IT |
気になる、記になる… |
M1Xチップを搭載した新型「MacBook Pro」は今月発表か − Bloombergの著名記者が報告 |
apple |
2021-10-03 14:03:26 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
SelectKBestって何?ってなったときに、サクッとみれるようまとめた |
printXprintXnewprintXprintXnewscipyでも検証結果的に今回SelectKBestは特徴量選択のメソッドで、今回は後ろつがχの値を最も最適と判断されたわけですが、本当にそうかって思ったので、scipystatsでも検証してみました。 |
2021-10-03 23:57:07 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ABC57 B - Checkpoints diff 茶を解いた |
ABCBCheckpointsdiff茶を解いた全探索ではなかろうか。 |
2021-10-03 23:49:04 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ev3dev(python) : 加速度センサー(HiTechnic社製)の使い方 |
evdevpython加速度センサーHiTechnic社製の使い方evdevでHiTechnic社製の加速度センサーを使う方法が見当たらなかったのでメモ参考サイトセンサーの確認BaseSensorクラスを使用してセンサ情報を確認する参考サイト。 |
2021-10-03 23:01:05 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
自由入力検索エンジンでありきたりな方法だと「&」が使えない件 |
自由入力検索エンジンでありきたりな方法だと「amp」が使えない件趣向検索エンジンのような機能をReactJavaScriptで作成する時に例えば「ReactampJavaScript」と検索すると、検索対象が「React」となってしまい「ampJavaScript」が消えてしまう事例があった。 |
2021-10-03 23:19:19 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Nuxtでアプリのsplash screenのような画面を表示させるには? |
Nuxtでアプリのsplashscreenのような画面を表示させるには実現したいことNuxtで作られたwebアプリに、ネイティブアプリのようなsplashnbspscreenアプリを開いて最初の、秒だけ表示される画像のような動作を実現させたいです色々と調べてみたのですが良い方法が見つかりませんでした。 |
2021-10-03 23:55:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
dataframeをリストの要素として管理することができるのか |
dataframeをリストの要素として管理することができるのかPandasを利用してcsvファイルを扱ってるのですが、Dataframeを配列の要素として扱いたいなと考えております。 |
2021-10-03 23:48:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
TransformerのPositional Encoding がどう利用されているか分からない |
positionalencoding |
2021-10-03 23:45:14 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
TransformerのSelf Attentionの部分が理解できなくて困っています |
querykeyvalue |
2021-10-03 23:31:49 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[rails5]checkboxの入力内容を編集画面で扱いたい |
railscheckboxの入力内容を編集画面で扱いたい前提・実現したいこと新規登録時に入れたチェックを編集画面でも保持した状態で表示したいそれかチェックボックスどちらかを選択しないと編集更新ができないようにしたい発生している問題・エラーメッセージ編集画面に遷移するとチェックボックスのチェックが入っていない状態になっています。 |
2021-10-03 23:26:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
REACT クエリーパラメーターでAPIが叩けない |
REACTクエリーパラメーターでAPIが叩けない前提・実現したいこと日付をyyyymmddに変換を行い、APIを叩きたいです。 |
2021-10-03 23:20:23 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
AWS CLIを使って、Amazon S3へ自動バックアップ |
あとはタスクスケジューラで上記バッチが定期的に実行されるようにタスクを作成するだけです。 |
2021-10-03 23:38:27 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
SecurityHubのAPIでセキュリティ情報を取得してみる |
SecurityHubのAPIでセキュリティ情報を取得してみるSecurityHubのAPIを使って、AWSの画面に出ている情報を収集しようとしてみた。 |
2021-10-03 23:01:17 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[IPFS] IPFS分散ファイルシステムを試してみる |
このようにIPFSはファイルの場所ではなくコンテンツをオブジェクト化し登録・参照出来る仕組みとなっています。 |
2021-10-03 23:48:08 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
wsl_ubuntuでwindowsホストのファイルにアクセスするパス |
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2021-10-03 23:18:11 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
AWS CLIでAmazon EC2インスタンスのメタデータを確認してみた |
amazon |
2021-10-03 14:30:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Terraform - Complex Variable Types |
Terraform Complex Variable Types Terraform VariablesWhen creating a terraform configuration you have to configure and declare Input Variables Input variables serve as parameters for a Terraform module and resources allowing aspects of the module to be customized without altering the module s own source code and allowing modules to be shared between different configurations The Terraform language uses the following types for its values string a sequence of Unicode characters representing some text like hello number a numeric value The number type can represent both whole numbers like and fractional values like bool a boolean value either true or false bool values can be used in conditional logic list or tuple a sequence of values like one two Elements in a list or tuple are identified by consecutive whole numbers starting with zero map or object a group of values identified by named labels like name Mabel age Strings numbers and bools are sometimes called primitive types Lists tuples and maps objects are sometimes called complex types structural types or collection types Using Primitive Variable TypesIn the following example we create a basic Azure Resource Group and we declare each resource argument with it s own separate variable using Primitive types main tfresource azurerm resource group demo rg count var create rg name var name location var location Each variable is declared separately variables tfvariable create rg type bool default false variable name type string default Default RG Name variable location type string default uksouth As you can see from the above example each resource argument is declared using a primitive variable type Using Complex Variable TypesIn the following example we create an Azure Resource Group and two storage accounts but instead of declaring each variable individually using primitive types we will use Collections using complex types We will create our Resource Group by using a single complex variable called rg config and we will create our storage account s using a single complex variable list of objects called storage config As you can see from the following variable declaration we are only declaring each resources values using a complex variable type of Object Resource Group config and List Object List of Storage Account configs code variables tf L L Resource Group Config Objectvariable rg config type object create rg bool name string location string Storage Account Config List of Objects Each object represents a storage config variable storage config type list object name string account kind string account tier string account replication type string access tier string enable https traffic only bool min tls version string is hns enabled bool NOTE Because we are using variables as collections we can now also make use of the terraform lookup function in which we will lookup each key of the relevant object passed in to obtain the corresponding configuration value code resources tf L Lresource azurerm resource group demo rg count lookup var rg config create rg false name lookup var rg config name Default RG Name location lookup var rg config location uksouth tags Purpose Demo RG Automation true resource azurerm storage account sas count length var storage config Implicit dependency from previous resource resource group name azurerm resource group demo rg name location azurerm resource group demo rg location lookup values e g lookup map key default name lookup var storage config count index name defaultsaname account kind lookup var storage config count index account kind StorageV account tier lookup var storage config count index account tier Standard account replication type lookup var storage config count index account replication type LRS access tier lookup var storage config count index access tier Hot enable https traffic only lookup var storage config count index enable https traffic only true min tls version lookup var storage config count index min tls version TLS is hns enabled lookup var storage config count index is hns enabled false Apply tags tags Purpose Demo sa count index Automation true Because we are now using a list of objects as the variable for storage accounts each storage account we want to create can be configured on our TFVARS file as an object inside its own block and so we can simply add additional object blocks into our TFVARS to build one or many storage accounts each with different configs code common auto tfvars tf L L Resource Group Config Object Valuesrg config create rg true name Demo Terraform RG location uksouth Storage Account Configs List of Objects Valuesstorage config Storage Account Object StorageV name pwdvsa account kind StorageV account tier Standard account replication type LRS min tls version TLS enable https traffic only true access tier Cool is hns enabled true Storage Account object Azure Data Lake Storage V ADLS name pwdadlssa account kind BlockBlobStorage account tier Premium account replication type ZRS min tls version TLS enable https traffic only false access tier Hot is hns enabled true As you can see from the last example using complex variable types and making our configurations more object oriented can offer much greater flexibility and granularity in terraform deployments I hope you have enjoyed this post and have learned something new You can also find the code samples used in this blog post on my Github page ️ Author ltag user id follow action button background color cbb important color important border color cbb important Marcel LFollow Cloud Solutions amp DevOps Architect |
2021-10-03 14:55:03 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
my current work on my game |
my current work on my gamegot basic rendering done using SDL image which is way better than using OpenGL cuz sdl is so bare bone but i feel really proud that ive got an image moving on the screen my next big approach would be to get some physics into the game like gravity tile collision etc Till then Cheers gamedev cpp |
2021-10-03 14:41:26 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to write tests for applications that use MongoDB as a storage |
How to write tests for applications that use MongoDB as a storageMongoDB is one of the most popular databases right now and many people use it as primary storage on their applications in their pet projects or even in big production applications One of the main benefits of MongoDB is how flexible it is and how fast you can bring value So I will try to show how towrite tests for your application to make sure the code you write will do what it is supposed to do MotivationThe motivation for writing this article is twofold The first reason for writing this article is to show that except the benefits of having your code tested confidence in the quality of your code catch bugs before pushing code etc it can also be quite as entertaining and educational as writing the actual code The second reason is for showing how we should write tests in isolation meaning there should be no external interference that could probably skew test results I am going to show different ways for testing Mocking the MongoDB functionalitySpinning a dedicated MongoDB instance with docker compose for running the testsUse a mock MongoDB with Mongodb In Memory Server Technologies UsedDuring the article I am going to use NodeJSJest as a test runnerDocker and docker compose for setting locally MongodbMongoDB In Memory Server for mocking MongodbThe code provided is written in Typescript but it s not a lot different from being in Javascript The code that needs testingimport MongoClient MongoClientOptions Collection ObjectId from mongodb export function createClient url string options MongoClientOptions return new MongoClient url options connect export function createUserIndexes client MongoClient database string return Promise all client db database createIndex users email unique true client db database createIndex users occupation interface UserDTO id ObjectId name string email string age number occupation string timestamp string export class UserService private collection Collection constructor private client MongoClient database string this collection this client db database collection users createUser user Omit lt UserDTO timestamp id gt return this collection insertOne user timestamp new Date toISOString getUser email string return this collection findOne lt UserDTO gt email getUsersByOccupation occupation string return this collection find lt UserDTO gt occupation toArray updateUser email string payload Partial lt Omit lt UserDTO timestamp id gt gt return this collection updateOne email set payload deleteUser email string return this collection deleteOne email The above code consists of three componentsa function createClient that initializes and returns a MongoClienta function createUserIndexesthat creates indexes for the users collectionand a class UserService that contains methods for interacting with users collection create delete update user etc Method Mocking MongoDBThe first method is about writing mocks that have the same interface as the actual MongoDB Driver So in the tests when the code calls insertOne a mock will emulate the functionality and spy on the arguments that the function was called with Let s see some examples The function createClient has as arguments the host url and the options that the MongoClient will be initialized with export function createClient url string options MongoClientOptions return new MongoClient url options connect Jest provides mocking functionality out of the box with jest mock The setup for the tests jest mock mongodb describe UserService gt const constructorSpy collectionSpy createIndexSpy databaseSpy deleteOneSpy findSpy findOneSpy insertOneSpy updateOneSpy MongodbSpies jest requireMock mongodb beforeEach gt constructorSpy mockClear collectionSpy mockClear createIndexSpy mockClear databaseSpy mockClear deleteOneSpy mockClear findSpy mockClear findOneSpy mockClear insertOneSpy mockClear updateOneSpy mockClear Jest automatically will replace monogdb from the import MongoClient from mongodb with the mock you provide in mocks mongodb ts At jest requireMock mongodb I can get access to the spies that are specified in the mock and then use them inside our tests for asserting with what arguments the functions are getting called The mock file located at mocks mongodb ts export const constructorSpy jest fn export class MongoClient constructor url string options MongoClientOptions constructorSpy url options async connect return mock client The structure of the mock respects the interface of MongoDB Driver and exports a MongoClient with a connect methodthat returns a string It also includes a spy constructorSpy with constructorSpy we can make sure that our constructor is called with the correct arguments Mock functions or known as spies let you spy on the behavior of a function call An example of a test it should connect and return a client async gt const url mongodb localhost const options keepAlive true const client await createClient url options expect client toBe mock client expect constructorSpy toHaveBeenCalledWith url options With the same pattern we can mock and verify all the methods are called with the correct arguments These methods are straightforward We need to identify what methods from the MongoDB driver are being used by the code and create mocks that emulate the functionality and assert that the code behaves as it should Pros of this method This method gives us the ability to test the code that we have written in isolation of other factors like the MongoDB driver Makes the tests more reliable as they don t rely on HTTP requests or connections with MongoDB in this case Speed once mocks are ready it s fast to write and run the tests Cons of this method Includes much more code other than the actual implementation creating the extra mocks It s clear in the complete example that mocks are more lines of code than the actual UserService Another problem with this method is that tests are relying a lot on the mocks More times than I would like to admit my code misbehaves because of badly written or complex mocks If a new breaking change is introduced to the MongoDB driver you run the risk of not catching those breaking changes as your tests don t interact with the driver Finally tests can be a really good guide on how a function or a method is used and its signature In the below example you can notice the createClient is returning a string That s wrong and can be misleading to someone reading the tests const client await createClient url options expect client toBe mock client Method Using dedicated MongoDB with docker composeThe second method in this article uses a different approach from the first one Instead of mocking the MongoDB functionality it s about creating a dedicated instance before running the tests run the tests and then destroy it How we can do that Create a MongoDB on demand keep it isolated and then just destroy it Here comes Docker and Docker Compose I am not going to spend much time explaining Docker but if you want I can write a separate blog about it The way for creating a MongoDB is through a manifest file called docker compose yamlversion services mongodb image mongo ports volumes seed js docker entrypoint initdb d mongo init js ro This docker compose create a MongoDB service and attaches a seed file that runs on startup creates the needed collections and populates them with test data The commands for starting and stopping the MongoDB docker compose up d d detach is for running the service in the backgrounddocker compose downNow the tests can run without mocks they just need to point to the dedicated MongoDB The setup for the tests beforeAll async gt client await createClient mongodb localhost userService new UserService client database afterAll async gt await client close beforeEach async gt await client db database collection users deleteMany name test user BeforeAll tests create a client that connects to the docker compose MongoDB AfterAll tests close the connection to MongoDB BeforeEach test deletes the test user that was created during the tests so each test is independent of previous data So all the tests are going to assert on real data Example it should create needed indexes async gt const indexes await createUserIndexes client database expect indexes toEqual email occupation it should return the correct user async gt const user await userService getUser chef email com expect user toEqual id expect any ObjectId name mock chef email chef email com age occupation chef timestamp T Z Pros of this method As you can see tests are much simpler and straightforward to write Tests are more realistic and close to the actual use of our code As noted before it s good to be able to read the tests and understand the code s behavior and functions methods signatures Finally the integration between the UserService and the MongoDB driver is being tested meaning if a breaking change is introduced tests can catch it Cons of this method Of course with this method the process of running the tests iterating on them and setting up the environment is slower It needs basic knowledge of Docker and Docker Compose for setting the testing environment and might get more difficult in more complex services I would highly recommend though investing some time on learning Docker and containers Method Using In Memory MongoDB serverThe final method tries to combine both methods and It uses an external package MongoDB In Memory Server for our MongoDB As stated in the package description This package spins up an actual real MongoDB server programmatically from within NodeJS for testing or mocking during development The tests in this method are quite similar to the tests from the Docker Method The setup for the tests beforeAll async gt mongod await MongoMemoryServer create client await createClient mongod getUri await seedData client seed database users userService new UserService client database afterAll async gt await client close await mongod stop beforeEach async gt await client db database collection users deleteMany name test user The only difference is that it needs to programmatically start the MongoDB Server and stop it at the end Pros of this method Some of the pros enlisted in both previous methods apply hereTests are much simpler and straightforward to write Tests are more realistic and close to the actual use of our code The integration between the UserService and the MongoDB driver is being tested No complexity around setting up tests Running and iterating tests is faster Cons of this method There are not many cons to this method I could just mention two things First one is that there is not so much flexibility An example of a missing feature for In Memory Server is that there is no option for seeding data at the start rather the tests need to do it programmatically and secondly this solution is specific to MongoDB it might not be the case for the storage of your choice having an In Memory Server ConclusionThere are many ways to write your tests and make sure your code does what it is supposed to do but like everything in software engineering there is no such thing as one correct way All the methods mentioned above have some benefits but it all comes down to what each person or team values the most or what you need to achieve by testing your code For example If you want to test your code in isolation and focus on the logic of your features then the st method would work for you If you want to test your code and how integrates and communicates with the system in this case with the MongoDB and get confidence that nothing breaks in between then second and third methods are better options for you My personal view is go with what makes you feel more confident about your code But either way please ALWAYS write tests they are life saving You can find the complete example and code I shared in the article in Github Feel free to ask any questions help in Github discussions or at the comments here If you liked or found the post useful just leave a ️ |
2021-10-03 14:27:43 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to Add Accordion in Blogger Using HTML ,CSS & JavaScript |
How to Add Accordion in Blogger Using HTML CSS amp JavaScriptIn this post I ll show you how to add accordion in blogger using HTML CSS and JavaScript Accordion is a type of box widget that made unique panels that can be expanded or collapsed Website visitors can view one panel or multiple panels associated with the same subject in the accordion This widget could be used in blogger blog to show more topic and information about your blog in separate accordion So Let s StartStep First of all Visit Blogger com Dashboard Website Step In Blogger go to the Theme section gt gt Customize gt gt Edit HTMLStep Now Search tag and paste this code in between of tag lt link rel stylesheet href gt Step Now Search gt b skin tag and Paste this CSS Code before the gt b skin tag containerwidth width wrapper background color ffffff padding px px margin bottom px border radius px webkit box shadow px px rgba box shadow px px rgba toggle content font family Poppins sans serif toggle width background color transparent display webkit box display ms flexbox display flex webkit box align center ms flex align center align items center webkit box pack justify ms flex pack justify justify content space between font size px color font weight border none outline none cursor pointer padding px content position relative font size px text align justify line height px height overflow hidden webkit transition all s o transition all s transition all s Step Now Search tag amp Paste this JAVASCRIPT code before tag lt script gt lt CDATA let toggles document getElementsByClassName toggle let contentDiv document getElementsByClassName content let icons document getElementsByClassName icon for let i i lt toggles length i toggles i addEventListener click gt if parseInt contentDiv i style height contentDiv i scrollHeight contentDiv i style height contentDiv i scrollHeight px toggles i style color e icons i classList remove fa plus icons i classList add fa minus else contentDiv i style height px toggles i style color icons i classList remove fa minus icons i classList add fa plus for let j j lt contentDiv length j if j i contentDiv j style height toggles j style color icons j classList remove fa minus icons j classList add fa plus gt lt script gt Step Now Copy This HTML Code and Paste this code where you have to show FAQs Accordion in blogger Posts lt div class boxaccordion gt lt div class containerwidth gt lt div class wrapper gt lt button class toggle gt How FAQs Accordion help us to rank our website lt i class fas fa plus icon gt lt i gt lt button gt lt div class content gt lt p gt FAQs accordion is a great way to help you build authority and trust and at the same time bestow a bit of personality on the website It also helps you answer frequently asked questions produce additional content quickly and reduce bounce rates lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class wrapper gt lt button class toggle gt What is the benefits of FAQs Accordion in blogger lt i class fas fa plus icon gt lt i gt lt button gt lt div class content gt lt p gt Benefit of FAQs accordion for blogger is that it helps your blog visitors to find what they are looking for in less time lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div class wrapper gt lt button class toggle gt Does FAQs Scheme Help Us to Rank our Site in Top Position lt i class fas fa plus icon gt lt i gt lt button gt lt div class content gt lt p gt Yes Frequently Asked Questions scheme will make your website more popular and increase your search engine ranking position lt p gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt lt div gt Step Now Save the Posts Hopefully you have successfully Insert FAQs Accordion in blogger If you want to Read like these Posts Stuff then visit our website here |
2021-10-03 14:20:14 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
M1X MacBook Pro still expected to launch in October |
MX MacBook Pro still expected to launch in OctoberApple is still planning to launch new MacBook Pro models equipped with the MX chip and improved graphical performance a report claims with a launch expected in an October event Apple is rumored to be preparing a second special event for the fall following after its earlier California Streaming presentation While there s a lot of products on Apple s potential launch roster a report highlights that the MacBook Pro lineup will probably get the most attention for the second showing In Sunday s Bloomberg Power On newsletter Mark Gurman insists Apple will be launching Macs with the MX chip which is still on tap for The first updates will be in a new range of MacBook Pros in the next month and a higher end Mac mini at some point with the additional reasoning that Apple tends to use October to launch Mac updates Read more |
2021-10-03 14:23:44 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Fuel issues persist in south but 'over' elsewhere |
midlands |
2021-10-03 14:37:56 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Church sex abuse: Thousands of paedophiles in French Church, inquiry says |
catholic |
2021-10-03 14:17:36 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
London Marathon 2021: Race attracts 80,000 participants |
london |
2021-10-03 14:48:28 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Torquator Tasso shock 80-1 winner of Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe |
triomphe |
2021-10-03 14:51:50 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tottenham 2-1 Aston Villa: Hojbjerg finish and Targett own goal give Spurs much-needed win |
Tottenham Aston Villa Hojbjerg finish and Targett own goal give Spurs much needed winTottenham produce their best league display since the opening game win over Manchester City to end a run of three straight league defeats with victory over a stubborn Aston Villa |
2021-10-03 14:52:14 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
旭岳うっすら雪化粧 10月以降は9年ぶり |
旭岳温泉 |
2021-10-03 23:16:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
岸田内閣 官邸1強どうなる 党四役・官房長官に側近起用できず |
安倍晋三 |
2021-10-03 23:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
米「中国の軍事挑発懸念」 台湾への圧力停止促す |
軍事 |
2021-10-03 23:15:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
バスケ女子、アジア杯で5連覇 史上初、決勝で中国下す |
連覇 |
2021-10-03 23:07:00 |