Engadget Japanese |
中国政府、暗号通貨マイニング投資を規制 許可制に |
tivelistformarketaccess |
2021-10-11 07:00:48 |
ロボスタ |
JINS「IoTセルフケアメガネ」の新型「MEME」を発表 3点式眼電位センサーや6軸モーションセンサー搭載 何ができる? |
株式会社 |
2021-10-11 07:16:25 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] DXを推進するつもりがない企業との取引、7割以上が「ちゅうちょする」 理由は? |
itmedianewsdx |
2021-10-11 16:53:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] BNPL利用者の7割がクレカも保有 なぜ後払いを使う? |
itmedia |
2021-10-11 16:44:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] オンライン飲み会で女性が困っていること、2位は「家族の存在」、1位は? |
itmedia |
2021-10-11 16:20:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] モバイルSuicaアプリから突然消えた「Google Payチャージ」 |
googlepay |
2021-10-11 16:15:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 日本ユニシス、仮想デスクトップ環境「楽DaaS」販売開始 テレワーク導入や閉域網などでの利用に |
itmedia |
2021-10-11 16:10:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] マクロ撮影のためにiPhone 13 Proにする必要なし? 13 Pro以外でも高精細接写可能にするアプリ登場 |
iphonepro |
2021-10-11 16:08:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia PC USER] テックウインド、多機能Type-Cハブ機能を備えたノートPCスタンド |
itmediapcuser |
2021-10-11 16:08:00 |
Techable(テッカブル) |
融資・補助金での資金調達を支援するSaaS「Scheeme」 |
scheeme |
2021-10-11 07:00:31 |
AWS Japan Blog |
週刊AWS – 2021/10/4週 |
OpenWebApplicationSecurityProjectOWASPのトップカテゴリ等から脆弱性の可能性を指摘する機能と、Banditを使ったコードチェックです。 |
2021-10-11 07:35:46 |
AWS - Japan |
AWSセッション「AWSにおけるGxP対応最新アップデート」 |
開催 |
2021-10-11 07:13:28 |
AWS - Japan |
AWSセッション「製薬企業でのデータ活用による全社DXの実現 - 基盤構築の進め方とAWSサービスの活用」 |
開催 |
2021-10-11 07:12:06 |
AWS - Japan |
協和キリン様「データウェアハウスを基盤とした製造関連データ管理戦略」 |
関連 |
2021-10-11 07:11:15 |
AWS - Japan |
武田薬品工業様「AWSへの完全移行とデータセンタークローズまでのプロセス」 |
武田薬品工業 |
2021-10-11 07:09:08 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
React初心者がReactについて適当にまとめる |
このように、各ファイルをコンポーネントを定義をしておいて、他のファイルから読み込んでパーツを組み合わせるように画面を構築していくことはReact開発の醍醐味だと思います。 |
2021-10-11 16:27:10 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C/C++の階級について |
階級 |
2021-10-11 16:57:39 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
mql4でMT4に装備されているZigZagを使ってEAを作っていますが、うまくZigZagの頂点の価格が引き出せない |
mqlでMTに装備されているZigZagを使ってEAを作っていますが、うまくZigZagの頂点の価格が引き出せない前提・実現したいことmqlでMTに入っているインジケータZigZagを使おうとしています。 |
2021-10-11 16:55:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Nuxt(Vue.js)でFirebaseのプラグインを入れると"window is not defined"と表示される |
NuxtVuejsでFirebaseのプラグインを入れるとquotwindowisnotdefinedquotと表示されるタイトル通りNuxtjsとFirebaseを使ってAuth認証のためにプラグインを入れるとエラーが表示されます。 |
2021-10-11 16:47:51 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ドロップダウンメニューで閉じなければ開けないようにしたい |
ドロップダウンメニューで閉じなければ開けないようにしたい前提・実現したいことJavaScriptでドロップダウンメニューを作成しています。 |
2021-10-11 16:45:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
リリース済みのiphoneAppをiPadからはインストールできないようにしたい。 |
iphone |
2021-10-11 16:45:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
現在表示されているページURLのディレクトリ名を取得して、bodyにクラス名として付与する |
現在表示されているページURLのディレクトリ名を取得して、bodyにクラス名として付与する前提・実現したいことJavaScript初心者です。 |
2021-10-11 16:42:52 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
VBA 各スライドに挿入した動画を自動再生に変更する |
2021-10-11 16:38:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Firebase iOS - 特定のViewを表示したときにデータカウントする良い方法 |
FirebaseiOS特定のViewを表示したときにデータカウントする良い方法前提・実現したいこと・FirebasenbspFireStore・iOSSwiftよくあるSNSのようなものを開発しています。 |
2021-10-11 16:33:27 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
charactercontrollerを使って、当たり判定をしたい。 |
charactercontrollerを使って、当たり判定をしたい。 |
2021-10-11 16:32:49 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Access 読み込み時に並び変えがいいえになる |
access |
2021-10-11 16:30:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
経過日数の終了日の指定、最大値の設定をしたい |
経過日数の終了日の指定、最大値の設定をしたい指定した開始日からのリアルタイムでの経過日数を自動更新で設定、そして終了日を最大値に設定したいのですが、どのように設定すべきかわかりません。 |
2021-10-11 16:14:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Github: 外部からダウンロードしたプロジェクトを自分のGithubで共有する方法 |
Github外部からダウンロードしたプロジェクトを自分のGithubで共有する方法前提・実現したいことandroidnbspstudioでGetnbspfromnbspVersionnbspControlから公式サイトのexampleをダウンロードしました。 |
2021-10-11 16:12:50 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[Python/C API]Cで作成した可変長引数を使った関数のラップ処理とPythonで呼び出し |
PythonCAPICで作成した可変長引数を使った関数のラップ処理とPythonで呼び出しやりたいこと・知りたいことやりたいこと表題にある通り、Cで作った可変長引数動的引数のある関数をPythonで使用したい。 |
2021-10-11 16:12:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
httpd.serviceでエラーが出ます。 |
httpdserviceでエラーが出ます。 |
2021-10-11 16:10:21 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Formを経由したBasic認証をかけたい |
Formを経由したBasic認証をかけたいとあるサイトで特定のページにBASIC認証をかけたいと考えています。 |
2021-10-11 16:05:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
iOSアプリにおいて他のアプリケーションの利用時間を取得することは可能なのか? |
他のアプリケーションを利用した時間を計測する機能を実装することは可能なのでしょうかまた、それはどのような方法で実装すればいいのでしょうかざっくりでいいので回答お願いします。 |
2021-10-11 16:04:39 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
まずはココから!Azure IoT を効率良くかつ段階的に学ぶ「コツ」 |
何故、「難しい」のか一番多く聞く理由は「ドキュメントを読んでみたけれど、途中で良く分からない用語が沢山でてきて断念しました。 |
2021-10-11 16:46:12 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Control Tower環境下でSecurityHubのセキュリティ基準・コントロール無効化を自動化する |
awsfoundationsbenchmark |
2021-10-11 07:48:38 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
7 Formats for Great Team Retrospectives |
Formats for Great Team RetrospectivesA team retrospective is a meeting at the end of a sprint project or milestone where the team reflects on the past work cycle and identifies improvements It involves celebrating achievements to raise the team spirit gathering feedback on challenges and planning how to execute better in upcoming sprints or projects Retrospectives are essential for continuous improvement and team growth Retrospective meetings are structured to facilitate team discussions and beneficial outcomes They usually start with an introduction then input from each team member is gathered presented and discussed and finally the next steps are determined Gathering input usually happens in parallel Guided by the questions of a retrospective format each team member writes up their thoughts on sticky notes and puts them on a whiteboard or the digital equivalent in remote meetings I ve had the opportunity to participate in facilitate and experiment with several retrospective formats Some formats are better for regular occurrences e g at the end of sprints and others can be great to mix things up e g after finishing a large project Here are my thoughts on and experiences with seven retrospective formats that you can use regularly The StandardWhat went well What did not go well What can we improve The standard format covers the main areas positives negatives and improvements with solid questions and is easy to understand However it can get boring over time and a tendency to focus on negative experiences and improvements can cause celebrations to fall short The Standard with Token of AppreciationWhat went well What did not go well What can we improve Who do you appreciate for their contributions A variant of the Standard retrospective that helps appreciate the team and its achievements is the token of appreciation In addition to the three questions every team member can call out others for their contributions They would then receive a token of appreciation e g a flower or chocolate and positive feedback from the team This variant can help make the standard retrospective more positive and strengthen the team spirit Start Stop ContinueWhat should we start What should we stop What should we continue Start Stop Continue is another widespread retrospective format It is very solution oriented and focuses on changes in the form of starting and stopping activities Positives and negatives are discussed for that purpose when needed The strength of Start Stop Continue is that it aims in on changes and leaves room for bringing in new ideas However this retrospective format might not go deeply into causes and problems which may or may not be desired Another drawback is that celebration and appreciation are not a direct part of this format StarfishWhat should we start What should we do more What should we continue What should we do less What should we stop The Starfish retrospective is an extension of Start Stop Continue It adds the What should we do more and What should we do less questions that often come up Typically it is represented by splitting the whiteboard into five areas the starfish and the team members put up their sticky notes in the corresponding regions While the Starfish retrospective improves on Start Stop Continue it still lacks in the problem and appreciation areas In addition having to categorize ideas into do less vs stop upfront is often not helpful LWhat did you like What have you learned What was lacking What did you long for The L retrospective is more positive than the Standard retrospective and it encourages knowledge sharing through the What have you learned question In practice the difference between lacking and long for is relatively small and unclear and there is a L retrospective that leaves out the What did you long for question Mad Sad GladWhat made you mad What made you sad What made you happy The Mad Sad Glad retrospective format uses the team members emotions to draw out problems identify positives and build team cohesion that way Mad Sad Glad can work well when used on occasion However when used every cycle it can lead to repeated venting and frustrations especially when some of the issues that make team members unhappy are outside the team s control and not easily changeable In this case the team might focus on their negative emotions more than on improving things under their control Happy Discuss ImproveWhat was I happy with What ideas and topics would I like to discuss What do I think needs to be improved The Happy Discuss Improve retrospective is a format that my team and I came up with after experiences with the above formats It creates a positive atmosphere of appreciation improvement and openness needed to bring in new ideas and discuss problems Wording the questions from the I perspective emphasizes that everyone has their own viewpoints and supports a balanced discussion Overall we were very happy with this format It worked well for remote retrospectives One possible enhancement to Happy Discuss Improve could be to add a token of appreciation There are many different retrospective formats and I have only described a small subset Which team retrospectives work best for you and what do you like about them |
2021-10-11 07:47:06 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
2 Modules in Nebula Graph: Scheduler & Executor |
Modules in Nebula Graph Scheduler amp ExecutorYou may have learned the optimizer of Nebula Graph s query engine in the last article In this article we will introduce how the Scheduler and the Executor the last two modules of the query engine are implemented OverviewIn the execution phase the execution engine uses the Scheduler to transform a physical execution plan generated by the Planner into a series of Executors to drive their execution Each PlanNode in a physical execution plan has a corresponding Executor Structure of Source FilesThe source code of the Scheduler is under the src scheduler directory src scheduler├ーAsyncMsgNotifyBasedScheduler cpp├ーAsyncMsgNotifyBasedScheduler h├ーCMakeLists txt├ーScheduler cpp└ーScheduler hThe Scheduler abstract class defines the common interfaces of the schedulers which can inherit the features from the class to implement various types of schedulers The AsyncMsgNotifyBasedScheduler scheduler has been implemented By using the asynchronous message communication and breadth first search algorithm it can be prevented from stack overflow errors The source code of the Executor is under the src executor directory src executor├ーadmin├ーalgo├ーCMakeLists txt├ーExecutionError h├ーExecutor cpp├ーExecutor h├ーlogic├ーmaintain├ーmutate├ーquery├ーStorageAccessExecutor cpp├ーStorageAccessExecutor h└ーtest ProcessFirst the Scheduler starts the traversal of the entire execution plan from its root node by using the breadth first search algorithm and builds their notification mechanism according to the dependencies between nodes During the execution phase each node will be scheduled to be executed after being notified that all the nodes it depends on have been executed successfully For a node once executed it will notify its dependent nodes until the entire plan is executed successfully void AsyncMsgNotifyBasedScheduler runExecutor std vector lt folly Future lt Status gt gt amp amp futures Executor exe folly Executor runner std vector lt folly Promise lt Status gt gt amp amp promises const folly collect futures via runner thenTry exe pros std move promises this auto amp amp t mutable if t hasException return notifyError pros Status Error t exception what auto status std move t value auto depStatus checkStatus std move status if depStatus ok return notifyError pros depStatus Execute in current thread std move execute exe thenTry pros std move pros this auto amp amp exeTry mutable if exeTry hasException return notifyError pros Status Error exeTry exception what auto exeStatus std move exeTry value if exeStatus ok return notifyError pros exeStatus return notifyOK pros Each Executor goes through four phases “create “open “execute and then “close createIn the “create phase an appropriate Executor will be generated according to the node type openIn the “open phase before the execution starts the Executor is initialized the slow queries are terminated and the memory watermark is checked When using Nebula Graph you can use kill to terminate a query so the status of the current execution plan must be checked before the execution of each Executor If the plan is in the killed status the execution will be terminated Before the execution of each query Executor it is necessary to check whether the amount of free memory has fallen below the watermark If the watermark is reached the execution will be terminated which may avoid OOM Status Executor open if qctx gt isKilled VLOG lt lt Execution is being killed session lt lt qctx gt rctx gt session gt id lt lt ep lt lt qctx gt plan gt id lt lt query lt lt qctx gt rctx gt query return Status Error Execution had been killed auto status MemInfo make NG RETURN IF ERROR status auto mem std move status value if node gt isQueryNode amp amp mem gt hitsHighWatermark FLAGS system memory high watermark ratio return Status Error Used memory ldKB hits the high watermark lf of total system memory ldKB mem gt usedInKB FLAGS system memory high watermark ratio mem gt totalInKB numRows execTime totalDuration reset return Status OK executeThe input and output of a query Executor are in the form of tables DataSet The execution of an Executor is based on the iterator model which means that for each calculation the next method of the iterator of the input table is called to retrieve a row of data and then the calculation is performed Such a process is repeated until the traversal of the entire input table is done The results of the calculations are constructed into a new table and output to the next Executor as its input folly Future lt Status gt ProjectExecutor execute SCOPED TIMER amp execTime auto project asNode lt Project gt node auto columns project gt columns gt columns auto iter ectx gt getResult project gt inputVar iter DCHECK iter QueryExpressionContext ctx ectx VLOG lt lt input lt lt project gt inputVar DataSet ds ds colNames project gt colNames ds rows reserve iter gt size for iter gt valid iter gt next Row row for auto amp col columns Value val col gt expr gt eval ctx iter get row values emplace back std move val ds rows emplace back std move row VLOG lt lt node gt outputVar lt lt lt lt ds return finish ResultBuilder value Value std move ds finish If the input table of the current Executor cannot be used by the other Executors as their input the memory occupied by the table will be dropped in the execution phase to reduce memory usage void Executor drop for const auto amp inputVar node gt inputVars if inputVar nullptr Make sure use the variable happened before decrement count if inputVar gt userCount fetch sub std memory order release Make sure drop happened after count decrement CHECK EQ inputVar gt userCount load std memory order acquire ectx gt dropResult inputVar gt name VLOG lt lt Drop variable lt lt node gt outputVar closeAfter the execution of an Executor is done some collected execution information such as execution time and the number of rows in the output table is added to the profiling statistics You can run a PROFILE statement and then view the statistics in the returned result Execution Plan optimize time us id name dependencies profiling data operator info Project ver rows execTime us totalTime us outputVar colNames VertexID player age name Project type DATASET inputVar TagIndexFullScan columns VertexID AS VertexID player age TagIndexFullScan ver rows execTime us totalTime us outputVar colNames VertexID player age name TagIndexFullScan type DATASET inputVar space dedup false limit filter orderBy schemaId isEdge false returnCols vid age indexCtx columnHints index id filter Start ver rows execTime us totalTime us outputVar colNames type DATASET name Start So far the explanation of the query engine source code has been completed Next time we will explain the implementation of some features of Nebula Graph If you encounter any problems in the process of using Nebula Graph please refer to Nebula Graph Database Manual to troubleshoot the problem It records in detail the knowledge points and specific usage of the graph database and the graph database Nebula Graph |
2021-10-11 07:26:16 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
10 Amazing Tips to become a great programmer |
Amazing Tips to become a great programmer A good programmer is someone who always looks both ways before crossing a one way street Doug LinderLet me start by saying that I do not consider myself to be a competent coder I consider my coding abilities to be mediocre and I am still learning and have a long way to go before I am even remotely satisfied with them Yes I am better at programming than a lot of others but that is just because they are lazy and choose to sit about idle all day instead of programming Their dreadful abilities make my less dreadful abilities appear fantastic So most of the tips I will mention below are lessons learnt from failed endeavours they are what I have wanted to be and I am not So lets dive in Read More Tips to become a great programmer |
2021-10-11 07:21:33 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Laravel Jetstream database session with multiple user table |
Laravel Jetstream database session with multiple user tableIf you are using Jetsream you might notice that there is a feature called Browser Sessions This feature allow the user to view the browser sessions associated with their account Plus the user may revoke other browser sessions other than the one being used by the device they are currently using So what is the problem The problem is that when multiple guard authentication happen session is stored only based on user primary key in user id column Based on component Jetstream LogoutOtherBrowserSessionsForm the logic is where if there are guard with same id is stored and one of the guard user click revoke session in Jetstream both of the session would be deleted It would be nice if the session table accept polymorphic relationship How about the solution So i decide to came out a solutionCreate a custom session driver to override database session used by Laravel default database session managerAlter current session to accept polymorphic relationImplement polymorphic relation to LogoutOtherBrowserSessionsForm Lets get startedIf you are not using database driver for session this article might not for you Create a custom session driverSo let s start by looking at Illuminate Session DatabaseSessionHandler You will notice that there is method addUserInformation to add user id to the payload of session table This is where we can extend this class and override this method to add our polymorphic relation Create a class name as DatabaseSessionHandler extend from Illuminate Session DatabaseSessionHandler Override addUserInformation and add to the payload with morph column We might want to keep the parent method to keep the old session driver Here the full snippet lt phpclass DatabaseSessionHandler extends Illuminate Session DatabaseSessionHandler protected function addUserInformation amp payload if this gt container gt bound Guard class payload authenticable id this gt userId payload authenticable type this gt container gt make Guard class gt user gt getMorphClass return parent addUserInformation payload Done extending the DatabaseSessionHandler Now registering the DatabaseSessionHandler is done through a provider which is set up the same way as the built in Illuminate Session DatabaseSessionHandler Im using name “database as a driver name You may freely change the driver name as you wish lt phpclass SessionServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider public function boot Session extend database function app return new DatabaseSessionHandler app db gt connection app config session connection app config session table app config session lifetime app Now the custom session database driver is now registered Create Alter Session Migration TableLets start with by publishing a migration for session table if not exist gt php artisan session tableThe content of the session would look like thisSchema create sessions function Blueprint table table gt string id gt primary table gt foreignId user id gt nullable gt index table gt string ip address gt nullable table gt text user agent gt nullable table gt text payload table gt integer last activity gt index You would notice this migration doesn t come with polymorphic relationship This is where we need to alter the table Add morphs relation named it as authenticableSchema create sessions function Blueprint table table gt string id gt primary table gt nullableMorphs authenticable add this table gt foreignId user id gt nullable gt index table gt string ip address gt nullable table gt text user agent gt nullable table gt text payload table gt integer last activity gt index I would suggest not to remove the user id column because we shared session table In case you want to revert back to original session database driver it wont be a problem Unless you specify another table for new session driver In case you already have session table you might want to alter the table Just create another migration to alter the table gt php artisan make migration alter session table table sessionsYou might need to delete all the existing session Just add DB truncate before migration happen You may follow like below lt phpclass AlterSessionTable extends Migration Run the migrations return void public function up DB table sessions gt truncate Schema table sessions function Blueprint table table gt after id function Blueprint table table gt nullableMorphs authenticable Reverse the migrations return void public function down Schema table sessions function Blueprint table table gt dropMorphs authenticable Change session driver in env fileAt this point you can change session default driver to your new custom session driver QUEUE CONNECTION SESSION DRIVER database You may try to login and you will notice in your session driver table the morph column started to filled in Customize LogoutOtherBrowserSessionsForm Jetstream Let s take a look at Jetstream LogoutOtherBrowserSessionsForm class The red line shows the logic used to display and revoke session in the browser session feature As mention the query is not handling multi table or multi guard which cause see session of others Let s create new livewire component and extend this class gt php artisan make livewire LogoutOtherBrowserSessionsFormNow alter the file and extend to Jetstream class lt phpuse Laravel Jetstream Http Livewire LogoutOtherBrowserSessionsForm as BaseLogoutOtherBrowserSessionsForm class LogoutOtherBrowserSessionsForm extends BaseLogoutOtherBrowserSessionsForm Override both method deleteOtherSessionRecords and getSessionsProperty to meet the requirement Adding extra query and fix some logic and it will look like this lt phpnamespace App Http Livewire use Illuminate Support Carbon use Illuminate Support Facades Auth use Illuminate Support Facades DB use Illuminate Support Str use Laravel Jetstream Http Livewire LogoutOtherBrowserSessionsForm as BaseLogoutOtherBrowserSessionsForm class LogoutOtherBrowserSessionsForm extends BaseLogoutOtherBrowserSessionsForm Delete the other browser session records from storage return void protected function deleteOtherSessionRecords if Str contains config session driver database return DB connection config session connection gt table config session table sessions gt where authenticable id Auth user gt getAuthIdentifier gt where authenticable type Auth user gt getMorphClass gt where id request gt session gt getId gt delete Get the current sessions return Illuminate Support Collection public function getSessionsProperty Illuminate Support Collection if Str contains config session driver database return collect return collect DB connection config session connection gt table config session table sessions gt where authenticable id Auth user gt getAuthIdentifier gt where authenticable type Auth user gt getMorphClass gt orderBy last activity desc gt get gt map function session return object agent gt this gt createAgent session ip address gt session gt ip address is current device gt session gt id request gt session gt getId last active gt Carbon createFromTimestamp session gt last activity gt diffForHumans Ok now everything is set up Once verified the browser session shows only the one i m using logged in based on guard Means that our custom session are working fine That s it Hope its help Thanks for your time References |
2021-10-11 07:10:19 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Ethical Hacking Roadmap - A Beginners Tutorial |
Ethical Hacking Roadmap A Beginners TutorialWho is an Ethical Hacker An ethical hacker is a computer network specialist who deals with the security posture of an organization His job involves eliciting security flaws in the organization he is working for by testing all aspects of the system and its services for any sort of vulnerabilities The key point to notice is that all this is done with the permission of the owners of the organization and without any malicious intent An ethical hacker is also known as a white hat hacker and is the stark opposite of a black hat hacker a k a crackers who hack with the sole purpose of bringing about some sort of disruption or chaos from the vulnerabilities they find Read More Ethical Hacking Roadmap A Beginners Guide |
2021-10-11 07:07:18 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
AWS open source news and updates #85 |
AWS open source news and updates October th Instalment Newsletter This week we have an interesting gaming flavour to this newsletter with a couple of projects that are influenced or are directly related to gaming We also have other new open source projects including one that shows you how you can run an OpenVSCode Server for AWS Graviton This weeks blog post and tutorials cover Apache Airflow Apache Spark Apache Kafka Apache Ranger Apache Flink OpenSearch Apache Lucene PostgreSQL AWS CDK and Kubernetes For those interested in machine learning we have a literal Feast for you in a nice post covering the open source project Feast We also have a great post for those of you looking who are applying the open source way of working internally sometimes referred to as Innersource so make sure you check that post out as it is really nice Finally we have some new events added so check those out and a couple of videos that you will want to bookmark view With KubeCon happening this week make sure you check out the Container Day These are always packed full of the latest updates and great presentations from the containers team at AWS Container Day x KubeConNext week the AWS Kubernetes team is back for the next instalment of Container Day x KubeCon a full day of sessions on Amazon EKS and Kubernetes at AWS In this live and virtual Twitch event the AWS Kubernetes team hosted by developer advocates Justin Garrison and Jesse Butler will be covering new launches demoing products and features and answering your questions Read more in the post Save the date Container Day x KubeCon to find out about the sessions and you can sign up here to be reminded when things kick off Celebrating open source contributorsThe articles posted in this series are only possible thanks to contributors and project maintainers and so I would like to shout out and thank those folks who really do power open source and enable us all to build on top of what they have created So thank you to the following open source heroes Starr Shaw John Kennedy Nico Triballier Michael Hamilton Joe Losinski Eng Hwa Tan Raffa aka Picster Debashish Chakrabarty Akash Verma Ian Mckay Naga Appani Chinmayi Narasimhadevara Uma Ramadoss Willem Pienaar Matt Asay Marcus Eagan Henry Robalino Varun Rao Bhamidimarri Jalpan Randeri Virginia Chu Hunter Tom Om Prakash Jha and Michael HausenblasMake sure you find and follow these builders and keep up to date with their open source projects and contributions Latest open source projectsvscode spoty armyvscode spoty army Gitpod is a great open source project that helps you to tun upstream VS Code on a remote machine with access through a modern web browser from any device anywhere via the OpenVSCode Server project This project from Eng Hwa Tan will help you to deploy an OpenVSCode Server for AWS Graviton arm with spot instance using Amazon ECS cloudkeeper ckuicloudkeeper ckui this project really impressed me last week and got me thinking should game designers be hired by all projects organisations to help design their UI s Cloudkeeper is an open source project that indexes resources captures dependencies and maps out your AWS infrastructure in a graph so that it s understandable for a human Raffa aka Picster shared news last week on Reddit about a new project he is working on a UI for this project Check out the thread in Reddit or the video that provides a glimpse of what you can see Planet StormPlanet Storm from application of a games UI to an actual game This project provides an example game called Planet Storm that is imagined as a D physics based side scrolling platformer inspired by the s IREM classic “Moon Patrol It uses the Open D Engine ODE engine and the developers behind this Starr Shaw and John Kennedy share how you can build this yourself in the blog post We Also Make Games AWS First Internal ODE Game is Now Available aws instance scheduleraws instance scheduler if you ever needed to schedule the stopping and starting of EC and RDS resources across your AWS accounts then this project is what you have been looking for This helps reduce operational costs by stopping resources that are not in use and starting resources when their capacity is needed It provides a solution for Cross Account and Cross Region scheduling EC and RDS instances clusters using SSM Automation Runbooks glue workflow aws cdkglue workflow aws cdk this repository contains an example that creates a Glue Workflow containing multiple crawlers glue jobs and triggers for the workflow The workflow is manually triggered but the script can be updated to run on a cron schedule Follow the blog post Field Notes How to Build an AWS Glue Workflow using the AWS Cloud Development Kit from Michael Hamilton and Joe Losinski to get started AWS and Community blog postsKubernetesVirginia Chu and Hunter Tom write in their post Simplifying Kubernetes configurations using AWS Lambda how to create a multi stage Dockerfile that uses eksctl kubectl and aws auth Why would you want to do that This will help you manage your Amazon EKS clusters dynamically using a Lambda function rather than installing kubectl or eksctl on a local machine Additionally all container images are stored in a versioned format as infrastructure as code I also read this post from Okta Secure Access to AWS EKS Clusters for Admins from Nico Triballier In this tutorial Nico shows you how you can use OpenID Connect OIDC to allow developers to securely access Amazon EKS clusters on AWS OpenSearchAWS Hero and open sourcerer Ian Mckay put together this blog post Migrating to OpenSearch with CloudFormation on how to migrate from an Elasticsearch domain to an OpenSearch domain hands on Apache LuceneIt was great to see this post from former colleague Matt Asay and Marcus Eagan from MongoDB diving deep on how MongoDB Atlas uses Apache Lucene within Atlas Search Read the post How AWS and MongoDB collaborate to unlock the power of Apache LuceneInnersourceInnerSource is the term for the emerging practice of organisations adopting the open source methodology and tools in order to build their applications I was very excited to read Building an InnerSource ecosystem using AWS DevOps tools from Debashish Chakrabarty and Akash Verma The post discusses how to build a model InnerSource ecosystem that leverages multiple AWS services such as CodeBuild CodeCommit CodePipeline CodeArtifact and CodeGuru along with other AWS services and open source tools such as the InnerSource Portal from SAP The post provides a nice tool the codecommit crawler innersource that provides a custom crawler for AWS CodeCommit that generates the repos json that can be used by the SAP InnerSource Portal hands on FeastFeast is an open source feature store and a fast convenient way to serve machine learning ML features for training and online inference Feast lets you build point in time correct training datasets from feature data allows you to deploy a production grade feature serving stack to AWS and simplifies tracking features models are using Willem Pienaar Principal Engineer at Tecton and creator of Feast created a post Getting started with Feast an open source feature store running on AWS Managed Services that does what it says on the tin walks you through how you can use Feast using a real time credit scoring example Apache AirflowA couple of Apache Airflow posts this week neither by me covering some cool topics that I often hear developers wanting to know how to do First up we have Uma Ramadoss who has put together this post Automating a DAG deployment with Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow that goes beyond just creating a simple CI CD pipeline for your workflows and includes how you test them and then how you automate the deployment and updating of your MWAA environments Super useful hands on To follow that we have Henry Robalino who wrote Using Okta as an identity provider with Amazon MWAA which shows you how you can integrate an existing identity provider in this instance Okta to authenticate via AWS SSO to your Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow Amazon MWAA environments Very nice post indeed hands on Apache Flink Apache KafkaChinmayi Narasimhadevara walks you through how to create stream processing applications using Apache Flink in this hands on post Query your Amazon MSK topics interactively using Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Studio Apache Flink is an open source framework and engine for processing data streams and in the post she walks you through creating some example applications to interact with streaming data from Apache Kafka in Scala Python and SQL Apache RangerApache Ranger is an open source project that provides security capabilities for Hadoop clusters and in this post Authorize SparkSQL data manipulation on Amazon EMR using Apache Ranger from Varun Rao Bhamidimarri and Jalpan Randeri you will learn more about how Amazon EMR has introduced additional authorising capabilities for data manipulation statements with Apache Ranger PostgreSQLNaga Appani has put together this post Tune sorting operations in PostgreSQL with work mem where he talks about how and where to identify queries that are suboptimal such as ones that require sorting on disk and how to use various optimisation techniques to improve performance What is work mem Read the post to find out what it is and why it is important in how you optimise your queries AWS CDKOm Prakash Jha writes in his post Align with best practices while creating infrastructure using CDK Aspects how if you are utilising AWS CDK to provision your infrastructure you can apply some best practices to not only to evaluate compliance of your resources against the best practices but also modify their state to make them compliant before they are created Quick updatesApache SparkAmazon EMR now supports Apache Spark SQL to insert data into and update Apache Hive metadata tables when Apache Ranger integration is enabled In January we launched Amazon EMR integration with Apache Ranger a feature that allows you to define and enforce database table and column level permissions when Apache Spark users access data in Amazon S through the Hive Metastore Previously with Apache Ranger is enabled you were limited to only being able to read data using Spark SQL statements such as SHOW DATABASES and DESCRIBE TABLE Now you can also insert data into or update the Apache Hive metadata tables with these statements INSERT INTO INSERT OVERWRITE and ALTER TABLE PostgreSQLAmazon Relational Database Service Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL now supports PostGIS major version This new version of PostGIS is available on PostgreSQL versions and higher PostGIS allows you to store query and analyse geospatial data within a PostgreSQL database PostGIS significantly improves performance such as spatial joins which now run up to X faster on PostgreSQL As an example you could use a spatial join to count the number of people living in an area defined by the reception of mobile phones from radio towers PostGIS is the new default version on PostgreSQL and higher starting with the new minor versions However you can still create older versions of PostGIS in your PostgreSQL database e g if you require version stability UbuntuAmazon EC now supports Hibernation for Ubuntu LTS operating system Hibernation allows you to pause your EC Instances and resume them at a later time rather than fully terminating and restarting them Resuming your instance lets your applications continue from where they left off so that you don t have to restart your OS and application from scratch Hibernation is useful for cases where rebuilding application state is time consuming e g developer desktops or an application s start up steps can be prepared in advance of a scale out For Ubuntu LTS Hibernation is supported for On Demand Instances running on C C C Cd I M M M Ma Mad Md R R R Ra Rad Rd T T and Ta with up to GB of RAM Video of the weekThis week we have Michael Hausenblas session at the Swiss Cloud Native Day where he gave this session How open source made observability mainstream Following that we have this recorded workshop from Provectus Amazon SageMaker and Open Source Tools for ML Better Together WorkshopsHadoop on KubernetesIf you have not seen or worked through this workshop EMR on EKS Workshop then it provides a nice entry point into running some of the open source analytics tools such as Apache Spark on Kubernetes Events for your diaryComing up later this week we have Container Day x KubeConOctober th AM PM PDT The AWS Kubernetes team is back for the next instillment of Container Day x KubeCon a full day of sessions on Amazon EKS and Kubernetes at AWS In this live and virtual Twitch event the AWS Kubernetes team hosted by developer advocates Justin Garrison and Jesse Butler will be covering new launches demoing products and features and answering your questions Sign up to be reminded when things kick off GraphQL API security best practices with AWS AppSync and AWS Amplifyth October am AESTAs a developer the most important parts of managing your applications should always include enhancing performance while strengthening security In this webinar we take you through security best practices for your GraphQL API s with AWS AppSync and AWS Amplify providing you with an understanding of how these can be applied to your applications In this session you will learn about GraphQL Protocol and how to configure a schemaPossible ways to authenticate and authorise access to GraphQL APIsHow to configure network security for your APIHow to enable observability for your API with logging tracing or auditingTo register for this event use this link Flink Forwards Global October th thFlink Forward Global is a day virtual conference for the Apache Flink and stream processing communities Apache Flink is an open source distributed engine for processing data streams that can support both streaming and batch workloads Flink Forward has keynote presentations and talks on production Flink use cases technical deep dive sessions and the growth of the Flink ecosystem You can meet core Flink committers new and experienced users and thought leaders who share experiences and best practices in stream processing real time analytics and the management of mission critical Flink deployments in production Read more and sign up here Databricks AWS Lakehouse Dev Day Live WorkshopNovember th AM PTDelta Lake is an open source storage layer that provides ACID transactions scalable metadata handling and unifies streaming and batch data processing You can use Delta Lake on top of your existing data lake During this workshop you will learn how to Make your existing Amazon S data lakes into a lakehouse with Delta Lake Provide an easy to use platform for analysts to directly query data on your data lake using SQL AnalyticsSimplify and automate data pipelines for streaming and batch data to lower costs and boost productivity for your data teamsRead more and sign up here Stay in touch with open source at AWSI hope this summary has been useful Remember to check out the Open Source homepage to keep up to date with all our activity in open source by following us on AWSOpen |
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