IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Twitter、アップロードされる動画の品質を改善 |
twitter |
2021-09-25 04:53:48 |
Engadget Japanese |
タイムセール祭りで最大33%OFF、球体Echo dotの音質をチェック |
echodot |
2021-09-25 04:30:53 |
Engadget Japanese |
XiaomiとOPPOのSIMフリースマホが最大20%オフとお買い得!|Amazonタイムセール祭り |
amazon |
2021-09-25 04:08:48 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 劇場版「鬼滅の刃」テレビ初放送で東京スカイツリーが真っ赤に 午後7時から8時まで |
itmedia |
2021-09-25 13:18:00 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
diesel-rs(mysql)をlambda上で動かすときにlibmysqlclientをスタティックリンクする |
なのでcargoconfigファイルを以下のようにしました。 |
2021-09-25 13:27:40 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
IoT "ON AIR" sign その2 ディスプレイ側 |
WiFiの接続状況も分かると便利なので、ドットをステータス表示用に確保しました。 |
2021-09-25 13:44:36 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Python】ラズパイでSBI証券に自動ログインしてみた |
今回は過去に記事にした以下の自動ログインをラズパイで実行してみたいと思います。 |
2021-09-25 13:35:06 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
IoT "ON AIR" sign その1 全体構想 |
なので部屋の外にテレカン中は「ONAIR」と表示がでるサインを作ってみました。 |
2021-09-25 13:31:54 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
「全力回避フラグちゃん!」チャンネルの動画のk-meansで可視化してみた【クラスタリング】【可視化】 |
2021-09-25 13:28:58 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Django】Wikipedia APIを使ってwiki内にある情報を取得する |
ページの曖昧性が解決される時に発生exceptionwikipediaexceptionsDisambiguationErrortitlemayrefertoリクエストがタイムアウトすると発生exceptionwikipediaexceptionsHTTPTimeoutErrorqueryクエリに一致するものがない場合発生exceptionwikipediaexceptionsPageErrorpageidNoneargs予期しないリダイレクトに解決された場合に発生exceptionwikipediaexceptionsRedirectErrortitle基本例外クラスexceptionwikipediaexceptionsWikipediaExceptionerrorより詳しい情報は公式ページでDjangoで実装blogアプリにTgsモデルを作成したと想定。 |
2021-09-25 13:21:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ファクトテーブルとカレンダーテーブルから月次集計(割合)のクロス集計を作成 |
2021-09-25 13:42:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
DBテーブルのidに対応するフィールド名を取得したい |
2021-09-25 13:40:46 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Rails6 Stripe 無料トライアルの実装 |
RailsStripe無料トライアルの実装サブスクリプションでトライアル期間を使用するサブスクの基本的な課金の機能は実装出来たのですが、無料トライル期間の設定がうまくいきません。 |
2021-09-25 13:37:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Amazon Linuxでapacheが立ち上がらないようになりました |
AmazonLinuxでapacheが立ち上がらないようになりました週次のLetapossnbspEncryptの更新の後httpdをreloadするようにしていましたが、今日の朝でreloadしたらエラーが出て、systemctlnbsprestartnbsphttpをやったところ、エラーが出てapacheが立ち上がらないようになりました。 |
2021-09-25 13:32:03 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
スクレイピングについて |
スクレイピングについて私は現在webスクレイピングを勉強しています。 |
2021-09-25 13:29:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ダ・ヴィンチ32U(ストロベリーリナックス製)をArduino IDE 1.8.15 で使いたい。 |
ダ・ヴィンチUストロベリーリナックス製をArduinoIDEで使いたい。 |
2021-09-25 13:27:44 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ESP32 wifi通信で エラー:Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled. |
少し詳細ですが、親機にタクトスイッチを複数個用意して、ボタンに応じた指令を子機が受信し、スイッチに応じたLEDが点灯するというものです。 |
2021-09-25 13:21:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【Unityエディタ拡張】OnInspectorGUI()内でbool型SerializedPropertyの値がfalseからtrueになった時だけ処理をするコードについて質問 |
2021-09-25 13:13:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Don't know how to build task 'webpacker:install:react'エラーの解決方法 |
Donxtknowhowtobuildtaskxwebpackerinstallreactxエラーの解決方法解決したいこと既存のrailsアプリにreactonrailsを導入しようとしています。 |
2021-09-25 13:02:43 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
alpineをdockerホストにする |
alpineをdockerホストにするDockerを動かす軽量なホストが欲しくていくつか検討して、イメージの小さいalpineで作りました。 |
2021-09-25 13:43:39 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Git,GitHubの操作(ブランチとマージ,stashによる退避とcherry-pickによる反映)について |
現在のブランチの確認と移動自分が現在どのブランチにいるのかを確認する場合gitbranchccccmasterENDで確認できるブランチの移動をする際はgitcheckout移動したいブランチ名で移動するブランチの削除作成したブランチマージ済みを削除する場合にはgitbranchdコマンドを使用するgitbranchdlt削除したいブランチ名gtまたマージをしていないがブランチを削除したい場合はDで削除を行えるgitbranchDlt削除したいブランチ名gtコミットをせずに別のブランチに移動する例えば「現在developブランチで作業中だがmasterブランチで作業したいことがある」という際にコミットはせずにその場を退避したい時はgitstash現在何が退避してあるのかを確認したい際はgitstashlist変更の復元を行うgitstashapplyスタッシュ名退避した作業をstashlistから削除するまたこのコマンドは単体だと変更の復元をせずに削除してしまう可能性があるので注意が必要であるgitstashdropスタッシュ名変更の復元stashlistから削除するまたgitstashapplyとgitstashdropの作業をgitstashdropでまとめることができる変更の復元stashlistから削除するgitstashdropスタッシュ名マージの操作についてマージのコマンドマージを行う際にはgitfetchgitmergeというつのコマンドを使用しますgitfetchリモートリポジトリ→ローカルリポジトリに変更内容の情報を取り込むgitmergegitfetchで取得した変更内容を現在のブランチに取り込むマージするローカルリポジトリ→ワークツリーに反映gitpullまた先ほどのつの動作はgitpullで実行されることが多いですgitpullコマンドリモートリポジトリの変更内容をローカルリポジトリに取り込み、ワークツリー作業場に反映するgitpullマージをする際の注意点マージをする際にはマージ先結合先に移動してからマージを行う例cブランチで作成したリポジトリをmasterブランチへマージしたい→masterブランチへ移動gitcheckoutmastergitpullでマージするgitpullcherrypickを使用して同じ修正を他のブランチに反映させるマージ統合はせずに他のブランチの内容を反映させたいときgitcherrypickハッシュ値を入力するまたハッシュ値についてはgitlogcommit文字←ここの頭文字文字で確認することができる具体的な手順dブランチにdブランチの内容を反映させたいときgitlogでdのハッシュ値反映したいリポジトリの内容の確認gitlogdブランチに移動gitcheckoutddブランチの修正をdブランチに反映させるgitcherrypick先ほど入手したハッシュ値こうすると競合が起きる可能性があるので対処しなければならない競合と対処方法についてはこちらを参考にしてみて下さい。 |
2021-09-25 13:26:30 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Azure App Service on Linux (.NET 5)でアプリのデプロイをせずに静的HTMLファイルを変更したい |
azureappserviceonlinux |
2021-09-25 04:26:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Difference Between Content Writing Vs Blogger in 2021 |
Difference Between Content Writing Vs Blogger in We ve all heard of content marketing You probably even have a blog that “markets your business But have you ever wondered what the difference between content writing vs blogger is The terms “content writing and “blogger have been making a lot of buzz for a while now In this article we will focus on the differences between the two Blogger Vs Content WritingContent writing and blogger are two different things The former is specific and the latter is generic Content writing as the name suggest deals with creating content to keep your website or blog updated Here content means all those things that you come across on websites from product reviews to news Blogger on the other hand describes a person whose hobby is to write blogs Anyone who has a blog can be called a blogger irrespective of the content being blogged about Content writers need a degree in journalism a short but highly competitive qualifying test and a number of years of experience before they can make their own schedules Bloggers need nothing more than a computer with an Internet connection A content writer produces work that is factual and meant to inform and engage their audience A blogger s writing is more personally oriented and opinionated A content writer is an expert writer who is capable of writing long content ranging from words to or words A blogger or a freelancer is a general type of author that writes anything and everything Content writers on the other hand wont be published frequently at all content writers might write only once a month and it will be a complete package of materials that can reach an industry market or company You cannot expect for a content writer to reach the peak of his her career in just months Bloggers write to express an emotion or opinion Blogger is usually written everytime they want to do such thing So bloggers aim to publish several articles each dayI hope you learn something new Things related to blogger vs content writerIf you want to Know more about blogging and SEO then visit our website BlogtriggersIf you have any doubt regarding blogging and SEO then join our telegram group chat Blogtriggers Discussion Group |
2021-09-25 04:49:57 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Tips To Become Great Programmer Of All Time |
Tips To Become Great Programmer Of All Time A good programmer is someone who always looks both ways before crossing a one way street Doug LinderLet me start by saying that I do not consider myself to be a competent coder I consider my coding abilities to be mediocre and I am still learning and have a long way to go before I am even remotely satisfied with them Yes I am better at programming than a lot of others but that is just because they are lazy and choose to sit about idle all day instead of programming Their dreadful abilities make my less dreadful abilities appear fantastic So most of the tips I will mention below are lessons learnt from failed endeavours they are what I have wanted to be and I am not So lets dive in Read More Tips to become a great programmer |
2021-09-25 04:43:23 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
The Ember Times - Issue No. 189 |
The Ember Times Issue No Emberistas RFC Asset Import Spec ember element query v EmberFest best of both worlds Glimmer cheatsheet and Glimmer Apollo v ️RFC Asset Import SpecEdward Faulkner ef proposed a new RFC which defines the standard semantics for what it means to depend on files that are not JavaScript or CSS like images fonts and other media The ecosystem today mostly relies on broccoli asset rev which is a Broccoli plugin that adds fingerprint checksums and CDN URLs to your assets The RFC argues that the broccoli asset rev plugin does not take advantage of the newer capabilities we have in ember auto import and embroider The proposed pull based design lets code declare what assets it needs and then not worry about how those assets will get delivered is safer and easier to change in the future import myImage from hello png class extends Component myImage myImage lt img src this myImage gt If this is something you are interested in please read and discuss the Asset Import Spec RFC on GitHub ember element query vAndrey Mikhaylov lolmaus announced the release of ember element query v a complete rewrite for Octane with a new convenient API Element queries are a technique to do responsive transformations based on the element s own size rather than the viewport size You can implement reusable responsive components with encapsulated styles that are decoupled from their parent context Such components will realign their content depending on how much space is available to them For example if you put a responsive component into a tight sidebar it will align its content vertically When the sidebar expands the component will realign horizontally in order to efficiently use available space Check out Element Queries And How You Can Use Them Today on Smashing Magazine to learn more Historically ember element query was the first Ember addon to offer element queries out of the box but back then it used an inefficient implementation and was written in the now outdated Classic Ember paradigm It served as one of inspirations for Chad Carbert s chadian ember fill up Announced at EmberFest as a proof of concept ember fill up saw no updates and was discontinued The first element query addon to be released with feature completeness full test coverage and lasting support was Isaac Lee s ijlee ember container query featured in The Ember Times The re release of ember element query followed suit with a subjectively more convenient opinionated API backed by modern efficient ResizeObserver under the hood ijlee provided kind support criticism and generously shared the demo app with lolmaus s ember element query Check out the detailed README and give the addon a spin ️EmberFest best of both worldsNext week after a year of absence because of COVID EmberFest is back On the th of September and the st of October Emberistas will gather digitally and on site in Rome to hear awesome Ember talks There will be well known EmberConf Fest speakers like Melanie Sumner MelSumner and Edward Faulkner ef as well as first time speakers like Bartlomiej Dudzik BobrImperator Jenny Judova JennyJudova and ZoëBijl ZoeBijl The line up is super diverse and interesting for all Ember enthusiasts Remote tickets are still available A few on site tickets too if you plan on arriving at the last minute We hope you enjoy EmberFest wherever you decide to join ️Glimmer CheatsheetIf you ve ever found the Ember Octane vs Ember Classic Cheat Sheet cheatsheet helpful and you re also interested in Glimmer js you might want to check out the in progress and exciting but unofficial Glimmer Cheatsheet that NullVoxPopuli NullVoxPopuli recently started to put together So far only part of the templates page has been written but if you re interested in contributing there is a rough outline and placeholder in to help get you started Take a look at the GitHub repo or the deployed app for more Glimmer Apollo v Josemar Luedke josemarluedke recently released a new v of Glimmer Apollo that includes support for subscriptions If you haven t checked out Glimmer Apollo and you would like to make use of Apollo to access GraphQL data in your Glimmer or Ember app you should take a look at this exciting project and give the docs a read Contributors cornerThis week we d like to thank Davide Ferrero davideferre Chris Krycho chriskrycho Alex Kanunnikov lifeart Ben Tidy tben Andreas Minnich enspandi StephanH NullVoxPopuli Jeff Keen jkeen Nathaniel Furniss nlfurniss Ruslan Hrabovyi rogr Robert Wagner rwwagner James Herdman jherdman colenso Bryan Mishkin bmish Chris Ng chrisrng Scott Newcomer snewcomer Anne Greeth Schot van Herwijnen MinThaMie Robert Jackson rwjblue Isaac Lee ijlee Giles Thompson gilest Kirill Shaplyko Baltazore Charles Fries charlesfries Ricardo Mendes locks Jacob jfdnc Katie Gengler kategengler Jen Weber jenweber Max Fierke maxfierke Raido Kuli raido Amy Lam amyrlam Sylvain Mina sly Darius Dzien ddzz Jared Galanis jaredgalanis and Nathanaël Dekeister ndekeister us for their contributions to Ember and related repositories Connect with usWondering about something related to Ember Ember Data Glimmer or addons in the Ember ecosystem but don t know where to ask Readers Questions are just for you Submit your own short and sweet question under bit ly ask ember core And don t worry there are no silly questions we appreciate them all promise Want to write for the Ember Times Have a suggestion for next week s issue Join us at support ember times on the Ember Community Discord or ping us embertimes on Twitter Keep on top of what s been going on in Emberland this week by subscribing to our e mail newsletter You can also find our posts on the Ember blog See you in two weeks That s another wrap Be kind Chris Ng Anne Greeth Schot van Herwijnen Jared Galanis Amy Lam and the Learning Team |
2021-09-25 04:29:32 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
iPhone 13 Pro teardown reveals massive battery, beefier camera array |
iPhone Pro teardown reveals massive battery beefier camera arrayRepair specialist iFixit is in the midst of conducting its customary teardown of Apple s iPhone Pro with an initial report highlighting the handset s massive battery revamped TrueDepth camera and minor tweaks to the phone s internal layout Like the iPhone and many previous models iPhone Pro is sealed with adhesive and its display cables are once again disposed on the left side of the chassis Those cables attach to a stubby logic board that has been shifted up to accommodate an L shaped battery a design borrowed from the iPhone Pro Max The mAh cell is rated at watt hours with a measured capacity of Wh according to iFixit That compares to a Wh battery found in last year s iPhone Pro The repair specialist notes iPhone Pro s battery can be swapped but doing so will trigger a warning notification regarding the use of ersatz parts Read more |
2021-09-25 04:59:51 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
With wary eye on China, ‘Quad’ leaders press for free Indo-Pacific |
With wary eye on China Quad leaders press for free Indo PacificThe leaders of the United States Japan India and Australia vowed to pursue a free and open Indo Pacific region undaunted by coercion |
2021-09-25 13:36:43 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Lorry driver shortage: Government working on temporary visa scheme |
deliveries |
2021-09-25 04:34:44 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tamworth Snow Dome: Boy, 12, dies after injury during activity |
tamworth |
2021-09-25 04:28:36 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid-19: Visas planned to tackle driver shortage, and soldiers to staff ambulances |
coronavirus |
2021-09-25 04:45:16 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Music company buys NFT of 'Side-eyeing Chloe' meme |
chloe |
2021-09-25 04:52:40 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
The Papers: 'Petrol panic' as 'transport chaos spreads' |
plans |
2021-09-25 04:54:53 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
セブンイレブン「肉まん」108円のセール! |
通常価格 |
2021-09-25 13:30:00 |