python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ChromebookのランチャーからJupyter Notebookを起動できるようにする方法 |
ところが、Anacondaのjupyternotebookのデスクトップエントリnotebookdesktopを登録して、ランチャーから実行するとシェルフに表示されたアイコンが永遠とローディング状態となり一度本体をシャットダウンしないと回目の起動ができないという問題が発生しました。 |
2021-10-11 00:29:27 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
matplotlibのplot_surfaceで100万個ほどのデータなのにメモリエラーが出たので解決策 |
ではzの値が数式でなく数値で与えられていたらどうするか私は・xとyが次元のリスト・zが次元のリスト、lenx×leny個のデータおよびそういう構造の次元の点列を図にしてみようと考えましたそれで、xyというxy座標に対して、randomにz座標を割り振ってみたらどうなるかなと思い、HaruMD氏の例に倣って、xyをmeshgridで処理して何か描けばいいのかなと思いましたfrommatplotlibimportcmfrommpltoolkitsmplotdimportAxesDimportmatplotlibpyplotaspltimportnumpyasnpimportrandomimporttimetxtyXnparraytxnumpy型に変換しますYnparraytyprintstrlenXstrlenY×の配列であると確認しておりますZtzforiinrangeZappendtzforjinrangetzappendrandomuniformtzここを内包表記でスマートに書くと私はミス連発になるので泥臭くやっていますprintprintlenvforvinZこれで配列が何×何なのか分かり易い、と聞いておりますprintZznewnparrayZdtypenpfloat念のため浮動小数点にしておきますprintznew時間計測開始timestatimetime何故か時間を測りますXYnpmeshgridXYHaruMD氏に倣って、meshgridというもので処理しますfigpltfigureaxfiggcaprojectiondsurfaxplotsurfaceXYznewrstridecstridecmapcmcoolwarmplotsurface関数の使い方はこんなもので良いのですかねえpltshow時間計測終了timeendtimetime経過時間秒timtimeendtimestaprinttimcoreiTのPCでも秒で出力されますzの値がランダムなので、もちろん毎回形は違いますこれに関しては上手く行きました大失敗した例・・・普通、次元っていったらxyzで固めとくもんだな・・・それもつつの座標で提示するもんだな・・・なら、xもyもzと同じlenx×leny、つまりこの場合×にしとかないといけないのかなと考えてしまいまして、xyと、予め×の配列にして作ったらどうなるのと思いましたfrommatplotlibimportcmfrommpltoolkitsmplotdimportAxesDimportmatplotlibpyplotaspltimportnumpyasnpfromscipyinterpolateimportgriddataimportrandomimporttimetXnparangeXforiinrangelentXXappendtXiわざわざを中心にするためにずらしましたtYYnparraytYprintstrlenXstrlenY長さは見ておきましょうprintXprintYZforiinrangeZappendrandomuniformprintZfPまさに馬鹿正直にxyzxyz・・・と詰め込むための配列ですtfforjinrangeforiinrangetfappendXitfappendYjtfappendZijfPappendtftfprintprintlenvforvinfPprint使いたい配列の全体はprintfPprintfPprintfPprintfP苦労して配列詰め直してますが、うまく詰め込めたみたいですねxnewynewznewforiinrangelenfPここでまた何故か次元配列に並べ直しましたxnewappendfPiynewappendfPiznewappendfPiprintxnewはprintxnewprintlenxnewprintynewはprintynewprintlenynewprintznewはprintznewprintlenznewxnpnparrayxnewdtypenpfloatynpnparrayynewdtypenpfloatznpnparrayznewdtypenpfloatXmeshYmeshnpmeshgridxnpynp何かmeshgridがいいみたいなんでそうしますprintmeshgridを経たXmeshの形はprintprintlenvforvinXmeshmeshgridを経たXmeshの形はとか書いてありますprintmeshgridを経たYmeshの形はprintprintlenvforvinYmeshmeshgridを経たYmeshの形はとか書いてあります時間計測開始timestatimetimefigpltfigureaxfiggcaprojectiondZmeshgriddataxnpynpznpXmeshYmesh後述するリンク先の方により、griddataというのがいいみたいですねprintgriddataを経たZmeshの形はprintprintlenvforvinZmeshgriddataを経たZmeshの形はとか書いてありますsurfaxplotsurfaceXmeshYmeshZmeshrstridecstridecmapcmcoolwarmpltshow時間計測終了timeendtimetime経過時間秒timtimeendtimestaprintstrtim秒です何か、全然違う形になってしまいましたよ時間も秒くらいと、倍も掛かっていますどこが間違っているのかそもそもXmeshYmeshnpmeshgridxnpynpという関数で何をしているかというと、という横の配列をと、段数をyの要素数だけ増やしという縦の配列をと、列方向にxの数だけ増やしている、そういう役割があるのですつまり、わざわざxyzxyz・・・なんて形にしているのだったら、その段階でxもyも、meshgridと似たようなことをやっただけという事になりますそしてこの時に、meshgridされたxyとxyzxyz・・・から取り出したxx・・・yy・・・で何が違うかというと、meshgridされたものはlenx行leny列にまとまっていますが、xx・・・は次元に並んでいるだけなのです。 |
2021-10-11 00:18:51 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ABC221 C - Swiss-System Tournament から学んだ |
ABCCSwissSystemTournamentから学んだわからん。 |
2021-10-11 00:11:03 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
pythonでヒストグラムをビンまとめ(rebin)する方法 |
結論pythonで、次元ヒストグラムをrebinしたい場合は、要素数を割り切れる数でsplitして平均するか、npconvolveで畳み込みで平滑化するか、つの方法があって、好きな方法で間違えないように使いましょう。 |
2021-10-11 00:04:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
laravelにて、input内の入力が認識されない |
laravelにて、input内の入力が認識されない前提・実現したいことlaravelで確認画面付きのお問い合わせフォームを作っています。 |
2021-10-11 00:46:17 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Laravel クエリビルダで多対多のデータ取得方法について |
Laravelクエリビルダで多対多のデータ取得方法について概要LaravelPHPnbspVuenbspMySQLnbspOSnbspWindowsVuenbspnbspLaravelで多対多のリレーションからデータを取得し、Vueコンポーネントに一覧表示させようとしています。 |
2021-10-11 00:35:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
visual studioによる最大公約数・最小公倍数の求め方 |
visualstudioによる最大公約数・最小公倍数の求め方前提・実現したいことここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-10-11 00:16:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
シートとユーザーフォームの連携 |
シートとユーザーフォームの連携シートのセルに入っている値をユーザーフォームのテキストボックスに表示させたいです。 |
2021-10-11 00:15:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PHPを使用して動的に背景色を表示したい |
PHPを使用して動的に背景色を表示したいお世話になっております。 |
2021-10-11 00:13:38 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Swift Framework 「Sound Analysis」をつかったサンプルアプリが複雑すぎて困っています! |
SwiftFramework「SoundAnalysis」をつかったサンプルアプリが複雑すぎて困っていますサンプルコードをもっと簡単なコードだけに卒研のために、iOSで環境音の認識を行うアプリケーションを作りたいと考えています。 |
2021-10-11 00:11:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Rails6 boootstrap5インストール後にHerokuにデプロイする時にPrecompilingエラーが出る |
Railsboootstrapインストール後にHerokuにデプロイする時にPrecompilingエラーが出るRailsnbspRubynbsponnbspRailsでアプリ制作を行っている初心者です。 |
2021-10-11 00:06:55 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails部分テンプレート(パーシャル)まとめ |
xxxhtmlerbltrenderpartialusercollectionusersgtuserhtmlerbltusernamegtltuseremailgtltuseragegt※書き方ltrenderpartialhogecollection繰り返し表示する要素が入っているインスタンスgt※collectionオプションの部分にeachで回したかった変数を入れる※collectionに指定した変数の要素の分だけ部分テンプレートが繰り返し表示される※collectionオプションを使用した場合、partialで指定したファイルの名前がそのまま部分テンプレート内で使用する変数名になる。 |
2021-10-11 00:22:45 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[IPFS] IPFS分散ファイルシステムを試してみる~その2~ |
ipfsdhtfindprovsコマンドは引数で渡されたコンテンツを保持しているノードやゲートウェイを表示しますので、hellotxtQmWATWQfVPPEFGuUkfnqhYXDYHqyCnJDgvsuを確認してみます。 |
2021-10-11 00:02:57 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rails部分テンプレート(パーシャル)まとめ |
xxxhtmlerbltrenderpartialusercollectionusersgtuserhtmlerbltusernamegtltuseremailgtltuseragegt※書き方ltrenderpartialhogecollection繰り返し表示する要素が入っているインスタンスgt※collectionオプションの部分にeachで回したかった変数を入れる※collectionに指定した変数の要素の分だけ部分テンプレートが繰り返し表示される※collectionオプションを使用した場合、partialで指定したファイルの名前がそのまま部分テンプレート内で使用する変数名になる。 |
2021-10-11 00:22:45 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
React Native と事業速度について React Native Matsuri で喋りました |
reactnative |
2021-10-10 15:30:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
What is TypeScript and why should you care? |
What is TypeScript and why should you care I am sure that in your web development career you must have used JavaScript at least once And I am sure you must have found it very useful and very powerful But what if I say there is another language that is just as powerful as JavaScript and has way lesser bugs when compared to when you use JavaScript in your app That language is TypeScript What is TypeScript TypeScript is a programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft licensed TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript meaning that all the concepts of JavaScript are present in TypeScript which is combined with TypeScript s own concepts that make the language increasingly powerful If you know JavaScript it mustn t be a problem switching to TypeScript as it essentially has the same concepts as JavaScript except a few of TypeScript s own concepts So what are the advantages of using TypeScript Concepts similar to JavaScriptTypeScript has similar concepts as JavaScript which makes the switch seamlessTypeScript is type safeThis means that you have to define the type of the variable before initializing it Making your code type safe decreases the number of bugs evolved in your app over time and makes it cleaner Types give superior integration to your editor which improves editor support meaning increased developer productivity and gives you a better codebase It keeps JavaScript in checkTypeScript keeps your JavaScript in check Meaning that it validates your code before it s even run which gives you an edge over using simple JavaScript Runs on multiple placesTypeScript runs in multiple places It converts your JavaScript which can be run on the web on a phone or on Node js Type InferenceIt uses something called type inference which is nothing but adding types to your code which gives safety enabled without you writing long and additional lines of code making your app faster and scalable It is developed and maintained by MicrosoftTypeScript is developed and maintained by Microsoft and widely used by many companies which means it s nowhere near to reaching its end So you can expect regular updates and fixes to the language Let s move on to some testimonials TypeScript is widely used and loved by developers around the world Here are some testimonials given by popular companies which is another indication that switching to TypeScript is worth it According to Slack the switch to TypeScript made their life a lot easier in terms of bug fixing and productivity They also said Static Analysis which analyzes your code and tries to infer types and warns the developer in advance before the code even runs They were overwhelmed by the amount of bugs found when they were converting their code to TypeScript According to Airbnb TypeScript prevented of the bugs based on their analysis TypeScript lets developers be productive and safe at the same time In StackOverflow s developer survey in TypeScript was declared to be the nd most loved programming languageTypeScript was used by of the State of JS survey and went on to say that they would use it again It was also awarded the Most Adopted Technology based on year to year growth I hope I was able to share some knowledge through this post Thanks for reading Let s connect Twitter |
2021-10-10 15:43:46 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
URL and DNS explained! |
URL and DNS explained IntroductionWhenever you search for any resource website docs images etc on the internet you can see their address in the address bar This address tells us that the particular resource is hosted on that address server The address is called URL and searching the server is done using DNS So in this article we are going to learn about URL and DNS This article is an overview and i haven t got into too much details URLURL stands for Uniform Resource Locator URL is the address of the website which you can find in the address bar of your web browser It is a reference to a resource on the internet be it images hypertext pages audio video files etc For example There are different parts of a URL they are shown in the image below a SchemeThe first part of the URL is the scheme which indicates the protocol that the browser must use to request the resource a protocol is a set method for exchanging or transferring data around a computer network Usually for websites the protocol is HTTPS or HTTP its unsecured version b WWW Sub domain After protocol comes the famous WWW it simply means that the resource you are seeking by the means of this URL resides in the WWW subdomain of your domain name c Domain nameThen the name of the resource owner i e domain name comes which is google in our example d Top level domainDomain name is followed by the type of category in which the owner domain is registered com means that the website which is making this resource available to you is of the commercial nature There are a lot of other types of categories as well For example org for organizational website edu for educational institutions gov for government websites e File PathThe path refers to the exact location of a page post file or other asset The path resides after the hostname and is separated by “ forward slash The path file also consists of any asset file extension such as images jpg or png etc documents pdf or docx and more But it is not compulsory that all URL will display the path DNSDNS is short for Domain Name System Like a phone book DNS maintains and maps the name of the website i e URL and particular IP address it links to Every URL on the internet has a unique IP address which is of the computer which hosts the server of the website requested How DNS works When you type a URL in the browser the following steps take place The browser checks for a DNS record to find the corresponding IP address of the website Once the browser receives the correct IP address it will build a connection with the server that matches the IP address to transfer information The browser sends an HTTP request to the server The server handles the request and sends back a response The browser displays the HTML content ConclusionI really hope that you enjoyed reading this article and learned something from it If you have any doubt or you think i missed something let me know in the comments Feel free to like and share the post You can connect with me on Twitter Namit MalasiLinkedIn Namit MalasiGithub Namit Malasi |
2021-10-10 15:37:00 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Building Your Online Presence |
Building Your Online PresenceBack in October I realized the importance of having an online presence when I saw this tweet on Twitter Daniel Vassallo dvassallo Just crossed ¼of a million sales on Gumroad from products in mo Ads Gumroad fees Affiliate fees Cost of sales Ask me anything I don t have all the answers but I can give you my perspective AM Oct It was really astounding to me when I learned that Daniel Vassallo has made over just by selling couple of his courses on Gumroad and more importantly by leveraging social media It turns out that you can in fact replace your job salary if you effectively use Twitter or any social media application for that matter as a marketing channel for your products As a software developer we spend so much of our time writing tech blogs created websites and apps building SAAS products making YouTube videos so why don t we monetize our side hustle Having an online presence can definitely help us with that it can provide you numerous of opportunities It can give you the freedom to control your time Controlling your time is the highest dividend money pays The Psychology of Money In this article I ll share some of the points that I have learned in last one year that you need to focus on to get started Can t you succeed without having online presence You definitely can I wanted to make this thing clear before moving on There are various ways of making money on the internet these days But the problem is just having a profile blog product or YouTube channel might not be enough for you Sure you can have great content and people might discover it on their own and it becomes a hit but the probability of this happening is less when everyone is surrounded with what I call the Internet noise Your have to stand apart amp to achieve it one of the good ways is to build your credibility on the internet You need to have a group of people who consume the content you re producing You need subscribers to watch the videos you re creating you need audience to read the articles you re writing You need clients to get freelancing gigs A strong online presence allows you to build your brand and credibility that you need to attract more consumers for your work It provides a way for people to find your work easily You don t want to have a killer product that provides so much value but you struggle to sell it I started being active on twitter since July last year and I was tweeting about various topics related to software engineering Seeing my work many people have started to DM me on twitter offering freelance jobs just because I was providing value and they liked what I was posting Even though I was not selling anything except tweeting about my blogs or trying to find a job opportunities started coming my way This is the power of building your credibility To sell your content you should have true fans A true fan is someone who is always ready to buy anything you create just because you ve given them so much value from your work for free in the past Think of this as an example Imagine you have true fans If you create a product which provides worth of value per year you can make k k per year by selling it to your true fans True fans also spread the word about your products voluntarily and there is no bigger marketing than word of mouth from your existing customers itself In the beginning do not worry about true fans in the beginning Just focus on providing value to your audience You ll eventually see them coming your way Tips to Build An Online PresenceHonestly building an online presence is very time consuming process and takes lot of effort hard work and consistency You need to build credibility by providing value through your content You ll have to consistently post quality content and interact with others content as well Here are few tips that will help you get started Pick a social media channel depending on the type of content you want to create YouTube Twitter LinkedIn Instagram etc Pick your niche Topics which your love talking about topics which you re currently exploring a lot or you re an expert at For instance I m a software developer so I generally tweet about programming algorithms etc Post quality content everyday Interact with other players of your niche Eventually big accounts will notice you and they will start interacting with your content And that s how you start growing big Remember consistency is the key Improve your BIO When people hoover over your name in their timeline the first thing they see is your face amp bio YOUR bio is about what you bring THEM Write about how you re helping your followers What will they get if they decide to follow you Follow big players in your niche Before you can talk you first have to listen Follow the players who have x the number of followers you have For example if you have followers follow someone who has k k followers in your niches and see what theytalk about Follow people with high engagement Accounts that consistently get retweets Comment on big players timelines The guys you followed in the previous step use their base to grow yours Whenever you followsomeone you can turn on notifications When they tweet you get a notification Add value to their timeline as quickly as youcan Do this once a day per account max This is going to be your best friend until you hit k followers Do this for several months consistently and see the response you get Keep doing experiments along the way with respect to what kind of posts your audience likes or dislikes Double down on the ones that you will your audience is enjoying a lot But there s one caveat to this experiment Sometimes people interact with something which is very controversial but do not provide any value at all Make sure you do not double down on such things because it can harm your reputation in long run The important thing is to provide value This topic is so big that an investment in a detailed course can help you a lot in getting started better I have mentioned one of the good eBook that I bought and loved and can totally recommend who wants to start out Link at the end of the article What Not to Do While Building Online Presence Initially it might get a little frustrating to keep posting content but not having anyone to see and engage with it The truth is everyone goes through that But believe me if you re creating quality content people will eventually start noticing you In running this long term race many people tend to make mistakes in order to gain some traction early some of which are Copying other s content and posting it as your own without giving credit to the original author Asking follow for follow likes retweets etc Yes people do such things just to increase those follower numbers You will get the numbers but not the true fans Not being consistent with posting their content You have to grind every single day of the weekPosting lot of content without any quality Start selling your products sharing links to your blogs videos from day one Remember that you have to give a lot first before asking for anything These tweets might even result in loosing followers if you overdo it Your audience decided to follow you for your valuable content not for your advertising Avoid making these mistakes and be authentic with your content The eBook I mentioned below talk about these things in detail so if you re very serious around building your own brand you should definitely consider buying it Thanks for reading and all the best for your journey If you re interested to learn more about building an online presence in detail here s one eBook that I found extremely useful It has a good rating as well |
2021-10-10 15:23:36 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
FaceTime calls finally seem to be working in the UAE |
FaceTime calls finally seem to be working in the UAEFaceTime hasn t been available in the United Arab Emirates since Apple launched the technology in but that policy might have eased ーat least for a brief while The APreports FaceTime calls were suddenly working in the UAE as of October th letting those with the app not available on Apple gear sold in the UAE make high quality video and voice calls The feature worked when speaking to people both inside and outside of the country It s not certain if this is a permanent or intentional change Dubai kicked off Expo yes the city knows it s on October st and will keep it running until the end of March ーa gesture like this could encourage visitors who want to keep in touch and show what they ve seen The UAE s Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority has so far been silent about the apparent change however and restrictions appear to largely be intact for rival services like Skype and WhatsApp outside of the fairgrounds Officials have never formally explained the ban Some have suspected it was a simple effort to protect state run telecoms profits particularly in early years when FaceTime would have consumed a disproportionately large amount of bandwidth Others meanwhile have suspected security concerns The UAE is believed to have hacked dissidents iPhones to spy on their activities and live video chats might make that surveillance difficult We wouldn t count on this reprieve lasting long as a result If this does represent a policy change though it could represent either an acknowledgment of changing times or simply a matter of practical necessity Video calls have often been the only way to see friends and family during the COVID pandemic and the UAE ban hasn t helped matters |
2021-10-10 15:56:13 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Why Air Quality Monitors Are the Hot New Back-to-School Accessory |
children |
2021-10-10 15:30:07 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Energy prices: No commitment from Kwarteng on business gas help |
support |
2021-10-10 15:33:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Bottas wins in Turkey as Verstappen retakes title lead from Hamilton |
Bottas wins in Turkey as Verstappen retakes title lead from HamiltonValtteri Bottas wins the Turkish Grand Prix as second place for Max Verstappen returned the Red Bull driver to the championship lead |
2021-10-10 15:29:57 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Italy hold off Belgium to claim third place in Nations League |
belgium |
2021-10-10 15:13:19 |
サブカルネタ |
ラーブロ |
21/268 らーめん 三浦家:特上ラーメン(カタメ、コイメ)、ほうれん草 |
職場復帰 |
2021-10-10 16:05:38 |