁ホームページ |
「基幹系システム・フロントランナー・サポートハブ」支援決定案件について公表しました。 |
決定 |
2021-09-24 15:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Olly Stephens: Three teenagers detained over boy's stabbing death |
reading |
2021-09-24 14:55:46 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Doctor Who: Russell T Davies returns as programme showrunner |
davies |
2021-09-24 14:45:42 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Boris Johnson and Macron speak after military pact row |
downing |
2021-09-24 14:08:49 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Detained Huawei boss due in court amid deal reports |
charges |
2021-09-24 14:47:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Port of Dover: Arrests made as Insulate Britain blocks port |
britain |
2021-09-24 14:33:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sabina Nessa killing: Does following the 'rules' keep women safe? |
safety |
2021-09-24 14:23:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Emma Raducanu: British number one splits with coach after US Open win |
british |
2021-09-24 14:40:49 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
読書の秋。でも時間がない。だったら、新規2ヶ月間無料の聴く読書「Audible」でながら聴きしよう |
audible |
2021-09-24 23:30:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
道内の大学8割32校がワクチン接種 学生4割超が1回目完了 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-09-24 23:16:23 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
虚偽申告の男性、1人でワクチン4回接種 恵庭、健康被害なし |
健康被害 |
2021-09-24 23:09:10 |
仮想通貨 |
BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
[日経] 仮想通貨業者、韓国で淘汰 半数以上は停止か廃業 法改正で情報管理厳格に |
情報管理 |
2021-09-24 23:04:10 |