IT |
気になる、記になる… |
新型「MacBook Pro」のSDカードスロットはUHS-II規格に対応 − 転送速度は最大312MB/秒 |
macbookpro |
2021-10-21 14:49:55 |
IT |
気になる、記になる… |
M1 ProチップのGPU性能 (OpenCL) のベンチマークスコアも明らかに − 現時点で判明しているスコアのまとめも |
macbookpro |
2021-10-21 14:09:29 |
AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog |
Enhanced Airport Passenger Experience with TaskWatch and AWS Panorama |
Enhanced Airport Passenger Experience with TaskWatch and AWS PanoramaUsing state of the art technology user defined events and identification of operational exceptions TaskWatch is redefining the way Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International Airport CVG gains efficiencies through automation Adding TaskWatch s computer vision platform that works in conjunction with AWS Panorama the Airport sees adds and explores distinct use cases for advanced AI TaskWatch is leading the way for continuous improvement in capacity management and productivity |
2021-10-21 14:52:44 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
欠損値処理・補完をタイタニックデータを用いながら図解して理解しよう |
普通のデータ分析でもらうデータをイメージしてもらえれば結構ですが、評価データの目的変数部分は何も分かっていない部分分析部分になっており、それに対応したデータが評価データの説明変数内に入っていますよね。 |
2021-10-21 23:50:13 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
python loggingメモ |
2021-10-21 23:34:32 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
統計やってると時々でてくるチェビシェフの不等式について、順を追って説明する |
チェビシェフの不等式で大数の弱法則が導き出されることができます具体的には母集団から標本を取ってきたときに標本平均をμ、母分散をσとすれば、標本分散はfracσnとなり、チェビシェフの不等式に入れるとPXμ≧k≦fracfracσnkこれでn→∞にするとP→となります噛み砕いて言えば、サンプルサイズを増やしていくにつれて、サンプルの平均は母平均に近づく確率収束する。 |
2021-10-21 23:25:14 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
こわくないbit全探索【AtCoder・アルゴリズム解説】 |
はじめにbit全探索ってなにbit全探索はこわくないbit全探索は、名前の通り『全探索』をするアルゴリズムです。 |
2021-10-21 23:16:53 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
useContextが不便だったのでrecoilで置き換えた |
よく使う型の状態は定義しなくても使用できるこれを使うかは賛否両論あるとは思いますが、recoilにはatomのほかにatomFamilyというものがあります。 |
2021-10-21 23:45:23 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
サイトのURLを共有する時にURLパラメータが邪魔な方のためのブックマークレット |
このブックマークレットは、ワンクリックで、現在見ているURLの以降を削除した状態でコピーするクリックボードに送信だけのシンプルなものです。 |
2021-10-21 23:23:47 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
WordPressサイトのページネーション(プラグインなし)で、次のページへ上手く遷移しません。 |
WordPressサイトのページネーションプラグインなしで、次のページへ上手く遷移しません。 |
2021-10-21 23:49:08 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
aの文字色変わらない |
aの文字色変わらないこんばんは。 |
2021-10-21 23:25:33 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
100カラムあるテーブルを別テーブルにインサート |
カラムあるテーブルを別テーブルにインサートSQLの勉強中にて大量のカラムがあるテーブルのデータを別テーブルにインサートする場合の理論が納得できないために質問させていただきます。 |
2021-10-21 23:21:15 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
[JavaScript] [jQuery] クリックイベントの処理 |
JavaScriptjQueryクリックイベントの処理問いbutton要素をクリックしたら、Classが「result」の要素の中身を次のように書き換えてみる。 |
2021-10-21 23:20:58 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa |
2021-10-21 23:19:05 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Python Pandas 表 コピー |
pandas |
2021-10-21 23:16:37 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
独自のバリデーションを作り、正常に動作はするがそれまで通っていたミニテストにエラーが発生するようになりました。 |
独自のバリデーションを作り、正常に動作はするがそれまで通っていたミニテストにエラーが発生するようになりました。 |
2021-10-21 23:11:18 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
TkInter: Treeviewの行選択されたノード(階層)をしりたい、または最上位階層は 選択させないようにしたい |
TkInterTreeviewの行選択されたノード階層をしりたい、または最上位階層は選択させないようにしたい当初有効化されていないボタンをツリービューの行選択をうけて、有効化させることを達成しようとしています。 |
2021-10-21 23:10:50 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
python pandas グラフ化について |
pythonpandasグラフ化について現在、下記のコードを書きました。 |
2021-10-21 23:08:01 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
for文のチェックボックスをカスタムすると、一つ目のボックスのみチェックされる |
for文のチェックボックスをカスタムすると、一つ目のボックスのみチェックされる前提・実現したいこと現在、for文で複数の項目を表示しており、チェックボックスの見た目をcssで変更しています。 |
2021-10-21 23:01:19 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Rubyって何? |
※ソフトウェアコンピューターを動かすプログラムの総称個人でいきなりじゃあRubyをやりはじめてみようってなったら、最初始めるまでの設定が素人自分含む笑ではなんのこっちゃわからないと思うので、まずは体験程度に、Rubyのホームページの右側、縦長の四角い箱の中にある「はじめよう」という項目をクリックしてやってみるといいと思いますプログラミング体験ならこのアプリまたは、スマホでもPCでもある無料アプリ「progate」でも体験できます少し説明が足りないかもしれませんが、無料だし知る分には十分過ぎると思いますやってみて本格的にやってみたい、アプリケーションを作ってみたいと思ったら、プログラミングスクールに通ってみたり、progateに課金してやってみたりするといいと思いますprogateだと、理解はできますがあくまで知識として学べるだけって感じなので実際にアプリケーションを作るってとこには至りませんが、勉強にはかなりなりますそれでも、HTMLとCSSという、マークアップ言語から勉強してみたほうがいいと思いますHTMLとCSSは、Webで掲載される見た目をつくるものになるので、まずはこっちを勉強してからRubyなどのプログラミング言語ですね。 |
2021-10-21 23:14:14 |
AWSタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【AWS】EC2のt2.mediumをt4g.largeにしようとしたら無理だった話【ARM,x86_64】 |
【AWS】ECのtmediumをtglargeにしようとしたら無理だった話【ARMx】ECのマシンタイプtgシリーズについてtmediumインスタンスxをtglargeにスペックアップしようとしたら、アーキテクチャが不適切ですという感じのエラーが出てスペック変更できなかったのでメモ単純にアーキテクチャが違うインスタンスだったので、変更不可能tg〇〇のインスタンスは、アーキテクチャにARMベースのGravitonというのを利用しているらしく、xアーキテクチャのプロセッサで構築されたインスタンスはtgにスペック変更することができないようだそんなわけなので、スペックアップはtalargeにすることにしました。 |
2021-10-21 23:04:36 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
シェルスクリプトでDynamoDBテーブルにダミーデータを一括登録する |
dynamodb |
2021-10-21 14:54:59 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Use Spotify's Private Mode to Keep Your Listening Secret |
How to Use Spotify x s Private Mode to Keep Your Listening SecretIf you don t want your followers to see what you listen to on Spotify you need to use the private listening mode Here s how for desktop and mobile |
2021-10-21 14:45:32 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Can Bosses Legally Spy on Home Offices? |
doesn |
2021-10-21 14:31:52 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
The 5 Most Biggest NFT Scams and How to Avoid Them |
avoid |
2021-10-21 14:16:22 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Use Spotify's Advanced Search Parameters to Narrow Your Searches |
How to Use Spotify x s Advanced Search Parameters to Narrow Your SearchesIf you need help finding something on Spotify you can use advanced search parameters to search by date genre mood and more |
2021-10-21 14:02:01 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
6 Reasons Why the iPhone Outperforms Other Smartphones |
iphone |
2021-10-21 14:02:01 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Effective Search Tactics for Developer Jobs |
Effective Search Tactics for Developer JobsAs tech has become an essential part of almost all industries developers are in high demand This doesn t make it easier to find a suitable position though and sending out applications can be very time consuming and often an unsuccessful process Even just finding positions that fit your skills and interests can be difficult If you re looking for the perfect role diversifying your search strategy will help you discover options you may have missed Here are some tactics for hunting for the ideal developer job Broaden your horizons and then narrow your scopeThese sound like opposites but they re actually complementary As technology expands into more and more industries you may find the position you re looking for outside a traditional tech company Consider what field you re interested in and what kind of work you d like to support as a developer Then it s time to narrow your scope back down to identify the niche you re interested in so you can put your energy into applications for roles you would be happy to have Consider these questions before you begin your search in earnest Are you more interested in small startups or large companies What industry do you want to be a part of What s your preferred tech stack What specific roles and responsibilities are you interested in Do you need to stay in a particular location or are you willing to move or work remotely By first zooming out and then focusing in you ll be able to find tech job openings that you re actually interested in and qualified for which will get you faster results Network and stay in touch with colleaguesNetworking is standard advice for a reasonーit s a great way to learn about new positions and opportunities that may not ever be available on public job listings Recruitment at companies often starts long before a job listing is made public through people s connections and recommendations These positions may be filled before they re even posted on a job search website There are many ways to connect with people in your industry both online and in person Attend conferences and workshops as well as more casual meetups and other opportunities The goal here is not to laser focus on the people you want to ask for jobs It s about making long lasting connections that can serve as contacts and referrals in the future When you meet people at these events add them on LinkedIn and follow up with them about things you discussed previously Let people know you re on the job huntDon t limit your networking to people in the industry either Your family and friends are also useful resources By letting people know you re on the lookout for a new job in a particular area you re opening up your options as there s often someone who knows someone whose company is hiring Target the right people in the companies you re interested inPut together a list of companies you re keen on working for with a focus on ones that currently have open tech roles though you can also include your dream companies even if they don t have any positions listed Then do your research use the company s website and LinkedIn to find the relevant people at those companies to contact directly Connect with them on LinkedIn and let them know that you re interested in a specific role Thank them for accepting your connection request and send along your resume as well as any other relevant info such as a link to your GitHub profile or personal site Let them know you d like to meet and when you re available You can also reach out to former colleagues or friends at places you re interested in and ask them if they can put in a word for you This can take more time and effort than simply putting in job applications through a job board but this personalized approach can get you through to the interview stage more easily Maintain your LinkedIn profileCompleting your profile on LinkedIn and making sure all your information is up to date will help you out a lot LinkedIn is used by of recruiters in many industries to search for qualified candidates and you ll be times more likely to get opportunities from these recruiters if your profile is complete Here are some tips to get your LinkedIn profile in shape Craft a strong headline for your profile This headline appears in Google search results so making sure that it s targeted for the roles you want will help catch the eye of recruiters and employers Write a good summary that includes keywords about your skills and the roles you re interested in Your summary should make the right people want to click into your profile and learn more about you Use relevant keywords throughout your profile Be consistent and exact with a focus on the skills and experience that you want to highlight as being relevant for the position you want Let a recruitment agency search for youRecruiters are often very helpful for companies as they search for the best candidates for their openings and as a job seeker you can also benefit from going through a recruitment agency You will be able to give all your information to someone who has an inside track to the kinds of IT jobs you re looking for and the recruiter can also provide you with all the relevant details of a company so you can decide whether they re a good fit for you Tailor your resume for each applicationFinally once it s time to apply take a bit of time to adjust your resume to suit each position You don t have to do a full rewrite but it s a good idea to make sure you ve focused on the most relevant experience and included keywords that match the ones in the job description This is especially important for online applications that are going to be screened for matches A resume that is tailored for the position will often put you a step ahead of other applicants By building up a strong and easily tailored resume as well as following the other strategies shared here you will be on the right track to find your next developer job quickly PS Along with the team at Relocate me we ve created a Telegram channel where we regularly share tech job opportunies with relocation assistance available international job search tips relo stories and more Consider joining |
2021-10-21 14:51:31 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Among Us Original APK + MOD Download [Latest Version] 2021.6.30 |
Among Us Original APK MOD Download Latest Version Among Us is the game that every game lover is aware of in it got popular on social media right by streamers and memers Among Us is an online multiplayer game which can be played by to people at once all the players need to co ordinate and complete the given tasks but the twist is that one among your crew is an imposter who will be given the secret task to kill all other members The crew need to find the imposter and vote him out of the game to win Click on the Download button below to start downloading Among Us APK and start playing on your Android phone We have also provided the download link to Among Us Mod APK Read the complete article to know their features Download Among Us APK MOD APK Features Unlocked all skins Unlocked all pets Unlocked All Hats How to Install Among Us APK If you are new to Android phones and unaware of the procedure to install APK file on your phone then follow the below given steps exactly to install both Among Us APK and the Among Us Mod APK without any errors Step Download the required Among Us APK file to your Android device from the links given above Step Go to your Android security settings and enable the “Unknown sources option This step is needed to install any application that is not downloaded directly from the Google play store Step Open the Downloaded Among us APK and click on the “Install button to start the installation process Step Wait till the installation is completed and “open button is shown you can click on open to start playing Among Us on your android device Among Us App Description amp FeaturesAmong Us is an Online Multiplayer game developed by Innersloth who have made really interesting ming consuming games in past In Among Us you along with your crew members from to players are travelling in a spaceship and to keep going you need to complete the given tasks while you are performing the tasks the game will secretly make one of your crew members into an imposter and give the task to kill other players The Imposter will win the game if he successfully manipulates other team members and kills everyone without getting caught Below are some of the interesting features of Among Us that will elevate your interest in the game Chat with your friends Crew members to discuss the strategy and find the imposter efficiently You can play the game with your friends on Local wifi network without the need for internet data Up to People can play Among Us at once Play with random strangers in the Play online mode and make new friends Apply skins and get accessories to make your game unique from others The Admin map and cameras will help you keep an eye on all crewmates Make sure to keep tabs and stay alert at all times to spot any sign of a defector Among Us FAQs Frequently Asked Questions Q Is Among Us Available on iOS Ans yes Among us is available for iOS on Apple App store you can directly download from there Among Us is available for all the major platforms like Windows Android and Ma Q Why is Among Us Popular Ans Even though Among Us has been available for download from over years it gained the popularity in after many famous YouTubers and twitch users started streaming the game online The game was instantly loved by the viewers due to its simple graphics and complicated gameplay Q Can you talk in Among Us with crew members Ans You can use the chat feature to talk to your crew members in between the game but right now there is no voice communication feature available the developers feel that having voice communication option will ruin the fun element in game ConclusionThank you for reading the complete article on Among Us don t waste your time and download the Among Us APK right now and call all your friends to join with you in finding the imposter If you liked our article don t forget to share this article with your friends on Social media and help us grow If you have any other doubts related to among us you can leave a comment below |
2021-10-21 14:44:30 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
3 minor tricks for daily devs work |
minor tricks for daily devs workIn this video I will share with you simple but helpful pieces of advice Links Oh My ZshMy own Zsh profileSourcetree |
2021-10-21 14:40:10 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
5 things I learnt at my first internship 👩🏽💻 |
things I learnt at my first internship After years of being at school your first time at work be it an internship or a full time role might be a little overwhelming as there s a complete shift in paradigm My story was no different I was clueless for most of the part initially but later ended up figuring it out with time I had the opportunity to learn and grow so much in such a short span of time Of all the things that I learnt here are the top that I value the most It s okay to ask for helpAsking for help has always been tough And given a new environment with a completely new set of people it only made it even more difficult There was this one time where I thought I d figure it out on my own and later ended up having to redo two weeks worth of work from scratch Seeking help can save you a lot of time and help develop a rapport with your peers Before asking make sure you have tried solving and note down the right questions to ask as it makes the process a lot easier and efficient as well Be more observantGiven any day there is something or the other that is going to happen and you might really not understand what is going on But keep your eyes and ears open and try to pay attention as much as possible Even though it might be all greek and latin things will slowly start to make more sense with time and all the observations you do will surely help your understanding better in the longer run Prepare for meetingsMeetings are an inevitable part of the work routine There are different kinds but making sure you stay prepared for each of them is only going to make it easier If it is a meeting where you have to present rehearse if it is one where you have to listen do your homework and make sure you understand what the meeting is about so that you ll be able to clarify your doubts if any and so on so forth Look up to your mentors and peersWhen you are a fresher chances are you will be surrounded with people of years of experience as part of your team They know a lot of things that usually comes along with expertise but that can t really be taught but only be picked up by understanding and observing how they do it Be it the shortcuts to use in vscode communicating among the team approach to solving the problem and the list is endless So whenever you have the opportunity or have a one on one session with your mentor peer make sure you look out for these and keep note as they can come in really handy in the longer run Maintain a JournalThis is more of a personal choice It need not be a journal but maintaining some form of a tracking system where you can record all that you have learnt take notes track progress and document your day to day routine wins and looses helps you in reflecting on the work that you do and gradually get better at it too Also as a lot of learning happens on an every day basis documenting can really come in handy when you need to refer to things at a later point in time Every job every team and every project is completely different But I feel these five pointers are applicable irrespective of all the above Make the most of it while at work and keep on learning Be sure to rock the role that you are in If you have made it till here thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you found it useful Until next time |
2021-10-21 14:31:48 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple Mac shipments grew 11% in Q3 2021, driven by M1 |
Apple Mac shipments grew in Q driven by MApple s shipments of Mac computers grew year over year in the third quarter of driven largely by demand for the company s new M models while total PC growth appears to be contractingCredit Andrew O Hara AppleInsider Read more |
2021-10-21 14:41:07 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple Watch Series 7 band options keep disappearing from Apple's store |
Apple Watch Series band options keep disappearing from Apple x s storeIt s not just Apple s devices like the Apple Watch Series that are hard to get the company is having a hard time keeping its own bands in stock too Different colors and band types come and go on the Apple StoreAnyone wanting to get an Apple Watch Series for Christmas needs to order it now And anyone who spots a particular Watch band that they must have had better order it before eyes get to the period at the end of this sentence Read more |
2021-10-21 14:44:46 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Best Deals Oct. 21: AirTag for $26, $81 off Beats Solo3, and more! |
Best Deals Oct AirTag for off Beats Solo and more Thursday s best deals include AirTag for off SteelSeries Nimbus Wireless iOS Controller off Beats Solo and more Best Deals Thursday October Shopping online for the best discounts and deals can be an annoying and challenging task So rather than sifting through miles of advertisements check out this list of sales we ve hand picked just for the AppleInsider audience Read more |
2021-10-21 14:11:24 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Polestar gives owners two years of free fast charging from Electrify America |
Polestar gives owners two years of free fast charging from Electrify AmericaYou won t have to pay for quick Polestar charges ーat least not for a while The automaker has struck a deal that will give Polestar drivers two years of free fast charging at Electrify America stations You ll be limited to minute sessions but that won t matter so much when a kW charger can give you a healthy top up though likely not a full one in that time frame The offer applies to both existing and future Polestar owners Electrify America is keen to highlight the potential advantages including simpler payments and an easier time finding stations The Polestar deal isn t as sweet as the three years Electrify America creator VW gives its own brands It also doesn t address the coverage and reliability issues that EV charging networks sometimes face Electrify America is rapidly expanding its network but it might take years before the infrastructure is robust enough that you could assume a fast charger is reasonably close by Still this could make the Polestar an easier choice if you were anxious about recharging away from home |
2021-10-21 14:39:01 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
How to buy a monitor in 2021 |
How to buy a monitor in With the COVID pandemic still upon us a monitor is one of the most important computer buying decisions you can make Luckily there s never been more choice and we ve seen vast improvements in color accuracy size and resolution since our last update It s great to have lots of choice but it can also make your buying decision a challenge For example do you need HDR and if so how bright should your monitor be How important is color accuracy refresh rates and input lag What size do you need Should it be curved or straight Luckily we ve done the research and can help you figure all that out depending on your specific needs and most importantly budget Read on to see exactly what to look for in a monitor and which makes and models to choose The basicsScreen size resolution and display formatIn this day and age screen size rules Where inch displays used to be more or less standard and can still be useful for basic computing and even inch displays have become popular for entertainment content creation and even gaming these days Nearly every monitor used to be but it s now possible to find and other more exotic display shapes On the gaming and entertainment side we re also seeing very wide and curved monitors with aspect ratios like If you do decide to buy an ultrawide display however keep in mind that a inch model is the same height as a inch monitor so you might end up with a smaller display than you expected As a rule of thumb add percent to the size of a monitor to get the size you need K is nearly a must for content creators and some folks are even going for K or all the way up to K Keep in mind though that you ll need a pretty powerful computer to drive all those pixels And K should be paired with a screen size of inches and up or you won t notice much difference between p At the same time I wouldn t get a model larger than inches unless it s K as you ll start to see pixelation if you re working up close to the display One new category to consider is portable monitors designed to be carried and used with laptops Those typically come in p resolutions and sizes from inches They usually have a lightweight kickstand type support that folds up to keep things compact nbsp nbsp HDRHDR is the buzzy monitor feature to have these days but be careful before jumping in Some monitors that claim HDR on the marketing materials don t even conform to a base standard To be sure that a display at least meets minimum HDR specs you ll want to choose one with a DisplayHDR rating with each tier representing maximum brightness in nits However the lowest DisplayHDR and tiers may disappoint you with a lack of brightness washed out blacks and mediocre color reproduction If you can afford it choose a model with DisplayHDR or True Black True Black and True Black The True Black settings are designed primarily for OLED models with maximum black levels at nits Where televisions typically offer HDR and Dolby Vision or HDR most PC monitors only support the HDR standard other than a few very expensive models That doesn t matter much for content creation or gaming but HDR streaming on Netflix Amazon Prime Video and other services won t look quite as punchy nbsp Refresh rateRefresh rate is a key feature particularly on gaming monitors A bare minimum nowadays is Hz and Hz refresh rates and up are much easier on the eyes However most K displays top out at Hz with some rare exceptions and the HDMI spec only supports K at Hz so you d need at least DisplayPort K at Hz or HDMI The latter is now available on a number of monitors particularly gaming displays However it s only supported on the latest NVIDIA RTX and AMD RX series GPUs and requires a very powerful PC InputsThere are essentially three types of modern display inputs Thunderbolt DisplayPort and HDMI Most monitors built for PCs come with the latter two while a select few typically built for Macs will use Thunderbolt To add to the confusion USB C ports may be Thunderbolt and by extension DisplayPort compatible so you may need a USB C to Thunderbolt or DisplayPort cable adapter depending on your display Panel typeThe cheapest monitors are still TN twisted nematic which are strictly for gaming or office use VA vertical alignment monitors are also relatively cheap while offering good brightness and high contrast ratios However content creators will probably want an IPS in plane switching LCD display that delivers better color accuracy image quality and viewing angles If maximum brightness is important a quantum dot LCD display is the way to go ーthose are typically found in larger displays OLED monitors are now available and offer the best blacks and color reproduction but they lack the brightness of LED or quantum dot displays Plus they cost a lot The new panel on the block is MiniLED It s similar to quantum dot tech but as the name suggests it uses smaller LED diodes that are just mm in diameter As such manufacturers can pack in up to three times more LEDs with more local dimming zones delivering deeper blacks and better contrast nbsp Color bit depthSerious content content creators should consider a more costly bit monitor that can display billions of colors If budget is an issue you can go for an bit panel that can fake billions of colors via dithering often spec d as “ bit FRC For entertainment or business purposes a regular bit monitor that can display millions of colors will be fine Color gamutThe other aspect of color is the gamut That expresses the range of colors that can be reproduced and not just the number of colors Most good monitors these days can cover the sRGB and Rec gamuts designed for photos and video respectively For more demanding work though you ll want one that can reproduce more demanding modern gamuts like AdobeRGB DCI P and Rec gamuts which encompass a wider range of colors The latter two are often used for film projection and HDR respectively nbsp Engadget picksBest monitor around Acer KGQAcerWhether you need a monitor for gaming entertainment or work Acer s inch KGQ offers a lot of value Resolution is limited to p but it delivers a Hz refresh rate and comes with AMD FreeSync support Other features include a millisecond lag time nits of brightness HDMI and DisplayPort inputs and a tilting stand The downsides are tricky access to the ports and a TN display that looks dim at an angle but it s a heck of a steal right now at Buy inch Acer KGQ at B amp H Photo Best monitors around ASUS ProArt PAQVASUSMoving your budget up by just opens up a whole lot more options A case in point is our pick for content creation chores the ASUS ProArt PAQV You get a larger inch size increased x resolution and a superior IPS panel As with other ProArt models the PAQV is designed specifically for photo and video editing with a percent Rec gamut Calman verified color accuracy and ProArt presets and palettes for different kinds of work It also offers DisplayPort and HDMI ports and tilt swivel pivot and height adjustments That s a lot of monitor for a current street price of Buy inch ASUS ProArt PAQV at B amp H Dell SHGDellThere are numerous decent gaming monitors around but we ve managed to narrow it down to one Dell s SHG For a monitor in this price range you get a lot a inch IPS p display with a Hz refresh rate nits of brightness millisecond response time and AMD Free Sync and NVIDIA G Sync compatibility It comes with HDMI DisplayPort and SuperSpeed USB Gen inputs along with a stand that allows for height adjustment tilt swivel and pivot You can pick one up now at Amazon for Buy inch Dell SHG at Amazon Best monitor around LG UKLGLG s UK is a nice all around monitor that can cover gaming entertainment and some content creation The inch K IPS display covers percent of the sRGB gamut and supports HDR with bit color though it only outputs nits of brightness so it isn t DisplayHDR certified If you like K gaming it can handle that decently thanks to AMD FreeSync support a Hz refresh rate and a millisecond response time The downsides are a tilt only stand but it s very well priced at just nbsp Buy inch LG UK at B amp H Best monitors around BenQ PDUBenQFor creatives the BenQ PDU pushes all the right buttons The inch K IPS panel delivers bit HDR color and covers percent of the sRGB gamut with Calman verified Delta E color accuracy less than It s also a fine choice for entertainment and gaming with nits of brightness a contrast ratio viewing angle of degrees and a millisecond response time It has tilt swivel pivot and height adjustment and most of the ports you need including HDMI and DisplayPort You can pick one up now at B amp H for Buy inch BenQ PDU at B amp H Photo Acer Nitro XVQAcerAcer s Nitro XVQ is the only gaming monitor under that supports Hz refresh rates but there s more to it than just that The inch HD display outputs nits of brightness so it s DisplayHDR certified for HDR games and movies It also comes with AMD FreeSync compatibility a percent sRGB color gamut and DisplayPort and HDMI connections You can tilt swivel pivot and adjust the height by up to inches and it looks pretty snazzy with very slim side and top bezels Buy inch Acer Nitro XVQ at Amazon Best monitors under Dell UltraSharp UQDellDell s inch K UQ IPS monitor offers K HDR performance for a decent price It conforms to the DisplayHDR spec while offering bits of color and percent sRGB coverage with a Delta E color accuracy of less than two out of the box So this is a good monitor for HDR movies and doing some graphics chores particularly HDR video work ーall for under Buy inch UltraSharp UQ at Dell Acer Predator XBKAcerThough it s marketed as a gaming monitor thanks to the Hz refresh rate millisecond response time and G Sync support Acer s K quantum dot Predator XBK is really a jack of all trades It s also DisplayHDR compatible covers percent of the challenging DCI P color gamut and offers a Delta lt color accuracy You also get tilt and height adjustments HDMI and DisplayPort ports and pivot and height adjustment Buy inch Acer Predator XBK at Amazon Best monitor for Mac usersLG Ultrafine K and KLGApple s Pro Display XDR is much too rich for most of us so the next most logical option is LG s Ultrafine K display also sold on Apple s Store With a inch K panel you not only get very high resolution but also nits of brightness albeit without HDR capability It s color accurate out of the box making it great for video and photo editing work on a Mac or MacBook Finally it supports Thunderbolt with daisy chaining and power delivery all of which is very useful for Mac users If that model is too much you can also consider LG s inch Ultrafine K For nearly half the price it offers many of the same features including the powered and daisy chained Thunderbolt ports color accuracy and more in a smaller size and with just a bit less resolution Buy LG Ultrafine K at Apple Buy LG Ultrafine K at Apple Best ultrawide monitorMSI Optix MPGCQRMSIUltrawide monitors are a great option for some types of content creation flight sims and financial work The best model this year with perhaps the worst name is MSI s Optix MPGCQR With an R curve and x resolution it s ideal for gaming with the Hz refresh rate millisecond response time and HDR also helping in that regard It also offers a frameless design tilt swivel and height adjustment and HDMI DisplayPort ports It also has an LED strip that provides helpful cues for in game status like remaining health or ammo too Buy inch MSI Optix MPGCQR at Amazon Best portable monitorViewSonic VGViewSonicTo best complement your laptop a portable monitor should be small lightweight and not too expensive The model that best meets all those requirements is ViewSonic s VG At inches and weighing under pounds the p Hz IPS display can be toted around fairly easily but still provide crisp clear visuals It s also reasonably bright at nits comes in standard and touch version packs dual speakers and has a built in stand with a cover Buy inch ViewSonic VG at Amazon Best HDMI monitorAcer Nitro XVKAcerIf you re gaming on the bleeding edge at K and Hz you ll first need either a fast PC or PS Xbox Series X console If you ve got that and would prefer to use a monitor rather than a TV your best bet will soon be Acer s Nitro XVK display Along with K resolution at up to Hz it offers a millisecond refresh rate bit color and nits DisplayHDR compatible of brightness It comes of course with an HDMI input along with DisplayPort It s not yet available but should arrive soon for Pre order inch Acer Nitro XVK at B amp H Best luxury monitorASUS ProArt PAUCG KASUSASUS still holds the prize for best luxury monitor but it discontinued the previous mini LED ProArt PAUCX monitor and replaced it with the PAUCG K display It uses the same mini LED tech but ups the ante with nits of brightness an HDMI port K Hz resolution bit percent DCI P coverage and an impressive percent Rec coverage Oh and it s one of the few monitors out there that supports Dolby Vision along with HDR and HLG You re probably doing it wrong if you re using a K monitor for gaming However it does support AMD FreeSync good for gaming creation and has a millisecond response time very respectable for a display essentially designed for professional colorists And to that end color accuracy is calibrated to Delta E lt and it s a true bit panel delivering billions of colors Buy inch ASUS ProArt PAUCG K at B amp H Best K displayDell UltraSharp UPKDellFaster than we think K video will be upon us so you might be pondering an K monitor to stay ahead of the curve Dell s UPK is part of its UltraSharp lineup for creators so it not only delivers K x p resolution but other nice pro features too The bit native IPS panel delivers nits of brightness though the UPK isn t an HDR monitor It also delivers billion colors and covers percent of the DCI P color gamut with a Delta E of less than two out of the box It s also one of the few monitors that flips around degrees making it good for portrait photo work This monitor isn t cheap either at K monitors are still very rare but Dell s UPQ K monitor has most of the features for less than half the price It s not quite as bright at nits and covers just percent of the DCI P gamut but it offers billion colors and is just as precise for color correction out of the box Buy inch UltraSharp UPK at Dell |
2021-10-21 14:30:08 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Sony's A7 IV camera arrives with a 33-megapixel sensor and 4K 60p video |
Sony x s A IV camera arrives with a megapixel sensor and K p videoSony has finally revealed its mainstream Alpha A IV full frame mirrorless camera and it looks to have been worth the wait Borrowing technology from the recent A and AS III models it offers large improvements over the A III introduced well over three years ago Key features include an all new megapixel sensor K bit fps video new AI autofocus tricks and a lot more nbsp The A IV resembles the AS III in terms of size and layout but you can now select between still video and S amp Q slow and quick options with a new dedicated dial below the mode dial Each mode completely changes the settings and control layout of the camera to favor either photo or video centric controls As with the AS III the video record button has been moved to a more practical spot on top for vloggers SonyIt comes with a million dot electronic viewfinder EVF with a more comfortable Hz refresh rate up from the million dot Hz EVF on the A III For videographers the A IV offers a flip out million dot rear LCD display making the camera far more usable for vlogging than the A III nbsp The axis in body stabilization delivers stops of shake reduction up slightly from before but far below the stops promised by Canon s like priced EOS R However it now offers an quot active mode quot for movies that helps smooth footsteps nbsp In terms of storage the A IV offers two slots with the top dual slot taking either SDXC UHS II up to MB s speeds or CFexpress Type A up to MB s and the bottom slot compatible with SDXC UHS II only On the A and AS III by comparison both slots support both those formats As for battery life the A IV delivers CIPA shots on a charge compared to on the A III nbsp SonyThe megapixel backside illuminated BSI sensor provides a significant resolution boost over the A III s megapixel sensor while still offering good low light sensitivity Sony told Engadget However it doesn t offer the stacked chip on sensor technology of the A and A A II so it lacks the sensor readout speeds of those models nbsp As such the A IV is limited to the same fps shootings speeds as the A III both with the mechanical and electronic shutter ーwhereas the A can shoot at triple that speed However the A III was limited to around RAW frames at a time but the A IV can shoot an incredible uncompressed RAW JPEG images in a burst provided you capture to a CFexpress Type A card Powered by the A s BIONZ R processing engine it offers the same phase detect AF points as the A with around percent sensor coverage It also comes with the same AI powered image tracking that can process spatial information quot in real time at high speed quot Sony said That means more tenacious tracking along with faster and more accurate eye AF for humans animals and birds SonyPerhaps the biggest improvements with the A IV are on with video Where the A III was limited to K p with bits of color depth the A IV can handle K at up to fps with bit All I capture ーputting it on par with Canon s EOS R and the Panasonic GH II K fps is super sampled using the entire K width of the sensor while K p uses a K Super X crop That means there s no pixel binning so video should be very sharp nbsp It supports a number of video file types including XAVC S All I at up to Mbps for K bit movies All of the video modes except one S amp Q setting that requires CFexpress Type A can be captured to an SD UHS II card However unlike the A and AS III there s no support for bit RAW video capture to an external recorder RAW video isn t found on the EOS R either but is available on Panasonic s GHs and the Nikon Z II via recorders from Atomos and Blackmagic Design Video autofocus is improved with faster and more accurate tracking and the A IV is Sony s first camera to support both human and animal bird eye tracking for video If the A IV s AF works nearly as well as the AS III it should be nearly on par with Canon s Dual Pixel AF What about overheating the EOS R s primary bugbear With a heat dissipating body structure the A IV can record K p bit video continuously for more than an hour Sony claims The R meanwhile is limited to around minutes at K p before a cooling off period is required SonyWith most camera lenses pulling video focus from a foreground to background subject can cause an ugly change in framing The A IV s Focus Breathing Compensation system essentially uses a digital zoom to compensate for that making the transition smoother However since the system needs to track lens elements it only supports Sony branded glass ーand only the rather expensive G and GM models at that nbsp If you d rather focus manually the A IV is debuting a new feature called Focus Map It overlays colors onto a scene showing the parts within behind and in front of the depth of field DOF That s supposed to help you pull focus quickly and in the right direction toward your subject Related to that is the new quot AF Assist quot function borrowed from Sony s FX cinema camera that allows for manual focus even during autofocus operation nbsp SonyLastly Sony has introduced new live streaming and sharing features though they re not quite up to the level we ve seen on other recent cameras If you use Sony s Imaging Edge mobile app it will now use Bluetooth to maintain a continuous connection rather than disconnecting as before nbsp It also offers faster transfer speeds with GHz WiFi and superspeed USB C Gen Gbps You can do video and audio streaming over USB C at up to p or K p if resolution is a priority over smooth video That allows for webcam or livestreaming via apps like OBS with digital audio and effects like soft skin The camera can also record internally while you re live streaming providing a backup Unlike Panasonic s GH II however you can t transmit via RTMP to Twitch YouTube or other services without a phone or laptop nbsp The A IV is clearly a massive leap forward for Sony s quot basic quot full frame mirrorless camera series putting it on par or ahead of most rivals The only deterrent is the price tag with a mm f OSS kit lens which is more than the A III cost at launch I d wager though that it s going to be just as popular as the original provided it delivers the promised performance ーso stay tuned for our review The A IV is set to arrive by the end of December |
2021-10-21 14:13:01 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
Wi-Fi 6E is coming soon, but don’t forget about Cisco Wi-Fi 6 solutions |
Wi Fi E is coming soon but don t forget about Cisco Wi Fi solutionsYou may have noticed that in the last few weeks the industry has been talking a lot about Wi Fi E Count Cisco among the conversation starters about Wi Fi E too But what about Wi Fi What s going on with that standard WE talk a little about that now |
2021-10-21 14:41:27 |
Cisco |
Cisco Blog |
The Future of Broadcast: The All-IP Olympics |
The Future of Broadcast The All IP OlympicsThe tremendous benefit of IP is that it supports new workflows that enable broadcasters to fundamentally transform how they create and deliver content while lowering their operating expenses Learn how NBC took full advantage of IP Fabric for Media to broadcast the Olympic Games |
2021-10-21 14:30:48 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
The Webb Telescope’s Latest Stumbling Block: Its Name |
The Webb Telescope s Latest Stumbling Block Its NameThe long awaited successor to the Hubble Space Telescope is scheduled to launch in December But the NASA official for whom it is named has been accused of homophobia |
2021-10-21 14:27:32 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
South Korea’s First Homemade Rocket Lifts Off but Is ‘One Step Short’ |
South Korea s First Homemade Rocket Lifts Off but Is One Step Short The country aspires to be a leader in space technology with plans to land an uncrewed craft on the moon by President Moon Jae in said the initial launch was excellent “for a first try |
2021-10-21 14:36:39 |
金融 |
ニュース - 保険市場TIMES |
明治安田生命、「Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance」へ加盟 |
明治安田生命、「NetZeroAssetOwnerAlliance」へ加盟脱炭素社会の実現に貢献明治安田生命保険相互会社は月日、「NetZeroAssetOwnerAlliance」へ加盟したと発表した。 |
2021-10-22 00:00:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sir David Amess: Ali Harbi Ali charged with murder of MP |
terrorist |
2021-10-21 14:12:57 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: Get your booster jab, says Boris Johnson, as cases rise |
appointments |
2021-10-21 14:39:51 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Tory MPs don't need masks as they know each other, says Rees-Mogg |
guidance |
2021-10-21 14:18:44 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
'I am peaking as a captain' - Morgan on motivation, leadership and his future |
x I am peaking as a captain x Morgan on motivation leadership and his futureEngland captain Eoin Morgan tells BBC Sport what is driving him and his players at the T World Cup and what the future holds for him |
2021-10-21 14:10:29 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
21歳メルニコワが初優勝 世界体操・女子個人総合 |
世界体操 |
2021-10-21 23:04:26 |
海外TECH |
reddit |
Do you own a pet in Japan? |
Do you own a pet in Japan I am thinking of welcoming a cat in my place Since my childhood I ve always dreamed to live with a dog or a cat I have a stable situation now a bigger apartment with a garden and working remotely days a week So I think I ll have time to care and play with him her But I don t come across foreigners owning a pet that often in Japan I think it would be nice to listen to some opinions first before making my move What about you Do you have a pet in Japan Do you know a friend who has one Is it expensive submitted by u tonystrawberry to r japanlife link comments |
2021-10-21 14:28:12 |