IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia ビジネスオンライン] ワークマン、「マルチユースキャリーバッグ」を発売 オンラインストアで限定1000個 |
itmedia |
2021-10-22 20:46:00 |
python |
Pythonタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
めちゃはやPython環境構築(よくわからん人おすすめ) |
めちゃはやPython環境構築よくわからん人おすすめ初投稿ですよろしくお願いします今回はPythonの環境構築をscoopでやっていきますPython環境構築まずはPythonの環境構築をしますいつも私はscoopというツールを使って環境構築をしていますWindowsはUbuntu等と違ってインストールメディアを使ってインストールすることができますがインストールする場所がぐちゃぐちゃになってしまったりuninstallするときにどれをuninstallすればいいかわからなかったりとWindowsの中身を汚してしまいます俺も無駄なストレージをいっぱい使ってしまったりしましたでもこのscoopを使えばPythonなどのインストールをUbuntuのaptみたいに管理できるので非常に便利です今回はそのscoopを使ってPython環境を作っていきますscoopとは以下の記事が参考になりますここの記事を見てやってもらってもいいですが一応位置から説明していきます要件PowerShellNetFramework以上Windowsだったら問題ないですscoopinstall上記要件を満たしていたらWindowsPowerShellから以下を実行するSetExecutionPolicyRemoteSignedscopeCurrentUserinvokeExpressionNewObjectSystemNetWebClientDownloadString以下のメッセージが出るのでYを押してください実行ポリシーの変更実行ポリシーは、信頼されていないスクリプトからの保護に役立ちます。 |
2021-10-22 20:12:48 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Javascript]ファイルを読み込まない |
エラー内容itemsnewがprofitjsを読み込まない。 |
2021-10-22 20:47:23 |
js |
JavaScriptタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Javascript]Uncaught TypeError: |
JavascriptUncaughtTypeErrorやりたいことPayjpを使って、クレジットカードの情報をサーバーに送信したい。 |
2021-10-22 20:43:00 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
スプレッドシートのデータ入力規則について |
スプレッドシートのデータ入力規則について前提・実現したいことスプレッドシートでデータ入力規則を使って分おきに時間のプルダウンを作りたいです。 |
2021-10-22 20:52:26 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
スイッチの所でPingが通らない |
2021-10-22 20:42:32 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
フッターに空白ができるがどうすれば消せるか原因がわかりません。 |
フッターに空白ができるがどうすれば消せるか原因がわかりません。 |
2021-10-22 20:41:02 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
UnityのアニメーションをC#スクリプトで表現したい。 |
UnityのアニメーションをCスクリプトで表現したい。 |
2021-10-22 20:33:12 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
ナビゲーションメニューのフルスクリーン時にスクロールされてしまう |
ナビゲーションメニューのフルスクリーン時にスクロールされてしまうナビゲーションメニューのフルスクリーン時に、スクロールができてしまうため、回避策を教えていただけますと幸いです。 |
2021-10-22 20:17:27 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
Googleフォームのボタンの改修、コンテンツ追加はどのようにしたら良いか? |
Googleフォームのボタンの改修、コンテンツ追加はどのようにしたら良いか前提・実現したいこと既設Googleフォームの送信ボタンの上に個人情報保護のチェックボックスを追加し、チェックがされていないときまたは他項目に記載がない場合、送信ボタンを非活性化、チェックがされて、かつ全ての項目が書かれている場合は活性化させたい。 |
2021-10-22 20:02:33 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby]devise passwordの最低文字数を変更する |
Rubydevisepasswordの最低文字数を変更するdeviseのpasswordカラムは、デフォルトで最低文字数と最高文字数が設定されているappconfiginitializersdeviserbdeviserb中略gtConfigurationforvalidatableRangeforpasswordlengthconfigpasswordlengthconfigpasswordlengthの、最低文字数最高文字数をそれぞれ表しているよって、passwordの最低文字数、最高文字数を変更したい時は、上記数字を変更する。 |
2021-10-22 20:59:13 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby]アソシエーションしたActiveHashのモデルの、特定の要素を取得したい。 |
→Itemモデルのインスタンス変数を使用して、ビューファイルに呼び出すことが可能なのでは添字は、Itemモデルのインスタンス変数から、feepayeridを指定して、代入する。 |
2021-10-22 20:57:15 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby]正規表現まとめ |
irbmaingttelgtirbmaingttelsubgt最初のハイフンしか置換されないirbmaingttelgsubgtmatchメソッド引数に指定した文字列がメソッドを使用した文字列に含まれているか否かをチェックする含まれている場合は、指定した文字列がMatchDataというオブジェクトが戻り値で得られる。 |
2021-10-22 20:54:55 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby]sliceメソッド使い方まとめ |
「指定位置から指定の長さを指定」して、該当部分の要素を切り出す方法。 |
2021-10-22 20:53:41 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby]eachメソッド 配列が入れ子になっているときの処理方法 |
fruitspriceeachdofruitまず、変数sumを定義sumfruitフルーツの名前に対して、ブロック変数priceを使用したeachメソッドを処理fruiteachdopricepriceを足した値をsumに再代入して、値段の配列に含まれる値をつずつ足していく。 |
2021-10-22 20:51:48 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
初学者向けのRuby勉強会で使用した資料(繰り返し処理,繰り返し処理問題集) |
となるように繰り返し処理を使って出力してください。 |
2021-10-22 20:48:47 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Javascript]ファイルを読み込まない |
エラー内容itemsnewがprofitjsを読み込まない。 |
2021-10-22 20:47:23 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby] Rspec MySQLを読み込まない |
RubyRspecMySQLを読み込まないやりたいことFormオブジェクトの単一テストを成功させたいエラー内容ActiveRecordStatementInvalidMysqlErrorMySQLclientisnotconnected調査クライアントサイドからサーバーサイドにデータが送られていない。 |
2021-10-22 20:40:08 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby]deviseでログインできない |
例を抜くように指定してしまった、passwordの英字が大文字に置換されてしまう調査結果formwithメソッドで指定したカラムが間違っている→ビューファイルを確認したところ、カラムの指定は合っていた。 |
2021-10-22 20:38:24 |
Ruby |
Rubyタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby]サーバーが立ち上がらない |
Rubyサーバーが立ち上がらないやりたいことコードを修正したので、サーバーを再起動したい。 |
2021-10-22 20:32:15 |
Azure |
Azureタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
Synapse Analytics Serverless SQL PoolでDWHに不可欠な"分散"、"パーティション"の作用を実践する |
たとえば、直近の年しかデータが必要ない場合には、年以上前のデータを保持したパーティションにはアクセスが不要となりますが、クエリする際に不要なパーティションをスキップするパーティションプルーニングことで最適化をはかる機能があります。 |
2021-10-22 20:50:07 |
Git |
Gitタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
【git】(続き)ブランチ、プル、マージとか【チーム開発を目指して】 |
リモートリポジトリのmasterブランチにマージはできたが、自分自身のPCの中のローカルリポジトリ上のmasterにはマージの内容が反映されていない。 |
2021-10-22 20:32:22 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby]devise passwordの最低文字数を変更する |
Rubydevisepasswordの最低文字数を変更するdeviseのpasswordカラムは、デフォルトで最低文字数と最高文字数が設定されているappconfiginitializersdeviserbdeviserb中略gtConfigurationforvalidatableRangeforpasswordlengthconfigpasswordlengthconfigpasswordlengthの、最低文字数最高文字数をそれぞれ表しているよって、passwordの最低文字数、最高文字数を変更したい時は、上記数字を変更する。 |
2021-10-22 20:59:13 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby]アソシエーションしたActiveHashのモデルの、特定の要素を取得したい。 |
→Itemモデルのインスタンス変数を使用して、ビューファイルに呼び出すことが可能なのでは添字は、Itemモデルのインスタンス変数から、feepayeridを指定して、代入する。 |
2021-10-22 20:57:15 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby]正規表現まとめ |
irbmaingttelgtirbmaingttelsubgt最初のハイフンしか置換されないirbmaingttelgsubgtmatchメソッド引数に指定した文字列がメソッドを使用した文字列に含まれているか否かをチェックする含まれている場合は、指定した文字列がMatchDataというオブジェクトが戻り値で得られる。 |
2021-10-22 20:54:55 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Javascript]ファイルを読み込まない |
エラー内容itemsnewがprofitjsを読み込まない。 |
2021-10-22 20:47:23 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby] Rspec MySQLを読み込まない |
RubyRspecMySQLを読み込まないやりたいことFormオブジェクトの単一テストを成功させたいエラー内容ActiveRecordStatementInvalidMysqlErrorMySQLclientisnotconnected調査クライアントサイドからサーバーサイドにデータが送られていない。 |
2021-10-22 20:40:08 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby]deviseでログインできない |
例を抜くように指定してしまった、passwordの英字が大文字に置換されてしまう調査結果formwithメソッドで指定したカラムが間違っている→ビューファイルを確認したところ、カラムの指定は合っていた。 |
2021-10-22 20:38:24 |
Ruby |
Railsタグが付けられた新着投稿 - Qiita |
[Ruby]サーバーが立ち上がらない |
Rubyサーバーが立ち上がらないやりたいことコードを修正したので、サーバーを再起動したい。 |
2021-10-22 20:32:15 |
技術ブログ |
Developers.IO |
Analysis of Cloudtrail Data using AWS Quicksight to Know about Count of AccessDenied |
Analysis of Cloudtrail Data using AWS Quicksight to Know about Count of AccessDeniedAWS Is a secure cloud service platform that offers compute power database storage content delivery network |
2021-10-22 11:40:35 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Rocket Report: South Korea just misses orbit, Ariane 5 to set payload records |
catalysts |
2021-10-22 11:00:51 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
Apple's New Siri-Only Voice Plan for Apple Music: What You Need to Know |
Apple x s New Siri Only Voice Plan for Apple Music What You Need to KnowApple has introduced a new plan for Apple Music which comes with various limitationsーmainly that you must control everything with Siri |
2021-10-22 11:33:45 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Form Validation In ReactJS by building A Reusable Custom hook⚓ |
Form Validation In ReactJS by building A Reusable Custom hookHi there Formhandling is an essential part of any website Since Forms takes the important information from the user We must create robust form component which can handle inputs and it s validationeasily Here we re going to create a simple React Hookto handle form as well as it s validation The advantage of this hook is It is Reusable so that you can use it anywhere in your website or for other projects You can handle validation easily You just have to put conditions for input fields you want to validate This hook makes error handling very easy also you can customize error messages as well Very easy to implement and buildIf you prefer to watch video then here is the video tutorial Let s start codingFirst of all makes sure you have created you react app using below commandnpx create react app react form componentcd react form componentNow start your react app usingnpm start️⃣Open your project folder in your code editor ️⃣Clear the unnecessary code from the App js file ️⃣Create form with inputs and submit button like below ️⃣Add some css in the App css file App text align center margin top vh form display flex flex direction column align items center justify content center input margin rem padding rem outline none submit border px solid important cursor pointer ️⃣Create Hooks folder in the Src In this folder create one file called useForm jsTo create any custom hook you can keep different file name but name of the hook should always start from use keyword Write basic snippet in this file like below const useForm gt return export default useForm️⃣In this hook first we will need two states values gt A state to store form values Initially an empty objecterrors gt A state to store errors if any Initially an empty objectSo let s create these states Form values const values setValues useState Errors const errors setErrors useState ️⃣Let s create a method to handle form values and set values state A method to handle form inputs const handleChange event gt To stop default events event persist let name event target name let val event target value validate event name val Let s set these values in state setValues values spread operator to store old values name val This method takes event as an argument and then it will set the values state as key value pair in values object Now to use this methods and state in other components we need to return it Now your code will look like this ️⃣Let s call and use this hook in the App js file Open your App file and paste below code Import useForm hook import useForm from Hooks useForm Deconstruct states and method from hook Custom hook call const handleChange values errors useForm Make sure to attach handleChange method with onChange event of each inputs like below lt input type email name email placeholder E mail onChange handleChange gt lt input type password name password placeholder password onChange handleChange gt lt input type text name username placeholder username onChange handleChange gt You can check values state by using console log values inside the App js file Form Validation️⃣Let s create a validation function in useForm hook Open useForm js file and write below code const validate event name value gt A function to validate each input values switch name case username if value length lt we will set the error state setErrors errors username Username atleast have letters else set the error state empty or remove the error for username input omit function removes omits the value from given object and returns a new object let newObj omit errors username setErrors newObj break default break Let s break down validate function gt This function takes arguments event If you want target element for customization or stylingname name of the elementvalues values of the element gt Here we have used Switch statement for different elements so that you can validate different elements Key of the switch function is the name of the element gt Now for the first case we have username So in this case we have a condition that if length of the username value is lt then we will set the error state else we will remove that error if exists Here we have used omit function since we can not manipulate state object directly This omit function takes two arguments first is the object and second is the name of the error you want to remove Now omit function remove that error if it exist then it returns the new object Now in the handleChange method use validate function and make sure to pass all the arguments Refer below full code Line no Here for Email I m using regular expression to validate the email value If is is false then if condition becomes true and we will set the error accordingly Same for the password You can customize this regular function as per your requirements Line no In this line we can call validate function which will validate all the inputs Handle SubmitLet s create handle submit function open App js file and write below code Final submit function const formLogin gt console log Callback function when form is submitted console log Form Values values Now this is the function you can customize and will be called when form is submitted Pass this function in the useForm hook as a callback function Custom hook call const handleChange values errors handleSubmit useForm formLogin This is how you can pass your custom functions to the hooks ️⃣️⃣Open useForm js file deconstruct callback function from the props like belowconst useForm callback gt Let s create handleSubmit function const handleSubmit event gt if event event preventDefault if Object keys errors length amp amp Object keys values length callback else alert There is an Error In this function If length of errors is and length of values is not zero values are not empty then it will call the callback function else it will alert the user NOTE You should customize these conditions as per your requirements Don t forget to add handleSubmit function in the return statement ️⃣️⃣Open App js file Deconstruct handleSubmit method from the useForm hook const handleChange values errors handleSubmit useForm formLogin Connect this method with the form like below lt form onSubmit handleSubmit gt Display the ErrorsNow to display errors you can do something like this lt form onSubmit handleSubmit gt lt input type email name email placeholder E mail onChange handleChange gt errors email amp amp lt h gt errors email lt h gt lt input minLength type password name password placeholder password onChange handleChange gt errors password amp amp lt h gt errors password lt h gt lt input type text minLength required name username placeholder username onChange handleChange gt errors username amp amp lt h gt errors username lt h gt lt input type submit value Submit className submit gt lt form gt First we will check if there is any error then if it is there then we will display it You can watch the video for manipulating some style of the component based on it s values The EndThat s the end of this tutorial I hope it helped you to learn something Full Code for this tutorial If you have any question just ask in the comments Thanks For ReadingFeel free to visit my youtube channel codebucks |
2021-10-22 11:37:32 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
PPSSPP GOLD APK v1.12.3 Download Latest Version 2021 |
PPSSPP GOLD APK v Download Latest Version Are you a PSP game lover but facing the problem of playing your favorite games on your smartphone If yes then PPSSPP Gold will work like a charm emulator in your device that doesn t require high configuration to launch games Now get the ultimate fun of playing high quality PSP games directly on your smartphone and tablets Download Introduce about PPSSPP GoldPPSSPP Gold is one of the highly used PSP emulators for Android devices where you can emulate multiple games in high definition The game offers lots of amazing features such as simple touch controls clear sound quality high definition graphics easy to customize and many other things There are dozens of incredible PSP games available to explore but the problem is that they require portable devices to run But the PPSSPP application launched as a perfect solution to this problem that comes with lots of premium features that can t be found in any normal emulators In this emulator you can load multiple games at the same time but it somehow depends on your device s capability One of the best things that I like most about this emulator is its fast processing speed and gameplay stability that eventually make the user satisfied Although there are lots of gaming emulators such as Drastic DS Emulator Pizza Boy GBA Pro and more available for Android devices no one can provide you with a smooth gameplay experience like PPSSPP Support all android devicesPPSSPP Emulator allows users to store their progress in an online cloud so that they can access it from any other compatible device using the same account Feel free to load your favorite games directly on your smartphone with the help of this powerful gaming emulator There is no need to create additional accounts if you want to use this emulator on multiple devices It allows us to use the same credentials on various devices simultaneously that eventually let us continue from where we left off Easy to use functionsPlaying PSP games on your smartphone can be a great experience but it can be hard to get the perfect settings in emulators The great thing is that PPSSPP lets you play all of these classic games in one place and you don t need to download and install each game separately This app will allow you to play all of your favorite Playstation portable games in high definition with added features such as improved graphics and sound effects for an enhanced gaming experience It also includes support for low end devices so that players can continue their adventures anytime anywhere Experience smooth gameplayIf you are a PSP fan then you must have spent hours playing your favorite games But as time goes by the performance of old devices is not up to the standard anymore and it becomes difficult for users to play their favorite games with stability on their device Here the PPSSPP emulator wins the spot for providing the ultimate gaming experience to the users right from their smartphones With its smooth gameplay and high fps rate you will be able to get back your childhood memories while enjoying new adventures at once Mod APK Version of PPSSPP GoldPPSSPP Gold Apk is a paid patched version of the paid PPSSPP Gold PSP Emulator application where you will get access to all the premium features of this paid application without spending a single penny This means you can free download and use this awesome emulator without any purchase Patched featuresFree Download PPSSPP Gold is a paid application that you can install on your device after spending However you can download PPSSPP Gold Apk for free from this post and it will provide all similar features as in the official version Download PPSSPP Gold Apk for AndroidPPSSPP is undoubtedly the best Android Emulator for playing PSP games on your device without any hassle You will be happy to know that this emulator is bug free but you can still improve as it is kept open source It can run almost any PSP game at full speed with sound and it works great both in landscape and portrait modes to take the gameplay experience to the next level With the PPSSPP emulator installed on your smartphone you will be able to enjoy hours of gaming without feeling bored and getting tired The patched version of the simulator shared in this post comes with the Gold version unlocked and you can use it for a lifetime Also we regularly update modded applications with new features and you can get notifications of updates by bookmarking PPSSPPGoldApk app |
2021-10-22 11:18:24 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Why you need a portfolio website when working in tech - and how I built mine with Gridsome and Deploy Now |
Why you need a portfolio website when working in tech and how I built mine with Gridsome and Deploy Now Why you need a portfolio websiteOf course you can get a job without a personal website No company will ask you to present one But having a personal portfolio website can never be a disadvantage and presenting your skills experience and portfolio as a dev is not only for “getting a job Reasons for a personal website A portfolio website can visualize information better than a CV you can use animations hover effects and link to deeper content and projects Be visible in the tech community and give others an opportunity to contact you Expanding your network has many benefits either be it sharing knowledge with others or coming across new job opportunities Promote yourself as a freelancer and win clients Even if you work full time for a company you might consider freelancing one day Having a list of leads for that will ease your start a lot Creating a website with the tech you love is fun View your website as a playground for cool new tech you discover Lessons learned from my own portfolio websiteBased on my years of experience in tech dozens of hiring decisions I have made and combined with my own personal career experiences I would like to share these takeaways with you Be yourselfAlways be yourself and do not try to be someone else Write an About me section where you describe who you are as a professional Include your current job title because it helps to quickly let the reader grasp your level of professional experience But also focus on aspects that define you as a person to make readers feel like they understand who you are That will grab their attention right away Try to be on point here and keep it brief you will have plenty of room to showcase what you are capable of on the next section of your portfolio website Showcase your best work and skillsThis is where you can really shine Think about the most impactful projects you were involved with recently and use them as your main assets to prove your skills Next to an overview description of the project scope and the used technologies a real booster is to integrate social proof such as client feedback or testimonial statements Make your code available in a public repositoryIf the project allows it make your code available in public repositories This gives the reader an in depth view on how you code GitHub ist the way to go here from my perspective It is one of the most popular and comprehensive platforms for publication and documentation of code as well as providing a remote version control repository Choose a modern tech stack for your siteThe tech you use for your website should represent your skills and interests Personally I m quite interested in static site generators and the developments around the Jamstack As I m quite experienced in Vue js I decided to go with the static site generator Gridsome Static site generators prerender your website after every Git Commit This yields fast deliveries on request No matter which tech stack you use avoid by any means that your website is slow buggy or not responsive Working at IONOS the largest hosting company in Europe I m in the comfortable position to host my personal site on one of my company s products I decided to host my website on Deploy Now Deploy Now allows instant deployments from GitHub and executes the build step of your static site generator automatically on Git Push Use my sample to get startedIf you are interested in static site generators as well and want to give Gridsome a try you can have a live look or directly checkout for your own portfolio site In addition to Gridsome it uses Windi CSS for the styling With just a click on this button you can deploy your own instance via Deploy Now |
2021-10-22 11:04:19 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's 'iPhone SE 3' may be based on iPhone XR, and be last LCD model |
Apple x s x iPhone SE x may be based on iPhone XR and be last LCD modelA new industry report says that the iPhone SE may have more of a chassis redesign than expected bringing Touch ID to a side button and being Apple s last ever LCD iPhone Apple has long been reported to be working on an iPhone SE which is expected to have an LCD screen and A processor It s also been claimed that it will support G too However previous reports all predicted that the external design of the new model would be unchanged from the current iPhone SE Specifically the reports were that it would continue to have the iPhone style casing with a inch display Read more |
2021-10-22 11:49:40 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
2022 MacBook Air will have 'M2' chip, MagSafe, 1080p camera, says leaker |
MacBook Air will have x M x chip MagSafe p camera says leakerApple s MacBook Air is not due for a refresh until but new rumors claim to offer details on a next generation version of the thin and light that supposedly borrows key elements from the recently unveiled MacBook Pro Reliable leaker dylandkt outlined the upcoming MacBook Air in a series of tweets on Thursday saying the laptop will eschew its long standing wedge shape for a squared off design that is more in line with and inch MacBook Pro models An M chip is predicted to power the device Performance specifications went unmentioned but the silicon is unlikely to be more powerful than M Pro or M Max as MacBook Air is not aimed at professional users Further dylandkt claims the upcoming MacBook Air once again lacks fans suggesting M is a low power high efficiency chip Read more |
2021-10-22 11:04:38 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Lyft's first safety report reveals over 4,000 sexual assault cases |
Lyft x s first safety report reveals over sexual assault casesLyft has finally published its first safety report PDF which sheds light on the rate of sexual assault and abuse cases on the service in the US over the course of three years From until Lyft received a total of sexual assault reports The company s safety team divided all sexual assault and misconduct incidents into categories but the cases included in this report only include five of the most serious categories of sexual assault Those categories are non consensual kissing of a non sexual sexual body part non consensual touching of a sexual body part attempted non consensual sexual penetration and non consensual sexual penetration There are lesser categories of sexual assault that weren t included in the total number of cases Among the five the most commonly reported incidents fall under the non consensual touching of a sexual body part category The team recorded incidents of rape within that period Lyft said that it included any incident reported over the three year period regardless of when it actually happened because sexual assault is chronically underreported Further it intentionally used broad definitions for the sub categories In addition to sexual assault cases Lyft has also reported motor vehicle fatalities and fatal physical assaults nbsp The company explained that it doesn t proactively report safety incidents to law enforcement knowing that it s a deeply personal decision especially for survivors of sexual assault quot This policy gives survivors as much agency as possible when deciding whether and how to report an incident quot it wrote nbsp Lyft has been promising to release a safety report since and when CNN asked about it earlier this year the company cited an issue with the California Public Utilities Commission for the delay According to the news organization at least individuals are suing the ride hailing service over alleged sexual assault incidents Some of those cases accuse Lyft of knowing that its drivers were raping passengers and failing to take steps to protect its customers Uber on the other hand published its first safety report in The company revealed nearly reports of sexual abuse over and as well as fatal physical assaults |
2021-10-22 11:35:47 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
The Morning After: Razer’s light-up smart face mask finally goes on sale |
The Morning After Razer s light up smart face mask finally goes on saleAfter a long run of teasing the RGB lit Zephyr mask Razer is finally ready to sell it to die hard fans ーor possibly cosplayers The Zephyr costs or there s a Starter Pack with three replacement filter kits Alas the Starter Pack is already listed as quot out of stock quot and the mask by itself is still quot coming soon quot Yes you can customize the lighting through a companion app but the highlight is a dual fan active air filtration system with N filters ーsomething I d never thought I d be writing about a Razer device ーMat SmithMicrosoft Surface Duo reviewIts second dual screen hybrid is another letdown EngadgetMicrosoft s dual screen ambitions continue to struggle Upgraded hardware and a new Glance Bar don t mean much when the Duo is still plagued with inconsistent finicky software The new triple camera array is held back by an atrocious camera app and thermal issues cause the device to hang All of this will cost you Continue reading Uncharted movie trailer plays Nathan Drake s greatest hitsThat cargo plane sequence looks mighty familiar Sony PicturesYes Sony is finally releasing an Uncharted movie after trying to make one for over a decade Sony Pictures included a handy reminder at the end of the trailer about a remastered bundle of Uncharted and Uncharted The Lost Legacy that s coming to PlayStation and PC in early Continue reading Do you want a Razer gaming chair Well it s pretty good RazerGaming chairs have proliferated over the past few years and until now they ve tended to be overpriced and visually unappealing Think lurid colors Bond villain lair aesthetics and giant drink holders As Buyer s Guide Editor Kris Naudus puts it Razer s new Enki chair is still a bit over the top but at least it s a more affordable kind of over the top Continue reading NVIDIA s new GeForce Now RTX service streams games at p and fpsIt costs for six months double the current premium tier price NVIDIA has unveiled its next generation cloud gaming platform called GeForce Now RTX with quot desktop class latency quot and p gaming at up to fps on PC or Mac The service is powered by a new gaming supercomputer called the GeForce Now SuperPod and at for a year costs double the price of the existing Priority tier which recently doubled to Continue reading Sony s A IV camera has a megapixel sensor and K p videoIt promises flagship class image quality and AI powered AF SonySony has finally revealed its mainstream Alpha A IV full frame mirrorless camera and it looks to have been worth the wait Borrowing technology from the recent A and AS III models it has some substantial improvements over the A III introduced well over three years ago There s an all new megapixel sensor K bit fps video new AI autofocus tricks and a lot more including some new live streaming and sharing features though they re not quite up to the level we ve seen on other recent cameras You can do video and audio streaming over USB C at up to p or K p if resolution is a priority over smooth video The A IV is clearly a massive leap forward for Sony s quot basic quot full frame mirrorless camera series putting it on par ーor ahead of ーmost rivals The only deterrent is the price tag with a kit lens which is more than the A III cost at launch Continue reading How to buy a monitor in We help you narrow down the multitude of choices available With the pandemic still upon us and Work From Home directives continuing a monitor is one of the most important computer buying decisions you can make Luckily there s never been more choice and we ve seen vast improvements in color accuracy size and resolution since our last update Steve Dent is here to help with your buying decision Do you need HDR and if so how bright should your monitor be What size do you need Let s dive in Continue reading The biggest news stories you might have missediFixit s Apple Watch Series teardown shows the same display tech as iPhone We can make the steel of tomorrow without the fossil fuels of yesteryearThe new inch MacBook Pro offers a speed enhancing High Power ModeApple will require unvaccinated employees to test for COVID dailyTrump plans to launch his own social media platform in early Raspberry Pi announces first ever price increase due to component shortagesMicrosoft and AMD will give away a Halo Infinite Radeon RX XT GPUSeagate now offers a TB expansion card for your Xbox Series X S Among Us will hit Xbox and PlayStation on December th |
2021-10-22 11:15:19 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Amazon's big Samsung sale includes laptops, watches, phones and storage |
Amazon x s big Samsung sale includes laptops watches phones and storageAmazon s deal of the day is all about Samsung today with products on sale ranging from laptops to Galaxy S smartphones to storage That includes a percent discount on Samsung s thin and pretty inch Galaxy Book Pro laptop with an OLED display on sale for the Galaxy S Plus smartphone at off and the Galaxy Watch priced at ー off the regular price Some of the best deals are on Samsung s laptops The Galaxy Book Pro stands out not just because it s pretty thin and light but because of that gorgeous AMOLED display The inch model in quot Mystic Blue quot is the standout deal priced at just for a savings of percent It weighs in at just pounds offering an Intel th gen Core i CPU GB of RAM GB of storage and hours of battery life nbsp nbsp Another great option that s far more on the budget side is Samsung s inch Galaxy Chromebook available for or percent off It comes with GB of storage GB RAM Gigabit WiFi Chrome OS and an HD Intel Celeron Processor N nbsp nbsp Samsung laptop sale at AmazonEngadgetAs for smartphones the deals are focusing on Samsung s high end Galaxy S models First up is the Galaxy S Plus that comes with a big inch Full HD display and variable refresh rate up to Hz It s just as capable under the hood with a Snapdragon processor GB of RAM GB of storage K video and G capability The regular price for that model is a cool but you can get one today in Phantom Violet or Phantom Silver for a percent savings nbsp If you want the very best Galaxy device that would be the Galaxy S Ultra The camera in particular is more capable with a megapixel sensor and Samsung s X quot Space Zoom quot along with K video and other features It s got a larger higher resolution x display a bigger battery and more RAM and storage GB and GB respectively Normally priced at that model is available at in Phantom Black or Phantom Silver percent off the normal price nbsp Samsung smartphone sale at AmazonEngadgetNext up is watches and wireless earphones We found Samsung s latest Galaxy Watch model to be the best Android watch you can get in part because it s using a new version of Wear OS built in collaboration with Google It looks nice offers comprehensive health tracking has a bright and crisp screen supports more third party features and offers Samsung s touch sensitive rotating bezel Amazon s sale price is not only the cheapest we ve seen but you get a free wireless charger to boot nbsp In our Engadget review we said that Samsung s Galaxy Buds Pro were its best earbuds yet thanks to the comfy fit good sound quality and wireless charging capability with the main drawbacks being mediocre battery life and the lack of an iOS app Amazon s selling them today for which isn t quite the lowest price we ve seen but still a good percent off If you re willing to risk it you could hold out for possibly a better Black Friday deal in about a month nbsp Samsung watch and earphone sale at AmazonFinally if you re looking for storage Samsung has you covered there too Samsung s T portable SSDs are popular for their relative portability and incredible USB Gen write read speeds of around MB s MB s ーideal for video editing and fast storage transfers The T portable TB model is a particularly good deal priced at instead of for a savings of percent And if you need a smartphone storage bump without compromising performance Samsung s EVO Select microSDXC UHS I cards deliver MB s allowing fast photo transfers and video capture The Samsung GB EVO Select model is now on sale for for a savings of percent nbsp Samsung storage sale at Amazon |
2021-10-22 11:06:53 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
主治医以外の指示も評価へ、在宅患者訪問薬剤管理指導料-中医協、37%の薬局が実施し算定できていない |
近く |
2021-10-22 20:15:00 |
医療系 |
医療介護 CBnews |
アレルギー疾患の情報提供、診療報酬で評価へ-中医協・総会 |
中央社会保険医療協議会 |
2021-10-22 20:10:00 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Halyna Hutchins: Rising star of film industry was 'an incredible artist' |
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2021-10-22 11:29:28 |
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BBC News - Home |
Ex-Labour MP Frank Field is dying, peer reveals |
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2021-10-22 11:51:42 |
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BBC News - Home |
Sir David Amess: Community falls silent to remember Sir David Amess |
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2021-10-22 11:46:15 |
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Alec Baldwin: What are prop guns and why are they dangerous? |
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Injection spiking: How likely is it? |
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2021-10-22 11:29:43 |
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Covid: Are people wearing masks less often? |
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2021-10-22 11:39:57 |
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New travel rules: What tests do I need and where is on the red list? |
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2021-10-22 11:52:55 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
来週(10/25~29)の日経平均株価の予想レンジは、 2万8000~2万9500円! 日本のソニーG、ファナッ ク、米国のアマゾンなど、主要企業の決算発表に注目 - 来週の日経平均株価の予想レンジを発表! |
2021-10-22 20:45:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
旭川信金職員210万円着服 懲戒解雇 |
懲戒解雇 |
2021-10-22 20:14:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
国内で325人感染、12人死亡 重症者217人 |
新型コロナウイルス |
2021-10-22 20:01:00 |
海外TECH |
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BitFlyer Registration |
BitFlyer RegistrationI am new to crypto I want to open an account buy some coin and hold it for a while I am currently having trouble registering due to having problem in verifying my identity I have already input my fullname including middle name but still having trouble verifying my identity Could you help me to identify what I am doing wrong Many thanks submitted by u pinoystoic to r JapanFinance link comments |
2021-10-22 11:21:16 |