Engadget Japanese |
マイクロソフト、Surface用に独自Armチップ開発中?求人情報から可能性が浮上 |
linkedin |
2021-10-18 08:00:28 |
ロボスタ |
楽天がドローンパイロットを育成「楽天ドローンアカデミー みなかみ校」12月開校 コースは2種類、国家資格の取得コースも計画中 |
国家資格 |
2021-10-18 08:02:28 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] コロナワクチン生産過程で「ヤマサ」が“隠し味” mRNA合成に重要な核酸を製造 |
itmedia |
2021-10-18 17:41:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] mini LED搭載の液晶テレビ「アクオス エックスレッド」、シャープが近日発表 |
aquosxled |
2021-10-18 17:40:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 「コロナ補助金で病院黒字化」実態 患者1人当たり5900万円の例も |
itmedia |
2021-10-18 17:35:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 東海エリアの「住み続けたい街ランキング」 2位は「三重県伊勢市」、1位は? |
itmedia |
2021-10-18 17:10:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia Mobile] 預け入れたポイントを増やせる「楽天ポイント利息」開始 利率は年0.108% |
itmediamobile |
2021-10-18 17:03:00 |
lambdaタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
LocalStackを使ってローカル環境でS3を立ち上げ、Lambdaでファイルをアップロードしてみた |
オブジェクトのファイル単位での出し入れが可能なので、その場に応じて自由な使い道が想定され、より柔軟なデータ保存が実行できるのが特徴となっている。 |
2021-10-18 17:30:17 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Fixstars Amplify SDKで、東京観光の最適巡回ルートを求めてみた! |
上記の画像の例ではすでに、コスト総移動時間が最適値をとるような、バイナリ変数の組み合わせが示されていますが、実際はこのような、バイナリ変数を用いて、目的関数・制約条件の定式化を行い、それをイジングマシンで求解し、バイナリ変数の値の組み合わせを求めるといった流れになります。 |
2021-10-18 17:29:22 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
JavaScriptのclass |
JavaScriptのclassはじめに初学者です。 |
2021-10-18 17:38:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
for文で三角形を作りたい |
for文で三角形を作りたいfor文で枠のみの三角形を作りたいがここに質問の内容を詳しく書いてください。 |
2021-10-18 17:57:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
CSSで記述した疑似要素を:hoverした時に消したい |
CSSで記述した疑似要素をhoverした時に消したい前提・実現したいことプログラミング初学者です。 |
2021-10-18 17:57:25 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
laravel ビルダクエリの取得順がランダムになってしまう |
laravelビルダクエリの取得順がランダムになってしまう以下のデータ取得で得られる結果がランダムになってしまいます。 |
2021-10-18 17:53:23 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python:数字と文字の間にスペースを挿入したい |
python数字と文字の間にスペースを挿入したい前提・実現したいことpythonnbspXを勉強し始めた初心者です。 |
2021-10-18 17:38:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
unityでwheelColliderをスクリプト制御したい |
unityでwheelColliderをスクリプト制御したい前提・実現したいことUnityの質問です。 |
2021-10-18 17:25:35 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python github ValueError |
clone |
2021-10-18 17:25:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
マウススクロールでの武器切り替えについて |
マウススクロールでの武器切り替えについて前提・実現したいことUnityでFPSゲームを作ろうとしています。 |
2021-10-18 17:16:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Visual Studioでファイルをインクルードしたい |
2021-10-18 17:09:56 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
OculusQuest2にてリアル空間で動いた際に移動した際VR内での移動量を同じにしたい。 |
OculusQuestにてリアル空間で動いた際に移動した際VR内での移動量を同じにしたい。 |
2021-10-18 17:01:19 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
キーワード検索とタグ機能の両立 |
キーワード検索とタグ機能の両立前提キーワード検索機能GeekSalon教材タグ検索機能以上を実装済みコードpostscontrollerrbdefindexpostsPostalltagsTagallpostspostswherebodyLIKEparamssearchifparamssearchpresentもしタグ検索したら、postidsにタグを持ったidをまとめてそのidで検索ifparamstagidspresentpostidsparamstagidseachdokeyvalueifvalueTagfindbynamekeypostseachdoppostidsltltpidendendendpostidspostidsuniqキーワードとタグのAND検索postspostswhereidpostidsifpostidspresentendend以上で完成。 |
2021-10-18 17:54:17 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
LocalStackを使ってローカル環境でS3を立ち上げ、Lambdaでファイルをアップロードしてみた |
オブジェクトのファイル単位での出し入れが可能なので、その場に応じて自由な使い道が想定され、より柔軟なデータ保存が実行できるのが特徴となっている。 |
2021-10-18 17:30:17 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
キーワード検索とタグ機能の両立 |
キーワード検索とタグ機能の両立前提キーワード検索機能GeekSalon教材タグ検索機能以上を実装済みコードpostscontrollerrbdefindexpostsPostalltagsTagallpostspostswherebodyLIKEparamssearchifparamssearchpresentもしタグ検索したら、postidsにタグを持ったidをまとめてそのidで検索ifparamstagidspresentpostidsparamstagidseachdokeyvalueifvalueTagfindbynamekeypostseachdoppostidsltltpidendendendpostidspostidsuniqキーワードとタグのAND検索postspostswhereidpostidsifpostidspresentendend以上で完成。 |
2021-10-18 17:54:17 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
ChaliceをCDKでデプロイする |
apigatewy |
2021-10-18 08:55:15 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Amplify + S3でSwagger UIのAPIドキュメントを簡単に共有する方法 |
amplify |
2021-10-18 08:33:17 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
CSA Data Uploaderが「既存情報から日付・タイムスタンプ列を作成」「混在する日付・タイムスタンプ列のデータ書式を統一」に対応しました |
csadatauploader |
2021-10-18 08:00:42 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
First Open Source Contribution Doesn't Have To Be Hard. |
First Open Source Contribution Doesn x t Have To Be Hard It s October and we all know what it s all about Hacktoberfest People are busy celebrating open source and making contributions Contributions Wondering how to get started with your first open source contribution You re in the right place Keep scrolling Let s get to it step by step So what exactly is Hacktoberfest Hacktoberfest is a month long celebration of open source software run by DigitalOcean in partnership with GitHub and Twilio It encourages participation in the open source community which grows bigger every year Complete the challenge by contributing and getting pull requests merged and earn a limited edition T shirt It is open to everyone in our global community Four quality pull requests must be submitted to public GitHub repositories Don t know how to use git github Sounds cool Now it s time for your first step Mashithandu tinkerhubmace mashithandu A repo for beginners to do their first contribution in GitHub mashithanduTable of contentsAbout this repoStudents InstructionsFork this repoContributeCreate a pull requestCampus InstructionsCreate a GitHub organization for your chapter if it doesn t exist Fork this repo to your organizationCreate a folderLock main branchTeach git and GitHubAsk Students to do their first contributionReview the PRsOccasionally send PRs to the repo in TinkerHub OrgResourcesAbout this repoThis is a repo for beginners to experience the path of open source contributionStudents InstructionsFork this repoCreate a fork of this repo to your account search StackOverflow on how to Fork a repo in GitHubContributeAdd your contribution to the repo by editing the contents of the folder with your campus name Contact your campus lead for exact instructionsCreate a pull requestAfter committing and pushing your changes go to your fork and create… View on GitHubCelebrating this വിദ്യാരംഭം Make your First contribution to the Mashithandu project Here is how to contribute to Mashithandu Step Head over to this link and simply follow the instructions provided there Step There is no step It s easy as that Loved contributing How about one more then WikiSyllabus gtechatfg WikiSyllabus A collaborative project to build an evolving website wiki to host enhance link extend amp update the university syllabus to help students find a way to connect their education to what s new in the industry WikiSyllabus Take your syllabus onlineA collaborative project to build an evolving website wiki to host enhance link extend amp update the university syllabus to help students find a way to connect their education to what s new in the industry How to Contribute Contributors Thanks goes to these wonderful people emoji key Chaitanya Liz Uma V Menon Angel Rose This project follows the all contributors specification Contributions of any kind welcome View on GitHubWikiSyllabus is a collaborative project to build an evolving website wiki to host enhance link extend amp update the university syllabus to help students find a way to connect their education to what s new in the industry Head over to this link for further instructions on how to contribute Love OpenSource Here are some more repos to contribute ️Join US Instagram LinkedIn Twitter |
2021-10-18 08:42:46 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
A deep dive into Javascript Object properties |
A deep dive into Javascript Object propertiesIn this post we ll take a dive to see how objects are created then we ll talk about some interesting properties of object s properties but first let s start by taking a look at how we usually create an objects using object literals const car numberplate We have created an object containing a property numberplate with a value of Behind the scene javascipt is using Object create method to create this object This is how it looks like const car Object create Object prototype numberplate writable true enumerable true configurable true value The two snippets of code above are absolutely equivalent and you can see why we use object literals but let s take a moment to understand what is happening in the second snippet As a first argument the Object create takes the object which should be the prototype of the newly created object since we don t have want any prototypal inheritance we specify that it should take the default object prototype More interestingly the second argument specify the property descriptors to be added to the newly created object with the corresponding property names Note that you can also use Object defineProperties or Object defineProperty to specify property descriptors for any given object More on it here and here Let s see what each property descriptor is responsible of Property descriptors WritableThe writable property descriptor defines whether the property in this case numberplate value can be changed from its initial value use strict const car numberplate Object defineProperty car numberplate writable false car numberplate gt Uncaught TypeErrorNote that if you don t use strict mode with use strict in the exemple above the interpreter will not throw an error and the value will not be changed There is a caveat to be aware of The writable property descriptor stops the pointer of the property from moving that means if the property points toward an object the members of that object can still be changed for exemple use strict const plane numberplate value Object defineProperty plane numberplate writable false plane numberplate value plane numberplate value gt plane numberplate gt Uncaught TypeError EnumerableBy default object properties are enumerable so we can enumerate over them with for in loops and we can get them as an array with Object keys Note that the difference between these two ways of getting the enumerable properties is that Object keys returns only an array with the own properties of the object while the for in loop returns also the keys found in the prototype chain const car numberplate brand Koenigsegg Object defineProperty car numberplate enumerable false Object keys car gt brand Setting enumerable to false will also affect the JSON serialisation of the property as it won t be serialised That can be useful in some cases ConfigurableThe configurable descriptor of a property prevents the descriptors of that given property ex platenumber from being changed Also it prevents the property from being deleted from the object Let s see an exemple use strict const car numberplate Object defineProperty car numberplate configurable false delete car numberplate gt Uncaught TypeErrorObject defineProperty car numberplate enumerable false gt Uncaught TypeErrorObject defineProperty car numberplate configurable true gt Uncaught TypeErrorOnce you set the configurable descriptor of a property to false you can not switch it back to true later One caveat to be aware of is that even if you set configurable to false you still can change the writable descriptor ValueFinally the value descriptor is here to set or change the value of the property use strict const car numberplate Object defineProperty car numberplate value car numberplate gt Setter and getter GettersAnother useful thing you could also do with Object create or Object defineProperty or Object defineProperties is implementing setters and getters Let s see how we can do it const point x y Object defineProperty point position get function return this x this y point position gt To create a getter you set the get attribute to a function this function is our getter Settersconst point x y Object defineProperty point position set function pointArray this x this y pointArray point position point x gt point y gt Like we did for the getter to implement a setter we set the set attribute to a function that takes an argument the argument is the value you want to set Note that when you set a getter or setter for a property it can t have a writable or a value property descriptor See below Object getOwnPropertyDescriptor point position gt enumerable false configurable false get ƒ set ƒ Notice that when you set a getter or a setter the enumerable and configurable descriptors are automatically set to false So you may want to set the getters and the setters in the same expression or manually set configurable to true while implementing them That s it for this post I hope you liked it If you did please share it with your friends and colleagues Also you can follow me on twitter at theAngularGuy as it would greatly help me Next week we will talk about ES classes and how they compare to constructor functions so make sure to stay around Have a nice day and see you soon What to read next CSS Grid illustrated introduction Mustapha Aouas・Sep ・ min read css webdev tutorial beginners |
2021-10-18 08:40:58 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Running out of memory when running `craco build` on bitbucket pipline |
Running out of memory when running craco build on bitbucket piplinegot this error when deploying the branch in gitlab changes made before the deployment were in package json scripts start craco start build craco build test craco test eject react scripts eject format prettier write src ts x lint tsc noEmit amp amp eslint src ts x later fixed this error by modifying the above script as follows scripts start craco max old space size start build craco max old space size build test craco test eject react scripts eject format prettier write src ts x lint tsc noEmit amp amp eslint src ts x am new to craco I have used craco to customize the antd theme and followed the guidelines mention in their documentation later on I went through the usage of craco but still I don t have complete knowledge in craco I need some explanation why it has not given an error without craco and it s giving an error when using craco so does this mean craco will consume more memory than using react script start |
2021-10-18 08:21:17 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
AWS open source news and updates #86 |
AWS open source news and updates October th Instalment Newsletter This week we have a very broad variety of topics Starting off with some fresh open source projects such as cfn diagram aws jwt verify damo aws dotnet deploy automated account configuration BayerCLAW and more For mains we have new AWS and community authored posts on MySQL OpenSearch NET miniwdl OpenMRS Apache Hudi Apache Spark ROS cdks Jax Deep Graph Library and more Finally for pudding we have this weeks video that provides an insight into contributing to Apache Airflow and we have some new events added so check those out and add them to your diary Celebrating open source contributorsThe articles posted in this series are only possible thanks to contributors and project maintainers and so I would like to shout out and thank those folks who really do power open source and enable us all to build on top of what they have created So thank you to the following open source heroes Ian Avilez Tim Pavlick Jarek Potiuk Ash Berlin Taylor Norm Johanson Trivikram Kamat Madhavan Sriram Diego Menin Gabriele Cacciola Kunal Gautam Mike Lin Lee Pang Krishna Singh Razvan Ionasec Archis Joglekar Sean Morgan Eddie Zaneski Rohin Bhargava Gopala Krishna Saikumar Karanam François Bouteruche and Nik Krichko Make sure you find and follow these builders and keep up to date with their open source projects and contributions Latest open source projectscfn diagramcfn diagram whilst I did cover this project back in Feb I was notified by Lars from Mathem that there was now a new capability ascii graphics aws jwt verifyaws jwt verify this project provides a NodeJS library for verifying JWTs signed by Amazon Cognito and any OIDC compatible IDP that signs JWTs with RS currently only signature algorithm RS is supported aws appconfig codepipeline cdkaws appconfig codepipeline cdk this project provides a sample application demos setup of AWS AppConfig using AWS CDK AWS AppConfig application is set up to use AWS CodePipeline as configuration store It also sets up AWS Lambda validator to validate the configuration aws cloud map mcs controller for ksaws cloud map mcs controller for ks this project that snuck out late last week AWS Cloud Map multi cluster service discovery for Kubernetes Ks is a controller that implements existing multi cluster services API that allows services to communicate across multiple clusters The implementation relies on AWS Cloud Map for enabling cross cluster service discovery BayerCLAWBayerCLAW this project from the Bayer Group is a workflow orchestration system for AWS targeted at bioinformatics pipelines A workflow consists of a sequence of computational steps each of which is captured in a Docker container Some steps may parallelise work across many executions of the same container scatter gather pattern damodamo this is a cool project damo is a user space tool for DAMON Using this you can monitor the data access patterns of your system or workloads and make data access aware memory management optimisations aws dotnet deployaws dotnet deploy this repository contains the AWS NET deployment tool for NET CLI the opinionated tooling that simplifies deployment of NET applications with minimum AWS knowledge The tool suggests the right AWS compute service to deploy your application to It then builds and packages your application as required by the chosen compute service generates the deployment infrastructure deploys your application by using the Cloud Development Kit CDK and displays the endpoint Norm Johanson has put together a couple of blog posts First we have Update on our new AWS NET Deployment Experience which provides you with an update of the recent updates to this project Following that we have Deployment Projects with the new AWS NET Deployment Experience that walks you through a new feature of this project deployment projects hands on automated account configurationautomated account configuration this project is the Automated Account Configuration a sample solution to enable operational scale for AWS customers by automating repeatable steps required before AWS accounts are used for customer workloads Steps include setting up backups and patching for the resources within the account AWS and Community blog postsMySQLNik Krichko has put together this post Comparing Graviton ARM Performance to Intel and AMD for MySQL that takes a closer look at running MySQL against different instance types on AWS to see what the different performance characteristics are If you are running MySQL workloads you should check this out no spoilers but very interesting indeed headless recorderAmazon CloudWatch Synthetics to create canaries configurable scripts that run on a schedule to monitor your endpoints and APIs Canaries offer programmatic access to a headless Google Chrome Browser via Puppeteer or Selenium Webdriver Amazon provides a CloudWatch Synthetics Recorder to help you create canaries more easily The recorder is a Google Chrome extension and based on the open source project Headless recorder In this post Visual monitoring of applications with Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics Mahanth Jayadeva and Yesh Ravindra walk through how the visual monitoring blueprint for Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics can be utilised to monitor your applications for visual defects hands on NETMy colleague François Bouteruche is back with another instalment of the story of My Local Farmer a fictional company inspired by customer interactions with AWS Solutions Architects This episode Migrating our trusty ol NET Framework applications to AWS I couldn t believe it takes a look at a number of open source projects you can use to help move your NET workloads over to AWS Tres bien cdksPerfect timing with Kubecon last week was Eddie Zaneski in his post Announcing the general availability of cdks and support for Go For those who may not be familiar with cdks this is a CNCF Sandbox project an open source software development framework for defining Kubernetes applications using general purpose programming languages The output of a CDKs program is Kubernetes YAML that you can apply directly to any cluster OpenSearchRohin Bhargava Gopala Krishna and Saikumar Karanam provide a brief overview of the cross cluster replication feature within OpenSearch and the thought process behind the design and implementation Read on in Introduction to Cross Cluster ReplicationJaxJAX is NumPy on the CPU GPU and TPU with great automatic differentiation for high performance machine learning research In this post Train and deploy deep learning models using JAX with Amazon SageMaker Archis Joglekar and Sean Morgan show how you can utilise the Bring Your Own Container BYOC paradigm to train ML models on GPUs using the increasingly popular JAX library from Google As a bonus the post shows how to serialise trained models into the TensorFlow SavedModel format so that we can use the existing TensorFlow Serving infrastructure provided by SageMaker hands on Deep Graph LibraryIan Avilez and Tim Pavlick from HawkEye provide some insights in how they are using the open source Deep Graph Library and Amazon Neptune to find risks for nearby ships in the post HawkEye predicts vessel risk using the Deep Graph Library and Amazon Neptune The graph networks in Neptune and GNN models enable HawkEye to reveal hidden relationships among vessels that would otherwise be lost in the vast sea of complexity Read on to find out more OpenMRSOpenMRS is a collaborative open source project to develop software to support the delivery of health care In the post Deploying OpenMRS Electronic Health Record EHR system on AWS Krishna Singh and Razvan Ionasec explore how to deploy a OpenMRS EHR system on AWS so you can support hundreds of concurrent HCP users and tens of thousands of patients hands on miniwdlThe Workflow Description Language WDL is a way to specify data processing workflows with a human readable and writeable syntax WDL makes it straightforward to define analysis tasks chain them together in workflows and parallelise their execution miniwdl is a local runner and developer toolkit for the bioinformatics focused Workflow Description Language WDL In the blog post Using miniwdl GWFCore and SageMaker Studio as a cloud IDE for genomics workflows written by Mike Lin and Lee Pang will show you how you can combine these open source tools together with AWS to build workflows and manage ad hoc analysis runs Apache HudiApache Hudi is an open source data management framework used to simplify incremental data processing and data pipeline development In this case study from Amazon s Transportation service they share how they enabled near real time event analytics at petabyte scale using Apache Hudi tables created by AWS Glue Spark jobs For data analytics afficiondos read on in How Amazon Transportation Service enabled near real time event analytics at petabyte scale using AWS Glue with Apache Hudi warning may contain gratuitous use of graphs AWS SDKsTrivikram Kamat shares how they were able to reduce the publish size of v SDK for Javascript modular packages by in the post How we halved the publish size of modular AWS SDK for JavaScript clients A must read this week Open DataWhilst not open source open data sets help democratise access to data by making it available to the public for analysis on AWS develop new cloud native techniques formats and tools that lower the cost of working with data and encourage the development of communities that benefit from access to shared datasets In the post Climate data koala genomes analysis ready radar data and highly queryable genomic data The latest open data on AWS Joe Flasher shares new data sets released Quick updatesApache SparkAmazon EMR release version now supports Apache Spark and provides runtime improvements with Amazon EMR Runtime for Apache Spark Amazon EMR provides Presto runtime improvements for PrestoDB and runtime improvements for Apache Hive when you use AWS Glue Data Catalog for your metastore Amazon EMR supports Apache Hudi Trino PrestoDB Apache HBase Apache Phoenix Apache Flink Apache Livy JupyterHub Apache Zookeeper and Apache MXNet Please see our release guide to learn more ActiveMQYou can now launch Apache ActiveMQ brokers on Amazon MQ This version update to ActiveMQ contains several fixes and improvements compared to the previously supported version ActiveMQ AWS CDKDuring September new versions of the AWS Cloud Development Kit CDK for JavaScript TypeScript Java Python NET and Go were released v through v With these releases the CDK CLI now has support for hotswap deployments for faster inner loop development iterations on the application code in your CDK project Hotswap initially supports AWS Lambda handler code but support is planned for additional resource types and a “watch mode which continually watches for changes and deploys any updates Additionally users can preserve successfully provisioned resources by disabling automatic stack rollbacks further reducing deployment and iteration time These releases also resolve issues and introduce new features that span over different modules across the library Many of these changes were contributed by the developer community Read the full release notes for ROSAWS RoboMaker a service that allows customers to simulate robotics applications at cloud scale now supports GPU based simulation jobs for compute intensive simulation workloads such as high fidelity simulation vision processing and machine learning ML Previously AWS RoboMaker simulation jobs ran only on central processing unit CPU instances now you can choose between a CPU based or GPU based simulation job Developers can run scale and automate GPU based simulations GPU based simulations support higher frames per second higher resolutions lower sensor latencies and faster simulation job completion times than CPU based simulation jobs These capabilities enable improved sensing by cameras and realistic rendering needed for use cases such as ML model training reinforcement learning and testing use cases that require high fidelity simulations When running a GPU based simulation job the AWS RoboMaker GUI tool viewer now supports higher resolutions enabling you to see simulated objects in greater detail Also new AWS RoboMaker now supports expanded configuration for any robot and simulation software Previously Robot Operating System ROS and Gazebo are the only supported robot and simulation software configuration in RoboMaker This new feature enables customers to use and configure any robot and simulation software of their choice while running simulations in RoboMaker To use this feature you select General software suite for Robot application and Simulation runtime for Simulation Application By choosing the Simulation Runtime configuration RoboMaker bypasses validations for any specific robot or simulation software and provides generic simulation features such as sourcing files to the simulation environment logging launching simulation tools and streaming tool GUIs Video of the weekWant to contribute to Apache Airflow Find out more as to how this works by checking out this video where Jarek Potiuk and Ash Berlin Taylor Apache Airflow maintainers walk you through why developer and contributor experience matters for Apache Community projects such as Apache Airflow and what they have done together with other members of the community to improve it Events for your diaryEnterprise Scale NLP with Hugging Face amp SageMakerOctober th PM BST In this workshop Getting Started with Amazon SageMaker Training your first NLP Transformer model with Hugging Face you will learn how to use Amazon SageMaker to train a Hugging Face Transformer model and deploy it afterwards The workshop covers preparing and uploading test dataset to S fine tuning a script to be used with Amazon SageMaker Training jobs launching a training job and storing the trained model into S and then deploying the model after successful training Everything you need will be provided so read more and register using this link Flink Forwards Global October th thFlink Forward Global is a day virtual conference for the Apache Flink and stream processing communities Apache Flink is an open source distributed engine for processing data streams that can support both streaming and batch workloads Flink Forward has keynote presentations and talks on production Flink use cases technical deep dive sessions and the growth of the Flink ecosystem You can meet core Flink committers new and experienced users and thought leaders who share experiences and best practices in stream processing real time analytics and the management of mission critical Flink deployments in production Read more and sign up here Databricks AWS Lakehouse Dev Day Live WorkshopNovember th AM PTDelta Lake is an open source storage layer that provides ACID transactions scalable metadata handling and unifies streaming and batch data processing You can use Delta Lake on top of your existing data lake During this workshop you will learn how to Make your existing Amazon S data lakes into a lakehouse with Delta Lake Provide an easy to use platform for analysts to directly query data on your data lake using SQL AnalyticsSimplify and automate data pipelines for streaming and batch data to lower costs and boost productivity for your data teamsRead more and sign up here Stay in touch with open source at AWSI hope this summary has been useful Remember to check out the Open Source homepage to keep up to date with all our activity in open source by following us on AWSOpen |
2021-10-18 08:15:56 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Build an Ecommerce Store with Next.js, Auth0 and Cloudinary |
Build an Ecommerce Store with Next js Auth and CloudinaryMultimedia content optimization is the process of delivering high quality media files in the right dimension size and format without sacrificing quality When poorly optimized the images and videos in your websites can lead to a poor user experience loss of traffic and low SEO rankings In this article we will learn how Cloudinary enables us to serve fast loading images and videos through their CDN We will also learn to set up user authentication with Auth and create responsive components with Chakra UI We will combine these technologies to develop an eCommerce application We completed the project demo in a codesandbox You can find the deployed version here and the codebase in this Github repo Prerequisites InstallationHaving some knowledge of and experience with React js and Chakra UI are required to follow the steps in this article We will use the images and videos hosted on Cloudinary so you will need a Cloudinary account Auth will handle the user authentication through their universal login service so you must create an account As I mentioned earlier we will be using Next js in this project so we need to scaffold a new Next js application We will also use the following packages in the application cloudinary react s Video component to display videos Auth s Next js SDK to handle the user authentication Chakra UI to create the user interface We install the required packages in our application using the CLI command npm i chakra ui cloudinary react auth nextjs auth Creating the HomepageThe homepage consists of a header and a hero section the header consists of the logo and a login sign in button and the hero consists of the website copy on the left and an image on the right We can see the appearance of the homepage in the image below Let s begin by creating the layout for the homepage import Box Container from chakra ui react import HomeHeader from components Headers Home export default function HomeLayout children return lt Box gt lt Container maxW xl gt lt HomeHeader gt children lt Container gt lt Box gt For the homepage layout we create a component HomeLayout HomeLayout consists of a HomeHeader component and the children we will pass into it later HomeLayout is where the hero section will sit Creating the Homepage HeaderNext we create the homepage header import NextLink from next link import Box Flex Button from chakra ui react import Logo from svgs Logo export default function HomeHeader return lt Box gt lt Flex gt lt NextLink href rel noopener noreferrer target blank gt lt a gt lt Logo gt lt a gt lt NextLink gt lt Flex gt lt Box gt The HomeHeader component is made up of the Logo We will add a login button later in the article Creating the Hero SectionNow we move on to the hero section import Stack Flex Box Heading Text Image from chakra ui react import HomeLayout from layout Home export default function Home return lt HomeLayout gt lt Stack gt lt Stack flex spacing base md gt lt Heading lineHeight fontWeight fontSize xl xl xl gt Get your perfect companion lt Text as span color blue gt today lt Text gt lt Heading gt lt Text color gray fontSize lg gt Buyng a pet is a big decision and we are here to help you through the process It s time to add a new love to your family Discover the right pet for you It s time to find your new best friend lt Text gt lt Stack gt lt Flex gt lt Box gt lt Image alt Hero Image fit cover align center w h src f auto w auto v Hackmamba Images hero jpg gt lt Box gt lt Flex gt lt Stack gt lt HomeLayout gt The hero image is gotten from our Cloudinary media repository Let s breakdown the URL of the image q auto produces a high quality image with a minimal the file size f auto delivers the image in the best format supported by the browser w auto serves images proportional to users device resolution and screen sizes Creating the DashboardThe dashboard consists of a header sidebar and dashboard view that contains the products The header consists of the logo and a button to toggle the sidebar The sidebar consists of a link to illustrate how a dashboard looks in a full scale application Let s start by creating the layout of the dashboard import useMediaQuery Box Stack from chakra ui react import Header from components Headers Dashboard import Page from Page import DesktopSidebar MobileSidebar from components DashboardSidebar export default function DashboardLayout children const isSmallScreen useMediaQuery max width px return lt Box w full gt lt Header gt lt Box pos relative h max content gt lt Stack direction row spacing md gt lt DesktopSidebar gt isSmallScreen amp amp lt MobileSidebar gt lt Page gt children lt Page gt lt Stack gt lt Box gt lt Box gt The dashboard layout consists of two dashboards a mobile dashboard and another for desktops We create a DashboardLayout component and use Chakra s useMediaQuery hook to set up a isSmallScreen boolean We show the mobile sidebar when isSmallScreen is true when the max width is px The Dashboard Context and Interactivity FlowBefore we continue building the dashboard we need to understand its flow We want to add some interactivity to the dashboard to boost the user experience We want to be able to toggle the width of the desktop sidebar We also want the mobile sidebar to slide in and out when toggled A core aspect of this functionality is a sidebar context which we will create The value of the sidebar context is gotten from Chakra UI s useDisclosure hook useDisclosure is a custom hook used to help handle common open close or toggle scenarios When setting up the sidebar we will create and export a useSidebarAuth hook that consumes the sidebar context and makes its values accessible throughout the application We will pass the useSidebarAuth hook to a SidebarToggleButton component which we will create later SidebarToggleButton will enable us to toggle the sidebar context s isOpen value when clicked We will pass SidebarToggleButton to the dashboard header later Whenever a user clicks the SidebarToggleButton we alter the behavior of the desktop or mobile sidebars based on the current value of isOpen The flow chart image below shows us how the sidebar context works with the dashboard components and how we will set up the interactivity Creating the Sidebar ContextNow that we understand the sidebar context and how it is used in the dashboard let us set up the context import createContext useContext from react import useDisclosure from chakra ui react const SidebarContext createContext null export const useSidebarAuth gt useContext SidebarContext export default function SidebarContextProvider children const sidebarState useDisclosure return lt SidebarContext Provider value sidebarState gt children lt SidebarContext Provider gt As stated earlier we use the useDisclosure hook to set up the context and export a useSidebarAuth hook that consumes the context Creating the Sidebar Toggle ButtonThe next thing we need to do is create the SidebarToggleButton component import Icon IconButton from chakra ui react import CgClose CgMenu from react icons cg import useSidebarAuth from context sidebarContext export default function SidebarToggleButton const onToggle isOpen useSidebarAuth const icon isOpen CgClose CgMenu return lt IconButton size sm fontSize lg variant ghost onClick onToggle icon lt Icon as icon gt aria label Toggle Actions transition all s ease in out gt As explained earlier when SidebarToggleButton is clicked the isOpen value of the context is toggled Creating the Dashboard HeaderNext we set up the dashboard header import NextLink from next link import Flex Spacer Stack Button Link from chakra ui react import SidebarToggleButton from components SidebarToggleButton import Logo from svgs Logo export default function DashboardHeader return lt Flex h vh minH px pos sticky top zIndex gt lt Stack direction row w full alignItems center spacing gt lt NextLink href rel noopener noreferrer target blank gt lt a gt lt Logo gt lt a gt lt NextLink gt lt SidebarToggleButton gt lt Stack gt lt Flex gt As I explained with the flow chart we add the SidebarToggleButton component to the dashboard header Creating the Desktop SidebarThe dashboard has two sidebars one for mobile devices and another for desktop devices Let s start with the desktop sidebar import useRouter from next router import useSidebarAuth from context sidebarContext export default function Sidebar const router useRouter return lt Stack minH full h vh pos sticky top vh display none initial transition width s ease in out gt lt NavLink active router pathname name Home href icon IoHomeSharp gt lt Stack gt We want the desktop sidebar to be hidden on mobile so we set the display to none Creating the Mobile SidebarWe make use of Chakra s Drawer component to set up the mobile sidebar import useEffect from react import useRouter from next router import Drawer DrawerCloseButton DrawerContent DrawerOverlay from chakra ui react import useSidebarAuth from context sidebarContext import FullNavLink from FullNavLink export default function MobileSidebar const router useRouter const isOpen onClose useSidebarAuth useEffect gt router events on routeChangeComplete onClose return gt router events off routeChangeComplete onClose return lt Drawer isOpen isOpen onClose onClose placement left gt lt DrawerOverlay display initial none gt lt DrawerContent layerStyle neutral py bg gray gt lt Stack spacing fontSize sm gt lt DrawerCloseButton gt lt FullNavLink active router pathname name Home href icon IoHomeSharp gt lt Stack gt lt DrawerContent gt lt DrawerOverlay gt lt Drawer gt Next js provides a router event routeChangeComplete which we use to toggle the mobile sidebar when a link is clicked The Dashboard View Before we proceed we need to break down the dashboard view The dashboard view consists of the DashboardLayout component we set up earlier a grid of products in a ProductCard component and a ModalProduct component Let s set up the dashboard view import useState from react import Box SimpleGrid from chakra ui react import motion from framer motion import ProductCard from components ProductCard import DashboardLayout from layout Dashboard import ModalProduct from components ModalProduct import data from root data const MotionSimpleGrid motion SimpleGrid const MotionBox motion Box export default function Dashboard const modalData setModalData useState null return lt DashboardLayout gt lt Box gt lt MotionSimpleGrid gt data map product gt lt MotionBox variants cardVariant key product id gt lt ProductCard product product setModalData setModalData gt lt MotionBox gt lt MotionSimpleGrid gt lt ModalProduct isOpen modalData true false onClose gt setModalData null modalData modalData gt lt Box gt lt DashboardLayout gt Let s breakdown the snippet above We define a modalData state where the data of the clicked product will be stored We pass setModalData and the product data to the ProductCard component We will use this to update the modalData state with the data from the current product being clicked We pass an isOpen boolean an onClose method and and the modalData state to the ModalProduct component The value of isOpen depends on the value of modalData If modalData is null then isOpen is false When ProductCard is clicked it triggers ModalProduct and causes ModalProduct to pop up Here s a sample of the data we map through and pass to ProductCard const data title First Pet price img f auto w auto Hackmamba Images pet jpg video Hackmamba Videos pet title Second Pet price img f auto w auto Hackmamba Images pet jpg video Hackmamba Videos pet other data objects below Creating the ProductCard and ModalProduct ComponentNow that we understand how ProductCard and ModalProduct work let s create them Let s start with setting up ProductCard import Image from next image import Box Flex from chakra ui react import StarIcon from chakra ui icons export default function ProductCard product setModalData const img beds baths title price product const score Math floor Math random const reviewCount Math floor Math random return lt Flex gt lt Box onClick gt setModalData product gt lt Box gt lt Image src img objectFit cover alt picture of an animal layout fill objectFit cover gt lt Box gt lt Box p gt lt Box gt title lt Box gt lt Box gt price lt Box gt lt Box d flex mt alignItems center gt Array fill map i gt lt StarIcon key i color i lt score teal gray gt lt Box as span ml color gray fontSize sm gt reviewCount reviews lt Box gt lt Box gt lt Box gt lt Box gt lt Flex gt As stated earlier we pass setModalData to ProductCard When ProductCard is clicked the modalData state is updated with the data of the product card that was clicked Next let s set up ModalProduct To do that we use Chakra UI s Modal component import Modal ModalOverlay ModalContent ModalHeader ModalFooter ModalBody ModalCloseButton Button useToast from chakra ui react import Video from cloudinary react export default function ModalProduct isOpen onClose modalData const title price video modalData const toast useToast const handleModalClose gt toast title Purchase successsful description One more happy pet status success duration isClosable true setTimeout gt onClose return lt Modal isOpen isOpen onClose onClose size xl gt lt ModalOverlay gt lt ModalContent gt lt ModalCloseButton gt lt ModalHeader gt Pet Details lt ModalHeader gt lt ModalBody gt lt Box w full h full gt lt Video controls publicId video width crop scale gt lt Box pt gt lt Box gt title lt Box gt price lt Box gt lt Box gt lt ModalBody gt lt ModalFooter gt lt Button onClick handleModalClose gt Purchase lt Button gt lt ModalFooter gt lt ModalContent gt lt Modal gt Earlier we passed isOpen onClose and modalData to ModalProduct from the dashboard view In the snippet above we access them through props We use isOpen and onClose to set up the modal and pass the data from modalData to the appropriate parts of ModalProduct We also define a function handleModalClose and pass it to the modal s purchase button The handleModalClose function displays a success toast and closes the modal when it is called User AuthenticationAs stated earlier we will use Auth to handle the user authentication in this application Auth has provided a guide on how to work with their Next js SDK The useUser hook exports two objects user and error and an isLoading boolean user contains information about the authenticated user We use isLoading to check if the SDK has completed loading We use the error object to check if there were any authentication errors We will use the logged in user profile in the following parts of our application the index js pagethe homepage headerthe dashboard headerThe Index js PageWhen the user logs in from the homepage we want to redirect them to the dashboard route We set up a useEffect and check if user exists If it does we redirect the user to the app route import useEffect from react import HomePage from views Home import useUser from auth nextjs auth import useRouter from next router export default function Home const user useUser const router useRouter useEffect gt if user router push app user router return lt div gt lt Head gt lt title gt Hackmamba PetShop lt title gt lt Head gt lt HomePage gt lt div gt The Homepage HeaderHere we conditionally show the logout and login buttons We show the login button if there is no user and the logout button if there is a logged in user import NextLink from next link import Box Flex Button from chakra ui react import Logo from svgs Logo import useUser from auth nextjs auth export default function HomeHeader const user isLoading useUser return lt Box gt lt Flex gt lt NextLink href rel noopener noreferrer target blank gt lt a gt lt Logo gt lt a gt lt NextLink gt isLoading amp amp user amp amp lt NextLink href api auth login passHref gt lt Button as a bg blue hover bg blue gt Sign In Log in lt Button gt lt NextLink gt user amp amp lt NextLink href api auth logout passHref gt lt Button as a bg blue hover bg blue gt Logout lt Button gt lt NextLink gt lt Flex gt lt Box gt The Dashboard HeaderHere we show the logout button when a user is logged in import NextLink from next link import Flex Spacer Stack Button Link from chakra ui react import SidebarToggleButton from components SidebarToggleButton import useUser from auth nextjs auth import Logo from svgs Logo export default function DashboardHeader const user useUser return lt Flex gt lt Stack direction row w full alignItems center spacing gt lt NextLink href rel noopener noreferrer target blank gt lt a gt lt Logo gt lt a gt lt NextLink gt lt SidebarToggleButton gt lt Spacer gt user amp amp lt Link href api auth logout gt lt Button bg blue hover bg blue gt Logout lt Button gt lt Link gt lt Stack gt lt Flex gt ConclusionWe learned how to use Auth Next js Chakra UI and Cloudinary to create an eCommerce application We also learned how to add interactivity to our applications and make them responsive with Chakra UI s useDisclosure and useMediaQuery hooks Further ReadingYou can learn more about the technologies used from the links below CloudinaryReact video transformationsImage optimizationcloudinary reactAuthHow to authenticate Next js apps with Auth The ultimate guide to Next js authentication with AuthNext jsGetting started with Next jsContent created for the Hackmamba Jamstack Content Hackathon |
2021-10-18 08:14:51 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
5 lines of CSS style for disabled elements.(from Material Design) |
lines of CSS style for disabled elements from Material Design If I are creating a form with HTML sometimes I wanted to disable a text box for users Here came the disabled attribute Disabled ControlsThe Boolean disabled attribute when present makes the element not mutable focusable or even submitted with the form The user can neither edit nor focus on the control nor its form control descendants If the disabled attribute is specified on a form control the element and its form control descendants do not participate in constraint validation Often browsers grey out such controls and it won t receive any browsing events like mouse clicks or focus related ones Read only controlsWhat about read only controls The difference between disabled and readonly is that read only controls can still function and are still focusable whereas disabled controls can not receive focus and are not submitted with the form and generally do not function as controls until they are enabled Required fieldsWhat about required controls Because a disabled field cannot have its value changed required does not have any effect on inputs with the disabled attribute also specified Additionally since the elements become immutable most other attributes such as pattern have no effect until the control is enabled Note The required attribute is not permitted on inputs with the disabled attribute specified Material DesignMaterial Design is a design language developed by Google in Expanding on the cards that debuted in Google Now Material Design uses more grid based layouts responsive animations and transitions padding and depth effects such as lighting and shadows According to Material DesignA disabled state communicates when a component or element isn t interactive and should be deemphasized in a UI Disabled states are displayed at opacity of the enabled state Disabled states can also indicate they are not interactive through color changes and reduced elevation The codeSo here is the Materialized disabled CSS snippet disabled disabled opacity pointer events none That s all Enjoy it Follow me for more tricks ️ ️Thanks |
2021-10-18 08:11:52 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
'Squid Game' documents may show how Netflix rates the success of its content |
x Squid Game x documents may show how Netflix rates the success of its contentNetflix has always closely guarded the exact streaming metrics that may reveal why programs are considered a success or cancelled That black box cracked open a bit with documents obtained by Bloomberg detailing the company s scores for quot impact value quot and quot efficiency quot An example of that is Squid Game which generated million in impact value on a budget of just million for an efficiency of X according to Bloomberg s latest report nbsp The documents first came to light with Dave Chappelle s controversial special after the company fired an employee for supposedly leaking confidential information about the show s viewing data That employee reportedly spoke out against leaks to colleagues according to The Verge Those metrics revealed that Chapelle s previous special Sticks amp Stones generated slightly less impact value than it cost to make according to Bloomberg Other figures showed that around million people watched at least two minutes of Squid Game in the first days beating a record set by Bridgerton Netflix occasionally releases similar information for certain shows but it doesn t disclose how many people stuck with or finished shows ーwhich can often inflate figures compared to typical TV ratings nbsp According to Bloomberg however Netflix estimated that percent of people who started Squid Game watched at least minutes or more than one episode and million people finished it in the first days percent Viewers watched billion hours of the show in total nbsp An attorney representing Netflix told Bloomberg that it would not be appropriate to disclose confidential data contained in documents it reviewed quot Netflix does not discuss these metrics outside the company and takes significant steps to protect them from disclosure quot the attorney said nbsp |
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