Engadget Japanese |
骨だけでなく聴神経に直接音を届ける。MP3機能も内蔵した骨伝導イヤホンB20 |
このBイヤホンではイヤホン本本体にMPを内蔵することで、携帯電話が近くにない状況でも使用可能となりました。 |
2021-09-30 10:40:01 |
Engadget Japanese |
家庭とオンラインの保安を1台で。ホームセキュリティ機能搭載Wi-Fiルーター、Ring Alarm Pro海外発表 |
ringalarmpro |
2021-09-30 10:35:15 |
Engadget Japanese |
小さなロボット犬「Mini Pupper」がKickstarterに登場、5分で目標達成 |
bostondynamisc |
2021-09-30 10:02:09 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
指定の金額に対してどの硬貨を何枚出すのかを、LP問題として、PuLPを用いて求めてみる |
出す硬貨の数を最小にしたい場合money金額PpulpLpProblemsensepulpLpMinimizeyenpulpLpVariable円玉catpulpLpIntegeryenpulpLpVariable円玉catpulpLpIntegeryenpulpLpVariable円玉catpulpLpIntegeryenpulpLpVariable円玉catpulpLpIntegerPyenyenyenyengtmoneyPyenyenyenyenltmoneyPpulplpSumyenyenyenyen合計枚数最小Psolveprint求解の結果pulpLpStatusPstatus求解の結果Optimalprintf金額money円には、円玉pulpvalueyenf枚、円玉pulpvalueyenf枚、円玉pulpvalueyenf枚、円玉pulpvalueyenf枚金額円には、円玉枚、円玉枚、円玉枚、円玉枚出す硬貨の数を最大にしたい場合money金額PpulpLpProblemsensepulpLpMaximizeyenpulpLpVariable円玉catpulpLpIntegeryenpulpLpVariable円玉catpulpLpIntegeryenpulpLpVariable円玉catpulpLpIntegeryenpulpLpVariable円玉catpulpLpIntegerPyenyenyenyengtmoneyPyenyenyenyenltmoneyPpulplpSumyenyenyenyen合計枚数最大Psolveprint求解の結果pulpLpStatusPstatus求解の結果Optimalprintf金額money円には、円玉pulpvalueyenf枚、円玉pulpvalueyenf枚、円玉pulpvalueyenf枚、円玉pulpvalueyenf枚金額円には、円玉枚、円玉枚、円玉枚、円玉枚得られた結果金額円は、円玉枚、円玉枚、円玉枚、円玉枚、の最小枚で作ることが出来、また、円玉枚、円玉枚、円玉枚、円玉枚、の最大枚で作ることが出来る。 |
2021-09-30 19:27:32 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
NetworkXのGalleryを順番に写経してみた |
2021-09-30 19:07:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
csvのレコードからDB一括更新する機能の実装方針を相談したい |
csvのレコードからDB一括更新する機能の実装方針を相談したいやりたいこと現在railsでwebアプリ開発をしております。 |
2021-09-30 19:58:11 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Leafletにてマーカーをグループ化するとbindPopupが同一の内容になってしまう |
Leafletにてマーカーをグループ化するとbindPopupが同一の内容になってしまう前提・実現したいことLeafletで複数マーカー付きの地図を作っています。 |
2021-09-30 19:55:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHP(CakePHP) 処理中の確認ダイアログで処理を分岐させたい |
PHPCakePHP処理中の確認ダイアログで処理を分岐させたい前提・実現したいこと抽象的な質問で申し訳ありませんが、現在CakePHPで以下のような機能を実装したいと思っています。 |
2021-09-30 19:46:09 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
AWSのEC2でwebサーバ(プライベートサーバ)を起動したが踏み台経由で接続できないです |
2021-09-30 19:31:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
DjangoでRuntimeError: populate() isn't reentrant |
DjangoでRuntimeErrorpopulateisnxtreentrant前提・実現したいことConohanbspVPSのDjangoテンプレートを使用しアプリケーションをデプロイしようとしています。 |
2021-09-30 19:05:36 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
FluentdでEC2からS3へログを転送 |
・Scredentials・configファイル設定で、もともとあるmatchdirectiveを削除しなければならなかった。 |
2021-09-30 19:41:12 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Herokuデプロイ奮闘記2(後編) |
また、このコマンドにオプションassetscleanを付与すると、古いバージョンのアセットファイルがあれば同時に削除してくれるネット上の記事を読み漁って、コードの編集等を一通り実行してみてもエラーが解決しない場合は、関連するGemのバージョンを変更してbundleinstallし直せば何か変わるかもしれないそれでも解決しない場合は、オブジェクトやメソッド単位でコードを疑ってみる今回はデプロイをしながら何回も試行錯誤したので、gitlogがかなり汚れてしまった英語の文献も徐々に読めるようになってきてるんで、成長できてると思えればいいな参考記事Herokuのデプロイでハマった所QiitaRailsでアプリをHerokuにあげる時のエラー各種QiitaHerokuでのデプロイでPrecompilingassetsfailedが出たときの対処法Qiita再デプロイするとrakeabortedNoMethodErrorundefinedmethodfornilNilClassが出ますteratail【RubyonRails】画像はpublicとappassetsimagesのどちらに設置すべききゃまなかのブログConfiguringRailsApplicationsーRubyonRailsGuidesRubyDefaultWebServerHerokuDevCenter【Rails】画像のパスを指定するQiitaRailsassetpipeline関連設定まとめHeroku対応込QiitaRailsではbackgroundurlassetshogepngの書き方は動かない話Qiita【RubyonRails】yarninstallcheckfilesQiita関連投稿記事Herokuデプロイ奮闘記後編Herokuデプロイ奮闘記前編後に検証して分かった事だが、この時点でGemのsassrailsのバージョンが系列だった場合、上の記法でも画像がきちんと表示されるようだ。 |
2021-09-30 19:23:12 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Fairphone 4 has an incredible 5-year warranty, aims for 6 years of updates |
fairphone |
2021-09-30 10:30:22 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Rsync ile CentOS8 Üzerinde Dizin Senkronizasyonu |
Rsync ile CentOS Üzerinde Dizin SenkronizasyonuRsync ile dizin senkronizasyonu yapmak için öncelikle sunucular arasında parolasız erişimi sağlamak gerekmektedir SSH Paketinin KurulmasıSenkronizasyon yapılacak sunucuların her ikisine gidilerek yum install sshkomutu ile SSH paketi kurulur SSH Konfigürasyon Ayarlarının YapılmasıHer ikisi sunucuda da cd mkdir sshtouch ssh config ssh known hosts ssh authorized keyskomutlarıile gerekli SSH dizin yapısıoluşturulur Daha sonra ilk sunucuda nano ssh configile konfigürasyon dosyasıaçıldıktan sonra Host server İkinci sunucu kısa adı HostName İkinci sunucu ip adresi User root Rsync için kullanılacak user Port ikinci sunucunun bilgileri girilir Aynıişlem ikinci sunucuda da birinci sunucunun bilgileri girilerek uygulanır SSH Anahtarının OluşturulmasıSSH anahtarıoluşturmak için her iki sunucuda da ssh keygenkomutu çalıştırılır Gelen sorular boşgeçilerek anahtar ikilisi oluşturulur ssh keygenEnter file in which to save the key root ssh id rsa Enter same passphrase again Your public key has been saved in root ssh id rsa pub SHA username pc RSA B o o o o S oo o E o o sssss o o o o SHA Her iki sunucuda da anahtar ikilisi oluşturulduktan sonra birinci sunucuda ssh copy id serverve ikinci sunucuda ssh copy id serverkomutlarıçalıştırılarak anahtarlar birbirlerine kopyalanır Kopyalama işleminden sonra birinci sunucuda ssh serverexitve ikinci sunucuda ssh serverexitkomutlarıçalıştırıldığında parolasız erişimin sağlandığıgörülmelidir SSH bağlantılarının sonlandırılmasıiçin her bağlantısonrasında exit komutu çalıştırılmalıdır Dosya Senkronizasyonu Betiğinin Sisteme YerleştirilmesiGerekli dizini oluşturmak için mkdir usr share rsynckomutu kullanıldıktan sonra nano usr share rsync file sync shkomutu ile ilgili dosya açılır ve içerisine while inotifywait r e modify attrib close write move create delete bu sunucuda esitlenecek dizin do rsync aAXru progress delete bu sunucuda esitlenecek dizin server karsi sunucuda esitlenecek dizin donebetiği yerleştirilir Bu betikte bu sunucuda esitlenecek dizin yerine betiğin yerleştirileceği sunucuda eşitlenmesi istenen dizinin yolu verilmelidir karsi sunucuda esitlenecek dizin yerine ise karşısunucuda eşitlenmesi istenen dizinin yolu verilmelidir Bu uygulama her iki sunucuya da çapraz olarak yapılmalıdır Servis Dosyalarının OluşturulmasıYukarıda hazırlanan betiklerin servis haline getirilip sürekli olarak senkronizasyonun sağlanmasıgerekmektedir Bunun için nano etc systemd system rsync client servicekomutu ile servis dosyasıaçılır ve içerisine Unit Description SyncServiceAfter network target Service PIDFile run syncservice syncservice pidUser rootGroup rootExecStartPre bin mkdir run syncserviceExecStart bin bash usr share rsync file sync shExecReload bin kill s HUP MAINPIDExecStop bin kill s TERM MAINPIDExecStopPost bin rm rf run syncservicePrivateTmp true Install WantedBy multi user targetdosyasıeklenir Bu dosyanın değiştirilmesine gerek yoktur Her iki sunucuya da aynışekilde eklenmelidir Servislerin BaşlatılmasıServisler hazırlandıktan sonra systemctl daemon reloadsystemctl start rsync client servicesystemctl enable rsync client serviceişlemleri her iki sunucuda da yapılmalıdır Servisin doğru çalıştığı çıktının aşağıda yer alan çıktıya benzerliği ile kontrol edilebilir root localhost systemctl status rsync client service rsync client service SyncService Loaded loaded etc systemd system rsync client service disabled vendor preset disabled Active active running since Tue EDT s ago Process ExecStopPost bin rm rf run syncservice code exited status SUCCESS Process ExecStop bin kill s TERM MAINPID code exited status SUCCESS Process ExecStartPre bin mkdir run syncservice code exited status SUCCESS Main PID bash Tasks limit Memory K CGroup system slice rsync client service ├ー bin bash usr share rsync file sync sh └ー inotifywait r e modify attrib close write move create delete root yedek Sep localhost localdomain systemd rsync client service Succeeded Sep localhost localdomain systemd Stopped SyncService Sep localhost localdomain systemd Starting SyncService Sep localhost localdomain systemd Started SyncService Sep localhost localdomain bash Setting up watches Beware since r was given th gt Sep localhost localdomain bash Watches established NOT Senkronizasyonda yaşanan gecikmeler veri kaybına sebep olabilir |
2021-09-30 10:38:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
📚Angular Interview Questions Part 3 |
Angular Interview Questions Part In this article we are going to see a well curated list of angular interview questions and answers for experienced as well as freshers Part of this series Angular Interview Questions Part Part of this series Angular Interview Questions Part Part of this series Angular Interview Questions Part Why prioritize TypeScript over JavaScript in Angular TypeScript simplifies JavaScript code making it easier to read and debug TypeScript provides highly productive development tools for JavaScript IDEs and practices like static checking TypeScript makes code easier to read and understand With TypeScript we can make a huge improvement over plain JavaScript There are many more benefits of TypeScript over Javascript ConsistencyProductivityMaintainabilityModularityCatch Errors Early What is a Bootstrapping module in Angular Bootstrapping in Angular is a function component in the core ng module that is used for starting up the Angular application By default the Appcomponent is the default component that will be bootstraped Below is the Default code for bootstrapping an angular application in app module ts NgModule declarations AppComponent imports BrowserModule AppRoutingModule providers bootstrap AppComponent schemas What is the difference between Pure and Impure pipe in Angular A Pure Pipe is only called when Angular detects a change in the value or the parameters passed to a pipe An Impure Pipe is called for every change detection cycle no matter whether the value or parameter s changes Below is an example of pipe and its decorator for setting pipe type Pipe name myCustomPipe pure true true means this is a Pure Pipe and false means its and Impure Pipe default is true export class MyCustomPipe What is RxJS The full form of RxJS is Reactive Extension for Javascript It is a javascript library that uses observables to work with reactive programming that deals with asynchronous data calls callbacks and event based programs RxJS is a library for reactive programming using observables that makes it easier to compose asynchronous or callback based code RxJS can be used with any other Javascript libraries and frameworks What is an observable Observables are simply a function that are able to give multiple values over time either synchronously or asynchronously You can also consider Observables as lazy Push collections of multiple values Observables provide support for passing messages between parts of your application They are used frequently in Angular and are a technique for event handling asynchronous programming and handling multiple values We can subscribe to an observable and get values synchronously or asynchronously Below is an example of how to create and Observable var observable Rx Observable create observer any gt observer next This is an Observable observable subscribe data gt console log data output This is an Observable What is an observer Observers are just objects with three callbacks one for each type of notification that an Observable may deliver An Observer is a consumer of values delivered by an Observable Observers are simply a set of callbacks one for each type of notification delivered by the Observable next error and complete Below is an example of Observer and values retrieved after being Subscribed to it const observer next x gt console log This is next value x error err gt console error Observer got an error err observable subscribe observer ORobservable subscribe observer gt observer next observer error something went wrong What are Angular Elements Angular elements are Angular components packaged as custom elements also called Web Components a web standard for defining new HTML elements in a framework agnostic way A custom element extends HTML by allowing you to define a tag whose content is created and controlled by JavaScript code The browser maintains a CustomElementRegistry of defined custom elements which maps an instantiable JavaScript class to an HTML tag Live Example of Angular Elements Angular Elements Working ExampleThe custom elements standard is currently supported by browsers like Chrome Opera and Safari To be able to use it Firefox and Edge polyfills are available The Angular Elements functionality is available with the package angular elements In order to keep track of all available custom elements the browser maintains a registry in which every elements needs to be registered first In this registry the name of the tag is mapped to the JavaScript class which controls the behavior and the output of that element What is Angular Universal or Angular SSR Angular Universal is mechanism provided by Angular team by which you can render your single page angular application on server instead of Browser Typical Angular applications are Single Page Applications aka SPA s where the rendering occurs on the Browser This process can also be referred to as client side rendering CSR Angular Universal is a very helpful and SEO friendly approach for modern web applications The Angular Universal provides options Server Side Rendering In this method the requested page will be completely rendered on server and send to the browserPre Rendering In this method you have to provide a list of routes you want to pre render then by using the pre rendering command and the routes mentioned it will complete the Build with fully rendered HTML pagesTo add Angular Universal to your project use below command ng add nguniversal express engine What are Service Workers in Angular Service Worker in Angular is a script that runs in the web browser and manages caching for an application Service workers function as a network proxy They intercept all outgoing HTTP requests made by the application and can choose how to respond to them Service Workers helps in improving your application s performance To add Service Workers in your Angular application use below command ng add angular pwaCheckout this Article It covers complete Steps to Add Service Worker in Angular Application What is Lazy Loading in Angular Lazy Loading is a technique in Angular that allows you to load JavaScript components asynchronously when a specific route is activated It improves the speed of the application load time by splitting the application into several bundles When the user navigates through the app the bundles are loaded as required Instead of loading the entire web page and rendering it to the user in one go as in bulk loading the concept of lazy loading assists in loading only the required section and delays the remaining until it is needed by the user Below is an example route for a lazy loaded module const routes Routes path redirectTo home pathMatch full path home component HomeComponent path lazy loadChildren lazy lazy module LazyModule What is a Shared Module in Angular Shared modules in Angular helps you write more organized code in less time helping you be more productive Shared modules are an ideal spot to declare components in order to make them reusable You won t have to re import the same components in every moduleーyou ll just import the shared module Creating shared modules allows you to organize and streamline your code You can put commonly used directives pipes and components into one module and then import just that module wherever you need it in other parts of your app Below is an example of a Shared Module import NgModule from angular core import CommonModule from angular common import SharedRoutingModule from shared routing module import SharedComponent from components shared shared component NgModule declarations SharedComponent imports CommonModule SharedRoutingModule exports SharedComponent export class SharedModule What is DOM Sanitizer in Angular Dom Sanitizer in Angular helps preventing Cross Site Scripting Security bugs XSS by sanitizing values to be safe to use in the different DOM contexts Below are the different methods Provided by Angular for Sanitization and make sure any user data is appropriately escaped for this security context default sanitize dataabstract sanitize context SecurityContext value string SafeValue string null sanitize htmlabstract bypassSecurityTrustHtml value string SafeHtml sanitize cssabstract bypassSecurityTrustStyle value string SafeStyle sanitize scriptsabstract bypassSecurityTrustScript value string SafeScript sanitize urlabstract bypassSecurityTrustUrl value string SafeUrl sanitize resource urlsabstract bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl value string SafeResourceUrlCheckout other Articles in this series Part of this series Angular Interview Questions Part Part of this series Angular Interview Questions Part Part of this series Angular Interview Questions Part |
2021-09-30 10:31:03 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
5 reasons for AI implementation in healthcare |
reasons for AI implementation in healthcareToday AI technology can be found in almost every industry and business including healthcare Artificial intelligence in healthcare has huge and wide potential from solutions for mobile diagnostics to drug discovery that can be achieved using machine learning The global artificial intelligence in healthcare market size is expected to reach USD billion by and is expected to expand at a CAGR of over the forecast period according to a new report by Grand View Research Inc If you ve been thinking about implementing AI to your business keep reading to find out reasons for adopting AI in the healthcare industry In addition you can find predictions for the future that will help you be convinced of the potential of AI consulting in healthcare reasons for AI implementation in healthcareIn this article you can find reasons to implement AI in the healthcare industry These solutions help doctors work more productively improve processes and clinical outcomes These are also reasons that indicate that AI technology in healthcare is gaining popularity and is a potential source of major investments Robot assisted surgeryRobotic or robot assisted surgery allows doctors to perform many types of complex procedures with greater precision flexibility and control than is possible with traditional methods Surgeons using an AI based robotic system believe that for many procedures it improves accuracy flexibility and control during surgery and allows them to see the surgery site better than traditional methods Robotic surgery offers patients many benefits to open surgery including Shorter hospitalizationReduced pain and discomfortFaster recovery time and return to normal activitiesSmaller incisions that reduce the risk of infectionReduced blood loss and transfusionsMinimal scars Chatbots amp Mobile Apps for healthcareThe digital health and wellness market is valued at over billion in according to a recent Global Market Insights report And with the global pandemic in that increases the demand for digital health technologies the industry is expected to continue to grow by The AI healthcare market is predicted to exceed billion by Artificial Intelligence is useful in diagnostics therapy and customer service through intelligent applications Chatbots are by far the most popular AI application What s more the adoption of chatbots in organizations is growing year by year and the chatbot market is expected to reach over USD million by The development of medical applications has played an important role in providing patients with quick information Using mobile apps for healthcare you can find a doctor make an appointment and view all test reports without leaving your home Mobile applications not only help patients but also allows doctors to seamlessly collect and store personal health data AI powered alerting systems amp Virtual assistantsToday more and more AI solutions are implemented to support the transition from inpatient to home care such as remote monitoring AI alarm systems or virtual assistants These technologies include the increased use of NLP solutions in hospitals and at home Artificial intelligence systems make it easier for virtual nursing assistants to perform a wide range of tasks from communicating with patients to sending them to a better and more efficient healthcare facility Such virtual nurses are available and can answer questions as well as monitor patients and provide immediate solutions Nowadays AI technology is also used in a wider range of specialties such as oncology cardiology and neurology Improved data processing for diagnosisOne of the benefits of AI is the processing of large amounts of data which allows AI to change various medical devices For example one NIH study that used artificial intelligence to diagnose metastatic breast cancer found the technology to be accurate It has also been shown that artificial intelligence is capable of detecting the spread of cancer cells micrometastases which are usually very difficult to detect by specialist human pathologists Enhanced drug development processThe development of new drugs also requires processing of large amounts of data due to the enormous number of possibilities for chemical combinations The solution is AI technology which works amazingly well with large amounts of data This ability enables more approved drugs to be produced in a faster more cost effective process with higher R amp D efficiency By implementing AI into the drug development process this technology has great potential to identify the most promising developments in the research process helping to save time and resources at an early stage Future PredictionsAI technology is developing at an incredible pace so below you can find future predictions about AI in healthcare industry VR and AR promise to be very useful in the healthcare industry It is believed that using VR to train healthcare workers improves skill retention by and reduces skill loss by up to AI powered predictive care In health systems can predict when a person is at risk of a chronic disease for example and propose preventive measures before they get worse The future of AI will be based in predicting future diseases their origins and the spread of the pandemic Key Takeaways ️Artificial Intelligence truly transforms the modern healthcare industry in many ways ️ reasons why you should implement AI in your company robot assisted surgery chatbots AI powered alerting systems enhanced drug development and improved data processing for diagnosis ️AI is a huge investment potential for investors and entrepreneurs Eleks com The Rise of Digital Health and Wellness Software Accessed on Aug Pubmed gov Artificial Intelligence Based Breast Cancer Nodal Metastasis Detection Insights Into the Black Box for Pathologists Accessed on Aug Bisresearch com Global Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Market in Healthcare Accessed on Aug Weforum org Here are ways AI will change healthcare by |
2021-09-30 10:20:51 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Fairphone swings for the fences with its newest smartphone |
Fairphone swings for the fences with its newest smartphoneEver since its first “ethical smartphone hit the market Fairphone reviews have always been haunted by the wary acknowledgement that the devil always has the best toys But times have changed and Fairphone can at least be confident that it has won both the moral and the economic argument Right to Repair laws are currently being kicked around in several US states and Framework is now building Fairphone esque laptops If there s one word I can use to describe the new Fairphone it s mature As much as the previous generations of this handset have been good none deserve as much attention as this one likely does First a caveat Various global crises have pushed back the launch date for the Fairphone I didn t receive a unit until a few days before the announcement so I ve only had a limited amount of time to give this thing a thorough going over Daniel CooperPick up the Fairphone and you ll first notice how solid this thing feels in your hand compared to its predecessor This is not the flimsy plastic concoction we saw in previous generations but a monument wrought from metal and glass It may weigh a gram less than the iPhone Pro Max I was holding in my other hand but this one just feels more substantial The new metal chassis and thick plastic backplate gives it to quote Auric Goldfinger a divine heaviness I have no qualms about how sturdy and durable this thing is even knowing that I can pick up replacement parts for very little cash up front The design language has changed from the awkwardly long slab of the and to something that looks a lot more like a current generation or at least previous generation Android handset Fairphone has also taken the courageous decision to ditch the mm headphone jack here in favor of just USB C The only things breaking up the outside of the frame beyond the antenna lines are a power button with a built in fingerprint sensor and a pair of sturdy volume buttons Gone too is the conspicuous branding of the previous editions in favor of the company logo edged into the base of the backplate Daniel CooperA inch Full HD display coated with Gorilla Glass takes up most of the room up front although this is no slim bezel chin free edge to edge number The only interruption is the teardrop in the middle of the screen which houses the megapixel selfie camera There s nothing of note to say about the screen which has a decent backlight good viewing angles and solid black levels I think I said a year ago that it s now hard to mess up a phone display and Fairphone hasn t fixed what didn t need mending Sadly as good as the vision is the sound that accompanies it is tinny thin and reedy with non existent bass nbsp Now Fairphone hasn t strayed too far from its goal of producing an affordable and reliable modular smartphone But while it s splashed out on some specs others remain firmly in the “nothing to write home about league The system on chip for instance is a Snapdragon G which you ll find in a number of non premium G handsets like the Moto G G and Galaxy A G It s worth saying that the G offers very respectable performance and tests well in benchmarks but it s certainly not a screamingly fast flagship unit Daniel CooperUnlike previous models Fairphone is actually offering two versions of the Fairphone one with GB RAM and GB storage the other with GB RAM and GB storage Both can be bolstered with the internal microSD slot that ll take up to TB cards The Fairphone can support both a physical nano SIM as well as an eSIM both of which support G although not simultaneously Fairphone opted for a double camera setup here with an f megapixel primary camera packing Sony s half inch Exmor IMX sensor with OIS You ll get x digital zoom and can shoot K video at fps or HD slow motion at fps The second camera is a megapixel f degree wide angle lens for landscape photography Joining those two on the back of the phone is a time of flight sensor for better autofocus which also makes it look like you re rocking a triple camera phone Daniel CooperNestled up front in the teardrop is a megapixel f forward facing camera which uses a Sony IMX sensor You ll get support for HDR x digital zoom and the ability to record video in HD at up to fps The images you get out of that selfie lens are respectable although even when you shoot megapixel images you ll get very little detail when you zoom in and things get muddy pretty quickly The company said that I shouldn t do too many photography tests with the Fairphone until a yet to be distributed software update pushes the final tweaks That said the standard camera is perfectly reasonable and the live filters produce pretty lovely images Repairing this phone should again be relatively easy given how little a challenge it was to upgrade the previous model Simply pop off the back cover and extract that replaceable mAh battery and a Phillips screwdriver is all you need to get working Again I ve not had any time to delve yet but even a quick poke inside makes me think that it s not more difficult to do any repair job than it was on the older models One thing to bear in mind however is that Fairphone is no longer shipping a screwdriver in the box assuming instead that you already own a tool suitable for the job Daniel CooperFairphone has said that it has learned a number of valuable lessons from the launches of its last few handsets That s why this new model has a five year warranty and guarantees software support until at the earliest but pledges to keep that going to at best Fairphone has previous here Earlier this year it managed to get Android running on the Fairphone five years after it was first released It also has pledged to ensure that spare parts for the phone remain available until that same deadline Whereas before Fairphone talked about a “fair supply chain both looking for ethically clean raw materials and paying workers a fair wage it also describes the as “e waste neutral This is a neat way of summing up the idea that the company will recycle one device for every Fairphone it sells In addition Fairphone can boast that it now uses percent “fair material inside the handset including FairTrade Gold and Silver aluminum from ASI certified vendors and a backplate made from percent post consumer recycled polycarbonate And while some of the spare parts are a little more expensive than on the previous edition the prices are more or less affordable The company supplied me with a parts and price list in GBP at least and the most expensive components are a replacement display and rear camera which both retail for £ around before sales tax The forward facing camera and battery pack replacements meanwhile are £ around while components like the loudspeaker USB C port earpiece and so on all cost less than £ around Daniel CooperInterestingly as part of this launch Fairphone is also launching a pair of true wireless headphones These are naturally one of the most notoriously hard to repair and recycle devices currently littering the market At this point Fairphone hasn t tried to re design these things to be more repairable but did say that the units were made with “fair and recycled materials including at least percent recycled plastic and FairTrade Gold The Fairphone will be available to pre order on September th with the first handsets due to arrive on October th Unlike previous years however there will be the two previously outlined variants depending on storage and RAM options The GB RAM GB model will retail for € £ while the GB GB model will set you back € £ |
2021-09-30 10:30:11 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Subaru shows the first teaser video of its Solterra EV |
Subaru shows the first teaser video of its Solterra EVSubaru has showed the first video of its first EV the x Solterra crossover essentially confirming that it s a slightly reworked version of Toyota s upcoming bZX EV according to Autoblog Both electric cars are the fruit of Toyota and Subaru s collaboration on the e TNGA platform designed for multiple EVs first announced in nbsp Design cues visible in the teaser video particularly the odd dual roof spoiler are similar to those on Toyota s upcoming bZX the quot bZ quot stands for quot beyond zero quot The side profile in a longer shot also looks nigh on identical making us wonder why Subaru doesn t just reveal it in full and be done with it nbsp It also showed a dim shot of the interior with the centerpiece being a giant mid mounted display Again that looks mighty similar to what Toyota has shown us with its own EV crossover though Autoblog pointed out that Subaru appears to have some extra features below the rotary knob Another notable difference is Subaru s bolstered seats that might allow for more sporty x activities nbsp Other key details like price and battery capacity have yet to be released However the price could be somewhere in the high to low range Like Toyota s offering it s set to arrive in the US and other markets next summer nbsp |
2021-09-30 10:02:40 |
海外TECH |
CodeProject Latest Articles |
J4JLogger: A Serilog Wrapper that Provides Source Code Information |
serilog |
2021-09-30 10:41:00 |
金融 |
ニッセイ基礎研究所 |
東南アジア経済の見通し~年内は活動制限の影響により経済停滞、来年はウィズコロナ下での経済回復が続く |
しかし、各国の厳しい活動制限措置がヵ月実施されたことにより、インドネシアでは月、タイでは月、マレーシアでは月に新型コロナ感染がピークアウトし、またフィリピンとベトナムでは足元で感染拡大ペースが鈍化するようになっている図表。 |
2021-09-30 19:11:06 |
海外ニュース |
Japan Times latest articles |
In the LDP’s leadership race, Abe is looking like the ultimate victor |
In the LDP s leadership race Abe is looking like the ultimate victorWith many lawmakers having followed Abe s lead in backing Kishida as a second choice the new LDP leader is likely to feel indebted to the |
2021-09-30 19:05:21 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sarah Everard was a wholly blameless victim, court hears |
couzens |
2021-09-30 10:57:36 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Furlough scheme ends with almost 1 million left in limbo |
scheme |
2021-09-30 10:26:22 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Britney Spears: Singer 'on cloud nine' after conservatorship ruling |
conservatorship |
2021-09-30 10:24:03 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Killamarsh: Families 'left broken' by deaths of woman and children |
connie |
2021-09-30 10:08:30 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Ecuador riot: Police storm jail where 116 died in gang war |
explosions |
2021-09-30 10:15:51 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sarah Everard: How Wayne Couzens covered up her murder |
everard |
2021-09-30 10:45:46 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
iPhone XS/XR世代はiPhone 13に機種変すべき理由 |
iphone |
2021-09-30 20:00:00 |
Google Cloud Platform Japan 公式ブログ |
GraphQL API のライフサイクルを管理する Apigee のネイティブ サポートを発表 |
検出RESTAPIの検出とインタラクションにおいては、デベロッパーは通常、管理ベンダーが提供するポータルを利用しますが、GraphQLAPIでは、ユーザーがその場で新しいクエリを探せるような組み込みのポータルが提供されることがよくあります。 |
2021-09-30 12:00:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
ホンダ、ロケット開発に注力 空飛ぶ車、遠隔操作ロボットも |
遠隔操作 |
2021-09-30 19:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
さよなら油壺マリンパーク 53年の歴史に幕、神奈川 |
油壺マリンパーク |
2021-09-30 19:04:18 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
大雪時の立ち往生、くぼみが原因 タイヤの空転で発生 |
立ち往生 |
2021-09-30 19:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
福祉車両 販売や講習も 函館専門店1日オープン |
福祉車両 |
2021-09-30 19:13:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
横綱白鵬が引退、年寄「間垣」に 優勝45回、相撲協会が承認 |
日本相撲協会 |
2021-09-30 19:09:30 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
東京、10カ月ぶり警戒度下げ コロナ、6週連続改善 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-09-30 19:07:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
AIでいつでもどこでも乗降可能に 厚真町デマンド交通 1日から実証運行 |
運行 |
2021-09-30 19:05:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
米国株の下落は長引かないと明確に言える理由 「岸田政権樹立」だけでは日本株上昇は限定的? | 市場観測 | 東洋経済オンライン |
債務不履行 |
2021-09-30 19:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
神奈川県民だけの限定プラン! ホテルニューグランド「平日限定連泊プラン エンジョイステイ 横浜時間」販売開始 |
販売開始 |
2021-09-30 19:50:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
スペシャライズド、超軽量e-Bike「Vado SL」シリーズにステップスルーモデルが登場 |
ebike |
2021-09-30 19:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
ナビタイム、「NAVITIME API」内で複雑なプログラミングが不要なウェブ画面付きの「交通費計算Widget」機能を提供 |
navitime |
2021-09-30 19:30:00 |
IT |
週刊アスキー |
Photosynth、Akerunアプリで住宅ドアを解錠できるスマートライフシステム「Akerun.M」を発表 |
akerun |
2021-09-30 19:15:00 |
マーケティング |
AdverTimes |
花王、美容部員のユニフォーム刷新 「SENSAI」など主要6ブランドで |
sensai |
2021-09-30 10:39:09 |
ニュース |
スマートロック「Akerun」開発のフォトシンス、東証マザーズ上場へ |
スマートロック「Akerun」開発のフォトシンス、東証マザーズ上場へ※この記事は英語で書かれた記事を日本語訳したものです。 |
2021-09-30 10:00:49 |
Cloud Blog JA |
GraphQL API のライフサイクルを管理する Apigee のネイティブ サポートを発表 |
検出RESTAPIの検出とインタラクションにおいては、デベロッパーは通常、管理ベンダーが提供するポータルを利用しますが、GraphQLAPIでは、ユーザーがその場で新しいクエリを探せるような組み込みのポータルが提供されることがよくあります。 |
2021-09-30 12:00:00 |