IT |
気になる、記になる… |
Microsoftのゲーム定額制サービス「Xbox Game Pass」の加入者数は約3,000万人に |
microsoft |
2021-09-30 01:02:19 |
Engadget Japanese |
ステイホーム生活のお供に最適な骨伝導式の完全ワイヤレスイヤホン。家族とのちょうどよい距離を保てます|買い物レビュー日記 |
bocoearsopenpeacetw |
2021-09-30 01:25:46 |
Engadget Japanese |
速報:Xperia 5 IIIの日本発売が決定、ドコモ・KDDI・ソフトバンクから |
xperia |
2021-09-30 01:00:33 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] マンガ好き&読書好きが選ぶ「秋のメディア化作品・注目度ランキング」 1位は? |
itmedia |
2021-09-30 10:55:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] ドコモ、au、ソフトバンクが「Xperia 5 III」を11月中旬以降に発売 |
itmediamobile |
2021-09-30 10:50:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 「疫病退散」“奈良の大仏”生配信、きょう終了 「残念」「またね」コメント続々 |
itmedia |
2021-09-30 10:48:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Facebook、“WSJ砲”ソースの内部資料を注釈付きで公開 |
facebook |
2021-09-30 10:48:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 美少女VTuber 「表現の自由」論争過熱 |
ITmediaNews美少女VTuber「表現の自由」論争過熱千葉県警が交通ルール啓発動画に起用したVTuberの女性キャラクターについて、全国フェミニスト議員連盟が「性的だ」と問題視し、削除される事態に発展した。 |
2021-09-30 10:41:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 焼き立てパンは置いていません! パン屋の”当たり前”をくつがえす「時を止めるベーカリー」は、なぜ生まれたのか? |
ITmediaビジネスオンライン焼き立てパンは置いていませんパン屋の当たり前をくつがえす「時を止めるベーカリー」は、なぜ生まれたのかパン屋の魅力といえば、焼き立ての香りが充満する空間でおいしそうにテカテカと光るパンを選ぶことといっても過言ではないだろう。 |
2021-09-30 10:40:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] スマートスピーカーの成功を見ずに終わった「Chumby」が見せた可能性 |
chumby |
2021-09-30 10:40:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 育児で多忙な社員が「休憩をなくした分、早く帰りたい」 希望はかなえられる? |
itmedia |
2021-09-30 10:30:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Google検索、「Lens」とテキストクエリの併用などMUM採用の新機能 |
google |
2021-09-30 10:12:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 「座れる」「混雑」号車ごとに分かる 東京メトロのリアタイ配信、千代田線・有楽町線などに拡大 |
itmedia |
2021-09-30 10:06:00 |
AWS Japan Blog |
Amazon Genomics CLI がオープンソースとなって一般提供を開始 |
ゲノムデータの利用のためにはゲノム配列決定が必要です。 |
2021-09-30 01:15:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
mariaDBが起動しない |
mariaDBが起動しないAWSnbspECでWEBサイトを構築していますが、突然「データベース確立エラー」になりました。 |
2021-09-30 10:57:22 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Ansibleのtasks内も変数をファイルに出力したい |
Ansibleのtasks内も変数をファイルに出力したい実現したいこと以下サイト参考に、Ansibleの変数をyamlファイルに書き出したいです。 |
2021-09-30 10:55:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
firebaseからの数値の取得 |
firebaseからの数値の取得firebaseのdocument複数のフィールド内にquotnumquotという値があったとして、これを同じ配列に入れて取得するにはどうすればいいでしょうか。 |
2021-09-30 10:51:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pythonにて、複数の単語に一致するものを抽出する |
pythonにて、複数の単語に一致するものを抽出するスペースで区切られた、複数の単語を全て含む文章のみを抽出したいと考えています。 |
2021-09-30 10:45:36 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【iOS15】タブバーの背景を有効にしたい Swift→Objective-C |
iOSからタブバーの背景が取り除かれてしまったため背景色が表示されるように修正したいです。 |
2021-09-30 10:43:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
昨今のプログラミングの流行りについて |
2021-09-30 10:39:24 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
teratermでコマンドを打っても思うように動作しません |
teratermでコマンドを打っても思うように動作しませんlinuxを勉強し始めたものです。 |
2021-09-30 10:33:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
slickスライダーで静止画とyoutube(自動再生)をスライドさせたい |
slickスライダーで静止画とyoutube自動再生をスライドさせたいこちらのサイトを参考にslickスライダーで静止画とyoutube自動再生をスライドさせたいです。 |
2021-09-30 10:32:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHPで毎週月曜日と次の月曜日の日付を表示させる |
PHPで毎週月曜日と次の月曜日の日付を表示させるこちらを参考に毎週月曜日と次の月曜日の日付を表示させたいと思っています。 |
2021-09-30 10:30:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ワードプレスでカスタマイズしたページの表示について |
ワードプレスでカスタマイズしたページの表示についてワードプレスで初めてサイトを作成しています。 |
2021-09-30 10:25:29 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
cssをhtml で使えるようにするとき |
heetquotnbsphrefquotgt |
2021-09-30 10:22:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
【アプリ開発】会員登録の機能は必須?ログイン不要なアプリはユーザーの管理ができない? |
【アプリ開発】会員登録の機能は必須ログイン不要なアプリはユーザーの管理ができないアプリ開発において、iOSでは「コアとなる機能はログインしなくても利用できるようにしなければいけない」とのルールがあるようですが、では、すべての機能をログインさせずに利用できるように設計して開発を進めてしまうと、たとえばアプリ内で、ユーザーをフォローしたりDMを送ったり、そのような機能がつけられなくなるのでしょうか。 |
2021-09-30 10:21:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
正規表現でタグ以外の文字列を取得 |
ltgtlt |
2021-09-30 10:19:31 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
HTMLのテキストボックス内に現在日時を出力したい |
HTMLのテキストボックス内に現在日時を出力したい前提・実現したいことJavaのSpringbootThymeleafなどを使い、日付計算ができるWebアプリを作っています。 |
2021-09-30 10:11:43 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
CSS fontサイズについて |
cssfont |
2021-09-30 10:09:17 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
terraformでcloudfrontにAlarmを設定する |
providerのaliasの設定今回CloudFrontにAlarmを設定しますが、注意点としてCloudFrontのメトリクスはuseastのリージョンにしか送信されません。 |
2021-09-30 10:04:07 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
DataSync の転送速度を算出すると物理的な帯域速度より大きくなりました。なぜでしょうか? |
datasync |
2021-09-30 01:42:44 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
actionsに利用可能なlinterの存在チェックにも使えるsuper-linterを試してみた |
actions |
2021-09-30 01:00:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
10 Common HTML Mistakes you should avoid |
Common HTML Mistakes you should avoidHTML is the queen of web development It s the markup language that every web developer must know It allows you to easily create elements for web pages by using tags and attributes in your code HTML has a lot of cool features that you can benefit from as a web developer However writing semantic and quality HTML code is not that easy There are some mistakes that a lot of developers do without noticing that That s why in this article we will cover some common HTML mistakes that every developer should avoid So let s get right into it Read More Common HTML Mistakes you should avoid |
2021-09-30 01:34:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Make your own API under 30 lines of code |
Make your own API under lines of codeMake your own API under lines of codeHey readers in this blog we are going to discuss about making our own API in just lines of code Topics Covered What is an API Tech used to make one How to code it How to deploy it FOR FREE Those who all know what APIs are and don t want to know anything else then How to code it you can skip to that part directly What is an API API stands for Application Programming Interface which is a way for computer to talk to each other APIs are just like website except the UI part it sends a request to a server and in return the server send a response Most APIs which we use are RESTFUL APIs which means they follow a set of protocols rules You all already know what URLs are but APIs use URIs which stands for Uniform Resource Identifiers and they help to differentiate between data on a server Read More Make your own API under lines of code |
2021-09-30 01:32:39 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Hiring is broken! Let's fix it with empathy. |
Hiring is broken Let x s fix it with empathy Hiring technical people is difficult and doubly so if you want to get people who are a good fit for you and the teams you re working with yet repeatedly we seem to get it awfully wrong as an industry The tropes are real and we re now in our second iteration of hiring terribly Where the s and early s were characterised by mystery puzzle hiring how would you work out how many cars you can fit into three cruise ships the s are defined by the tired trope of the interview that is orders of magnitude more difficult to pass and bares increasingly less resemblance to the job you do once you get the role Over fifteen years of hiring people for coding jobs a few things still seem to hold The ability to talk fluently about what you like and don t like about code for an hour or so is the most reliable indicator of a good fit It s a bad idea to hire someone if you have never seen code they have written Interview processes are stressful unnatural and frequently don t get the best from people We re faced with the quandary how do we find people from a pool of unknowns who will quickly be able to contribute work in relative harmony and enjoy being a part of your team The kind of people who will fit best in your organisations is inevitably variable as it s driven by the qualities you desire in your team s but personally I value kind people who are clear communicators who are a pleasure to work with Those are not everyone s values but I want to speak to how I ve tried to cultivate those kinds of teams You re going to need to know how to write an excellent job spec construct a good interview process evaluate technical performance and give meaningful feedback Let s cover each of those topics in turn How to construct a kind interview processA good interview process respects everyone s time Set amongst the hellscape of FAANG multi stage interview processes with one hundred asinine divisional directors it s simple to put together an interview process that isn t hell on earth for everyone involved Write a job spec that captures your cultural values Have an hour long conversation with them about themselves their experiences and their opinions See some code they ve written Have the team they would join or someone else representative talk to them about code There s no reason for this process to take any longer than three hours end to end and ideally shouldn t be a chore for anybody involved The first bit is all on you the interviewer It s important that a job spec contains concrete information on the work that the role involves that the only skills listened as mandatory are skills used in the actual role and that you are clear about constraints and salary conditions The conversation is what most people are used to as an interview Be kind Understand people are humans and might be nervous make sure they know that the best outcome is that you both win don t be there to get a rise out of someone How to be a good interviewerThe first and most important thing about being a good interviewer is that you re not there to trip people up or catch people out If that s what you feel an interview should be I implore you to pass on interviewing Interviews are not meant to be hostile environments and as a candidate if you encounter one do not under any circumstances take the job You re in an interview to verify someone s experience understand their communication style and discuss the expectations of the role you re hiring for You re there to sell the position hopefully stimulating enthusiasm in the candidate and to set expectations of what the job is like day to day so that neither you nor the candidate is surprised if you both choose to work together You need to be honest both about the problem space and the work You need to be clear about where you need to grow as a team or organisation There is nothing worse as a candidate than being sold a lie Much rather articulate your challenges up front lest you ruin your own reputation You need to ask clear and relevant questions learn from the mistakes of a thousand poor balance a binary tree style interview questions and leave that stuff at home Ask candidates questions about their relevant experience Ask them how they would solve problems that you have already solved in the course of your work or how they would approach them Don t ask meaningless brain teasers You need to give them space to talk about broad topics I love asking candidates what they think makes good code I love to ask the question because everyone will say readable or maintainable and then we get to have a conversation on what they think satisfies those qualities in a codebase As an interviewer I don t care that you learnt to say it follows the solid principles I d much rather a candidate has the floor to talk about how code makes them feel and why Nice big broad questions are good at opening the floor to a discussion once you ve talked about experience Take notes Don t interrupt the candidate Give them time to speak and actively listen Seeing some codeYou re going to want to see some code for technical roles this is an absolute minefield but the thing that I ve settled on after trying all sorts of techniques here is to offer the candidates choice My standard process here is to offer candidates any of the following Bring me some code you have written that you re comfortable talking aboutDo a well known kata in your own time and send it acrossSet up a one hour session and I will pair program the kata with youI ask the candidates to please pick whichever is less stressful for you People perform differently under different types of assessment and qualitatively I get the same outcome from a candidate regardless of the path they pick I like to hope that this opens the door for more neurodiversity in applicants and protects me from only hiring people that share my exact mental model Choice is good it doesn t hurt to be kind it costs nothing Each approach has subtle pros and cons their own arbitrary code might not quite give me the same high quality signal but it s a great way for people who are unquestionably competent to avoid wasting their own time The take home kata is a nice happy medium though could potentially accidentally have a candidate thrashing around trying to complete something that doesn t need to be complete The pairing session requires a little bit more of the interviewer s time and is probably the more high stress option as people sometimes don t perform well when they feel like they re being actively evaluated but you know precisely how someone works in those conditions Technical tests are intimidating to all but the most confident of candidates this choice lets them wrestle a little bit of confidence and control back to at least feel like they re not being ambushed by something with which they cannot reckon It s the right thing to do How to set a good technical testI ve been involved in setting a lot of technical tests over the years and I m extremely sensitive to the ire that tech tests often cause in people I ve seen so many borderline abusive practices masquerading as technical tests that I m not even remotely surprised The commandments of good tech tests A test should take no longer than one hourIt should be completable by a junior to the most senior seniorIt should not be in your problem domainIt should not be unpaid workThe answer should be provided in the questionThere are a couple of potentially controversial points here The tech tests should respect a candidate s time You are not the only place they are applying and the candidate does not owe you their time Anything more than thirty minutes to half an hour can act as implicit discrimination against people that don t have unlimited time or have families or other social constraints Using the same test for your most junior developers to your most senior allows you to understand the comparative skill of candidates who are applying on a level playing field You might not expect the same level of assessment or scrutiny between submissions but that baseline is a powerful way of removing the vast discrepancies between titles and pay and focusing on a candidate s capability The test should be synthetic and not part of your domain For years I believed the opposite of this and was a fan of making tests look like real work but this often fails because it expects that the candidate often must understand a whole set of new concepts that doesn t help you assess their capability for the job And finally providing the answer in the question deliberately reinforces that it s not a puzzle but an interview aid If a tech test contains the answer and isn t domain specific then what is it really for A tech test exists to verify at the most basic level that a candidate can code at all The extremely non zero number of people I have interviewed that couldn t so much as add new classes to an application is real and it s why FizzBuzz is a good traditional screening question it does little more than test if you can write an if statement Once you ve established a candidate can code you re looking to see how they approach problem solving Do they write tests Do they write code that is stylistically alike to your team s preferences Can they clearly articulate why they made the choices they made however small A technical test isn t there to see if a candidate can complete a problem under exam conditions it s just an indicator as to the way they approach a problem A good technical test is the quickest shortcut to providing you these signals I ve come to value well known code katas as recruitment tests as they tend to fulfil most of these criteria trivially without having to be something of my own invention I tend to use the Diamond Kata Given a character from the alphabet print a diamond of its output with that character being the midpoint of the diamond Write appropriate tests Giving feedbackIf a candidate has given you an hour of their time it s responsible to give them meaningful feedback as notes It doesn t have to be much and you don t need to review them just a few hints as to what they could have done in future to be more successful we didn t feel like you had enough experience in Some Framework or We didn t feel confident that the tests you were writing is absolutely fine Be kind Hope they take the feedback away and think about it There are hundreds of examples of failed interview candidate later the hiring manager out there being nice to people even if they don t get the job is a good precedent for when you inevitably meet them in the future An unfortunate majority of job roles won t contact unsuccessful candidates at all and there is a balance to be struck You re certainly not obligated to everyone that applies to a CV screen funnel but anyone you talk to deserves the courtesy of feedback for their time spent Adapt to fitThe best interview processes accurately reflect your own personal values and set the stage for the experience your new team members are going to have when they join your organisation Because of this it s an absolute truth that no one way will work for everyone it s impossible I hope that the pointers in here will stimulate a little bit of thought as to how you can re tool your own interview process to be simpler kinder and much quicker Below is an appendix about marking technical recruitment tests that may be useful in this process Appendix How to mark a technical testBecause I tend to use the same technical tests for people across the entire skill spectrum I ve come to use a standard marking sheet to understand where a particular candidate fits in the process I expect less from candidates earlier on in their careers than more experienced individuals this grading sheet isn t the be all and end all but as you scale out your process and end up with different people reviewing technical tests and seeing candidates it s important that people are assessing work they see through the same lens Feel free to use this if it is helpful for you understanding what good looks like Problem domain and understanding of questionSubmitter suggested irrelevant implementation entirely misunderstood domainSubmitter modelled single concept correctlySubmitter modelled a few concepts in domainSubmitter modelled most concepts in domainSubmitter modelled all concepts in domainAccuracy of solutionCode does not compileCode does not function as intended no features workCode builds and functions but only some of the acceptance criteria are met of the acceptance criteria are met Bugs outside of the scope of the acceptance criteria allowedAll acceptance criteria met Any hidden bugs found and solved Simplicity of solutionIs hopeless spaghetti code illegible confusing bafflingAn overdesigned mess or nasty hacky code use of large frameworks for simple problems misusing DI containers exceptions as flow control needless repetition copy pasting of methods lack of encapsulation overuse of design patterns to show off excess of repetitive comments long methodsCode is concise size of solution fits the size of the problem no surprises Maybe a few needless comments the odd design smell but nothing seriousCode is elegant minimalist and concise without being code golf no side effects a good read Methods and functions are descriptive and singular in purposePerfect simple solution Absolutely no needless comments descriptive method names Trivial to read easy to understandPresentation of solutionUgly code regions huge comment blocks inconsistent approach to naming or brace style weird amounts of whitespaceAverage looking code No regions fewer odd comment blocks no bizarre whitespaceNice respectable code Good code organisation no odd comment blocks or lines no stuff like etc internally consistent approach to naming and brace styleUtterly consistent no nasty comment blocks entirely consistent naming and brace style effective use of syntactic sugar modern language features in the given language etc Beautiful code Great naming internally consistent style Follows conventions of language of test Skillful use of whitespace stanzas in code to logically group lines of code and operations Code flows well and is optimised for the reader Quality of unit testsNo test coverage tests that are broken illegible junkTests that don t test the class that s supposed to be under test some tests test some functionality Vaguely descriptive naming AAA pattern in unit tests Descriptive accurate names AAA in unit tests Use of test setup to DRY out tests if appropriate Reasonable coverage Complete test coverage to address all acceptance criteria setup if appropriate good descriptive names BDD style tests with contexts are appreciated Full coverage all acceptance criteria covered great naming that represents the user stories accurately little to no repetition no bloated repetitive tests effective use of data driven tests if appropriate or other framework features |
2021-09-30 01:28:25 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple treasurer Gary Wipfler retires from the company after 35 years |
Apple treasurer Gary Wipfler retires from the company after yearsApple s corporate treasurer who handled the company s cash pile and oversaw other financial endeavors has reportedly retired from the Cupertino tech giant after serving at the company for years Credit Laurenz Heymann UnsplashGary Wipfler recently stepped down from his role as the keeper of Apple s billion money stash sources told Bloomberg Wipfler s retirement has not yet been made public Read more |
2021-09-30 01:25:19 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
後発薬促進、財務省「加算から減算中心に」-年末に決着する社保費の自然増抑制の行方 |
厚生労働省 |
2021-09-30 11:00:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
ニッセイ景況アンケート調査結果-2021年度調査 |
調査結果要旨I景気動向企業の景況感は改善、先行きは小幅な持ち直しを見込む全地域で景況感が改善年度は年連続の減収減益も、年度は増収増益に転じる見込み割弱の企業がコロナ前年の売上水準をすでに回復II雇用、設備投資、販売・仕入価格先行きは雇用意欲がさらに強まる見通し年度の設備投資の増勢は年度と同程度仕入・販売価格ともに上昇するも、価格転嫁は不十分III経営課題・問題点現在の経営課題は「人員の不足」が「受注・需要の減少」を逆転し最多に今後年間で重要性を増す経営課題は「人材確保・育成」がで最多半数弱の企業がオフィス運用を見直しIV新型コロナウイルスが企業に与えた影響調査の背景新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大の中、今取組むべき人事課題「従業員のモチベーション維持・向上」、「従業員の健康管理」、「業務効率化」が上位位新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大の中、今後取組むべき人事課題を抱えている企業は割強今取組むべき人事課題として名超の企業は「従業員のモチベーション維持・向上」、名以下の企業は「従業員の健康管理」、名超名以下の企業では「業務効率化」を重視HRテクノロジーの導入状況HRテクノロジーを導入している企業は。 |
2021-09-30 10:59:42 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
コロナ禍における家計消費の変化~ウィズコロナの現状分析とポストコロナの考察 |
感染状況が収束へ向かい、行動制限が緩和されたポストコロナでは外食需要は徐々に回復するだろうが、テレワークの浸透で人の流れが変わることで、店舗立地には工夫が求められる。 |
2021-09-30 10:59:07 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
ふるさと納税:3割5割は関係ない~2019年度は減少したというのは本当か、その理由は? |
目次ー年度のふるさと納税額は減少したが、年のふるさと納税額は増加したー新制度を理由にふるさと納税をやめた納税者は少ないー返礼品の割合が減ってもふるさと納税総額は減少しない理由大多数の納税者にとって、返礼品の割合が割か割かの違いは問題ではない割になるとやめる納税者のふるさと納税利用率も上限額も相対的に低い今から年前の話。 |
2021-09-30 10:58:44 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
鉱工業生産21年8月-7-9月期は5四半期ぶりの減産へ |
消費財出荷指数は年月期の前期比の後、月が前月比、月が同となった。 |
2021-09-30 10:20:17 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
決済動向(8月) |
決済 |
2021-09-30 11:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
(論文)金融研究所DPS:チャージ型決済の実現方法とそのセキュリティについて |
Detail Nothing |
2021-09-30 11:00:00 |
金融 |
日本銀行:RSS |
(論文)金融研究所DPS:暗号資産の保有に係る会計上の取扱いに関する考察 |
Detail Nothing |
2021-09-30 11:00:00 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
‘Yellow Dragon’s Village’: Scrappy indie delivers a weekend to die for |
Yellow Dragon s Village Scrappy indie delivers a weekend to die forYugo Sakamoto s feature debut is an action packed horror flick about a trip to the mountains gone horribly wrong thanks to some creepy locals |
2021-09-30 10:20:29 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
‘Eternally Younger Than Those Idiots’: Giving adulthood the old college try |
Eternally Younger Than Those Idiots Giving adulthood the old college tryYui Sakuma makes a quirky character relatable in Ryohei Yoshino s earnest coming of age drama about a college student who s out of touch with her peers |
2021-09-30 10:10:49 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
「高スペックモニター」を編集部に導入したら手放せなくなった理由4つ |
編集部 |
2021-09-30 11:00:00 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
【Amazonタイムセール中!】45%オフの蚊帳付きハンモックや1食あたり224円の松屋 糖質オフ牛めしの具など |
amazon |
2021-09-30 10:30:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ワクチン全般の偽情報を削除 ユーチューブ、対象拡大 |
動画投稿サイト |
2021-09-30 10:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
斜里町で住宅火災、1人死亡 |
斜里町中斜里 |
2021-09-30 10:12:16 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
国民、枝野氏への投票拒否 首相指名選挙巡り党首会談 |
国民民主党 |
2021-09-30 10:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
米国とEU、中国に対抗で一致 評議会初会合、半導体連携 |
欧州連合 |
2021-09-30 10:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
阪神、岩田の引退を発表 糖尿病とも闘いプロ16年 |
今季限り |
2021-09-30 10:02:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
鉱工業生産3・2%低下 8月、基調判断「足踏み」 |
経済産業省 |
2021-09-30 10:01:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
住宅ローン契約後に「生保が不要か」試算する方法 「35年後の自宅の資産価値」を予想しておく意義 | 賢く儲ける!マイホーム投資のすすめ | 東洋経済オンライン |
住宅ローン |
2021-09-30 10:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ドコモ、ソニーのプレミアムモデル「Xperia 5 III」を11月中旬以降に発売 |
xperia |
2021-09-30 10:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
au、Xperia 5シリーズの新モデル「Xperia 5 III」を11月中旬以降に発売 |
xperia |
2021-09-30 10:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ソフトバンク、ソニーのプレミアムモデル「Xperia 5 III」を11月中旬以降発売 |
xperia |
2021-09-30 10:30:00 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
I'm dogsitting/housesitting right now and their CHICKENS/ROOSTERS ESCAPED AND i'm terrified of them!!! Someone with farm knowledge please help me |
I x m dogsitting housesitting right now and their CHICKENS ROOSTERS ESCAPED AND i x m terrified of them Someone with farm knowledge please help meHi guys I m literally on a farm rn and they told me I didnt have to do much with their chickens roosters but one of the roosters escaped so I was trying to herd it back into their coop SO I OPENED THE COOP and one of them jumped up and it scared me so I ran away and by the time my fight flight response subdued they all left the coop and now they ve taken over the yard The homeowners said it s fine and they ll probably put themselves back in for bed time but what if they don t I don t wanna keep bothering them while they re on vacation ahhhhh xb It feels like the rooster that led this revolt keeps taunting me and comes up to the sliding glass door and just pecks it so I m scared it ll peck ME if i go out there to try to herd them all I m no match for them and this is so stressful someone with farm knowledge please help me xb EDIT okay someone is roasting me and saying I m unprepared for this job and I AGREE I m dogsitting for a family friend and they aren t even paying me they made it very clear that all I had to do with the chickens is throw feed into their coop once every days and I would never have to interact with them They know I have never seen a chicken in real life and I also told them the chickens got out and they literally said it was fine and they would probably go back into their coop on their own I only made this post for just IN CASE they don t go back in their coop Please don t be mean to me xb EDIT EDIT okay i got them back inside you guys can stop being mean to me now Like I said I m dogsitting for free and this was last minute they literally called me and begged me to do them this favor minutes before they left knowing I ve never met a chicken in real life so idk what to tell you Crisis averted though and they ll be home in hours so everyone can calm down xb TLDR need farm person to tell me how to herd chickens without getting pecked on my legs submitted by u throwawaylmaookthen to r Advice link comments |
2021-09-30 01:08:27 |