Engadget Japanese |
Twitter、ビジネスユーザー向けのTwitter for Professional提供開始 |
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2021-10-04 07:50:31 |
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AIスピーカーを身につける新発想、AQUOS サウンドパートナー「AN-SC1」をいち早くテスト |
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2021-10-04 07:30:57 |
Engadget Japanese |
スマホ最高峰のカメラだがUIに改善の余地あり。iPhone 13 Proカメラレビュー |
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2021-10-04 07:15:32 |
IT |
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[ITmedia News] ソフトバンク装うSMSに注意 意図しない機種変更のおそれも |
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2021-10-04 16:36:00 |
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[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] インターンシップの人気企業 1位は3年連続で「ニトリ」 順位を大きく上げた企業は? |
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2021-10-04 16:30:00 |
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[ITmedia Mobile] au、10月8日に「AQUOS zero6」発売 7万1585円 |
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2021-10-04 16:20:00 |
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[ITmedia News] 眞子様報道で問題コメント激増? ヤフコメ「攻撃的な投稿控えて」と表示 |
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2021-10-04 16:18:00 |
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[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ホンダ、新車購入用のオンラインストア開設 FITなどの人気車種をサブスク形式で利用可能に |
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2021-10-04 16:13:00 |
IT |
情報システムリーダーのためのIT情報専門サイト IT Leaders |
キヤノンMJ、紙帳票をテキスト化するBPO、AI-OCRを担当者が補完して翌営業日に納品 | IT Leaders |
キヤノンMJ、紙帳票をテキスト化するBPO、AIOCRを担当者が補完して翌営業日に納品ITLeadersキヤノンマーケティングジャパンキヤノンMJは年月日、BPOビジネプロセスアウトソーシングサービス「AIOCR×データ入力サービス」を発表した。 |
2021-10-04 16:01:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
2021年版 Pythonでword2vecの実装と利用 |
2021-10-04 16:51:13 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
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webdrivermanagerでChromewebdriverを自動更新する問題PythonでChromewebdriverを使っていると、Chrome本体とのバージョンの不整合で、頻繁にアップデートが必要になる。 |
2021-10-04 16:19:33 |
js |
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条件分岐の概要・「もし〇〇ならば✗✗する」というプログラム。 |
2021-10-04 16:01:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
記事詳細ページをログインしていないユーザーにも表示させたい。 |
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2021-10-04 16:57:49 |
Program |
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2021-10-04 16:56:45 |
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2021-10-04 16:54:36 |
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2021-10-04 16:47:33 |
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Reactとfirebaseを使ってTodoアプリを作っていたところ、firebaseが定義されていないというエラーが出てしまう。 |
Reactとfirebaseを使ってTodoアプリを作っていたところ、firebaseが定義されていないというエラーが出てしまう。 |
2021-10-04 16:43:00 |
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[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
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2021-10-04 16:40:16 |
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2021-10-04 16:35:25 |
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2021-10-04 16:32:10 |
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2021-10-04 16:31:11 |
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zipdllでの経過表示についてCでzipdllを使用して圧縮処理を行っています。 |
2021-10-04 16:22:48 |
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2021-10-04 16:18:07 |
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2021-10-04 16:16:57 |
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2021-10-04 16:15:05 |
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2021-10-04 16:12:35 |
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2021-10-04 16:11:06 |
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2021-10-04 16:09:21 |
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2021-10-04 16:03:29 |
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2021-10-04 16:02:20 |
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2021-10-04 16:01:07 |
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2021-10-04 16:07:08 |
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最終的にはこのテキスト情報から必要な情報を読み取りデータとして保存しておきたいのですが、これをどう解析するかも問題です。 |
2021-10-04 16:18:00 |
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Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
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githubactionでブランチやPRを管理したいの場合は、featureブランチを全部揃う必要があると思うので、実装や更新は確認するコストがあります。 |
2021-10-04 16:29:50 |
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Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【Rails】stimulus.js × view-component やってみた |
作成されたファイルの中のappcomponentsexamplecomponentrbが以下の画像と同じになっているか確認して下さい。 |
2021-10-04 16:20:05 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Adapter Pattern vs. Bridge Pattern |
Adapter Pattern vs Bridge PatternThe Adapter pattern and the Bridge Pattern have brought along a lot of confusion In this post we re going to look at what they are what their differences are amp where they might be similar Adapter PatternThe Adapter Pattern tries to solve the problem of making two or more incompatible classes compatible by using an intermediate class that implements a predefined interface Wait what Let s try this again The problemImagine a single Feed that wants to display the latest topics from multiple sources like Reddit amp Hacker News For these sources we have two API clients RedditApi and HackerNewsApi Both return a list of topics but their APIs are not the same class RedditApi public function fetchTopicItems RedditFeedIterator Returns a RedditFeedIterator that provides Topic objects that hold a title date and url class HackerNewsApi public function getTopics array returns an array of topic title gt topic date gt topic url gt We don t want to make our feed know about the different implementations because we might want to add another source in the future and that would mean adding even more code to the feed Instead we ll apply the Adapter Pattern The solutionThe Adapter Pattern consists of these elements Client This is the class that want s to connect to multiple sources This would be Feed in our example Adaptee A source the Client wants to connect to In our example we have two RedditApi amp HackerNewsApi Target An interface or contract that defines a single API the Client will connect to Adapter A class that implements the Target interface and delegates to an Adaptee source and formats its output First let s settle on a Target interface we ll call it TopicAdapterInterface and it will have a getTopics method that returns an iterable of topics where every topic is an array with title date and url So it can be an array of arrays or a Generator Iterator of arrays If you aren t familiar with Generators or Iterators then please check out my Generators over arrays post interface TopicAdapterInterface return iterable Iterable of topic array title gt date gt url gt public function getTopics iterable Now we can create a Feed class that uses these adapters We ll loop over every adapter and yield their results so we get a single continuous stream of topics as a Generator This of course doesn t take a date into consideration but it s enough for this example class Feed param TopicAdapterInterface adapters The adapters public function construct public array adapters public function getAllTopics iterable foreach this gt adapters as adapter yield from adapter gt getTopics So we have a Client Feed a Target TopicAdapterInterface and two Adaptees RedditApi amp HackerNewsApi That means that we are only missing two Adapters We ll create these first and then we ll look at what makes them tick To make it a bit easier working with the Iterators I ll be using the iterator map function from my doekenorg iterator functions package class RedditTopicAdapter implements TopicAdapterInterface public function construct public RedditApi reddit api public function getTopics iterable return iterator map fn Topic topic gt title gt topic gt getTitle date gt topic gt getDate Y m d H i s url gt topic gt getUrl this gt reddit api gt fetchTopicItems class HackerNewsTopicAdapter implements TopicAdapterInterface public function construct public HackerNewsApi hacker news api public function getTopics iterable return iterator map fn array topic gt title gt topic topic title date gt DateTime createFromFormat H i s Y m d topic topic date gt format Y m d H i s url gt topic topic url this gt hacker news api gt getTopics Here you can see our two adapters RedditTopicAdapter and HackerNewsTopicAdapter Both of these classes implement the TopicAdapterInterface and provide the required getTopics method They each get their own Adaptee injected as a dependency and use this to retrieve topics and format it to the required array This means that our Feed can now use these adapters by injecting them in its constructor To connect this all together it could look a little something like this hacker news adapter new HackerNewsAdapter new HackerNewsApi reddit adapter new RedditTopicAdapter new RedditApi feed new Feed hacker news adapter reddit adapter foreach feed gt getAllTopics as topic var dump topic arrays of title date and url Benefits of the Adapter PatternYou can plug in an extra Adapter at a later time without having to change he Client implementation Only the Adapter needs to know about the Adaptee which enforces separation of concerns The Client code is easily testable because it only relies on a Target interface When working with an IoC container you can usually get tag all services with a specific interface making it very easy to find and inject or auto wire all Adapters into the Client Real world examplesThe Adapter Pattern is one of the most used patterns because of its extendability It can even be extended by other packages without the original packages having to change Here are some real world examples of this Cache adaptersMost frameworks have a caching system that has a single API for working with it while providing adapters for different implementations like redis memcache or a filesystem cache Laravel calls these adapters a Store and you can find these stores in illuminate cache They provide the Target interface for such a store in the illuminate contractsrepository Filesystem adaptersAnother common thing is to write data to files Files that may be located somewhere else like an FTP server a Dropbox folder or Google Drive One of the most used packages for writing data to files is thephpleague flysystem This packages provides a FilesystemAdapter interface that can have specific implementations And because of this Target interface others can build rd party packages that provide another Filesystem like spatie flysystem dropbox by Spatie Bridge PatternThe Bridge Pattern is often confused with the Adapter Pattern and with good reasons Let s look at what problem this pattern tries to solve and how it is different from the Adapter Pattern The problemLet s say we have two editors a MarkdownEditor and a WysiwygEditor Both editors can read and format some file and update the source on that file The MarkdownEditor obviously returns Markdown text while the WysiwygEditor returns HTML class WysiwygEditor public function construct public string file path protected function format string return lt h gt Source lt h gt The formatted source public function read string return file get contents this gt file path public function store void file put contents this gt file path this gt format class MarkdownEditor public function construct public string file path protected function format string return Source The formatted source public function read string return file get contents this gt file path public function store void file put contents this gt file path this gt format At some point in time we need a Markdown editor and a WYSIWYG editor that can read amp store files on an FTP server We could create a new editor that extends the MarkdownEditor or WysiwygEditor and overwrites the read and store method However this will likely introduce a lot of duplicate code between the two Instead we ll use the Bridge Pattern The solutionThe Bridge Pattern also consist of elements Abstraction An abstract base class that delegates some predefined functions to a Implementor In our example this will be an AbstractEditor Refined Abstraction A specific implementation of the Abstraction In our example this will be MarkdownEditor and WysiwygEditor ️Implementor An interface that the Abstraction uses for delegation In our example this will be a FileSystemInterface️Concrete Implementor A specific implementation of the Implementor that actually does the work In our example this will be LocalFileSystem and a FtpFileSystem It is at this point I think one of the things that makes this pattern hard to grasp is this Unlike the Adapter Pattern where there is an actual Adapter the Bridge Pattern does not have a Bridge But no worries we ll see the thing that makes this the Bridge soon enough Refactoring the codeLet s refactor our example code by implementing the Bridge Pattern We ll start by extracting the Abstraction from our two Editors abstract class AbstractEditor public function construct public string file path abstract protected function format string public function read string return file get contents this gt file path public function store void file put contents this gt file path this gt format class WysiwygEditor extends AbstractEditor protected function format string return lt h gt Source lt h gt The formatted source class MarkdownEditor extends AbstractEditor protected function format string return Source The formatted source In this refactoring we ve created an AbstractEditor that now contains all the duplicate code there was between the editors and made the editors extend this abstraction This way the editors or Refined Abstractions are only focussing on what they do best formatting the source of the file But remember we still don t have a Implementor or a Refined Implementor and we really want to use multiple file systems So let s create the Implementor and a LocalFileSystem as the first Refined Implementor Then we ll update the AbstractEditor to use the Implementor interface FilesystemInterface public function read string file path string public function store string file path string file contents void class LocalFileSystem implements FilesystemInterface public function read string file path string return file get contents file path public function store string file path string file contents void file put contents file path file contents abstract class AbstractEditor public function construct private FilesystemInterface filesystem private string file path abstract protected function format string public function read string return this gt filesystem gt read this gt file path public function store void this gt filesystem gt store this gt file path this gt format So here is the Bridge It s the connection between the Abstraction and the Implementor It connects one editor to one filesystem But now the two can vary independently We can add multiple editors that all have their own formatting like yaml json or csv And all these editors can use any filesystem to read and store those files So now we can create a FtpFileSystem that reads and stores the formatted content on an FTP server class FtpFileSystem implements FilesystemInterface public function read string file path string Imagine the ultimate FTP file reading code here public function store string file path string file contents void Imagine the ultimate FTP file writing code here By using the Bridge Pattern we ve made it possible to make different implementation combinations A local markdown file editornew MardownEditor new LocalFileSystem local file md An FTP markdown file editornew MardownEditor new FtpFileSystem ftp file md A local WYSIWYG file editornew WysiwygEditor new LocalFileSystem local file html An FTP WYSIWYG file editornew WysiwygEditor new FtpFileSystem ftp file html And if we were to add another AbstractEditor and another FileSystem we d have possible combination while only adding classes Benefits of the Bridge PatternAs we ve seen there are some benefits to using the Bridge Pattern The code is more DRY Don t Repeat Yourself by extracting the Abstraction It is more extendable by creating two separate abstractions that can vary independently The individual classes are smaller and therefore easier to test and understand Similarities with Adapter PatternAnother reason why some have trouble understanding the difference between the Bridge Pattern and the Adapter Pattern is that the connecting part of the bridge actually looks like an Adapter A Client could be seen as the Abstraction as that also delegates to an interface A Target could be seen as the Implementor as this also defines an interface to adhere to An Adapter could be seen as the Refined Implementor because this implements the interface and fulfills the requirements That last one is probably the most confusing as a Refined Implementor can actually be an Adapter to a dependency or Adaptee but this is not required The Refined Implementor will often be a class on its own while an Adapter will always delegate But the two are indeed not mutually exclusive Thanks for readingI hope you enjoyed reading this article If so please leave a ️or a and consider subscribing I write posts on PHP almost every week You can also follow me on twitter for more content and the occasional tip |
2021-10-04 07:05:29 |
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Google Cloud ML Summit 開催のご案内 |
GoogleCloudMLSummit開催のご案内月日火から日間にわたりGoogleCloudMLSummitを開催いたします。 |
2021-10-04 09:00:00 |
Cloud Blog JA |
Recommendations AI データの取り込み |
MerchantCenterデータを使用するときのもうつの制限は、RecommendationsAIで必要なすべての属性が存在しない可能性があることです。 |
2021-10-04 08:00:00 |