Engadget Japanese |
Google Cloudにて炭素排出量の表示が可能に Earth Engineも企業向けに導入 |
carbonfootprint |
2021-10-18 13:00:34 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] 「賃貸情報店舗」「賃貸情報サイト」の満足度調査 1位を獲得したのは? |
itmedia |
2021-10-18 22:04:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ABC185 C - Duodecim Ferra を解いた |
llaiforjinrangebjprintab |
2021-10-18 22:43:01 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
ABC181 C - Collinearity を解いた。おまけ B 問題付き |
ABCCCollinearityを解いた。 |
2021-10-18 22:12:01 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AtCoder解説】PythonでABC223のA,B,C,D問題を制する! |
入力例に円の場合があるので、しっかりサンプルを確認すれば間違えませんコードXintinputifXandXprintYeselseprintNoB問題『StringShifting』問題ページBStringShifting灰コーダー正解率茶コーダー正解率緑コーダー正解率入力S文字列長さは考察左シフトや右シフトを行って得られる文字列を全列挙して、それらをソートして、辞書順最小のものと最大のものを出力します。 |
2021-10-18 22:11:55 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
一般逆行列の初歩の初歩(その2: 連立1次方程式への応用) |
2021-10-18 22:08:12 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
一般逆行列の初歩の初歩(その1: 一般逆行列のイメージと計算方法) |
2021-10-18 22:06:29 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
これで若い子とのカラオケも安心?!COBOLしか経験なし!文系出身SE(23歳女)が若者の音楽を伝授します! |
その後も関数定義などが誤っているのかと時間格闘するも初心者にはこれが限界でした、、、親しみやすいが、、、LINEBot初めて製作してみましたが、結構すぐにいつも使ってるやつ見たことあるやつというものができるので、これはいけるんじゃと思った自分は舐めていました、、、WebAPIと組み合わせようとすると急に難易度アップ成功できずに終わってしまいました。 |
2021-10-18 22:46:16 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
新社会人の初開発作業 |
vscode |
2021-10-18 22:14:53 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Ruby,gemsの書き換え制限がかかっているようでCocoaPodsをインストールができません |
Rubygemsの書き換え制限がかかっているようでCocoaPodsをインストールができませんMacOSをMontereynbspBetaAaへアップデートし、podnbspupdateを行うとエラーが発生したのでCocoaPodsのアップデートを行いましたがアップデートもうまくいきませんでした。 |
2021-10-18 22:59:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Google MAP APIでのエラーが消えません |
GoogleMAPAPIでのエラーが消えませんWebMapsnbspJavaScriptnbspAPI公式のサイトで、コードをコピーして、gogolenbspmapsnbspapiを使いました。 |
2021-10-18 22:56:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
多倍長整数演算で配列→数値→配列の計算 |
多倍長整数演算で配列→数値→配列の計算多倍長整数の演算で悩んでいます。 |
2021-10-18 22:43:13 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python の内包表現について |
pythonの内包表現について変数xに非負整数が格納されているときnbsp以上x未満の偶数のうちnbspで割った余りが以上となる値に対してその値の倍の整数を持つ集合を作る内包表現を答えるというものなのですが、xnbspnbspnbspnbspfornbspxnbspinnbsprangennbspifnbspxnbspnbspnbspnbspnbspfornbspxnbspinnbspifnbspxnbspnbspnbspltnbspこのように考えたのですが、このような文法ではできないのでしょうか。 |
2021-10-18 22:38:07 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
MinGW (GCC, G++) の 32bit 8.2.0 のインストール方法を教えて下さい。 |
MinGWGCCGのbitのインストール方法を教えて下さい。 |
2021-10-18 22:37:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Gatsbyjsで作成するGraphQLでの項目 nodes / edges の特性、利用シーンを知りたいです。 |
前提・実現したいことGatsbyjsで作成するGraphQLでの項目nbspnodesnbspnbspedgesの特性、使用シーンについて知りたいです。 |
2021-10-18 22:35:48 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python ロジスティック回帰の標準化の際にエラーがでて解消できない |
pythonロジスティック回帰の標準化の際にエラーがでて解消できないPythonで、ロジスティック回帰分析を行う際に、変数の標準化をしようと思っているのですが、エラーがでてしまいます。 |
2021-10-18 22:35:04 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
fullcalendarのtooltipを表示させたい |
fullcalendarのtooltipを表示させたいデータベースにレスポンスとして返された情報をfullcalendarのevent情報に反映させているのですが、ツールチップだけが表示させることができずに困っております。 |
2021-10-18 22:33:30 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
PythonのRequestsモジュールでhttps化されたローカル環境へPOST送信したい |
PythonのRequestsモジュールでhttps化されたローカル環境へPOST送信したい背景PythonのRequestsモジュールを使用し、自己証明書を使用し、SSL化したWEBサーバローカル環境にgetとpost送信しようとしていますが、GETは送信できましが、POST送信するとquotエラーquotが返却されます。 |
2021-10-18 22:21:20 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
pandas 標準偏差を日毎に求める |
dataframe |
2021-10-18 22:20:06 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
SegmentedControlを使った画面移行について知りたいです |
SegmentedControlを使った画面移行について知りたいですsegmentedControlを使って画面移行をしたいと考えています。 |
2021-10-18 22:18:57 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Nomethod Error データベースにコメント情報が保存できず困っています。 |
NomethodErrorデータベースにコメント情報が保存できず困っています。 |
2021-10-18 22:18:16 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
rails5.2 idのurl参照について |
railsidのurl参照についてエラー内容rubynbsponnbsprailsのshowやeditにおけるidでのurl参照でundefinedmethodsetarticleforltArticlesControllerxffacefbgtDidyoumeansettracefuncといったようなエラーが出ます。 |
2021-10-18 22:16:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
C#を使ってJoystickからマウスを操作したい |
Cを使ってJoystickからマウスを操作したいJoystickをArduinoで作ったのですが、POVHATスイッチでマウスを制御したいです。 |
2021-10-18 22:03:48 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Amazon WorkDocs とは |
コンテンツリポジトリとしての利用が可能workdocsを連携させることでコンテンツを定期的にスキャンしてレポートするということが可能です。 |
2021-10-18 22:03:19 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
LaravelをDockerを使って構築する |
あと、windowsとMacではやり方やコードの書き方が違うので注意を僕はwindowsを使っていて、Macの記事が多くて苦戦しました笑お借りしたもの・環境構築かなり手順は省いていますまずは、デスクトップにディレクトリを作りますmkdircreatelaravel←好きなディレクトリ名cdcreatelaravel←先ほどのディレクトリ名ここにcreatelaravel先ほどのリポジトリを自分のリポジトリに追加その後createlaravelにリポジトリをクローンします。 |
2021-10-18 22:03:18 |
Docker |
dockerタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Apple Silicon] Dockerコンテナ上にx86アーキテクチャのLinux環境をつくる |
AppleSiliconDockerコンテナ上にxアーキテクチャのLinux環境をつくる学生実験でLinux向けにコンパイルされたオブジェクトファイルが配布された。 |
2021-10-18 22:01:27 |
golang |
Goタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Go言語とwebviewで簡単デスクトップアプリを作ろう |
ただし、WebViewランタイムのインストールが必要となります。 |
2021-10-18 22:06:37 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Facebook AI moderator confused videos of mass shootings and car washes |
washesexecutive |
2021-10-18 13:30:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Add Multiple Styles Using JavaScript |
Add Multiple Styles Using JavaScriptAdding multiple styles to an element with vanilla JavaScript can feel a bit clunky The most common approach I ve seen to style elements with plain JavaScript is to grab your target element and then add one style at a time |
2021-10-18 13:37:41 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Python Developer Learning path 2021 |
Python Developer Learning path In this article I m explaining Python Developer Learning path |
2021-10-18 13:35:53 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
DataDog vs CloudWatch - Which tool to choose? |
DataDog vs CloudWatch Which tool to choose DataDog is a paid SaaS tool that provides a range of products for monitoring applications and tech infrastructure While CloudWatch is an Amazon Web Services product that monitors applications running on AWS infrastructure or using AWS services What is CloudWatch CloudWatch is an Amazon Web Services product that enables users to track collect and analyze their performance and operational application data running on AWS services You can use CloudWatch to collect and store logs monitor application and infrastructure metrics It also provides unified dashboards alarm systems and logs amp metrics correlation for actionable insights What is DataDog DataDog is a propriety SaaS tool that provides a range of products for application performance monitoring Once you have signed up for a DataDog account you can install DataDog agents to start sending performance data logs metrics and traces to DataDog Cloud for storage and analysis DataDog offers a range of products like log management infrastructure monitoring APM and security monitoring which are available based on the pricing plan you choose DataDog vs CloudWatch Key DifferencesBoth DataDog and CloudWatch are monitoring tools that help improve application and system performance But CloudWatch only monitors AWS resources and the applications that run on them On the other hand using DataDog you can monitor applications using multiple cloud services Differences between DataDog and CloudWatch can be summarized below Multi Cloud supportDataDog supports multi cloud monitoring like AWS Azure and Google cloud services CloudWatch is used to monitor AWS resources and applications that run on it Getting startedIf you are using AWS services then CloudWatch already offers a default console to monitor the services you use in your AWS account For using DataDog you first need to sign up for a DataDog account Once you sign up you can install DataDog agents on your hosts The DataDog agent reports metrics and events from your host to DataDog Feature setDataDog is an enterprise level monitoring tool that offers a gamut of products to take care of monitoring use cases As such it has some features that are not available in CloudWatch For example continuous code profiler DataDog provides Continuous Code Profiling to identify code snippets and methods inefficient under production load DataDog s continuous code profiler Source DataDog website PricingBoth DataDog and CloudWatch are paid tools CloudWatch pricing details CloudWatch provides a free tier that you can explore CloudWatch s paid tier called EC detailed monitoring starts at per instance per month assuming metrics per instance The cost also depends on the number of metrics sent and is divided into multiple tiers The first k metrics are charged at per metric per month DataDog pricing details DataDog is an expensive enterprise monitoring tool with many different pricing tiers that vary on your use cases For example infrastructure enterprise monitoring starts at per host per month while its APM sand continuous profiler starts at per host per month Key Features of DataDogDataDog is an enterprise SaaS tool that offers an array of services in the monitoring domain Some of the key features of the DataDog monitoring platform includes Log ManagementDataDog offers scalable log ingestion and analytics through its log management product You can search filter and analyze log data through its dashboard You can route all your logs from one central control panel Application performance monitoringDataDog s APM tool provides end to end distributed tracing from frontend devices to databases You can connect the collected traces to infrastructure metrics network calls and live processes Security monitoringUsing DataDog security monitoring you can analyze operational and security logs in real time It provides built in threshold and anomaly detection rules to detect threats quickly Network monitoringWith DataDog network monitoring you can analyze traffic as it flows across applications containers availability zones and on premise servers You can track key network metrics like TCP retransmits latency and connection churn Real user monitoringWith DataDog s real user Monitoring you can have end to end visibility into user journeys for web and mobile applications DataDog is a great tool if you need a little bit of everything in one tool The challenge with such a tool is that you get locked in with a particular vendor and it s usually too resource intensive to shift to any other platform DataDog is an expensive tool with node based pricing which is not suited to modern day microservices architecture Key Features of CloudWatchCloudWatch is a monitoring tool provided by Amazon Web Services It provides monitoring for applications running on the AWS infrastructure Some of the key features of CloudWatch includes Easy collection of logs and metricsUsing CloudWatch you can collect logs and metrics from your application infrastructure and services Some of the types of logs that can be collected Logs published by AWS servicesCurrently over AWS services publish logs to CloudWatchCustom logsUsing a CloudWatch agent you can push logs from your own application and on premises resources CloudWatch allows you to collect default metrics from more than AWS services such as Amazon EC Amazon DynamoDB Amazon S Amazon ECS AWS Lambda etc Unified visualization and composite alarmsAmazon CloudWatch provides dashboards that unify data from multiple sources for actionable insights Some of the key visualization features include Graph metrics and log data side by sideGraphs for cloud resources and applications in a unified viewHome page view of CloudWatch dashboard Source CloudWatch dashboard Logs and metrics correlationUsing CloudWatch you can correlate log patterns to a specific metric and set alarms on it Container monitoring lambda monitoring and anomaly detectionCloudWatch provides automatic dashboards for container and lambda insights Using anomaly detection you can create alarms to auto adjust thresholds based on metrics patterns The challenge with CloudWatch is that you can only monitor AWS services with it So if your entire application architecture and infrastructure is using AWS services then it is a great tool for monitoring But in today s distributed systems that is not the case You might be using multiple cloud vendors and third party services So you need a tool that is platform independent You also need a universal way of generating telemetry data logs metrics and traces A single set of rules and standards to generate and collect telemetry data is the first step in creating a robust monitoring framework And that s where SigNoz comes into the picture an open source APM tool If you are only using AWS services then you can go with CloudWatch but if you are using multiple cloud vendors and third party services DataDog might be a better option An alternative to DataDog and CloudWatch SigNozSigNoz is a full stack open source application performance monitoring and observability tool which can be used in place of DataDog and Grafana SigNoz is built to give SaaS like user experience combined with the perks of open source software Developer tools should be developer first and SigNoz was built by developers to address the gap between SaaS vendors and open source software Key architecture features Native OpenTelemetry supportSigNoz is built to support OpenTelemetry natively which is quietly becoming the world standard to generate and manage telemetry data Flexible and scalable Database storageSigNoz provides users flexibility in terms of storage You can choose between ClickHouse or Kafka Druid as your backend storage while installing SigNoz Architecture of SigNoz with ClickHouse as storage backend and OpenTelemetry for code instrumentatiionSigNoz comes with out of box visualization of things like RED metrics SigNoz UI showing application overview metrics like RPS th th th Percentile latencies and Error RateYou can also use flamegraphs to visualize spans from your trace data All of this comes out of the box with SigNoz Flamegraphs showing exact duration taken by each spans a concept of distributed tracingYou can also build custom metrics dashboard for your infrastructure You can also build a custom metrics dashboard for your infrastructureSome of the things SigNoz can help you track Application overview metrics like RPS th th th Percentile latencies and Error RateSlowest endpoints in your applicationSee exact request trace to figure out issues in downstream services slow DB queries call to rd party services like payment gateways etcFilter traces by service name operation latency error tags annotations Run aggregates on trace dataUnified UI for both metrics and traces Getting started with SigNozIf you have docker installed getting started with SigNoz just takes three easy steps at the command line git clone https github com SigNoz signoz gitcd signoz deploy install shYou can read more about deploying SigNoz from its documentation You can check out SigNoz s GitHub repo here Related ContentDataDog vs PrometheusDataDog vs GrafanaMonitor Spring Boot App with SigNoz and OpenTelemetry |
2021-10-18 13:34:04 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
How to create a fancy Github profile with README? |
How to create a fancy Github profile with README In this article we will show you how to use GitHub in a way that you never thought could be used You will learn how to use your GitHub profile as a resume CV or even more as a presentation site for yourself or your company You will learn how to customize in a very beautiful way the first page that a user sees when he enters your GitHub profile We will show you how you can display the repos you are most proud of how to list your written articles how to present your youtube channel and much more First of all you need to create a GitHub account if you don t already have one Go to this link to create an account To fully understand what is presented in this article it is necessary to understand at a basic level the markdown and the HTML languages Therefore in your support we attach two pdfs with the cheat sheet for markdown and HTML Now let s get started Table of contents Getting started My Resume example content Extra content for Github profile Getting startedIn order to tell people information about you you can add README md to your GitHub profile This is the secret way you can show your skills and projects to the GitHub community It is very simple to do this all you have to do is make a public repo named with the username of your GitHub account and a README md file in which to put all the content you want to appear on your profile For example if your username is my username you need to do a public repo with the name my username in which to put the README md file The contents of this file will appear on your profile before all your repos My Resume example contentBelow we will show you how you can share your CV with people who visit your Github profile We tried to structure the content so as to include as many elements as possible that can be included in a CV regardless of the level of experience or field of activity We created a complex template with a resume example here Insert a banner in your ReadmeThis section is the first section of your profile Here you can add an image as a banner a gif a dynamic svg or anything that you like Optionally you can add a link to your website Image as a banner with a linkExample Preview Code snippet Header Header Insert header with a gif in your readmeExample Preview Hi there Code snippet Hi there About me section in GitHub profileIn this section you can write a few words that best describe you For this you can use custom fonts and icons or emojis The fonts can be found online or you can generate your text in another tool and then just paste it here Example Preview Fully Coded UI Tools to create web and mobile apps UI Kits Templates and Dashboards built on top of Bootstrap Vue js React Angular Node js and Laravel Join over M creatives to access all our products Code Snippet Fully Coded UI Tools to create web and mobile apps UI Kits Templates and Dashboards built on top of Bootstrap Vue js React Angular Node js and Laravel Join over M creatives to access all our products Besides fancy fonts you can also add style to your resume by using emojis For mac users you can easily access the emojis panel by pressing command control space Hobbies Section in Github profileLike most people you can also have some hobbies and you should also mention them in order for the employer to know you better There are several ways to add them but the most common one is using a list ListUnordered list For an unordered list you will have to add your items preceded by or Example Preview Hobby Nested Hobby Sub nested Hobby Hobby Hobby Code Snippet Hobby Nested Hobby Sub nested Hobby Hobby Hobby Ordered list For an ordered list you will have to add numbers before your items Example Preview Hobby Nested Hobby Nested Hobby Hobby Hobby Code Snippet Hobby Nested Hobby Nested Hobby Hobby Hobby Emojis list For this kind of list you will have to add an emoji before each item Example Preview ️⃣ Hobby ️⃣ Hobby ️⃣ Hobby or Hobby Hiking Hobby Reading Hobby Programming Code Snippet ️⃣ Hobby ️⃣ Hobby ️⃣ Hobby or Hobby Hiking Hobby Reading Hobby Programming Note For this list you will need to add spaces at the end of each item Those spaces will put each item on a new line Images list In the same way you can add a gif image as a banner in the header you can also add static images as list items Example Preview Hiking Reading Programming or Code Snippet lt img src width px gt Hiking lt img src width px gt Reading lt img src width px gt Programming or lt img src width px gt lt img src width px gt lt img src width px gt Insert My experience section in GitHub profileEvery resume must have this section for the employer to know if you are fit for the role In this section you can be as creative as possible For example you can add your experience in programming using icons Programming languages Example Preview Code snippet lt p gt lt img src logo python amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo html amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo css amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo javascript amp logoColor FDFE gt lt img src logo typescript amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo c amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo c B B amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo c sharp amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo java amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo php amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo swift amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo go amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo ruby amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo json amp logoColor white gt lt p gt Frameworks and LibrariesExample Preview Code snippet lt p gt lt img src logo react amp logoColor DAFB gt lt img src logo nodedotjs amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo dotnet amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo react amp logoColor DAFB gt lt img src logo svelte amp logoColor FFE gt lt img src logo vuedotjs amp logoColor FCD gt lt img src logo angular amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo angularjs amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo bootstrap amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo tailwind css amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo jquery amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo django amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo ruby on rails amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo laravel amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo flask amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo nuxtdotjs amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo nextdotjs amp logoColor white gt lt p gt ToolsExample Preview Code snippet lt p gt lt img src logo Xcode amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo visual studio code amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo visual studio amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo Atom amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo eclipse amp logoColor white gt lt img src style for the badge amp logo sublime text amp logoColor important gt lt p gt DatabasesExample Preview Code snippet lt p gt lt img src logo mysql amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo postgresql amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo mongodb amp logoColor white gt lt img src logo sqlite amp logoColor white gt lt p gt Also in this section you can add your previous jobs You can add this in a table format like below My work experienceExample Preview Company Period of work mm yyyy mm yyyy Position Description about position Company Period of work mm yyyy mm yyyy Position Description about position Company Period of work mm yyyy mm yyyy Position Description about position Code snippet Company Period of work mm yyyy mm yyyy Position Description about position Company Period of work mm yyyy mm yyyy Position Description about position Company Period of work mm yyyy mm yyyy Position Description about position Besides the above this section is also dedicated to the courses tutorials that you ve finished started or that you are interested in You can include whatever you think was relevant to your development Courses TutorialsExample Preview Creative Tim Courses TutorialsHow to quickstart and launch your website using Jekyll How to create Scrolling Transformations for your React App How to create a single page application using React Code Snippet Creative Tim Courses Tutorials How to quickstart and launch your website using Jekyll How to create Scrolling Transformations for your React App How to create a single page application using React Example Preview YouTube courses tutorialsHow to use React with Firebase and Redux IntroductionReactJS and Redux Tutorial with real life examplesResponsive Admin Template using Light Bootstrap DashboardCode snippet YouTube courses tutorials How to use React with Firebase and Redux Introduction How to use React with Firebase and Redux Introduction Example Preview Udemy coursesHow to use React with Firebase and ReduxLearn ReactJS with Webpack Babel and Material DesignCode Snippet Udemy courses How to use React with Firebase and Redux Learn ReactJS with Webpack Babel and Material Design My ProjectsThis is the section where you can present your projects Here you can put an overview of your most important projects made on Github So the one who accesses your profile can instantly see what you know how to do and how to do it My Github reposHere you can put a list of your best repositories Example Preview Code Snippet lt img width src repo REPO NAME amp theme react amp bg color amp title color FDF amp icon color FD amp hide border true amp show icons false alt github readme streak stats gt My ContributionsHere are your Github contributions Example Preview Code Snippet lt img align center src user timcreative amp theme vue dark amp hide border true amp date format M j B C Y D alt My github stats gt lt img align center src show icons true amp include all commits true amp theme cobalt amp hide border true alt My github stats gt lt img align center src layout compact amp theme cobalt amp hide border true gt My latest postsIn this section you can list your latest posts from your blog You can list all that you want You can use links emojis emphasis and more Example Preview Creative Tim Courses New Learning Platform for Web Designers amp DevsGit Tutorial How to Fix Common MistakesDocker and Django How to start fast️Technology The Importance of a User Experience Expert in Every CompanyShopify Templates Best E commerce Shopify TemplatesCode Snippet Creative Tim Courses lt br gt New Learning Platform for Web Designers amp Devs Git Tutorial lt br gt How to Fix Common Mistakes Contact MeThis is the section where you can put your contact info Details put in this section can be used by your profile visitors to contact you Example Preview Code snippet lt img alt Github src style for the badge amp logo Github amp logoColor white gt lt img alt Github src style for the badge amp logo twitter amp logoColor white gt FooterIn the footer section you can added extra info like copyright donate URL or subscribe link Example Preview Creative Tim all rights reserved Made with ️for a better web Code Snippet lt p align center gt Creative Tim all rights reserved Made with ️for a better web lt p gt lt p align center gt lt p gt Extra content for Github profileHere we will present you other elements that can be included in your readme to make it as pleasant as possible for you and for those who enter your Github profile Todo ListExample Preview task task Code Snippet task x task Create simple tableIf you want to create a table in your MD file you can do so very easily You can put everything you want in the cells of the table from text and emojis to images and gifs Example Preview First HeaderSecond HeaderThird HeaderContent cell Content cell ️Content cell Content column Content column ️Content column Content column Content column ️Content column Code Snippet First Header Second Header Third Header Content cell Content cell ️Content cell Content column Content column ️Content column Content column Content column ️Content column Example Material Kit Soft UI DashboardSoft UI React NativeTailwind Starter KitDownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDocumentationDocumentationDocumentationDocumentationLive PreviewLive PreviewLive PreviewLive Preview Insert Support me section Buy me a coffee If you want your work to be rewarded you can go to and create an account or you can link your own way to get supported Example Preview Code Snippet lt a href your own link from the website target blank gt lt img src alt Buy Me A Coffee width gt lt a gt Share your Spotify profile in your GitHub readmeTo add Spotify to your profile there is already an application created and it s free to use You will just have to grant permission to it from the Spotify account Code Snippet spotify github profile cover image true amp theme default Final thoughtsThanks for reading We hope that our article inspired you to create your own fancy GitHub profile README Having a CV on GitHub is quite niched and unique we recommend following the presented structure if you want to have a nicely done resume that is easy to read and that points out your skills and personality Having a concise CV can enhance your chances to stand out and represents a great advantage Besides the structure you also have to make sure that your info is correct and sincere Review your code a couple of times to spot any eventual mistakes and follow our advice to keep it clean Keep in mind that your CV is personal so don t hesitate to leave your mark on it Plus if you need some tips and tricks for creating a developer resume check out this article tutorial Download Full Resume Template Special thanks to Spotify GitHub ProfileGitHub Readme StatsBadges Readme Profile |
2021-10-18 13:25:39 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
🤷♀️ 🤷♂️ Tailwind CSS with Heroicons: The SVG path stoke-width issue resolve |
️ ️Tailwind CSS with Heroicons The SVG path stoke width issue resolve IntroductionHello wonderful DEV people This is not exactly a standard “simple error but rather a feature that the developers cannot bring to the Heroicons project in any way The community has already paid attention to this and even formed a PR but it was closed I will describe the solution for the Vue js with TypeScript web application but you can apply it to React Svelte or any other or no framework at all Come on let s resolve this problem Table of contentsExplanation of the problemResolving the issueConclusions Explanation of the problemWhen we enlarge the icons for example through the built in Tailwind CSS classes of that particular component we may notice that the icon thickness becomes not quite what we expected lt NewspaperIcon class h w gt Yes Tailwind CSS has a class stroke number that allows you to customize this attribute only for the element that has it But in the Heroicons implementation this stroke width attribute specified on the lt path gt nested elements not on the lt svg gt wrapper to which we have access ️By the way The stroke width attribute is a presentation attribute defining the width of the stroke to be applied to the shape More info about stroke width is here Therefore we will have to write our styles to perform the desired behavior There s nothing wrong with that just watch the comments in the code ↑Table of contents Resolving the issueOkay here s a typical application structure on the Vue js framework ├ーsrc│├ーassets││└ーcss││├ー ││├ーheroicons css lt styles for Heroicons││└ーstyle css lt styles for Tailwind CSS│├ーcomponents││├ー ││└ーApp vue lt main app component│├ーmain ts lt main app script│└ー └ー And this is the main TypeScript file where our styles mounted and the Vue instance created src main tsimport createApp from vue Import styles import src assets css style css import src assets css heroicons css lt styles for Heroicons Import main component import App from src components App vue Create a new Vue instance const app createApp App To avoid conflicts please verify that all styles you want to add or override satisfy these rules Place them strictly after the basic Tailwind CSS style import New styles have an associative class name Now let s form new styles to override the stoke width attribute of the Vue component of Heroicons src assets css heroicons css heroicon stroke w gt path stroke width heroicon stroke w gt path stroke width heroicon stroke w gt path stroke width heroicon stroke w gt path stroke width heroicon stroke w gt path stroke width In the CSS code above I decided to add icon styles to my project to cover these stroke width values and And by default without specifying the heroicon stroke w number class the icons will show up with a value of And now we re ready to use these classes like this lt template gt lt nav gt lt router link to name news gt lt NewspaperIcon class h w heroicon stroke w gt lt router link gt lt gt lt nav gt lt template gt lt script lang ts gt import defineComponent from vue import NewspaperIcon from heroicons vue outline lt add outline Heroicons for Vueexport default defineComponent name Menu components NewspaperIcon add newspaper icon component lt script gt This should be enough for any of my needs in the project but you having understood the principle can add any to your taste ↑Table of contents ConclusionsI really hope that the developers will listen to their users and introduce a normal built in way to determine the stroke width attribute in Heroicons in the next versions of their wonderful product Have a successful work and let simple errors or such CSS complexities never stop you on the way to realizing your projects ↑Table of contents Photos and videos byMaik Jonietz Alessandro Bianchi P S If you want more articles like this on this blog then post a comment below and subscribe to me Thanks |
2021-10-18 13:18:34 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Web development ROADMAP in 2021 |
Web development ROADMAP in Today I m going to introduce the roadmap to be a web developer This is the first article explaining the basics of this series In future articles I ll discuss about all the facts one by one If you have any questions ask me through comments or contact me via E mail Let s learn it Who is the Web Developer A web developer is a programmer who specializes in or is specifically engaged in the development of World Wide Web www application What is front end Front end web development is the development of the graphical user interface of a website so that users can view and interact with that website You can learn more about front end in future articles What is back end The back end refers to parts of a computer application or a program s code that allow it to operate and that cannot be accessed by a user The back end is also called the data access layer of software or hardware and includes any functionality that needs to be accessed and navigated to by digital means You can learn more about back end in future articles What is DevOps DevOps is the combination of cultural philosophies practices and tools that increases an organization s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity evolving and improving products at a faster pace than organizations using traditional software development and infrastructure management processes Required tools What is Git Git is software for tracking changes in any set of files usually used for coordinating work among programmers collaboratively developing source code during software development Its goals include speed data integrity and support for distributed non linear workflows thousands of parallel branches running on different systems Wait for the the next article to learn more about Git What is Terminal Terminal means CLI A command line interface CLI processes commands to a computer program in the form of lines of text The program which handles the interface is called a command line interpreter or command line processor Operating systems implement a command line interface in a shell for interactive access to operating system functions or services You can learn more about terminal in future articles What means Data structures and Algorithms Simply a Data structure is a place for computer programme to store data Algorithm is a method to solve a problem related to programming You can learn more about them in future articles What is Github Millions of developers and companies build ship and maintain their software on GitHubーthe largest and most advanced development platform in the world You can learn more about Github in future articles What are licenses An license protects contributors and users Businesses and savvy developers won t touch a project without this protection You can learn more about Licenses in future articles What is SemVer Semantic Versioning Semantic versioning is a formal convention for specifying compatibility using a three part version number major version minor version and patch The patch number is incremented for minor changes and bug fixes which do not change the software s application programming interface API You can learn more about versioning in future articles What is SSh SSH means Secure Shell Secure Shell is a cryptographic network protocol for operating network services securely over an unsecured network Typical applications include remote command line login and remote command execution but any network service can be secured with SSH You can learn more about SSH in future articles What are HTTP HTTPS and APIs HTTP Hypertext Transfer ProtocolHTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol SecureAPI application programming interfaceThe Hypertext Transfer Protocol is an application layer protocol in the Internet protocol suite model for distributed collaborative hypermedia information systems Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is an extension of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol It is used for secure communication over a computer network and is widely used on the Internet In HTTPS the communication protocol is encrypted using Transport Layer Security or formerly Secure Sockets Layer An application programming interface is a connection between computers or between computer programs It is a type of software interface offering a service to other pieces of software A document or standard that describes how to build or use such a connection or interface is called an API specification You can learn more about them in future articles What are design patterns In software engineering a software design pattern is a general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a given context in software design It is not a finished design that can be transformed directly into source or machine code Rather it is a description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations Design patterns are formalized best practices that the programmer can use to solve common problems when designing an application or system You can learn more about them in future articles What are character encodings In computing data storage and data transmission character encoding is used to represent a repertoire of characters by some kind of encoding system that assigns a number to each character for digital representation You can learn more about them in future articles The End I think this article is a complete roadmap for you If you have any questions ask me through comments or contact me via E mail The next article is about Git ️ ️Follow me for more articles Please vote to this article if you love this article Thanks |
2021-10-18 13:11:46 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Nanoleaf Lines review, Siri on Ecobee hands on, & more on HomeKit Insider |
Nanoleaf Lines review Siri on Ecobee hands on amp more on HomeKit InsiderThis jam packed episode of HomeKit Insider brings you our review of Nanoleaf Lines as well as Siri on Ecobee s SmartThermostat Sparking the most interest this week was the launch of Siri on the Ecobee SmartThermostat and the reveal of Nanoleaf s new smart light We tested Siri on our own SmartThermostat and found it to be extremely handy and almost the same as adding an ultra convenient HomePod to another room in our house It even supports AirPlay ーalbeit in beta Read more |
2021-10-18 14:00:00 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Amazon one-day sale knocks up to 43 percent off Sony TVs |
Amazon one day sale knocks up to percent off Sony TVsIf you re on the market for a new TV it s not too early to check out the sales already available online ahead of Black Friday next month We ll only see more pop up as the day gets closer but those who want to jump on an opportunity now need look no further than Amazon s one day Sony sale The online retailer has discounted a bunch of Sony tech today ーincluding some of our favorite headphones ーand a couple of Sony K smart TVs are on sale too Key among them are the inch Sony AG Master Series Bravia OLED smart TV which is percent off and down to a record low of Sony s XH LED K smart TVs are also up to percent off so you can get one for as low as Buy inch Sony AG OLED at Amazon Buy inch Sony XH LED at Amazon Buy inch Sony XH LED at Amazon While the Bravia set is from it remains a solid OLED TV with a lot of high end perks First and foremost you re getting all of the benefits of OLED which means better colors great contrast and deep blacks It plays K HDR content supports Dolby Vision and it includes the company s Acoustic Surface Audio speaker built in giving you more immersive sound quality The set runs on Android TV which means you can call upon the Google Assistant to play content and otherwise control the system ーbut it also supports Alexa voice commands too if you prefer to use that On top of all that it has a dedicated Game Mode for smoother gaming sessions and it supports AirPlay and HomeKit Those not set on OLED for their next TV should consider the Sony XH sets on sale ーthe inch model is down to while the inch set is on sale for While the picture quality won t be the same as the OLED set these TVs do have local dimming LED backlighting as well as many of the advanced features present in the AG You ll get the Android TV operating system Google Assistant and Alexa support Game Mode plus AirPlay and HomeKit compatibility Follow EngadgetDeals on Twitter for the latest tech deals and buying advice |
2021-10-18 13:29:18 |
海外TECH |
The Apache Software Foundation Blog |
The Apache News Round-up: week ending 15 October 2021 |
The Apache News Round up week ending October Happy Friday everyone The Apache community has had another great week Let s review what we ve been up to ASF Board nbsp management and oversight of the business affairs of the corporation in accordance with the Foundation s bylaws nbsp Next Board Meeting October Board calendar and minutes ApacheCon nbsp the ASF s official global conference series bringing Tomorrow s Technology Today since nbsp Our events are complete thanks to all speakers sponsors participants and planners for their great turnout nbsp Presentations for ApacheCon Asia and ApacheCon Home are available on the ASF YouTube channel ASF Infrastructure nbsp our distributed team on three continents keeps the ASF s infrastructure running around the clock nbsp M weekly checks yield uptime at Performance checks across different service components spread over more than machines in data centers around the world View the Apache Infrastructure Uptime site to see the most recent averages Apache Code Snapshot nbsp Over the past week Apache Committers changed lines of code over commits Top contributors in order are Claus Ibsen Jarek Potiuk Tilman Hausherr Tamas Cservenak and Jacques Le Roux Apache Project Announcements nbsp the latest updates by category Big Data nbsp Apache Storm and released nbsp Apache Calcite Avatica released nbsp Apache CouchDB released nbsp Apache ShardingSphere ElasticJob releasedBusiness Intelligence nbsp Apache Superset CVE Possible SQL Injection when template processing is enabledContent nbsp Apache OpenOffice released nbsp nbsp CVE Double Certificate Attack nbsp nbsp CVE Timestamp Manipulation with Signature Wrapping nbsp nbsp CVE Content Manipulation with Certificate Validation Attack nbsp Apache Jackrabbit and Oak released nbsp Apache Syncope releasedGeospatial nbsp Apache SIS released Integration nbsp Apache Camel LTS releasedObservability nbsp Apache SkyWalking Client JS releasedOrchestration nbsp Apache Hop Incubating releasedServers nbsp Apache Tomcat released nbsp nbsp CVE Apache Tomcat DoS nbsp Apache Traffic Control released nbsp nbsp CVE Control Arbitrary Email Content Insertion in deliveryservices request Workflow nbsp Apache Airflow and Providers Amazon releasedDid You Know nbsp Did you know that the ASF has moved to CDN distribution for software nbsp Did you know that Druid Summit will be held online November nbsp Did you know that the next Hx Apache Hop Incubating Hot Hop Hangout will be held online October Apache Community Notices The Apache Month in Review September nbsp nbsp and video highlights nbsp Watch quot Trillions and Trillions Served quot the documentary on the ASF full feature min quot Apache Everywhere quot min quot Why Apache quot min nbsp “Apache Innovation min nbsp nbsp ASF Annual Report FY Press release nbsp and nbsp Report nbsp PDF nbsp The Apache Way to Sustainable Open Source Success nbsp nbsp Foundation Reports and Statements nbsp Presentations from ApacheCon Asia are available on YouTube nbsp quot Success at Apache quot focuses on the people and processes behind why the ASF quot just works quot nbsp nbsp Inside Infra the new interview series with members of the ASF infrastructure team meet nbsp nbsp nbsp Chris Thistlethwaite nbsp nbsp nbsp Drew Foulks nbsp nbsp nbsp Greg Stein Part I nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Part II nbsp nbsp and Part III nbsp nbsp nbsp Daniel Gruno Part I nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Gavin McDonald Part I nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Andrew Wetmore Part I nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp nbsp Chris Lambertus Part I nbsp nbsp nbsp and Part II nbsp nbsp Follow the ASF on social media TheASF on Twitter nbsp and The ASF page LinkedIn nbsp nbsp Follow the Apache Community on Facebook nbsp and Twitter nbsp nbsp Are your software solutions Powered by Apache Download amp use our quot Powered By quot logos Stay updated about The ASFFor real time updates sign up for Apache related news by sending mail to announce subscribe apache org and follow TheASF on Twitter For a broader spectrum from the Apache community nbsp nbsp provides an aggregate of Project activities as well as the personal blogs and tweets of select ASF Committers |
2021-10-18 13:17:14 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Colin Powell: Former US secretary of state dies of Covid complications |
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2021-10-18 13:44:42 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sir David Amess death: Family visit Leigh-on-Sea church to read tributes |
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2021-10-18 13:48:07 |
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BBC News - Home |
Top baby names in 2020 across England and Wales revealed |
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2021-10-18 13:24:30 |
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BBC News - Home |
Boy, 16, arrested over Glasgow train station murder |
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2021-10-18 13:43:35 |
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BBC News - Home |
Positive trial results for Valneva Covid vaccine |
immune |
2021-10-18 13:45:32 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Campher takes four wickets in four balls as Ireland beat Dutch at T20 World Cup |
Campher takes four wickets in four balls as Ireland beat Dutch at T World CupCurtis Campher takes a remarkable four wickets in four balls to lead Ireland to a seven wicket victory over the Netherlands in the T World Cup |
2021-10-18 13:15:50 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
What we know so far |
mp |
2021-10-18 13:39:05 |
LifeHuck |
ライフハッカー[日本版] |
今なぜ“傾聴力“?社会、組織、人事…「ビジネスと聞く」の関係性を徹底解剖|11/9オンライン開催 |
今なぜ“傾聴力“社会、組織、人事…「ビジネスと聞く」の関係性を徹底解剖オンライン開催ライフハッカー日本版とBOOKLABTOKYOがコラボするトークイベント「BOOKLABTALK」。 |
2021-10-18 22:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
「次世代モビリティ」で連携 JALと千歳市が協定締結 |
協定締結 |
2021-10-18 22:11:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
米に車載用電池投資3800億円 トヨタ脱炭素へ、電動化加速 |
電気自動車 |
2021-10-18 22:08:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
北海道4区、初の一騎打ちへ 2氏、支持固めへ臨戦態勢 きょう衆院選公示 |
一騎打ち |
2021-10-18 22:07:13 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
NY円、114円前半 |
外国為替市場 |
2021-10-18 22:06:00 |
仮想通貨 |
BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
フォビジャパン、2021/10/14付で「第一種金融商品取引業」登録完了 |
金融商品取引業 |
2021-10-18 22:49:47 |
仮想通貨 |
BITPRESS(ビットプレス) |
[日経] ビットコイン先物のETF、米で19日にも上場へ |
日経 |
2021-10-18 22:46:25 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
What tastes better when it's cold? |
What tastes better when it x s cold submitted by u madikh to r AskReddit link comments |
2021-10-18 13:12:18 |