Engadget Japanese |
1988年10月29日、時代が求めた16ビットゲーム機「メガドライブ」が発売されました:今日は何の日? |
魅了 |
2021-10-28 20:30:56 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] 「Oculus」ブランド消滅へ 「Oculus Quest」は「Meta Quest」に Facebook社名変更で |
facebook |
2021-10-29 05:37:00 |
IT |
ITmedia 総合記事一覧 |
[ITmedia News] Facebook、ハイエンドVRヘッドセット「Project Cambria」をチラ見せ 2022年発表 |
facebook |
2021-10-29 05:15:00 |
AWS News Blog |
Goodbye Microsoft SQL Server, Hello Babelfish |
Goodbye Microsoft SQL Server Hello BabelfishMany of our customers are telling us they want to move away from commercial database vendors to avoid expensive costs and burdensome licensing terms But migrating away from commercial and legacy databases can be time consuming and resource intensive When migrating your databases you can automate the migration of your database schema and data using the AWS … |
2021-10-28 20:56:54 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
init()' is deprecated: Instead use initWithAuthUI:のエラーについて |
initxisdeprecatedInsteaduseinitWithAuthUIのエラーについて上記のサイトを参考にして、ログイン機能を実装したのですが、aposinitaposnbspisnbspdeprecatednbspInsteadnbspusenbspinitWithAuthUIという、初めてみるエラーが表示されました。 |
2021-10-29 05:34:55 |
Program |
[全てのタグ]の新着質問一覧|teratail(テラテイル) |
macOSでVisual StudioとMySQLを接続させる方法を教えてください |
macOSでVisualStudioとMySQLを接続させる方法を教えてください質問した理由色々試行錯誤しているのですが、ここに一週間近く詰まっていて進展がなくて辛いです。 |
2021-10-29 05:10:50 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
Florida strips federal funding from schools as further punishment for masking |
maskingthe |
2021-10-28 20:41:13 |
海外TECH |
Ars Technica |
No end in sight for chip shortage as supply chain problems pile up |
chain |
2021-10-28 20:32:01 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
How to Stay Productive When Working From Home With a Dog |
dogstaying |
2021-10-28 20:45:21 |
海外TECH |
MakeUseOf |
The 7 Best Apps for Finding a New Apartment to Rent |
android |
2021-10-28 20:30:12 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
October: Forem Twitch Events Roundup 👾 |
October Forem Twitch Events Roundup In October Nick Taylor and I kicked off Hacktoberfest We were also joined by awesome guests throughout the month who taught us about GitHub actions Terraform DivOps Framer Motion and more This is a round up of all the wonderful guests who joined us DEV Hacktoberfest Kick offIf you are interested in contributing to open source Nick and I chatted about open issues in Forem how to get started contributing and how you can use GitPod for your development environment Walkthrough Wednesday with Brian DouglasBrian Douglas Director of Developer Advocacy at GitHub joined us to talk about Open Sauced and the GitHub features it leverages GitHub Actions and packages project tables and more Places to Follow Brian Open SaucedTwitterPersonal Website Walkthrough Wednesday Learn Terraform with Andrew BrownAndrew Brown taught us how to use Terraform with AWS We talked about resources providers modules and more For Andrew s full Terraform course check out their article video on FreeCodeCampPlaces to follow Andrew TwitterLinkedInDEV Walkthrough Wednesday with Jonathan CreamerJonathan Creamer Senior Engineer at Microsoft joined us to chat about mono repos npm workspaces DivOps and more Places to follow Jonathan TwitterDivOps Community Walkthrough Wednesday with Will JohnsonWill Johnson joined us to chat about DevRel Auth Framer Motion content creation their new course and RenderATL Places to follow Will TwitterFramer Motion CourseThanks to all our viewers who joined the streams and chatted with us this month Be sure to follow the ThePracticalDev Twitch channel to be notified when future streams begin and check out all the great guests we have joining us every Wednesday this month Be sure to join us next week as we chat with Stephanie Eckles about CSS Front end development and more Note We will be winding down streams toward the end of the year as we take vacations and enjoy the holidays But we will be back at the beginning of |
2021-10-28 20:26:59 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Desplegando Bot de Telegram a AWS ECS con AWS Copilot [paso a paso] para principiantes |
Desplegando Bot de Telegram a AWS ECS con AWS Copilot paso a paso para principiantesCopilot es una herramienta joven para crear e implementar servicios en contenedores sin manejar todos los problemas de configuración de ECS EC y Fargate Tal vez haya una mejor manera de implementar este tipo de proyecto pero esta es una mas quizás a alguien le resulte de útil Espero que les sea de ayuda este articulo asíque vamos al grano Tabla de contenido El StackInstalando NodeInstalando AWS CLIInstalando Copilot CliInstalando DockerConfigurando el proyectoCreando el botEscribiendo códigoProbando el códigoConfigurando dockerfileDesplegando a ECS con Copilot CliRefactorizando y actualizandoThe End El Stack ️ Para este proyecto vamos a utilizar las siguientes herramientas no se preocupen si no saben cómo utilizarlas le dejo los enlaces de la documentación a continuación De todos modos esta es una guía paso a paso hasta el final OS Windows debe funcionar con otros sistemas Node docs InstalaciónAWS CLI v docs InstalaciónCopilot Cli docs InstalaciónDocker docs InstalaciónTelegraf docs InstalaciónBinance API docsAxios docs Instalando Node ️Primero instalamos Node no hay mucho que decir al respecto solo sigan este enlace aquí para descargar Node y el instalador los guiaráa través del proceso En el momento en que se crea esta publicación estamos usando la versión Instalando AWS CLI ️En primer lugar debemos tener una cuenta de AWS por lo que si no la tienen pueden crear una aquí Una vez creada la cuenta instalamos AWS CLI v y revisamos si funciona con el comando aws helpCon todo en orden el siguiente paso es configurar las credenciales de AWS Entonces necesitamos crear claves de acceso para un usuario de IAM Inicie sesión en la Consola de administración de AWS y abra la consola de IAM aquí En el panel de navegación escoge Users Elija el nombre del usuario cuyas claves de acceso desea crear y luego selecciona Security credentials En la sección Access keys selecciona Create access key Para ver el nuevo par de claves de acceso elija Show No tendráacceso a la clave secreta nuevamente después de que se cierre este cuadro de diálogo Sus credenciales se verán así Access key ID AKIAIOSFODNNEXAMPLESecret access key wJalrXUtnFEMI KMDENG bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEYPara descargar el par de claves selecciona Download csv file Guarde las llaves en un lugar seguro No tendráacceso a la clave secreta nuevamente después de que se cierre este cuadro de diálogo Mantenga las claves confidenciales para proteger su cuenta de AWS y nunca las envíe por correo electrónico No las comparta fuera de su organización incluso si una consulta parece provenir de AWS o Amazon com Nadie que represente legítimamente a Amazon jamás le pedirásu clave secreta Después de descargar el archivo csv elija Close Cuando crea una clave de acceso el par de claves estáactivo de forma predeterminada y puede usar el par de inmediato Para agregar las credenciales a la AWS CLI escribimos el comando aws configure profile myprofilename en la terminal y seguimos los pasos AWS Access Key ID None AKIAIQHDHBEXAMPLE AWS Secret Access Key None jeMtGbClwBF EXAMPLEKEY Default region name None us east Default output format None jsonEso es todo ¡haz configurado con éxito AWS CLI Instalando Copilot Cli ️Las instrucciones para la instalación están aquí una vez que haya terminado escriba copilot help en su terminal si todo funciona como se supone Felicidades tu pc es más inteligente que la mía si tuviste un error no te preocupes yo tuve el mismo problema Asíes como puede solucionarlo Recuerde esta solución fue probada en el sistema operativo Windows Busque los archivos instalados y elimínelos copilot exe copilot asc y ecs cli asc Vuelva a instalarlos usando la terminal como administrador pero en esta carpeta Invoke WebRequest OutFile C Program Files Amazon Copilot copilot exe Invoke WebRequest OutFile C Program Files Amazon Copilot copilot asc Invoke WebRequest OutFile C Program Files Amazon Copilot ecs cli asc Presione Win R y escriba esto rundll exe sysdm cpl EditEnvironmentVariables se abrirásu panel de variables de entorno Vaya a las variables del sistema seleccione path y haga clic en editar agregue una nueva ruta C Program Files Amazon Copilot o la ruta donde estáel archivo copilot exe Guarde los cambios y reinicie Escribe el comando copilot help en tu terminal y debería funcionar Instalando Docker ️Descargue Docker aquí y siga las instrucciones Antes de instalar el backend de Docker Desktop WSL debe completar los siguientes pasos Instale Windows versión o superior o Windows Habilite la función WSL en Windows Para obtener instrucciones detalladas consulte la documentación de Microsoft Descargue e instale el paquete de actualización del kernel de Linux Configurando el proyecto ️Crea una carpeta y dale un nombre de tu elección el mío serácrypto bot app abre tu carpeta en tu IDE y escribe npm init yAgrega los paquetes Escribe en la terminal npm i telegraf axios¡¡¡Todo listo Creando el bot ️Abra su aplicación de Telegram y busque el BotFather e inicie el bot Escribe el comando newbot y dale un nombre el mío serácrypto bot y el nombre de usuario crptobotDebería recibir un token como este AAHQoFokuBOnIqESIGJdJ AR tySMOX guárdelo para más tarde ¡Creaste tu primer bot ¡¡Felicitaciones ahora vamos a agregarle código Escribiendo código ️Cree un archivo index js en la carpeta del proyecto donde vamos a poner este código const Telegraf require telegraf const axios require axios const bot new Telegraf AAHQoFokuBOnIqESIGJdJ AR tySMOX your token START bot start async ctx gt await ctx reply Hi ctx from first name await ctx reply I still under development but you can use me to get the latest price of a cryptocurrency await ctx reply For example to know the price of an specific crypto write the command price and the symbol of the cryptocurrency await ctx reply price btc COMMANDS bot command price Price PRICE ctx gt try const ticker ctx message text toLowerCase split price toUpperCase const data await axios get ticker USDT ctx reply ticker data price USDT catch error ctx reply Some error occurred in your request please try again bot launch Probando el código ️Antes de correr el bot agreguemos el siguiente fragmento de código a nuestro package json scripts start node index js here test test Ahora ejecute el comando npm start vaya a telegram abra su bot y escriba start o price btcUna vez que reciba la respuesta esperada podemos continuar este viaje Configurando dockerfile ️Crea un archivo en el directorio de su proyecto y asígnele el nombre Dockerfile agregue este código de configuración FROM node WORKDIR appCOPY package json RUN npm installCOPY EXPOSE CMD npm start Además cree un archivo con el nombre dockerignore y agregue este copilotnode modules Desplegando a ECS con Copilot Cli ️Ahora que tenemos el dockerfile configurado correctamente vamos a subir el bot en ECS para que funcione horas al día días a la semana Escriba el comando copilot init Nombre de la aplicación crypto bot app Elegimos la carga de trabajo en mi caso Backend Service Nombre el servicio de backend como bot main service Despliegue la aplicación con el comando copilot app deploy Refactorizando y actualizando ️En este punto podemos hacer una refactorización para optimizar nuestro código Primero crearemos una carpeta src con un archivo javascript llamado bot functions js y agregaremos este código bot functions jsconst axios require axios module exports functions start message async ctx gt await ctx reply Hi ctx from first name await ctx reply I still under development but you can use me to get the latest price of a cryptocurrency await ctx reply For example to know the price of an specific crypto write the command price and the symbol of the cryptocurrency await ctx reply price btc getCryptocurrencyPrice async ctx gt try const ticker ctx message text toLowerCase split price toUpperCase const data await axios get ticker USDT ctx reply ticker data price USDT catch error ctx reply Some error occurred in your request please try again luego vaya a index js y realice algunos cambios index jsconst Telegraf require telegraf const functions require src bot functions js const bot new Telegraf AAHQoFokuBOnIqESIGJdJ AR tySMOX your tokenbot start ctx gt functions start message ctx bot command price Price PRICE ctx gt functions getCryptocurrencyPrice ctx bot launch Ahora probamos que todo estáfuncionando correctamente agregamos los cambios con el comando copilot app deploy The End ️Ten en cuenta que este es un proyecto de desarrollo con fines educativos en el mundo real debe almacenar tokens e información importante en variables del entorno y todas las buenas prácticas que el trabajo exige Si te gusto dale un pulgar arriba y compártelo hasta la próxima publicación |
2021-10-28 20:18:47 |
海外TECH |
DEV Community |
Discoveries in Ruby(and Rails): Enumerable#minmax |
Discoveries in Ruby and Rails Enumerable minmaxHi I m ahmed a Rails enthusiastic and i use in my daily life as a developer This will hopefully be a series in which i write on small tiny tips i discover while coding Ruby Enumerable minmaxWhenever you need to get the maximum and minimum value in any enumerable list It returns a tuple which is an array of exactly two items because tuples are not types in Ruby The first item being the min and the second being the max in minmax minmax gt The list does not even have to be in any specific order you can also use it with enumerables that are not ordered minmax gt Get the farthest between a group of dates with Rails extensions days from now day from now Date today minmax gt Thu Oct Sun Oct CDT Hope you have a great day Happy Coding LinksEnumerable minmaxRails Tiny tips by matt swanson |
2021-10-28 20:04:26 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Notes of interest from Apple's Q4 2021 and annual earnings report |
Notes of interest from Apple x s Q and annual earnings reportApple has published its fourth fiscal quarter of results breaking all of the company s records for the quarter Here are some notes of interest from the report including remarks from Apple CEO Tim Cook and Chief Financial Officer Luca Maestri Tim Cook left and Luca Maestri right Apple s third calendar quarter and fourth fiscal quarter of earnings Read more |
2021-10-28 20:57:57 |
Apple |
AppleInsider - Frontpage News |
Apple's record $83.4B Q4 misses Wall Street expectations |
Apple x s record B Q misses Wall Street expectationsApple earned billion in revenue during its fourth fiscal quarter of missing Wall Street expectations but showing strong growth across its many product categories Credit Andrew O Hara AppleInsiderThe company published its Q earnings on Thursday shortly before a call with investors Apple s billion in revenue represents year over year growth of for the period ending in September with this quarter s earnings per share calculated at Read more |
2021-10-28 20:59:32 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Amazon will spend billions of dollars to offset holiday shipping slowdown |
Amazon will spend billions of dollars to offset holiday shipping slowdownWhile Amazon had a huge revenue surge over the past year thanks to lockdown and the resulting rise of online shopping the company s recent earnings report shows that it might be slowing Net sales increased percent to billion in the third quarter which is a step down from the previous quarter s percent growth rate At the same time Amazon also warns that global supply chain issues labor shortages and increased shipping costs could incur “several billion dollars of additional costs in the next quarter Amazon shares dropped percent in extended trading as a result Amazon CEO Andy Jassy said that the company wanted to minimize the impact of these issues on the customers and selling partners this holiday season “It ll be expensive for us in the short term but it s the right prioritization for our customers and partners he said in a press release This also marks Jassy s first quarter as Amazon s CEO since Jeff Bezos stepped down earlier this year Of course Amazon is still making a lot of money it s the fourth consecutive quarter it s earned over billion Even if online sales have dipped Amazon Web Services continues to be a huge money maker for the company with a percent revenue increase to billion Developing |
2021-10-28 20:54:12 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Mac revenue hit an all-time high last quarter, even without new MacBook Pros |
Mac revenue hit an all time high last quarter even without new MacBook ProsApple has made a lot of substantial tweaks to its product line up the last two years or so and it appears to be making the right moves here The company just reported its results for the quarter ending in September and Apple made percent more revenue than a year ago ーthat s billion for those keeping track As usual the iPhone led the way iPhone sales made up almost percent of Apple s total revenue and iPhone revenue of billion was up percent year over year But it s worth remembering that last year the iPhone series was delayed and didn t go on sale until October or November in the case of the iPhone mini and iPhone Pro Max This year all four iPhone models went on sale simultaneously in mid September While that s only a few weeks of the quarter it likely helped fuel that massive growth The iPad too had a strong quarter While revenue of billion makes it the smallest of Apple s five main product categories iPhone iPad Mac Services and quot Wearables Home and Accessories quot the iPad category grew percent year over year The Mac on the other hand was flat ーrevenue of billion was only up two percent ーbut that was just enough for Apple to say it was a new all time high for the Mac nbsp Apple s Services business has been growing steadily for years so it s not surprising that this quarter s revenue of billion was an all time high as well But for the Mac it s interesting to see it hit that high water mark without new MacBook Pro models on the market to help move the needle Now that the new MacBook Pro has been announced it ll be worth seeing how it affects Mac revenue overall next quarter The wearables home and accessories group also grew in strong but not spectacular fashion up percent But just like with the Mac next quarter could be huge for that segment ーthe new Apple Watch Series and third generation AirPods just went on sale and it s easy to imagine those products making a big impact nbsp As usual Apple is holding a call with investors at PM ET and we ll be listening in to see if CEO Tim Cook has anything of note to share this quarter |
2021-10-28 20:51:58 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Mercedes cars will have optional Dolby Atmos audio starting in 2022 |
Mercedes cars will have optional Dolby Atmos audio starting in You won t have to buy a Lucid Air if you want a car with more immersive Dolby Atmos Mercedes will equip its cars with Atmos audio on all models that use both its latest MBUX interface introduced with the latest S Class and an optional Burmester D or D sound system Whether or not you ll driving you ll hear compatible music in a vertically enhanced sound field ーit might not sound like a quot live concert quot as Mercedes claims but it should be a step up from the usual stereo playback The D system includes speakers six of which create the D effect from above Another four quot near ear quot speakers sit in the front seats and all four seats have two sound transducers aka exciters each Throw in W of total power including an liter subwoofer and you ll likely be happy regardless of the audio processing Just don t plan on buying an Atmos equipped car right away The format will first be available in the Mercedes Maybach in summer and the S Class soon after Other models will follow but you might not want to count on buying an A Class with Atmos any time soon |
2021-10-28 20:45:55 |
海外TECH |
Engadget |
Meta VR headsets won't require a Facebook account to use |
Meta VR headsets won x t require a Facebook account to useThe Oculus name may be no more but there is at least one piece of good news in Facebook s decision to rebrand itself as Meta You won t need a Facebook account to use its Quest headsets That tidbit of information was nestled in a post from soon to be Meta CTO Andrew quot Boz quot Bosworth detailing what the rebranding means for the company s various products nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp quot We re working on new ways to log into Quest that won t require a Facebook account landing sometime next year quot Bosworth said quot This is one of our highest priority areas of work internally quot Meta announced in August it would eventually require all Oculus owners to log into their devices with a Facebook account At the time the company said people it would start prompting people to merge their Oculus and Facebook accounts starting in October Under that plan Oculus owners would have had until January st to continue using their headsets without a Facebook account After that point Meta said the devices would continue working but warned some games and apps would not Unsurprisingly the Oculus community immediately hated the decision quot What the fuck quot said one of the more tame comments an Oculus owner posted in the comments section of the blog post detailing the policy change nbsp nbsp |
2021-10-28 20:19:08 |
海外科学 |
NYT > Science |
Oil Executives Testify on Industry’s Role in Climate Disinformation |
Oil Executives Testify on Industry s Role in Climate DisinformationIn a historic hearing the leaders of some of the most powerful energy companies in the world are appearing before a House panel to face questioning on climate change |
2021-10-28 20:12:13 |
海外TECH |
Look Over Here, Kids, It’s the Metaverse |
vision |
2021-10-28 20:28:22 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Covid: All countries to be removed from UK's travel red list |
cases |
2021-10-28 20:15:58 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
Sussex University free speech row professor quits |
gender |
2021-10-28 20:24:54 |
ニュース |
BBC News - Home |
'Major incident' declared in Hawick as heavy downpours hit |
levels |
2021-10-28 20:30:20 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
重工業界でも「三井・住友」の融合はある?住友重機社長の答えとは - 三井住友 名門「財閥」の野望 |
2021-10-29 05:25:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
三井住友海上、住友が三井を振り向かせた20年前の合併秘話を名誉顧問が明かす - 三井住友 名門「財閥」の野望 |
三井住友 |
2021-10-29 05:20:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
岸田内閣「経済対策の原案」を入手、“GoToキャンペーン”の再開・期間延長を明記【スクープ】 - DOL特別レポート |
安全保障 |
2021-10-29 05:17:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
三菱財閥の家系図に並ぶ総理大臣や大名華族、華麗なる閨閥とは - 三菱グループの研究 |
華麗なる一族 |
2021-10-29 05:15:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
日本生命は少額短期保険で何をする?ニッセイ少額短期設立準備社長を直撃 - 少額短期保険 111社の大乱戦 |
少額短期保険 |
2021-10-29 05:10:00 |
ビジネス |
ダイヤモンド・オンライン - 新着記事 |
つみたてNISA を「普通の人」が続けるメリットと、押さえるべき2つのポイント - 騙されないための投資ガイド |
値上がり |
2021-10-29 05:05:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
中国、CO2削減前倒しせず COP26、目標提出 |
気候変動 |
2021-10-29 05:19:00 |
北海道 |
北海道新聞 |
2021衆院選 北方領土問題 解決への積極性見えぬ |
北方領土 |
2021-10-29 05:05:00 |
ビジネス |
東洋経済オンライン |
名ばかりのオンライン販売を始めたホンダの苦悩 ネット販売はこれから必須でも拭えぬ矛盾 | 販売・購入 | 東洋経済オンライン |
hondaon |
2021-10-29 05:30:00 |
Cloud Blog |
Advancing security, management and employee productivity with Google and Jamf |
Advancing security management and employee productivity with Google and JamfLast week Parisa Tabriz Head of Chrome Engineering Product and Design shared some exciting updates at the Jamf Nation User Conference She covered a few topics that are key to helping organizations navigate the workplace transformations that are occuring as a result of the pandemic In this post I ll cover some of my team s work to help enterprise end users and their IT administrators navigate this transformation with Chrome Pre pandemic about of Americans spent their working time at home By spring of this figure jumped up to At Google most of our workforce had to make the quick shift to working remotely Now as things slowly return to a new normal companies must be ready to support their workforce no matter where they re working But hybrid work brings its own challenges for IT teams who are responsible for ensuring their enterprise s productivity while upholding device management and security best practices Let s dive into how Chrome can help New productivity featuresOver the last few months Chrome added several new features that make it easier to get work done in the browser I use them frequently at work your teams may find them helpful as well The first is tab search which allows you to search for a specific tab in your list of tabs Second with tab groups you can group tabs by theme or topic and even assign a color to them making it easier than ever to keep your tabs in order And now tab groups are preserved across browser sessions making it even easier for you to pick up where you left off Chrome s page sharing features make it easy for users to share their current page including the ability to send the current page to their devices or get a QR code for the current URL This is especially helpful while folks are working remotely Admins can also control whether this feature is available to end users using an enterprise policy And of course we continued working on enhancements to performance and security This year we started The Fast and The Curious blog series to share the progress we re making on these important topics It s a great way to see what we re doing to bring you more battery life and a faster browsing experience Management enhancements for Mac and mobileChrome gives admins simple and efficient management options and provides several security controls that make it easy for enterprises to take a proactive stance on security Earlier this year we launched PKG installers for the Mac that make it even easier to deploy Chrome to your business users Chrome Browser Cloud Management gives IT teams a simple solution to manage their Chrome deployments centrally from the cloud IT teams love it because you can easily get insight into your browser fleet set policies and manage extensions All of the benefits you get from Chrome Browser Cloud Management for Mac are now available for iOS as well You can also use Jamf Pro to easily deploy and customize Chrome using the PKG installer I mentioned earlier As of August you can deploy Chrome policies to your macOS iOS and iPadOS devices directly from the Jamf Pro console as well as the Google Admin Console Here s a quick demo video showing how this works Improving security measures with BeyondCorp Enterprise Finally let s talk about security BeyondCorp Enterprise Google Cloud s zero trust solution is delivered through Chrome and provides organizations with secure access to applications and cloud resources It also protects enterprises against data loss and checks for malware and phishing in real time This browser based layer of security is especially helpful in a hybrid work environment At JNUC we announced an integration between BeyondCorp Enterprise and Jamf Pro that incorporates device information into access policies Here s how it works Activating the Jamf Pro integration provides additional device security information that is useful during access requests to BeyondCorp Enterprise Admins can then configure BeyondCorp Enterprise policies to include this information in context aware access decisions This provides them with more signals to determine if a device is compliant and they can use these when setting rules to either grant or deny access This integration is currently in preview but is set to be generally available by early It s powered in part by Chrome Extensions so administrators implementing this will also want to look at our policy controls for extensions management If you re interested in learning more about Chrome and Jamf check out the JNUC session from Alex Bauer Chrome Customer Engineer or watch the keynote session on demand And stay up to date on the latest from Chrome by registering for our enterprise release notes The rise of working from home The EconomistRelated ArticleRead Article |
2021-10-28 22:00:00 |